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Smart Cities within Orange

World Bank workshop March 5-6 2012

Orange Group restricted

Smart cities program focuses on four industry sectors

smart metering/smart grid

A strategic Group program

connected car Public transport/Urban mobility

growth area

group strategic program

Technologies are ready Users are ready

to accelerate those projects

smart home/smart Building

Orange Group restricted

A strategic choice in line with mega trends

pressing challenges for our planet
Population growth: +2bn more people by 2050 of which 1bn in Africa (UN world pop forecast, May 2011) Increasing Urbanisation: every 2nd inhabitant lives in a city versus 1/3rd 50 years ago, 57% in 2025 (Frost Sullivan) Climate change issues: CO2 emission increased 7x over the past century ( Ever increasing energy demand: world primary demand increases by 36% between 2008 and 2035, or 1.2% per year on average (IEA 2010 fact sheet) Water scarcity affecting 1 in 3 people on every continent of the globe (WHO, 2009); Millennium goal 7 to halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation

require significant industry transformation

Energy (Electricity & Gas)


Connected Cars

Urban Mobility

Intelligent use of information, enabled through modern ICT is an essential solution component
mobility ubiquitous connectivity connected objects cloud services

Orange Group restricted

A positioning based on partnership and co innovation

partnership approach projects with variable sizes

local / regional (ex : transport public) national (electric grid) European (car connectivity)

co-construction of projects with motivated clients Cultural aspects mean local adapted solutions Some Orange references:
M2Ocity, company created with Veolia to supply water smart metering systems Connectivity services provided to a major European car manufacturer Mobile data supplied to local authorities
Orange Group restricted

216 million customers worldwide

United Kingdom Poland Belgium Luxembourg Slovakia Austria Moldova SwitzerlandRomania Armenia Iraq Jordan Egypt Mali Dominican Republic Guadeloupe Martinique Senegal Guinea Ivory Coast Niger Central African Republic Cameroon Uganda Congo DR Madagascar Vanuatu Botswana Mauritius Reunion Island Kenya

France Spain

Tunisia Morocco


Countries where we provide services for residential customers Countries where we provide services for business customers

our Group provides services for residential customers in 37 in 220


countries and for businesses

countries and territories

Orange Group restricted

le march mondial des tlcommunications : la zone Afrique & Moyen-Orient est la rgion la plus dynamique
xMd 1,5% CAGR 2010-2015 CA 2010 march tlcom en milliards de $

Europe 401 Md$ 2,3% 5,0% 6,3% Amrique du Nord 356 Md$ 5,2%

Asie Pacifique 415 Md$

Amrique Latine 151 Md$

France Tlcom-Orange -Confidentiel

Afrique et Moyen Orient 100 Md$


Orange Group restricted

Company created between Veolia and Orange end 2010 Deploying water smart metering networks in the suburbs of Paris and other cities with a target of 5 millions smart meters in 2020
Utility (billing , CRM)

City monitoring

Business application

smart metering


Data flow mediation alerts supervision

Data collection network

Concentrator Gateway

Fixed line

data collect and data analysis

Services to end customers

Smart meters

collection network


Service platform

Business application and customer displays

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Orange Group restricted

We believe partnerships will be key to make the smart city happen

Global leader in water services Operating ~1 M smart meters Key capabilities for water smart metering : For modules : Homerider for roll-out : Sade Telecom, Dalkia Infracom For IT ntegration : Somei

Global leader in Telco Strong involvement in M2M standardization OBS know how and expertise Key M2M capabilities : IT tools for design & roll out IPVPN &GPRS/M2M

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Smart metering in emerging countries

Smart metering will be of use to utilities in emerging countries for different reasons than in developed countries
Bill collection, fraud and technical losses decrease, black out prevention Prepayment quickly developing, and Orange strongly believes in payment by mobile phone (Orange Money in emea region)

Many initiatives already taking place in various countries in Africa, mostly at pilot stage
Cameroon, Senegal : utilities are moving Orange also engaged in partnership with meter manufacturer in Egypt for a joint prepayment/smart metering soluton

Key question is : who will pay

Projects imply rolling out a smart metering infrastructure on hundreds of thousands of meters Utilities will need funding


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Respective roles of donors and private sector

Donors Definition of action plans, with clear statement of priorities (energy/transport) and including pilot projects Capacity building of the local actors on the interest of new technologies for infrastructure management

Support on spreading innovative business models

General political and funding support Private sector actor like Orange Ready to share risks and revenues on those smart projects (type of payment as a service) even in some more difficult emerging countries (Orange mobile countries in Africa and Middle East)
Orange Group restricted


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