GBS Off Campus 2012 - Criteria

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uear l8M AppllcanL,

We are pleased Lo lnform LhaL you have meL Lhe lnlLlal C8S-Cff Campus
crlLerla and have been shorLllsLed for furLher hlrlng processes for Lhe openlng
of "AssoclaLe SysLem Lnglneer".

lurLher Lo Lhe mall, Lhe varlous sLeps of selecLlon process are as below, each
round of process ls an ellmlnaLlon round and only on successful compleLlon of
one sLep wlll make you ellglble Lo parLlclpaLe ln subsequenL sLeps.

SelecLlon SLeps:

ApLlLude 1esL, Lngllsh Language 1esL followed by Croup ulscusslon and 2
rounds of lnLervlews


Degrees - ML/M1ech/MCA/8L/81ech (any degree oLher Lhan Lhls wlll
noL be ellglble)

ear of ass out - 2010 & 2011

8ranches - All (harma/ lashlon 1echnology noL ellglble)

Cutoff Graduat|on]ost-Graduat|on (Aggregate of a|| the semesters):
70 (Cnly for MaharashLra unlverslLles - 63)

Cutoff |n Schoo||ng
xll - 63
x - 63

CandldaLe should have compleLe mlnlmum of 16 years of lormal LducaLlon
and also shouldn'L have any backlog aL Lhe Llme of l8M process.

lease ensure LhaL you read Lhe above crlLerla carefully and parLlclpaLe only lf
you meeL lL compleLely.


2 of 2
Mandatory Documents: 2 seL of self aLLesLed phoLocoples of below
menLloned documenLs along wlLh orlglnals.

1. hoLo lu card (An Card / urlvlng Llcense / assporL / voLer lu)
2. Marks SheeLs
osL CraduaLlon ( lf appllcable)
CraduaLlon (all semesLer mark sheeLs)
12Lh (mark sheeLs)
(mark sheeLs)
3. 8esume
4. 1wo assporL slze colored hoLo

lease carry Lhe prlnLouL of Lhls emall ln order Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe evenL.
lalllng whlch you wlll noL be allowed Lo make an enLry lnLo Lhe evenL premlses.

S1A1U1Ck WAkNING:under no clrcumsLances, Lhls mall /lnvlLe requlred Lo
be forwarded Lo any one. vlolaLlon of Lhe same wlll dlsquallfy from Lhls evenL
as well as all fuLure evenLs of l8M.

"1he lnformaLlon LransmlLLed ls lnLended only for Lhe person Lo whom lL ls
addressed and may conLaln confldenLlal and/or prlvlleged maLerlal. Any revlew,
re-Lransmlsslon, dlssemlnaLlon or oLher use of, or Laklng of any acLlon ln
rellance upon Lhls lnformaLlon by persons oLher Lhan Lhe lnLended reclplenL ls
prohlblLed. lf you have recelved Lhls ln error,please conLacL me and deleLe Lhe
maLerlal from your compuLer."

D|sc|a|mer - Ne|ther I8M Ind|a vt. Ltd. nor any of |ts subs|d|ar|es (co||ect|ve|y
'I8M'), nor any author|zed th|rd party who ass|sts w|th our recru|tment
process, ever ask cand|dates for 'recru|tment', 'process|ng' or any other k|nd
of fees |n exchange for offer |etters from I8M. Cffer |etters and other
recru|t|ng correspondence from I8M are sent from an off|c|a| e-ma|| |d
and]or are pr|nted on I8M |etterhead w|th authent|c s|gnatures of
appropr|ate I8M author|t|es.

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