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APELC P1 Public Forum Resolution: Americans should be allowed to share copyrighted material over the Internet Introduction Speech:

: With the sudden industrial and technological boom of the world in the 20th century, societies everywhere have benefited a lot from this sudden advancement in technological crafts. From the humble beginnings of the telegram as an effective method of communication during war, The Internet was created as a program for military personnel to interact with one another from various strategic locations. However, this communication revolution has influenced modern society to adapt the need to use the Internet in everyday life, which is a result of the great advancement in this field of communication science for the past 20 years. With this sudden flourish and widespread use of the Internet; issues have risen along with its glorious improvements; mainly over the concerns of violating social, economical and political rights that needs to be addressed in order to bring equal justice to those who have been violated and to provide an adequate solution to the problems that have sprouted from this anarchic technology. ECONOMY PROS: - American Intellectual Property Industries provide 19 Million high-paying jobs. - Account 60% of US Exports. - If SOPA will be applied; it will affect our economy as well since majority of the big companies with the highest revenues on the Internet are based in America. CONS - Piracy/Sharing/IP theft costs US Economy $100Billion annually on-lost revenue; results to losing of jobs in America and a downsize in economy. - May lead to second depression and stall American Innovation. - Unethical; online theft is as much as stealing products from store. (Smith, 2012) - A form of illegal trade of customs between countries. (Rogue sites selling fake products to Americans; not undergoing proper custom check and trade tax) -

PROS: - Helps smaller scale / independent artists promote their craft. (Promotes American INNOVATION) - MIAA and RIAA are notoriously known for suing for the sake of money regardless of the persons economic stance; college students and grandmothers who have no idea how to work computers for ridiculous amounts of money. (College students + loan + no job = no money) - Limits creativity and influence to the general. Restrictions limits creativity. - RIAA and MPA caters to multimillion dollar companies who can afford to pay lobbyist. This promotes to corruption and under the table agreements. - Deeply unjust specially to innocent citizens who cannot afford to pay ridiculous amount that RIAA is charging them. (RIAA has a blind-method for charging fines) (ex; 14 most Ridiculous Lawsuits filed by RIAA and MPAA article) - Restricts learning as some learning methods such as sharing intellectual content are prominently used in schools. (Ex; Princeton and Stanford always getting sued by MPAA and RIAA. Refer to DMCA by Stanford article. CONS: - File sharing of properties under Copyright Laws has been one of the main causes of plagiarism and hostility in schools. (Stanford and Princeton review) - Promotes sharing of unethical documents; pornography and obscenity Sanctions: Under Legal Jurisdiction, prosecution may be done to anyone with possession of child pornography or obscenity and it is a felony when transmitted along communication carriers and lines. - MPAA and RIAA were established to protect the rights of the creatives and their respective representatives In the industry. POLITICAL PROS: - Copyright Clause only covers intellectual rights to Authors and Inventors for a limited time. (1787, US Constitution) - Constitution is in archaic words; may confuse modern citizens. (Wikipedia, 2004) - The purpose of the Copyright Clause is to PROMOTE and STIMULATE development of the work it protects its application cannot inhibit its progress (Patry, W. 1994) - - Clause only covers protection of writings and discoveries of authors and inventors. Writings may only be protected to the extent that its purely original and does not show obvious improvements of existing products. - Term writing of authors EXCLUDE non-human authorship such as paintings by apes and computer-code written programs.



Covered under Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution (Copyright Clause) To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries Napster Controversy; Federal Law covers Internet usage. 1996- Congress specifically includes Interactive Computer Services Violators are often based overseas (web servers) However, AMERICAN SINDICATES can still be PROSECUTED under US DISTRICT COURTS and seize their assets and credit card receipts from any US BANKS no matter where they send/base/receive their materials to. SOPA dos not censor legal activity on the internet. Bill heps stop foreign websites from stealing and sharing with American innovation. It protects free speech. (see Judiciary Commmittee list about SOPA Myth vs Fact article)

SOURCE: Bill Text 112th Congress (2011-2012) THOMAS (Library of Congress) Smith: Law Needed To Control Piracy (2011) Wikipedia Copyright Clause William F. Patry, Copyright Law and Practice (1994) H..R. 3261 Managers Amendment Summary Congress of The United States MPAA Litigation and Settlements

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