Uk Ffa

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Maintenance interval of Fire Fighting equipment - UK FLAG STATE


Portable extinguishers Inspection/servicing Inspection to be done by

Hyd Pr. Testing Intervals Testing Pressure

Fixed FFA systems Fixed Foam Analysis Requirement. Fixed CO2

Inspection conducted by

Testing Pressure Fixed Halon

Inspection Inspection conducted by Servicing/Level Checks

Fixed Dry Powder Annual Inspection Two Yearly Inspection Inspection/servicing Testing Pressure
Breathing Apparatus Pr. Testing Intervals SCBA Pr. Testing Intervals Testing Pressure SCBA Compressor

al of Fire Fighting equipment - UK FLAG STATE

REQUIREMENTS Annual Competant Authority

Annual Inspection carried out in accordance with IMO resolution A.602(15) Hydraulically tested in accordance with the recognized standard or the manufacturer's instruction at an Interval not exceeding 10 Yrs In accordance with Manufacturers instructions. 100% for first 10 extinguisher & 50% for the remaining upto the maximum of 60. For Ext which cannot be charged on board, Spare portable fire extinguisher of same type, capacity & Quantity shall be provided in lieu of spare charges.

At each Intermediate, Periodical or Renewal Survey, All high pressure cylinder & Pilot Cylinder should be weighed or have their contents verified by other reliable means to confirm the available charge in each is above 90% of the nominal charge.
Monthly Inspection:- may be performed by Competent crew member. Annual Inspection:- Should be performed by the manufacturer OR recognised service

company. High pressure cylinder are subjected to Periodical test at an Interval not exceeding 10 years. At least 10% of cylinder are subjected to Internal inspection & Hyd test. In accordance with Manufacturers instructions.
HALON fixed firefighting system decommisioned from 31st-Dec-2003 in accordance with the EU regulation 2037/200. The UK will accept use of FM200 & NOVEC 1230 gases

Should be undertaken by accredited service station Inpection by Approved Shore Station. 1)-Blow through with Nitrogen. 2)-Operational test of remote controls & section valve. 3)-Testing of dry powder charge for moisture absorption. 4)-Powder Containment vessels safety valve & discharge hoses should be subjected to a full working pressure test. In accordance with Manufacturers instructions.
Not Exceeding 10 Years. Maintenance as per Manufacturers Instruction Atleast one Spare set In accordance with Manufacturers instructions. 5 Years In accordance with Manufacturers instructions. 200% Annual

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