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LANGUAGE INFLUENCE ON CULTURE Language can influence culture in a variety of ways.

It can influence the way a community perceives the world, and can create community through the use of varying languages and dialects in different areas. It can both influence the way a society interacts with the world, and create a cultural identity separate from the rest of the world.

Language is composed of four major categories. For our purposes, there are two that are the most important. These are words, and grammatical constructs. The words in a language are continuously evolving. The meaning of words can change over time, new technologies can come into being, and slang is an ongoing process. For example, the word "dashboard" at one time meant the board on a sleigh that protected the occupants from the snow that was kicked up by dashing horses. The word "Internet" has made its way into virtually every language. Twenty years ago the group of letters in "bling" had no meaning. Vocabulary can be a way for the young to separate themselves from their elders, and reinforce their understanding of the world. Another example is the country of Belgium. Most of its citizens speak either Belgian or French. The speakers of both languages feel that they are very different and better than those who speak the other language. Their identity is determined by the language they speak. One result of this is Belgium's recent inability to maintain a cohesive government.The effect of language on culture, of differentiating and uniting groups of people, is more profound than most people realize. Not only does the specific vocabulary reflect the culture, the language or dialect spoken can also both define and separate cultures. Language is the most important thing which gives us identity. Which helps us in every way, but no problem weather they speak Chinese Urdu whatever but they themselves achieve a culture and language. It is language which solves our every problem if language was not there we might not be able to solve those problems that we are having. Thanks. Also without language our culture would be the same and there won't be much difference and the there will no longer be a beauty of learning if there isn't nothing else to learn about in this world because language is how we communicate with each other and is how god helped a long ago slave. Long ago a man was constructing a palace for his dreadful king when they thought they were almost done the greedy king wanted it to be bigger. So they ran away when the king saw them he ordered them to stop, but they didn't listen then when they were trapped by the guards all the king had to do is tell his man to slay them and they were dead. But then write out of no where everyone starts talking different languages and the guards didn't know what to do with them so they couldn't kill them and the prisoner escaped along with the rest of the slaves god made different language and saved.

CULTURE INFLUENCE ON LANGUAGE The Araucanization or Araucanisation (Spanish: Araucanizacin) was the process of expansion of Mapuche culture, influence and language from Araucana into the Patagonic plains. Historians disagree in the time of the expansion but it would have occurred sometime between 1550 and 1850. Amerindian peoples such as the Puelches and Tehuelches adopted the Mapudungun as their main language (their own name is in Mapudungun). Together with Quechua, Aymara, Guarani and Nahuatl, Mapudungun was among the few Amerindian languages that extended their territories after the European arrival. Mapuches that migrated to Patagonia lived often as nomads rising cattle or pillaging the Argentine countryside. The cattle stolen in the incursions (malones) would later be taken to Chile through the mountain passes and traded for goods, especially alcoholic beverages. The main trail for this trade was called Camino de los chilenos and run a length of about 1,000 kilometres (600 mi) from the Buenos Aires Province to the mountain passes of Neuqun Province. The lonco Calfucur crossed the Andes from Chile to the Pampas around 1830 after a call from the governor of Buenos Aires, Juan Manuel de Rosas, to fight the Boreanos tribe. In 1859 he attacked Baha Blanca in Argentina with 3,000 warriors. As in the case of Calfucura many other bands of Mapuches got involved the internal conflicts of Argentina until Conquest of the Desert. The counter the cattle raids a trench called Zanja de Alsina was built by Argentina in the pampas in the 1870s. Argentine authorities were worried that strong connections between Araucanized tribes and Chile would give Chile influence over the pampas.[1] In the case of war with Chile over Patagonia, they feared the natives would side with the Chileans, who would be able to carry the war all the way to the vicinity of Buenos Aires.[2] The decision of planning and executing the Conquest of the Desert was probably triggered by the 1872 attack of Cufulcur and his 6,000 followers on the cities of General Alvear, Veinticinco de Mayo and Nueve de Julio, where 300 criollos were killed, and 200,000 heads of cattle taken




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