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MCQ Haemato Div C (S5 11/12)

1. Neutropenia is a. <1100/mm3 b. <1700/mm3 c. <2000/mm3 d. <1500/mm3 e. <3000/mm3 2. Eosinophilia is when eosinophil: a. >300 but more significant > 500mm3 b. 300 200mm3 c. 100 200mm3 d. 50 100mm3 3. Lymphocytosis: a. 4000-4500 b. 5500 c. 6000 d. 2500 e. 3500 4.One of the following types of anemia is microcytic: a. aplastic anemia b. post haemorrhagic anemia c. thalassemia d. leukemia e. hemolytic anemia 6. In iron deficiency anemia a. parental iron is the first line of treatment b. normocytic, normochromic c. treatment by blood transfusion d. uncommon type of anemia e. GI bleeding is the common cause of bleeding in adult male 7 . Most common type of leukemia is a. cml b. cll c. all d. aml e. hairy cell leukemia 8 . Iron deficiency anemia is.. a. microcytic hypochromic b. microcytic c. normochromic d. tak ingat e. tak ingat

MCQ Haemato Div C (S5 11/12)

9. Hybrid gene BCR-ABL codes for a fusion protein with tyrosine kinase activity, which activities signal transduction pathways, leading to uncontrolled cell growth is the genetic landmark of : a. CML b. CLL c. AML d. hairy cell L e. ALL 1 0.Hiss test is a measure of a. capillary fragility b. capillary bP c. capillary circulation d. osmotic fragility e. fibrinolysis 11. 'B' symptoms in malignant lymphoma may include in all the following except a. unexplained weight loss >10% after 6 months prior to diagnosis b. unexplained fever > 38'C c. drenching night sweat d. pruritis e. bleeding tendency 13. In haemophilia B, all correct, except: a. due to deficiency of factor X b. 2-3% of congenital coagulation defect c. 15% of haemophilia d. clinically undistinguished from haemophillia e. transmission by X chromosome linked so typically occur in women 14. causes of vit. K deficiency except: a. obstructive jaundice b. malabsorption symptom & chronic diarrhea c. prolong antibiotic d. intake oral anticoagulant e. deficient intake 15. in DIC all correct except a. pathologic coagulation b. FDP c. damage rather than protect d. consumes severals clothing factors leading to diffuse bleeding e. may because by incompatible bld transfussion.

MCQ Haemato Div C (S5 11/12)

16. Ttt of DIC include all except... a. Ttt of underlying cause b. iV anticoagulant therapy contraindicated c. Whole blood to control shock d. Severe fibrinogen deficiency, fibrinogen 4-6gm e. Platelet tranfusion 17. Normal amount of Reticulocytic count is? 18. All these statement are correct about LMWH except? 19. All true about DIC except? 21. The most widely used test in evaluation of DVT is: A.Duplex Ultrasonography B.Intravenous Venography C.CT scan D.Impedence Plethysmography 22. Physical Examination is a. Unreliable for excluding diagnosis of DVT b. Reliable for excluding diagnosis of DVT c. Surest tool for diagnosis of DVT d. No value in diagnosis of DVT 2 3. In lab equipment, test tubes, blood transfusion bags, & medical & surgical equipment, chemicals that can be added to stop blood clotting is: a. EDTA b. citrate c. oxalate d. heparin e. warfarin 24. Jaundice with HD. All true except; a. Intrahepatic cholestasis - involve of portal tract b. Extrahepatic cholestasis - due to gland in porta hepatis c. Auto immune hemolytic anemia d. Concurrent hepatitis e. Biliary cirrhosis 2 5. Constitutional/systemic symptoms a. HD>NHL b. NHL>HD c. for both are same d. indicate good prognosis e. x ingat

MCQ Haemato Div C (S5 11/12)

26. The following are the risk factor that may indicate hospitalization in patients with DVT except: a. uniateral DVT b. renal insufficiency c. Body weight>70kg/154lbs d. recent immobility e. chronic heart failure 27. all are indication for bone marrow aspiration, except? a. anemia with reticulocyte b. MCV>110N3 (apa N# nih?) c. neutropenia d. thrombocytopenia e. aku x ingt =.= 28. immunophenotyping in Non hodgkin lymphoma a. important for classification b. ? c. Mandatory d. ? e. little prognostic value 29. The starting work up for confirmatory of diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia is: a. Transferrin saturation b. Serum ferritin c. free erythrocyte protoporphyrin d. bone marrow iron e. Bone marrow biopsy 31. Common manifestations for acute leukemia include all except: a. pallor b. purpura&ecchymosis c. fever d. lymphadenopathy e. thrombocytosis 3 2. All the following is used in diagnosis of acute leukemia, except: a. morphology b. cytochemistry c. immunophenotyping d. karyotyping e. bone marrow biopsy

MCQ Haemato Div C (S5 11/12)

33. Prothrombin time: a. affected by factor I, II, V, VII, X b. not a sensitive test c. affected by platelet & vascular d. affected by factor IX, VIII, X 34. The most favorable histologic type of Hodgkin disease is a. lymphocyte depletion b. lymphocyte predominance c. mixed cellularity d. nodular depletion 5. The mech of action of heparin is by: 3 a. bind with antitrombin III (A + III ), potentiating its inhibitory action on trombin b. interfere with platelets function c. irreversibly inhibit platelet cyclo-oxygenase activity d. interfere with action of vitamin K in hepatic synthesis of factor II, VII, IX, X 3 6. Causes of Generalised Lymphadenopathy include the following except: a. Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma b. Cytomegalo virus (C.M.V) c. Hodgkin's Disease d. T.B e. Primary syphilis 37. Thalassemia is characterized by all of the following, except: a. microcytic anemia b. high serum ferritin c. direct hyprebilirubinemia d. reticulocytosis 38. Initial ttt of ITP by : a. corticosteroid b. platlet transfussion c. splenectomy d. androgen e. blood transfusion 39. APTT is affected by following factors except : a. IX b. VII c. X d. II (di underlined, i dunno why) e. VIII

MCQ Haemato Div C (S5 11/12)

40. Auer bodies are rod like structures present in cytoplasm of : a. myeloblasts b. lymphoblasts c. lymphocytes d. monocytes e. myelocytes

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