Searching 2.0 Chapter 2 Sample

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Getting Organized Using Delicious 9

Chapter 2

Getting Organized Using Delicious

INTRODUCTION • Bookmarks are rarely well organized. Whenever

Reference librarians, as with most other Internet us- I’ve asked a room full of librarians how many of
ers, are constantly going back to sites that they’ve vis- them have taken the time to organize their book-
ited before. One could argue that reference librarians marks (usually hundreds of them) into logical fold-
may do this even more than most. In fact, some sites ers, generally less than 20 percent of those in the
are continually accessed to answer those most com- room raise their hands. The rest of us have just one
mon questions—local statistics, value of a used car, long list of bookmarks without any convenient way
what time zone a certain country is in, etc. Even the to find any specific one.<1>
first Web browsers offered ways to mark a site in or- • Bookmarks were restricted to one computer. If you
der to return to it easily. That method was, and still have multiple computers at your reference desk,
is, known as bookmarking. However, as the Web be- the bookmarks on one might not be on another,
comes more and more complex and the needs of us- thus making it inconvenient to find the information
ers also become increasingly complex, bookmarks you’re looking for if the bookmark you need is on
as we’ve known them may no longer be the solution. a computer being used by another librarian.
Then again, the “better” solution I offered in the past • Bookmarks were restricted to the staff computers.
may also no longer be up to the task. In this chapter, Unless a staff member took the time to copy the
I’ll walk you through the online world of bookmarks, bookmark files from the staff computers and place
through static “resource Web pages,” to the solution them on the patron computers, the patrons in the
I offer today, the online social bookmarking service building were forced to speak to someone at the
known as Delicious. desk to be able to take advantage of the librarian-
created bookmarks.
Bookmarks • Bookmarks placed on library computers are not
One of the first things we learn to do in a browser, available to remote-access patrons. In this age of
beyond using the back button, is how to set a book- continuing mobility of information access, libraries
mark. Bookmarks give us the ability to return quickly need to make the information they provide ac-
to an online resource without having to remember cessible outside of the physical boundaries of the
an often long and cryptic URL. In my previous book, library building.
Using the Internet as a Reference Tool (Neal-Schuman,
2001), I discussed the following problems with using Web Pages
bookmarks to store previously found resources for In Using the Internet as a Reference Tool, I offered a
use at the reference desk: solution to all of these problems: the library should

10 Searching 2.0

create a Web page (or group of pages, depending • A Delicious account can be shared by multiple
on the number of resource links needed) to provide users, thus allowing you to have a single account
access to those links. This solution, at the time, for the entire library staff, at the branch or system
solved all of the previously mentioned problems in level.
the following ways: • Bookmarks in one Delicious account are automati-
cally cross-referenced with all other Delicious user
• Web pages were generally well organized in a logi- accounts, creating connections among all of its
cal manner whether alphabetically or by subject. users.
• Web pages are available to all devices containing • Anyone can subscribe to RSS (really simple syndi-
a Web browser. So, regardless of which computer cation) feeds from Delicious and receive automatic
someone is using (public, staff, a patron’s laptop) notification of new bookmarks.
or even if using another device such as a smart- • Delicious bookmarks are easily searchable, allow-
phone, the links are available in any location, at ing for less structure and more free-form organiza-
any time. tion through the use of tags.
I continued in the book with several excellent ex-
amples of libraries implementing this exact solution. Let’s take a look at each one of these in a little
Most libraries of at least a moderate size had or have more detail. Even if you had extensive HTML knowl-
since created such Web pages. However, even though edge, updating a Web page takes at least a few min-
this solution at the time was a good one, it still had utes to accomplish. You need to enter the username
one major problem: you needed to learn some mark- and password for the server, log in, find the correct
up—HTML (hypertext markup language) or XHTML file, open it, make your changes, save the changes,
(extensible hypertext markup language)—to imple- and log out. This process assumes that you have the
ment it. Though I think everyone should still learn correct level of access on your server. If you don’t,
at least some basic Web page creation skills, today an you may face the situation of needing to submit your
even better solution not only solves this last nagging change to the appropriate person in the IT (informa-
problem but also provides additional features that no tion technology) department and then wait a few days
Web page I described back in 2000 could ever have before your change appears. With Delicious, as I’ll
provided. That solution is Delicious. show later in this chapter, all you need to do to add a
new bookmark is click on an icon, wait for the “add
DELICIOUS item” window to appear, and click “OK.” This is a
Delicious ( is a “social much simpler and faster procedure than updating a
bookmarking” service that “allows users to tag, save, Web page.
manage and share web pages from a centralized As with Web pages, Delicious accounts can be
source. With emphasis on the power of the commu- shared among staff members by giving them the ap-
nity, Delicious greatly improves how people discover, propriate username and password. However, since
remember and share on the Internet.” <2> this service is hosted by a third party, there’s no need
At its most basic level, Delicious (currently to get your IT department involved, especially if you
owned by Yahoo!) stores your bookmarks for you have one that is loathe to give out server usernames
on its Web site, allowing anyone to access those and passwords to nontechnical staff.
bookmarks from any Web-accessible device without Delicious stores all of the links submitted by their
any markup knowledge required. Beyond this benefit, users in a large database. The benefit to this method is
Delicious offers several additional features, such as that Delicious is then able to track which users have
the following, that allow it to be a more flexible solu- added which links. With this information, Delicious
tion than a static Web page: is able, not only to tell you that 368 other users have
also added the same link that you’ve added, but also
• Delicious bookmarks can be added to your ac- to link you to those other users’ accounts. This is the
count with just a few mouse clicks. “social” aspect of the service: users who add the same
Getting Organized Using Delicious 11

Figure 2-1 The bookmarks for this book as shown in Delicious

bookmarks are interested in the same topics. This links presented in this book have been tagged with
function allows a user to “browse” related resources, this keyword.) Let’s go ahead and walk you through
closely mirroring the serendipity that people once the creation of a Delicious account and the basic
associated with card catalogs and now bemoan the workings of what the service has to offer.
loss of in modern-day online catalogs.
Through the use of RSS, patrons can subscribe Creating a Delicious Account
to your library’s Delicious account and receive near- The first step to using Delicious is to create a user
automatic notification of new bookmarks added to account. To do so, open Delicious’s homepage (www.
your account. Through the use of “tags” (discussed; see my Delicious homepage in Figure
next) patrons can also use RSS feeds to receive no- 2-2) and click on the link in the upper right corner
tification of new bookmarks on particular topics of labeled “Join now.” Choose a username and pass-
interest. word, enter your e-mail address, and click “register.”
When you add a new bookmark to your Delicious (Feel free to create your own personal account for
account, the link title and URL fields are automati- practice. Eventually you’ll want to create an account
cally populated. You are also offered two additional for your library with an appropriate username, such
fields: notes and tags. The notes field allows you as the name of the library.) Once logged in, you’ll be
to enter a narrative description of the page you’re on the “install bookmarking tools” page.
bookmarking. The tags field allows you to add ad-
ditional keywords that you wish to have associated Adding Bookmarks
with this bookmark. Figure 2-1 shows my Delicious There are four main ways for adding bookmarks to
account with items tagged searching2.0. (All of the your account: via importing, via “Save a new book-
12 Searching 2.0

Figure 2-2 The Delicious homepage

mark,” via the browser buttons, and via the Delicious ent browsers, such as Internet Explorer 6, Firefox,
bookmark. Although importing is something you’re Safari, and Opera. First, you’ll need to export your
likely to do only once, let’s cover this first since it’s bookmarks (step A). If you’re an Internet Explorer
the best way to get numerous resources into your 7 user, choose “File” from the menu bar, then select
account to play with. “Import and Export.” Once the Import/Export Wiz-
ard starts, click “Next,” select “Export Favorites,”
Importing and click “Next” again. Select “Favorites” to export
The current step on your “install bookmarking tools” everything, or select a particular folder to export
page should be “add bookmarking buttons.” Skip this and then click “Next.” Browse for an appropriate
step and go to step 3, “import existing bookmarks.” location to export your file (I suggest your desktop)
Your page should look similar to the Web page in and click “Next.” Click “Finish” to start the export
Figure 2-3. process. After just a few moments you should be told
Importing allows you to add an existing list of that the export was complete. Click “OK” to close
bookmarks, generally from your browser, into your this window.
Delicious account. Assuming that the browser at your If you’re a Firefox user, select “Bookmarks” then
desk already has a great number of bookmarks, this “Organize Bookmarks” from the menu bar. Once
is an excellent starting point. This process occurs the Bookmarks Manager has opened, select “File”
in two steps. The Web site (https://secure.delicious. then “Export.” Choose a location for your exported
com/register/import) offers instructions for Internet file (again, I recommend the desktop) and click the
Explorer 7 users. A link is offered for users of differ- “Save” button. Once you return to the Bookmarks
Getting Organized Using Delicious 13

Figure 2-3 Importing interface

14 Searching 2.0

Manager you can close it to return to your browser. • Do you want to add popular tags to your book-
For those of you using other browsers, the directions marks? This is the handiest of the three ques-
should be similar to those for Internet Explorer and tions. Choosing yes here will instruct Delicious
Firefox. Check your browser’s help file if you can’t to automatically compare your bookmarks to the
find the correct menu item. bookmarks already in the system and add tags
This completes the first step in the importing to those already used often enough by others to
process. In the second step (step B) you need to click be considered popular. Again, if you’re importing
“Browse” to locate and select your exported file. You thousands, or even just a hundred bookmarks,
then need to answer a few questions and (maybe) this will simplify your life by saving you from having
provide some tags. You are provided with a form to individually tag most of your resources. Please
field that contains the word “imported.” This means keep in mind that this system isn’t perfect. For ex-
that all of the bookmarks you import through this ample, if you’re the only person with that resource,
process will have the tag “imported.” You can remove it won’t be assigned any tags. If just a few people
this tag if you wish. You can also add additional tags have previously added the resource to Delicious
by creating a comma-delimited list in this field. In but it doesn’t have any commonly used tags, again,
many cases, my students can think of no one key- your bookmarks won’t be assigned automatic tags
word (other than “imported”) that would apply to during the import process. Also, if you’ve devised
all of the bookmarks they’re about to add to their some unique tagging scheme, this will need to
account. However, one possible situation may be, be implemented manually. If the bookmarks you
for example, a library creating a single account for exported were organized into folders, the name of
all staff to use, with many staff wishing to contribute the folder containing the bookmarks will be added
their own bookmarks. You could import individual as a tag when imported into Delicious.
staff bookmark lists and tag each list with the name • What should happen if a bookmark you are import-
of the staff person who contributed it. It’s not perfect, ing already exists in your Delicious bookmarks? If
but it’s an example. you’re importing bookmarks as a way to populate
The next three questions are, at this point, much your account that currently has no bookmarks, this
more important. option will not be relevant. However, if your account
already includes a number of bookmarks and
• Do you want to keep all your imported bookmarks you’re now importing more, this option requires
on Delicious private? In the past all imported book- your close attention. If you choose “Replace,”
marks were automatically labeled as private—only any imported bookmark that matches an existing
you could see them unless you made them public. bookmark (by URL) will replace the original book-
The purpose of this was to keep people from mark. Choosing “only import bookmarks I don’t
accidentally importing a single bookmark out of already have” will cause the import to ignore any
thousands that they didn’t necessarily want other duplicated bookmarks.
people to know they had. Although this was nice
from a privacy perspective, it caused problems Before the import is completed, you’re offered the
for some. (When the Nebraska Library Commis- option to be e-mailed when the process is com-
sion imported 4,500 bookmarks into our account, pleted. Unless you’ve got just a few bookmarks, this
someone had to go through every one and make process tends to take a bit of time, hours for some,
them public, one at a time.) With this new version so you may want to take advantage of this option.
of Delicious, you have the ability to make all of your Just check the box and enter your e-mail address in
imported bookmarks public or private. Choose the provided field.
wisely. If you do choose public, be sure you want All that’s left to do is to click the “Import Now”
them all to be public. If you choose private, re- button to start the process. As previously mentioned,
member that it’ll take some work to make them it will most likely take at least a minute or two for
all public later should you change your mind. the first bookmarks to show up in your account and
Getting Organized Using Delicious 15

Figure 2-4 The “Save a new bookmark” page

perhaps hours for all of them to appear depending located at the URL given, as set by that page’s
on the number you’re importing. Be patient; they author. In many cases, this title may contain too
will all appear eventually. little or too much information. Feel free to edit it
to fit your needs. (In Figure 2-5, I edited the title
“Save a New Bookmark” by removing the supplied “Providing a Safer and
When viewing any page in Delicious, you will see a Faster Internet” tagline.) This is a required field.
“Save a new bookmark” link in a box near the upper • NOTES:
right corner of the page. (This link was previously Here you may enter up to 1,000 characters of
known as “Post” and located in a bar near the top left descriptive content. In some cases, I copy and
of the page.) Clicking on this link will open the “Save paste some text from the site itself, as I’ve done
a new bookmark” page, as shown in Figure 2-4. in Figure 2-5. This information will be displayed in
Enter the URL of the page you would like to your bookmarks list and will also be completely
bookmark into the URL field. The easiest way to searchable.<3>
do this is to open the page you wish to bookmark • TAGS:
in another browser window or tab, copy the URL Unlike your browser, Delicious does not rely on
from the address bar, and paste it into this field. folders to keep your bookmarks organized. Instead
Once you’ve entered the URL, click the “Next” but- it relies on user-supplied tags, as I discussed in
ton to continue. You’ll then be presented with the Chapter 1. Here you need to enter whichever tags
full interface for entering a new bookmark into your you might use to find this bookmark again as a
Delicious account, as shown in Figure 2-5. space-delimited list. You may enter as many tags
This page has four fields—URL, title, notes, and as you think are appropriate. If you’re not sure
tags—and an option—“do not share”—that you can which tags to use or you’re just interested in see-
edit: ing what tags others have used for this bookmark,
scroll down the page to the “Tags” tab. Here you’ll
• URL: find up to three sections: “Recommended,” “Popu-
This field should contain the URL that you entered lar,” and “All my tags.” Each one may be opened
on the previous screen. Should you need to edit or closed by clicking on the triangle to the left of
it, you may do so here. This is a required field. the section header. Any of the tags in these sec-
• TITLE: tions may be clicked and automatically added to
This field should contain the title of the Web page your list of tags. (At first, the “All my tags” section
16 Searching 2.0

Figure 2-5 Add tags and notes

will be sparse, but as you use your account, the top of your bookmarks list. You also have the option
list will grow.) There is also a “People” tab, which of clicking the “Cancel” button if you decide you do
is discussed later in this chapter. not wish to save this bookmark to your account.
• Do Not Share:
Checking this option keeps this bookmark private. Browser Buttons
This means that only you will be able to see it The browser buttons were made available for you to
when you’re logged into your account. The fact install as part of the account creation process or for
that you have bookmarked it will still be countedlater installation by choosing “Help” and then either
“Quick tour for Firefox Add-on” or “Quick tour for
in Delicious’s statistics (discussed later), but oth-
Internet Explorer Add-on” under the “Learn more
ers will not see that you have done so. Figure 2-6
shows the results of my filling in this form. about Delicious” heading. Whichever you pick, the
results will be the same.<4> At the bottom of the
All that’s left to do is to click the “Save” button to page is a link to install the add-on. Click on this
add the bookmark to your account. You’ll be sent to link, click on “add button,” and then confirm to your
your bookmarks page, where it should appear at the browser that you wish these buttons to be installed.
17 Searching 2.0

Figure 2-6 The completed “Save a new bookmark” form

Soon you’ll find an additional two buttons in your will automatically appear in the appropriate fields. If
browser’s button bar, as shown in Figure 2-7. you had selected any text on the page, it will appear,
The first button is of the Delicious logo, which subject to the 1,000 character limit, automatically in
when clicked will retrieve your bookmarks page. (If the notes field. All you need to do now is add tags (by
you are not already logged into your account, you typing or choosing from the provided suggestions),
will be asked to do so.) This allows simple one-click make any other edits, and click the “Save” button.
access to all of your resources. The second button The window will disappear and your new bookmark
looks like a small old-style price tag and is labeled will have been added to your account. This is how I
“Tag.” This button saves you from all of the copying add the majority of my bookmarks to my account.
and pasting from multiple browser windows or tabs
described in the previous section. Once you’re on Bookmarklet
a page that you wish to add to your account, just Should you find yourself in the position of not being
click on the “Tag” button and a window will appear able to install buttons into your browser, another way
giving you access to the “Save a bookmark” form, as to accomplish the button-like adding of bookmarks
shown in Figure 2-8. The URL and title of the page to your account is the Delicious bookmarklet. You
18 Searching 2.0

Figure 2-7 The Delicious browser buttons

can add a bookmarklet to your browser just as you clicking on the page and selecting “Bookmark This
would add any traditional bookmark, but bookmark- Page” or “Add to Favorites” or whichever choice ac-
lets, instead of pointing you to particular Web pages, complishes this in your browser. In Internet Explorer,
are actually little scripts that perform an action. In the bookmarklet will appear in the “Links” toolbar
this case, the action is to open the same window that when you save the page to the “Links” folder under
the “Tag” button opened. “Favorites.” Figure 2-9 shows the bookmarklet in-
Next, choose the version that works with your stalled on my browser bookmarks toolbar. From this
browser and follow the directions. This involves point forward, whenever you’re on a page you wish
dragging the appropriate link ( to add to your Delicious account, just click on the
save, accessed by clicking the “Save a new bookmark” bookmarklet and it will work the same way as the
link) onto your browser’s bookmarks toolbar, or right browser button.

Figure 2-8 Adding via a browser button

19 Searching 2.0

Figure 2-9 The Delicious bookmarklet

My Bookmarks you can see in Figure 2-11, a link for feedback was
Now that you have an account and know how to once offered, but no longer.
add bookmarks, let’s look at the main interface for Below these, to the left, are buttons for “Home,”
Delicious, your bookmarks page. As you can quickly “Bookmarks,” “People,” and “Tags.” The “Home” tab
see from Figure 2-10, a lot of different features ap- takes you back to the Delicious homepage, which
pear on this screen. Let’s begin with an overview of is what you saw when you first came to the site but
the major features of this screen and then examine hadn’t logged in yet. “Bookmarks” offers subchoices
some of the specifics. I won’t go into extensive detail of “My Bookmarks,” “Popular,” “Recent,” and “Look
about every single feature but will provide more than up a URL.” “People” offers subchoices of “My Net-
enough information for you to become familiar with work” and “Go to a User.” “Tags” offers subchoices
navigating Delicious. of “My Tags,” My Subscriptions,” and “Explore.” You
Across the top of the page are links for your ac- can see these tabs in Figure 2-12.
count profile (in Figure 2-11, mine says “Signed in Below this, the main body of the page tells you
as travelinlibrarian”), such as “Inbox,” “Settings,” and the name of the account for the bookmarks you’re
“Sign Out” (always useful when you’re on a public currently displaying and, assuming you’re logged
computer). Also included is a link for information into your account, shows links for your “Network,”
about Delicious services labeled “What’s New?” As “Tags,” “Subscriptions,” and “Inbox” (see Figure 2-
20 Searching 2.0

Figure 2-10 The default “My Bookmarks” view

Figure 2-11 Links about Delicious

21 Searching 2.0

Figure 2-12 Navigation links

13). You’ll also find a link to the user’s homepage, if was added to the account, followed by the title of
provided in the user’s public profile, as well as links the bookmark, which is also the hyperlink to that
to more bookmarks in “Popular,” “Recent,” or “Look page. Beneath this will be displayed any text that
up a URL.” was entered into the bookmark’s notes field. Below
Now you’ll see the name of the account you’re this are links that allow you to “EDIT” or “DELETE”
currently viewing (“travelinlibrarian” in Figure 2-13), this particular bookmark. To the right you’ll find
along with a “Type a tag” field. Off to the right, you’ll the number of other account holders who have also
see the number of bookmarks currently listed in this bookmarked the page and the tags that are assigned
account and that they are “Sorted by Most Recent.” to that bookmark.
Clicking on the “Sorted by” link will give you the Clicking on the number of other users for
ability to re-sort your bookmarks alphabetically or a bookmark will take you to the “People” page for
by popularity, or you can reverse the current order. that bookmark. This page, as shown in Figure 2-17,
Below this, if sorted by most recent, you’ll see the shows you the names of the users who have pub-
ten most recent bookmarks added to your account licly bookmarked the page and the tags and notes
in the “Regular view.” Two other views are available: they added to that page. Links to those users’ public
“Title view” and “Full view.” Figures 2-14 and 2-15 pages and all of the tags are hyperlinked to their
show these different views of the current screen. For appropriate Delicious pages. Clicking on a tag as-
the rest of the chapter, I’ll be staying in the “Regular sociated with one of your bookmarks will take you
view.” to a page listing the bookmarks in your account that
Figure 2-16 highlights a single bookmark for have that tag. Figure 2-18 shows the page for my
us to examine. To the left is the date the bookmark “generator” tag.
22 Searching 2.0

Figure 2-13 Account links

Figure 2-14 Title view

23 Searching 2.0

Figure 2-15 Full view

Another way to see all of the bookmarks for a up to the top of the page and look to the top right of
particular tag in your account is to type it into the the screen, you’ll see a light blue box containing three
“Type a tag” field at the top of your bookmarks list. links: “Save a new bookmark” (covered in previous
If I were to type “generator” into that field and then section), “Edit public profile,” and “Tag options.”
press Enter I would end up at the same page shown
in Figure 2-19. At the bottom of this page is the link • Edit public profile:
for the RSS feed for what you’re looking at (in this Clicking this link takes you to the edit screen of your
case, all of the bookmarks for this account) and the account’s public profile. Figure 2-21 shows the edit
link to change the number of bookmarks shown screen, and Figure 2-22 shows the public version
per page: 10, 25, 50, or 100 (see arrows in Figure of my profile. Here you can enter such information
2-19). At the very bottom of the page are all of the as your real name, e-mail address, and Web site.
“about” and “legal” links for Delicious as a company Fill in as little or as much information as you feel
(see Figure 2-20). comfortable providing.
Back on your bookmarks page, if you scroll back

Figure 2-16 Details of a bookmark

24 Searching 2.0

Figure 2-17 The “People” page for a bookmark

Figure 2-18 My “generator” tag page

25 Searching 2.0

Figure 2-19 Links for the feed and number of bookmarks displayed per page

Figure 2-20 The “legal” links

26 Searching 2.0

Figure 2-21 Edit public profile

Figure 2-22 My public profile

27 Searching 2.0

• Tag options: list. As with the “Top 10 Tags” list, clicking on any of
Clicking this link will show some additional options these tags will take me to the page for that tag.
for how you wish your tags list to be displayed (see
Figure 2-23). Here you can choose to display your Tag Options
tags as a cloud or a list; sort alphabetically or by Now that you have a basic grasp of the tag list, Figures
frequency; limit the displayed tags to ones that 2-26 through 2-30 show you some of the different
are used only one, two, or five times; rename or ways you can view this list based on the available tag
delete tags; and manage tag bundles. Since most options previously mentioned.
of these options won’t make much sense until I As you can see, you can use these options to
cover the tags list itself, I’ll come back to these view your tag list in many different ways. Of course,
options later. different views will seem more or less usable to dif-
ferent people, so don’t feel too discouraged if you
Finally we come to the tags list itself. By default, think that one of my examples doesn’t seem very
it doesn’t look like much, but much of the sorting helpful. Chances are, someone else will find others
power of your bookmarks lies here. Figure 2-24 not as useful as you do. Let’s now take a look at the
shows my tags list, but all you can see is the “Top 10 other tag options: rename, delete, and manage tag
Tags.” Clicking on any of these will take me to the bundles.
page for that tag. At the bottom of the list is a link
for “All Tags,” which, when clicked, will show me RENAMING TAGS
a complete list of every tag I’ve ever used in alpha- When you click the rename link under tag options,
betical order. Since I’ve used more than 1,100 tags, you’ll be presented with the “Rename Tags” inter-
Figure 2-25 shows just an abbreviated version of this face as shown in Figure 2-31. Here you are asked to

Figure 2-23 Tag options

28 Searching 2.0

Figure 2-24 My “Top 10 Tags”

Figure 2-25 An abbreviated list of all of my tags

29 Searching 2.0

Figure 2-26 Tags viewed by frequency Figure 2-27 Tags viewed by frequency
as a list as a cloud

choose an existing tag from your tag list in the first in the first field, enter history in the second, and
field and then enter a replacement tag in the second click “Save.” Another example was given to me by
field. When you click the “Save” button any instance one of my students. In her case, she used tags based
of the tag in the first field will be replaced with the on teacher names to group resources related to the
tag in the second field. classes of particular teachers in her school. During
Here are two examples of how this could be one year she had bookmarks tagged MsSmith. When
used. First, let’s say you’re looking through your Ms. Smith moved away and was replaced by Mr.
tag list and notice that you’ve accidentally used the Stevens, the student was easily able to retag all of
tag historu when you really meant history more than her MsSmith bookmarks with MrStevens using this
once. To correct this spelling error, just select historu interface.
30 Searching 2.0

Figure 2-28 Tags viewed alphabetically Figure 2-29 Tags viewed alphabetically as a
as a cloud list with a use threshold of five

DELETING TAGS to your account and in turn have many tags in your
The “Delete Tags” screen, as shown in Figure 2-32, account, they can help you more easily find the tag
allows you to remove every instance of a particular you’re seeking. You can even think of bundles as a
tag. Just select the tag from the list and click the sort of folder system for tags. Let’s take a look at why
“Delete” button. Be aware that this does not remove I use tag bundles.
any of the associated bookmarks, just the tag. As you have seen in previous screenshots, I cur-
rently have over 1,100 different tags associated with
/D MANAGING TAG BUNDLES my bookmarks. Even when they’re presented as an
Tag bundles do not seem to be useful to many people alphabetical list, this list is almost prohibitively long
at first, but when you start adding a lot of bookmarks when trying to find a particular tag. Additionally, one
31 Searching 2.0

Figure 2-30 Tags viewed by frequency as a

Figure 2-33 shows the “Manage Tag Bundles”
cloud with a use threshold of five
screen when you first get to it, having not previously
created any bundles. Clicking on the “Create” button
will bring you to the screen shown in Figure 2-34.
Here I name the bundle and then either type in the
tags I want to include in this bundle or, more easily,
choose them from the supplied list of my tags by
clicking on the ones I wish to include. As I enter/
choose tags, they will be highlighted on the screen,
and a preview of the bundle will update along the
right side of the window. Figure 2-35 shows how I’ve
filled in this form. Once my bundle is complete, I
click on the “Save” button and I am returned to the
“Manage Tag Bundles” page, which shows my one
bundle (see Figure 2-36).
When I return to my bookmarks page, I see that
my tags list is now a little different. Instead of just
the “Top 10 Tags” and “All Tags” lists, I now have a
“Bundles” list. By clicking on my “Classes” bundle,
I can see a list of just the tags contained within that
bundle. You are free to create as many bundles as you
think you need, and a tag may appear in as many
different bundles as necessary. For another example,
let’s say you have tags such as arthistory, ushistory,
europeanhistory, musichistory, and localhistory. In this
case, all of these history-related tags are nowhere near
one another in your tags list. In this case, a bundle
named history would do just the trick to bring them
all together on the screen.
Now that we’ve got some links in your account
and can move around within them, let’s take a look
at some of the more social aspects of Delicious.

The “People” button offers two choices: “My Net-
work” and “Go to a User.” Since one is much easier
to explain than the other, let’s examine these in
of the ways in which I’ve used tagging is to create reverse order.
a tag specific to each of the classes I teach so as to
easily point my students to a particular page for all of Go to a User
the online resources related to the class’s topic. Each As shown in Figure 2-37, this is a very simple page.
of these tags starts with class-. So, I have tags such All you need to do is type in the username of a Deli-
as class-socialweb, class-xhtml, and class-wikis, just cious user and press Enter (or click the left arrow)
to name a few. Granted, alphabetically, all of these and you’ll be sent to the public page of that user.
tags will group together, but I need to scroll down Unfortunately, as I’m asked often by my students,
several screens just to find them. This is where tag there is no way to find a user based on his or her
bundles can help. real name. So, for example, if you don’t know that
32 Searching 2.0

Figure 2-31 The “Rename Tags” interface

Figure 2-32 The “Delete Tags” interface

33 Searching 2.0

Figure 2-33 Manage tag bundles

Figure 2-34 Create a tag bundle

34 Searching 2.0

Figure 2-35 The highlighted tag bundle form

35 Searching 2.0

Figure 2-36 “Manage Tag Bundles” page showing my new bundle

Figure 2-37 “Go to a user” page

36 Searching 2.0

my username is “travelinlibrarian,” there’s no way to count. Once you have other users in your network,
find my public page within Delicious. So, yes, you when you select “My Network” from the “People”
need to ask people if they have an account and what menu, you’ll be presented with a list of bookmarks
their username is. that have been recently added by those in your net-
work, as shown in Figure 2-39.
My Network The second benefit to adding individuals to your
For those of you who are already familiar with the network is the ability to send them bookmarks that
concept of “friends” in systems such as Facebook or you think might interest them. Now when you add
MySpace, Delicious’s network is very similar. To add a new bookmark, the previously mentioned “People”
someone to your network all you need to know is tab will contain the list of users in your network. All
his or her username. Just select “My Network” from you need to do to send someone a copy of this book-
the “People” menu and then click “Add a user to mark is to select his or her name and a for:username
Network.” To the right a box will appear in which tag will automatically be added, as shown in Figure
you enter a username and click the “Add” button. 2-40. Once you save the new link, it will appear in
Once done, this user will be added to your network his or her inbox.<5> (I discuss the inbox in more
(see Figure 2-38). So, just what are the benefits of detail later in this chapter.)
doing this? There are two of them. Once your library has an account, you can
The first is that you can easily track the new encourage your users not only to create their own
bookmarks that the user has added to his or her ac- Delicious accounts but to add the library to their

Figure 2-38 My network with one user

37 Searching 2.0

Figure 2-39 Recent bookmarks from members of my network

network, and then you can solicit resources from particular tag, or, more specifically, you can track
them for the library to consider adding to its account all new bookmarks with a particular tag from a par-
for the benefit of all of the library’s users. ticular user. The first time you go to the “Subscrip-
tions” page, you’ll see a brief introduction to how it
Tags works. Click on the “Add a subscription” button to
The Tags menu has three choices: “My Tags,” “My get to the “Manage Subscriptions” page, as shown
Subscriptions,” and “Explore.” Let’s see what these in Figure 2-45.
choices offer. Once here you have two choices: add a new tag
subscription or add a new tag for a specific user
My Tags subscription.
Opening the “My Tags” page will, by default, show
you an alphabetical tag cloud of your 200 most used • Add a new tag subscription:
tags, each one hyperlinked to that tag’s page. Using This is the field to use if you wish to know of any
the links at the top of the cloud, you can choose to new bookmark added by any user that is assigned
show all of your tags instead of just the top 200 and a specific tag. For example, if you’re really inter-
you can switch from an alphabetical sort to a “By size” ested in Abraham Lincoln, you could subscribe
sort. Figures 2-41 through 2-44 show examples of to the tag abrahamlincoln. You may also want to
these different views. subscribe to the tag “abraham lincoln” (quotes
included) for users who assign tags that include
My Subscriptions spaces. (If your tag contains spaces and you don’t
“My Network” is where you can track all new book- include the quotation marks, your words will be
marks from a particular user. “My Subscriptions” interpreted as multiple single-word tags instead
is where you can track all new bookmarks with a of one multiword tag.)

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