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23rd March 2009

Issue # 15th


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MT Educare moves to its New Corporate Office on the 28th of January 2009.

CA As A Career...................................................................................................4 Career Buffet...................................................................................................5 Journalism....................................................................................................6 Many Facets Of Mass Communication......................................................7
Career Buffet

Explore..Dream, Discover.....................................................................................2

Income Tax

The Right Noises....................................................................................................8 Career Margadarshan 09..................................................................................10 Mergers And Acquisitions...............................................................................16 Income Tax...................................................................................................17 Locking Horns With Life.............................................................................18
MT Educare Dubai

Mt Educare Dubai..............................................................................................21 Beauty Inside Out............................................................................................22 When God Created Daughters.......................................................................23 How Did The Bubble Burst...........................................................................24 A Change For The Better............................................................................26



Effective Communication

Achievement......................................................................................................27 How About Some Geography...........................................................................28 Effective Communication................................................................................29 Lessons In Life..............................................................................................30 Things To Prove You Are A Bombayite........................................................31

Art lies in Concealing Art

Farmer O Farmer...............................................................................................32 Proverbial Controversies..................................................................................33 Funny Sign Boards..........................................................................................34 Funny Quotes And Thoughts........................................................................35 Art Lies In Concealing Art...........................................................................36



Path To Your Desired Career !
A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play, his labour and his leisure, his mind and his body, his education and his recreation. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing and leaves others to determine whether he is working or playing. To himself he always appears to be doing both! How true and meaningful the paragraph is for all you students who are on the verge of choosing a right career. Indeed let me call it as a WAY OF LIVING, not just a career. Most of you students & your parents always attach too much of importance on DECIDING ABOUT YOUR CAREER. This is where most of you tend to falter. Careers are not meant to be decided because when you sit to decide/analyse you tend to start comparing the pros & cons of various career options. This only leads to confusion & stress which finally ends up consulting others and taking up a career what they feel is right not what you always wanted to do. One always needs to remember, Trust not what inspires other members of society to choose a career. Trust what inspires you. From this decision alone will come over a third of your satisfaction or misery in your life. For many of us, finding a career that we deem fun & long-term is in itself a long journey. But having a successful career in life is not just for the rich and famous, it's for one and all including you. We as humans are prone to look at successful individuals like Dhirubhai Ambani, Narayana Murthy, Sachin Tendulkar, Shahrukh Khan, Sunitha Williams, Barkha Dutt or Kiran Bedi or .! We tend to assume that somehow they became wealthy and innovative overnight; but fail to understand what effort, dedication, time and perseverance was needed to reach where they have reached. The key to their success lies in the first paragraph of this article they made no distinction between their work and play, labour and leisure, mind and body most importantly WHAT THEY WANTED TO DO & WHAT THEY FINALLY DID. Here are some simple and effective tips for choosing a career: THROW YOUR PRE-CONCEPTIONS OUT OF THE WINDOW. So many people block out what they should be doing because of something they have been told in their past or something that they have falsely come to know about themselves. Always remember each man has his own vocation, his talent is his call. Know there is one direction in which all space is open to him. Just identify that space. You and yourself are the only two people whom you need to trust while identifying it. DON'T WORRY ABOUT INCOME WHEN CHOOSING A CAREER. Most career parts are littered with average people; people who jumped into the career because of reasons mentioned above. They are therefore not pursuing their career with passion. The people with passion are surely in the top 5-10%. It is better to be in the seemingly lower-end career which you are passionate about rather than being in the so-called higher-end career which you are not at all passionate. After all, the most difficult part of getting to the top of the ladder is getting

through the crowd at the bottom. The only key to it is passion. George Elliot has rightly said, The best augury of a man's success in his profession is that he thinks it is the finest in the world.

Trust not what inspires other members of society to choose a career. Trust what inspires you. From this decision alone will come over a third of your satisfaction or misery in your life.
BE REALISITC ABOUT YOUR SKILLS. The question to most of you students is how do I figure out my skills? There are a lot of indicators for the same. Sit alone and think what classes come easier to you naturally? Maths English Science Economics Foreign Languages Sports/Physical Education? What do you naturally tend to do in your spare time? Sitting on a desk and writing something staying glued to news channels computer gaming reading thinking about the technicalities behind gadgets and gizmos. Once you know the above things follow the below-mentioned process: KNOW YOUR INTERESTS before you can select a career, you have to get to know yourself well enough to define your interests. Pen down the following: Create a list of things you are passionate about, write down all jobs that you would do for free, Create a list of your long term goals, Make a list defining your lifestyle, Write down a list of every possible career option that you have envisioned for yourself till date.

These tests can only provide some basic guidelines and should not be termed as conclusive, RESEARCH YOUR TOP CHOICES: Once you have got the self-awareness and the path on which you may be walking in the future you also need to do a research about top institutions which will shape you up & make you ready for the same. Once you zero down on the institutes offering you the best of the courses the next important step is to research about your preferred career which must include the following Basic career profile, Career prospects, Know the cost of relocation (if your career demands it), the top-notch companies in your specific career. Get Information Personally. Once you have researched the top careers, get handson information on your own. The best way to do that is to: Talk to people who have taken up the same career. Find out the same following from them the best & worst of their careers, their typical day at work, where did they start and how did they reach where they are today, also speak to people who are in their internship because they will share with you an experience which you will undergo. GET PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE: The last but indeed the most important step is to get some very valuable professional guidance. The mistake most of us do is that we start with this step and then follow the other steps that I mentioned earlier. I totally disagree with it because it is only you go through the process and then meet a team of professional counselors, you tend to understand them with practical approach. Keeping this in mind, we at MT EDUCARE have organised CAREER MARGADARSHAN on 30th & 31st March, 2009. CONCLUSION: These were mere guidelines for your path to a desired career. Ultimately, wherever you go, whatever you choose to be, it's your will to succeed that will determine your growth. Dare to think different. Dare to be different. Dare to walk the path which others have not. In short, Dare to live life YOUR WAY! Mark Twain has rightly said, 0 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didnt do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. XPLORE. DREAM. DISCOVER

Once you have got the self-awareness and the path on which you may be walking in the future you also need to do a research about top institutions which will shape you up & make you ready for the same.
ASSESS YOURSELF: Get an insight into your own character in order to narrow down your choices, Ask your friends, family and teachers about the people who know you the best about their impressions of your personality, Remember, doing a self-analysis about yourself is the best method, The following are the online tests which will help you for the same: The Keirsey Temperament sorter, Human Metrics, Visit the website of The Ennagram Institute which offers several types of awareness exams, The Princeton Review Career quiz, Career Value Test.

Shrenik Kotecha Director Business Development and New Initiatives


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Career in finance and accountancy could be seen gaining immense popularity and it can therefore be undoubtedly said that the most prestigious career option in this field is that of Chartered Accountants. Chartered Accountants are and will continue to burden the brunt of progress, across all corners of the professional world.

The growing importance of trade and industry along with the rapid growth of capital and money markets in an economically developing nation like ours has increased the importance of Chartered Accountants enormously. Chartered Accountancy as a profession is attracting a lot of young force and witnessing a rapid growth, thanks to the growing corporate sector globally. Chartered Accountants usually occupy high and respectable posts in an organisation. The profession of Chartered Accountancy is one of the most respectable professions amongst the various areas present in the commerce field, particularly finance. A career in finance promises a challenging and extremely rewarding professional life. On attaining qualification of a Chartered Accountant, ample opportunities open up. Whether they work in a Chartered Accountancy firm or they carry on with their own private practice, or they join a corporate body or a government undertaking, there is so much to do. All the companies registered under the Companies Act, are required to get their accounts audited, only by a practicing Chartered Accountant. Moreover, under various revenue laws like Value Added Tax, Income Tax, Excise etc, certain assesses are required to get their accounts mandatorily audited by a qualified Chartered Accountant. Apart from the traditional fields of Financial Auditing & Taxation, Chartered Accountants work in a wide range of areas like Finance, Cost Accounting, Management Audits, Investigations, Management Consultancy, Arbitrators, Insurance & Banking Sector, Risk Assessment etc. Auditing involves checking the accuracy of the financial statements, ensuring that the accounts presented are drawn up on Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Taxation involves dealing with direct taxes, like income tax and wealth tax, assessment of taxes, filing returns and providing advice on indirect taxes. Investigations and Due Diligence include expert examination of specific aspects of businesses for the information of interested parties for taking decisions in the areas of purchase, sale or financing of a business and for mergers &

Auditing involves checking the accuracy of the financial statements, ensuring that the accounts presented are drawn up on Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
acquisitions. The various areas of consulting include management accounting and internal audit, corporate law advice, project planning and finance, business advise, systems design and information consultancy. They are also engaged in activities like Markets Research, Budgets, Working Capital Management, Inventory Control, Enterprise Resource Planning, Business Process Re-engineering, Securities Consultancy, Registrar of Issues of Securities etc. In the WTO regime, cross border trade is playing a very important role in the development of all economies world over. This is giving rise to newer opportunities in the field of International Taxation & International Financial Reporting Standards. With the country liberalising its policies and approach, opportunities are expected to grow further. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is the apex body controlling the education, training & licensing issues of Chartered Accountants. It is set up under an Act of Parliament, The Chartered Accountants Act, 1949. CA Programme currently has three sections, Common Proficiency Test (CPT), Integrated Professional Competence Course (IPCC) and Final examination. It requires three years of practical training under any practicing Chartered Accountant and is a unique blend of theory & practical education. Even after qualifying as a Chartered Accountant, it requires tremendous reading & learning to remain updated in the fast changing realities of the legal & corporate world. That is the why the motto of the Institute is Ya Esh Supteshu Jagarti (HE WHO IS AWAKE WHEN THE WORLD IS ASLEEP.) CA Devendra Jain Co-Head:CA-PCC/Final &Tax Consultant MT-Educare Pvt. Ltd.


Let's look at life as if it were a huge restaurant with many succulent, diverse, interesting and complex food choices with a lot of promise wouldn't it be similar to standing in line at a buffet; more specifically, a 'career' buffet? One way to navigate through this experience is to 'bite into' the first thing you see or be forced to choose something that you may not like. Isn't it far better to look at the vast array of options, both familiar and unfamiliar, know everything that's available, ask a lot of questions, be dazzled at the prospect of multiple flavours, sights, & smells, know what's good for you, in addition to what just looks good at first glance, and pick choices that energise your body, stimulate your mind and nourish your soul???? Take the time to individualise your platter, and customise it to your unique interests, cravings, and passions. As a young person on the threshold of defining who you are, what you like and what you need to do in life, you may find yourself at a crossroad. You may be confused about which path to take and how to go about doing it. After all, the journey of choosing a career is for the long haul and probably the most important decision to dwell upon. Making an educated, informed decision is of paramount importance and may lay the groundwork for the rest of your life. While many youngsters claim to know exactly what they want to become when they grow up, this phenomenon is more of an exception, rather than the rule. In contemporary society, there is a plethora of careers and professions to choose from and the conventional choices of yesterday (namely, doctors and engineers) are merely the tip of an iceberg! While parents tend to seek refuge in 'pushing' children toward the more 'lucrative' professions, children suffer from the syndrome of forcing down a square peg into a round hole. This process can cause irreparable damage leading to disappointment, discontentment and despair.

In contemporary society, there is a plethora of careers and professions to choose from and the conventional choices of yesterday (namely, doctors and engineers) are merely the tip of an iceberg! While parents tend to seek refuge in 'pushing' children toward the more lucrative' professions
One of the best freedoms to give youngsters is to encourage them to choose a profession that they love because

they will be doing it for the rest of their lives. The pursuit of passion will most likely lead to excellence, which will inevitably lead to success and accomplishment, regardless of the field. This simple truth is profound in its simplicity and sometimes difficult to fathom for some parents and youngsters. The field of career guidance and counseling may almost be as varied as the available pool of careers and professions!! There are countless advertisements for career counselors, making tall claims of what they can deliver. Beware of charlatans and take the time to research the substance of career counseling services and the background/training of career counselors. Qualified and well-trained career counselors use career assessments that rely on both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Career assessments can help youngsters identify and better articulate their unique interests, values, and skills. A skilled and trained career counselor will help individuals focus their search on careers that closely match their unique personal profile. This customisation is at the heart of an effective career counseling process and qualified career counselors offer professional assistance in exploration and decision making tasks related to choosing a major/ occupation/ career, transitioning into the world of work or further professional training. Laxmi Parmeswar, MA, MS, NCC, LPC. President/CEO, Positive Outcomes, Inc.

Journalism today is no longer limited to the conventional trend and audio-visual media. With the growth of the internet and the World Wide Web, blogs have emerged as a source of news and even opinion. The audience, too, is no longer passive and takes the initiative to respond to the changing platforms. The power of the blogs and specialiSed media such as science, development and environment, have brought a sea change in the world of communication.

Students desirous of taking up media as a career, therefore, are spoilt for choice. They can take up courses in the traditional print and visual media are going for specialiSations no science,limited to the and convergence journalism. The skill sets remain uniform across the board-penchant for Journalism today is in longer environment conventional trend and audio-visual writing, interest With the Effective communication, and,World important, retaining your cool under stress. media. in news. growth of the internet and the most Wide Web, blogs have emerged as a source of news and even opinion. The audience, too, is no longer passive and OTHERS takes the initiative to respond to the changing platforms. The power of the blogs and specialised media such as science, development and environment, have brought a There is sea change in the world of communication. with expertise in speciality areas such as law, or economics and even sports. Manipal Institute of also a growing demand for technical writers Technology (MIC) recently introduced sports journalism course in its curriculum at the graduate level. Students desirous of taking up media as a career, therefore, are spoilt for choice. They INSTITUTE WATCH can take up courses in the traditional print and visual media or go for specialisation in science, environment or convergence journalism. The skill sets Asian Collegeuniform acrossChennai. with a penchant for writing, interest in news. Effective remain of Journalism, the board Indian communication and most important, retaining your cool under stress. Institute of Mass Communication, Delhi. Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi. Xaviers Institute of Communications, Mumbai. OTHERS Sophia College Polytechnique, Mumbai.Journalism today is no longer limited to the conventional trend and audio-visual media. With the growth of the internet and the World Wide demand for have emerged aswith expertise in speciality areas There is also a growing Web, blogs technical writers a source of news and even opinion. The audience, too, is no longer passive and takes the initiative to respond to the changing platforms. TheManipal Institute of and specialiSed media such as science, development and environment, such as law, or economics and even sports. power of the blogs Technology (MIC) have brought a sea change in the world of communication. curriculum at the graduate level. recently introduced sports journalism course in its


Students desirous of taking up media as a career, therefore, are spoilt for choice. They can take up courses in the traditional print and visual media INSTITUTE WATCH are going for specialiSations in science, environment and convergence journalism. The skill sets remain uniform across the board-penchant for writing, interest College of Journalism, Chennai. and, most important, retaining your cool under stress. SCIENCE JOURNALISM Asian in news. Effective communication, Indian Institute of Mass Communication, Delhi. OTHERSJamia Millia Islamia, Delhi. If you have a knack of communicating the intricacies of science to a Xaviers Institute of Communications, Mumbai. lay person, its time you thought of becoming a science journalist. All There is Sophia College Polytechnique, Mumbai. with expertise in speciality areas such as law, or economics and even sports. Manipal Institute of also a growing demand for technical writers major newspapers, magazines and electronic media houses today Technology (MIC) recently introduced sports journalism course in its curriculum at the graduate level. Symbiosis Institute of Mass Communication, Pune. have a science bureau. Science journalists are in demand, both SN School of Broadcast Journalism, Hyderabad nationally and internationally. Scientific journals also require science INSTITUTE WATCH University. journalists. Freelance science, technical and medical writing is also another avenue. For a good science journalist with an eye for Asian College of Journalism, Chennai. objectivity and knows for news, the sky's the limit. Indian Institute of Mass Communication, Delhi. Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi. Those interested could start by reading science stories in the media. Xaviers Institute of Communications, Mumbai. That done, they could choose from the various science journalism Sophia College Polytechnique, Mumbai. courses to learn the tricks of the trade, advises Subhra Padma Symbiosis Institute of Mass Communication, Pune. Priyadarshini, editor, Nature India. The University of Calcutta runs a SN School of Broadcast Journalism, Hyderabad University. short science journalism course for graduates. Universities like Devi Symbiosis Institute of Mass Communication, Pune. Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore, Lucknow University and Anna SN School of Broadcast Journalism, Hyderabad University. University, Chennai, offer a M.Sc course in science Journalism today is no longer limited to the conventional trend and audio-visual media. With the growth of the internet andschools offer Web, communication. Many international the World Wide CYBER JOURNALISM blogs have emerged as a source of news and even opinion. The audience, too, courses in science journalism. the initiative to respond to the is no longer passive and takes changing platforms. The power of the blogs and specialiSed media such as science, development and environment, have brought a sea change in The fast growth of he world of communication. the internet has paved the way for the growth of cyber journalism. In this techno-savvy world, journalists can post blogs, write online reports and a career, therefore, are spoilt for skills Students desirous of taking up media as get an immediate response. Techchoice. They can take up courses in the traditional print and visual media are going are important if you arescience,about this medium. for specialiSations in serious environment and convergence journalism. The skill sets remain uniform across the board-penchant for writing, interest in news. Effective communication, and, most important, retaining your cool under stress. The audience for news is no longer passive as they take the initiative to OTHERS create, respond and mix media with available tools and skills. Professional journalists should accept the power to shift and utilise it to produce news for and with audiences across media platforms, There is also a growing demand for technical writers with expertise in speciality areas such as law, or economics and even sports. Manipal Institute of including cell phones. Technology (MIC) recently introduced sports journalism course in its curriculum at the graduate level.

Vasanti, Director, Centre for Media Studies (CMS) a journalist now INSTITUTE WATCH needs to no longer limited to for radio, TV and even the Web, she Journalism today isfill the same contentthe conventional trend and audio-visual media. With the growth of the internet and the World Wide Web, adds. The CMS source of starting a 1-year diploma in audience, too, blogs have emerged as aAcademy isnews and even opinion. Theconvergence is no longer passive and takes the initiative to respond to the changing journalism The power of the blogs and specialiSed media such as science, development and environment, have brought a sea change in platforms. this year. The course will have two specialisations environmental journalism and business journalism. Cyber law and he world of communication. ethics will be one of the components. The second course will be a diploma of taking up media as a career, therefore, are spoilt for choice. They can take up courses in the traditional print and visual media Students desirous in strategic communication. are going for specialiSations in science, environment and convergence journalism. The skill sets remain uniform across the board-penchant for writing, interest in news. Effective communication, and, most important, retaining your cool under stress.
Continued on next page 6


There is also a growing demand for technical writers with expertise in speciality areas such as law, or economics and even sports. Manipal Institute of Technology (MIC) recently introduced sports journalism course in its curriculum at the graduate level.


1. You say "town and expect everyone to know that this means south of Churchgate. 2 You speak in a dialect of Hindi called 'Bambaiya Hindi', which only Bombayites can understand. 3. Your door has more than three locks. 4. Rs. 500 worth of groceries fit in one paper bag. 5. Train timings (9.27, 10.49 etc) are really important events of life. 6. You spend more time each month traveling than you spend at home. 7. You call an 8' x 10' clustered room a hall. 8. You're paying Rs. 10,000 for a 1 room flat, the size of a walk-in closet and you think it's a "Steal." 9. You have the following sets of friend: school friends, college friends, neighbourhood friends, office friends and yes, train friends, a species unique only in Bombay. 10. Cabbies and bus conductors think you are from Mars if you call the roads by their Indian name, They are more familiar with Warden Road, Peddar Road, Altamount Road. 11. Stock market quotes are the only other thing* besides cricket which you follow passionately. 12. The first thing that you read in the Times of India is the Bombay Times" supplement. 13. You take fashion seriously. You're suspicious of strangers who are actually nice to you. 14. Hookers, beggars and the homeless are invisible. 15. You compare Bombay to New York's Manhattan instead of any other cities of India. 16. The most frequently used part of your car is the horn. 17. You insist on calling CST as VT, and Sahar and Santa Cruz airports instead of Chatrapati Shivaji International Airport. 18. You consider eye contact an act of over-aggression. 19. Your idea of personal space is no one actually standing on your toes. 20. Being truly alone makes you nervous. 21. You love wading through knee-deep mucky water in the monsoons, and actually call it ''Romantic'. 22. Only in Bombay, you would get Chinese Dosa and Jain Chicken.

A Student


Farmer O Farmer Where do you go With the basket of grains Swaying along For the men in the town With a burden of pain They pay you the least They cheat you the most But you still have a great heart To serve them along. I see you work from morn till night. But see not perspire even in the night: I see you work from January till December But see you not tire even in the end. You are great You are the best You are a beam of light For all those in the world. I wonder what the world Would be without farmers It will be a barren land As that in the deserts.

Madhurima Roy IX CBSE Mt Educare PVT. LTD. Mangalore



Too many cooks spoil the broth BUT There are times when two heads are better than one. The pen is mightier than the sword BUT Actions speak louder than words. Clothes maketh a man BUT Never judge a book by its cover. Silence is golden BUT Only a squeaking wheel gets the grease. Try and try till you succeed BUT Don't beat a dead horse. Hold fast to the words of your ancestors BUT Wise men make proverbs and fools repeat them. Variety is the spice of life BUT Don't change horses in midstream.

Mihir Chheda SBDH 0129 Dahisar Branch



Sign on a Railway Station at Patna:

Seen on a Famous Beauty Parlor in Mumbai:

Aana free, jaana free, Pakde gaye to khana free.

Don't whistle at the girl going out from here, She may be your grandmother!

Seen on a Bulletin Board:

Sign at a Barber's Salon in Juhu, Mumbai:

Success is relative, More the success, more the relatives.

We need your heads to run our business.

A Traffic Slogan:

The Best One:

Don't let your kids drive if they are not old enough or else they never will be

It's God's responsibility to forgive the terrorist organisations. It's our responsibility to arrange the meeting between them and God Indian Armed Forces

Varun Vaidya SBBW 256 Borivili Station Branch.



Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot and anyone going faster than you is a maniac? It's amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world everyday always just exactly fits the newspaper. If it were not for Thomas Edison, we would all be watching television in the dark. Computers will never take the place of books. You can't stand of a floppy disk to reach a high shelf. A consultant is someone who takes a subject you understand and makes it sound confusing. Love is so confusing you tell a girl she looks great and the first thing you do is turn out the lights! I don't suffer from stress. I am a carrier. The male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness and kindness, can be trained to do most things. I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder. Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Never argue with a fool. People might not know the difference. The guy who invented the first wheel was an idiot: The guy who invented the other three, he was the genius. Today I met a new great friend Who knew me right away, It was funny how she understood, All I had to say..

Pallavi Karande Counselor Office Admin Ghatkopar (E) Branch

She listened to my problems, She listened to my dreams, We talked about love and life, She'd been there too it seems..




I never once felt judged by her, She knew just how I felt, She seemed to just accept me, And all the problems I'd been dealt..

She didn't interrupt me, Or need to have her say, She just listened very patiently, And didn't go away..

I wanted her to understand, How much this meant to me, But as I went to hug her, Something started me..

Sayli Sunil Thakur SBCH 0327 Chembur Station Branch


I put my arms in front of me, And went to pull her nearer, And realised that my NEW BEST FRIEND, Was nothing but a mirror..


at ol Bh Anm 07 H isar SBD h : Dah ranc B

asur ata B Aksh 0206, ri (W) W e SBA h : Andh c Bran

lui h Gu Hites 1219 M SBT h : Thane c Bran

a anoji ani K Shiv hane 34 ch : T Bran

vid ie Da Gold 0325 (E) BE ivali SB : Bor anch Br

kar Dare rata Nam 0350 li (E) E SBB h : Boriva c Bran

ar rvelk k Pa Prati 1232 M SBT h : Thane c Bran

i lkarn a Ku Ruch 2 SB-7 n 023A h : Kalya c Bran

From Me To You: I thank you all, for your valuable contributions to the magazine. I also thank our advertisers for advertising in Aarohan and the marketing & DTP teams for their assistance. Welcoming others and looking forward to your continuous support, I sign off with best regards. - Raymond.
Disclaimer: No part or the entire publication will be reproduced in any form or by any means or stored in any retrievable system of any nature. This magazine is for private circulation and is meant to be circulated free-of-cost to the members of the organisation only. Parts of the publication are copy- right of MT Educare Pvt. Ltd.

For Private Circulation only. Editor : Raymond. Designed by : MAD. For suggestions e-mail us at


News papers and magazines continue to need reporters and desk hands. They also hire artists, graphic designers, photographers, illustrators and cartoonists. A career in the print media gives you an opportunity to work on various positions like columnists, editor, sub-editor, reporter and correspondent. For reporters the beats vary from hard core news, business, sports and entertainment. There are several Bachelor's / Post-Graduate Degrees in journalism/mass communication. The minimum eligibility for a Bachelor's degree in journalism is 10+2 and for post graduate courses a bachelor's degree in journalism. The duration of these courses differ from institute to institute. Moreover, some institutes also provide one year certificate courses in journalism. According to Shikha Jhingan, Asst. Professor, Journalism, Lady Shri Ram College, Delhi University offers graduate level courses in journalism in both English and Hindi. The curriculum includes paper in political science, economics, international relations, history of the media, communication theory, media criticism, development communication, alternative media, folk media and even areas such as online journalism, blogging and understanding of the new media, The three year course follows a semester system. Students desirous of taking up a career in the media should have a good knowledge of current affairs, writing and communication skills, a creative bent of mind and a sense of debate, she says. The Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC) currently offers courses in the traditional media such as radio and television and Hindi journalism. It also offers courses in advertising and public relations. Under the 11th Plan there is a proposal to upgrade IIMC as a media university and once that happens the institute will award media degrees to students and even start under graduate and research courses. There will also be several diploma and certificate level courses says Jaydeep Bhatnagar, officer-on-special-duty, IIMC. This academic year we are planning to start new short-term courses community radio and radio jockey. We are also looking at starting journalism courses in other regional languages, adds Bhatnagar. TELEVISION

From half-hour news bulletins to 24x7 news channels, talk shows and much more, television journalism has come a long way today. For those keen on taking up broadcast journalism, there are two options: News and Shows. One also needs to choose whether one wants to gets involved with pre-production or post-production work. Production work involves professionals such as cameramen, anchors, presenters, comperes and the post production work involves editors, producers etc. In a news channel, one can be hired as a trainee, correspondent-anchor, principle or special correspondent or news editor, depending on experience. Jamia Millia Islamia's Anwar Jamal Kidwai, Mass Communication Research Centre (AJKMCRC) offers 6 Masters Courses in media. These include MA in Mass Communication, MA in Convergent Journalism, P G. Diploma in development communication, P G . Diploma in Broadcast System maintenance, P G. Diploma in still . photography and P G Diploma in graphics and animation. Says Iftekhar Ahmed, Director, AJK MCRC, The MA in mass communication course includes film production and direction. In the first year, emphasis is on radio and television and still photography, puppetry, theatre, and in the final year there is an exclusive input on TV / film direction and appreciation. The Masters course in conversion journalism includes a specialisation in electronic, Web photo journalism. We have a heavy input on web journalism in this course, he adds. The centre also offers four PG one year diploma courses in graphics and communication, still photography, broadcast system maintenance, and development communication. It also holds short-term courses. We are looking at a Bachelor's Degree Course in visual communication and journalism to tap talent at the 10+2 level and a 3-year course in animation and graphics, he says. For the research programme, the centre has a tie-up with Sir Ratan Tata Trust to develop an Asian film archive. The Trust is providing funding to develop Asian film archives for which we are collecting films and photographs for research, while research scholars are working on projects over 3 years, he adds.

Continued on next page


If you have an ear for sound, chances are that you could make a career out of it. The catch here is that you also need to have an eye for physics, though that is not necessarily a qualification. The budding industry has been quietly making a name for itself but with a stupendous success of Resul Pookutty at the Oscars. Now this fledgling industry seems poised for interesting times. Sound, though a small word, does not belong to a small world. Here, the options are multi-fold and scope enormous. There are various institutes offering certificate courses in this field. You could do a diploma in audio engineering. Though the film and television institute of India at Pune offers specialised courses in audiography, admissions are not so easy. The seats are limited. It is easier to learn the basics of this field from various reputed private institutions. A diploma in sound engineering helps you pick up the basics of the sound. From then on, you have to unfold your creativity and zoom in the field of your choice. Yes, within the field of sound engineering the choices are multiple. You could either join a recording studio, a film studio or even free lance as a sound recordist. The options are multiple; becoming a Studio Sound Recordist / Engineer, Live Sound Engineer, Dialogue Editor, Foley Recordist / Editor, Location Recordist, Mastering Engineer, Mix Engineer, Music & Dialogue Editor, Programmer, Sound Designer, Sound Effects Editor or even a Studio Manager. You have to choose what your ear likes and follow your heart here. You could also join a television studio or mix live sound for various FM radio channels. While initially you may be offered stipend on the job, which could be a minimum of Rs.5000/- and could go upto Rs.10, 000/-, later on your earnings will increase in commensuration with the talent that you display. Later, on your earnings could go upto Rs.12.5 lakh per month. It takes about 2-3 years to find your feet in this industry. Music and Sound is not entirely a technical field, here you have to be creative, says Nitin Chandy, chief sound engineer with Blue Frogs Sound labs and Production. Though he cautions that inclination towards physics would help a long way, learning on the job helps too. You could either help a music director to mix his tracks by becoming a sound mixing engineer, or you could give final finishing touches to a track by becoming a mastering engineer. Freelancing is quite a norm in this industry and money is offered either per shift, per session or per project depending on how you do your deal. Compiled By Raymond

The importance of studies, For us has increased. However hard we try, There are events that we still pass by. We have no time for ourselves, Our world revolves around ipods and cells. Having too many responsibilities, We can't make the best of our abilities. In this competitive world, It's hard to take our place. We are busy searching for a meaning, And tend to ignore the human race. So we try to make our lives better, By spending more time with ourselves. And not just limiting our knowledge, Jashvina Gandhi SBMD 0714 Malad Branch To our classrooms and book shelves.


Symphony includes music and dance therapy wherein there is a specialised use of music in treating students with special needs in physical and mental health. Music is a universal language which has a tremendous healing power, improves concentration and memory and enhances the power of visualisation. Music scientifically works on the body by stimulating the pituitary glands whose secretion affects the nervous system and the flow of blood. Music therapy helps control negative aspects of students' personality like worries, anger etc. It is the most effective therapy to control emotions. It helps in boosting the creative thinking of a student, says the Director of the programme, Mr. Prassana Shetty.

Before it happened, everyone of MT Educare of Chennai was curious to know what it was all about. After a session, it created hype in Chennai & everybody started enquiring about it. As a matter of fact the principal of DAV Matriculation School (rated the best in Chennai where getting a seat is a herculian task as students more than 95% are alone the favourites) wanted to try out one session as a trial with the kids of one batch of IX Std. After their extraordinary feedback, she sent the entire students of IX & XI in different batches by bus, to attend the programme. The demand was literally overwhelming. The methodology of Prasanna Sir which was purely professional created a heavy demand amongst the students. After the entire session, the feedback of the principal of DAV, who was very humble & overall a very good human being an extraordinary teacher, was really encouraging. It was all about recharging the energy of every individual. Every participant felt that it was refreshing overall. It brought all the positive energy & spread positive vibration throughout. The magic of music was felt. It was overall a performance which was the need of the hour at that stage for all the students of Chennai. Every year, the programme should be conducted so that many students can get benefit from it. Bhuvaneshwari V. Head of Operations Chennai


MT Educare (Mahesh Tutorials Group)


Career Margdarshan
Education Fair
Date: 30, 31 March 2009 - Time: 9.30 am to 6.30 pm.

expanding your horizons

Venue : Ravindra Natya Mandir, Prabhadevi, Dadar (West), Mumbai.


Career Margdarshan

expanding your horizons


Dear Students, We at MT Educare Pvt. Ltd., in fulfilling our role as the 'Academic Parent' of our students, are always on the look out for avenues that will help us guide you towards an opportunity-rich future. This is the impetus that has led us to organize an exhibition or a 'Career Mela' called 'CAREER MARGDARSHAN '09' which is spreadover 2 days (30th & 31st March 2009). CAREER MARGDARSHAN '09 is not just a career mela but a platform, in the form of an exhibition and seminar, where your questions will be answered and your doubts resolved. Exhibitors covering various fields like Advertising, Aviation, Banking & Finance, Educational loans, Engineering, Fashion Designing, Hotel Mgmt, Mgmt Courses, Medical courses, Merchant Navy, Overseas Education, Travel & Tourism, Film Making etc will familiarise you with the various career options available across India and globally. CAREER MARGDARSHAN '09 through our counseling partner, Growth Centre will provide the answer to the most important question that is on the minds of students nowadays Which is the best career for me?



Career Margdarshan

expanding your horizons


Medicine Engineering Information Technology : : : Mr. V.P. Kamath (CEO Apollo Hospitals) Mr. Suresh Suralikar (IIT Mumbai) Dr. Uday Nirgudkar (EX-COO, Godrej Lawkim) Mr. Anuj Kakkad (VP Aptech) Dr. K.M. Bhattacharya (Dean IBS) & Ms. Rekha Rani Singh (Zonal head IIBF) Mr. Srinivas Joshi. Member of WIRC Institute of C.A of India. Mr. Atul Mehta Chairman WIRC. Institute of company Secretary of

Banking & Finance


India )
Insurance Sector Management & Dr. N.M. Kondap (Vice Chancellor NMIMS) Distance Education : Dr. Ashok Pradhan (Ex VC YCMOU Open Univ & Distance Education) Capt. Sethi (G.M. Bernhard Schulte) Ms. Preeti Mallik (CEO - Aptech Aviation Academy) Ms. Gloria Shroff (G.M. Aptech Aviation Academy) Mr. Ninad Vengurlekar (VP IL&FS) Dr. K.V. Venkartesam (IPS Administrative Services) : : Mr. Sunder Krishnan (CFO Reliance Industries) Prof. V.H. Iyer (Dean, Welingkar Institute of Mgmt)

Marine Careers Aviation

: :

General Career Planning Civil Services

: :

and Many More......!


Career Margdarshan

expanding your horizons

The registration fees for CAREER MARGDARSHAN '09 Is Rs. 1000/- + Service Tax (@10.3%) which includes entry passes for the student+1 ( parent / guardian ) NOTE: Cheque / DD (for Rs. 1103) should be drawn in favour of MT EDUCARE PVT. LTD.

Additional benefits on registration are: 1. Redeemable Voucher worth Rs. 1500/- for any MT Educare course (valid from Apr.,'09 to Nov.'09) i.e, Mahesh Tutorials(School section), Mahesh Tutorials Science, Mahesh Tutorials Commerce, T3 Career Development Solutions (English language courses, Personality Development courses, Banking courses) and Little Tigers Pre-school & Day Care. These vouchers are transferable. 10% discount on course which is offered by our exhibitors at CAREER MARGDARSHAN '09 CD containing comprehensive information on career options, colleges, Cutoff List etc. Two Mega Prizes worth of Rs. 1,00,000/- and Rs. 50,000/- Each to be won Through a *Lucky Draw.

2. 3. 4.

* Prizes includes Laptop, Cash Prize and Redeemed Voucher of Mahesh Tutorials ** Cheque /DD Should be in favour of "MT EDUCARE PVT. LTD." Looking forward to seeing you at CAREER MARGDARSHAN '09. Yours truly,

MT Educare Pvt. Ltd.

Last Date Of Registrations - 25th March 2009 ( First Come, First Serve Basis )
Date: 30, 31 March 2009 - Time: 9.30 am to 6.30 pm. Venue : Ravindra Natya Mandir, Prabhadevi, Dadar (W), Mumbai.

24 11


Recently, you must have noticed a lot of people saying to each other, Bhai, aajka market mein bahut mandi hai! Yup dude, that's the current situation. We have the predominance of the United States of America in world economy to blame it on. But what exactly happened there that its effects are being felt across the globe? So much so that it is leading countries like Iceland to go bankrupt, forcing Russian, Japanese, Chinese and European governments to infuse billions of dollars in their economy and also giving our own finance ministry restless nights?? Here is a lowdown on 'THE' financial crisis of the century, barring the heavy jargon that makes is so difficult to understand from the newspapers and news channels. Let me begin with a simple story that would put things in a better perspective for you. Two friends Tom and Dick went to a village once. Tom went and knocked on the door of the first house and a young man (Harry) appeared at the door. Tom asked him whether he had any monkeys with him. Harry got confused at the stranger's request and expressed his confusion. Tom told him that he wanted to buy some monkeys urgently and he was ready to pay a hundred rupees per monkey. As Harry didn't have any, Tom left saying that he would be back the next day. Some time later, Dick went to Harry's house, with a monkey (which he had caught in the jungle) tied to a string. He offered it to Harry on sale at a price of fifty rupees. Harry recalled Tom's offer and bought it happily from Dick, thinking of the profit he would make by selling it. Next day, Tom went to Harry's house and bought the monkey from him, telling him to keep some more ready as he would come again the next day. Now Harry, elated at having made a huge profit, was very excited. He went about searching for Dick, who by now had two monkeys with him; one which Tom had given him and another which he had caught in the jungle that day. Harry bought both of them from Dick for seventy-five rupees per monkey. Next day, Tom again went to Harry's house and after some negotiations, bought the monkeys at the rate of a hundred and fifty rupees per monkey, saying that he return the next day. This news spread like wild fire and the villagers started capturing monkeys in the jungle and selling it to Tom, at increasing rates. Tom would then pass them on to Dick, who was also selling them at rising prices to the villagers. Due to this more demand and less supply cycle, the prices skyrocketed and the villagers were making a huge profit. Soon, there were no monkeys left in the jungle while Dick had a huge stock of them with him. All the villagers then rushed to him and they were ready to buy if from him even at a rate of five hundred rupees per monkey. Dick sold all of them to the villagers and the next day, both Tom and he left the village, richer by a huge amount. The villagers were left with a large number of monkeys with them, expecting Tom to come and buy them. But Tom had just disappeared and the villagers were left dumbfounded! The same thing happened in the U.S. It all started with the American government, politicians and institutions lobbying for home ownership for all Americans, including low-income ones. This led to the creation of the government supported, gigantic, financial institution named Fannie Mae. Fannie Mae was created
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by Franklin D. Roosevelt (the then president of USA), back in the 1930's, during the Great Depression. Its job was to provide home mortgages to the poor. Then in the 1970's, Freddie Mac, another institution like Fannie, was created to bring in competition. These twin giants progressed at a dizzying pace and expanded this industry. So much so that they held mortgages and other assets totaling $5 trillion, a number having 9 zeroes, five times India's GDP! Then a financial innovation kicked in-securitisation. To understand it, consider the following example. Suppose you are living in the US and your housemaid wants to buy a house. Under this concept, she will easily get a loan from the bank. As a security against the loan, the bank will have a stake in her new house. (This is known as Mortgage). This means that the house belongs partly to the bank and partly to her, until she repays the loan taken from the bank. Now Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (F&F) would buy these mortgages from the Banks, repackage them as securities backed by mortgages and sell them in the market as Investment products. Thus, if you were a millionaire looking to invest some of your money in the market, and you went to one of the investment companies like Lehman Brothers, AIG or Merrill Lynch (who were the middlemen in the transaction), then you would be buying these investment products from them. This means that you could be a part owner of your housemaid's new house, without either of you knowing the fact. Quite an ingenious creation, I must say. All went smoothly for a while. The poor got housing and the various banks were eager to give loans to the poor (known as Sub-prime loans) to buy houses. The banks were relaxed because their risks were bought by Fannie and Freddie. So much so that they started giving NINJA (No Income, No Job or Assets) loans i.e. literally giving loans to the beggars on the street! All this while, as the demand from the people for houses was high and the supply low, the prices of the houses were increasing. Like in the story, a bubble of price rise was created. The bubble just went on inflating due to the carelessness of F&F. What happens when you give mammoth loans to beggars without any security? Simple, the beggars enjoy the loans and do not pay their monthly installments. What do the banks do in this situation? They raise the interest rates. What do the beggars do then? They say: Who cares, enjoy at the government's expense. I don't have any income so how will I pay the EMI? In such a scenario, the number of people not paying the installments increased so much that the banks and the investment companies started throwing them out of their homes. They were now left with a huge number of houses, and no people to buy them. All this while, buildings and houses were being constructed on a large scale. This resulted in more supply of houses and less demand. The bubble had reached its peak ...and then the bubble burst! The prices of houses fell steeply. F&F and the investment companies were left with trillions of worthless mortgages. Their buying spree during happier times had yielded them high profits when home rose, but made them bankrupt when home prices started falling. The government had to bail some of them out while others like Lehman Brothers, Washington Mutual (WaMu) and Wachovia Bank went bust. Tanuj Goyel SBV 05 Malad Commerce Branch


The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness. We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom. We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to life not life to years. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbour. We conquered outer space but not inner space. We've done larger things, but not better things. We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We've conquered the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. We've learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less. These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships. These are the days of two incomes but more divorces, fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete... Remember; spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever. Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side. Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent. Remember, to say, 'I love you' to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside you. Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again. Give time to love, give time to speak! Give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind. ALWAYS REMEMBER: Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

The Editor.

We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to life not life to years. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbour.



Hiral Shah,
IBVP-01-04 of Vile Parle (ICSE) Branch, won the 34th Sub-Junior National Championship, 2008 for Chess and was declared the Sub-Junior National Chess Champion

1.) Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to

Words Women Use...

shut up. 2.) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house. 3.) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine. (See #1) 4.) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It! 5.) Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time

standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing.) 6.) That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake. 7.) Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you're welcome. 8.) Whatever: Is a women's way of saying @$#% you 9.) Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. It will later result in a man asking 'What's wrong?' For the woman's response refer to #3. Raymond Joint Vice President Corporate Communications
22 27


Pacific Ocean contains 46% of the world's water! The Atlantic has 23.9%, The Indian, 20.3%, The Arctic, 3.7%. The only country whose name begins with an A, but doesn't end in an A is Afghanistan. The only country whose name begins with an A, but doesn't end in an A is Afghanistan. At 840,000 sq.mtrs, Greenland is the largest island in the world. In comparison Iceland is only 39,800 sq.mtrs. Did you know that the surface area of the Earth is 1, 97,000,000 sq.mtrs. The most populated country in the world China, has only about 200 family names in all! The only continent which does not have land areas below sea level is Antartica.

Hiral S Patel SBAW 0411 Andheri (West) Branch



Jack and Max are walking from religious service. Jack wonders whether it would be all right to smoke while praying. Max replies, "Why don't you ask the priest?" So Jack goes up to the priest and asks, "Priest,may I smoke while I pray?" But the priest says, "No, my son, you may not. That's utter disrespect to our religion." Jack goes back to his friend and tells him what the good priest told him. Max says, "I'm not surprised. You asked the wrong question. Let me try." And so Max goes up to the priest and asks, "Priest, may I pray while I smoke?" To which the priest eagerly replies, "By all means, my son. By all means." Moral : The reply you get depends on the question you ask.

One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn't worth to retrieve the donkey. He invited all his neighbours to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realised what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement he quietened down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up. As the farmer's neighbours continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and happily trotted off! Moral : Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick is to get out of the well, shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a steppingstone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up! Shake it off and take a step up. Remember the five simple rules to be happy: 1. Free your heart from hatred - Forgive. 2. Free your mind from worries. 3. Live simply and appreciate what you have. 4. Give more. 5. Expect less NOW -------Enough of that crap . . . The donkey later came back and bit the shit out of the farmer who had tried to bury him. The gash from the bite got infected, and the farmer eventually died in agony from septic shock. Moral : When you do something wrong and try to cover your back, it always comes back to bite you.

Venkat Iyer Joint Vice President Administration


Challenges are what make life interesting; Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. Don't ask for a lighter load; rather ask for a strong back. A weak man has doubts before decision; A strong man has them afterwards. The toughest part of getting to the top of the ladder is getting through the crowd at the bottom. Accept challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of theory. A smooth sea never makes a skillful mariner.

Priyanka Bharat Sathe SSMT 0242 Matunga Branch


Holland Hope Our Love Lasts And Never Dies ! Italy I Trust And Love You ! Libya Love Is Beautiful, You Also ! France Friendship Remains And Never Can End ! India I Nearly Died In Adoration ! Thailand Totally Happy, Always In Love And Never Dull.

Saili S. Sonawane SBAI 0204 Airoli Branch


Going by my last article in this magazine, I had mentioned about us being UNIQUE in order to make a difference. Here in Mangalore this is something that Mahesh Tutorials is trying to achieve. I was very happy to realize that we are the only tutorials in Mangalore that caters to the students, parents and faculty with a personal touch. My staff has managed to make most of the parents very comfortable to approach us with their ward's problems and difficulties. We have constant interaction with the students which helps us to understand every student's psyche and their behaviour pattern which in turn helps us to give them a little extra attention. This also helps us to interact with the parents to understand their wards better and together help the students in any which way that we can. We try to make the parents understand that the ultimate goal is not the board exams, because the goal we have to achieve is to make the students realize that he is capable of doing and achieving more than what he is. The daily interaction with the students, I am told, is not found in any other institute, which makes us UNIQUE in setting a precedent for others to follow. The world today can be called as a globe of competitions. Look at any sphere of life and we will find that we don't have to look over our shoulder to find competition. It is there right by our side, in front of us, just practically everywhere. With the globalisation of jobs and the onset of corporate culture, it is now become a compulsion, with students, to excel in academics in order to get seats in prestigious educational institutions to further enhance the chances of good global placements. Many parents, especially in the South and some students are under the impression that the only way to be the science stream in order to join a medical or engineering college. The aptitude of the child is not taken into consideration. I also believe that at that stage only a few students are really focused on what they really want to do in life. The rest may just want to join the bandwagon of medicine and engineering. Once students take up the science stream they have to think of the various entrance exams which are not dealt with in the regular syllabus. Many competitive exams have syllabus which need a wider sphere of understanding which the regular syllabus does not cater to. All this puts pressure and high level of stress in students and parents alike. In turn, this has an adverse impact on the confidence levels and the overall personality of the student. What parents need to understand is that the child should be well counseled by having open discussions and debates at home and in consultation with other parents and teacher or educationalist. The first thing that parents need to remember is that if their child is

If we as parents can guide and help our children to think positively about their career option, be it in the science stream or in the commerce or arts stream, then Sky is the Limit,

not inclined towards the science stream then he should be allowed to take up any other stream that could be his forte. Today, the commerce and arts streams have equal or rather I'd say more number of options where career building is concerned. A friend of mine who does not believe in the science stream always asks this question Who will take care of the other professions if all want to be either a doctor or an engineer? If we as parents can guide and help our children to think positively about their career option, be it in the science stream or in the commerce or arts stream, then Sky is the Limit, where career options are concerned. Look around and we will find a lot of IAS Officers, CA's, Lawyers, people from the creative arts, Chefs, Beauticians, Journalists, HR and Marketing Managers, to name just a few, who have not taken science as their option but have a very successful and satisfying career. All we have to remember is that if our child is not interested in a particular stream, don't brand him as a 'no good'. Instead, help him to choose his options and give him a chance to bloom into a successful flower. We have to remember that all the buds that grow on a tree or a shrub have to bloom some day. We as parents need to understand that some buds bloom at dawn, some bloom at sunrise, some bloom during the day and some bloom late in the evening. But the bottom line is that 'ALL FLOWERS BLOOM' provided we give them a chance to bloom. We as parents need to do is to nurture our child's confidence and help in the smooth transition of blooming from a bud into a beautiful flower

successful in life is by becoming a doctor or an engineer. Then there are those who want to be in these two profession only because they think that they have to or need to do what the others are doing or they will be left behind or will be considered not intelligent enough. Strange but very true, where most of the parents are concerned. There are parents who think that if their child has got a first class in the 10th standard board exam then he should be capable of going into

Prabhakar Shetty Joint Vice President



When the shareholders of more than one company, Merger : usually two, decide to pool the resources of the companies under a common entity. 'Merger' is the result. Amalgamation : As a result of a merger, if a new company comes into existence, it is a process of 'Amalgamation'. Absorption : If as a result of a merger, one company survives and other lose their independent entity, it is a case of 'Absorption'. Acquisition (OR) Take-overs : If one company acquires the controlling interest in another company, it is a case of 'Acquisition or Take Over'. Motives and Strategies influencing M & A : Expansion and Growth : If allowed by the Government , expansion and growth through M & A is less time consuming and more cost effective. Economics of Scale : The bigger is always thought to be better in the modern age. Pooling of the resources definitely will bring about the economies of scale. The economies of scale may result in one or more of the critical functions, namely production, marketing and finance. : If the resources of one company is capable of Synergy merging with the resources of another company effortlessly, resulting in higher productivity in both the units, it is a case of synergy. The concept of synergy can be explained symbolically as follows : If company A merges with company B, the value of merged entity called AB is expected to be greater than sum of the independent values of A and B i.e V (AB) > V(A) + V(B) Where V(AB) = Value of the merged entity V(A) = Independent value of Company A V(B) = Independent value of Company B The following are major M & A deals :
Acquirer Tata Steel Hindalco Videocon Dr. Reddys Labs Suzion Energy HPCL Target Company Corus Group plc Novelis Daewoo Electronics Corp. Betapharm Hansen Group Kenya Petroleum Refinery Ltd. Terapia SA Natsteel Thomson SA Teleglobe

the Competition : It is said Acquiring 'If you can't fight them, join them' It is not uncommon for the leading player in a market to acquire the second or third player in the market to retain the market position. Resource Surplus : To obtain additional mileage from an existing resources (be it funds, production c a p a c i t y, m a r k e t i n g n e t w o r k , managerial talent) M & A might offer good potential. Categories of M & A : Mergers and takeovers may be broadly classified into three categories : : A horizontal takeover or merger is one that takes Horizontal place between two companies which are essentially operating in the same market . Their products may or may not be identical. For example, merger of Tata Oil Mills Company Ltd. (TOMCO) with Hindustan Lever Ltd. (HLL) was a horizontal merger. : A vertical takeover or merger is one in which the Vertical company expands backwards by takeover of or merger with a company supplying raw materials or expands forward in the direction of the ultimate consumer. Thus, in a vertical merger, there is a merging of companies engaged at different stages of the production cycle within the same industry. Conglomerate : In a conglomerate takeover or merger, the concerned companies are in totally unrelated lines of business. Conglomerate mergers / takeovers are expected to bring about stability of income and profits, since the two units belong to different industries. Adverse fluctuations in sales and profits arising due to trade cycles may not hit all the industries at the same time.

Country targeted UK Canada Korea Germany Belgium Kenya

Deal value ($ml) 12,000 5,982 729 597 565 500

Industry Steel Steel Electronics Pharmaceutical Energy Oil and Gas

Ranbaxy Labs Tata Steel Videocon VSNL

Romania Singapore France Canada

324 293 290 239

Pharmaceutical Steel Electronics Telecom

CA Kalpesh Mehta Co-Head: CA-PCC/Final & Finance Controller MT Educare Pvt. Ltd.

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Today it takes more brains and efforts to make out the income tax than it does to make the income. This quote by Alfred Newman takes a dig at the increasing complexities in taxation laws. Every passing year increases the complexities involved in the procedures and applicability of tax laws by manifold, with the Government endeavours at maximising the revenue earned from collection of taxes and the tax-payers community aims at finding ways to reduce the tax bill. The conflicting expectations of the tax-collectors and the tax-payers have given ways to various means of minimising taxbill and the following three concepts have been elucidated below:

I. Tax Evasion ii. Tax avoidance iii. Tax Planning. The above mentioned methods are characteristically different, but serve the same objective. i. Tax Evasion: Evasion of tax is an intentional attempt to resort to dishonest and illegal means to reduce the tax liability. Some of the ways in which tax can be evaded are concealment of income, inflation of expenses, falsification of accounts etc. Some associated problems arising due to tax evasion practices are bribery, weakening economic situation and generation of black money, which works as a parallel economy in itself. Naturally such methods are unethical and beyond the law. Evasion of tax, once proved attracts penalties and even prosecution under the provisions of the Income Tax Act. ii. Tax Avoidance: Tax avoidance is minimising the incidence of tax, by adjusting the affairs in such a way that tax liability is reduced, without breaking any law. It can be said to be circumvention of law, without giving rise to any criminal offence. In the case of CIT Vs A. Raman & Co, the Supreme Court observed that the avoidance of tax by so arranging the commercial affairs that the charge of tax is distributed, is not prohibited. Effectiveness of


iii. Tax Planning:

Concepts of Tax Evasion,

Tax Avoidance and Tax Planning.

Naturally such methods are unethical and beyond the law. Evasion of tax, once proved attracts penalties and even prosecution under the provisions of the Income Tax Act.
the device depends not on the considerations of morality, but on the operations of the Income Tax Act. An interesting question, which comes to mind is that, is tax avoidance permissible? Where the law is capable of alternate interpretations, it should be reasonably construed, and the courts being entrusted with this task, should assess whether the reduction of tax is fair, having regard to the general principles of conscience and justice. Further, the arrangement leading to reduction in tax should be genuine, legal and commercially fair. However, if the device of tax avoidance is not fool-proof, and once the defect is the same is proved, it can attract penalties akin to tax evasion under the provisions of the Income Tax Act. Thus, there is a very thin line between tax avoidance and tax evasion

The Income Tax Act, despite its contrary perception, is ultimately a social law. Several tax incentives, exemptions and deductions and such beneficial provisions are included in the Act with a view to accelerate socio-economic development. Tax planning is an arrangement of financial activities in such a way that maximum tax benefits are enjoyed by the tax payer, within the legal framework. Unlike tax avoidance, tax planning is permissible and legitimate, so long as it does not seek to contradict any provisions of the law. The same has been observed by the SC in the landmark judgment in the case of McDowell. Justice Ranganath Mishra, in the above case observed: Colourable devices cannot form a part of tax planning and it is wrong to encourage or entertain the belief that it is honourable to avoid the payment of tax by resorting to dubious methods. Tax planning implies compliance with the taxing provisions in such a manner that advantage is taken of all the beneficial provisions under the Act. Thus, it can be seen that tax evasion is illegal, whereas tax avoidance simply put, is the circumvention of law. However, as can be inferred from the above discussion, there is a very thin line of difference between tax evasion and tax avoidance. Tax Planning, on the other hand, involves the use of intellect in availing of all the benefits which have been provided by the legislation for the advantage of the tax payers, without defeating the legislative intent.

CA Prachi Damle Teacher MT Commerce



As I was rummaging through the old files of stories, I hit upon this topic of extraordinary, unique fightbacks (locking horns with life!) that people of different ages love to hear and get inspired with. I also saw it as an opportunity to bring into our altogether busy, routine lives, these real stories. I, for one was stalled in my routine hum-drum as I came by them. That's why I decided to put them down here. They are not stories of valour, bravery, honesty, but they are more of iron-will determination and the ability to stand by what they believed. To begin with, let us look through names that I have put together.
John Grisham Geeta Padmanabam Helen Keller AbrahamLincoln Arundhati Roy Anand Medha Patkar Steve Jobs Stephen Hawking Mahatma Gandhi Kapil Dev Vedran Smilovic Harriet Tubman Meghana Robert

It's quite a diverse group. But they all have one thing in common; see if you can figure out what it is? Have you figured it out? It certainly isn't their profession. The names have been drawn from a list of writers, statesmen, sports figures, artists and business professionals. They are of different ages and belong to diverse nationalities. Some of them are very famous you probably recognise their names but you have undoubtedly never heard of others. So, the answer? They are people with that extra tenacity to hold on and give back twice as much as they receive!people capable of ordinary plus responses. I created this list almost at random, selecting well known people as well as ones from our lives. You could just easily do the same thing, for these people are not difficult to come by in our lives. They are around us, among us, leading their lives, instilling in us the will to kick back to come back!

It happened in the year 1992 an unspeakable terror that not just claimed the lives of many in the name of ethnic war but also the dignity of human race. The former Yugoslavia had erupted in ethnic strife, stranding thousands homeless and deprived of the spirit to live with dignity. Amidst these bombs shelling, a resident of Sarajevo Vedran Smailovic, principle cellist of the Sarajevo opera decided to perform in the middle of it all. So, every evening at 4 pm he would walk to the point of massacre and sit to play music as mortal shells and bullets would fly around him. For 22 days, he played, dedicating each piece to those killed. He sat in the same spot playing to ruined homes, wounded spirits of survivors, scared people hiding in the basement and ultimately for human dignity, life and peace and hope even when it seemed very bleak.When questioned whether he was not crazy for what he was doing, he askedYou ask me am I crazy for playing the cello, why do you not ask if they are not crazy for shell ing Sarajevo? As he continued to play the music of peace and hope, he came to be looked upon as the symbol of peace by hundreds in Bosnia. This is an example of indomitable spirit to make a difference in some small way to balm the pain of crisis. While she was only in her 30's, Harriet Tubman came to be called as Moses because of her ability to go into the land of captivity and bring so many of her people out of slavery's bondage. She started her life as a slave. She was born in the year 1820 in Maryland. At the age of 24, she got married to a black man whom she tried talking into escaping to freedom, but he would not hear of it. She resolved to take her chances and finally did so alone.




Tubman made her way to Pennsylvania via the under ground railroad, a secret network of free blacks, quakers who helped escaping slaves on the run. Though free herself, she vowed to return to free her family and others in bondage. In 1850 she made her first return trip as an 'Underground Railroad conductor' someone who retrieved and guided out slaves. I t was extremely dangerous work and when people in her charges wavered, she was strong as steel. Every spring and fall, she risked her life by going south and returning with more people. Between 1850 and 1860 she guided out more than 300 people, she made 19 trips in all and never lost a single person under her care. By the start of the civil war she had brought out more people out of slavery than any other American in history black or white, male or female. Odds were heavily stacked against her-if you had seen her, your first reaction may not be respect, she wasn't very impressive, just about 5 feet tall, she wore very coarse clothes and when she smiled, people could see that her two top teeth were missing! She was uneducated; she laboured in a country where women didn't have the right to vote. Despite her circumstances she made her point. She had made a resolve to fight till the end and she stood by it, given the drawbacks that life kept presenting to her, she toiled on These real stories are not just heroism that are called for in times of need but reflect the spirit to fight that is inherent in every human something that all of us have done when we came into this world. We need not search for them in national heroes or patriots but spot them in our every day life. I can remember one particular teacher whom all of us, the entire class of 40 odd children were mesmerised by. We were transported to those landscapes and eras as she would paint history across wars, revolutions and ages. It was a class that we looked forward to and somebody's presence that made a definite difference in the lives of that 40. Difference in the way she treated every child, every human, restoring back their self respect and self worth that instilled confidence and chiseled an altogether new outlook / life for the child. It is from these inspiring lives that we draw our idols and icons. We learn how to respond to the many demands that life throws at our doors. But were they born to make headlines and hence responded so? What was in them that they gave a radically different answer to challenges sented by life?


For anybody to be able to put up a consistent fight against the odds of life there should be a certain propelling philosophy or belief that gives rise to such a response all the time. Probably a hardcore belief. This is what we call as the philosophy of life or belief ruling your life.Philosophy of life does not always refer to a fighting spirit but the meaning you have given to life's challenges. This meaning in turn influences your responses. It is the meaning you have given to life. One can choose to look upon life as a challenge, a teacher, a sport, a win-lose game, a mould, a second chance, a huge burden, God, friend, service, and lots more We have come to define life in our own ways and it is this definition that sets various incidents in motion in the universe and the universe likewise rewards gifts and blows alike. Sri Samadarshiniji Director Oneness UniverCity


1. The patient refused autopsy. 2. The patient has no previous history of suicides. 3. Patient has left white blood cells at another hospital. 4. Patient's medical history has been remarkably insignificant with only a 40 pound weight gain in the past three days. 5. Patient has chest pain if she lies on her left side for over year. 6. On the second day the knee was better and on the third day it disappeared. 7. The patient is tearful and crying constantly. She also appears to be depressed. 8. The patient has been depressed since she began seeing me in 1993. 9. Discharge status: Alive, but without my permission. 10. Healthy appearing decrepit 59-year old male, mentally alert, but forgetful. 11. Patient had waffles for breakfast and anorexia for lunch 12. She is numb from her toes down. 13. While in ER, she was examined, X-rated and sent home. 14. The skin was moist and dry. 15. Occasional, constant infrequent headaches. 16. Patient was alert and unresponsive. 17. Rectal examination revealed a normal size thyroid. 18. She stated that she had been constipated for most of her life until she got a divorce. 19. I saw your patient today, who is still under our car for physical therapy. 20. The lab test indicated abnormal lover function. 21. Skin: somewhat pale but present. 22. The pelvic exam will be done later on the floor. 23. Large brown stool ambulating in the hall. 24. Patient has two teenage children, but no other abnormalities. Raymond Joint Vice President Corporate Communications

In this information era, it's the education that holds the key transition which even we in Dubai acknowledge. MT Educare Dubai branch has seen its ups and down while heading towards success. DUBAI, a mastermind city with aesthetic blend of Asian and western culture is known with its vibrancy and cosmopolitan nature. Perhaps this branch, a one of its own kind, where two Indian (CBSE & ICSE) and four international (IGCSE, ED-EXEL,'O' Level & A Level) are taught. Students from many countries come under one roof to get coached for their exams. British Curriculum: This is the first time we have formed small batches of international curriculum. Students come in small groups as we call these batches as tuition batch. We run remedial programs in the evening for weak students. Its fun teaching these students and we all come to know about their country .

We were fortunate to be with the CMD Mr. Mahesh Shetty, when he visited the Dubai branch and motivated the students. They were very keen to meet Mr. Mahesh Shetty & Dr. Chhaya Shastri, Chief Strategy Officer, who showed their gratitude towards them.

Suresh Shetty, Programme Director MaheshTutorials Dubai.

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From the Parlour


A detox can do wonders for your skin. But the truth is you can become fresh-faced and more gorgeous in days by stuffing your face, not staring at it. Nutritionists say, the best way to nourish your body is to eat a healthy and balanced diet. This will help your digestive system work efficiently and provide you with the right essential nutrients. However a two-day 'detox' during which you eat mostly fruits & vegetables & lots of water, can help you clean your system. It doesn't have to be a water- fast or a fruit-only regime. Just trying to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your daily diet can have 'detox' benefits in as much as this will give you plenty of soluble fibre to help boost your digestive system, which will leave you feeling lighter and brighter. Drinking lots of water can plump up your skin and help flatten your tummy by helping to alleviate fluid retention. Set aside a quiet Monday or Tuesday when you can focus on what you are putting into your body or devote a weekend to your nutritional inner cleansing. Make sure you are not going to have to perform or do anything particularly active and that your diary is free of meals-out or celebrations. The weekend is a particularly good choice when you consider that women eat an average of 160 more calories a day between Friday and Sunday. Tell yourself that instead of fasting you are actually 'feasting' on fresh fruits and vegetables and washing it all down with gallons of beautifying water. So, what to eat? If possible, just for 2 days aim to avoid red meat, chicken, fish, pulses and wheat-based foods such as bread, pastas and cereals that can bloat you. Instead, fill yourselves with fresh fruits and vegetables. Choose brightly coloured fruits, the brighter the colour, the richer they are in antioxidants, which mop up potentially harmful free radicals that can accelerate the ageing process. Eating lots of fruits will also provide you with tons of soluble fibre that not only helps maintain a healthy digestive system but is also good for regulating your appetite and keeping your blood sugar levels steady. Remember, it's only for two days and you will look and feel fantastic afterwards! The Best Fruits for Inner Beauty: Grapes: Good for cleansing the liver and kidneys. Pineapples: Contain bromelain, which breaks down protein and speeds up digestion. Papaya and Avocados: Have great cleansing properties and are good for body repair and rejuvenation. The Best Vegetables for Inner Beauty: Cruciferous vegetables include brussels, sprouts, broccoli, cabbage & cauliflower. They help your liver function efficiently. Onions and garlic contain sulphur compounds that help the detoxification process.
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Watercress, tomatoes, carrots and apples are rich in Vitamins C & E, which help fight free radicals. Asparagus is great for the liver and kidneys. Beetroot contains antioxidants such as beta-carotene and zinc. It also contains iron, a good detox for the liver. What else can I eat? Swap meat for fish or nuts. Nuts are a great source of protein and they are bursting with antioxidants. Swap white bread and white pasta for oats and brown rice, good sources of fibre. Eat natural yoghurt to promote healthy bowel bacteria. Drink 1.5 2 ltrs (2.5 3 pints) of water a day to help flush out toxins. Swap tea and coffee for herbal teas. Dandelion is a good detoxifier.

I am convinced digestion is the great secret of life'. Sydney Smith, Essayist.

Roopa Shetty, Proprietress & Beautician Nirmal Herbal - Powai



When God created daughters He took very special care, To find the most precious treasures, That would make them sweet and fair. He gave them smiles of angels and then Explored the midnight skies. And took a bit of stardust, to make Bright and twinkling eyes He fashioned them from sugar And a little bit of spice. He gave them sunny laughter And everything that is nice. He smiled when he made daughters, Because he knew he had Created love and happiness, For every Mom and Dad !!!

Rasika Kakade SBME 0239 Mulund (East) Branch

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