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1.0 INTRODUCTION Many parts of the world are experiencing increased developments and engineering works alongside their rivers. There is an impact on the catchments water flows when changes are made such as additional abstraction or alterations to the regimes water storage through construction of new reservoirs and flood defense schemes. Such developments can lead to changes the tidal zone area where salt and fresh water mixes. Changing the flow regime may lead to salt water intruding further into the river. Saline intrusion into rivers is an increasing problem in many parts of the world. Parts of the river that were previously outside the zones limit may face a tidal inflow of salt water extending further inland. This has a huge impact in places that use the river water for irrigation or rely on it for water supply. The effect is not only in the immediate vicinity. Towns and cities in the tidal zone at the mouths of rivers may take their water supply intake from further upstream above the existing saline zone. Changes that move the limit of saline water may therefore compromise their intake. Some rivers now have virtually stretches downstream of barrages that have been built without any environmental controls. 2.0 METHODOLOGY 2.1 Software Used Software that will be use is Infoworks River Simulation developed by HR Wallingford, United Kingdom. The water quality engine in InfoWorks RS provides a rapid and accurate method for modeling the effects of any proposed changes, and to analyze the flow regime and investigate whether there will be any adverse effects. The software offers objectivity and certainty in analyzing the extent of saline ingress along a river. It can test the effect of proposed developments to see whether they would adversely affect the salinity at key points along the river. 2.2 Input Data Required Input data needs for this model are the salt concentration, tide data and also the flow measured at the river reach. The salt concentration need to be taken along the reaches which are feared to be contaminated with the salt water, depend on how long the contamination spread. The concentration data can be taken using any related equipment or the sample can be taken to the lab for determining the concentration data.



Steps in Modeling The concentration value can be added in the software and the simulation can be done based on preferred duration. Usually the simulation are set to run in period of 6 month to 1 year, depend on the tide data and also the length of the salt contamination in the river. Setting up the analysis afterwards is quick and straightforward, as it uses the rivers existing flood model in conjunction with tide curve generators that are built into InfoWorks RS.

3.0 COST The overall cost for this analysis is approximately RM 15,00o to RM 16,000. The sampling will be done at three points starting from the river mouth, at low tide and also at high tide. During high tide, the contamination of salt water will go deeper into the river reach. This includes the sampling process and also the lab test need to be carried out. Three samples must be taken at different tide times which are low, medium and normal tide.



1.0 INTRODUCTION Sediment transport analysis is a critical and essential component of any stream or stream crossing design project. In stream restoration or enhancement design projects, stream instabilities directly relate to an imbalance in the stream energy to the extent where either too much or too little energy is present. This imbalance in stream energy is demonstrated through either observed excess sediment deposition or excess scour and soil erosion processes. The key to a successful stream restoration process is to determine the cause the energy imbalance and correct for that condition in the design. In the successfully restored stable system, regular periods of minor channel adjustments are normal in response to variable storm events; however, the dimension, pattern, and profile of the stream system should normalize around an equilibrium condition of channel geometry. 2.0 METHODOLOGY 2.1 Software Used Software that will be use is Infoworks River Simulation software developed by HR Wallingford, United Kingdom. The main restrictions on the applicability of the software are that: 'Local' effects may not be simulated (eg: scour at bridge piers). Dunes and ripples are not explicitly modeled and therefore the effect of changes in form roughness on the hydraulic resistance is not simulated. Flow reversals are not accommodated at present Reaches with zero flows are not permitted at present Sediment transport computations in compound channels may be inaccurate due, in part, to cross section averaged velocities being unrepresentative of main channel velocities.


Input Data Required There are two major type of data needed for this modeling, which are sediment concentration and also the bed material. Sediment concentration and the bed material need to be determined along the river reach, starting from the upstream. The bed material can be determined by taking a dredge sample, which needs to undergo sieve analysis at the lab. Other input data needs are the river survey geometry data, and hydrology data. This software simulates hydraulic model based on four equations which are Engelund & Hansen, Ackers & White (1973), Ackers & White (1993) and Westrich

& Jurashek equation. The sediment transport is calculated for each size and the resulting total transport rate is calculated by multiplying the proportion of the size in the bed material by the calculated rate. The information provided in the sediment data is used to predict sediment transport rates, bed elevations and amounts of erosion/deposition throughout a channel system.


Steps in Modeling In summary, this is achieved with the following calculations at each time step: Calculate the hydraulic variables of flow, stage, velocity in the usual way. Starting at the upstream end of the system, loop around the nodes calculating the sediment transport capacity and solving the sediment continuity equation for depth of erosion/deposition. Update the channel conveyance tables to allow for any calculated deposition or erosion ready for the next time step.

3.0 COST The overall cost for this analysis is approximately RM 30,000 to RM 60,000.00 depend on the accessibility of the site. This includes the sampling process and also the lab test need to be carried out. Three samples must be taken at different tide times which are low, medium and normal tide.



1.0 INTRODUCTION Dam is a hydraulic structure which stores water. Dam failure can be contributed by various reasons such as overtopping, piping or seepage, failure of foundations or structural, earthquake, erosion or deterioration, uneven settlement, poor operations and maintenance, slope embankment slips, landslide, settlement and inadequate spillway or hydraulic structure. Dams are normally situated at the upstream of catchment and residential area. If dam breach occurs, it will release a sudden large amount of water. This phenomenon will create floods which will lead to catastrophic disaster to the downstream region such as property damage and human life loss. Flood caused by dam break has greater magnitude peak discharge compared to any rainfall-runoff generated flood. There were many dam break incidents which have been recorded throughout the world. Hence, it is crucial to identify possibilities and route of a dam break in order to prevent this calamity from taking place.

2.0 OBJECTIVES The main objectives of the dam break study are to: Produce a flood map at the downstream; Determine the peak discharge, velocity and flow at the downstream; and Prepare an Emergency Response Plan (ERP).

3.0 POTENTIAL MODES OF FAILURE There are many types of dam failure such as spillway design error, overtopping, foundations defects, piping and others, depend on the type of the dam. The most frequent mode of failure for embankment dam is piping and overtopping. 3.1 Piping Failure Piping failure caused by flow leaks through embankment. The breach will commence when the water in the dam flow through the body of dam and embankment, eroding the embankment. This failure will have a higher potential to occur compared to other mode of failures. 3.2 Overtopping Failure For overtopping, modeling involves simulating process of surface erosion. This mechanism of failure is when the water overtops the dam crest caused by excessive rise in water level. The overtopping may happen during an extreme flood event such as Probable Maximum Flood (PMF). This failure may remove the materials from the

crest and downstream shoulder. While overtopping is a slow breaching process, it may occur during extreme flood and causing big waves within the dam.

4.0 METHODOLOGY 4.1 Dam Break Model The objective of dam break model is to determine the outflow hydrograph and flood routing upon dam failure. For this purpose, Infoworks River Simulation software developed by HR Wallingford, United Kingdom, will be used. The Infoworks RS is a hydrodynamic model. 4.2 Input Data Required The software simulates hydraulics based on the St. Venant equation. This model is also utilized to determine the travel time of flow to downstream regions. Two types of data are needed for this model, which are general data (dam and embankment) and hydrological data. The discharge from the dam breach is simulated as one dimensional (1D) hydrodynamic model. The hydraulic data consists of river cross sections, alignment or river and dam properties. All these data are important to generate the model of Infoworks RS. The cross sections of the rivers can be taken from survey while the topography information was extracted from the LiDAR and IfSAR data. The data was used as a supplement for field survey. The IfSAR and LiDAR data was also employed as a ground model to produce flood map. 4.3 Steps in Modeling During a simulation, the model performs the calculations at a number of cross sections perpendiculars to the direction of flow. These occur at an equal spacing throughout the width of the embankment. The simulations can provide maximum flow (m3/s), stage (m) and velocity (m/s). Rather than hydrology input from PMF and reservoir capacity, the outflow will be influenced by breach section and time of breach.


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