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California Public Records Request Standard Operating Procedures

California Public Records Request Standard Operating Procedures

Request For Service

Initial Analysis

Data Collection

Data Analysis

Data Reporting

Request for Service - Request from legal team via phone call or email to e-discovery engineer Open tracking number (see Appendix A) to be used through discovery process o Unique number tracked in Excel Tracking number Date and time Request Type (public records act, litigation, internal HR request) Requestor name and department Time constraints, legal turn around Appendix A Naming Standard Initial Analysis - Documentation begins with the initial request for service, and describes all actions that you took to acquire all data, and the organization of. o Planning- Pre-Collection meeting: legal team and E-discovery engineer agree on what the requestor is requesting. Document the search criteria: keywords file types date and time range custodian names potentially relevant targets (e.g. mailboxes, file shares, computers, pst, pda, server) see Companys Data Map target size allotments per custodian See Appendix B Data Collection How the data will be acquired from different data sources. Explain/document the actions that occurred in the discovery effort. This is where the chain of custody begins (Appendix C Chain of Custody). For example, when the data was acquired, by whom, and where the data was stored in the enterprise. No data and/or metadata must be changed when data is captured for analysis. Use hashing when available. Appendix C Chain of Custody

Data Analysis This phase is the hand-off of data collected is given the Legal department for analysis. Data Reporting When the Legal department informs the IT department that the data has been culled IT creates two media sets. Media set 1 Purpose: provide legal department with all data 1) Label media with ONLY, Tracking number, and if data spans multiple media then include 1 of X on each media 2) Media includes: a. Appendix B - E-Discovery Pre-Collection b. Appendix C - Chain of Custody Form c. Tool Validation d. Documented process e. Appendix F IT declaration f. Project Template (e.g. filename.ext) g. Raw data Label confidential h. Culled data Media set 2 Purpose: provide requestor with culled data 3) Label media with Tracking number, and requestors name, if data spans multiple media then include 1 of X on each media 4) Includes all culled data requested

Appendix A Naming Standard Document Case information Naming standard YYYYMMDDuserNameCPRA#Sequence# 20120309BillMount12-034-097 Note CPRA# is provided by legal counsel format is YY-SequenceNumber Enter unique description as described by Legal counsel Examiner: Tech who is imaging Notes: Anything unique to this case (e.g. drive from USER X laptop, room i365)

Appendix B E-Discovery Pre-Collection Date and Time Range Custodian names

Target Details (mailboxes, file shares, computers, pst, pda, servers) Media Type IP Address Hostname File Type Physical location Media Type IP Address Hostname File Type Physical location Media Type IP Address Hostname File Type Physical location Media Type IP Address Hostname File Type Physical location Key Search Terms

Appendix C Chain of Custody Form Tracking Number Date and Time Authority of acquisition Purpose of Custody Media Details Media Type IP Address Hostname Physical location Chain of Custody Tracking Date/Time From
Name/Organization Phone # E-mail Signature

Name/Organization Phone # E-mail Signature



Name/Organization Phone # E-mail Signature

Name/Organization Phone # E-mail Signature



Name/Organization Phone # E-mail Signature

Name/Organization Phone # E-mail Signature



Name/Organization Phone # E-mail Signature

Name/Organization Phone # E-mail Signature



Name/Organization Phone # E-mail Signature

Name/Organization Phone # E-mail Signature



Name/Organization Phone # E-mail Signature

Name/Organization Phone # E-mail Signature


Appendix F Declaration of Bill Mount

I, Bill Mount, declare: I am the Manager of Information Technology at (Company). I was responsible for searching for ESI (ELECTRONICALLY Stored Information) that were responsive to _______ requests for production that were in the possession and control of .

I was asked by _________ to search for ESI containing particular terms and words (and, in the case of emails, to or from particular individuals) on the servers and computers at . I was provided a list by _______ of search terms; I neither added nor subtracted from the list and searched for each and every term contained on that list. A list of the search terms I used is attached as APPENDIX B.

I searched all of the servers at for ESI containing those terms. I also searched for ESI on the computers of specified individuals identified by _________. Those individuals, current or former employees of , were listed in APPENDIX B. The following exceptions were noted. None or I was asked to search the computer of Mr. or Ms X, but was unable to locate the computer because it had been either discarded or erased and reassigned after Mr. or MS X left s employment.

I copied the ESI that I found on the servers and computers and gave them to _______ on DVD/CDROM/and/or Hard Drives. I did not with hold and ESI, and gave to ________ all such materials found by me in my searches.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct:


_________________ Bill Mount

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