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March 20.


Atty, Maidas Marquez Court Administrator

Supreme Court


We have the honor to file with your office a Disbarment Case against Atty. Plaridel Nava, who is a member of the Integrated Bar of tlie Philippines, Iloilo Chapter under Roll No. 46649 and who is presently an incumbent Councilor of the City of Iloilo with address at Room 209 La Sallete Building. Valeria Street. Iloilo City or the Iloilo City Hall, Plaza Libertad. lloilo City

lhis complaint for Disbarment is for Violation of Canons 7.03, 15.03. 17,21.01. 22 of Professional Responsibility which are quoted to wit:
(:ANON-7..03- A lcmyer shall not engage in conduct thal atlver.;ely re.flects on his ./itness to practice law, nor shall he, whether in public or private life, behave in a' scanduLous manner to the discredit of the legal profession.



' '

CANON t 5.03- A luwyer shrill nol represent conflicting interests except by utritten conscnt of all concerned given after a "/ull disclosure of the .facts.

CANON 17- A lawyer owes Jidelity to the couse mindful af the trust and confidence reposed to him.



client and he shall


(:ANON 2t.01 -A law;ter shall not

reveal the confidences or sccrels o/'his t'liant.

CAI{ON 22.01- A lawyer shall v,ithdrav,his service,s only _fttr good cause and upon notice appropriate in the t'ircum,stant'e s.

The attendant facts ,r.'n:; lollows:

'l"he respondent Atty. Plaridel Nava had been the lawyer of the undersigned complainant since 2009 and he represented the undersigned in several cases more particularly the cases entitled,

Clase No.

( rr a1)0 I hre ul..y

Caurt MTCC-Branch MTCC-Branch 2 MTCC-Branch 4 MTCC-Branch 7 MTCC-Branch 7

s-799-0q s-211-1A Rl89-10 s-477-10 444-08/445-08 446-08 09-67704-677 I I


Grave Threats Grave Coercion


I dlstltculnn Perjirt'
Estafa Lstal0

WCC-Branch 7 RTCfiranch 3 j
RTC-Branch 26

Kindly find enclosed certifications fiopi court showing that the qndersigned was represented by Atty. Plaridel Nava in the above mentioned case. irerein enclosed as ,4NNEXTS uA", uA-L", uA-2", "A-3".

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