Cfcs Meq 2002: Questions One

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Questions one
On the way to kampung, community member using well water, lack proper drainage and sewage disposal system the area is dry, dirty with rubbish dumped over the areas. 1. ans: State 10 possible problems which can arise form this condition (5) i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. 2. Pollution. (air, with foul smell) Possibility of stagnation of water. (breeding ground for mosquito, thus communicable diseases) Well water, possibly unclean, esp if not properly boiled. Rubbish, esp dry ones, breeding ground for rodents. (agents of communicable disease) Improper rubbish disposal, possibly cause physical harm to children playing near them. Possibly fire, improper of garbage disposal and possibility of house catching on fire from burning rubbish. Breeding of house flies. Contamination of well water with water from sewage, in the ground. Flood. Dusty, possible threat to health.



5. (2)

vii. Motility impairment. (irritable bowel disease) Further information to find out the aetiology causing diarrhea (7) i. Who are those involved? (students from same school, possibly canteen) ii. Any big kenduri around village? iii. Any particular diseases which may has high incident in the village? iv. When did it happen? (All at the same time?) v. Are the people involved in the same family? (Hereditary bowel disease?) vi. Any school trips? vii. How you get the info that you list in (3) i. Interview the parents. ii. Interview the villagers. iii. Interview the patients. iv. Inspect school canteen. v. Inspect some of the houses. 9water supply) vi. Inspect some of the warunngs that the patients hang out. Name the resource person that you will approach to get the information. i. Patients and parents.

Name agencies/ people who was responsible for this (2) i. Local council. (majlis perbandaran kota bharu) ii. Ministry of health.

Questions 2
Prevalence of smoking is high in the community 1. Define prevalence (2) The number of cases of a disease present in a specified population at a given time. 2. What is the design of study you want to carry out? (1) Cross-sectional study. 3. 2 advantages & 2 disadvantages of the study you mentioned (4) Advantages: Easily done. Economical. Disadvantages: Does not tell if exposure brings about effect. Standardization of methods of data collection, thus mistakes easily occur. 4. List the variable in the study (4) Age. (ratio) Number of cigarettes. (ratio)

You are well welcome by your family. You complained what you feel on the way to kampung. Your father explained that this is usual as now is dry season.there are few cases of children complain of diarrhea and vomiting admitted into hospital. 1. Define diarrhoea (2) Abnormally frequent passage of watery stools. (frequency and state of stool) 2. 4 possible causes of diarrhea (4)] i. Infective. (infection of the bowel with pathogen like E.coli) ii. Food poisoning. iii. Allergy and hypersensitivity. (milk, soya) iv. Adverse effects of drugs. ( magnesium of antacids) v. Inflammatory diseases of bowel. (Chrons) vi. Obstruction. (due to tumors and etc)


Sex. (nominal) Race. (nominal) Occupation. Level of education. State the type of each variable you mentioned (4) *Refer above.

Some villagers diarrhea + vomiting Questions a. Name 6 common diseases that can arise from this condition (6) i. Food poisoning, by bacterial irritant like Campylobacter spp. ii. Intestinal obstruction. iii. Inflammatory bowel disease. iv. Irritable bowel disease. v. Infective enteritis. (Campylobacter spp, Salmonella spp, E.coli) vi. Intestinal malignancy. b. 4 causes of diarrhea (4) i. Infective. (infection of the bowel with pathogen like E. coli) ii. Food poisoning. iii. Allergy and hypersensitivity. (milk, soya) iv. Adverse effects of drugs. ( magnesium of antacids) v. Inflammatory diseases of bowel. (Chrons) vi. Obstruction. (due to tumors and etc) vii. Motility impairment. (irritable bowel disease) c. what is diarrhoea (2) Abnormally frequent passage of watery stools. (frequency and state of stool) d. get further information about relationship of diarrhoea with socioeconomic status (6) i. Any one else in the family? ii. Last meal, with whom, that person? iii. Processing? iv. Water supply? v. Unusual food? vi. Any trip out to anywhere? You met your friend from other kampung. He told the same situation so you want to investigate the problem of diarrhea. You do a study Questions e. state I. Objective of your study (10) i. To identify the possible aetiology. ii. To understand lifestyles of the villagers, in some ways, may contribute to the problem. iii. To find out the level of hygiene of the people.

Cross sectional study has been done I. Duration & URTI occurrence II. Male smoker with URTI > female smoker with URTI 1. What is the statistical test to gain the above information? (3)

2. State 2 objectives, relevant strategies& activities that you want to carry out considering the problem of smoking in the country (12) Objective Education on the danger of cigarettes. Information on various ways to quit smoking. Strategies Target on consumers. Target on tobacco company. Target on government. Activities Kick out exhibition on ways to quit smoking. (introducing ways, teaching on how to use, benefits, and profits by tobacco company from cigarettes sale) Campaign or advertisement vs. tobacco company. Advertisements on quit smoking products. Total ban on sponsorship from tobacco company in sports.


Question 1
You went to a kampung in Tumpat noticed: Air perigi kotor Saliran paip tersumbat Sampah berkeliaran

To find out the level of understanding and knowledge of the villagers. v. To identify the possible causes on what hindering the villagers from achieving self- able in hygiene if they have the knowledge. vi. To find out the sources of basic necessities like water and sewage system. II. Methodology (type of study, sampling method, sample size & population) i. Cross sectional study. ii. Random sampling. iii. Sample size should be around 300 households. iv. Population.??? f. Name the 2 sources of your study (2) i. Villagers. ii. Local authority. (majlis perbandaran, daerah)


v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x.

Replace tobacco with other plantation for the tobacco farmers to work with. Heavier tax on tobacco. Stricter ruling in controlling the tobacco advertisements. Truly enforce NO SMOKING area ruling in public places. Greater campaign against smoking at grass root level, children. Consider tobacco as country;s enemy just as DADAH.

Questions 2
On the third intervention, you go to kampung. You found that many male adult smoking. Many get chronic bronchitis. a. what is prevalence (2) The number of cases of a disease present in a specified population at a given time. b. state 5 diseases arise from smoking (5) i. COPD. ii. Myocardial infarction. iii. Asthma. iv. Stroke. v. Angina. c. why people smoke ? (5) i. Stylish lifestyle. ii. Peer pressure. iii. To release tension. iv. Nothing better to do. v. To keep self awake and fresh, to work. d. state some measure to control smoking in country. (12) i. Truly enforce ban on tobacco sale to youngsters under 18. ii. Stiff penalty to offenders, both buyers and sellers. iii. Reduce dependency on sponsorship from tobacco firm in sports. iv. More advertisements to counter the tobacco advertisements.

e. state 4 ways of the tobacco company promote smoking (8) i. Subtle promotion on glamorous life with smoking. ii. Indirect implantation of the brand with sale of stuff with the brands. iii. Production of various flavour and so-called LIGHTS with lower caffeine, to continuously promote the sale of tobacco. iv. Sponsorship in sports, as if it is associated with healthy lifestyles. v. Special TV programs during prime time, implantation of brands into viewers mind. You want to do a survey about relationship of smoking with socioeconomic status. The cross sectional study was carried out. Conclusions are: Smoking due to present/ absent of ? Smoking not related to socioeconomic status (poor or rich) f. stale each statistical leslingfor (6) 1. 2. 1 test. X2 test.

You do an exhibition of anti-smoking g. give factors favoring your exhibition to be successful. (10) i. Time: a time when the targeted group can come. ii. Place: convenient, reachable by everyone in the kampong. iii. Day: preferably a holiday, whereby the targeted group can come. iv. Side programs apart from exhibition, to attract more visitors like free health examination. v. Also publicity and promotion to the people. vi. Items of exhibition. h. Some villagers after seeing your exhibition, wanted to stop smoking give advice to them. (12) i. Congrats them for their effort and courage.

ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii.

Explain the available methods. The pros and cons of each method. The possible adverse effects which may they face in the duration of quitting. The outcome/ advantages after successfully quitting. Who they can approach whenever they need medical advise. Also to offer some contacts like HUSM and Anti Smoking Clinic in district clinics.

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