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From the Principal - Fiona Kelly

Issue 9, 15 June 2012


What an unusual week! It was great to see everyone back yesterday after our forced mid-term break. Im sure the kids were happy to have a mini holiday and the teachers were quite grateful for the chance to regroup and start writing their reports. Thank you parents for your understanding and support. If you did not hear about the school closure directly from me or a Regional office staff member, please email your current contact numbers to me at and we will cross reference with those on record. There are quite a number of incursions, excursions and other events on the school agenda at the moment. I know that regular notes coming home from school can be a little annoying so we would really appreciate if you could respond to requests for permission or other information promptly so that we do have to send out multiple reminders. From our end we will try very hard to keep notes to a minimum. Have you had a look at the school website lately? Its looking fabulous and reading beautifully thanks to Kindy mum Layla Tucak. Layla has taken on the very important task of maintaining the webpage and writing the copy for our community newsletter. Thank you Layla-youre doing a great job. Dont forget schools photos are next Tuesday school uniforms please. Would you like a vegie allotment? Up the back yard beyond the chicken coupe we have a number of vegie garden allotments we would like to offer (at a small price per annum) for lease. If you are interested, a small patch will be $30 per annum and a larger one $50 (donation to the P&C). If we have more families interested than there are allotments available we will draw names from a hat. Allotment holders will have the option to keep their patch for 2 years before applying again. Allotments are only available to families with children enrolled at the school.

Monday 18th June Edu Dance catch up Tuesday 19th June School photos Tuesday 19th June School Council Meeting Wednesday 20th June Edu dance Thursday 21st June School Assembly Friday 22nd June School Jump rope jump off Friday 22nd June School Disco Wednesday 27th June Edu Dance Performance 9:15am Thursday 28th June Tuck Shop Year 1 & 2 Monday 6th August Burswood Concert
The next newsletter will be Friday 29th June

Room 1 - Lisa Miller Last week while we were talking about fire fighters as part of our People who work in our community, we learnt all about hot colours. These include red, yellow and orange. We made collages using materials and did a colour sort which involved us separating hot and cold counters into bowls. It was fun! We also put together a fire engine by using our copying and patterning skills and then drew ourselves in the drivers window. It was also a dress up kind of week with some new items being added to our wardrobe from Miss Lizzie, Thanks.

Room 2 - Liz Smith We have been really enjoying our mini-topic travel and transport. The children demonstrated a range of skills in creating their mixed-media train pictures and worked cooperatively to create an impressive background for their work samples, which we will use to make into a class book.

The finished display. Feel free to come and see it. Working cooperatively.

Simba, Luc, Abbey adding details.

Room 3 - Bev Lane This has been an interesting week. We worked in the gloom on Monday and then the children stayed home for two days while the storm dissipated. Some of our classmates seemed not to have noticed the storm, but others saw storm damage and felt the wind and rain. Lara saw a tree on the road that blocked the cars, Angus saw broken trees too and Sam said the road around the river was flooded.

Room 4 - Claire Henneberry What a wild and windy week it has been! This week we made pictures of what we saw during the storm, it was amazing to see some of the things that people encountered. Mr. ODriscoll has been with us full time for the last 2 weeks and will be teaching in room four for the next two weeks. He has been teaching us about fractions and lots more interesting things. The projects that were produced about explorers were of a really high standard, well done!

Room 5 - Monica Parkes/Leanne Vinci In Literacy, Room 5 has begun Four Roles of the Reader. Within their reading groups students are reading the same novel and taking on a different reading role each session. These roles are Text Participant, Text User, Code-breaker and Text Analyst. After students have completed their activity independently, they discuss with their group their role for that session. It is great to see the different ideas and interpretations of the novel the students have as they are sharing their ideas and it is also great to see the students with their nose constantly stuck in a book! In maths the class are developing a further understanding of decimals. The focus at this point is through decimals in money and measurements. The key point is to remember that decimals are part of the whole. ART NEWS - Margie Campbell The Year One and Two students have been using their construction skills to make paper bag and plate puppets. They have been making up plays and working with their friends having fun performing.

The Year Three and Four students have been creating beautiful marbled paper. Again using paper construction skills the students have made paper fans from the marbled paper.

The BIG kids have collated their portfolios and are making sure that all their fabulous artwork has been completed and they have written short reflections about their artworks. Councillors Report Pre primary to year 7 have been participating in Edu dance and everyone has been trying so hard to get the dances right. Edu dance will be completed with a whole school performance to show all the dances we learnt, so keep practising in front of the mirror to get everything spick and span for the big day. Please remember to wear school jackets and leave you bright ones at home for the weekends. It shows you are proud to be part of the school and remember that mittens, beanies and scarves are to been taken off whilst you are in the class room but are allowed to be worn during recess and lunch. Rooms 4 and 5 have been developing their skills for jump rope for heart to raise money for the Heart Foundation as they will be participating in a jump off on the 22nd June. Everyone has been practising really hard and you can see the results already. Room 5 will be starting their fundraiser for their school camp at the end of the year. They will be having a Cheesy Tuesday and they will be selling hot buns with melted cheese on them for only $2 during recess.

P&C Update Dont forget the School Disco is on Friday 22nd June. Kindy/PP 4:30-5:30 Years 1-7 5:30-7pm (dinner at 5:30) Uniform Shop
You can collect an order form from the administration office. Please leave payment with your form in the box marked uniform orders and your order will be sent home with your child, otherwise the uniform shop will be available by appointment on a Monday morning and Afternoon. Please contact Pip Sivwright to discuss a suitable time. Ph: 0409 298 118, if no answer please sms and she will get back to you.

Active After-School Sports Communities A big well done to all of you who have turned up in the rain to do After School Sport! We started Circuit Training yesterday, how much fun was that! A big thanks to the North Fremantle Fitness Results coaches - Brent, Aiden & Leanne. We all got wet, not only by the rain, but also by sweat! We started off with a game of ship to shore, and then got into the push-ups, squats, sit-ups & flexes. There were plenty of punches and lets not forget the tug of war comp. Great work guys and girls, everyone put in an excellent effort and got into the circuit fun. The coaches gave a special well done sticker to Jake, Charley, Ashley, Lara, Subham & Anthony . Also, special thanks to Anthony for doing a great job helping out in many ways, particularly signing in the upper school kids. I am looking forward to seeing you all Monday at football . Regards Judy Woolworths Earn and Learn Congratulations to Glenda Farmer for winning the School $1000 Woolworths gift card for this years earn and learn program bonus reward for her poem below. We're a small school with big ideas, And per capita funding moves us to tears. We'd love more Modern Teaching Aids To help our children get good grades. They're bright and we know they'll reach their goals because their mums prefer Woolies to Coles. ***Please don't forget to bring in your stickers***

Ceramics Workshop with Fluer Schell Well Saturday the 9th June saw a very excited team assemble in the artroom for a full day workshop with brilliant North Fremantle ceramicist Fluer Schell. The group were entertained all day by Fluers fantastic stories and we now have an enthusiastic team of parents, teachers and even one of the teacher assistants skilled and ready to support the ceramics program in the school. The team were taught how to make humidors and moulds for bowl and platter making. From here we shared a wonderful lunch and then moved onto creating plates, bowls and cups. I have been busy buying all the equipment to get the students started and we look forward to an amazing term of clay work ahead. Margie Campbell

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