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Profile Options In INV,PO,OM,MS/MRP

Below is a list of some of the key Profile Options in various modules.

Profile Options - INVENTORY

INV:Accounting Category Set Indicates the default category set for defining category account. This profile option references the Product Line Accounting function area to retrieve the category set.

This profile is updateable only at the Site level.

INV:Allow Expense to Asset Transaction Indicates whether you can transfer an item from an expensed subinventory to an asset location. This profile is updateable at all levels.

INV:Capable to Promise Indicates whether to enable the CTP calculation. This profile has a predefined value of NULL (no predefined value) upon installation. This site level option determines how a promise data is derived. It can have the below values: 1 Enable Product Family ATP and CTP 2 Enable Product Family ATP 3 Enable ATP 4 ATP / CTP Based on Planning Output 5 ATP Based on Collected Data This profile is updateable only at the site level.

INV:Genealogy Delimiter Allows client to pick the character that appears between the item name and lot number in the genealogy tree Any character can be used as a delimiter. You can change the delimiter profile at any time. The default value is "-".

INV:Round Reorder Qty This profile option provides the min-max reporting process with rounding options for reorder quantity.

INV_ROUND_REORDER_QUANTITY accepts either "Yes" or "No" as values. The default value is Yes which means the REORDER QUANTITY is rounding UP. You need to set the value to "No" to round down.

INV:Genealogy Prefix or Suffix You use this to determine if and how the item number is displayed on the Object Genealogy form. The following values are possible: Prefix The Item number is a prefix to the lot /serial number Suffix ATP Based on Collected Data None ATP Based on Collected Data

INV:Intercompany Invoice for Internal Orders You use this profile to enable creation of Intercompany Invoices for Internal Orders. This profile is used in a concurrent program to create accounts payable, and accounts receivable to decide if Internal Order transactions should be invoiced. A "Yes" value enables creation of intercompany invoices. The default value is no. This profile is updateable only at site level.

INV:Advanced Pricing for Intercompany Invoice When you set this profile to "Yes", you can use the Advanced Pricing engine for Intercompany Invoicing. The default value is "No". This profile is updateable only at site level.

INV:Default Item Status Indicates the default item status for new items you define. This profile is updateable at all levels.

INV:Default Primary Unit of Measure Indicates the default primary unit of measure for new items you define. This profile is updateable at all levels. INV:Dynamic Precision Option for Quantity on Reports Indicates the decimal precision for your unit costs. This controls how cost information is displayed on all cost reports. All reports display fourteen digits for unit costs, and display at least 16 digits for extended values.

Inventory predefines a value of -9,999,990.00 for this profile for all levels upon installation. This profile is updateable at all levels.

INV:External ATP Indicates whether non-Oracle ATP products can be integrated with Oracle. Set this profile option in the Source instance if the Source is 10.7 or 11.0. If you select Global ATP, the system uses the new Global Order Promising program. If you select None, the system uses the old ATP program. If you do not select a default value, the system assumes None for 10.7 and 11.0 instances, and Global ATP for the 11i instance. This profile is updateable only at the site level.

INV:Inter-Organization Currency Conversion Indicates the currency conversion for inter-organization transfers between organizations using different currencies. Available values are: Corporate An exchange rate you define to standardize rates for your company. The corporate exchange rate is generally a standard market rate determined by senior financial management for use throughout the organization. Spot An exchange rate you enter to perform conversion based on the rate on a specific date. It applies to the immediate delivery of a currency. User An exchange rate you specify when you enter a foreign currency journal entry that does not have a daily exchange rate. Inventory predefines a value of Corporate for this profile for all levels upon installation. This profile is updateable at all levels.

INV:Intercompany Currency Conversion

Indicates the currency conversion for intercompany invoices using different currencies. Available values are: Corporate An exchange rate you define to standardize rates for your company. The corporate exchange rate is generally a standard market rate determined by senior financial management for use throughout the organization.

Spot An exchange rate you enter to perform conversion based on the rate on a specific date. It applies to the immediate delivery of a currency. User An exchange rate you specify when you enter a foreign currency journal entry that does not have a daily exchange rate. Inventory predefines a value of Corporate for this profile upon installation. The profile is updateable at the Site, Application, and Responsibility levels.

INV:Item Master Flexfield Indicates which flexfield is used to define items in MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS. Inventory predefines a value of System Items for this profile for all levels upon installation. This profile is updateable at all levels.

INV:Minmax Reorder Approval Approved or Incomplete indicates the status of requisitions created by the Minmax Planning Report. Inventory predefines a value of Approved for this profile for all levels upon installation. If you choose Incomplete, you can optionally load requisitions as unapproved and use the document approval functionality in Oracle Purchasing. This profile is updateable at all levels.

INV:Project Miscellaneous Transaction Expenditure Type Governs the entry of expenditure types for project miscellaneous transactions. Available values are: System Derived from Cost Elements You cannot enter expenditure types for project miscellaneous transactions. The Cost Collector uses the expenditure types linked to the cost elements of the current weighted average unit cost of the item to post to Projects. User Entered You must enter expenditure types for project miscellaneous transactions. This profile is updateable at all levels.

INV:RC Line Failure Indicates the action taken when a failure is detected while processing a replenishment count line. Available values are: Continue processing Other (successful) lines for the replenishment header are processed to requisition lines. Halt processing Do not process other (successful) lines for the replenishment header. Inventory

predefines a value of Continue processing for this profile for all levels upon installation. This profile is updateable at all levels.

INV: RC Requisition Approval Indicates the status of Subinventory Replenishment requisitions created by the replenishment processor. Available values are: Approved Requisitions created by the replenishment processor are approved. Unapproved Requisitions created by the replenishment processor are not approved. Inventory predefines a value of Approved for this profile for all levels upon installation. If you choose Unapproved, you can optionally load Subinventory Replenishment requisitions as unapproved and use the document approval functionality in Oracle Purchasing. This profile is updateable at all levels.

NV: RPC Timeout Indicates the time in seconds the Item Supply / Demand form waits for a success message to be returned from a remote procedure call before it returns an error message. Use the Trx.Mngr. if processing is set to No. This timeout is also applicable for online transactions. Inventory predefines a value of 300 at the site level for this profile option upon installation. This profile options is updateable at all levels.

INV: Restrict Receipt of Serials Indicates whether two validation checks are performed for serial numbers, used in Oracle Work in Process. Yes A given serial number for a serialized component may not be received via purchase order receipt, miscellaneous receipt, or account alias receipt, if that same serial number has been issued to Oracle Work in Process. A given serial number for a serialized end-assembly may not be completed into Oracle Inventory via a Discrete Job, Repetitive Schedule, Flow Schedule, or Work Order-less Completion, if that same serial number has a state of Issued out of stores. No No validations for serialized components and end-assemblies will be performed. This profile option is updateable at all levels.

INV:Save Search Items Indicates whether items returned by the Search Items window are saved on exit. Inventory predefines a value of N for this profile for all levels upon installation. This profile is updateable at all levels.

INV:Transaction Date Validation Controls the date you can enter for transactions. Available values are: Allow date in any open period Allows entry of a past date if it is in an open period. Do not allow past date Does not allow entry of a date before the current date. Do not allow date in past period Allows entry of dates in the current period only. Provide warning when date in past period Allows entry of dates in prior periods after a warning. Inventory predefines a value of Allow date in any open period for all levels upon installation. The profile is updateable at the Site, Application, and Responsibility levels.

Use new Trx.Mngr for Processing There are two transaction managers in inventory. You have the option to user either for transactions processed in the background. Transactions processed online or with immediate concurrent always as Inventory recommends the new manager. If it is set to No, Inventory uses the old transaction manager. The setting of this option does not affect certain transactions such as WIP and receiving transactions. All mobile WIP and VMI Receiving transactions use the new transaction manager. All desktop WIP and nonVMI Receiving transactions use the old transaction manager. This profile is updateable at all levels.

INV:Updateable Customer Item This profile option controls whether the system enables you to change the Customer Item Name after you save it. If you set the value to No prevents you from altering the Customer Item Name after the initial save. The default is No. This profile is updateable at all levels.

INV:Updateable Item Name This profile option controls whether the system enables you to change the Item Name after you save it. If you set the value to No prevents you from altering the Item Name after the initial save. Inventory predefines a value of No for this profile for all levels upon installation. This profile is updateable at all levels.

INV:Use catalog name in the item description Indicates whether to use the catalog name or the catalog description as the first element of a concatenated item catalog description. Available values are: No Catalog description

Yes Catalog name Inventory predefines a value of No for this profile for all levels upon installation. This profile is updateable only at the Site level.

TP:INV Cycle Count Approvals form Indicates processing control of cycle count approvals in the Cycle Count Approvals window. Available values are: Background processing Upon commit, control returns immediately to you, allowing you to continue working. The cycle cont transactions are executed on a periodic basis. Displays the concurrent request number representing the concurrent process executing the cycle count transactions. On-line processing Processes your cycle count transactions while you wait, and control is returned once transaction processing is completed. Inventory predefines a value of On-line processing for this profile for all levels upon installation. This profile is updateable at all levels.

TP:INV Cycle Count Entries form Indicates the processing control of cycle count entries in the Cycle Count Entries window. Available values are: Background processing Upon commit, control returns immediately to you, allowing you to continue working. The cycle count transactions are executed on a periodic basis. Displays the concurrent request number representing the concurrent process executing the cycle count transactions. On-line processing Processes your cycle count transactions while you wait, and control is returned once transaction processing is completed. Inventory predefines a value of On-line processing for this profile for all levels upon installation. This profile is updateable at all levels.

TP:INV Enter Replenishment Count form Indicates processing control in the Enter Replenishment Count window. Available values are: Background processing Upon commit, control returns immediately to you, allowing you to continue working. The replenishment count transactions are executed on a periodic basis. Concurrent processing Upon commit, Inventory spawns the concurrent process and returns control immediately to you, allowing you to continue working. Displays the concurrent request number representing the concurrent process executing the replenishment count transactions. Inventory predefines a value of Concurrent processing for this profile for all levels upon installation. This profile is updateable at all levels

TP:INV Inter-Organization Transfer form Indicates the processing control of inter-organization transfers in the Inter-Organization Transfer window. Available values are: Background processing Upon commit, control returns immediately to you, allowing you to continue working. The inter-organization transfer transactions are executed on a periodic basis. Concurrent processing Upon commit, Inventory spawns the concurrent process and returns control immediately to you, allowing you to continue working. Displays the concurrent request number representing the concurrent process executing the inter-organization transfer transactions. On-line processing Processes your inter-organization transfer transactions while you wait, and control is returned once transaction processing is completed. Inventory predefines a value of On-line processing for this profile for all levels upon installation. This profile is updateable at all levels.

TP:INV Miscellaneous Issue and Receipt form Indicates the processing control of miscellaneous issues and returns in the Miscellaneous Issue window. Available values are: Background processing Upon commit, control returns immediately to you, allowing you to continue working. The miscellaneous issue and receipt transactions are executed on a periodic basis. Concurrent processing Upon commit, Inventory spawns the concurrent process and returns control immediately to you, allowing you to continue working. Displays the concurrent request number representing the concurrent process executing the miscellaneous issue and receipt transactions. On-line processing Processes your miscellaneous issue and receipt transactions while you wait, and control is returned once transaction processing is completed. Inventory predefines a value of On-line processing for this profile for all levels upon installation. This profile is updateable at all levels. On-line processing Processes your customer return transactions while you wait, and control is returned once transaction processing is completed. Inventory predefines a value of On-line processing for this profile for all levels upon installation. This profile is updateable at all levels.

TP:INV Transaction Processing Mode Indicates the processing control for transacting items. Available values are:

On-line processing Processes transactions while you wait, and control is returned once transaction processing is completed. Background processing Upon commit, control returns immediately to you, allowing you to continue working. The transactions are executed on a periodic basis. Immediate concurrent processing Upon commit, Inventory spawns the concurrent process and returns control immediately to you, allowing you to continue working. Displays the concurrent request number of the concurrent process executing the transaction. Form level processing Processes transactions using the processing control option you choose for that particular type of transaction. You must also set the Inventory profile options for Inter-Organization Transfer, Miscellaneous Issue and Receipt, Receive Customer Return, Return to Customer, and Transfer Between Subinventories. If you are using Oracle Work-in-Process, you must set the WIP profile options Completion Material Processing, Completion Transaction Form, Material Transaction Form, Move Transaction, Operation Backflush Setup, and Shop Floor Processing. The value you choose for this profile overrides values you set for individual transaction profiles unless you choose Form level processing. Inventory predefines a value of Immediate concurrent processing for this profile for all levels upon installation. This profile is updateable at all levels.

TP:INV Transfer Between Subinventories form Indicates the processing control of transferring items between subinventories in the Subinventory Transfer window. Available values are: Background processing Upon commit, control returns immediately to you, allowing you to continue working. The transfer between subinventories transactions are executed on a periodic basis. Concurrent processing Upon commit, Inventory spawns the concurrent process and returns control immediately to you, allowing you to continue working. Displays the concurrent request number representing the concurrent process executing the transfer between subinventories transactions. On-line processing Processes your transfer between subinventories transactions while you wait, and control is returned once transaction processing is completed. Inventory predefines a value of On-line processing for this profile for all levels upon installation. This profile is updateable at all levels.

TP:INV Update Average Cost form Indicates the processing control for updating average costs. Available values are: Background processing Upon commit, control returns immediately to you, allowing you to continue

working. The update average costs transactions are executed on a periodic basis. Concurrent processing Upon commit, Inventory spawns the concurrent process and returns control immediately to you, allowing you to continue working. Displays the concurrent request number representing the concurrent process executing the update average costs transactions. On-line processing Processes your update average costs transactions while you wait, and control is returned once transaction processing is completed. Inventory predefines a value of On-line processing for this profile for all levels upon installation. This profile is updateable at all levels.

TP:Server Side Online Processing Indicates whether Inventory and Work-in-Process transactions using on-line processing are processed on the server or client side. Inventory predefines a value of Yes for this profile for all levels upon installation. This profile is updateable at all levels.

TP:INV Move Order Transact Indicates the move order transaction mode. Available values are: Background processing Upon commit, control returns immediately to you, allowing you to continue working. The move order transactions are executed on a periodic basis. Concurrent processing Upon commit, Inventory spawns the concurrent process and returns control immediately to you, allowing you to continue working. Displays the concurrent request number representing the concurrent process executing the move order transactions. On-line processing Processes your move order transactions while you wait, and control is returned once transaction processing is completed. Inventory predefines a value of On-line processing for this profile for all levels upon installation. This profile is updateable at all levels.

INV:VMI Enabled Functionally for vendor managed inventory, or VMI, has been added with Family pack H of Oracle Inventory and Oracle Purchasing. Both products must be at H level or above for the VMI features to function correctly. The profile options is defaulted to No when Purchasing H is installed. Upon installation of Inventory H the profile option is automatically set to yes. The profile option is updateable at site level. You should update it manually only if the automatic changes fails to occur.

INV:Maximum Number of Quantity Trees Indicates the maximum number of memory data structures that will be used to capture on-hand quantity information. Inventory predefines a value of 500 for this profile option upon installation. This profile is updateable at the Site level.

INV:Product Family Item Template Indicates the template to be applied when you define a product family item.Inventory predefines a value of Product Family for this profile option upon installation. This profile is updateable at all System Administrator levels.

INV:CCEOI Commit Point Indicates whether you want to commit the cycle count entries open interface records into the database. This profile is updateable at all levels.

INV:CCEOI Workers Indicates the number of workers to be processed when running the cycle count entries open interface. This profile is updateable at the site level.

INV:Override Neg for Back ush Indicates whether backflush transactions can drive the inventory negative even if the inventory organization parameter Allow Negative Balances is unchecked. Inventory predefines a value of Yes for this profile option upon installation. A value of No does not allow backflush transactions to drive on-hand inventory negative even when the inventory organization parameter Allow Negative Balances is unchecked. i. This profile is updateable at all levels.

INV: Quantity Tree Timeout for Lock When an item is pick released the quantity tree for that item is locked so no other processes can allocate the same item. If the quantity tree is locked by a different pick release batch, pick release waits until the lock is released. This profile determines how long the pick release process waits for the lock to be released. Once the time indicate is exceeded, the pick release batch errors out. This avoids deadlocks during the

pick release process. This profile is updateable at the site level only.

INV:Purchasing by Revision This profile determines the purchasing interfaces tables that are populated with revision information from Oracle Inventory. If you set the profile to Yes, the revision information passes to the purchasing interface tables whenever you create a requisition in Inventory. If you set the profile to No, it creates the requisition without revision information. This profile is updateable at all levels.

INV:Debug Trace This profile specifies if Inventory and WMS transaction activities are logged to a debug file. You set the value to Yes to enable logging. You set the value to No to disable logging. This profile is updateable at all levels.

INV:Debug File (Including the complete path) This is the path and filename of the file where Oracle Inventory writes debug messages. You must configure the directory in the database within the v$parameter list for utl_file_dir. If you set the INV:Debug Trace profile to Yes, Oracle Inventory attempts to update this file with debug messages. It is critical that you grant read/write access to the specified file. If Oracle Inventory cannot write to this file, transactions may fail. This profile is updateable at all levels.

INV:Detect Truncation on UOM Conversion This profile is not used in any Inventory procedures. It is used to provide uniform decimal precision across Oracle applications. A transacted item quantity is converted from the transacted unit of measure to the primary unit of measure. If this profile is set to 1, the whole number will have less than 10 digits in the primary unit of measure, and the fractional portion of the number will have less than nine digits. This profile is updateable at the Site level.

INV:FIFO for Original Receipt Date This profile is used to control how the system tracks receipt dates for on-hand records. A value of Yes indicates that the on-hand record from a material transfer should retain the original receipt date. A value of No indicates the receipt date of on-hand records created from material transfers should be reset to the transfer date. This profile option is relevant if any inventory allocation rules use Receipt Date. Inventory

redefines a value of No for this profile option upon installation. This profile is updateable at all levels.

INV: MGD Maximum Number of Workers Permitted This option is used for item attribute copy. This feature allows you to select a subset of an items attributes to be mass copied to a number of items. The form submits a concurrent request. The profile determines the maximum number of calls to item import that is processed to fulfill the copy request.

INV:Debug Level Determines the amount of detail printed to the Oracle Inventory debugging log file. Level 10 is the highest level of logging supported. This profile is updateable at all levels.

INV:Item Form Folder Category Set If the profile has an assigned value, the Master Items form Folder tab displays an editable Category field. When you save an item, it is assigned to a category set defined in the profile options. The default value is Null This profile is updateable at all levels.

INV: Move Order Fill & Kill This profile option enables you to close a partially allocated and transacted replenishment move order line. Available values are: No Does not allow cancelling of replenishment move order lines. Yes Allows cancelling of move order lines. The default value is No. This profile option is updateable at the Site level.

Multiple Serials Per Delivery Detail This profile determines the current patch level of Order Management on the instance. You cannot edit this profile option. It updates automatically when you apply a patch. Inventory uses this profile option to determine if serial numbers can be passed to Shipping in ranges or if they must be passed individually.

INV: Component Pick Batch Size Determines the number of move orders lines allocated in one commit cycle for WIP component pick move orders.

INV: Pick Slip Batch Size

Determines the number of move order lines allocated during one commit cycle for replenishment move orders, and move order requisitions.

INV: Item Default Tab This profile option enables you to choose the default folder that appears when you launch the master items window. If you do not set this attribute at the user level, the system derives the value from the responsibility and so forth. Available values are: Attributes Displays the items attribute tab by default. Folder Displays the folder tab by default. This profile is updateable at all levels.

INV: Item Master Default Template This profile option enables you to set a default template for all items you create. There will be a radio group called Copy From, with Template and Item as the radio choices. An editable field will display the current setting. To change the current setting, you simply change this field using the appropriate LOVs. No button is necessary here. By default, template will be selected. The default template can be set to null or a valid value. This default template will be applied to all the new items that are defined during this session. The default template will be defaulted from the value of the profile option

INV: Replenishment Move Order Grouping This profile option enables you to create only one move order header per request, with each item having its own item. MinMax has been enhanced to permit the optional execution for all subinventories or for a group of subinventories. Available values are: Organization The organization for which to run the report. Destination Subinventory The subinventory for which to run the report.

INV: Cross Reference Type This profile option communicates to the receiving pages of the Mobile device to use assignments for this particular cross-reference type to validate the items while performing a receipt. This profile is updateable only at site level.

INV: Max # of Txn Purge Processes This is the maximum number of processes that will be purged. One worker will be started for each accounting period in the date range specified for the purge. However, if there are more accounting

periods, than worked allowed by this profile option, then the number of workers will be determined by the ceiling of accounting periods to purge divided by this value. When more workers run in parallel, the purge process can be completed faster, but that also means more system resources are dedicated to purging transactions and thus are not available for other system activities. You would typically set this value to no more than 20, but may set it smaller based on your system resources.

INV: GTIN Cross Reference Type This Profile option enables you to perform lookups of your GTIN item cross reference. This profile is updateable only at site level.

INV: Fill Kanban on Partial Move Order Receipt This profile option determines whether or not a kanban card can be considered filled if the move order created to fill it was only partially transacted. If the card requested 10 and the move order only picked 7, if you set this profile option to yes, it considers the card full. This profile is updateable only at site level.

INV: Consigned Inventory Aging Enabled This profile option is used to find out if the consigned inventory aging feature is present. This profile is updateable only at site level.

INV: Supplier Consigned Enabled This profile option is used to find if the consigned inventory feature is present. This profile is updateable only at site level.

INV: View Item Category People This profile option enables you to show only current organization employees in the People LOV of the Category Grants window. This profile is updateable at all levels. The available values are: All All Employees listed in the system. My Employees Current organization employees.

INV: Item Form Uses Master Set of Folders in the Org Items Form This profile option determines if the Organization Items window uses the same set of folders as the Master I tems window. - This profile is updateable at the user level only. The available value are Yes Uses the same set of folders as the Master Items window.

No Stores a separate set of folders for the Organization Items window.

INV: Batch Size Indicates the number of order/delivery lines that will be placed in a single transaction_batch_id for Interfacing of records when Inventory Transaction Manager makes calls to Shipping API. The transaction_batch_id is used when Inventory Interface is deferred by the Shipping profile "WSH: Defer Inventory Process Online". This profile can hold any positive whole number. Order Management Profile Definitions

OM: Administer Public Queries This profile option defines which responsibility could create and update public queries.

OM: Allow Negative Pricing This profile option defines if you can have a negative list price or selling price.

OM: Apply Automatic Attachments This profile option defines if rule-based attachments are applied with no user intervention.

OM: Auto Push Group Date This profile option controls scheduling when a new line is inserted into an existing set. If the new line cannot be scheduled on the same date as the rest of the set, this profile is used. If the profile is set to Yes, the entire set will be automatically rescheduled. If the profile is set to No, an error will occur. You can change the dates or quantities to make scheduling succeed. This profile option can be overridden for a parameter specific to customers or customer sites by setting a value in the Customer window. The default is Null that is equivalent to No.

OM: Auto schedule This profile option defines the default setting of the use of autoscheduling. When set to Yes Order lines

are scheduled automatically at the time of entry. If set to No, Order lines are not scheduled automatically at the time of entry.

OM: Charging Privilege This profile option controls your ability to manually apply freight and special charges on an order or order line. Choices from: Full Access - You can modify and apply charges, but you cannot modify non-overridable charges. View Only Access - You can only view charges. Unlimited Access -You can modify and apply all charges including the non-overridable charges.

OM: Context Responsibility for Upgraded Orders This profile option is used to set applications context for deferred activities on upgraded orders and order lines.

OM: Credit Card Privileges This profile option limits the amount of credit card information displayed in the Sales Orders window and limits who can perform manual or on-line authorizations. The authorization code and credit card number fields displays only the last four digits if the profile option is set to None or Limited. On-line and manual authorizations are allowed if this profile option is set to All or Limited. Choose from All, Limited, or None.

OM: Credit Memo Transaction Type This profile option value is transferred to Receivables if no value is defined for the credit memo transaction type.

OM: Cust Item Shows Matches This profile option defines whether Order Management defaults the Item with the highest ranking item or

shows the list of all the matched Internal item numbers when a customer item number is used and that customer item is cross referenced to more than one internal item.

OM: Customer Relationships This profile option defines whether Order Management honors customer relationships when entering billto and shipto locations for a customer on an order. (This profile option is currently used only in Order Management, and is not valid for any other Oracle Applications.) Order Management honors customer relationships for agreements and commitments regardless of this profile options setting.

OM: Debug Level This profile option defines the level of debug messages printed in a log file. Level 3 prints all debug messages, whereas Level 4 only prints a limited amount of debug messages.

OM: Discounting Privilege This profile option provides the choice of controlling users ability to apply discounts on an order or order line. Full - Ability to apply any valid discount against an order or order line, as long as the order type of the order does not enforce list prices. (Default value). Non-Over ridable Only - Ability to apply only non-overridable discounts against an order or order line. Unlimited - Ability to apply any valid discount against any order or order line, regardless of whether the order type of the order enforces list prices.

OM: Estimated Authorization Validity Period This profile option defines the estimated number of days a credit card authorization is assumed to be valid. The default value is 21 days.

OM: GSA Discount Violation Action This profile option defines how you want the user notified when you define a discount that results in an item price less than the price on a GSA discount for the same price list.

OM: Included Item Freeze Method This profile option defines the point in the orders status at which the included items from a configurations bill of material are added as lines on the order.

OM: Inventory Stock Location This profile option defines the structure of the Oracle Inventory Stock Locator Flexfield used by Order Management in the Release Sales Orders For Picking and Shipping Transactions windows. This structure should be the same as the structure defined in Oracle Inventory. This profile option must be set for the Shipping Transactions window, and the Update Shipping Information program, to function properly.

OM: Invoice Numbering Method This profile option defines whether or not the Invoicing activity generates invoice numbers based on the delivery name.

OM: Invoice Source This profile option value is transferred to Receivables if the value is null for your transaction type.

OM: Invoice Transaction Type This profile option value is transferred to Receivables if no value is defined for the transaction type.

OM: Item Flexfield This profile option defines the structure of the Item Flexfield (System Items) used by Order Management.

This structure should be the same across all applications in the same database.

OM: Non-Delivery Invoice Source This profile option value is transferred to Receivables if the OM: Invoice Numbering Method profile option is set to Delivery and the line is non-shippable.

OM: Orders Purge Per Commit This profile option defines how many orders the purge process should purge before performing a commit.

OM: Over Return Tolerance This profile option indicates the percentage by which a return line can be over-received. Any value greater than or equal to zero (0) is a valid value. This profile option is set at the site level. Default value is zero (0).

OM: Over Shipment Invoice Basis This profile option defines whether to invoice the ordered quantity or the shipped quantity for an over shipment. This profile option can be overridden for the parameter specific to customers or customer sites by setting a value in the Customer window. Default value is Shipped.

OM: Over Shipment Tolerance This profile option indicates the percentage by which an order line can be over-shipped. Any value greater than or equal to zero (0) is a valid value. This profile option is set at the site level. Default value is zero (0).

OM: Payment Method for Credit Card Transactions This profile option is used by the credit card authorization process as default for the primary payment method if a specific customer does not have one.

OM: Reservation Time Fence This profile option controls automatic reservations during scheduling. The profile option represents the number of days into the future that scheduling will reserve. The default value is Null which means that scheduling will not automatically reserve. This profile option is used during auto scheduling and also by the scheduling workflow activity and concurrent program to perform reservations.

OM: Return Unfulfilled Referenced Line Action This profile option is used for returns to control return of unfulfilled lines. Default value is Allow. Choices from: Reject - Do not create return line if the reference line is non-fulfilled. Warning - Create return line with Warning if the referenced line is non-fulfilled. Allow - Create return line without Warning if the referenced line is non-fulfilled.

OM: Return Item Mismatch Action This profile option controls what should occur if you try to change the item ID of a referenced return line. Choose from: Reject - Line processing is halted with an error message. Warning - Line processing is continued with a warning. Allow - Line processing continues with no warning or error. Default value is Allow.

OM: Risk Factor Threshold for Electronic Payments This profile option sets a threshold for determining whether a credit card authorization qualifies as a high risk. Scores can range from 1 to 100, referring to a risk free authorization and 100 referring to a high risk authorization. If the score for a transaction exceeds this threshold, Order Management will put the order on a High Risk Hold. The default value is a score of 50.

OM: Schedule Line on Hold This profile option controls whether scheduling will attempt to schedule lines that are on hold. The default value is Null, which is the equivalent to Yes.

OM: Show Discount Details on Invoice This profile option defines whether the discount details are passed to Oracle Receivables for printing on an invoice. Default value is No.

OM: Show Line Details This profile option defines whether the line details of a model are displayed in the Sales Orders window. You can also toggle the display of line details using the Tools menu from the Sales Orders window.

OM: Source Code This profile option identifies the source code that Order Management passes to Oracle Inventory during scheduling. The source code should be defined as the third segment of the Sales Order Flexfield to guarantee that each transaction is unique.

OM: Under Return Tolerance This profile option indicates the percentage by which a return line can be under-received for it to be considered fulfilled. Any value between zero (0) and 100 (both inclusive) is a valid value. This profile option is set at the site level. Default value is zero (0).

OM: Under Shipment Tolerance This profile option indicates the percentage by which an order line can be under-shipped for it to be considered fulfilled. Any value between zero (0) and 100 (both inclusive) is a valid value. This profile option can be

set only at the site level. Default value is zero (0).

OM: Unit Price Precision Type This profile option controls the display of Unit Selling Price field for sales order lines only. Select from: Standard: You will see at least two decimal places, up to a total of 20 decimal places. Extended: You see at least five decimal places, up to a total of 20 decimal places. The QP: Unit Price Precision profile controls how many decimal points you can use on a Price List for a rounding factor.

OE: Validate Option Line Item This profile option controls whether customer enabled items are visible in the Options window. The default is Yes and it can be set at the Site or Application level. This will be a non-seeded profile option.

OM: Validate Standard Line Item This profile option controls whether customer enabled items are visible on the Sales Order line. The default is Yes and it can be set at the Site or Application level. This will be a non-seeded profile option.

OM: View Cancel Lines This profile option controls the default value of the Cancel check box when sorting sales order lines within the Sales Order Lines Tab, Sort window. The default value is Yes. Select from: Yes: The Cancel check box will be automatically selected when sorting sales order lines within the Sales Order Lines Tab, Sort window. Cancelled order lines will not be displayed once the sort completes. No: The Cancel check box will not be selected when sorting sales order lines within the Sales Order window, Lines Tab sort window. Cancelled order lines will be displayed once the sort completes if you do not manually select the check box.

OM: View Closed Lines This profile option controls the default value of the Closed check box when sorting sales order lines within the Sales Order Lines Tab, Sort window. The default value is Yes. Select from: Yes: The Closed check box will be automatically selected when sorting sales order lines within the Sales Order Lines Tab, Sort window. Closed order lines will not be displayed once the sort completes.

No: The Closed check box will not be selected when sorting sales order lines within the Sales Order window, Lines Tab sort window. Closed order lines will be displayed once the sort completes if you do not manually select the check box.

OM: View Pricing/Availability Information in Related Items This profile option controls the amount of information shown in the Related Items and Manual Substitutions window. The available options are: Pricing only, Availability only. Pricing and Availability, and None.

OKC: Enable Sales Contracts In order to leverage the functionality of Sales Contracts with Order Management, Sales Contracts must be installed and this profile must be set to YES. This profile can be set at the Application or Site levels.

QP: High Volume Order Processing Compliance The value is set programatically, and cannot be updated by users. If No, the pricing setup uses modifiers that will prevent using the 11i10 optimized pricing code path. If Yes, the pricing setup is suitable for 11i10 HVOP optimized pricing code. However, you should ensure that custom sourcing rules do not directly access G_HDR or G_LINE. If they do, modify the custom sourcing rules so that directly accessed fields are passed as parameters.

Tax: Inventory Item for Freight This profile option is used only when the freight item is passed as revenue line. If you set the value of this profile option to Inventory Item then the Invoicing module passes this item for freight charges, which will be treated as revenue lines. This profile option can only be set at the Application or Site level.

Tax: Invoice Freight as Revenue If the Receivables profile option TAX: Allow Tax Code Override is set to YES, and profile option TAX: Invoice Freight as Revenue is set to YES, then freight charges are treated as revenue lines, and the Invoicing module will pass VAT tax and associated sales credits for processing.

MRP Profile Definitions

MRP:ATP Assignment Set Indicates the name of the assignment set to use for Supply Chain ATP.

MRP:Calculate Excess Exceptions on Time Fence Indicates whether to calculate excess exceptions at the time fence, instead of up to the time fence. This profile has a predefined value of No upon installation.

MRP:Calculate Suggested Repetitive Schedules Indicates whether to calculate and use suggested repetitive schedules to perform forecast consumption. Available values are listed below: Calculate and use suggested repetitive schedule information. Do not calculate and use suggested repetitive schedule information. Yes No

MRP:Compute Sales Order Changes Indicates whether to calculate and use sales order demand to perform forecast consumption and track sales order information. Available values are listed below : Calculate and use sales order information. Do not calculate and use sales order information. Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP predefines a value of Yes for this profile for the site upon installation. You may set this value to No if you wish to disable forecast consumption and sales order tracking in Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP permanently. This profile has a predefined value of Yes for this profile for the site upon installation.

MRP:Consume Forecast Set Summary Indicates whether to enable or temporarily disable forecast set consumption. Forecast set consumption is the process that replaces forecasted set demand with actual demand and is handled by the Planning Manager process. Available values are listed below: Enable forecast set consumption. Update the forecast set when you place sales order demand. Disable forecast set consumption. Do not update the forecast set when you place sales order demand.

MRP:Consume Forecast

Indicates whether to enable or temporarily disable forecast consumption. Forecast consumption is the process that replaces forecasted demand with actual demand and is handled by the Planning Manager process. Available values are listed below: Enable forecast consumption. Update the forecast set when you place sales order demand. Disable forecast consumption. Do not update the forecast set when you place sales order demand. The planning manager verifies the setting of this option before performing forecast consumption. If it is set to No, the planning manager does not update forecast entries. The planning manager processes any sales order demand occurring while this profile is set to No when you set the profile option back to Yes. This profile has a predefined value of Yes upon installation.

MRP:Consume MDS Indicates whether to enable or temporarily disable shipment relief of a master demand schedule. Available values are listed below: Enable shipment relief. Disable shipment relief. The planning manager verifies the setting of this option before performing shipment relief. If it is set to No, the planning manager does not update MDS entries. The planning manager processes any sales order shipments occurring while this profile is set to No when you set the profile option back to Yes. This profile has a predefined value of Yes upon installation.

MRP:Consume MPS Indicates whether to enable or temporarily disable production relief of a master production schedule. Available values are listed below: Enable production relief. Disable production relief. The planning manager verifies the setting of this option before performing production relief. If it is set to No, the planning manager does not update MPS entries. The planning manager processes any purchase requisitions and discrete jobs occurring while this profile is set to No when you set the profile option back to Yes. This profile has a predefined value of Yes upon installation.

MRP:Cutoff Date Offset Months

Specifies the number of months from today to default the cutoff date for all forecasting, scheduling and planning forms. Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP loads the forecast, master scheduling, and material requirement entries from the current date up to and including this date.

MRP:Debug Mode Indicates whether to enable debug messages within Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP. Available values are listed below: Enable debug messages. Do not enable debug messages. This profile has a predefined value of No upon installation.

MRP:Default DRP Plan Name Specifies the DRP plan name that defaults when navigating to the Plan Options window, Plan Status window, or the Planner Workbench.

MRP:Default Forecast Date Indicates whether to default the forecast date to the next valid day/week/period in the Enter Forecast Entries window. Available values are listed below: Default the forecast date to the next valid day/week/period in the Enter Forecast Entries form. Do not default the forecast date to the next valid day/week/period in the Enter Forecast Entries form. This profile has a predefined value of Yes upon installation.

MRP:Default Forecast Name Specifies the forecast name that defaults when navigating to any of the forecasting forms.

MRP:Default Plan Name Specifies the MRP or MPS plan name that defaults when navigating to any of the planning forms.

MRP:Default Schedule Name Specifies the schedule name that defaults when navigating to any of the scheduling forms.

MRP:Default Sourcing Assignment Set Determines the sourcing assignment set that Oracle Purchasing uses to assign sources to requisitions.

MRP:Demand Time Fence Days Indicates the number of time fence days for forecast set consumption and MDS (sales order) load.

MRP: Environment Variable to Set Path for MRP Files Specifies the appropriate path for the MRP files. If this profile is not used, the files are written to $MRP_TOP/$APPLOUT. This profile contains no pathname following the installation.

MRP:Firm Planned Order Time Fence Indicates whether to form natural time fences for your MRP firm planned orders when launching the planning process. A MRP firm planned order is an order that is frozen in quantity and time (unavailable for rescheduling). Available values are listed below: Form natural time fences for your MRP firm planned orders when launching the planning process. Do not form natural time fences for your MRP firm planned orders when launching the planning process. This profile has a predefined value of Yes upon installation.

MRP:Firm Requisitions within Time Fence Indicates whether to form natural time fences for your firm requisitions when launching the planning process. Available values are listed below: Form natural time fences for your MRP firm requisitions when launching the planning process. Do not form natural time fences for your MRP firm requisitions when launching the planning process.

MRP:Include Scheduled Receipts in Useup Calculation Enables the Memorybased Planning Engine to include scheduled receipts in calculating useup date. The scheduled receipts included will be Discrete Jobs, Approved Purchase Orders, Receipts, and Shipments. Purchase Requisitions and NonStandard Jobs will be excluded. This profile has a predefined value of No upon installation.

MRP:Interface Table History Days Indicates the number of days that Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP saves rows in the forecast, schedule,

and workbench temporary interface tables after they have been processed. This profile has a predefined value of 5 upon installation.

MRP:Maintain Original Schedule Version Indicates whether to maintain the original master schedule version. The original schedule version is the earliest copy of schedule dates and quantities, and often may not serve a useful purpose. This gives you the ability to disable the original schedule version if you do not intend to use it as part of your business procedures and do not want to contend with the additional overhead required by Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP to maintain it. If you change this profile option, you must start the concurrent manager and the planning manager so that the new setting of the profile option is detected. Available values are listed below: Maintain the original master schedule version. Do not maintain the original master schedule version. Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP predefines a value of No for this profile for the site upon installation. This profile has a predefined value of No upon installation.

MRP:MPS Relief Batch Size Indicates the batch size for production relief when relieving master production schedule entries.

MRP:MPS Relief Direction Indicates the direction in which the production relief takes place when relieving master production schedule entries. Available values are listed below: Oracle Master Scheduling relieves master production schedule entries backwards from the discrete job due date then forwards until it finds enough schedule quantity to relieve. Oracle Master Scheduling relieves master production schedule entries only forward from the discrete job due date until it finds enough schedule quantity to relieve. Attention: When you change any of these profile options you must restart the planning manager to activate the new profile option. Yes No Backward, then forward Forward only This profile has a predefined value of Backward, then forward upon installation. Note: The name of this profile option in Release 10 is MRP:Relief Directional Control.

MRP:Perform Planning Manager Functions in Loads Ensures that the forecast and master schedule load programs perform all planning manager functions: compute sales order changes, forecast consumption, and MDS relief. This profile has a predefined value of Yes upon installation.

MRP:Plan Revenue Discount Percent Specifies the average discount percent that is applied to all items in a plan. This value is a key performance indicator used to calculate performance in a plan for Business Intelligence reports. This profile can be a value between 0 and 100, decimal values are permitted.

MRP:Plan Revenue Price List Specifies the sales order price list that is applied to items in a plan. This value is used to calculate the plan margin key performance indicators for Business Intelligence reports.

MRP:Planning Manager Batch Size Indicates the batch size for the number of rows in a set that the planning manager processes. You use this profile option during a forecast and master schedule load to determine the number of rows to process in batch. Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP also uses this profile option during forecast consumption and master schedule relief to determine the number of items to process. A larger batch size is more efficient, because a process needs to make fewer database hits. For example, if there are 1000 rows or items to process, and you have set the profile to 100, the process needs to access the database 10 times to retrieve information on all 1000 rows or items. Setting the profile to 200 means that the process needs to access the database only 5 times. A smaller batch size means that the work may be divided across more workers. Using the example above, a value of 100 means that the Planning Manager could divide the work across 10 processes, while a value of 200 means that only 5 processes could operate simultaneously.

MRP:Planning Manager Max Workers Indicates the maximum number of workers to be launched by the planning manager. If there are many rows processing, the planning manager continues to spawn more workers, until all rows have been processed, or the number of Planning Manager Workers running or pending matches or exceeds the value of MRP:Planning Manager Workers. A larger value for this profile means that the Planning Manager can use more workers to process tasks. However, a larger value could also mean that the concurrent manager queue becomes filled with workers,

and other processes do not run. In general, do not define a value that exceeds the maximum number of concurrent programs that can run simultaneously. This profile has a predefined value of 10 upon installation.

MRP:Purchasing by Revision Indicates whether to pass on item revision to the purchase requisition.

MRP:Purge Batch Size Indicates the batch size for the number of rows that the planning purge process deletes between commits. The larger the number, the faster the purge processes performs. The lower the number, the smaller the rollback segments required. This profile has a predefined value of 25000 upon installation.

MRP:Requisition Load Group Option Indicates the group by option used when loading requisitions using the Planner Workbench form. Available values are listed below: Create one purchase requisition for all recommended orders. Create one purchase requisition for buyer. Within each requisition, create one line for each planned order for the buyer. Create one purchase requisition for each category of items. Within each requisition, create one line for each planned order for the category. Create one purchase requisition for each inventory item. Within each requisition, create one line for each planned order for the item. All on one Buyer Category Inventory item Create one purchase requisition for recommended order. Create one purchase requisition for each planner. Within each requisition, create one line for each planned order for the planner. Create one purchase requisition for each supplier. Within each requisition, create one line for each planned order for the supplier. This profile has a predefined value of supplier upon installation.

MRP:Retain Dates within Calendar Boundary Ensures that dates stay within the calendar boundary. This profile has a predefined value of Yes upon installation.

MRP:Snapshot Pause for Lock (Minutes) Indicates the number of minutes to pause execution of the Snapshot process while waiting to acquire locks on tables.

This profile has a predefined value of 5 upon installation.

MRP:Snapshot Workers Indicates the number of workers that are launched during the execution of the Snapshot process. A larger value means that more tasks are performed in parallel. Too many workers, however, can result in system degradation and diminishing performance benefits. In general, do not define a value for this profile that exceeds the maximum number of concurrent programs that can run simultaneously. This profile has a predefined value of 5 upon installation.

MRP:Sourcing Rule Category Set Indicates the category set used when Oracle Supply Chain Planning or Oracle Purchasing creates sourcing assignments at categoryorg or category level.

MRP:Time Fence Warning Indicates whether to receive a warning if you modify a master production schedule within the planning time fence or master demand schedule within the demand time fence. Available values are listed below: One each Planner Supplier Receive a warning modify a master production schedule within the planning time fence or master demand schedule within the demand time fence. Do not receive a warning if you modify a master schedule within the planning or demand time fence. This profile has a predefined value of Yes upon installation.

MRP:Trace Mode Indicates whether to enable the trace option within Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP and Supply Chain Planning. Available values are listed below: Enable the trace option within Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP and Supply Chain Planning. Do not enable the trace option within Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP and Supply Chain Planning. This profile has a predefined value of No upon installation.

MRP:Use Direct Load Option Enables the Loader Worker to use the direct load option instead of conventional loads. This profile has a predefined value of No upon installation. You can update this profile at all levels.

MRP:Use Ship Arrived Flag Indicates how to treat sales orders shipped to customers. You can automatically treat sales orders as arrived at a customer site after the intransit lead time has expired, or you can manually update the ARRIVED_FLAG in SO_PICKING_HEADERS. This profile is used by the Memorybased Planning Engine when a customer is modelled as an organization. This profile has a predefined value of No upon installation. Available values are listed below: Use arrived flag in SO_PICKING_HEADERS. Use intransit time between source and the destination organizations.

Purchasing Profile Options Descriptions

MRP: Default Sourcing Assignment Set This profile option indicates which sourcing rules assignment set will be used in Purchasing and Supplier Scheduling. Planning allows you to use multiple Assignment Sets, but Purchasing looks at only a single Assignment Setthe one that is specified in this profile option. the Assignment Set name you should specify when you assign sourcing rules in the Sourcing Rule/Bill of Distribution Assignments window. This profile option must be set if you are using sourcing rules in Purchasing.

MRP: Sourcing Rule Category Set If you are using sourcing rules in Purchasing, this profile needs to be set to the name of the default category set used by Purchasing as indicated in the Default Category Sets window. Otherwise, you will not be able to display Category and CategoryOrganization assignments in the Sourcing Rule / Bill of Distribution Assignments window.

PO: Allow Autogenerate Sourcing Rules Create Only indicates whether the buyer can create new sourcing rules, sourcing assignments, and approved supplier list entries while approving a blanket purchase agreement. Create and Update enables the buyer to update sourcing rules and assignments as well as create new sourcing rules. The default is None.

PO: Allow Autocreation of Oracle Sourcing Documents

Yes or No indicates whether the buyer can create Oracle Sourcing documents from the AutoCreate window. The default is No.

PO: Allow Buyer Override in AutoCreate Find Yes or No indicates whether the suggested buyer (from the Enter Person window) defaulted into the Find Requisition Lines window can be cleared or overridden. The default is Yes.

PO: Allow Category Override in AutoCreate Find Yes or No indicates whether the category (from the Buyers window) defaulted into the Find Requisition Lines window can be cleared or overridden.

PO: Allow Rate Override for User Rate Type Yes or No indicates whether the Rate in the Currency tabbed region of the Receipts window can be changed. Even if the Rate Type is User, you cannot change the Rate if this profile option is set to No. This profile option affects the Rate on the receipt only, not in the Currency window of a purchase order, RFQ, or quotation. (In the Currency window, you can modify the Rate if the Rate Type is User.)

PO: Allow Requisition Approval Forward Action Yes indicates that the Forward and the Approve and Forward actions are active in a requisition approval notification.

PO: Allow Retroactive Pricing of POs Used to determine if blanket releases and standard purchase orders can be mass updated with retroactive price change(s) entered on their corresponding blanket agreement. _ Never: If this profile is not set or is set to Never, the Apply Retroactive Price Update to Existing PO/Releases checkbox will be disabled in the Blanket Agreement Approval window and the Mass Update Price on Open Releases concurrent program will not update any blanket releases or global agreement sourced standard purchase orders. _ Open Releases Only: The Mass Update Price on Open Releases concurrent program will only process releases which have no receipts (if accruing at time of receipt) or invoices matched to them. _ All Releases: Perform retroactive pricing on all releases (including those which have accrued receipts or invoices), if the archive mode for that operating unit is set to Approve.

PO: Amount Billed Threshold Percentage Oracle Services Procurement: Indicates the amount above which the amount billed exceeded threshold notification will be sent to the requester.

PO: Archive Catalog on Approval Yes or No indicates whether Purchasing archives blanket purchase agreements in a price/sales catalog submission upon approval. You need to consider this profile option only if you receive price/sales catalog submissions from your suppliers through the Purchasing Documents Open Interface. This profile option comes into effect only if Archive on Approval is chosen in the Document Types window in Purchasing and you import the documents with a status of Approved; if you then choose No for this profile option, Purchasing does not archive the price/sales catalog agreements. Note: If a document update is pending review in the Exceeded Price Tolerances window, the revision of that document is not updated until you accept all line updates.

PO: AutoCreate GL Date Option Indicates the date used on purchase orders generated by AutoCreate: The autocreate date is used as the purchase order date.The GL date on the requisition distribution is used as the purchase order date.

PO: Automatic Document Sourcing Yes means that Oracle Purchasing automatically defaults source document and pricing information for an item from the most recently created purchase agreement or quotation. No means that this source document information comes from the Approved Supplier List window, where you must specify which source documents to use. Note that if an item on a requisition is associated with both a blanket purchase agreement and a quotation, Oracle Purchasing may use the blanket purchase agreement even if the quotation was created more recently (depending on your sourcing settings).

PO: Automatically Deliver Drop Ship ASNs Yes indicates that you want Oracle Purchasing to automatically perform a receipt and deliver action for drop ship ASNs.

PO: Change Supplier Site

Yes or No indicates whether users can change the supplier site on approved purchase orders.

PO: Check Open Periods Yes indicates that the need by date and the promise by date must be in an open Purchasing period when entering purchase orders. Any other setting provides no validation against Purchasing periods.

PO: Contractor Assignment Completion Warning Delay Oracle Services Procurement: Yes indicates that the contractor assignment completion notification is sent to the requester when the assignment is complete.

PO: Contracts Enabled Oracle Procurement Contracts: Yes indicates that Oracle Procurement Contracts is installed, implemented, and active in Oracle Purchasing.

PO: Convert Requisition UOM to Source Doc UOM During Release Creation A Null setting (default value) indicates that the functionality continues as in the past (AutoCreate of releases from a requisition will fail with different UOMs, but the Create Releases concurrent program will convert UOMs and create a release). If set to Yes, users can create requisitions in a different UOM from the UOM on the blanket agreement line and the conversion will be done by Purchasing when the release is created. No means the UOM on the requisition must match the UOM on the blanket purchase agreement for a release to be created by any process.

PO: Custom Measure Precedence This profile is used by Oracle Purchasing Intelligence. It determines the survey matching precedence.

PO: Default NeedBy Time Indicates the time used to default for the entry of needby date when a requisition, purchase order, or release is created.

PO: Default PO Promise Date from Need By date Yes indicates that the promise date is defaulted from the requisition needby date when a purchase order or release is automatically created.

PO: Default Supplier Item Catalog Option Indicates the default source tabbed region in the supplier item catalog: Negotiated Sources, Prior Purchases, Sourcing Rules, or Requisition Templates.

PO: Display AutoCreated Quotation Controls the viewing of an autocreated quotation.

PO: Display the Autocreated Document Obsolete.

PO: Display VMI Warning Yes or No indicates whether a warning will be displayed when Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) item is being placed on a Purchasing document. Default is Yes, the warning will be displayed.

PO: Enable Direct Delivery to Shop Floor If Enterprise Asset Management has been implemented and this profile is set to Yes, Outside Services items can be delivered directly to the shop floor.

PO: Enable Services Procurement Oracle Services Procurement: Yes indicates that Services Procurement is installed, implemented, and active in Oracle Purchasing.

PO: Enable Sql Trace for Receiving Processor Yes means that when you run the Receiving Transaction Processor to import data from another system using the Receiving Open Interface, the View Log screen displays the receiving transaction pre processors actions, including errors, as it processed the receipt data from start to finish. (The profile option RCV: Processing Mode must also be set to Immediate or Batch for the Yes option to work.) Yes also generates a database trace file; if you need help with an error that occurs while the Receiving Transaction Processor runs, Oracle Support Services may ask you for this trace file. This profile option should be set to Yes only while debugging the Receiving Open Interface or for generating a trace file. The Receiving Open Interface validates receipt transactions from other systems and uses the Receiving Transaction Processor to import the validated data into Purchasing.

PO: ERS Aging Period The value in this profile option indicates the number of days between the receipt date and the Payment on Receipt automatic invoice creation date. For example, a value of 2 means that Payment on Receipt creates invoices only for receipts that are 2 or more days old. Any corrections or returns you make against a receipt during that 2day period are included on the Payment on Receipt invoice.

PO: ERS Invoice Number Prefix ERS is the prefix that appears before all invoices that you create automatically using Payment on Receipt. This profile option allows you to change this prefix. For example, shortening this prefix allows extra spaces for longer packing slip or receipt numbers.

PO: Fax Output Directory for the PO Document The operating system directory name where the document publisher will store the generated purchase order PDF file for faxing.

PO: Generate Amendment Documents Oracle Procurement Contracts: Yes indicates that amendment documents are automatically generated and included with the purchase order PDF. The purchase order PDF cover page displays a summary of changes.

PO: In File Path For emailed purchase orders this indicates the absolute path of the directory where the optional terms and conditions file is stored. This directory must also be specified in the UTL_FILE parameter in the INIT.ORA file.

PO: Item Cross Reference Warning Indicates the Item Cross Reference Type that you want to use as a disposition warning message for requisitions.

PO: Legal Requisition Type Indicates whether users can enter internal requisitions sourced from stock by means of an internal sales order, purchase requisitions sourced from a purchase order, or both types. Available values are Both,

Internal, and Purchase.

PO: Notification Lines Display Limit Indicates the number of purchase order, release, or requisition lines to be displayed in approval notifications. Oracle recommends a maximum of 30 lines.

PO: Override Approved Supplier List Status If you have upgraded from a previous release, you will see this profile option in the application, but the profile option is no longer used. PO: Override Funds Reservation Indicates whether the GL Funds Override capability should be utilized. If set to Yes and the Oracle General Ledger (GL) setup allows it, absolute funds checking will succeed even if funds are exceeded, up to the amount limit defined for a given account. This profile determines the default value for funds reservation in the Approval window and the behavior for funds reservation in Oracle Purchasing workflows.

PO: Price Tolerance (%) for Catalog Updates A value in this profile option specifies the maximum percentage increase allowed to an items price when your supplier sends updated price/sales catalog information through the Purchasing Documents Open Interface. This profile option affects only blanket purchase agreements and catalog quotations imported through the Purchasing Documents Open Interface. If the tolerance is exceeded, the buyer receives a notification and can accept or reject the price increase in the Exceeded Price Tolerances window. This profile option is used only if price tolerances are not already defined at lower levels, in the purchase agreement Terms and Conditions window or the SupplierItem Attributes window.

PO: Release During ReqImport Yes or No indicates whether Purchasing can automatically create releases during the Requisition Import process.

PO: Restrict Requisition line modify to quantity split Yes or No indicates whether Purchasing restricts requisition line modify in AutoCreate to only splitting the quantity of a line. No means that the standard AutoCreate requisition line modify logic applies.

PO: Secondary Email Address When using email purchase orders (PO), enter an email address to send a copy of the email PO to someone in your company. If it is necessary to resend the email, you could log into this secondary e mail account and resend it from there.

PO: Set Debug Concurrent ON This profile option is used, usually by technical support staff only, for finding problems with Requisition Import. The default value is No. The user can view and update this profile option. It can also be updated at the user, responsibility, application, and site levels. Caution: For performance reasons, it is very important that this profile option always be set to No, unless you are instructed otherwise by Oracle Corporation for debugging purposes.

PO: Set Debug Workflow ON This profile option is used, usually by technical support staff only, for finding problems with Purchasing workflow processes. The default value is No. The user can view and update this profile option. It can also be updated at the user, responsibility, application, and site levels. Caution: For performance reasons, it is very important that this profile option always be set to No, unless you are instructed otherwise by Oracle Corporation for debugging purposes.

PO: Supplier Pricing Method If you have upgraded from a previous release, you will see this profile option in the application, but the profile option is no longer used.

PO: Terms and Conditions File Name For emailed purchase orders this profile identifies the name of the optional terms and conditions file. This text file needs to be placed in one of the directories specified in the UTL_FILE parameter in the INIT.ORA file and the file path indicated by the profile PO: In File Path.

PO: UOM Class for Temp Labor Services Oracle Services Procurement: For a rate based temp labor line type, entry of unit of measure (UOM) is restricted to those in this UOM class.

PO: Use Document GL date to Unreserve Yes or No indicates whether the GL date of the document is used for encumbrance reversal actions that do not support entry of a GL date (Reject/Return) and as a default for actions that do allow entry of a date (Cancel/Final Close/Unreserve).

PO: Use Needby Date for Default Autocreate grouping Yes indicates that the needby date on the requisition is included with the defaults to group requisition lines.

PO: Use PCards in Purchasing Set this profile option to Yes if you use procurement cardalso known as PCard or corporate credit cardnumbers on requisitions in iProcurement. Set this profile option to Yes to display the procurement card number in the Purchase Orders, Releases, and Purchase Order Headers summary windows. Set this profile option to No if you do not have iProcurement installed or do not want to display the procurement card field to buyers. Purchasing windows can physically display the procurement card field even if iProcurement is not installed and procurement cards arent used. Therefore, set this profile option to No if you are not using procurement cards.

PO: Use Requisition Line Numbers on Autocreated Purchase Order Lines Yes indicates that the requisition line numbers are used on autocreated purchase order lines. Note that this only applies when creating a new purchase order.

PO: Use Shipto for Default Autocreate grouping Yes indicates that the shipto organization and location on the requisition is included with the defaults to group requisition lines.

PO: VMI Enabled Oracle Vendor Managed Inventory: Yes or No indicates whether Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) is enabled in Oracle Purchasing.

PO: Warn if RFQ Required before AutoCreate Yes or No indicates whether you are given a warning message and an opportunity to cancel autocreate if

one or more of the requisition lines selected for inclusion requires an RFQ and has not been placed on an RFQ. If you use the PO Create Documents workflow to create purchase orders automatically from approved requisition lines, note that setting this profile option to Yes can affect the workflow. If it is set to Yes and the requisition line is not on an RFQ (but RFQ Required is checked for the requisition line), the workflow stops automatic document creation because it is unable to issue the warning. (The requisition line will still be available in the AutoCreate Documents window.) Even if an RFQ is required for the requisition line, as long as this profile option is set to No, the workflow will continue creating the document.

PO: Workflow Processing Mode Affects the performance of the Purchasing approval workflow processes:

Online :-Completes an entire approval workflow process before letting you proceed to the next activity, but provides you with an updated Status (for purchase orders) as soon as it finishes. Background : Enables you to proceed to the next activity while the approval process completes in the background. Whichever option you choose, you can always view the current status of a requisition or purchase order through the Requisitions Summary or Purchase Orders Summary windows. The default value is Background. Note: When this profile option is set to Background, you must start the Workflow Background Engine, which you access through the System Administrator responsibility. It is recommended that you set this process to run frequently, if you are using it for Background mode approvals.

PO: Write Server Output to File Yes or No indicates whether log details are written to a flat file rather than to the standard concurrent manager details log viewable through the View Log button in the Submit Request window when running the Purchasing Documents Open Interface program. Yes means log details are written to a flat file. No means log details are written to the concurrent manager log screen, which can cause overflow problems for large catalogs. Leaving this profile option blank means log details are not written at all, which improves performance. You need to consider a value for this profile option only when debugging a price/sales catalog submission from your supplier through the Purchasing Documents Open Interface.

RCV: Allow routing override Yes or No indicates whether the destination type assigned during requisition or purchase order entry can be overridden at receipt time.

RCV: Debug Mode If set to Yes, and RCV: Processing Mode set to Immediate or Batch, debug messages will be printed to the concurrent log file.

RCV: Default Include Closed PO Option If it is set to Yes, a search in the Enter Receipts window and the Receiving Transactions window automatically select the Include Closed POs checkbox. Your search results will then include closed orders. The Receiving Open Interface (including ASN) will allow a receipt against orders with the status of Closed for Receiving if this profile is set to Yes. Any setting other than Yes prevents receiving against orders using the Receiving Open Interface with the status of Closed for Receiving.

RCV: Fail All ASN Lines if One Line Fails If you choose Yes, you can reject an entire Advance Shipment Notice (ASN) if any ASN line fails validation or processing. If you choose No, then you can accept an ASN if at least one ASN line is successful.

RCV: Print Receipt Traveler Yes or No indicates whether Purchasing automatically prints the receipt traveler when you perform a receipt or a receiving transaction, and when you match unordered receipts. You can always print receipt travelers from the Submit Requests window.

RCV: Processing Mode Indicates the processing mode used after you save your work for receiving transactions: The transaction goes to the interface table, where it will be picked up the next time the Receiving Transaction Processor runs. The transaction goes to the interface table, and the Receiving Transaction Processor is called for the group of transactions that you entered since you last saved your work. The Receiving Transaction Processor is called directly.

These are some of the profile option values from the core modules.

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