Sociopreneur Agriculture

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Food Life, World Matter World population continues to crawl quickly to number 7 billion, with a poverty rate of 1 billion

in 2012 and continues to grow. Stakeholders aware of the problems of social problems arising from population growth the higher the danger of social inequality. Government is more inclined to master the economic and industry policy with reference to the policy last year, when economic activity is now much different consequences resulting policies did not bring significant change. especially in the areas that experienced spikes in world food demand is now faced with a dramatic increase in the issue of food shortage the problem is due to the massive growth in world population is not Followed by the Addition of food stock. Moreover, the added load on the issue of environment, climate change (global warming),and land conversion and degradation. We are convinced that the new movement to begin.

Sociopreneur agriculture The efforts to increase rice production has not been fully successful to improve the welfare of farmers even in the agrarian country such Indonesia. As survey tooked farmers' income has the lowest income among all jobs its $ 1.23 per day. The good news of the population growth rate at a young age, especially developing countries like Indonesia ranked highest by 60% of the total population, this represents a tremendous human energy, fantastic hikes that had never happened before even beat the record in 1966. They start a job search, sort choose the proper source of income, massive and dynamic moves. They no longer do what their parents by working at the center of government, but they know to start a new movement and new ways to use the change maker to make a new breakthrough innovation. everyone feels a debt to the social by voluntarily devoting himself as changemaker through sociopreneurship. In Indonesia the movement is trying to reborn the Sociopreneur in agriculture industry. Sociopreneurship is a form of social entrepreneurship based on the principles of business has driven by the community of a farmer to bring a global competitive food product. Sociopreneurship in Indonesia, has been spearheaded by Youths who have a vision of the future As the agents of change Sociopreneur have the awareness to Overcome the Various problems That Arise in the environment and society. With the help of all parties, especially the government to give an injection of funds the development of agriculture, socio entrepreneurs create new businesses in the business of agricultural technology and more focus on increasing the amount of agricultural production so that the advance of agriculture industry

Distribution of agriculture product

Why is the part of the world there are still people who die of starvation? It is caused by low food distribution. In the future we will have , Food global agricultural market (FGAM) That is a special market for Quickly do the trading center , like trading as tock, it also provide information is accessible to all entrepreneurs especially country giving information of fast food needed in Certain country. sociopreneur meet directly and discussed the problem then it will make the the solution have a global impact and can provide long-term effects. This idea will help to erase the boundaries among the country so we can react as fast to help distribute the food product. FAGM also serves as a reference science and spreading the result of research to improve production and efficiency of food production from agriculture. FGAM will be the place fairly among the world.

Change the planting place rather relying on irrigated land Food revolution has already begun a long time but still has some weakness that is second food revolution focused and rely too much on irrigated land rice production as the media, while less suboptimal land attention. It Should be without prejudice to the hopes and the foundation on irrigated land. In 2022 there will be a new breakthrough in which the media is not only in the rice planting, but also in rice unfavorable environment rain fed lowland rice fields, wetlands, and the dry land. Not out of the role technology should be developed specific technologies agro ecosystem, such as micro-management systems of water governance in wetlands tides near the beach, direct and scattered planting weed control on rain-fed rice fields, as well as high crop diversification. also become the foundation of technological innovation on the Green Revolution. For example, using the genetic potential of plants through the reorientation of technology breeding to improve the "efficiency of photosynthesis" through the development of ideal plant type and exploiting heterocyst advantage.

Maintaining Sustainability of a Land sustainability of resources (land and environment), and source of local wisdom resources received less attention. Sustainability is also very important area, the land is now so saturated due to the use of chemical fertilizers containing this resulted in the production of agricultural products do not contain the quality and poor nutrition. therefore organic fertilizers remain number one in its class. If there is no more arable

land farmers can use the terraced rice fields, this course should be supported by a reliable technology. In this way farmers will be able to save the land effective and efficient.

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