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Leadership vs.. Management

Hugh Adams Hanoi, Vietnam January 16th & 17th 2010


Purpose of this course is have the student understand the traits of good Leadership and Management Understand the theories of Management and Leadership. Identify styles of management and Leadership that would be appropriate to meeting established objectives. Enable the student to evaluate his/her abilities as a manager and as a leader We will especially emphasize the practical side of Leadership. You should feel more confident in exercising your Leadership skills after this course.

Introduction to spheres of influence Identifying leadership characteristics Contrasting Leadership and Management

Objective be able to define Leadership in action.

Be able to identify situations that require Leadership Be able to understand characteristics of leaders.

How these theories developed

Introduction to Chaos

Problem exchange perspective.


Angry Men Group (project)leadership Where good ideas come from? Leadership styles/ vs. management

Recognizing management ideas vs. Leadership based ideas. Leadership model (Michael Fullan)

Practical applications Implementation Dip Change Resistance

Changing the organizational culture Leadership approaches How to initiate change Review

What is expected of you

Participation An open mind Allow yourselves to be confused in the beginning. Allow yourselves to learn


Process of

Confusion Frustration Clarification Understanding

What is learning and how will you gain from this class?

Some say that learning is the process of forgetting


Consider the retreats of some monks

We know that learning something is not mastery

you can learn to drive a motorbike quickly

To master it you have to not think of your actions such as breaking You have to internalize it.

How do we in this short period of time both understand and learn?

Those who trust me these next two days and release your anchors can achieve learning. Those who dont will simply understand. Its up to you.



to spheres of influence Identifying leadership characteristics Contrasting Leadership and Management

Objective be able to define Leadership in action.
How these theories developed Introduction to Chaos Problem exchange perspective.
Be able to identify situations that require Leadership Be able to understand characteristics of leaders.

Sphere of Influence

An area that you dominate An area that you have an direct effect An area that you have an indirect effect

Are these Leaders or Managers or neither?

Is this a leader or a manager?


There is a difference between Leadership and Management



Motivation Direction Action Changes Direction Control Reporting Improvements

No Precision



What we know of Management theory and practice.

The study of Leadership stretches back 20 years. The history of modern scientific management stretches back 100 years. The history of professional management stretches back thousands of years. Emotional
intelligence Leadership Management


Leadership Theories

According to the great person theory, Leadership is a function of personal traits that qualify one to lead others. An alternative theory attributes Leadership to being in the right place at the right time. According to the transactional view, traits of the leader and traits of the group interact with certain aspects of the situation to determine what kind of leader will come to the fore.

(task-oriented and relationship-oriented). The effectiveness of each one depends on the nature of the task, the relationship of the leader with group members, and the leader's power over the group.


In ancient history two notable mangers

Genghis Khan (1167 -1206) two thirds of the known world.


to organize armies in (10,100,1000) into highly efficient management teams




extensively about the psychology of war.

First HR manual

Organized, predictable, planned vs. Chaos

Chaos theory is an area of inquiry in mathematics, physics, and philosophy which studies the behavior of certain dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions. This sensitivity is popularly referred to as the butterfly effect.

Chaos Sphere Influence


Chaos in Nature


The new challenge of Leadership is to operate in a world of complexity. Where everything is black and white right and wrong. Some would describe it as grey. Describing something as grey is an excuse or an effort to signalize a dual concept of something being both bad and good at the same time. Your ability to deal with these dual concepts clearly, will predict your success in this course --H. Adams

How does a business do this?


Can change be managed?

Management ---- constant improvement and refinement Leadership ---- change chaos uncertainty.


Is this a logical progression of change?


A game in decision making and group thinking.

Group Decision Making

Groups are often entrusted with problem solving in the expectation that they will be more careful and responsible than lone individuals. Research on the risky shift and the broader phenomenon of polarization shows that group deliberation actually enhances members' tendencies toward extreme solutions, leaning toward greater risk or caution. Group effectiveness depends on such factors as the nature of the task, the group's resources, and how members interact. The tendency of people to exert less effort when working in a group than when working on their own is known as social loafing. Group cohesiveness can lead to groupthink, a pattern of thought characterized by self-deception and the manufacture of consent through conformity to group values.



Modern Management

Scientific Management Theory (1890-1940) At the turn of the century, the most notable organizations were large and industrialized. Often they included ongoing, routine tasks that manufactured a variety of products. Frederick Taylor Cheaper by the Dozen Bureaucratic Management Theory (1930-1950) Max Weber embellished the scientific management theory with his bureaucratic theory. Human Relations Movement (1930- on) Eventually, unions and government regulations reacted to the rather dehumanizing effects of these theories. More attention was given to individuals and their unique capabilities in the organization. (theory X, Y and Z).


Management came to consist of six separate branches

Human resource management Operations management or production management Strategic management Marketing management Financial management Information technology management responsible for management information systems

Modern Management

Planning: Deciding what needs to happen in the future (today, next week, next month, next year, over the next 5 years, etc.) and generating plans for action. Organizing: (Implementation) making optimum use of the resources required to enable the successful carrying out of plans. Staffing: Job Analyzing, recruitment, and hiring individuals for appropriate jobs. Leading: Determining what needs to be done in a situation and getting people to do it. Controlling: Monitoring, checking progress against plans, which may need modification based on feedback. Motivating: the process of stimulating an individual to take action that will accomplish a desired goal.. Emotional intelligence
Leadership Management

To understand Management and Leadership as we know it today, you need to consider two converging and predominant fields of thought:
an engineer's approach to improving business performance a psychologist's approach to managing the human-side of change. knowledge organization


Management together with Leadership




Leadership requires that people change. DO PEOPLE REALLY CHANGE?

Or do we adapt to changing environment? 39

What is adaptation?

Do Behaviors Change ?
Is there a consensus of Behaviors?

Does our societies viewpoint Change?


Does our values change?


Do we value items differently? Transportation or a toy


Does the new fix a problem of the old? Does it create a new problem?

Do we view professions differently?


Do we see our lives evolve differently? Do we value our time differently?


Do we view creativity differently? Does technology make us better writers.


In an imperfect world the actions of management may be understood from a new perspective

The concept of problem exchange.

I paint a rusting outside table - Now must repaint it I put air conditioning in a house - Now have to deal with trapped humidity I buy a bigger motorcycle - Gas and maintenance cost more I put an underground sewer system in a town - It allows rats to freely travel unseen and multiply


Problem exchange

Management removes the time clock to workers more sense of responsibility - Workers feel they will not be able to prove that they arrive to work on time. I get a better paying job - Now I have more work worries I buy a new suit - Now I have to worry about getting it dirty In the city of Hawaii, the city decided to increase the efficiency of its garbage collection trucks - With the reduction in workforce of some of the lowest paid workers the city crime rate increased so more was now spent on the police force.



Angry Men Group leadership Where good ideas Leadership styles/ vs. management

Project Team Formation - 12 Angry Men


12 Angry Men

Group (project) Decision Making

According to the great person theory, Leadership is a function of personal traits that qualify one to lead others. An alternative theory attributes Leadership to being in the right place at the right time. According to the transactional view, traits of the leader and traits of the group interact with certain aspects of the situation to determine what kind of leader will come to the fore. Leadership style - (task-oriented and relationshiporiented). The effectiveness of each one depends on the nature of the task, the relationship of the leader with group members, and the leader's power over the group.



Your ability to learn is directly related to your ability to observe. Your ability to observe is directly related to your emotional state during times of stress.

12 Angry Men

A classic study in Leadership and team Building A study in the process of change caused by one Leader Change

is not directional Outcome is not anticipated Success has a low probability

Project Team Formation - 12 Angry Men


HUNG JURY - when a jury can not make a decision. Since they must vote unanimously for acquittal or conviction, any divided vote is considered a HUNG JURY and the judge can demand a retrial of the defendant. JURY of 12 people- is usually assembled in a capital case. A capital case is one that where the death penalty is possible. DEFENDANT - the person accused of the murder. MOTIVE- An emotion, desire, physiological need, or similar impulse that acts as an incitement to action CAPITAL CASE - If convicted, the defendant will be sentenced to death
Project Team Formation - 12 Angry Men


a short period:

The Jury - 12 strangers met to agree. (they must all agree) Each individual came from different backgrounds and culture Each from a personal daily life having their own problems (individual culture)

In order for the project to work and consensus to be reached

They must change their culture and create a new culture


Project Team Formation - 12 Angry Men

Story summary:
A young man of the age of 18 is accused of murdering his father. It is relevant to know that the young man is of Spanish decent. This movie took place in America in 1957. This was at a time that strong racial and religious prejudices occurred frequently. The entire movie except for the first 3 minutes, are in a small jury room with the 12 Angry Men.
Project Team Formation - 12 Angry Men

1. Chairman

4. Stockbroker

7. Salesman Baseball fan




8.Davids Architect

11.Watchmaker - Foreigner


6. House Painter

9. Ricardo -

12. Advertising

Project Team Formation - 12 Angry Men



3. Small businessman 4. Stockbroker

5. Was poor

6. House Painter

1. Chairman

7. Salesman Baseball fan


12. Advertising

8.Davids Architect 11.Watchmaker Formation 10. 12 Angry Men Project Team 9. Ricardo -

Table set

Project Team Formation - 12 Angry Men

Table set

Project Team Formation - 12 Angry Men

Environmental issues

Room design Table design Room comfort. Locked room 2 rooms meeting & bathroom Water availability Partially functioning fan Assured Privacy

Partially functioning windows Hard wooden chairs No air conditioner Support services from outside the room Raining day City environment High floor

Project Team Formation - 12 Angry Men

Confusion allows for change

This is a lesson on TEAM FORMATION and CHANGE under stress.

Your ability to change is directly related to your ability to observe. Your ability to observe is directly related to your emotional state during times of stress.

Project Team Formation - 12 Angry Men


should look for:

2. 3.

5. 6.

How each person presents his initial viewpoint or argument for the case? Who listens who talks Who leads, first who follows. Do they initially like each other why? Do some initially not like each other why? What personality characteristics are necessary to make a correct decision?

Project Team Formation - 12 Angry Men

Phases of Project Team Formation

Team members get to know each other and assess each other

Phase 1 Individual Handshake Phase 2 Group Handshake Phase Phase 3 False Group Establishment Phase Phase 3 - False Logical Phase

Project Team Formation - 12 Angry Men

Phases continued.
First clashes occur on how to accomplish goals Phase 4 Emotional Phase Phase 5 Leadership Emergence Phase 6 Side conferences Phase

Project Team Formation - 12 Angry Men

Team members begin to agree on Strategy and means Phase 7 New Group Establishment Phase Phase 8 Regaining true Logical Phase

Project Team Formation - 12 Angry Men

Team becomes productive. Phase 9 Momentum establishment towards objective Phase 10 Objective reached.

Project Team Formation - 12 Angry Men

Social Characteristics of Jurors

Meek hesitant 2 easily swayed

Loud flashy 7 bully coward

Honest dull witted 6 careful

Slick bright superficial 12 snob; no understanding of people

Angry bitter bigot 10 no value on life

Thoughtful gentle seeks truth 8 strong wants justice compassion

Mild gentle old 9 courageous

Nave frightened young 5 takes obligations seriously

Refugee ashamed humble 11 honest seeks justice

Small, petty not bright (foreman) formal dogged

Wealthy feels above rest 4 concerned with facts

Forceful opinionated sadistic 3 humorless intolerant

Socially Desirable

Socially Undesirable
Project Team Formation - 12 Angry Men

Jury Research--evidence for Group Polarization effects


& Zeisel --90% of unanimous juries research verdict consistent with initial majority vote

& Kaplan --simulated juries deliberating traffic felony cases; discussion produces shift in initial direction

Project Team Formation - 12 Angry Men

12 Angry Men understandable in terms of the causal processes that have been found to influence group decision making: Persuasive arguments Social comparison Social Psychology identifies the causal processes that influence social behavior-not just personalities, but also characteristics of situations

Causal process Cause and Effect linkage - reduced impact of Chaos

Project Team Formation - 12 Angry Men

Characteristics of Group Decision Making

1 2 3

risky shift polarization groupthink - Group cohesiveness can lead to groupthink, a pattern of thought characterized by selfdeception and the manufacture of consent through conformity to group values. social loafing great person theory, Leadership is a function of personal traits that qualify one to lead others. An alternative theory attributes Leadership to being in the right place at the right time
Project Team Formation - 12 Angry Men

4 5

Some typical Leadership styles

Coercive Do what I say Authoritative Come follow me Affiliative Create harmony - people come first Democratic Leader forges consensus through participation. Pacesetting Leader sets high standards - do as I do - now Coaching - the leader develops people for the future - try this

Improvements require management change required Leadership Leadership in a culture of change

Exhilaration Fear



taking Excitement Improvements Energizing

Loss Danger Panic


What are some leader types that we admire?

Charismatic Leadership

Can do more harm than good. They provide a leap in improvement follow by frustration as the dependency that they evoked dampens individual efforts.

Super human leaders. Are event leaders. The right person in the right place at the right time.

These forms of Leadership also do a great disservice since they can not be followed or emulated. The give no direction for the future.


The demands made of some leaders

We tend to place leaders in untenable position

We look to them to solve problems We ask to operate at a faster and faster pace Essentially we are looking specialized crisis Leadership on a daily basis. We eventually ask them to win at situations that rationally they cannot win.


What works what doesn't work

These have negative effect

Coercive - do what I say

New managers start this way especially when the want to make and impression. This Leadership doesnt look at what is in process of change but usually way out front and leading no one.

Pacesetting - Relentlessly taking on innovations after


The leader sets high standards obsessive about doing things better and faster. He demands this of everyone around him. If you dont rise to the occasion you are fired. These people dont win in the long run but destroys the company climate. These leaders expect that people know what to do which is an excuse for not being able to communicate


Authoritative Leadership Style

Authoritative Leadership is capable - but sometimes relies on social engineering when the initial excitement cannot be sustained because it cannot be converted into internal commitment. For urgent problems a good Leadership style Needs to work on transferring commitment Each style of Leadership is both an asset and a liability.


It is important for leaders to master several different Leadership styles.

Authoritative Come follow me Affiliative Create harmony - people come first Democratic Leader forges consensus through participation. Coaching - the leader develops people for the future - try this


authoritative Leadership

There is a fine line between coercive and authoritative Leadership. A clear single of authoritative Leadership is that it listens to negative responses.


Some typical Management styles

Analytical Driving Expressive Amiable And hundreds more to choose from.

Looking to others instead of ourselves

Instead we should be looking for leaders that challenge their group to face problems for which there are no simple answers.
(1) The new form of Leadership is to mobilize people to face tough problems that have not yet been successful accomplished. (2) Leaders in a changing environment need a framework of operations and this is what this portion of the class is about.

The Greeks - maybe were the to help people lead themselves


Know Thy Self


How did they do it?

(1400 B.C. to A.D. 381)

The oracle (The Pythia) of Delphi, Greece was the psychic of ancient times. Her answers could determine when farmers planted their fields or when an empire declared war.

Scientists know that the Temple is built on crisscrossing geological fault lines.
Evidence suggest that the Pythia, inhaled hydrocarbon gases, especially ethylene, which can induce lively incoherent conversation.


It lasted for 1400 years

why did it work?

Its that clear that this process could not have lasted almost 1,400 years unless something of interest was going on. The environment, very important:

This place is remote, even today. Its located high on the Parnassus mountain range. During ancient times it would take days and weeks of a solitary journey to travel to Delphi The journey was then repeated (although easier since it was downhill)


The answer was in the journey not the destination.

This requires the person with the question to:

Formulate the questions on the way up Attempt to interpret the answer on the way down.

The answer was irrelevant and in most cases incoherent. Know Thy Self
We usually solve our own problems if we listen to ourselves


management ideas vs. Leadership based ideas. Leadership model (Michael Fullan) Practical applications Implementation Dip Change Resistance

Microsoft Management Results

Leadership or Management

Windows 1 copied Apple


Windows 2.0
Windows 3.0 Windows NT 3.1 Windows 3.11 Windows NT Windows 95 Windows NT Windows 98 Windows 98 2nd

1990 1993 1993 1994 1995 1996 1998 1999

Windows 2000
Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7

2001 2005 2009

Management improvements vs. creativity

How do we improve this?

Where does the improvement come from?


Management improvements vs. creativity

How do we improve this?

Where does the improvement come from?


Management improvements vs. creativity

Where does the improvement come from?

How do we improve this?


Management improvements vs. creativity

How do we improve this?

Where does the improvement come from?


Rethinking of managements purpose

Example of who initiates the change and the eventual outcome.

Traditional way

Engineering resolutions (R&D) Management intervention (marketing, finance) Conflict (Chaos)


Tours components

Adventure Education Safety Good


How do the client sees the tour. King for a day Ego Lies?



Buffalo Tours


to improve future? (Leadership) How do we do this better now? (Management)

Collecting New Ideas where they are generated


Even the most heated issues can be discussed

DO: Talk about it. Even the most heated issues can be discussed coolly and calmly. But you might have to practice saying "When you do this, I feel this way" instead of "You did this" or "You make me feel..." DO: Create physical and emotional safety. Each of you should feel free to express yourself without fear of punishment. DO:. Be respectful, really listen and acknowledge their position. DO: Heated issues are emotion - Talking about feelings and empathizing will increases your knowledge of the problem DON'T: Punish or berate. Even if you feel attacked, don't get angry or the issue will never be resolved. DON'T: Bring up the past. It's over; let it go. Stay focused on the present, on how you feel now, not what s/he did then. DON'T: Don't interrupt or try to present counter arguments. And don't change the subject DON'T: Use information to build walls. Even if the truth hurts, don't disconnect the lines of communication or the situation will get worse. DON'T: Keep a mental checklist hot button issues. It's too tempting to use them as ammunition when you feel the pressure.


The Leadership goals

You dont have to have all the answers. You have to ask the right questions

leader having the best ideas is not enough.

You dont have to always be right just and sometimes being right is no assurance that people will agree with you

You may have tremendous opposition to your idea. Extreme opposition may be a signal that you are attempting to use Coercive Leadership style.

Lets look at some popular approaches to learning leadership in a changing environment


Other Gurus ideas on Leadership and Change management

Kotters - Leading Change Est ablish a sense of urgency Action steps Beer, Eisenstat and Spectors Mobilizing commit ment t o change t hrough joint diagnosis Develop a shared vision of how to organize and manage Spread revit alizat ion to all depart ments w it hout pushing it from t he t op Inst itut ional revit alizat ion t hrough formal policies syst ems and st ruct ure Monit or and adjust st rat egies in response t o problems in t he revit alizat ion process Hamel Lead the reolution Build a point of view

Creat ing a guided Coalit ion Developing a vision of St rat egy Communicat ing a Change of Vision Empow ering Broad Based Act ion Generat ing Short t erm w ins Consolidat ing Gains and producing more change Anchoring New Approaches in t he Cult ure

Writ e a manif est o Creat e a coalit ion

Pick your t arget s and pick your moment s Co-opt and neut ralize

Find a t ranslat or Win small, w in early, w in of t en Isolat e, inf ilt rat e, int ergrat e


The problem with these approaches

Advice is not actionable.


The focus of Leadership

In a somewhat chaotic world of change the space in between or the relationships that glue the organization together must be the focus area of Leadership. You dont lead an individual but lead the nature of relationships.

The interaction among individuals causes unpredictable outcomes and sometimes change

The soul or the mystery of business. When an individual soul is connected to the moral purpose it works.

Its time to pay as much attention to how we treat co-workers subordinates customers because they are all part of the same body.


Leadership is about sincerity

You can not fake it. You need to look into yourselves and question your sincerity. The sincerity needs direction Relationships need to be coordinated.

Through some sort of formal meeting.

The job of discussion coordinator should be shared.

Ask for anonymous vote on opinions.


Understanding how management and leadership operate in a climate of Change

Michael Fullan


Understanding Change
The best way to manage new ideas is to allow for it to happen

New concepts cannot be managed (before it happens) but it can be understood and led.

is no single answer Since change cannot be managed Leadership matters more than management. Your purpose is to understand the change process in order to lead it and to manage it.


Understanding how management and leadership operate in a climate of Change

Michael Fullan


Improved relationships

Evidence of a successful change environment is that relationships Leader must be constant relationship builders with diverse builders. Especially with diverse groups (clients)


It is easy to build relationship with those you like. In every Leadership action you either cause separation or coherence.



Relationships - Relationships Relationships If morale purpose is the highest priority than relationships are the second highest. If you ask someone how did you achieve success the answer is usually always its the people.


Where is the relationship?

The real truth is that is the space in-between the relationships. Does a company departments have a life?? Dont you sometimes go to a store or company and sense something negative or positive in the air?


Understanding how management and leadership operate in a climate of Change

Michael Fullan


Non-competitive culture

The exchange of knowledge only happens in organizations that have a noncompetitive or a collaborative culture.

first thing you need to do is fix the culture.


The 5% game

improvements as little events that build over time.


Commitment to the constant generation of knowledge inside and organization

Knowledge creation and sharing This is close to the concept of teaching but less directional People dont normally share unless the dynamics of informational exchange exists. You are in a knowledge organization. You are converting to a knowledge organization.


The complexities of knowledge sharing

People will not share knowledge unless they feel some moral commitment to do so Will not share knowledge unless the dynamics of change favor exchange of information


Realizing that information is only a building block of knowledge

That data without relationships merely causes information glut. Turing information into knowledge is a social process not an intellectual process. Requires a teams interaction.


Glut of information requires - Coherence


Complexity keeps people on the edge of chaos. It is on the edge of chaos that creativity exists when you are comfortable in a repetitive behavior you are not creative Artistic creativity is some effort and suffering. Effective Leadership tolerates enough chaos to keep the creative thought process active but constantly seeks coherence to avoid anarchy Like a symphonic orchestra but with some always out of tune.


Knowledge Building (knowledge Creation and Sharing)

Knowledge, an asset as important as the machines we work on. Information is machines Knowledge is people- it has a life of its own Quantity is not important. Knowledge is something we mentally eat. As important as food to our bodies. The consumption of knowledge is the purpose of knowledge. Knowledge with out consumption is information.


Information consumption

If you dont consume this information and internalize it you havent learned you may have only memorized some facts. Look at the obvious notion of sharing best practices within an organization.



Treat an culture as you would treat an expensive production machine

What is a culture of Care? Mutual trust Active empathy Access to help Lenience in judgment Courage


iii) If workers feel a consequence to expressing ignorance and incompetence (1) No problems are discussed


You must develop a language for problem discussion

You then need to continue to divide and improve on that language.

Language will create a culture.


expression concepts as unique language you will Establish the meaning Make some difficult topics easier to discuss

for efficient common discussion


Move away from emotions of problem by giving it a language.

EXAMPLE 1. If people dont want to commit to an idea define a concept as something to be discussed prior to it becoming an idea.


Cross compare with other groups to gain insight

Share lessons learned.


knowledge sharing practices Access individuals on their wiliness to share their experience with others in the knowledge building model


Chaos generates ideas - BUT

Interacting individuals are key to accessing an sorting out these ideas Individuals will not engage in sharing unless they find it motivating to do so.

say give me your ideas will not create that culture you cannot mandate it.

Give up the idea of controlling knowledge creation


Ideas that are shared or owned

The idea when shared is not owned = it will evolve


of owned ideas - produce stagnant

ideas. You dont necessary restrict conflict but understand an assimilate it as normal.


The issue of praise

Toastmasters is not the model If we cover people or praises everyone, what do you say when someone brings an excellent plan? Ask people to change write with the opposite hand Fishbowl workshop




Understanding how management and leadership operate in a climate of Change

Michael Fullan


Information is not knowledge Sharing information vs.. knowledge



23 Is a fact

information into appropriate context Is an idea


Coherence Making

ideas are often generated when the status quo is disrupted.

Sleep on the opposite side of the bed

Morale purpose understanding change developing relationships building is the process of having to simultaneously letting go and reining in.


The environment for change

Equilibrium is a precursor to death

Edge of chaos Systems self organize Systems cannot be directed along a linear path


attractors - attract energy and commitments

Flags People Ideas


Understanding how management and leadership operate in a climate of Change

Michael Fullan


How Leadership is established in a changing environment

Through Morale purpose(trust)

with the intention of making a positive difference for the greater good Trust a leaders motivation. Deals with direction results

change knowledge building

I love my country and I want to share my country with you.


Moral Purpose
How to define
Passionate for something that is worthwhile Style of Leadership is to some extent irrelevant No matter what style to be effective you must have and work on improving your morale


Morale purpose

Morale purpose is about both the ends and means of a goal. My moral purpose here is to improve your lives. Not just to transmit information If you dont connect you will be a leader without followers.


To feel connected to the greater good

Authentic Leadership anchors their practice to ideas, values and commitments. They connect the dots. It is the very essence that makes us different from non-humans that is the most attractive to follow. It is our nature to follow as strong as a bird must fly south. You must tap this instinct.


Why would we cooperate?

There is a evolutionary hypotheses that cooperative groups thrive and selfish ones do not. Reference the movie a Beautiful mind.

The noble prize was won by --- on this premise

We are all driven by both self-centered and unselfish motives We all have mixed motives


The pursuit of moral purpose in a culture of change

The moral objective -- Case study to raise literacy rate in a country.

will be accomplished a achieve variety of sub goals More and better books teachers etc. The moral purpose must be stated and must be accompanied with strategies to achieve it. (both purpose and direction) Strategies must infiltrate and be mean full to individuals. They must see the opportunity to become heroes.


Morale purpose in a adult world has its dilemmas.

Both selfish and non selfish reasons exist.

The leaders will be reelected. Some people will gain raises

There could be collateral damage from this

the funding to the arts could suffer. There could be losers.

Will the striving to meet higher test results mean loss in quality of education?


Does the strategy inspire people to do better?

Leadership must
Have an explicit concept of making a difference Have strategies that mobilize or involve people so that they can win. Must be held accountable at all levels Is ultimately assessed by the ability to awaken the intrinsic instincts of commitment.


Case study of Monsanto

6 billion people in the world and 1 billon are hungry



modified seeds.


Morale purpose must

Also be mean full outside the company


Profit minded business must also lead from a position of moral purpose
40% of newly created and well funded companies do not last more than 10 years.

Companies die because they focus only on the economic activity and forget the human aspect of their company. Moral purpose is viable on just about every mean full criterion.


Understanding Change

O r d e r

C h a o s

Michael Fullan


you can not lead unless you are comfortable in an environment of uncertainty

Leadership without understanding is Leadership without direction Respect the complexities of the change process To understand something that constantly changes is extremely elusive.


Understanding change

Less about innovation and more about innovativeness Less about strategy and more about strategizing. It is complex and requires intelligence to grasp. Its about telling the truth

What is the truth

You nor I are not the answer people (no one is, all the time)


70 % of corporate change attempts fail


implementation dip

All successful implementation will experience a performance dip.

A dip in performance and confidence When Leadership is needed. Leaders dont panic when things dont go smoothly during the first year of undertaking a major leaders lead through the confusion. You achieve this by combining styles of Leadership


Understand the impact of change The Implementation Dip

All successful implementations will experience a performance dip.


The benefit of resistors

Resistance avoids group think Resistance produces some chaos which is necessary for a change based environment. Remember that a resistor will not lead without morale purpose.

No one will follow individuals that make a career out of being negative for the sake of being negative. They will sideline themselves.


The Function of Resistors

Resistors become crucial in the politics of change implementation. By simply respecting resistors you can defuse some of the negative aspects without superficial compliance. The vocal resistor will be invaluable in reacting to hidden sabotage Inviting exposure of resistance is different that inviting new resistance.


Anticipate sabotage Rapport Draw out the problem Problem definition Alternatives Action


You are not expected find the answer

----you never were---

The reality is that in the past although most of the answers came from those directly working on the task others took credit. This causes an US vs.. THEM mentality. It reduced communication Created an atmosphere of caution.


How to use this information

How to use this information in handling conflict.


on your background.
Be a mother Be a father Be a grandfather.


Leaders redefine resistance

We are more likely to learn something from someone that disagrees with us. You may also be dampening the seed of change. We tend to be around people that we like and over listen to people who agree with us. Leaders don't


We prefer to avoid and under listens to those who we dont like

Makes for a comfortable day but is poor Leadership and actually hurts the change process. Pacesetters and Coercers are the poorest listeners


How much should you listen?

Authoritative leader are not to good listeners Affiliative and Democratic leaders listen too much. That is why Leadership is complicated. You have to change your Leadership style in a changing environment.


The Problem

The problem is that we dont have the time for you to go through 3 years of in-depth analysis to gain some of these skills. The quick way it to play some games which might help you understand.

I have the choice of sitting down with you and profiling your Leadership style and then working with you to learn the others.

a personal journey



The environment in which we operate. We know that there is a Vietnamese culture

but subdivided in Vietnam is tribal cultures subdivided we can employee the term villages we can employee that term to families Corporate Departments work teams project teams

Companies also have cultures



Requires listening

language Body language

Vocal tone


you listen you must be the subordinate. not judgmental Listening takes more courage that speaking


Listening skills

Reflect the talker


in sentences and in body language

Watch nature when they meet reflect each others actions.



of wife that could talk to her husband Watched her daughter go to her father in the garden She sits down and start to help him garden She only starts to talk after they bond in their work. The wife next time went to talk to the husband while washing the car.


A comfortable conversation is not the objective.

Dont mistake communication in social situations for business A comfortable conversation is for poor listeners Its not what they say its how they say it. Dont act like a parent
Parental questions usually begin with why Its a position that usually makes adults feel comfortable but other adults dont


Questioning skills

Open and Closed questions

Questions that seek a yes or no response Questions seeking facts or feelings Listing skills (personnel tricks)

Visual affirmation Repetition of key words to show understanding Never ask that you tell me but that you share with me. Story of the interview that never existed. Acknowledge feelings Stop break eye contact place palm down

Direct the conversation by repeating key words towards the direction.


Acknowledge emotions
You look really busy Exercise. - you are to acknowledge emotions


Begin with the premise that problems are opportunities

An example. The client changes his mind and wants to see something else. The clients are arguing amongst themselves.



the organizational culture

How to

approaches How to initiate change Review

A dual environment of Chaos and Stability

Where leadership skills are used to deal with Chaotic situations.

Where management skills are used to incorporate lessons learned into cost effective systems

Dont think that you need to change anyone.

You need to rethink the way you interact. You need to have the courage to let it happen and then lead the process. Then mange to results.

Leadership is the process of influencing not directing

You are to influence

We know that influence exist and causes action Companies influence how employees treat each other Wives influence husbands


influence you even when the logic is unclear Its the environment the space in-between Lets start building a vocabulary

This area that created between individuals is Culture


The focus of Leadership

In a somewhat chaotic world of change the space in between or the relationships that glue the organization together must be the focus area of Leadership. You dont lead an individual but lead the nature of relationships.

The interaction among individuals causes unpredictable outcomes and sometimes change

The soul or the mystery of business. When an individual soul is connected to the moral purpose it works.

Its time to pay as much attention to how we treat co-workers subordinates customers because they are all part of the same body.



Re-culturing is the name of the game.

The way people interact.

Reorganization is sometimes the only solution applied to difficult problems When in doubt, reorganize the illusion of progress is maintained. Change Organizational structure does make a difference but usually move from one static structure to another.

Leading Change

Leading change is not redrawing organizational charts but affecting the culture of the company. A much more difficult task. You must create a culture that allows change within your group. It does not mean adopting innovations, one after another.

But producing the capacity to critically assess and selectively incorporate new ideas and practices - all the time.


You can start with Vocabulary

To improve a culture in an organization you can start with developing a vocabulary.

Sphere Clients Transport

of influence

experience Environmental aspects Administrative burden Communication goals


Leadership is about sincerity

You can not fake it. You need to look into yourselves and question your sincerity. The sincerity needs direction Relationships need to be coordinated.

Through some sort of formal meeting.

The job of discussion coordinator should be shared.

Ask for anonymous vote on opinions.


The Process of external Communication


- structured

Face to face Email


Newsletters Telephone



Body language Facial expression


The process of external communication begins with internal communication

Also relies on internal communications


awareness Doesnt an effective communication begin with an effective internal dialog? Isn't your internal conversation the source of you external conversation?


Guidelines for asking questions


When companies change in the old way they would reorganize

They wanted more productivity better attention to the customer or simply a more streamline and cost effective organization. It did have some value

But what they wanted to change the most was culture That usually did not happen. Why

Moving people into new positions did not have a significant effect on culture. Moving the organization chart around simply moved from one set of stasis to another. The organizational chart never displayed the culture of the organization. Can you determine the state of health of by the chart? Can you determine the culture of the organization - very little


Cooperate Head Office

Marketing Department

Human Resources



Cooperate Head Office

Marketing Department



Human Resources


How do create a culture that essentially constantly evolves?

You dont have to just get out of the way and it will evolve

just need to lead the process Ui) You ask for and accept constant inputs You strive not for stability


never ending quest for perfection. Try as hard as you can and a little bit more.


Problem is that we love habits

We tend to spend time learning and assimilating. It is human nature to turn into habits as much as possible.

By turning them into habits we have forgotten. Its both an investment and a area of comfort We seek comfort and avoid discomfort. The problem arises when we sometime turn something into habits that we should not. Relationships. By changing we are affecting our habits. Its not only issues


Other examples of non change

German camera

In 1930 to 1980 they were the premier maker of cameras in the world The Japanese started to take the position Now they are only the premier maker of lenses With the introduction of digital this position could be assaulted.

Innovation is not enough

Kodak patented the first digital camera You risk loss of market if you dont change You risk loss of market if you fail to change You gain world Leadership if you do change


The market does not forgive failure

Management and Leadership Management

Needs constants to focus needs objectives to focus Leadership spirit commitment training involvement spirit Team change start with the Leadership


How is a football game won

You must both lead and manage a team We are building the capacity of management to change to leaders.


Evaluate yourselves

Is it always all about you?

Are you preoccupied with your own career path and looking good at the expense of others? Do you put others down while you pump yourself up? Instead, conduct yourself in such a way that other people will want to see you succeed-- let their genuine support and admiration of who you are pull you to success.


Answering cell phone calls during meetings

A surefire way to aggravate people is to consistently respond to calls, emails and pagers when in conversation with others. This sends a message that they are less important than the caller. If you are expecting an urgent call, alert those present. They will appreciate that you value their time and that you stay focused on matters at hand.


Acting like a bureaucrat

Do you drag out turnaround times and play control games? Do you create obstacles or barriers for others to do their work? Making mountains out of molehills is another surefire way to alienate people. Teach people how to navigate your organization efficiently, knowing when to stick with the rules and when to break them


You are your words

You are your words even more so in virtual relationships. You are communicating with people worldwide who know you only by the sound of your tone voice and facial expressions. Become conscious of how you use language and stop communicating in ways that cause you to sound inexperienced or unprofessional.


Acting unethically

Make sure you are clear on your organizations ethics policies and have the courage and conviction to uphold them. Its easy to draw the line on major violations but watch for the subtle ways you may be pulling others in the wrong direction to achieve goalsmassaging numbers or data, or providing misleading information. Raise the ethics bar high and hold yourself and others to it.


Todays answers are not acceptable tomorrow.

You need to re ask the same questions.

The most powerful facilitator of change is the team. The greatest football players go not to where the ball is but where the ball will be.

In a young team they chase the ball in a mature team they wait for the ball.


Reason you must change

1982 a book was published in search of excellence and it identified 43 excellent companies - within five years all be five were removed from the list. The disease of success sniffles creativity Why should be change when we are successful?


How to promote change

You can initiate change with introducing some anxiety that the current situation cannot be maintained.
You point out that less anxiety is available but an having an attitude of change. You must supply

Support Encouragement Coaching Leadership must be seen as a stable anxiety free position You will, by this position attract followers

Old and new way of employee growth in a company.


Asking people to change is asking to be at risk

How to convince you to put your career at risk

Money Children Fear of Non existence

Some companies believe it is easier to start over than to change its current employers

They fired 400 out of 500 people, Mover to another city Hired 400 new people Trained them in the new way of working. Use the original 100 to transfer knowledge to new employees.


How to become a change initiator

Power is required

Comes from the organization The pain of not evolving to a change environment has to be greater than stasis

Pain is required

Vision is required Why change? The reason must be owned Public Role

The reason for this effort must transcend work The reasons must meet internal needs.

Private Role

Tied to performance Ability to reward the desired behavior


Consumers are not Rational

Most people decide intellectually and buy emotionally that is both the problem and the opportunity.

After the customer buys he wants to justify his purchases

Buyer remorse

When we become consumers we go into dumb mode.

Consumers are not rational.


Marketing attempts to manipulate and control the consumer

Engineering attempts to create intellectual validity for the purchase. Marketing attempts to create emotional validity for the purchase.

Egons advice on buying a present for a wife.

Most times people argue with each other because not so much for the firmness of the position but for the love of intense negative emotions.

Prepare for failure



Management can be delegated Leadership cannot. 12 angry men What is leadership and what defines a leader When is a person a leader When is a person a manger Can companies survive without leadership


Further Readings

Carr, David K. Managing the Change Process: A Field Book for Change Agents, Consultants, Team Leaders and Reengineering Managers. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996. PM HD58.8 C36 1996 Fullan, M. (2001). Leading in a Culture of Change. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Ivey, A. (1995). Managing Face to Face Communication - Survival tactics for people and products in the 21st Century. USA: Microtraining Associates, Inc., Johnson, S. (2002). Who Moved my cheese?. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons. Oech, R. (1998). A Whack on the side of the head. New York: Warner Books. Schein, E. (1999). Corporate Culture Survival Guide. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Warner Burke, W. (2002). Organization Change. USA: Sage Publications.




Hugh Adams Hanoi, Vietnam January 16th & 17th 2010

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