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march 23, 2012

Locally Owned & Operated

Volume 4 issue 12


Fresh Baked Bread Daily!

Ranch Market on the Trans Canada Hwy
Page 2

Working with you in our community
Stephen A. Johnson, BComm., CA Partner Over 10 years experience in accounting


Aging Ag Society
Sharon McLeay Times Contributor

School proposal announced

Page 20

Gleichen hosts ice carnival

Page 21

Mens Bonspiel a success

Look on Page 4 for Town of Strathmore Municipal Notices

Contact Us Today!


An aging Ag Society Board wants to bridge the gap between teens and a greying organization. We really need to bring fresh light into our show, said Board member Grant Klaiber, at a community open house held at the Civic Centre March 13. He noted that the board and the patrons in the stands are aging and to carry on Heritage Days activities, younger people have to become involved. The committee head, Lori Knopf, of the Ushers, Parking and Admissions said the majority of teen volunteers want more recognition for their involvement. In previous years, there were some complaints that they felt unappreciated; that they were given jobs that no one else wanted and were not trusted with enough responsibility during the event. Another audience member questioned whether a job-shadowing program could be set up, in hopes that those youth will take over those jobs. Klaiber encouraged young people to become members and run for board positions. Crystal Stevens, a coordinator for junior rodeo, said an investment of year-round support was needed to get youth involved. Wheatland Cowboys and Cowgirls have 60 youth who participate to learn roping, goat tying and barrel racing. Interested youth can get more info at Stevens said the youth would like to work with the society and there were other youth and agricultural-based groups that would step up if shown support. To reach younger audiences it was suggested to get more techno savvy. Other events tap into the teen right now mentality by offering information on their iPhones. There was a suggestion that entertainment could be teen-targeted. The Society had successfully engaged family groups but did not have much to engage the under 18 demographic. Many young people have expressed interest in improved midway rides. However, the Board is having difficulty supplying Midway rides. A conflict in scheduling and unavailability of other providers is the culprit. The Board is looking for ways to compensate for that deficiency. The society is encouraging any suggestions directed to their website at under contacts.

Hopeful evening!
It was a packed room at the Travelodge on March 17 for the annual Project Hope Gala. The night was filled with entertainment, and awareness about who and what Project Hope is. Cody Gregory Photo

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Page 2 Strathmore TimeS march 23, 2012


Pine PINE CENTRE Pine Centre - 110J, 800 110J, 800 PINE ROAD road,Strathmore, ab STRATHMORE, AB 403-934-3439

Changing our stars

Shannon LeCLair Times Reporter Any horse lover will tell you there is a special bond between them and their horse, and a love that only another horse lover would understand. When Rebecca Richardson and Kelsey Simpson became aware of a young girl, who spends most of her time confined to a wheelchair, was dreaming of owning her own horse and tack they knew they had to help. Its kind of in a partnership with the Rainbow Society and its for kids with disabilities or that are ill. Were helping them out, and were helping to fill a little girls wish to own her own horse and tack. We know what its like, the connection with horses, and we know what having a horse bug is like, so we want to help her out, said Richardson. Im actually really excited about it, I think its really cool because what were doing it for is really cool. I have heard stories of kids and horses, and a kid with a disability can find a horse that they can love and care (for), and it can be their own, said Simpson. I think its really cool that we get to be a part of that. I think its really exciting because I myself have had so much contact with horses and know how awesome they can be. The girls had found out about the Rainbow Society through Simpsons dad Tim, and have been planning ways to raise funds since. On March 31 the girls are hosting their first annual Changing our Stars fundraising dinner and entertainment. There will be a silent auction, a pinball tournament, a golf chipping contest and a magician to keep the crowd entertained. Some of the items for the silent auction include artwork, an $8,000 listing commission donated by a realtor in Calgary, a night in the Canmore Hotel and breakfast, Lakeside Green Golf Course and Country Club donated two rounds of golf

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What is advertising liability?
If you own a business then you have special insurance needs. You need to know what is and what is not covered on your policy. Heather Roberts Under the personal CAIB, CPIB, CSP injury section of a H Home Commercial General Liability (CGL) there is usually an H FARm exclusion for advertising H AuTo activities. It is common to H GRouP see Advertising Liability PRoGRAmS added in as an additional coverage. Be aware that H CommeRCIAl this is not always done by all H ReCReATIon insurance companies. H lIFe This extension is for claims arising from your H TRAvel advertising activities that Take ACTION could include: Against High Defamation, libel or Premiums slander Plagiarism or infringement of copyright Privacy and invasion of rights of privacy Have you discussed this with your broker? Depending on what you are doing there may be a need for a special advertising liability policy. Be aware that the usual extension will respond to only specific claims. As always, our advice is, take control of your insurance.

Rebecca Richardson, left, and Kelsey Simpson are excited to help a disabled girl realize her love for horses with their upcoming Changing our Stars fundraiser.

shannon LeClair Photo

with a rental as the prize for the golf game competition. Dale Janz with CTV did an interview with the girls for his Inspired Albertans segment, which aired on March 21. Special guests at the fundraiser will include Janz, Mayor of Chestermere Patricia Matthews, and Bruce McAllister, Wildrose candidate for Chestermere Rocky View area. Our goal is to get this girl her horse, said Simpson. Its been a great opportunitybecause we get to give back. So many people have been so helpful to us and its so nice to have the experience to be able to give back, said Richardson. The fundraiser is being held at the Lakeside Greens Golf Course and Country Club in Chestermere on March 31. Tickets are $60 and the night begins at 5:30 p.m. To order tickets or to donate an item to the auction please contact Paula Richardson or Tim Simpson by leaving a message at 403-9019312 or emailing The girls are requesting people RSVP before March 21.
Gleichen celebrated St. Patricks Day with an irish supper on march 17. There were 95 people who attended the annual dinner. miles Torborg and his band, and Cameron Drummond and Kelsey Drummond, the piper and drummer, provided some of the entertainment for the evening.

2nd Floor of the Aztec Building 304 - 3rd Avenue, Strathmore

doris Lindman & Manny Everett Photos
Times TidbiTs
Did You Know?
The first day of spring is also called the vernal equinox. Vernal and equinox are Latin terms meaning spring and equal night respectively.


Irish supper and dance a success

Manny everett Times Contributor It was community volunteers and hard work, not the luck of the Irish, that helped the Gleichen Community Hall raise approximately $1,350 from their St. Patricks Day Irish supper, dance and jam session on last Saturday March 17. An estimated 99 of 100 available tickets were sold to the fourth annual event, which helped raise funds to go toward a matching grant to make the hall entrances handicapped accessible. But according to hall board member Doris Lindman, it isnt just about raising money, but about providing the community with an opportunity to come out and eat and play, and guests did plenty of both. Supper was traditional Irish fare with stew and soda bread, followed by a range of deserts. The playing was music provided by Miles Tornberg who led a jam session for local musicians, and even some not so local such as Harry and Nora Dreidger from Minnedosa, MB who were in town visiting Noras sister Alice Booth. Other music included piper and drummer Kelsey and Cameron Drummond, who provided a half hour of traditional Irish songs before supper and then piped in the desserts later that evening. The next event for the Gleichen hall hasnt been determined as yet, but the board is taking steps to try and increase community involvement, especially among the younger residents. As part of that they have arranged for a local church youth group to help out with set-up and clean-up in return for a donation. According to board member Alice Booth it will be a win-win situation as the hall board members get some needed help, and the members of the youth group have a chance to learn some new skills and be involved in the community in ways they may not have been before. Congratulations to

Get a Professional Working for You!

Ron Kaechele

Aztec Real Estate

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Beauty By Michele

for Graduating from her Esthetician Course with Honors. ~ Michele will be starting her own business in Strathmore,

Michele Umscheid

March 23, 2012 Strathmore TiMeS Page 3

Join our Facebook Page

Joyland Theatre
THe HUnGeR GaMes
Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth
no passes
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March 23 - 29

Fundraising success
The Strathmore for Haiti surpassed expectations, raising almost $10,000 more than the last auction. At the last auction the Hope Community Covenant Church raised $15,000, which lasted three years to help with the work they are doing in Haut-Limb. This year just over $24,000 was raised. The hope is to be able to work with it for the next few years, while Hope Church also plans to keep the community updated on the projects so interested parties can keep track of their dollars spending.

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Cody Gregory Photos

Golf course expansion plans move forward

Shannon LeCLair Times Reporter Over the past year there has been a lot of discussion coming from the Strathmore Golf Club (SGC) regarding the possibility of a future expansion. The Strathmore Golf Course shareholders approved, in principal, the future expansion of the golf course, said Craig Stone, Chairperson for the Strathmore Golf Club Strategic Planning Committee. At the Annual General Meeting held on March 14 a motion was made, and approved, to give approval to the SGC board and the Strategic Planning Committee to move forward and take the steps necessary to complete a business plan for the proposed expansion and diversification of the club. A second motion was made to approve a capital budget of $50,000, which will be used to cover the costs to complete the business plan. Crunching the numbers has shown the approximate cost of the expansion will be in the range of $6.5 million. The proposal as of now includes renovating the clubhouse, a six lane bowling alley, four virtual golf simulators, meeting rooms, a performing theatre, and a banquet facility to host weddings and tournaments. By approving the motions the board is now able to move forward with securing donation commitments from various outlets. Its going to come from grants, and corporate donations, personal donations, fundraising, casinos, that type of stuff, said Stone. While the idea of the expansion is exciting, and it will provide a venue for service groups in town, it will still be some time before it comes to fruition. Once everything is complete for the plan, then it will be brought back to the shareholders for a vote of approval before moving on to the construction stage.

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Times TidbiTs

Famine a continued success

The second annual 25-hour Holy Cross Collegiate (HCC) Famine was held this past weekend. From 1 p.m. March 17 until 2 p.m. March 18, 114 students only drank juice and water. At 2 p.m. volunteers had laid out a feast for all of the students and staff who had participated in the famine. At last count there was $2,600 raised to go to the Canadian Catholic charitable organization Chalice. There were group activities, reflection time and mass, movie time and free time in the gym and activity rooms. HCC thanks everyone that volunteered, participated or donated to this special event.

Is the Vernal Equinox Really Equal?

The idea is that on the first day of spring there are exactly 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness, but it rarely works out that way.

Photo Courtesy of Mary Kruse

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Page 4 Strathmore TimeS march 23, 2012

We heard theres room in...

town of

puBlic notice to electoRs oF tHe toWn oF stRAtHmoRe, pRoVince oF AlBeRtA
tAKe notice that the Council of the town of Strathmore, in the Province of Alberta, has given first reading to borrowing By-law No. 12-05 which will, upon final passage and approval, authorize the proper officers of the said Town to borrow monies from the Alberta capital Finance Authority by way of debenture issue, to pay for the cost of the following municipal purpose(s), namely to construct a potable water reservoir. The total cost of the aforesaid project amounts to $7,200,000.00. After deducting from this cost the amount of $4,080,000.00 to be received by way of grants, and the use reserves the net amount to be borrowed on the credit and security of the municipality at large by the issue of debentures is $3,120,000.00. The debentures are to be repayable to the Alberta Capital Finance Authority in THIRTY (30) equal consecutive semi-annual instalments of combined principal and interest, at an interest rate as fixed from time to time by the Alberta Capital Finance Authority and the annual rate of interest not to exceed five per centum (5%), NOW THEREFORE NOTICE is hereby given by the Council of the Town of Strathmore that, unless a petition of the electors for a vote on By-law No. 12-01 is demanded, as provided for the terms of Section 231 of the Municipal Government Act, the said Council may pass the said borrowing by-law. All persons interested are hereby notified and they are required to govern themselves accordingly. DATED at the Town of Strathmore, in the Province of Alberta this 23rd day of March, 2012. Per:__Mel Tiede__ (Director of Corporate Services)

upcoming council meetings

will be held April 4 & 18 at 7:30 pm.
Agendas are available on the Town Website under Council.

section 251 tHe municipAl goVeRnment Act

The following application(s) for development has/have been conditionally approved by the Town of Strathmore, subject to the right of appeal to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board: Application: Civic Address: Legal Description: Development: 12/D-027 419 Second Street Lots 21-24, Block 3, Plan 4810N Convert existing commercial building into Mixed-Use Building with 2 commercial units and 6 apartments Variance Side Yard Setback Variance of 0.5 meters at the south property line, and an Off-Street Parking Requirement Variance of 4 parking spaces Application: Civic Address: Legal Description: Development: 12/D-050 7 Bayside Place Lot 8, Block 1, Plan 781 0935 Rear Yard Setback Variance of 1.04 meters, at the north property line

notice oF DeVelopment peRmits

inFoRmAtion FoR electoRs

Pursuant to Section 1(i) of the Municipal Government Act an elector means: A person who is eligible to vote in the election for a Councillor under the Local Authorities Election Act. Pursuant to section 47(1) of the Local Authorities Election Act a person is eligible to vote in an election if he: a. is at least 18 years old; b. is a Canadian citizen and; c. has resided in Alberta for the 6 consecutive months immediately preceding election day and is resident in the area on election day. A poll may be demanded in the Town of Strathmore by electors equal in number to at least: a. in the case of municipality other than a summer village, by electors of the municipality equal in number to at least 10% of the population and b. in the case of a summer village, by 10% of the electors of the summer village in accordance with the provisions of section 223 of the Municipal Government Act and in accordance with the provisions of section 251 of the Municipal Government act. The petition for a vote must be received by the chief Administrative Officer within 15 days of the last publication of this notice and shall contain on each page an accurate and identical statement of the purpose of the petition. (Furthermore requirements of the petition are provided in section 224 of the Municipal Government Act.) DATE of the last publication of this notice is the 30th, day of March, 2012.

The above noted file(s) can be viewed at the Town Office during regular business hours. The permit(s) is/are scheduled for issue fifteen days after the date of this publication provided no appeals are filed prior to the appeal deadline. Any person wishing to appeal this decision may do so by completing and submitting an appeal form, with the appeal fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) to the Town of Strathmore, addressed to: Secretary, Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, Town of Strathmore, 680 Westchester Road, Strathmore, AB T1P 1J1. Date of Publication: Deadline for Appeal: Linda Nelson Deputy CAO March 22, 2011 April 5, 2011

HIG will be March 26-30th. Please have your heavy items tagged and out by 7am Monday morning.

locAl tAlent AnD VenDoRs WAnteD FoR cAnADA DAY!

The Town of Strathmore is extending an invitation to locals who would like to showcase their talent at our annual Canada Day in the park. We are also inviting local food vendors to set up and sell food for the day. Please contact the Town Office and ask for Jennifer if you have an interest in this.

Councillor Fule presented the Strathmore Agricultural Society with the March 2012 Citizen of the Month Award. Council gave second, third and final reading to Bylaw #11-27 Lakewood Meadows Area Structure plan. Council instructed that Administration will continue to meet with all stakeholders who will be affected by drainage into the Lakewood Meadows Area Structure Plan and prepare a report to bring back to Council on the impact of the new reservoir on all lands affected, to ensure that all stakeholders are treated equitably. Council gave second, third and final reading to Bylaw #11-17 Lakewood Meadows Land Use Re-designation. Council approved the amended and Restated Water, Wastewater and Storm Drainage Utility Services Agreement between the Town of Strathmore and EPCOR Water Services Inc. And that the Mayor and CAO are authorized to sign the agreement on behalf of the Town. Council approved a 2012 Capital Project for the Water Treatment Plant Alum Beds Disposal in the amount of $319,042.00 with funds to be drawn from the Financial Stabilization reserve and asked that the trucking costs be tendered.

council HigHligHts - mARcH 7, 2012

open House
An Open House will be held on thursday, may 10 (7pm) at the Civic Centre to discuss City status.

ARe You A neW cAnADiAn citizen liVing in stRAtHmoRe?

The Town of Strathmore honors new Canadian Citizens at our Canada Day Celebrations. If you are a new Canadian Citizen, living in Strathmore, and are planning to be in town of July 1st, we would like to hear from you. Contact the Town of Strathmore at 403-934-3133 and ask for Jennifer. We need to hear from you by June 24th, 2012.
680 Westchester Road, strathmore, AB t1p 1J1 403-934-3133 office Hours: m - F 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

March 23, 2012 Strathmore TiMeS Page 5

The Block Parent program has come to Langdon. The four board members are still looking for more people to apply to become a part of the program. Chrissy Craig, left, Tammy Loiselle, Shari Deines, Trudy Hale.

Courtesy of Langdon Block Parent

Block Parent comes to Langdon

Shannon LeCLair Times Reporter

St Pattys day at HCC

Students at Holy Cross Collegiate were encouraged to wear green on March 15 and were served Lucky Charms for breakfast to recognize St Patricks day, which was March 17.

Growing up many of us can probably recall the distinctive red and white design of a Block Parent sign in the occasional window. Now a days seeing the signs is rare, but the ideal behind the program is still a necessary function. Block Parents have always been known as the safe people you can go to as a child if you need help, whether it is safety from bullies, strangers, or because you are feeling ill. Four women in Langdon have gotten the approval for bringing the Block Parent program to the community, now they need the volunteers. We just have the community members filling out the applications and getting them in. We havent given any signs out yet because we havent gotten any applications in yet, said Chrissy Craig, one of the four board members. In order to become a Block Parent, volunteers must go through the application process and have a police check done. Craig and the board dont have a specific number of people they would

like to become a part of the program, but said the goal is to have a Block Parent sign on every block, at every time of the day. After realizing that many of the people living in the community are families with children, bringing the Block Parent program to Langdon seemed like a natural fit to the board. The majority of this town is families with little children, everywhere you go, there are trampolines in every other backyard. We dont have a huge police presence out here, just because we dont have a detachment out here, so we needed something to help with these children, said Craig. Just to help if something happens, dogs or bullies or even some stranger, that does happen. But its mostly for like the bullying and the strange animals, or if theyre lost, that sort of stuff. (Its) to help these kids when their parents arent always around, so they have a safe place where they know they can go. Before the end of the school year Craig said the plan is to get in to the schools and preschools to inform the kids about the Block Parent program.

Photo courtesy of Mary Kruse

Moving on to the next level

The 4-H Wheatland District Communications were held at the Civic Centre on March 17. Members had a chance to vie for a spot in the upcoming Calgary Regional Communications being held on March 24. Top: Rebecca Madden and Lauren Guttinger took first place with their presentation about how to create a great centerpieces, and tips on different elements that can be incorporated. Bottom: Sophie MacDonald, left, and Kelly Berret, spoke about the importance of dog agility, were selected as the alternatives for regionals.

Shannon LeClair Photos

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Page 6 Strathmore TimeS march 23, 2012

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March 23, 2012 Strathmore TiMeS Page 7

Excitement builds for Strathmore Whole Health Expo

BeCKy Stone Strathmore Whole Health Expo

Over 700 To Choo Vehicles se From!

The Strathmore Whole Health Expo is coming up fast! This event will be a little different than other similarly titled events, with the focus coming upon education of the many options that are out there. And what is Whole Health, you ask? Just as the human body is striving for homeostasis, so does every element in our life from our physical, emotional, and spiritual health to our relationships, work, home and pets. We are constantly striving for balance in all areas of life. From alternative therapies, to fitness and weight loss ideas, to healthy thinking - there are so many wonderful things to learn about at the Strathmore Whole Health Expo March 31-April 1. In addition to booths featuring great products and services, from 12:30 p.m. - 6 p.m. on Saturday afternoon, there will be featured guests speaking on a myriad of topics. These 20 minute sessions will include topics such as Chinese medicine, heart health, medical marijuana and inspirational stories. There will also be demos on zumba and yoga. The schedule will be available very soon on

our Facebook page, and will be featured in the Strathmore Times in the coming weeks. At 6:30 p.m., we are very excited to be offering a screening of Happy, the movie that is getting rave reviews around the world. Check out for the trailer of this documentary that looks at how people strive for happiness in their life. This movie will not be released to the big screen, only featured in small releases such as this so set aside the time to come down and check it out. The cost for entry into the show will be a non-perishable donation to the foodbank or $2 which will go to Growing Families Society. With each entry, you can enter your name for draw prizes. A grand prize of a $250 gift certificate to the Rocking R Guest Ranch will be drawn for at the end of the movie on Saturday, but you have to be there! The cost for entry into the movie will be the same, and if you come down early to the show and want to come back for the movie, just ensure you get a stamp before you go. Jumphouse Gymnastics will have a play area for the kids with a team of kids to help keep yours entertained ($2 donation), so bring the whole family down. We look forward to seeing you!

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Delivering skilled labour for Alberta

Kevin SorenSon, M.P., Crowfoot Parliamentary Report Our federal Conservative government was elected to protect Canadian jobs and economic growth in the current difficult economic times. In the lead up to Budget 2012 on March 29, I have heard from many constituents. In Alberta, the challenge we face is filling the jobs available. In Ottawa, my Alberta colleagues and I continue to work on policy that will help us achieve our economic growth potential. On February 16, our government introduced Bill C-31, the Protecting Canadas Immigration System Act. Bill C-31 will restore integrity to our asylum system by making Canadas refugee determination process faster and fairer, resulting in faster protection for legitimate refugees and faster removal for bogus claimants. The bill has three principal elements: First, it includes the provisions of our Anti-Human Smuggling Bill from the previous Parliament designed to combat human smugglers from targeting Canada and treating our country like a doormat; second, it fixes Canadas asylum system to ensure that we grant fast protection to bona fide refugees who need our assistance, but that we remove from our nation false asylum claimants who seek to abuse our generosity; and third, it provides the legislative authorities for the creation of a new biometric temporary resident visa program. This latter measure is the single-most important advance in immigration security screening and the integrity of our system in decades. We are going to allow the government to require foreign nationals to submit biometric data, particularly fingerprints and a digital quality photo, when applying for a temporary resident visa. Canada is adopting the same approach as Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, and increasingly the European Union to harness new technology to facilitate the movement of legitimate visitors, travellers, business people and students to Canada. We have already done a great deal trying to deliver workers to fill the jobs we have in Alberta. We created the Foreign Credential Referral Office to help immigrants prepare for credential assessment before they leave for Canada. We are investing $50 million in the development of a national framework for faster and simpler licensing of foreign credentials. We have even launched microloan programs to help newcomers upgrade their skills and pay for assessment fees. There is more to be done on the immigration file to ensure the needs of Canadian employers are met and they can get the precise labourers they need - when they need them. The Hon. Jason Kenney, Minister of Immigration says Canada should be matching immigrants with the jobs rather than just pushing them into the general labour market to sink or swim. Employers in our riding always underline for me that anyone they have coming to Alberta with a pre-arranged job is poised for success. These are Canadas most valuable newcomers they contribute specifically to economic growth. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this or previous columns you may write me at 4945-50th Street, Camrose, Alberta, T4V 1P9, call 780-608-4600, toll-free 1-800-665-4358, fax 780-6084603 or e-mail sorenk1@

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Badlands Community Facility - Drumheller, AB March 28 & 29, 2012

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Page 8 Strathmore TimeS march 23, 2012

Thought for the week ~

Come try ringette
Children who have shown an interest in ringette once again had a chance to give it a try on march 16. The annual Come Try Ringette was a free event held at the Family Centre. Shannon LeClair Photos

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.

Youth club moves to its new home

Courtesy of the Youth Club of Strathmore

The Youth Club of Strathmore, formerly known as the Boys and Girls Club of Airdrie, Strathmore Club, has moved from their home at Re/Max Realty Horizon to the Youth Centre. While in the development stage of securing their own Boys and Girls Club, they are offering programs to the community that follows the philosophies of the National Club organization. We have been very fortunate to have the support of Remax Realty Horizon, said Colina Clark, Program Coordinator for the Youth Club. They generously provided the space for our programs to be delivered to the community. With that support, we have now outgrown the space and acquired the Youth Centre to be our new home. The Youth Club of Strathmore has some new workshops approaching. In April, we will be offering a Bricks 4 Kidz program and a first aid course provided locally by Safeblu Fire and Safety Services, said Clark. Bricks 4 Kidz is a Lego-based program where the participants will combine learning

and fun as they engage in building with traditional bricks and motorized Technic Lego. This program is for 7-12 year olds. The first aid course is aimed at youth aged 8-12 years. Both of these programs are limited in class size. Clark stated The month of May will begin our fabulous Flex Friday programming. For one Friday in May and one in June, the Youth Club will provide an opportunity for community youth to participate in a shortened program of our Chef or Mad Science programs along with a recreational activity. Also, they will offer a babysitting course lead by Child Safe Canada. The summer camp registration will also be held in May. Members registration is May 14 and non-members are welcome on May 16. The Youth Club of Strathmore is a membership based organization. Our members receive a few benefits with membership. For example, reduced costs for programs and advanced registration, said Clark. Non-member registration for the upcoming workshops and programs, on a first come first serve basis, will be held on March 28, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Youth Centre, 170 Brent Blvd.

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Getting busy this time of year

Reece Kenney Rockyford 4-H Reporter Our club has been busy with various activities over the past few months. We held our annual club public speaking event, on Feb. 6 at the Rockyford Hall. All the members did a great job and the speeches and presentations were well prepared. Good job fellow 4-H members! Our club held their 2010-2011 4-H awards night on March 12 at 6:30 p.m. It was also at the Rockyford Hall and was hosted by the Rockyford Lions club. Thank you to the Lions club for the steak supper and hosting our night! We had Sharon Blanchard as our guest speaker for the Awards night. She is a Family School Community Resource Counselor for Golden Hills School Division and gave a presentation on Drugs and Drug Awareness. It was a very informative presentation and we thank her for taking the time to come. Awards were presented to past and present members for their successes last year in the club. All new members that attended the awards, were given a
Sharon Blanchard was the guest speaker at the Rockyford 4-H Awards night march 12.

4 skinless chicken breast halves on the bone Salt and freshly ground black pepper 2 tsp olive oil 1 medium onion, thinly sliced 1 red bell pepper, thinly sliced 1/2 lb white mushrooms, thinly sliced 2 garlic cloves, minced 1/2 cup dry white wine 1 (14 1/2-ounce) can whole tomatoes in juice, chopped & juice reserved 1/2 tsp dried oregano 1/8 tsp red pepper flakes or more to taste

Chicken Cacciatore

Photo courtesy of Reece Kenney

Rinse the chicken and pat dry with paper towels. Season the chicken with salt and pepper. Heat the oil in a saute pan over moderately-high heat. Brown the chicken on both sides, about 8 minutes. Remove the chicken. Reduce the heat to moderate. Add the onion and pepper, cover and cook, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables begin to soften, about 5 minutes. Add the mushrooms and cook, uncovered and stirring occasionally, until the mushrooms begin to brown. Add the garlic and cook, stirring, for 30 seconds. Add the wine and cook until reduced by half. Add the tomatoes and juice, oregano, red pepper flakes and 1/4 teaspoon of salt and simmer the mixture covered for 10 minutes. Return the chicken breasts to the pan and simmer, covered, until the chicken is just done, about 20 minutes longer.

small welcome into our club: Teia Dahm, Hailey Kenney, Julia Newell, Darren Newell and Sam Kathol. Other new members of our club not present were, Jack Sherman, Megan Sharpley, Neav Sharpley and Will Sharpley. Welcome to our club! A big thank you to Shelley Neal, Cheryl Marshman and Sandra Bakker, for going on behalf of our club to judge District Public Speaking on March 17. Thank you. Our upcoming events include: A ski trip to Nakiska on March 23. This should be a lot of fun! Our next monthly club meeting will be on April 2. Highway Cleanup and our Mini Show will be the next events being planned. Keep working with your calves fellow members.

Do you have a special recipe you would like to share?

Hussar 4-H Beef Club keeps busy

cole BRown Hussar 4-H Beef Club Report Our club has been very busy over the past few months. In December we adopted two families through the Wheatland Crisis Center and had fun shopping for them. We also decorated the trees in front of the arena and had our Christmas party! In January, we talked about holding our Public Speaking on March 4. Kim Sandum did a record book workshop; our books are marked at the beginning of every meeting! In February, Jason Wilson reported having a great time at the Funspiel in Airdrie! Everyone had to give Wendy their speech titles. Lorilee Sammons did a Public Speaking Workshop with us. At our March meeting we had our Farm Safety Clinic at Kim and Alvin Sandums farm. We learned about being safe around all types of farm equipment; tractors, balers, augers and quads/gators. We had chili, buns and squares and cookies for dessert, it was great! Thanks Wacy, Kim, Alvin and Ciara for having us all at your farm. We are holding Mini Show at Barry and Leanne Kaisers shop on April 28 at 10 a.m., weather permitting everyone can bring their calves.

Please submit to the Strathmore Times by Friday noon. Fax Tracey 403.934.5546 or email

now open at Crystal Ridge Landing!

March 23, 2012 Strathmore TiMeS Page 9

Action has been taken

arno Doerksen, Mla MLA Column Leadership is all about trust and I would like to share with you some information on promises made by Premier Allison Redford and the action that has been taken in the last six months. Increasing AISH (Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped) payments and childcare subsidies Premier Redford believes in a strong social network in support of our most vulnerable citizens so that all Albertans can achieve their full potential. The Premier promised a $400 a month increase for AISH recipients, a $400 increase in the monthly income exemption and subsidized child-care for all Alberta families earning less than $50,000. Budget 2012 delivered on all three. Judicial inquiry into allegations of queue Jumping In response to a report from the Health Quality Council of Alberta, the government accepted all 21 of the councils recommendations to continue with the work of improving our health care system. The council said an inquiry wasnt needed, but last June, the Premier made a promise that she would call an independent judicial inquiry into allegations of queue jumping, and she kept that promise. This government is working on solutions to ensure we have a health care system that provides the kind of care Albertans trust and deserve, and supports those who provide that care. restore education funding During her leadership campaign last year, Premier Redford pledged to reverse cuts to education within ten days of taking office. She was sworn in Oct. 7, 2011 and restored $107 million in previously cut education funding by Oct. 12. no sales tax, no tax increase One of our Premiers commitments is that government will make better use of the funds it has. We must grow our economy and our revenue without excessive taxes or legislation. Budget 2012 contains no sales tax and no tax increases, and forecasts a surplus of $5 billion in three years time. Tax increases are not under consideration. review mla pay The Premier has said we need a single, easy to understand pay structure for MLAs and promised to set up an independent review of MLA pay and benefits within 90 days of taking office. On Nov. 30, Justice John Major was appointed to that review, and a report is expected this spring. The review includes committee compensation, and reform on this front has already begun as government MLAs are no longer receiving pay for committee work. property rights The Premier promised to reopen the governments land management framework and listen to landowners. Our Property Rights Task Force heard from over 1,400 Albertans around the province. Participants told the government they want a Property Rights Advocate and added protections. Bill 6, the Property Rights Advocate Act, is currently before the Assembly. Amendments to existing bills guarantee landowners rights to consultation, compensation and the courts. This government has kept its promises to review the need for transmission lines, provide long-term predictable funding for research on increasing yields for agricultural producers, and host a forum with our arts community devoted to exploring ways of growing the sector. Work is underway on many other initiatives across the province. Our Premier has assured Albertans that she would listen, and take action, and in six short months has made significant strides to deliver on that promise.

Pubs: for what ales you!

Pat Fule Fule for Thought If its one thing I love in this world, its a good pub! Not that Mrs. Fule allows me to get too carried away anymore something about a reputation to keep! There may have been a time when I might be tempted to carry on a bit, but sadly those days are now few and far between. Sometimes a persons reputation can be affected without even doing anything! One Saturday about eight years ago, Debbie and I went to the Station for some wings and a pint. Honestly, thats all we stayed for. We arrived at 7:30 p.m. and were home by 9 p.m. We had a nice, quiet time, and everything seemed normal. Then on the very next Monday, one of my Grade 12 P.E. students piped up near the start of class. Mr. Fule, you sure are a party animal, you were at the Station Saturday, werent you? Yes, I was there, my wife and I didnt stay long, though. We had a busy Sunday to face, was my quick response. I didnt think anymore of this, but this student was not satisfied. Come on, Mr. Fule, you were there til really late. I worked until 1 a.m., and I could hear your name all night, was his reply. Could I have blacked out after an order of wings and one pint? Was I starting to lose my mind? No, I knew I was innocent, but he wasnt willing to believe me. In fact, every time I passed him the hallways, he just smiled, as if he had caught me red-handed! I tried to convince him, but to no avail! Then on another Saturday evening at the same pub, I ran into some grads. They had been at this pub on that same night my student mentioned. I asked how they did in Name That Tune that night, and they told me a strange thing. Their table had named themselves Pat Fule. So all that night, while Deb and I were home, their Trivia team (Pat Fule) played this DJ/Music game! The host would go to each table, and what my Grade 12 student heard was: Lets go to Pat Fule for an answer oh, Pat Fule got that one wrong, or: Pat Fule, thats correct for 10 points! It was my NAME that got me in trouble! Why couldnt they have chosen another teachers name or the principals!! Later that summer, at my mother-in-laws retirement, we had gone to the Drake Pub in Canmore, and had a really fun time. The manager, a friend of my in-laws, invited us to his house for a bonfire. I dont think his wife was too thrilled, because she hustled the kids into the house, and pretty soon it was dark. After awhile nature called and I had to make a pit stop. The house was completely dark, so I wasnt going to risk going in. Our friend said, just head that way toward the tree line, youll be fine. So, I took his advice, and on this pitch black night, I walked toward the trees. You know those old cartoons where Wiley Coyote would go off a cliff? that was me. I had walked right off a five-foot retaining wall! For a second or so, I felt like Old Wiley in fact, I did feel like I was walking on air. Then, like the cartoons, I dropped like an Acme anvil and hit the ground! Everything hurt at once I had the wind knocked out of me, I twisted one ankle a bit, and I had scrapes galore. Once I could breathe again, I crawled back to Deb. Rather than the nurturing I needed, I was welcomed by her mom and her, laughing hysterically! I mightve said something, if I had been able to take a breath to speak but I couldnt! To add further insult to injury, I explained back at the fire (to more laughter) what happened to me. Oh, said our friend (I didnt FEEL so friendly at the time) everyone in Canmore knows about the retaining wall! All my pals just pee off it! I couldnt believe my ears he had neglected to give me that information of the wall! I quickly felt all my clothes good, they were dry. I sat closer to the fire than normal just in case! I decided that the next time we visit the Drake in Canmore Im staying at the pub! Its a lot safer, and has indoor plumbing!! (Fule for Thought is a slice of life humourous column that will appear in the Strathmore Times, written by long-time resident, town councillor, high school teacher, coach, husband and father of two Pat Fule. If you would like to get in touch with Pat, you can send him an e-mail at

Mario Prusina Publisher / Editor Shannon LeClair Reporter Rose Hamrlik Advertising

Tracey Rogers Office Manager

Contributors Wendi Tashlikowich, Doug Taylor, Manny Everett, Jenna Campbell, Sharon McLeay


Your Local Realtors with the Calgary Connection

Jody Schneider Production

202, 114 Canal Garden, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1Y4 403.934.5589

Strathmore Times is published every Friday by Strathmore Times Inc. and is distributed by Canada Post to Strathmore, Carseland, Cheadle, Cluny, Gleichen, Hussar, Indus, Langdon, Lyalta, Namaka, Nightingale, Rockyford, Rosebud, Speargrass and Standard. We also have various pickup locations throughout our coverage area. Our 11,500 issues are printed by Star Press Inc., Wainwright, Alberta. The content in the Strathmore Times is copyright and reproduction without the proper written consent of the Strathmore Times is strictly prohibited. The Times welcomes letters to the editor for publication. All submissions must signed and a phone number included for verification purposes. We reserve the right to edit letters for length, legal considerations and taste. Please try and keep your letters under 400 words to ensure that it will appear as close to its original form as possible.

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Page 10 Strathmore TimeS march 23, 2012

Letters to the editor

Clarification on Motion on Cost for City Status

Giving sick kids what they need most Family.

Ronald McDonald House opens in Central Alberta
Thanks to the tireless work of countless volunteers, construction workers and staff, the Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) opened the doors on its first house in Canada in 19 years. The RMH Central Alberta is located in Red Deer, Alberta. With more than 33,000 children treated at the Red Deer hospital each year, and more than 3,000 of those from out of town, the need for this facility was evident. As a long-time supporter of the RMH Southern Alberta located in Calgary, extending our support was a natural progression. Encana is proud to partner with the RMHC in Central Alberta. This facility will assist families in Red Deer and surrounding areas where Encana has operations, says Mike Selleck, Vice-President for Encanas operations in south-central Alberta. Its important that we invest in family and community wellness in communities where we operate. Our hope is that children and their families who use this house experience the support and comfort of a home-away-from-home. Congratulations!

To the Editor I want to touch on the motion that was made by Councillor Sobol in the March 7 council meeting with regard to tracking costs for researching becoming a city. I want everyone to understand very clearly that all costs in becoming a city will be tracked and recorded to ensure transparency to the public. What should not be included in the costs is administrations time, (ie. phone calls, letters, etc.).

Tracking administrations time would be redundant, as projects such as this one are included under administrations daily roles. To clarify the motion, all costs will be recorded except for administrations time. Projects of this type fall under the daily roles and responsibilities of administration, therefore tracking the time and cost of this would be irrelevant. Mayor Steve Grajczyk Strathmore

Alberta PC dominated Government Committee paid $870,000 for not working

To the Editor The Standing Committee on Privileges, Elections, Standing Orders and Printing has 21 members and last met on Nov. 17, 2008. At the time of the last meeting, the Committee included 18 Progressive Conservatives, two Liberals and one NDP. This Committee is assisted by 17 Support Staff. It has not conducted a business meeting in 40 months and counting. Members of this Committee are paid $1,000 per month, whether the Committee meets or not. Would you describe being paid for not working a waste of tax payer dollars? I would. Did you know that one of the 21 PCs from 2008 and who continues to sit on this Committee is the current MLA for Strathmore-Brooks Mr. Arno Doerksen? I challenge Arno to publicly explain why being paid $40,000 over the last 40 months, even though no work has been done, makes sense. Compared to the private sector, this is shameful and potentially fraudulent. I am committed to looking after your best interests, therefore I and the Wildrose are recommending: 1. A two-thirds decrease in MLA severance packages; 2. A single taxable monthly salary for MLAs (no hidden committee pay or taxfree allowance); 3. A rollback of the 30 per cent pay hike Redford and her cabinet colleagues gave themselves in 2008. These recommendations are fully supported by the Wildrose Party and Caucus. You can always contact me through email at or call (403) 814-0102. Please take the time to review the Wildrose Party website http:// for more details on policy and breaking news. The Wildrose Caucus stands for free enterprise, less government, increased personal freedom and democracy. Jason Hale Wildrose Candidate Strathmore-Brooks Constituency www.



Strathmore Safe Grad is open to all graduating students of Strathmore High School and their invited guests. SAFE GRAD is to ensure our graduates and friends arrive home Safe. SAFE GRAD is a 100% adult supervised venue, which ensures every participant has parental approval and is personally escorted into the safe arms of their parents at the end of the evening. SAFE GRADS success is driven by parents who want to protect and ensure the safety of their graduating children and friends. If you have a graduate in your life for either 2012 or 2013 graduating year - Please, we need your help!

Upstairs at the Royal Canadian Legion

April 3, 2012 - 7:00 pm

Any questions, please contact Michelle at (403) 325-8337


By Sharon McLeay Times Contributor

Ag Society Board members hosted an open house for the community to discuss the status of the Society and ask for direction in various Society initiatives. We want the Ag Society to be more relevant in the community, said Darcy Ledene, General Manager. Members of the audience were concerned about the financial health of the Society, as there was a rumour that the Society was in financial trouble. The rumour was false and spread to establish interest in the Societys activities and generate support. Are you telling us the truth about the state of your affairs? asked Judi Wilson, questioning whether the Ag society is in trouble Air these expenses and tell us where our dollar is going. Board member Grant Klaiber said a $160,000 operating grant, given by the government, would cover this years loss. He outlined the Societys debt. Last year, an investment of $235,000 accomplished campground upgrades, hoping to generate year-round income. However, renters have decreased and utility costs increased, leaving concerns how to recoup the investment. The Society also owes $200,000 on land that is currently valued close to $14 million. One quarter section was going up for tender. Whether the sale proceeds cover the Societys current costs and fund some future initiatives would be up to a membership vote and acceptance of the tender. The Board members encouraged anyone questioning the funds to come to the annual meeting held Dec. 12, 2012 and look at the books. The Board had not specifically tracked why they were repeatedly losing money and an independent study pinpoints the leak in the revenue tub. Ledene indicated that it





Funding rumour dispelled





would be a matter of rolling up their sleeves and pouring over the books to determine the cause. Society Director Jim Cammart stated that the Society was not in trouble, although every year for several years running the Society loses up to $100,000 on the Heritage Days event. Cammart noted that fair failure was widespread. Over 100 fairs previously attended in North America had shut down. The Board wanted to be forward thinking, to prevent the same demise. It would be reorganizing and forming a clearer mission from the community towards future direction. The Society focused on agriculture in the past, but has evolved into a recreational direction. There were past proposals for a better facility development that would serve all interest groups in the area. Trying to please everyone ballooned the cost to an unrealistic $80 million dollars and the project was shelved. Ledene said that input from members, the community, the Town of Strathmore and the County of Wheatland were necessary to consider revisiting a large facility enhancement initiative. Their current focus is to upgrade the existing buildings. One will be getting insulation and better washroom facilities for year round use. However, the Board does not want to discourage ideas. If anyone comes with a business plan that made sense, we would certainly entertain it, said Director Cammaert. The Society has two members sitting on the recent Golf Course, Arts and Recreation expansion committee and there may be a possibility for the Ag Society membership to be part of a coordinated development effort. While the Board did not commit to any of the ideas, they recorded them all. They welcomed suggestions and asked that other ideas be made on the Society website at







Shannon LecLair Times Reporter





132 5.99



The Labour Market Partnership (LMP) has gone live this week, and is ready to offer the survey to interested employers. Teri McKinnon, the LMP partnership Manager, is inviting all business owners and employers in Strathmore and Chestermere area to complete the survey for the Rural Employer Access to Workplace Training and Aboriginal Engagement project. The research project is being launched through a partnership between Bow Valley College, the Government of Alberta, The Banff Centre and the Alberta Rural Development Network. The survey tool is intended to identify factual information specific to workplace training needs, aboriginal engagement and leadership development opportunities directly from local employers, said McKinnon. We established a business scan based on location and industry. The survey is directed at respondents who own, manage or supervise businesses in the Strathmore and Chestermere townships. All data collected remains confidential ensuring company names and contact information is protected. Leadership and workplace development training are important business development

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Calling all employers

March 23, 2012 Strathmore TiMeS Page 11

strategies and it is important to identify the specific needs within the Strathmore and Chestermere region. Once those needs are assessed, post-secondary institutions and other education providers will be able to work together to provide local programming that fits local demand. The survey will remain open for 10 weeks, during which we hope for high engagement from employers. The research study is seeking a minimum of 100 respondents across the Strathmore and Chestermere region in order to accumulate meaningful data from which to build an action plan for government leaders, said McKinnon. Respondents have the opportunity to supply contact information should they wish to conduct Phase 2 which is the interview process, or receive information on leadership and/ or training opportunities. Also, all participants who complete a survey qualify to win an iPad. To complete a confidential five-minute survey on professional and business development go to Anyone with questions about the project can contact Teri McKinnon, Project Manager: tmckinnon@bowvalleycollege. ca or Tina Jarrett, Research Officer:

Available in most new Ford vehicles with 6-month pre-paid subscription

WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. Dealer order or transfer may be required as inventory may vary by dealer. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. *Purchase a new 2012 Fusion SE with automatic transmission for $19,999 after Total Manufacturer Rebate of $5,000 and customer cash of $1,000 deducted. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate has been deducted. Offer includes a Manufacturer Rebate of $5,000, customer cash of $1,000, and freight and air tax of $1,600 but excludes optional features, administration and registration fees (administration fees may vary by dealers), fuel ll charge and all applicable taxes. Manufacturer Rebates can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any eet consumer incentives. **Choose 5.99% annual percentage rate (APR) purchase nancing on a new 2012 Fusion SE with automatic transmission for a maximum of 72 months to qualied retail customers, on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest APR payment. Purchase nancing monthly payment is $285 (the sum of twelve (12) monthly payments divided by 26 periods gives payee a bi-weekly payment of $132 with a down payment of $2,800 or equivalent trade-in. Cost of borrowing is $3,317.83 or APR of 5.99% and total to be repaid is $20,516.83. Offer includes a Manufacturer Rebate of $5,000, customer cash of $1,000, and freight and air tax of $1,600 but excludes optional features, administration and registration fees (administration fees may vary by dealers), fuel ll charge and all applicable taxes. Taxes are payable on the full amount of the purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate deducted. Bi-Weekly payments are only available using a customer initiated PC (Internet Banking) or Phone Pay system through the customers own bank (if offered by that nancial institution). The customer is required to sign a monthly payment contract with a rst payment date one month from the contract date and to ensure that the total monthly payment occurs by the payment due date. Bi-weekly payments can be made by making payments equivalent to the sum of 12 monthly payments divided by 26 bi-weekly periods every two weeks commencing on the contract date. Dealer may sell for less. Offers vary by model and not all combinations will apply. From Feb. 1, 2012 to Apr. 2, 2012, receive $250/$500/$750/ $1,000/$1,500/ $1,750/ $2,000/$3,000/$3,250/ $3,500/ $4,000/ $4,500/$5,000/ $5,500/$6,000/ $6,500/$7,000/ $7,500/$8,000 in Manufacturer Rebates with the purchase or lease of a new 2012 Focus (excluding S)/2012 Flex SE, E-Series/2012 Explorer (excluding Base)/2012 Taurus SE, Escape I4 Manual, Transit Connect (excluding Electric)/2011 Fiesta S, Ranger Super Cab XL and Regular Cab/2012 Mustang Value Leader/ 2012 [Fusion S, F-350 to F-550 Chassis Cabs], 2011 [Taurus SE, F-150 Regular Cab XL 4x2 Value Leader] /2012 [Flex (excluding SE)], 2011 [Fusion S]/ 2011 Fiesta (excluding S)/2012 Mustang V6 (excluding Value Leader)/ 2012 [Taurus (excluding SE), Edge (excluding SE), Expedition], 2011 [F-350 to F-550 Chassis Cabs]/ 2012 Mustang GT/ 2012 [Fusion (excluding S), Escape and Hybrid (excluding I4 Manual)], 2011 [Taurus (excluding SE)]/2012 [Escape V6, F-250 to F-450 gas engine (excluding Chassis Cabs)], 2011 [Fusion (Excluding S), Ranger Super Cab (excluding XL)]/2011 Expedition/2012 F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2) non-5.0L/ 2012 F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2) 5.0L /2012 [F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew non-5.0L, F-250 to F-450 diesel engine (excluding Chassis Cabs)], 2011 [F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew non-5.0L and 3.7L engines]/2012 [F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew 5.0L], 2011 [F-250 to F-450 Gas engine (excluding Chassis Cabs) - all Raptor, GT500, BOSS302, and Medium Truck models excluded. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any eet consumer incentives. Offer valid from February 1, 2012 to April 2, 2012 (the Program Period). Receive a maximum of [$500]/ [$1000] worth of selected Ford custom accessories, factory installed options, or Customer Cash with the purchase or lease of a new 2012 Ford [Fiesta, Focus, Escape]/[Fusion, Mustang (excluding GT 500), Taurus, Edge, Flex, Explorer, Expedition, E-Series, Transit Connect] (each an Eligible Vehicle) during the Program Period (the Offer). Offer must be applied to the Eligible Vehicle. The Eligible Vehicle must be delivered or factory ordered during the Program Period. Taxes payable on the total price of the Eligible Vehicle (including accessories and factory options), before the Offer value is deducted. This Offer is subject to vehicle, accessory, and factory installed option availability. Only one (1) Offer may be applied toward the purchase or lease of each Eligible Vehicle. This Offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. This Offer is not combinable with CPA, GPC, Daily Rental Allowances, the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP), or the A/X/Z/D/F Plan Program. Some conditions apply. Offer available to residents of Canada only. ***Estimated fuel consumption ratings for the 2012 Fusion 2.5L I4 6-speed automatic transmission: [9.0L/100km (31MPG) City, 6.0L/100km (47MPG) Hwy]. Fuel consumption ratings based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading, vehicle equipment, and driving habits. Remember that even advanced technology cannot overcome the laws of physics. Its always possible to lose control of a vehicle due to inappropriate driver input for the conditions. Based on estimated fuel consumption ratings: Fusion Hybrid 4.6L/100km city and 5.4L/100km hwy. Fusion S, I-4 automatic 8.9L/100km city and 5.8L/100km hwy. Fuel consumption ratings based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption may vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading and driving habits. Midsize class per R.L. Polk & Co. / Intermediate per R.L. Polk Canada, Inc. Limited quantities of Fusion S available in Canada - see dealer for details on availability and delivery dates. Based on Polk retail commercial sales for calendar year 2011. 2012 Sirius Canada Inc. SiriusXM, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. 2012 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.

Page 12 Strathmore TimeS march 23, 2012



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WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. Dealer order or transfer may be required as inventory may vary by dealer. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. *Purchase a new 2012 F-150 XLT Super Cab 4X4 with 5.0L engine/2012 F-150 Super Crew 4X4 with EcoBoost engine/2012 F-250 XLT Super Cab 4X4 Western Edition (with Power Seats) for $28,499/$32,999/$40,999 after Total Manufacturer Rebate of $8,000/$7,500/$5,500 and customer cash of $750 deducted. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate deducted. Offers include a Manufacturer Rebate of $8,000/$7,500/$5,500, customer cash of $750, and freight and air tax of $1,600, but exclude optional features, administration and registration fees (administration fees may vary by dealer), fuel ll charge and all applicable taxes. Manufacturer Rebates can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any eet consumer incentives. **Choose 4.99%/4.99%/5.99% annual percentage rate (APR) purchase nancing on a new 2012 F-150 XLT Super Cab 4X4 with 5.0L engine/2012 F-150 Super Crew 4X4 with EcoBoost engine/2012 F-250 XLT Super Cab 4X4 Western Edition (with Power Seats) for a maximum of 72 months to qualied retail customers, on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest APR payment. Purchase nancing monthly payment is $423/$496/$604 (the sum of twelve (12) monthly payments divided by 26 periods gives payee a bi-weekly payment of $195/$229/$279 with a down payment of $2,200/$2,200/$4,550 or equivalent trade-in. Cost of borrowing is $4,187.36/$4,903.85/$7,031.31 or APR of 4.99%/4.99%/5.99% and total to be repaid is $30,486.36/$35,702.85/$43, 480.31. Offers include a Manufacturer Rebate of $8,000/$7,500/$5,500, customer cash of $750, and freight and air tax of $1,600, but exclude optional features, administration and registration fees (administration fees may vary by dealer), fuel ll charge and all applicable taxes. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate deducted. Bi-Weekly payments are only available using a customer initiated PC (Internet Banking) or Phone Pay system through the customers own bank (if offered by that nancial institution). The customer is required to sign a monthly payment contract with a rst payment date one month from the contract date and to ensure that the total monthly payment occurs by the payment due date. Bi-weekly payments can be made by making payments equivalent to the sum of 12 monthly payments divided by 26 bi-weekly periods every two weeks commencing on the contract date. Dealer may sell for less. Offers vary by model and not all combinations will apply. From Feb. 1, 2012 to Apr. 2, 2012, receive $250/$500/$750/ $1,000/$1,500/ $1,750/ $2,000/$3,000/$3,250/ $3,500/ $4,000/ $4,500/$5,000/ $5,500/$6,000/ $6,500/$7,000/ $7,500/$8,000 in Manufacturer Rebates with the purchase or lease of a new 2012 Focus (excluding S)/2012 Flex SE, E-Series/2012 Explorer (excluding Base)/2012 Taurus SE, Escape I4 Manual, Transit Connect (excluding Electric)/2011 Fiesta S, Ranger Super Cab XL and Regular Cab/2012 Mustang Value Leader/ 2012 [Fusion S, F-350 to F-550 Chassis Cabs], 2011 [Taurus SE, F-150 Regular Cab XL 4x2 Value Leader] /2012 [Flex (excluding SE)], 2011 [Fusion S]/ 2011 Fiesta (excluding S)/2012 Mustang V6 (excluding Value Leader)/ 2012 [Taurus (excluding SE), Edge (excluding SE), Expedition], 2011 [F-350 to F-550 Chassis Cabs]/ 2012 Mustang GT/ 2012 [Fusion (excluding S), Escape and Hybrid (excluding I4 Manual)], 2011 [Taurus (excluding SE)]/2012 [Escape V6, F-250 to F-450 gas engine (excluding Chassis Cabs)], 2011 [Fusion (Excluding S), Ranger Super Cab (excluding XL)]/2011 Expedition/2012 F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2) non-5.0L/ 2012 F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2) 5.0L /2012 [F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew non-5.0L, F-250 to F-450 diesel engine (excluding Chassis Cabs)], 2011 [F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew non-5.0L and 3.7L engines]/2012 [F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew 5.0L], 2011 [F-250 to F-450 Gas engine (excluding Chassis Cabs) - all Raptor, GT500, BOSS302, and Medium Truck models excluded. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any eet consumer incentives. Offer valid from February 1, 2012 to April 2, 2012 (the Program Period). Receive CAD$1,000 towards select Ford Custom truck accessories, excluding factory-installed accessories/options (Accessories), with the purchase or lease of a new 2011/2012 Ford F-150 (excluding Raptor), Ranger or Super Duty delivered or factory ordered during the Program Period (the Offer). Offer is subject to vehicle and Accessory availability. Offer is not redeemable for cash and can only be applied towards eligible Accessories. Any unused portions of the Offer are forfeited. Total Accessories may exceed CAD$1,000. Only one (1) Offer may be applied toward the purchase or lease of an eligible vehicle. Customers choosing to forego the Offer will qualify for $750 in customer cash to be applied to the purchase, nance or lease price of an Eligible Vehicle (taxes payable before customer cash is deducted). This Offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. This Offer is not combinable with CPA, GPC, Daily Rental Allowances, the Commercial Upt Program, or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). Limited time offer. Offer may be cancelled at any time without notice. Some conditions apply. Offer available to residents of Canada only. See Dealer for details. When making a general, non-engine specic BIC Towing claim: When properly equipped. Max. towing of 11,300lbs with 3.5L EcoBoost and 6.2L 2 valve 4X2 engines. ***Estimated fuel consumption ratings for models shown: 2012 F-150 4X4 5.0L V8: [15.0L/100km (19MPG) City, 10.5L/100km (27MPG) Hwy] / 2012 F-150 4X4 3.5L EcoBoost: [12.9L/100km (22MPG) City, 9.0L/100km (31MPG) Hwy]. Fuel consumption ratings based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading, vehicle equipment, and driving habits. Some mobile phones and some digital media players may not be fully compatible check for a listing of mobile phones, media players, and features supported. Driving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle control, accident and injury. Ford recommends that drivers use caution when using mobile phones, even with voice commands. Only use mobile phones and other devices, even with voice commands, not essential to driving when it is safe to do so. SYNC is optional on most new Ford vehicles. 2012 Sirius Canada Inc. SiriusXM, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. 2012 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.

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March 23, 2012 Strathmore TiMeS Page 13


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Page 14 Strathmore TimeS march 23, 2012

March 23, 2012 Strathmore TiMeS Page 15

East school proposal announced

Brad EvErEtt Times Contributor

After three months of meetings, the Golden Hills School Divisions (GHSD) East Wheatland Working Group is proposing closing the four area schools in favour of a consolidated K-12 standalone school for 350-400 students, to be located somewhere along Highway 561 between the junctions with Highway 840 (south of Standard) and 842 (south of Chancellor). Over 200 East Wheatland residents gathered to hear the details of the proposal and give their feedback at an information sharing night organized by GHSD on Monday, March 19 in Strathmore. GHSD Superintendent Bevan Daverne, who facilitated the working group, presented the proposal to the meeting, noting the time frame is tight as the GHSD board needs to make a decision on the issue at its March 27 meeting in order to meet the April 1 deadline for capital plan submissions to the province. The best case scenario for a start on a new school, if the board approves the proposal for its capital plan and Alberta Education accepts it, would be three years following an announcement of funding, according to a FAQ sheet produced by GHSD on the stand-alone school. The amount of support is uncertain, based on conversations with individuals after the meeting. Rockyford resident Fiona Elder said she was not happy with the location. With four children ranging from Grade 10 to not yet in school, she said she had hoped to keep a school in her community to which her younger children could walk. Concerns were raised about the surveyshow the questions were worded and how the results were compiled. The questions seemed designed to get a pre-determined result i.e. a standalone K-12 school, said Ron Corbiell of Standard. He also questioned giving extra weight to the responses of parents, since there is no such distinction when it comes to paying education taxes. Others have concerns about the accuracy and completeness of the research done concerning the costs of a standalone. How is it that GHSDs presentation to Wheatland County in 2010 for a similar project estimated the cost of water and sewer at approximately $2.6 million but now they are estimating a cost of less than $500,000? asked Alan Larsen, Mayor of Standard. Others thought the proposal was a good one. Corey Fischer, a former GHSD trustee for East Wheatland, said he always supported a stand-alone K-12 and hopes to see this go ahead. Erich Hoff from the Gleichen area said the working group took on an impossible task, and that any kind of progress on this issue is impressive. Bottom line, we need a new school in East Wheatland he said. While not her first choice, Sherri Skibsted who farms near Rosebud said she could support the stand-alone, but wondered what kind of commitment the schools could expect from GHSD in terms of funding and staffing in the interim. She also wondered if the project goes forward, what kind of support Standard school, the designated high school for East Wheatland, could expect from those parents who are currently sending their children elsewhere. Would

they be willing to send their kids to Standard in the interim to get numbers up and begin implementing the improved programming before a new school is built? she questioned. Several wondered if there was a plan B i.e. if for some reason a stand-alone K-12 couldnt be built in the proposed location outside of Standard if the working group had an alternative in mindsomething other than just status quo. When asked, Daverne said there was no plan B, simply the options presented to the meeting of a standalone or status quo. In a 45-minute presentation (which can be accessed on the GHSD website Daverne showed how the working group, made up of East Wheatland parents, arrived at their proposal based in part on two Internet surveys of residents. The working group concluded fairly early on that given declining area enrollment, changing demographics, aging facilities and the fact that East Wheatland schools are not necessarily the first choice of residents (there are 306 resident students attending East Wheatland schools, but there are 150 resident students GHSD knows of who attend schools outside the area) While in some communities a K-6 school is satisfactory now, they did not believe this situation was sustainable. A consolidated K-12 would mean programming benefits such as an end to split grades in elementary, and a high school enrollment of 100 or over would mean no more combined classes (e.g. pure and applied math students in the same class) as well as more options for students. Based on the results of the first survey, which asked where respondents were on the continuum between more choices for students and having a local community school, the working group decided to investigate the possibility of a stand-alone school outside any community. The working group began looking at the major issues involved in a consolidated K-12 including the availability of land, the cost of services, and student safety, all issues that were brought up when GHSD previously proposed a stand alone K-12 for East Wheatland 2 years ago. According to the information gathered and presented, building a K-12 outside a community would be as possible, cost effective and safe as if it were built inside an existing community i.e. Standard. Daverne noted there are over 30 stand-alone schools in Alberta, built between 1940 and 2005, so it is not uncommon. Concerning land and services, Wheatland County maintains a Municipal Reserve Fund, $1.68 million of which is designated for school projects, which GHSD could apply to for purchase of land and installation of services for the site. Regarding water, Daverne said they projected approximately $25,000 for well drilling, pumps and storage tanks; $30,000 for setting up treatment facilities and between $2,000 to $3,000 or less for annual maintenance. Sewer would be more expensive at $375,000 for the initial set-up and an estimated $7,000 a year for maintenance. Daverne noted this is less than what GHSD currently pays for water bills in similar sized schools in a town. Both the water and sewer would require approval by the appropriate government agencies. Another issue was the feasibility of

east Wheatland residents filled the Strathmore Civic Centre on March 19 to listen to a presentation made by GHSD and give feedback with regards to the proposed K-12 stand alone school.

Brad Everett Photo

building a school to the standards required by the province for all new buildings i.e. silver LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). Daverne said the research indicated building a stand-alone to these standards would not be significantly more difficult than if it were in Standard. In comparing emergency response plans for existing stand-alone schools in the province, Daverne said they were not appreciably different from what is followed in GHSD schools. Based on proposed routes to a standalone, busing times would be 20 per cent shorter, and express routes from each community would be in operation. The working group then conducted a second survey, asking if respondents could support a consolidated K-12 as a stand-alone or in Standard. The results showed that 69 per cent could to some degree support a stand-alone (i.e. ranging from would only support a standalone to would prefer it in Standard but would be willing to support a standalone) while 63 per cent to some degree supported the school being in Standard

(i.e. ranging from would only support the school in Standard to would prefer a stand-alone but would be willing to support a school in Standard). The deciding factor in the working group opting for a stand-alone was the fact that when only the responses of parents with children in school were considered, then the balance shifted to 74 per cent supporting to some degree a stand-alone and 58 per cent supporting the school being located in Standard. Explaining why the responses of parents were given more consideration, Daverne said at the end of the day parents are the ones who decide where the kids will attend, and for this project to succeed it needs a broad base of support. Following the presentation, those in attendance had the opportunity to give feedback to recorders at each table. One question asked people if they could support the proposed stand-alone or if they wanted to maintain the status quo (K-8 in Gleichen, K-6 in Hussar and Rockyford with K-12 in Standard).

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Page 16 Strathmore TimeS march 23, 2012

March 23, 2012 Strathmore TiMeS Page 17

Robert Desjardins 403 934-5533

"The Sign of experience"

call robert & taMara immaculate home! $209,900
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Quiet living in a great toWn! $144,900!
Great 3 bdr house with lots of living space. New laminate flooring, lino and stainless steel appliances. Newer hot water tank and furnace. This is a dream yard with a Heated Oversized garage/ quonset and loads of room for RV parking.

Strathmore & area 24 HR. REAL ESTATE HOT LINE

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Keith Garrioch 403 333-8411

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Jody Buckle 403 560-2652

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We can help you find your dream home!

call la SHaun
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Debbie Enslen 403 852-5923

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Ron Kaechele 403 934-1097

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call SHauna

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Paul Kautz 403 875-4166

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-pavement to drive way, over 200 trees with creek -over 2600 sq ft fully developed, 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths -oversize garage, dog kennels and more! -started in 2000, add on in 2007 call for history of home!

Fully dev 5 bedr home -granite stainless hardwood and more loaded w/ upgrades $424,900

call ron

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Call Ron Kaechele 403-934-1097


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# 1 0 6 - 3 0 4 3 r d A v e n u e, S t r a t h m o r e, A l b e r t a

T1P 1Z1

Page 18 Strathmore TimeS march 23, 2012

RemembeRing ouR past

Theresa & Ernie Gibeau

John Godsman Times Contributor

In 1880, the Desjardin family left Quebec for Chippewa Falls in Wisconsin, to work in the lumber mills and build the river boats that moved up and down the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers. They lived there for 11 years, before moving on to Joliette, North Dakota. Theresas father Leon was born there in 1893, and the family stayed for a further eight years, before moving to Crowfoot Creek, Gleichen. Theresas grandfather and father both raised Percheron horses, which continued until the age of mechanized farming. The Gibeau family moved from Quebec to Cluny in 1910. Ernie Gibeau was born in Cluny in 1925, and Theresa was born in Gleichen in 1930. Theresa and Ernie met in Cluny, and

were married in 1952. This marriage produced four sons, and they adopted four daughters, and now have 11 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Many readers will remember their son Mark, and daughter-in-law Laurie, who spent many years creating wonderful items of glass. Mark is now known for his Heritage Grains, whilst Laurie continues creating glass blowing products. From an early age all members of this family have enjoyed the outdoors- hiking, camping and hunting. Another son Michael was a Park Warden in Banff National Park, for 35 years. Ernie went to Jeanne dArc School and Cluny Bow Valley High School, while Theresa went to Yule School and St. Marys in Calgary. They lived at their farm six miles north of Cluny until 1973. Ernie introduced Black Argentina Rape Seed into Wheatland County in 1948.

Who would have known in those days, that this crop would become a staple of farming, today! After 21 years of farming, Ernie turned to his other love carpentry and construction. He was known throughout Wheatland County, Calgary and the Windermere Valley for the quality of his work, in the remodeling and building of custom homes. Although carpentry and lathe work became a lifelong hobby, one can see by looking at items of this work, that this was his pride and joy. Unfortunately, this came to an end in 1998, when illness forced him to stop. Theresa thinks of herself as a stayat-home mother, for the first 25 years of their marriage, and helping on the farm as needed. After selling the farm, they moved to Calgary for four years, before moving to Windermere. She upgraded her musical education, so that she could give private music lessons on piano, organ and accordion, in her

home. In 1984, they moved back to Strathmore, to be closer to their family, and Theresa continued teaching music until 2002, when Ernies illness required more of her time. Ernie was a member of the Reserve Army during WW2, on the board for rural telephone and power lines in the late 1940s/early 1950s, a member of The Lions Club in Cluny and Windermere, and a member of Knights of Columbus. Theresa has enjoyed her sewing, crafts and her music throughout her life. She still enjoys these activities to this day and continues to play at Wheatland Lodge and Sagewood every week. Ernie is now a resident of Extended Care in Strathmore Hospital, while Theresa resides at their home in town. She is very involved in writing the autobiographies of their families.

Royal Canadian Legion For information regarding hall rentals, darts and crib, please call 403.934.5119 MOPS/MOMSnext (Moms group) meet 1st & 3rd Thursdays 9:30-11:30 at the Strathmore Alliance Church. Visit www.strathmoremops. for more details. Wheatland Conservation & Wildlife Association (Your local fish & game club). Meetings 2nd Thursday every month, 7:30pm at the Clubhouse. Call Larry at 403-934-4388 for more information. Strathmore District Health Services Auxiliary Meetings are held the fourth Monday of the month @ 1:30 pm, (excluding July & August). Lower level Conference Room at the Strathmore Hospital. New members welcome. For more info please call 403934-4436 Strathmore & District Chamber of Commerce meets the second Thursday of the month @ 7:00 p.m. All members welcome. Check web page for meeting location. For more information call 403-901-3175 or Come Fly With Us 903 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Sqn. Meet Wednesdays at 6:30pm at the blue building and Quonset on the Ag grounds. Boys & Girls welcome between 12 & 19 years. Call Joanna Howard at 403-983-5796 for more information. HIV Edmonton providing support, education and advocacy for those infected with, affected by or at risk of HIV and AIDS for 25 years. Go to or call toll free 1.877.388.5742. TOPS Take Off Pounds Sensibly Want to Lose Those Unwanted Pounds?? Need support to reach your goal? We are here for you! We meet every Thursday at 6:30 pm @the Anglican Church. Contact Melissa @ 403-901-1566 or Lynne @ 403-934-4359 to join our journey to a fitter you. The Hope Bridges Society Board meetings held the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. Please call Marvin Hilton 403-901-8872 for information. Strathmore Musical Arts Society, If you love music and musicians and have a special soft spot for the Blues, you would enjoy being part of this group. Call 403-934-4196 or 403-680-7721 to get on our phone or email list and be notifies about meetings and upcoming events. Strathmore Elks Lodge #491 meets 3rd Tuesday at the Strathmore Curling Club 6:30 pm. Steak Supper at 7 pm. New Members welcome. Call Greg 403-888-6155. Strathmore Homeschool Familes. Any Strathmore and Area familes that are homeschooling are invited to join our Yahoo Group. groups. Meals on Wheels is available in Strathmore. For information or to obtain this service please contact Wheatland FCSS at 403-934-5335. Strathmore FASD Parent Support Group at the Strathmore United Church. For more info call Pam @652-4776.


Whats happening is a free weekly community calendar. if you are a non-profit group and have a special event you would like to promote, please email your information to or call 403-934-5589 or fax 403-934-5546 and we will include your information on this weekly Community page. Due to space restrictions, please keep information to a minimum.
Adult Competitive Drop In Volleyball Wednesdays 7-9 Crowther Memorial Junior High $2.00 per drop in Begins Wednesday September 21, 2011 The Community Crisis Society, operating Wheatland Shelter is currently seeking volunteer applicants to serve on the board. Interest individuals may contact Gerry at (403) 934-6634, Monday -Thursday, or e-mail: Wheatland Rural Crime Watch. Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each Month. Featuring guest speakers. For more information call 403-934-4055. Strathmore & District Agricultural Society Darcy Ledene - General Manager Strathmore & District Agricultural Society 403.934.5811 Office 403.999.7646 Cell 403.901.0299 Fax Facebook: Strathmore Stampede Twitter: Strathmore Rodeo Strathmore Regional Victim Services Society(SRVSS) SRVSS is looking for men and women interested in becoming front line victim advocates to provide support, information and referrals to victims of crime or tragedy. We need individuals interested in a challenging and rewarding volunteer experience who are caring and non-judgmental with a sincere interest in helping victims move past their immediate trauma. We provide extensive training in many areas, including sexual assaults, domestic violence, suicide, court preparation, and sudden death. If you are interested in volunteering your time please contact Lesley Hering at the Strathmore RCMP Detachment at (403) 934-6552. Strathmore Baptist Church Meeting Sundays @ 11am and Thursdays @ 7pm, Call Pastor David Blankenship for info 403-390-4431. Happy Gang 55 plus Seniors Meetings; 2nd Tuesday every month @ 1:15pm. Potluck Supper; fourth Tuesday every month at 5:30pm. Everyone welcome! Hall Rental; $80. Call Shirley @ 403-934-9927. All other inquiries call Eric @ 403-901-1596. RCCG Peculiar People Assembly, Strathmore Meeting Sunday Services at 10am & Wednesdays Bible study at 7pm. Venue: Chuck Mercer room of Centennial Civic Centre. PH: 403-667-7832 e-mail The Strathmore Youth Club is looking for people interested in leading youth programs and for a Volunteer Coordinator. If you are interested in either of these positions, please contact the Strathmore Youth Clubs Program Coordinator for application details, or 403-324-4521. Seventh-day Adventist Church Meeting in the Storefront School @ 688 Westchester Rd., Strathmore. Saturday morning @ 10:00 AM Pastor Ghena Girleanu, phone 403-983-0081. Are you graduated from high school? Are you looking for a place to connect with other young adults in the context of faith and fellowship? If this sounds like you and you would like to attend a coffee night please email us at

Strathmore Caregiver Support Group This is an opportunity for caregivers to find support and benefit from interaction with others in a similar situation. For more information or to register call Amy Yaneza at 403-361-7176. Sunday School for All Ages: Lord of All Lutheran Church offers Christian Education opportunities for ages 3 years to adult, on Sunday Mornings. All are Welcome! For more information please call Margo Sevick 403-9012044 or call the Church Office at 403-934-2374. Strathmore Lions Club meets the first and third Thursday at the Strathmore Civic Centre at 6:45 pm. Strathmore Country Gardens Club Meetings at least once per month. Tours, guest speakers, workshops and much more included in a membership. $20 single, $30 family. For more information visit or phone Linda Pekrul 403-901-0017. Strathmore Masonic Lodge #53 meets the first Monday of each Month at 7:30 p.m. Call Glen at 403-901-6038. Website: Strathmore Parent and Tot Playgroup, meets every Tuesday at 9:30 - 11:30 am. in the Strathmore United Church Basement. For more information call Tammy at 403-983-7284 or Ali at 403-934-2089. $1 per child Free Tree for all New Born Babies Attention all infants remind your parents to register your birth so a tree can be planted commemorating your birth in the Chinook Credit Union Birth Forest in Strathmore. Registration Forms are available at the Town office, Chinook Credit Union and Health Unit. (A Communities in Bloom Project) Healing Rooms, open for prayer Mondays from 7 to 9 pm. at the Harvest Healing Centre at 115A-3rd. Avenue in Strathmore. Everyone is Welcome. Strathmore Full Gospel Church Were a Pentecostal Bible based family church that has something for all ages. Call 934-2225 or visit Blackfoot Crossings new winter hours are Monday Friday 9am 5pm. Call 403-734-4383 for more information. Wheatland Business Women Meet the second Tuesday of the month @ 8:00 am at Days Inn & Suites. New members welcome http:// and follow us on Facebook. Call 403-324-6641. Parent Link has reopened as Hand-In-Hand Parent Link Centre! Call 403-983-0076 for Program information or drop by the office in Country Lane Mall for a Program Calendar. Chestermere and area Children (& Families) with Type 1 Diabetes. Our Goal is to create a group of mature, responsible members where we open our own homes as Safe Places for Diabetic Children to go to if ever in Diabetic Distress. Join the Facebook group for more information.

Mark Your Calendars for these

Upcoming Special Events....

NEW StrathmorE Quilt Guild looking for members of all sewing or quilting abilities to help bring this guild to life. Meeting Mar 22 @ 7pm at the Ag grounds quonset. or call 403 901 0088 PrEParE for EaStEr by taking time for prayer and quiet meditation. March 23, 6 pm -9 pm. Compline service at 8:45 pm. St Michaels Anglican Church, 237 1st Ave. For more information, go to or call 934-3017. author ViSit Saturday, March 24 (1-3pm) Strathmore Municipal Library, 85 Lakeside Blvd. Join us as we welcome local author, Gary Hickling, as he reads from his new novel, Mature Retribution: A Smile. Book signing with light refreshments to follow. mENtor & family oPEN houSE come and meet some Parents, the Mentors, do an activity and have lunch on Monday March 26 from 11 am to 1:00 pm. Theme Easter Egg Decorating - Free event, register by calling Pat at 403-901-7684 by Friday so we have enough supplies lookiNG for a GardENiNG Plot? Join Strathmores community gardeners! Strathmore Centennial Community Garden invites all current and interested community gardeners to attend our Spring Start-up meeting, March 26, 7:00 pm at the Anglican Church Hall. We will plan for the gardening season at our current site, and will begin preparations for a new community garden to be developed this spring. If you wish to be part of this exciting project, but are unable to attend the meeting, please email us at or go to for more information. NExt mEEtiNG of fuN CouNtry ridErS will be at 7:30 pm on Thursday, March 29 at Global Training Centre. Everyone welcome. Info: CoyotE railWay SPriNG Craft SalE March 31/April 1 11am-4pm About 5 km east of Hwy 817 on Hwy 564 east of Nightingale BadlaNdS SEarCh aNd rESCuE aNNual GENEral mEEtiNG March 31 at the Rockyford Community Centre, doors open at 12:30, AGM at 1:30pm maGiCal momS rElay for lifE tEam to CrEatE for a CurE! Sunday, April 1 at the Rockyford Community Centre from 10am 8pm. Cost is $40 for a large table. RSVP with payment - 403-533-2263 or email StarS VollEyBall SPriNG ProGram at Wheatland from 6:30 to 7:30 with our younger session and then 7:30-8:30 with our older students. Still accepting registrations as well, for both Basketball and Volleyball Summer Camps. For info or email us at

March 23, 2012 Strathmore TiMES Page 19

Rockyford United Church musical evening

Manny EvErEtt Times Reporter The little picturesque United Churchs Musical Evening was performing to a packed house on March 18 in the Village of Rockyford. Master of Ceremonies for the evening, Peter Lauridsen, could easily have kept the audience entertained for the entire evening alone and did a fantastic job keeping the show running smoothly from one act to another. The evening began with two numbers performed by the Rockyford Community Choir (made up of Rockyford, Gleichen, Standard and Strathmore members), Embrace the Music (by Greg Gilpin) and an upbeat gospel number entitled Rockin The Boat (by composer JeanAnne Shafferman). Local singer Lydsay Goebel, accompanied by Nick Gerristen on guitar, sang Field of Gold. Goebel has been seen on many a stage from a very early age throughout the East Wheatland area. Cole Garvin Roper and Frances Love made up a wonderful duet, singing together The Candy Man. They were the youngest performers of the evening. A surprise unexpected visit was made by Justa Beaver (some were disappointed as they were expecting Justin Bieber) but after the bantering back and forth between Beaver and the MC some people had tears in their eyes from laughing so hard. Beaver was played by Standard high school student Matt Lauridsen. Men of the Bud, who made their debut appearance last year in Rosebud, delighted the crowd with a few numbers, Drill Ye Terriers, Will Ye Lassie Go?, and a crowd favorite Danny Boy. Lyndsay Goebel sang a solo half way through the program called I Love You Like Never Before. She was followed by Standard resident Ed Neufeld who entertained the crowd with his beautiful tenor voice with a medley of Irish songs. The entire crowd was encouraged to sing along to any of the songs they were familiar with and they did break out in song with him to When Irish Eyes are Smiling.
Men of the Bud (l-r) Bill Baldwin, Dave Wood, Johnny Hamm, Liam Lewandowski, Laverne Erickson, Jaden Hamm, Bill Daugherty, Nathan Schmidt, Paul Muir, directing Bill Hamm and playing the piano Mark Lewandowski).

Manny Everett Photo

Performers played to a packed house on March 18 when Rockyfords United Church held a musical evening. Above: Rockyford Community Choir. Manny Everett Photo

There was more than meets the eye as Peter Lauridsen (the MC for the evening), wife Fiona on percussion and brother-in-law Michael Love on acoustic guitar shared a few of the oldies-butgoodies of some soft rock and gospel mixes. Local talent who also is no stranger to the stage, Shari Filipionek sang a beautiful rendition of How Great Thou Art. The Brass Buds from Rosebud played, followed by a few more numbers by the Choir including a congregational hymn

The Day Thou Gavest Lord Is Ended. It was a perfect conclusion to a fine evening of arts and entertainment. Following the program everyone was invited to stay for coffee and goodies in the churchs fellowship hall. Organizer of the event Gayle Garvin said This was totally a group effort from start to finish and the evening exceeded our expectations by far to have this wonderful evening of music gather the community members together for the love of music. It was a wonderful evening all around.

To all our wonderful Sponsors past and present the Community of Sacred Heart Academy would like to acknowledge your continued generosity and Community Spirit! 2012/2013 marks the 11th Anniversary for Sacred Heart Academy. It is the giving hearts of our sponsors that has helped us morph the original structure into a welcoming destination the students can embrace throughout their early years of education. From the bottom of our Heart ...we Thank You!

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Page 20 Strathmore TiMeS March 23, 2012

Gleichen Ice Carnival

Civ Centic re 160 Bre
Schedule of Events
Saturday, March 31 ~ 10 - 8 pm Door open, exhibits open for business! 12:30 - 6:00 pm Featured Speakers 6:30 - 7:45 pm Happy movie screening Sunday, April 1 ~ 10 - 3 pm Open for business
Speakers Schedule Title of Talk 12:30 1:00 2:00 Zumba Demo Misconceptions of Acupuncture: Healthy Attachment: Establishing Healthy Relationship Skills The Eyes are the Window to Your Soul- Iridology Explosion Man Life is a River How to Best Use Your Extended Benefits Package Hatha Yoga Demo What if Cardiovascular Disease was Reversible Cannabis is Safer than Water: Presenter Tracey Stokoe Dr.Tonya Coutts RAc, DTCM Maureen Speidel

nt Bo Strathmoulevard, re

The Gleichen Skating club held their annual ice carnival on March 17. The carnival gave all of the young skaters a chance to show what they have learned through the past season to their family and friends. Photos courtesy of Richard Clarke

Standard CanSkate over for another year

James Reagan receiving the Star Student Skater Award from Coach Sonya Kostrup in Standard. Coach Sonya Kostrup from Standards Canskate and Figure skating program handed out awards and certificates to the students in this years program. She thanked everyone for doing their very best and for having a great carnival. Three year old Katie ings-Harder received the certificate for best Learn to Skate student this year. James Reagan (a Kindergarten student) received the most improved skater award. Mya Dumonceaux also received the star student award for skating in her division. Julia Lomond recieved a special award as she has been transitioning from the Canskate into a Star skate program this year skating with the big girls and going to competitions. everyone stayed for the wrap up party and meal catered by the Arena. Coach Kostrup had a special thank you to the President of the Skate Club Christina Adamson for all the extra hard work and dedication she has shown over the years. Manny Everett Photo

2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00

Margery Weatherby David Dyck Tracey Stokoe Becky Stone Keith Hampton Calgary 420

Admission is a nonperishable food donation or $2 towards the Growing Families Society. Jumphouse kids area with babysitting for $2 donation

In the near future, the United Way / Strathmore Partnership will be accepting applications from local agencies for 2012 funding. Please provide a short description of the needs your agency wishes to address by answering the following questions. Please note, this is not an application for funding but just a needs assessment for the Town of Strathmore.
1. What do you see as the current strengths of services available within Strathmore?

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Please return no later than April 4, 2012 to Jennifer Sawatzky, Town of Strathmore, 680 Westchester Rd., Strathmore, AB. T1P 1J1 or send email to __________________________________________ Name/Title __________________________________________ Agency / Organization / Business UNITED WAY / STRATHMORE PARTNERSHIP Proudly sponsored by

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march 23, 2012

Storm claim championship!

The Strathmore Storm Tier 1 Bantam team swept the Medicine Hat White in two games to claim the league championship. After defeating Airdrie and Okotoks in the first two rounds, the Storm took Game 1 in Strathmore 3-0, before taking Game 2 in Medicine Hat 5-4 after triple overtime and a fiveplayer shootout on March 18. Of the seven playoff games, the Storm won five games in overtime, three of which went to a shootouts.

Mario PruSina Times Editor

Warriors earn split

The Wheatland Warriors earned a hard-fought overtime win in Game 1 of the SCAHL Bantam Championship and took home-ice advantage in the process. The local double-A bantam team defeated the Cranbrook Ice 3-2 in double overtime to open the series on March 15, before dropping Game 2 the following day 5-1. However, by getting the split to open the best-offive championship series, the Warriors took home-ice advantage for Games 3 & 4 in Strathmore later this month. If you would have said before (the series) wed come out with a split, we would have been happy, said head coach Paden Grant. We didnt play our best, but we had a good road playoff game in the first one and snuck it out in double overtime. It was good, we got the split and now we get to come home to our barn now. After a long bus ride to Cranbrook, the Warriors opened the scoring in Game 1, when Ben Huculak converted a power play feed from Josh Bishop to open the scoring. After the Ice tied it in the second period, Cole Busslinger scored another power play goal when he took a pass from Easton Munchrath and Bradley Henricks late in the middle frame. The Ice scored the lone third period goal, before Shane Fraser scored the double overtime winner with an unassisted power play marker. They out shot us by quite a bit (in Game 1), but we kept the shots to the outside, said Grant. We limited their chances and we did what we had to do to win. When it goes into overtime, its always a bounce here or an ugly goal. We were just going hard and it worked out. In Game 2, the Warriors got off to the start they wanted when Cody Hammond converted a feed from Kaleb Robinson and Jayse Wilson. However, the Ice scored five unanswered goals, including four on the power play. If we get away from our system and play more as individuals, then were not successful, said the coach. We took a lot of penalties too they have a really good power play and we were in the box for most of the game. You cant do that if you want to be successful. We learned a lot in Game 2. The Warriors will host Game 3 on March 27 (6:45 p.m.) and Game 4 on March 28 (1 p.m.) at the Strathmore Family Centre. The series is now on hold for 10 days, as both teams will take part in their respective provincial championships. The Warriors will travel to Medicine Hat for their Provincial Championship Tournament March 23-25. I dont like this layoff (from the series, but) we have to put it out of our mind and focus on provincials, said Grant. Obviously winning the league is our No. 1 goal of the year, but we made it to provincials and we want to win provincials. We have to completely focus on that now. You cant take a game off or it might cost you a chance at the semifinals you have to be ready to play all the time. Were playing good hockey now and Im confident how well do.

Photo courtesy of Rhonda Wheeler

Game on
The Strathmore Curling Club was the host of the mens bonspiel last week. The bonspiel, which ran from March 12 to 18, saw teams come from all over southern Alberta to compete.

Shannon LeClair Photo

Alumni tournament largest yet

Shannon LeCLair Times Reporter Strathmore High School (SHS) alumni volleyball players returned to their home gym this weekend for the annual alumni tournament. The tournament was held March 16-17 and was one of the largest the school has ever hosted. This weekend is the largest one we have hosted. When we started in 04 we wanted to raise money for the school volleyball program and also for the club volleyball program that we were hosting at the time, said organizer and SHS volleyball coach Randy Moncks. So many people had gone on and played volleyball at a higher level and they were very competitive people. We thought well bring them back and see if they would enjoy the alumnis. Its just gone on from then. Last year, due to a low turnout, the event was supposed to be moved to the fall. This year, though, Moncks said the 12 teams, with a teachers team, was an excellent turnout. Previously the players had been paired up by the year they graduated, but Moncks said as the teams get older they are mixing and matching within a few years. The Grad class of 2004, the Lucas Lozeron team,

Strathmore High School alumni returned March 16 and 17 to compete in the annual alumni volleyball tournament.

Shannon LeClair Photo

won the bragging rights this year, beating out the Duthie Clan. The oldest returning team was from the Grad class of 78, and the tournament raised $850 for the Strathmore Volleyball Program.

Page 22 Strathmore TimeS march 23, 2012

March 23, 2012 Strathmore TiMeS Page 23

Peewee Champs!
The Strathmore Storm female peewee team claimed the league championship by ousting Olds in two games. The Storm defeated Olds 4-1 on the road March 16 before clinching the series with a 7-2 win the following day at the Strathmore Family Centre. The coaching staff is proud of the girls for their solid team play all year, leading up to the championship win.

The Strathmore ice U19 B consisted of coach Stephan LeCavalier (back, l-r), Hannah Manyguns, Courtney edwards, Madison Gillies, Caitlin Thomas, Karli vanGunst, Caitlyn Woodcock, Megan LeCavalier, coach Darin Dunlop, Willow Paxton (front, l-r), Rebecca Dunlop, Raegan Graff, Dakota Cole, Jenna Gigantelli and Heather Potter. Absent were Shayna Dunbar and coach Chad Gillies.

Photo courtesy of Strathmore Minor Ringette

Photo courtesy of Karla Hammond

Strathmore Ice U19B season comes to a disappointing end

HannaH Many Guns Strathmore Ice U19B

Bittersweet weekend for Braves

Mario Prusina Times Editor

The Wheatland Braves concluded their 2011-2012 season by taking part in the Hockey Alberta Provincial Championship March 15-18 in Lethbridge. The local double-A peewee team had a couple of tough outings to start the tourney before improving their play later in the weekend. It was somewhat bittersweet, said Braves head coach Keith Klemmensen. We played well for one game and probably not so well in the other three. We got what we deserved when we did play well and when we didnt play well, we got what we deserved there as well. The Braves opened the weekend with a 10-1 loss against league rival Okotoks, before losing their second game 9-1 to Lloydminster. However, the team regrouped and defeated Beaumont 5-3, before losing a tight 2-1 decision to Springbank. According to Klemmensen, despite not playing a meaningful game since being eliminated from the SCAHL playoffs, they boys were physically ready for the tournament.

I dont think the long layoff hurt anything, said the coach. I think and some guys will disagree, but I really think what hurt us more than anything was the fact our first two losses against Okotoks and Lloydminster were against, fast, hard-playing, rough teams. These guys were two really good hockey teams and they were more mature than we were. We didnt get the compete from the boys we needed to give those type of teams a better run. However, despite only winning one game, the tournament was a great learning experience for the boys, especially the returning players for next seasons squad. I would sure think so, said Klemmensen. Realistically, when I look at our (10) returning players (for next season), I wouldnt be surprised if eight or even all 10 are back next year. There is a good nucleus there for darn sure. The (returning players) definitely have a leg up on other guys. They have to make sure when they come next year that they understand there is more to hockey than just showing up. This weekend was a great learning experience.

It was a devastating end of the season when the Airdrie Sting dominated over Strathmore Ice in the U19B season playoffs during games on Feb. 25 and Mar. 3. The girls put forward their best efforts throughout both games; however, in the end, it just wasnt enough. We didnt come out as strong as we should have, so they got a few quick goals, stated Megan Lecavalier, one of the teams co-captains, in relation to the second game of the series. We really picked up the pace [in the second period though], and tried our best. It was tough competition for both teams; however, Airdries efforts superseded that of Strathmores and the

outcome was in their favor. Goals, during both games, were scored by: Caitlyn Woodcock, Megan Lecavalier, Willow Paxton, Becca Dunlop, and Shayna Dunbar. The last goal of the season was scored with 0.04 seconds on the clock by Shayna Dunbar. Throughout the year the girls won a number of games and partook in a few out of town tournaments. Even though the team was not successful at the tournaments, they had fun and grew as a team. This was the last year of U19 ringette for players Caitlin Thomas, Becca Dunlop, and Heather Potter it will be a loss to the Strathmore Ringette League, and a gain for their future ringette leagues. It is hoped that the Strathmore Ice will be more successful next year with upcoming talent from the leagues U16.

Alberta Child Welfare Class Action

The Alberta Court has certied a class action lawsuit against the Defendants, the Child Welfare branch of the Alberta Government and the Alberta Public Trustee. This lawsuit is led by three people who were under the care of Child Welfare when they were minors. They are alleging that Child Welfare should have pursued criminal injuries compensation and personal injury claims for children in its care but failed to do so. They are bringing this lawsuit on their own behalf and on behalf of persons who are or were in the custody of Child Welfare and whose legal rights were not protected. The Defendants deny the allegations. More information about the class action: This is only a brief description of the class action. Please review the detailed notice that is posted on the following websites: If you do not wish to participate in the class action the opt-out deadline is May 4, 2012. If you do not have access to the internet, please contact one of the law rms below and ask for the detailed notice to be sent to you by mail: Robert P. Lee Professional Corp. 7904 -103 Street Edmonton, Alberta T6E 6C3 Telephone: (780) 438-4972 Klein Lyons 400 - 1385 West 8th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 3V9 Telephone: (604) 714-6159 Docken & Company 900, 800-6th Ave. SW Calgary, Alberta T2P 3G3 Telephone: (403) 269-3612

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Page 24 Strathmore TimeS march 23, 2012

AGM & Registration

March 29 7 pm Family Centre - Gold Room
All teAms must Attend to ensure pArticipAtion.



Local skater brings home another gold, 2 silvers

Shannon LeCLair Times Reporter

In spring, the Earths axis is tilted toward the sun, increasing the number of daylight hours and bringing warmer weather that causes plants to bring forth new growth.

Times TidbiTS Do You Know?

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Kennedy Zaytsoff added three more medals to her collection last month when she competed in the Special Olympics Canada Winter Games in St. Albert.

Shannon LeClair Photo

Figure skater Kennedy Zaytsoff proved once again she is a skater to be reckoned with when she competed in the Special Olympics Canada Winter Games in St. Albert. Last year she had skated in the provincials for the Special Olympics, bringing home gold medals for both the freeskate and solo dance, which qualified her for the Canadian games. This year Zaytsoff did it again, bringing home another gold for Ice Dance and two silver medals for elements and freeskate. It was good and a fun experience,

said Zaytsoff. She said she has dreamed of competing in the Special Olympics and that it was everything she had hoped it would be. Zaytsoff first began skating when she was five years old and said she plans to skate until the day she gets sick of it. There isnt one thing in particular that she can say is her favourite move, but did say the best part of figure skating for her is to show off my skills to all the audience and the fans. Zaytsoff plans to work on her axel jumps, while waiting to find out if she has qualified for a chance in the Special Olympics Worlds being held in South Korea in 2013.

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Midget Tier 1 Team

cheer the

Friends, teammates show support for Kyle Ruppe

in a show of support for Kyle Ruppe, who was recently diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehirgs Disease) two teams were entered into the Open Senior Hockey Non-Contact cash tournament in Siksika march 16 to 18. Strathmore motor Products (SmP) sponsored one team, and The mix Sports Bar and Lous Cantina sponsored the other. The teams were made up of Ruppes friends, former teammates and other local hockey players. The SmP Ruppes Troops and the mix Sports 4 Ruppe teams didnt see the success they wanted in terms of winning the tournament, but the best reward for everyone was getting to see the smile on Kyles face and hearing his laughter throughout the weekend. Ruppe coached the SmP team. more information about Kyle and his journey can be found at

Saturday, March 24th, at 7 pm Strathmore Arena.


DATE: April 18, 2012 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Village of Standard Council Chambers PURPOSE: In accordance with Section 692 of the Municipal Government Act RSA 2000, Ch. M-26:

Photo courtesy of Richard Clarke

1. The Council of the Village of Standard to consider a Municipal Development Plan, Bylaw No. 3-2012 to replace the Municipal Development Plan No. 5-98 and all amendments thereto 2. The Council of the Village of Standard to consider a Land Use Bylaw No. 2-2012 to replace the Land Use Bylaw No. 1-98 and all amendments thereto The purpose of the Municipal Development Plan is to establish an overall growth strategy for the community by: - describing the land uses proposed for the Village of Standard; - establishing policies to guide future physical and community development; - establishing policies on environmental issues in the Village of Standard; - establishing policies regarding the provision of municipal services and facilities. The purpose of the Land Use Bylaw is to prohibit or regulate and control the use and development of land and buildings within the Village of Standard to achieve the orderly and economic development of land, and for that purpose, amongst other things: - divide the Village into land use districts; - prescribe and regulate for each district the purposes for which land and buildings may be used; - establish the office of the development authority; - establish a method of making decisions on applications for development permits including the issuing of a development permit; - prescribe a procedure to notify owners of land likely to be affected by the issue of a development permit. REPRESENTATION: Oral or written comments and suggestions are invited and should be addressed to the point of proposed Bylaw. They may be made by any person or group or group of persons or a person acting on their behalf, who claims to be affected by the proposed Bylaw, and from any other persons whom, at the meeting, the Council of the Village of Standard agrees to hear. Written submissions may be made by the persons listed above, and must be received in the Village Office by 4:00 P.M. on April 18, 2012. Oral presentations may be made at the hearing by the persons above, whether or not they have made a written presentation. The time limit of oral presentations is subject to the direction of the Chairman. DOCUMENTATION: Copies of the proposed Municipal Development Plan and Land use Bylaw are available for inspection by the public at the Village of Standard office during regular office hours. This notice is given pursuant to the Municipal Government Act. 1st Publication: March 21, 2012 2nd Publication: March 28, 2012

For the next few weeks Grade 5 and 6 students from Westmount, Wheatland and Brentwood elementary schools are getting a chance to learn basketball basics. Shannon LeClair Photos

Encouraging future basketball players

Shannon LeCLair Times Reporter

Strathmore has a new basketball program in town, this one aimed at promoting an interest of the sport at a younger age. Grade 5 and 6 students from Westmount, Wheatland and Brentwood Elementary schools were learning some of the basic skills of the games March 14-15. For three weeks, the kids will work on their skills and then in the fourth week, just before Easter, there will be a mini tournament held at Strathmore High School. Its not a club program, its not where were going to take kids and go on with them as a team or anything from this, this year. Its just we want to make it accessible to all the kids who are in any school and hopefully thatll translate into more kids playing, said Kyle Larson, one of the coaches and organizers. Larson helped coach at Crowther

Memorial Junior High with the girls this year. Larson said he, Scott Koller and Matt Laslo had talked a lot about bringing in a program like that over this past basketball season. It was kind of a team effort. The three of us were kind of talking at zones, and a few weekends before that and we just said you know we havent really organized anything, said Larson. I said why dont we just try to throw something together this year and get it going, and just try to generate some interest at a younger level. Hopefully that will translate a little bit into a little more for the junior high right away. The first night was really good. Its just fun going back and coaching fundamentals and being with the little guys, were used to being with the high school. It was fun, it was fun to work with the young kids for sure. Larson said the four-week program will be offered again to the kids next year.

Page 26 Strathmore TimeS march 23, 2012


Badlands Search and Rescue

sCrap batteries Wanted. buying scrap batteries from cars, trucks & heavy equipment. $3. each. free pick-up greater Calgary & edmonton area. Minimum 10. toll free 1-877-334-2288. free CasH baCk with $0 down at auto Credit fast. need a vehicle? good or bad credit call stephanie 1-877792-0599; dln 30309. free delivery.

coming evenTS
The Hussar Curling Club will be holding their

red and blaCk angus bulls for sale. Yearlings and 2 year olds. semen tested and delivered. Call Mardy skibsted at 403-934-2571.
Get your Classified ads in! Call traCey 934-5589

feed and Seed

Heated Canola buying green, Heated or springthrashed Canola. buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. buying damaged or offgrade grain. on farm pickup Westcan feed & grain, 1-877-250-5252.

golf Share


loST & found

AnnuAl GeneRAl MeetinG

March 31st Rockyford Community Centre
Doors opening for registration at 12:30pm, with the AGM starting at 3:30pm.

Mixed bonspiel
from april 1 7 2012 For more information or to enter a team please contact Ross Peake at (403) 787-2190 or Kevin Slemko at (403) 787-2707.

love golf, Want to be a sHareHolder? $6,000.00 - $1,000.00 less than strathmore golf club is asking. More info 934-4490 pls leave message.
Get your Classified ads in!

This is open to the public and all are welcome, however in order to vote each person will have to have their application package with criminal record check completed and handed in (this can be done at the door or prior to the AGM via mail or e-mail) There is also a $50 membership fee. For more information please e-mail

WHite gold CHain neCklaCe with no pendant on it. lost it in the Crystal ridge landing parking lot as i was leaving optimum Wellness on March 7. sentimental value. please call 403-8287727.

coming evenTS

coming evenTS

oRientation nigHt
on Wednesday, april 4 7 pm
Strathmore High School would like to invite all Grade Nine parents and students to attend this informative evening. A special invitation is extended to students who are not presently attending Crowther Memorial Junior High and who may be interested in attending Strathmore High School. in September. Information will be presented about Grade 10 courses, the Advanced Placement Program, Honours Program, Hockey Academy and the registration process for 20122013. The teaching staff will be available to discuss course details and expectations. Make sure your son or daughter has a great year by coming and learning about all SHS has to offer.
For more information contact Ms. Harris or Mrs. galandy at

Strathmore High School

Estate of jOhN ALvA ELLIS who died on December 7, 2011
If you have a claim against this estate, you must file your claim by April 23, 2012 and provide details of your claim with RANDAL jARvIS at Randal jarvis Law Office #110, 304 - 3rd Avenue Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1Z1 (403) 934-5000 If you do not file by the date above, the estate property can lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have.

Housekeepers available! Weekly, biweekly, monthly. Call paulette at 403-901-3366.

grade nine

6th annual ColleCtor Car auction & speed n Custom show, March 23 - 25, 2012, red deer Westerner park. featuring the big schwag & indoor car show! exhibitor space available. Consign your car or estate today. 1-888-2960528 ext. 102; Costain ClassiC auto auction. 2nd annual, May 12, 2012, provident place, redwater, alberta. 780-7777576; also, 30,000 sq. ft. indoor storage available 5 minutes from redwater;

Parents any plans yet for your Grade 12s Graduation Dinner?
Tickets now available for May 26 Banquet Dinner at the Strathmore Family Centre!
at the Civic Centre 12 - 1:30 pm & 3:15 - 4:30 pm or email for an order form or for info. SHS Parent Orginized

Logo Name & Image

Available March 30, 31 & April 2

Tickets $35


Marlin Travel is holding their annual


Western IrrIgatIon DIstrIct

Box 2372, 105 - 900 Pine road, strathmore, aB t1P 1K3

the Western Irrigation District to change the area of the District. Applications to remove parcels consist of:

FORM 5 Irrigation Districts Act (Section 85/86)

West Strathmore Wetland Conservation and Enhancement Project

annual market
Saturday, april 28 10 am - 2 pm Strathmore Civic Centre

irrigation Districts act TAKE NOTE that applications have been received by
(Section 61(3), (5))


When: Thursday March 29th, 2012 from 4:30 pm to 8 pm with a short presentation at 7 pm Where: Strathmore Civic Centre located at 680 Westchester Road, Strathmore, Alberta. Westhoff Engineering Resources Inc. is hosting this open house on behalf of West Strathmore Developments to present plans for conserving and enhancing wetlands between Wheatland Trail and Thomas Drive. Join us and provide your feedback on plans to create wildlife habitat and encourage on-going wildlife use of the area while continuing to support the Town of Stathmores storm water management system. Questions regarding the open house can be directed to Karen Oldershaw or Terri Duret of Westhoff Engineering Resources Inc. at 403-264-9366.

Each food or cash donation will be eligible for an entry form to win up to 100 Air Miles.
All donations must be received by April 03, 2012.

Food drivE

Easter Food Bank

AIR MILES Button w/tagl

AIR MILES Button no tag

TAKE NOTE that only one nomination was received for the election of a member to the Board of Directors of the Western Irrigation District in electoral Division 3. When only one nomination is received for an electoral division, the nominee is elected by acclamation SO004827 and balloting is not required. Therefore, I declare Richard Page to be elected as Director for Electoral Division 3 of the Western Any person wishing to complain is required to submit a written complaint to the Western Irrigation District at Box 2372 105-900 Pine Road, Strathmore, Alberta, Irrigation District. the date of the publication of this notice. T1P 1K3 within 30 days after
Jim Webber, P. Eng. General Manager Western Irrigation District

3 wide version

For more information call 403-901-0477

Come do your Pre-Mothers Day Shopping at the Market. Flowers will be given out to the first 50 Moms the come to the Market. Food or Cash Donation will be accepted at the door. Table spaces are still available for this Market.

105B 100 Ranch Market Strathmore, Alberta T1P 0A8 tel.: (403) 934-2400 This ad is sponsored by


Small AIR MILES Button


1st annual

DATED at the Town of Strathmore in the Province of Alberta, this 14th day of March, 2012. 3 wide version Erwin Braun Returning Officer

3.75 wide version

Strathmore Curling Rink, south side entrance, Agricultural Grounds
We are looking for Vendors, Entertainment, Non-Profit Organizations, Demonstrations. For a registration form please call:

book signing
A Smile Mature Retribution by gary A. Hickling

saturday, March 24
Starting at 1 pm Strathmore Municipal Public Library

Are looking for an opportunity where you can make SO004827 use of your skills & talents? Consider joining our team.

For More information call 1-855-697-6799 Or visit

3.75 wide version

Field Supervisor, Auditor Lead Hand, SO005804 Technicians & Gas Meter Exchangers


saturday, June 2 10 - 4 pm

Field Supervisor, Auditor Lead Hand, SO005804 Technicians & Gas Meter Exchangers
Are looking for an opportunity where you can make use of your skills & talents? Consider joining our team.

Barb 403.934.5481 Rose 403.934.5589

For More information call 1-855-697-6799 Or visit

This ad is sponsored by


Chiefs impress at Provincial Tourney

Shannon LeCLair Times Reporter


In Memory of Kathleen

March 23, 2012 Strathmore TiMeS Page 25

thank yous
Ruth Eleanor Ginn


(August 2, 1925 March 18, 2008)


The Wheatland Chiefs hope a good showing at the Provincial Championship will spark them in their quest for the SCAHL title. The local double-A midget team earned a berth in the provincial semifinal, before falling 2-1 to Peace River in the matchup. We played pretty good, a lot of different guys stepped up that havent for a bit, said Chiefs head coach Devin Olsen. We had a good weekend and that semifinal game was pretty one-sided. We outplayed, we did everything we could except score goals. The Chiefs opened the tournament with a 7-5 win over Sherwood Park, before hammering Fort Saskatchewan 6-3. Wheatland then fell 4-1 to Sylvan Lake, their SCAHL rival, before falling 5-2 to the Calgary Rangers. However, despite the 2-2 record, the Chiefs earned a berth in the semifinal. It ended up being that our pool was definitely the hardest pool, said Olsen. The team that finished last in our pool was Sylvan Lake (the top team in the SCAHL regular season). Fort Saskatchewan lost only three games all year and we beat them to put them out of the playoffs. It was a good experience for the boys not too many have been to provincials and they didnt realize how much it meant to be there (until they got there). It really opened their eyes. After a solid run to the semis, the Chiefs now refocus on the best-of-three SCAHL Championship series. Wheatland dropped a 4-2 decision to Sylvan Lake in Game 1 on March 13 on the road. We had a slow start they came out flying, said Olsen. We battled back, but we didnt get any bounces. They hit the post and it goes in, where when we hit the post, it stayed out. If our team shows up from the start, there is not a team in the league that can beat us it just depend which of our team shows up and which doesnt. The Chiefs hope that the confines of the Strathmore Family Centre will help even the series and push it to a Game 3. Game 2 was played on March 21, but results were not available as of press time.

Our thoughts are of only you today, Mom Happy Memories come to mind Of the one we loved with all our hearts And Always will until the end of time. We will forever love and miss you Mom Walter, Pat & Lana and our families

March 5, 2012 Our Mother, Grandma and Friend There are no words that seem adequate enough to say thank you, to everyone who expressed their sympathy during the loss of our beloved Ruth Ginn. She was a wonderful person and through the memories that she gave each of us, she will live on forever in our hearts. We would like to thank, the Lions Club Members, Strathmore Auxiliary Hospital and the Wheatland Funeral Home. Also to Pastor Dawn for the wonderful job, prayers and compassion she showed to our family. Thank you to everyone who prepared the food for her service, at the Lutheran Church in Strathmore, Alberta. The Ginn Family

AGM & Registration

March 29 7 pm Family Centre - Gold Room
All teAms must Attend to ensure pArticipAtion.



Strathmore minor ringette aSSociation annual meeting & wind up celebration!!!

Sunday, april 1 lyalta hall 1 -3 pm
Everyone please join us for individual banner presentions, slideshow, crafts, door prizes, cake, light snacks & refreshment. The Annual General Meeting will follow. All members are encouraged to attend.

The Youth Club of Strathmore (formerly the Boys and Girls Club of Airdrie, Strathmore Club) would like to

C-Can Storage
Who can say for certain, maybe youre still here I feel you all around me, your memory, so clear Deep in the stillness, I can hear you speak Youre still an inspiration, can it be, That you are mine, forever love And you are watching over me from up above Are you gently sleeping, here inside my dream And isnt faith believing, all power cant be seen As my heart holds you, just one beat away I cherish all you gave me every day Cause you are my forever love Watching me from up above And I believe, that angels breathe And that love will live on and never leave

Georgia Lawn

for putting a roof over our heads for the last 2 years. Our doors are open at our new location at the located at 170 Brent Blvd.

8 x 20, rodent and weather resistant sea can units. Located in a well lite fenced secure yard in Spruce Park. Reasonable rates.

Storage unitS available.



Youth Centre,

Lutheran Church Canada (LCC)

worship services are being held every

Trinity Lutheran Christian Academy

Tuesday evening 6:30 pm at

630 Westchester Road Info call: 403-901-0205 Email Pastor Nick:

3 wide version

3 wide version

RURAL WATER TREATMENT Fly me up to where you are beyond the distant star
Our first year without you. Loved so dearly and missed so very much. *Josh Groban* 1-800-BIG IRON (244-4766)
Check our website for local reps and phone numbers


All are welcome!

SO005352 IfPatented Whole House there only for awhile to know youre Reverse Osmosis System A breath aways not far Time Paymentare. O.A.C. to where you Plan

Iron Filters Softeners Distillers Tell them Danny Hooper sent you Reverse Osmosis Kontinuous Shok Chlorinator I wish upon tonight to see you smile


Obtain em employable skills in your dream job by offering employers a wage ers EaRlY BIRd SPECIalS! 12345 subsidy to hire you for summer employment. If youre a Mtis youth between 15 30 years old, and going back to school this fall, Mtis Training to Employment Services can give you the assistance you need to land that summer job where you can gain employable skills and the pay cheque you deserve. Power Washing Window Cleaning

Calgary resident William (Bill) MacLennan died on March 19, 2012, at the Salvation Army Agape Hospice in Calgary, Alberta. At his request, no service will be held. Bill was born April 16, 1932, in Roland, Manitoba, to Lewis James and Annie Lydia MacLennan. He grew up a kind big brother to siblings, Murn and Fern. Bill served in the Royal Canadian Navy during the Korean War and earned the nickname, tough old sailor. When he finished his tour of duty, Bill worked as the captain of a seismic exploration vehicle in the Arctic and later as a taxi driver in Calgary where he met his wife, Mila, and became Grandpa Bill to her 5 children, 12 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren. In 2000, Bill and Mila moved to Strathmore, just outside Calgary, where they enjoyed retirement in a small town but always near their growing family in Calgary. Bill loved to play golf and was an active member of the Strathmore Golf Club, often playing 27 or 36 holes daily. He made many friends at the club and was able to play his favorite sport until the end of the 2011 season. Bill is survived by his wife of 22 years, Mila; son, Kenneth; brother, Murn MacLennan; sister, Fern Klassen; children, Milandro, Stella, Levi, Lisa and Vic; grandchildren, Ian, Sachi, Simon, Bryan, Carmen, Arielle, Ben, Sam, Sarah, Sharon, Serena and Aaron; and great-grandchildren, Jasmine, Percy, Ayza and Amelie. His grandchildren fondly remember his world-famous mashed potatoes and the banana pancakes he would make and deliver to them on his regular visits to Calgary. To send condolences, please visit www.wheatlandfuneralhome. ca. WHEATLAND FUNERAL HOME LTD. (Strathmore) in care of arrangements. 403-934-5666.

Check out the University of Albertas smaller Camrose campus. Call 1-800-661-8714 or visit

Also view our 29 patented and Love always, Ian patent pending inventions Fiona, Kevin & Girls PS: We also sell Softeners & Purifiers for Town & City water. Liz, Darcy & Boys Johanne & Boys

Visit us online at

WIndoW ClEanIng
by Roy Chester
Roy Chester
Spider Control

3 wide version

Call 1-888-48-MTIS (1-888-486-3847) Commercial Interior Exterior Residential online at:

3 wide version Eavestrough Cleaning & Repairs

3.75 wide version 3.75 wide version SNAGS TRUCK PARTS SO005820 A good variety of truck parts for most common trucks


Iron Filters Softeners Distillers Tell them Danny Reverse Osmosis Kontinuous Shok Chlorinator Hooper sent you

Time Payment Plan O.A.C.

SO0 5 82 SO0056RURAL SO005682 82

Engines, Drivetrains, misc.


Patented Whole House Reverse Osmosis System SO005352

Obtain em employable skills in your dream job by offering employers a wage ers 12345 subsidy to hire you for summer employment. If youre a Mtis youth between 15 30 years old, and going back to school this fall, Mtis Training to Employment Services can give you the assistance you need to land that summer job where you can gain employable skills and the pay cheque you deserve. Call 1-888-48-MTIS (1-888-486-3847) online at:

Engine in Frame Kits

1-800-BIG IRON (244-4766)

Check our website for local reps and phone numbers 1-800-825-3046
3.75 wide version

Visit us online at

PS: We also sell Softeners & Purifiers for Town & City water.

3.75 wide version

Also view our 29 patented and patent pending inventions

Check out the University of Albertas smaller Camrose campus. Call 1-800-661-8714 or visit


A good variety SO005820 for most common trucks of truck parts

SO005682 SO 05682 SO005682 8

Engines, Drivetrains, misc.

SPECIAL Engine in Frame Kits


Page 26 Strathmore TimeS march 23, 2012


Badlands Search and Rescue

sCrap batteries Wanted. buying scrap batteries from cars, trucks & heavy equipment. $3. each. free pick-up greater Calgary & edmonton area. Minimum 10. toll free 1-877-334-2288. free CasH baCk with $0 down at auto Credit fast. need a vehicle? good or bad credit call stephanie 1-877792-0599; dln 30309. free delivery.

coming evenTS
The Hussar Curling Club will be holding their

red and blaCk angus bulls for sale. Yearlings and 2 year olds. semen tested and delivered. Call Mardy skibsted at 403-934-2571.
Get your Classified ads in! Call traCey 934-5589

feed and Seed

Heated Canola buying green, Heated or springthrashed Canola. buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. buying damaged or offgrade grain. on farm pickup Westcan feed & grain, 1-877-250-5252.

golf Share


loST & found

AnnuAl GeneRAl MeetinG

March 31st Rockyford Community Centre
Doors opening for registration at 12:30pm, with the AGM starting at 3:30pm.

Mixed bonspiel
from april 1 7 2012 For more information or to enter a team please contact Ross Peake at (403) 787-2190 or Kevin Slemko at (403) 787-2707.

love golf, Want to be a sHareHolder? $6,000.00 - $1,000.00 less than strathmore golf club is asking. More info 934-4490 pls leave message.
Get your Classified ads in!

This is open to the public and all are welcome, however in order to vote each person will have to have their application package with criminal record check completed and handed in (this can be done at the door or prior to the AGM via mail or e-mail) There is also a $50 membership fee. For more information please e-mail

WHite gold CHain neCklaCe with no pendant on it. lost it in the Crystal ridge landing parking lot as i was leaving optimum Wellness on March 7. sentimental value. please call 403-8287727.

coming evenTS

coming evenTS

oRientation nigHt
on Wednesday, april 4 7 pm
Strathmore High School would like to invite all Grade Nine parents and students to attend this informative evening. A special invitation is extended to students who are not presently attending Crowther Memorial Junior High and who may be interested in attending Strathmore High School. in September. Information will be presented about Grade 10 courses, the Advanced Placement Program, Honours Program, Hockey Academy and the registration process for 20122013. The teaching staff will be available to discuss course details and expectations. Make sure your son or daughter has a great year by coming and learning about all SHS has to offer.
For more information contact Ms. Harris or Mrs. galandy at

Strathmore High School

Estate of jOhN ALvA ELLIS who died on December 7, 2011
If you have a claim against this estate, you must file your claim by April 23, 2012 and provide details of your claim with RANDAL jARvIS at Randal jarvis Law Office #110, 304 - 3rd Avenue Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1Z1 (403) 934-5000 If you do not file by the date above, the estate property can lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have.

Housekeepers available! Weekly, biweekly, monthly. Call paulette at 403-901-3366.

grade nine

6th annual ColleCtor Car auction & speed n Custom show, March 23 - 25, 2012, red deer Westerner park. featuring the big schwag & indoor car show! exhibitor space available. Consign your car or estate today. 1-888-2960528 ext. 102; Costain ClassiC auto auction. 2nd annual, May 12, 2012, provident place, redwater, alberta. 780-7777576; also, 30,000 sq. ft. indoor storage available 5 minutes from redwater;

Parents any plans yet for your Grade 12s Graduation Dinner?
Tickets now available for May 26 Banquet Dinner at the Strathmore Family Centre!
at the Civic Centre 12 - 1:30 pm & 3:15 - 4:30 pm or email for an order form or for info. SHS Parent Orginized

Logo Name & Image

Available March 30, 31 & April 2

Tickets $35


Marlin Travel is holding their annual


Western IrrIgatIon DIstrIct

Box 2372, 105 - 900 Pine road, strathmore, aB t1P 1K3

the Western Irrigation District to change the area of the District. Applications to remove parcels consist of:

FORM 5 Irrigation Districts Act (Section 85/86)

West Strathmore Wetland Conservation and Enhancement Project

annual market
Saturday, april 28 10 am - 2 pm Strathmore Civic Centre

irrigation Districts act TAKE NOTE that applications have been received by
(Section 61(3), (5))


When: Thursday March 29th, 2012 from 4:30 pm to 8 pm with a short presentation at 7 pm Where: Strathmore Civic Centre located at 680 Westchester Road, Strathmore, Alberta. Westhoff Engineering Resources Inc. is hosting this open house on behalf of West Strathmore Developments to present plans for conserving and enhancing wetlands between Wheatland Trail and Thomas Drive. Join us and provide your feedback on plans to create wildlife habitat and encourage on-going wildlife use of the area while continuing to support the Town of Stathmores storm water management system. Questions regarding the open house can be directed to Karen Oldershaw or Terri Duret of Westhoff Engineering Resources Inc. at 403-264-9366.

Each food or cash donation will be eligible for an entry form to win up to 100 Air Miles.
All donations must be received by April 03, 2012.

Food drivE

Easter Food Bank

AIR MILES Button w/tagl

AIR MILES Button no tag

TAKE NOTE that only one nomination was received for the election of a member to the Board of Directors of the Western Irrigation District in electoral Division 3. When only one nomination is received for an electoral division, the nominee is elected by acclamation SO004827 and balloting is not required. Therefore, I declare Richard Page to be elected as Director for Electoral Division 3 of the Western Any person wishing to complain is required to submit a written complaint to the Western Irrigation District at Box 2372 105-900 Pine Road, Strathmore, Alberta, Irrigation District. the date of the publication of this notice. T1P 1K3 within 30 days after
Jim Webber, P. Eng. General Manager Western Irrigation District

3 wide version

For more information call 403-901-0477

Come do your Pre-Mothers Day Shopping at the Market. Flowers will be given out to the first 50 Moms the come to the Market. Food or Cash Donation will be accepted at the door. Table spaces are still available for this Market.

105B 100 Ranch Market Strathmore, Alberta T1P 0A8 tel.: (403) 934-2400 This ad is sponsored by


Small AIR MILES Button


1st annual

DATED at the Town of Strathmore in the Province of Alberta, this 14th day of March, 2012. 3 wide version Erwin Braun Returning Officer

3.75 wide version

Strathmore Curling Rink, south side entrance, Agricultural Grounds
We are looking for Vendors, Entertainment, Non-Profit Organizations, Demonstrations. For a registration form please call:

book signing
A Smile Mature Retribution by gary A. Hickling

saturday, March 24
Starting at 1 pm Strathmore Municipal Public Library

Are looking for an opportunity where you can make SO004827 use of your skills & talents? Consider joining our team.

For More information call 1-855-697-6799 Or visit

3.75 wide version

Field Supervisor, Auditor Lead Hand, SO005804 Technicians & Gas Meter Exchangers


saturday, June 2 10 - 4 pm

Field Supervisor, Auditor Lead Hand, SO005804 Technicians & Gas Meter Exchangers
Are looking for an opportunity where you can make use of your skills & talents? Consider joining our team.

Barb 403.934.5481 Rose 403.934.5589

For More information call 1-855-697-6799 Or visit

This ad is sponsored by


times Chamber AGM Ad:Layout 1

CoMing evenTS

March 23, 2012 Strathmore TiMeS Page 27

Page 1

11:33 AM


buSineSS oppS
gET yoUr SExy SUMMEr SHAPE wiTH THE 90 DAy CHAllENgE! get paid to share with friends! Message for free sample! FrANCHiSE oPPorTUNiTy now available. interested in helping others with their health? Visit www.nutters. com, click on Franchise opportunities. Do yoU HAVE gravel/aggregate deposits on your property? we specialize in marketing, mining, managing and reclaiming aggregate resources. Contact Tom 1-888-784-4400 for more information.

help wanTed
wANTED wAiTrESSES wiTH BAr TENDiNg ExPEriENCE and part time cook Please send resume to or bring in person to 134 2nd Street, Strathmore. P/T wEEKEND STorE HElP AT CAlDEroN ACres golf Course & rV Park. Please send resume or for info to or call 403-934-4430. P/T F/T HElP wANTED To ASSiST oN A MixED FArM 8 km south on Hwy 817. Male/Female. Fax resumes to 403-934-4072 or phone 403-934-4407. wanTed; Sports minded entrepreneurs. Call 403850-2619. HiriNg - F.T. Kitchen Helper at the roadhouse restaurant - $11.30/hr experience preferred, but will train. F.T. Cook $13.61/ hr 3-5 years experience required. Mail resume to: 510 Hwy #1 Strathmore AB T1P1M6. MEDiCAl TrAiNEES needed now! Hospitals & Doctors need well trained staff. No experience? local training & job placement available. Call for more info! 1-888748-4126. iNDUSTry NEEDS Skilled workers. By popular demand, Fairview Campus of gPrC offering pre-employment welder course, April 2, 2012. 12 weeks theory and hands-on experience, 4 week work practicum. Successful completion = opportunity to write 1st year apprenticeship exam. industry is calling - as a welder you can answer! 1-888-999-7882; www. DiSPATCHEr PoSiTioN. Calnash Trucking ltd. - immediate opening for Dispatcher, Ponoka Branch. responsibilities: coordinating equipment & personnel for rig moves & service work. Computer skills & knowledge of trucking industry, drilling rigs & oilfield equipment, transportation rules & regulations an asset. resume: Fax 403-7833011. Email: Attention: Dispatch Position. SoUTH roCK has positions for road construction workers, BASE - heavy equipment operators (Finish grader op). Asphalt (paver, roller, screed, raker). Heavy Duty Mechanic (service truck). general labourers. Forward resume to: Fax 403-568-1327; www. 135 SiTE CAMPgroUND on 30 acres. requires couple for hosting. Hardworking and friendly. Duties include yard work, cleaning bathrooms, monitoring gate. Front desk, computer skills an asset. Must own rV for accommodation. Site will be part of wages. Email resume to: natureshideaway@ wElDErS/FiTTErS required for busy Edmonton structural steel shop. Top compensation, full benefits, indoor heated work, relocation assistance. Fax resume 780-939-2181 or careers@

help wanTed
MeSSage TherapiST wanTed eveningS and SaTurdayS. room rental available for Massage Therapist with clientele. Call Country escape at 403-934-9914 for more info. ASSiSTANT DirECTor PoSiTioN, job requirements: criminal record check, first aid, child care supervisor, persons familiar with accreditation and simply accounting preferred. Please fax resumes to 403 9016265 or email to Toddlein@ wage will depend upon experience. Now HiriNg - F.T. at the Strathmore Station - Kitchen Helpers 11.30/hr experience preferred, but will train. F.T. Cook $13.61/hr 3-5 years experience required. Mail resume to 380 ridge road, Strathmore, AB T1P 1B5 or Fax 403-9349390 or Email: HElP wANTED. Ag Mechanic/Service Manager required on farm/feedlot operation in south central Alberta. Mechanic licence an asset but not required. Competitive wages and benefits. Housing available. Please fax resume to 403-546-2445. Email: or phone 403312-3576. MEAT CUTTEr NEEDED for Tofield igA. 4 - 5 days a week, must be able to wrap also. Experience preferred but training is available. Please drop off a resume or send by email to: Contact Dave or Tim 780662-3718. iMMEDiATE PoSiTioN in Provost, Alberta for Dispatcher. rotate on 10-4 shift. Dispatch or oilfield experience an asset. Excellent organizational and computer skills, fast-paced environment. Competitive wage and benefit package. resume to withers lP, fax 780-7536142. Email: bryce.olson@ reference Job #Disp-1. A&B PiPEliNErS is accepting resumes from applicants with Pipeline Construction experience: B Pressure welders, Pipefitters, Superintendents, Experienced HE operators. we offer competitive daily subsistence and truck allowances. Visit http://www.abpipeliners. com for more details regarding these positions. Send resumes to: Fax 403-265-0922. Email: hr@ ExPEriENCED ForEMAN, Cat & Hoe operators required for oilfield construction with well maintained equipment. Competitive salary & safety tickets required. Fax resume 780-778-2444. CoUPlES wElCoME! Speedway Moving Systems requires o/o for our 1 ton and 3 ton fleets to transport rVs throughout North America. we offer competitive rates and Co. fuel cards. Paid by direct deposit. Must have clean criminal record and passport to cross border. 1-866-736-6483; www. speedwaymovingsystems. com.
Get your Classified ads in! Call traCey 934-5589

help wanTed

The STraThmore municipal library is seeking tenders for its

JaniTorial ServiceS
Annual General Meeting
March 23, 2012 Strathmore Travelodge Guest Speaker: Dwight Stanford Chief Administrative Officer The Town of Strathmore Tickets $20.00 per person at the door RSVP by March 20 to: 403.901.3175 Registration 6 pm Cash Bar & Appetizers 7pm - 8:30 pm
All interested parties must submit tenders following the terms and conditions outlined below. Terms and conditions All tenders must be submitted and received at the Strathmore Municipal Library in a sealed envelope marked Library Facilities Tender, prior to noon, April 20, 2012. Services to be provided shall be as per Schedule A of the librarys Janitorial Services Contract. Tenders shall provide a contract price based on monthly payments over the period of the contract. Tenders shall provide the names and contact information for at least three (3) references. The offered contract period is twelve calendar months commencing no earlier than May 1, 2012 and upon agreement of both parties, the contract may be extended for a period totaling not more than one (1) additional year. Faxed or emailed tenders will not be accepted. GST is to be indicated as separate or included. For more information and to acquire a copy of Schedule A, please contact Jesse Traquair at 403-934-5440

EquipmEnt OpEratOr
to run new seeding equipment on a large farm close to Strathmore. Call


iNTErESTED iN the Community Newspaper business? Albertas weekly newspapers are looking for people like you. Post your resume online. FrEE. Visit: www. php. ExPEriENCED wiNCH TrACTor and Bed Truck Drivers for drilling, rig moving trucking company. Phone, fax, email or mail. Email: Phone 780-842-6444. Fax 780-842-6581. H & E oilfield Services ltd., 2202 - 1 Ave., wainwright, AB, T9w 1l7. MAiNTENANCE oPErATioNS MANAgEr. Carmacks Maintenance Services ltd. holds long-term contracts with Alberta Transportation and other industry stakeholders to provide highway maintenance services in Alberta. we are currently seeking a Maintenance operations Manager for our Calgary operation where we have two prominent projects to provide operations and maintenance services for the Deerfoot and Stoney Trails. reporting to the Division manager, you will provide leadership to the Division, consisting of approximately 5 direct and 60 indirect reports. you will encourage new initiatives, process improvement and cost reduction while analyzing operations for continuous improvement. you will positively manage existing contracts and direct employees on deliverables, strategically managing all resources in order to achieve goals. you will be integral to building and expanding our highway maintenance business by building and maintaining existing relationships while seeking new business opportunities. The successful candidate will have a keen understanding of the contracts, specifications, and standards by which AT completes its work, as well as a clear understanding of the high-speed, high-volume, urban transportation environment; preferably a CET or equivalent. if you have strong and proven competencies in: controlling costs, managing revenue, building and leading a team, coaching, performance management systems, negotiating with internal and external stakeholders, decision making, problem solving, clear and effective written and verbal communication skills and some familiarity with quality assurance and quality control programs we ask you to submit your resume no later than March 30, 2012 to: or via fax to 780-955-8623. we thank all applicants; however only those selected for interview will be contacted.

help wanTed
P/T Kill Floor, ExPEriENCE NECESSAry & F/T MEAT lABorEr. Send resume via Email only to F/T CASHiEr AT FASTgAS days & evenings. $11 - $12/ hr. Send resume to or call 403-870-5864. BUSy oilFiElD Trucking Company now hiring: licensed & apprentice heavy duty mechanics (must have proven experience). Hot oiler operator or trainee. Pressure Truck operator. Please contact rob at 780542-5879. AN EArTHMoViNg CoMPANy based in Edson, Alberta requires a full-time Heavy Duty Mechanic for field and shop work. we require Cat dozer/Deere excavator experience. you will work a set schedule for days on and off. Call lloyd at 780723-5051. KPA PrESSUrE Services ltd. requires Hot oiler operator (Class 3 required). All safety tickets. Excellent remuneration and benefits package. Fax resume to 780-621-1818. Email: or mail to: Box 6357, Drayton Valley, AB, T7A 1r8. No phone calls please. NEED To ADVErTiSE? Province wide classifieds. reach over 1 million readers weekly. only $259. + gST (based on 25 words or less). Call this newspaper Now for details or call 1-800282-6903 ext. 228. DUE To ExPANSioN Hawk Machine works ltd. is hiring experienced Machinists and Machine operators. located in linden, Alberta. Competitive wages, benefits, bonuses. Email: denise@ ACCoUNTiNg & Payroll Trainees needed. Certified A&P staff are in high demand! No experience? local career training & job placement available. 1-888424-9417. FUll-TiME PoSiTioN on grain farm. Experienced operating equipment, 1-A an asset. Dental, rrSP, most weekends off and competitive salary. resume: Phone 306-497-7720. Blaine lake, SK.

Past, Present and Future: Celebrating 100 years of Community Giving

HoUSES & BUilDiNgS for sale - To be moved. Various sizes and styles available. For further information call 1-866-451-6395 or visit our website at SAwMillS from only $3997. Make money & save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. in stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD; www.NorwoodSawmills. com/400oT. 1-800-5666899 ext. 400oT. DiSCoNNECTED PHoNE? Phone Factory Home Phone Service. No one refused! low monthly rate! Calling features and unlimited long distance available. Call Phone Factory today! 1-877-336-2274; www. METAl rooFiNg & SiDiNg. Best prices! 36 Hi-Tensile TUFF-rib 29ga. galvalume $.69 sq. ft. Colours $.85 sq. ft. 40 year warranty. AlTAwiDE Builders Supplies 1-888-263-8254. STEEl BUilDiNgS for all uses! Spring deals! Make an offer on sell-off models at factory and save thousands now! Call for free brochure 1-800-668-5111 ext.170. gET FAST rESTlESS leg Syndrome and leg Cramp relief. Safe with medication, all natural, proven results, guaranteed! Sold in 75 countries. 1-800-765-8660 EST; Home Phone reconnect. Call 1-866-287-1348. Prepaid long distance specials! Feature package specials! referral program! Dont be without a home phone. Call to connect! 1-866-2871348. ColorADo BlUE SPrUCE, 2 year old: $1.49/each for a box of 100 ($149.). Also full range of trees, shrubs, cherries & berries. Free shipping. 1-866-873-3846 or

gET PAiD to lose weight. $5,000. for your success story. Personal image TV Show. Call to qualify 416730-5684 ext. 2243;; www. TrUE ADViCE! True clarity! True Psychics! 1-877-3423036 or 1-900-528-6258 or mobile #3563. (18+) $3.19/ minute; www.truepsychics. ca. DATiNg SErViCE. longterm/short-term relationships. Free to try! 1-877297-9883. live intimate conversation, Call #7878 or 1-888-534-6984. live adult 1on1 Call 1-866-3119640 or #5015. Meet local single ladies. 1-877-8045381. (18+). HErBAl MAgiC. with Herbal Magic lose up to 20 pounds in just 8 weeks and keep it off. results guaranteed! Start today call 1-800-8545176. CriMiNAl rECorD? Think: Canadian pardon. U.S. travel waiver. (24 hour record check). Divorce? Simple. Fast. inexpensive. Debt recovery? Alberta collection to $25,000. Calgary 403-228-1300/1-800-3472540; CriMiNAl rECorD? guaranteed record removal since 1989. Confidential. Fast. Affordable. our A+ BBB rating assures employment/travel freedom. Call for free information booklet. 1-8-NowPArDoN (1-866-972-7366). MoNEyProViDEr.CoM. $500 loan and +. No credit refused. Fast, easy, 100% secure. 1-877-776-1660. Do yoU NEED to borrow money - Now? if you own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits will lend you money - its that simple. 1-877486-2161.

centennial celebration
Carseland Community Centre Saturday, April 14,pm, Cocktails at 5:30 2012 Dinner & Program to Centre Carseland Communityfollow
Semi-Formal, tickets $50/each.

Saturday, April 14, 2012 CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION

For ticket information contact Connie Lausen at 403.934.3997 or

wiN HArlEy DAViDSoN VrSCDx Night rod Special Motorcycle. 2nd & 3rd prizes plus Early Birds. only 499 $100 tickets sold. June 22 draw. grande Prairie regional College. 1-888-9997882; fairview.

rV loTS $38,000. Clear title. $1,000. down, balance on/before April 17/2012. FHU50amp, pool, spa, clubhouse, gated. Viewing by pre-booked appointment only. Call 1-888-913-2114. website:

MorE JoBS than graduates! Employers seek out CanScribe Medical Transcription graduates. New course! New low price! we need more students! Enroll today! 1-800-466-1535;;


Sharons Doggie Dos

Professional All Breed

Dog grooming.
Strathmore. 18 years experience. Reasonable Rates & Calm Environment.

Get your Classified ads in the times!


Sharon 403-934-3824

BBB Accredited Veterinarian Recommended Mobile Nail Trims Now Available FREE Pick Up & Delivery within Strathmore Town Limits

Quality Dog

Your dogs health and happiness is our priority! 403-923-8983 403-361-3308 Strathmore

Page 28 Strathmore TimeS march 23, 2012


help wanted
Real Canadian Liquorstore Strathmore now looking for Part time / Anytime

help wanted

help wanted
Small Landscape Company requires:

help wanted

deliver the Calgary Herald.

Gas allowance included. Earnings up to $800/month. Call ron

Carriers required immediately to


PArt time seAsOnAl POsitiOn

Part time May-Oct. Duties include: bookeeping, customer service Must be proficient in: -Bookeeping and Quickbooks including A/P, A/R, Payroll, Reconciliations -Microsoft Office including Excel and Word -Internet including Microsoft Outlook and web searching Office is located west of Strathmore Resumes and referances can be faxed # 403 934 6207 or emailed to

Office AdministrAtOr

Village of RockyfoRd

suMMeR eMployMent
for the Village of Rockyford,


Maintenance of the Village

- mowing, garbage removal and general cleaning. Applicant must have a valid drivers license. Students preferred. Apply to Village of Rockyford Box 294, Rockyford, AB T0J 2R0

Apply with resume 106 - 800 Pine Road, Strathmore

Applicants needed with strong telephone skills that can efficiently take customer orders. Fast paced friendly environment. Strong typing skills and computer experience an asset. Please forward resumes to: eagle lake TuRf faRms lTd. aTTn: Call CenTRe Email: Fax: 403-934-6813

Call CenTRe CleRks


Duties include pruning, planting, transplanting , lifting, repetitive tasks. Greenhouse / nursery environment. Experience and Education in Horticulture an asset. We are located 20 mins east of Calgary or 15 mins west of Strathmore. Starting wage $10.50 / hr. Please fax your resume to Greenview Nurseries 403-936-5981, or email

Greenview nurseries & TFC is looking for staff for their nursery to start immediately.




Be part of our team in 2012! The Strathmore Golf Club is currently accepting applications for:

Servers Cooks Kitchen Staff Pro Shop Staff Marshals Back Shop Full & part time Seasonal Positions available
Submit your resume via email to Please be sure to include the job title for which you are applying for. For additional information visit us online at

BENEFITS INCLUDE: Competitive wages, year-end bonuses, golf & meal discounts, fun & rewarding work environment


EMAIL: FAX: 403-901-1139 WEB:

To provide care for seniors at Wheatland Lodge in Strathmore. Certification as a Health Care Aide is required. Medical Administration Certificate is also required. Preference will be given to those that have at least 1 year of qualified experience. A current security check is mandatory for successful applicants.
Please submit resume with references to:

Casual HealtH Care aides

required for annual, perennial and woody ornamental production.

Experience with propagation, production systems, record keeping, supervision, and management skills are required. Duties include planning, directing, controlling the operations of the nursery and greenhouse, including but not limited to supervision of planting, transplanting, plant maintenance including identifying and controlling insect, disease, and weed problems and other related tasks. Customer Service Abilities. Starting wage rate $14 - $18 per hour, depending on qualifications. We area located 20 minutes east of Calgary off #1 highway.


shirley reinhardt, Cao Wheatland lodge 76 2nd street strathmore, aB t1P 1J8 email or fax (403) 934-4329 WHeatland Housing ManageMent Body

Please fax your resume to Greenview Nurseries & Tree Farms Corp 403-936-5981 or email to
Now accepting applications for:

Class 1 & Class 3 Truck Drivers:

Positions start in April. Competitive wages and benefits.
Fax Resumes to: 403-934-3626 Email: candace@ Apply in person: Located 5km East of Strathmore, on Highway#1 and 2.5km south. Range Road 245.

Job includes delivering plants to Calgary and surrounding area. Seasonal full-time. Current drivers abstract required.

Nursery Shipping Staff:

Job includes working in various area of production and shipping. Horticulture experience an asset. Applicants should be willing to learn and able to do physical outdoor work. Seasonal fulltime positions available.

Garden Centre Staff:

Applicants should have good customer service skills. Interest in horticulture is an asset. Part-time positions available for May and June. Evenings and weekends.


Help WanteD
NuvisioN iNdustries iNc. requires Parts/PurchasiNg PersoNNel

March 23, 2012 Strathmore TiMeS Page 29

Help WanteD
Wheatland Pharmacy requires a

Help WanteD

Chinook iii. first months rent is half price! 2 bdrm $900/mth or 1 bdrm $800/ mth. +dd required. heat & water included. no pets. Call Jane at 403-934-6896. spACious 1st floor 2 bdrm ApArtment in Crystal ridge Cove, Adult building. n/s, n/p, 4 appliances, $850/mth + $850 s.d. + utilities. Call 403-934-4769. one room is $500.00 and other is $550.00. if you need both rooms its $1000.00. shared bathroom in downstairs suite. newly renovated and fully funished. electric fireplace with shared tv or tvs in both rooms. optik tv, wireless, shared laundry and kitchen upstairs. great parking and close to downtown. please call if you are interested 403-901-5509. All utilities are included except for phone calls and optik tv movie rentals. lisa 403-934-1843.

1 single person house for rent, 8km south on hwy 817. All utilities included, semi furnished, n/s, n/p, rental references, $675/ month + $675 security deposit. Available Jan 1, 2012. Call 403-934-4407. CozY one bedroom ApArtment, excellent location in downtown strathmore. new flooring, paint & blinds. large in-suite storage room. laundry in building. n/p, n/s. rent $795/ month incl. heat, water, partking. d.d + reference required. responsible tenants/minimum age 25. Call (day) 403-874-8755 or (evenings) 403-226-3492. for leAse A 70x50 shop with 2 bays, 2 offices, boardroom. in strathmore on slater road. fenced parking and storage space in yard as well leased road allowance. for more info call emelia holmgren at 403-512-5551. bAsement suite AvAilAble, 10 miles s.e of strathmore. $650/mth. Absolutely no smokers. Cable, internet and all utilities are included. Call 403-901-3366. 2 bdrm wAlk-out bsmt suite, 5 appliances, jacuzzi tub, fireplace, 2 car parking. $980/mth + $500/d.d. includes internet/cable/water/ heat. Available April 1. Call 403-813-5810.

beAutiful 2 bedroom Condo + den. bright, spACious, with fireplACe. 5 AppliAnCes, minutes from sChools And hospitAl. mAster bedroom Comes with en-suite. fullY developed bAsement with 4 pieCe bAth. 2 pArking stAlls in front of front door. n/p, n/s. CAll 403-901-0851. AvAilAble immediAtelY. 329 2nd Ave, strAthmore. $725/mth + $725 d.d + power & gas. n/s. Available April 1. Call 403-934-5483. 3 bdrm single wide. Available April 1, $800/mth + d.d and utilities. pets are negotiable. Call 403-901-1044. beAutiful, brAnd new wAlkout with double attached garage in strathmore on the small lake. 4 bdrms, 1800 sq ft . deck and double car garage. more info at ad# 76815. rent $1595. Call 403-6202377. bright, immACulAte 2 bedroom top floor Condo in a quiet adult only building. fridge, stove, dishwasher, built in microwave, washer, dryer and gas fireplace included. private balcony. plug in parking. sorry no children, pets or smoking. gas, water, garbage included in rent. 6 month lease required. rent $900.00 a month, sd $900.00 please phone 403-934-0718.

Agricultural/industrial manufacturing background an asset Experience in inventory control, customer service, work in

Submit resumes to: 414 Main Street, Gleichen, AB T0J 1N0 Call 403-734-3363
Get your Classified ads in the times!


Nuvision Industries is looking for a controller for our Western Canadian based fertilizer plant service and construction / industrial manufacturing company based in Carseland, Alberta. This is a flexible permanent full time position and the duties would include: Overseeing all aspects of the accounting cycle and financial reporting. All facets of accounts payable / receivable, payroll, and human resource. T4s, GST, WCB, Government remittance. Preparing internal month end nancials and year end working papers for external auditors. Computer knowledge a must (Microsoft ofce/ Mas90) Nuvision Industries offers a very competitive remuneration package based on experience and skill set. To apply please forward resume and cover letter to Ken Johansen Fax (403)901-2387/ e-mail PO Box 450, Carseland, Ab T0J 0M0

team environment, shipping and receiving

Computer experience required Full time permanent positions

Nuvision Industries offers a very competitive remuneration package based on experience and skill set. To apply please forward resume and cover letter to Ken Johansen. 403-901-2387 or e-mail to PO Box 450, Carseland, Ab T0J 0M0

403-901-2387 or e-mail to PO Box 450, Carseland, Ab T0J 0M0

Town of STraThmore

Where Quality of Life is A Way of Life

Summer SeaSonal HorticulturiSt

the town of Strathmore is seeking an enthusiastic individual to join our Parks Department this summer
This is a 40-hour per week seasonal position that involves physical activity and working out of doors in all weather conditions. Position may require some weekend work. Responsibilities: - Train and supervise Horticultural staff - Perform / Assist in coordinating Horticultural maintenance tasks - Advise /Assist Parks Supervisor in the purchase of plant material for use - Work independently and in small groups The successful candidate must: - Posses a Certified Horticulturist Diploma or Degree - Posses a valid Alberta Drivers License and supply a current drivers abstract - Posses supervisory experience - First Aid Certificate is an asset Please make a note you are applying for the Seasonal Horticulturist position when you email/deliver your resume Email your resume to or drop it off at: Town of Strathmore Attention: Linda Nelson Horticulturist Seasonal Parks 680 Westchester Road, Strathmore, Alberta Phone: 403-934-3133 Posting closes April 15, 2012 We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those contacted will be granted an interview.

Competition Number TOS2012-03

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Owen Oil Tools by Standard is seeking responsible, ambitious and hardworking individuals to fulfill

full Time

manufacTuring Technician pOsiTiOns

Candidates must be positive, self-motivated and capable of working in a TEAM environment. Must have own transportation. All tasks will be performed while strictly following Health, Safety and Environmental Policies. No experience necessary we will train suitable applicants Hours of operation are from 7:00am to 3:00pm Monday to Friday with the possibility of over time.

CHInOOK II - Condo living! a wonderful two bedroom adult lifestyle unit located in Chinook II, rents starting from $825.00, 2 appl, coin laundry in building, cable and electricity additional, parking included and no pets please. Call luella at 403-934-5731 or emerald Management & realty ltd. at 403-2378811.

real estate

Town of STraThmore

Where Quality of Life is A Way of Life


Competition #TOS2012-02
The Town of Strathmore is seeking enthusiastic individuals to join our Parks Department this summer. This will be a 40 hr/week seasonal position that involves a considerable amount of physical activity and working outdoors in all weather conditions. Duties will include but are not limited to: Park and green space maintenance including grass cutting, weeding flower beds, litter collection etc. Cemetery clean up including grass cutting, and general clean up Flower planting Tree and shrub trimming May include other duties as assigned Assist other departments as assigned by Parks supervisor Qualifications The successful candidate will possess a valid Alberta Drivers License and supply a current drivers abstract, be able to work independently as well in small groups, and be familiar in the use and operation of small tools and equipment in a safe and proper manner. Please note the position or competition number you are applying for when you email/deliver your resume. If you are looking for a challenging and rewarding seasonal opportunity, please forward your resume by April 15, 2012 to: Linda Nelson, Deputy CAO Town of Strathmore 680 Westchester Road, Strathmore, AB T1P 1J1 Phone: (403) 934-3133 Fax: (403) 934-4713 Email: We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those contacted will be granted an interview.
Town of STraThmore

please fax resumes: 403-644-3906 or email:

WestMOUnt DrIVe - a Fantastic Find in strathmore! 2 bedroom townhouse units available immediately starting from $765.00, 2 appl, 1.5 baths, w/d hook-ups, yard area, parking incl, coin laundry available in complex. a short walk to all strathmore shopping, parks and golf courses. no pets please. Call luella at 403-934-5731 or emerald Management & realty ltd. at 403-237-8811.

$359,900 $359,900
Bunglow Fully Finished Backing on Canal Aspen Creek Bilevel Fully Finished Built By Trilogy Homes

Help WanteD

Where Quality of Life is A Way of Life


Temporary Position
An employment opportunity exists for a temporary Payroll Administrator at the Town of Strathmore. The Payroll Administrator is responsible for assisting in multiple financial activities relating to company bi-weekly payroll functions. This includes timely and accurate reporting of payroll data for the company employees. If you are a team player and have a strong attention to detail this could be the opportunity you are looking for. Duties will include but are not limited to: Ensuring that all salaries are paid accurately and in a timely fashion to all company employees. Preparing journal entries and forms, such as records of employment, income tax forms, and remittances Administration of employee programs (e.g. health benefits, Local Authorities Pension Plan, Canadian Savings Bond etc.) Ensuring that expense claims forms are filled out correctly Maintaining records for pension and life assurance contributions made by employees; liaise with service providers to ensure funds are transferred as appropriate Handling all inquires arising from questions about payroll Qualifications: Related experience in computerized payroll processing Knowledge of Federal and Provincial laws, regulations and policies as applicable to salary and wage administration Five years experience with PC computers, Microsoft Windows and MS Office Experience with Microsoft Dynamics is a plus Post-secondary diploma in Payroll Administration preferred Linda Nelson, Deputy CAO Town of Strathmore 680 Westchester Road, Strathmore AB T1P 1J1 Email:

w w w. K e v i n B a l d w i n . c a


40 ACRES - $459,000
15 Minutes East of Strathmore

MLS# C-3509257 We List # 47393

No. 1 Hwy. to access driveway 5400 sq.ft. Shop 1500 sq.ft. Home Presently has over 3800 Encana lease for income Also some crop income Call Blair or Linda

(587) 351-4783 or (403) 369-4783 (403) 863-6408

Page 30 Strathmore TimeS march 23, 2012


real estate
FOR SALE by Owner, $85,000 2bdrm Mobile on two lots YOU OWN. For pictures go to ID # 352026153. Call 403-3124325 for info. FULLY SERVICED Lake Lots for sale. Starting at $49,900. Elinor Lake Resort, 2.5 hours North East of Edmonton. Sale ends June 30, 2012. 1-877623-3990.

real estate
NAPLES FLORIDA AREA! Bank acquired condos only $169,900. Same unit sold for $428,895. Own your brand new condo for pennies on the dollar in warm, sunny SW Florida. Walk to over 20 restaurants/100 shops. Must see. Ask about travel incentives. Call 1-866-959-2825 ext. 15;

MOBILE HOME LOTS to rent and homes for sale in pet friendly family park in Oyen. Newly paved roads and parking pads. $300/month. 780-982-9390.

Manufactured Manufactured
ONLY 1 GRANDEUR Production spot left for summer delivery. Custom high end modular homes from $97 per sq. ft. Call 1-877-9451272 or

MASSIVE STOCK LIQUIDATION! All 2011 SRI Models must go - 2012 arriving soon. Save thousands $$. Bonus: Full skirting and overrange microwave. Lowest prices guaranteed; www. 1-877341-4422.


Get your Classified ads in!

JANDEL HOMES. No GST on manufactured homes. $5000 in free upgrades on modular. Limited time only. Edmonton (West) 1-855-463-0084; Edmonton (East) 1-800463-0084; Grande Prairie 1-877-504-5005;

real estate
Feature Properties
Tina Scott 403-901-5388
Specializing In Country Properties

real estate

real estate
its a gReat time to buy oR sell! Call Raelene for my menu of services! speaRgRass villa

real estate


featured property of the week

6 Strathmore lakes
DONT MISS OUT!! $224,900 Newer condo on a quiet cul-de-sac backing onto a green space. This home boasts a large country kitchen, spacious living room, 1/2 bath on main. Large covered deck off kitchen. Upper level has 2 huge bedrooms with full bathroom. Walk-out in basement to an oversized single garage with paved parking behind. Close to schools, shopping, medical care and parks. CALL TO VIEW NOW !!!

just listed
6.4 acres near Mossleigh. 1224 sq ft bungalow. Huge trees, soft water, excellent outbuildings.
Constantly Selling More Real Estate


Well maintained bungalow style condo is perfect for the empty nester or working professional! This home features a single attached garage, beautiful upgraded laminate flooring, oak kitchen, spacious master bedroom with a 3 piece ensuite, den, main floor laundry and an additional 4 piece bath. This community also offers an amenities building and lets not forget the RV parking!!!

$249,500 MLS C3508541

Executive Bungalow, well designed floor plan, exceptional finishings, slate, granite, hardwood, vaulted ceiling to allow natural light in, developed walkout basement with in floor heat. Located on the Speargrass Golf Course.

wheatlaNd CouNty

BarBara Feil,
MaxWell Capital realty
An independent member broker 114, 3604 - 52 Ave N.W. Calgary, AB. Canada T2L 1V9

Dedication that will Move You


County Living with B&B revenue! This property has a great floor plan with a separate suite. Vaulted ceilings, beautiful hardwood floors, bright & spacious great room with a corner fireplace. The walkout basement has a large rec room, laundry & storage room. Also a separate 2 bedroom suite with a cozy fireplace in the living room & is designed to be handicap accessible. This property is situated on 1 acre, nestled in the Rosebud River Valley in the peaceful Hamlet of Redland.

Canyon Creek (Strathmore)


cell: 403-999-1326 bus: 403-282-7770 fax: 403-282-6299 email:

#105 - 1212 - 32nd Avenue NE Calgary

Raelene Nichol Realtor 403-921-6111


Emelia Holmgren REaltoR


IMMACULATE UP-SCALE VILLA IN PRESTIGIOUS STRATHMORE LAKES BAY Totally developed 2 bedroom/ plus den 1128 sq.ft. bungalow. Tons of cupboards, gas fireplace and spacious master bedroom.Three baths. Attached double garage and beautiful landscaped yard. No mowing, no shoveling, just enjoy this beautiful home!!! A steal at $274,900

Barry & Brenda Duffield


Serving: Strathmore, Langdon, Chestermere, Rural Wheatland County

Cell: Fax: 403-934-6409 Email:

Commercial FOR SALE

Just 4 km south of Strathmore! Over 2000 sg ft living space. Oversized triple garage. Mature trees and pond.

MLS: C3494960 Price Reduced: $595,000 6.4 Acres


119 Second Ave, Strathmore $214,875 2 Bays @ 875 sq ft or 1750 sq ft combined.

Call for details!
new gorgeouS villa
call lorna

call lorna

28x50 heated shop, 15 ft overhead doors, 3 acres

call lorna

manicured bungalow!

call lorna

all thiS $255,500


call lorna


reallY, reallY nice! JuSt liSted $265,900


3 bdrms, 3 Baths, Bsmt Dev. Walk out Bsmt, Green Space.

Associate Broker
Call lorna Phibbs 403-874-7660 to buy or sell!

brand new bungalow $336,000


call lorna

Steal thiS! $154,900

3 bdrms, 2 full baths, family room, fully dev basement.

call lorna

itS a gem! $149,900


call lorna

overlooking lake $235,000

2 Bdrm and 2 Bath Wrap and Deck Double Garage


call lorna

32 Years Experience



JuSt like new $212,000

This home sparkles, fully developed lower, 18x14 deck, views of the country.

call lorna

11.9 acreS $288,000 Industrial rezoned west of Strathmore

call lorna

what a find $239,900

12 year old bungalow, fully open plan, 4 bdrms, 3 baths, views too.

call lorna

totallY renovated!!
1548 sq, ft, Fully Dev. Lower Downtown location Huge treed Lot reduced! $330,000


call lorna

106 - 304 - 3rd Ave., Strathmore


new new $333,000

call lorna



call lorna

a little bit countrY!!

50+ living. 2 large bedrooms. Backs on canal and green. Front attached garage.

Gorgeous Modular Heated 28x24 Garage Hot tub Lease is $300 per mo.


call lorna

46.56 acreS
Many options on this parcel of land, 25 minutes east of Calgary. $599,000.

Professional Directory
carpentry fencing irrigation

March 23, 2012 Strathmore TiMeS Page 31


Stimson Fencing
Custom Carpentry & Renovations
Ph. 403.901.0884 c. 403.710.2165

CommerCial & residential Sales, Maintenance & Set Up Chain Link & Wire
Dale Stimson 403-862-7790 Fax 403-361-9895

Carmon Wiebe

Oasis irrigatiOn sales & service Ltd

Agricultural Irrigation Sales & Maintenance 403-862-7790 403-361-9895 fax mortgages

Greg Wilson 153 Orchard Park Road, Strathmore, AB


day care


Check Us Out on facebook!

real estate

Newborn to Kindergarten NEW Before & After School

Licensed & Accredited Charitable Organization

Carpet Lino Ceramic Hardwood Laminates General paint

42A Spruce Park Drive 403-934-4954


Specializing in Purchases, new home construction draw mortgages Home Equity Lines Raw Land Mortgage Refinance
Vonnie Bosch Mobile Mortgage Specialist Ph: 403 701 8407 403-934-5139 fax 403-901-6265
furnace & duct

BarBara Feil, REALTOR Dedication that will Move You

MaxWell Capital realty
An independent member broker 114, 3604 - 52 Ave N.W. Calgary, AB. Canada T2L 1V9

general contractors

cell: 403-999-1326 bus: 403-282-7770 fax: 403-282-6299 email:

Specializing in Insurance Claims Your Complete Exterior Finishing Company Experts in Vinyl Siding, Soffit and Fascia Continuous Eavestroughing Windows & Reroofs Aluminum and Smart Board Batons

Iop row ltd.

Furnace Replacement Repairs & Maintenance Air Conditioning Certified HVAC Technicians Plumbing Duct Cleaning

Book Your Classified ad Today!

Call the strathmore Times 403.934.5589

rental equipment

Cell: 403-968-9211 Work: 403-934-4334 Fax: 403-934-4422 Email: For a FREE QuotE Call tom

Our Team aT YOur Service!


Lar-Don RentaLs Ltd.

Light Construction & Garden Equipment Trenching New & Used Equipment Sales & Service

hair salon

Marv Poettcker

Echo Power Equipment

general contractors

Handy Kinda Guy

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Clips N Cuts
hairstylist & BarBer

Your Painting Pro

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15 Spruce Lane, Strathmore Bus: 403-934-3727 Fax: 403-934-3849

co-alta Holdings
O 403.901.1137 C 403.880.3299

waste disposal

general contractors

Full Service Hair Salon Facial Waxing Ear & Nose Piercing Hair Bling & More Stamp Card Paul Mitchell Products Tooth Fairy
107A 2nd Ave (Main Street) Rodeo Alley

Waste Disposal & Port-A-Potties
Serving Strathmore, Drumheller & Areas


Whole Home
We make your house a HOME


Multi Menu Pet Food FREE Home Delivery of Superior Quality Pet Food. 18 Pet Food Formulas.

10B Bayside Place, Strathmore, AB


heavy duty mechanic

water well drilling


general Contractor / Handyman Email: Specializing in:


Painting Basement Development Family Rooms Kitchen Renos Bathroom Renos Play Rooms Tile Work Laminate Flooring Hardwood Flooring Plumbing Light Electrical Deck & Fence Repair
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From General Maintenance to Major Overhauls including A/C Complete Shop Facilities Murray 403-934-2675 cell 403-540-8264

PuPPy Food
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Water Well Drilling Water Conditioning Equipment

Drilling Co. Ltd

Call Larry or Wendy 403-934-5598
photo / video

Pump Systems: Supply, Install & Repair

dennis j seibel 403.901.5472 .

403-934-4271 Strathmore
Serving the rural Community for 58 yearS


Serving the Farming Community Since 1988

Page 32 Strathmore TimeS march 23, 2012

Vip eVent
MARCH 21 - 26


first payment free!

up tO $500 ON sELECt mOdELs

Leasings back at
2012 raM 3500 slt CreW CaB

2012 JeeP Patriot sPort

2012 dodge grand Caravan sxt

2012 raM 1500 sxt Quad CaB 4x4

Was $66,655 NOW ONLY


! x4! 4


$0 dOWN


$321 $350

Was $20,045 NOW ONLY



2008 JEEp sahara


$0 dOWN $120 $114


Was $36,370 NOW ONLY







$0 dOWN $158 $158


Was $38,220 NOW ONLY







$0 dOWN $150 $162





3.8L V6 4x4, manual, alloys, running boards, traction control, ABS, 81,754 kms.
B/W $17,848 or $139 OaC**

LY s! ON 6 km 22 13,

2009 tOYOta matrix

1.8L FWD auto, air, tilt, ABS, AM/FM/CD, power windows and locks, 13,226 kms.
OaC** $14,848 or $115 B/W


iNs mm E! CuENGiN

! OF rO uN s

d! F! aWrOO N su

121 75, ms! k

2006 dOdGE ram 3500 sLt

6 cyl HO Turbo Diesel auto, ABS, tow pkg, air, tilt, cruise, bed liner, with 169,018 kms.

2011 dOdGE CaLiBEr sxt

2.0L FWD, keyless entry, alloy wheels, fog lights, ABS, air, tilt, cruise, with 21,822 kms. #13437 $0 dOWN

2006 NissaN x-traiL BONavista

2.5L auto, air, tilt, cruise, keyless entry, AM/FM/CD, ABS, security system, with 135,711 kms. #1219753A $0 dOWN

2005 ChEvrOLEt EquiNOx Lt

3.4L V6 AWD auto, air, tilt, cruise, privacy glass, spoiler, roof rack, leather, with 130,265 kms. #13408A $0 dOWN

2004 ChrYsLEr 300m

3.5L V6 HO automatic, ABS, heated seats, sunroof, premium audio, roof rack, 75,121 kms. #1219940A $0 dOWN spECiaL!

$0 dOWN

$22,762 or $202 OaC**

$15,788 or $108 OaC**

$12,896 or $116 OaC**

$10,946 or $136 OaC**

$8,988 or $144 OaC**

Payments based on $0 down with a 4.99% interest rate and a 96 month term. Prices and payments do not include GST, all rebates to dealer. Ask a sales professional for details. **Payments based on biweekly payments. GST not included in any prices or payments. Some exclusions apply, see dealer for details. Vehicle images are for illustration purposes only, actual vehicles may not be exactly as shown. Based on 60 mo. closed end lease - GST extra.

CliCk Buy save

1 800 921 9995

139 East LakE Cr, airdriE

6 Minutes north of Cross-iron Mills

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