Formulas: Walsh Assignment #4 1

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Formulas: Walsh assignment #4 1


Formulas for Management:

Exploring Management Models for Science Librarians

Maura K. Walsh

Emporia State University

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This research plan envisions a document analysis of current publications that examine

management models for science libraries. It outlines a proposal consisting of a structured

interview of a specially targeted expert panel from three universities that will help define the

search terms for the document analysis that follows. It is hoped that the study would not only

clarify what material is available currently, but also highlight any gaps in current

documentation in this field in order to show which future research could be most beneficial.
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Although the library of brick and mortar still clearly exists, external factors are causing a

paradigm shift from a more traditional hierarchical management structure to a networking-style,

flatter system. In this current state it becomes increasingly important to have a clear picture of

our preferred future, where we want our libraries to go and how we want them to develop.

Perhaps management has never had such a crucial role. Nowhere is that more evident than in the

academic library.

One type of library within the academic world is the science library. These libraries have special

operations and circumstances that make them distinct. They serve a unique subset within the

university community and they have a heightened need for timely materials. The spiraling costs

of electronic journals and database access can also play particular havoc in science departments

where historical documents are of little or limited use in educating today’s students or supporting

faculty research and development.

This research project will attempt to find out which management models being advocated in

professional writings are being adapted by science librarians in academic libraries, and whether

they are actually gaining access to the information they need. Library management, which

includes planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the day to day working of the library, is

key to the smooth operation of the library and its ability to serve its patrons. A document analysis

based on the important input from librarians actually working as science librarians will help

make this assessment of current trends a valuable tool for these professionals and may even

highlight some of the needs that are not currently being covered in professional literature, thus

pointing the way for valuable future research that may help management and leadership choose
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the best options in management.

Research Questions

How do contemporary publications meet needs for management in science libraries? What do

science librarians consider the most important needs in management practices? Are there any

gaps between what is published, what is reaching the librarians and/or what is wanted?


This study will not include an exhaustive selection of librarians but only a carefully selected

expert panel from three different universities’ academic libraries. Also, due to the expressed need

to find what is readily available and being discussed in publications currently, the documents

analyzed will be limited to those published in the last two years (2006 – 2008).

Literature Review

Although I have not been able to find as many sources as I wished that pertain only to the world

of science libraries, my evaluation of this is twofold. First, the issues being examined here do not

necessarily pertain only to the science library. Management models like those discussed in Hatch

(2006) can also be applied to science libraries. Going outside of the narrower confines of this

world may prove to be advantageous and allow us to examine these management issues with

fresh eyes by exploring them using viewpoints more common to other fields.

Second, perhaps this paucity of material is a sign that the present study is all the more

worthwhile in a fast changing area and will therefore be useful to many who are at present

working in science libraries or as science librarians. Kurt Lewin judged that ‘there is nothing so
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practical as a good theory” (Hatch, 2006 p. 295). Perhaps adapting or expanding these theories

will give new tools to librarians.

In Academic Libraries: Should Strategic Planning be Renewed? (2007)Brown and Gonzalez

examine some of these same management questions through the lens of strategic planning and

conclude that very little empirical evidence has been shared and that seeking the advice of

experts is one of the few reference sources available. The very interesting Leadership of

Academic Libraries: A Literature Review by Weiner (2003) addresses the characteristics of

leadership in academic libraries. She examines questions of philosophy and vision, the bigger

picture as it were, without ignoring the more mundane like staff recruitment and serials

management. She states that

“it is clear that many aspects have not been addressed and that a comprehensive

body of cohesive, evidence-based research is needed. There is a dearth of

published studies or dissertations that relate leadership to effectiveness of library

directors, their organizations, or outcomes” (Weiner, 2003, p.18)

Business management models also give a glimpse of intriguing ideas that could be

translated to the library world. At the 25th conference of the International Association of

Technological University Libraries (IATUL) in 2004, Professor Prof. Egbert Gerryts, the

Director of Academic Information Service at the University of Pretoria in South Africa,

and a longtime member of and advocate for IATUL recommended using the Balanced

Scorecard. This is a business management system designed to allow users to clarify their

vision and strategy and translate them into action. It allows the internal processes to be

balanced with external outcomes in order to promote improvement. He advocated it as a

model to ‘lead and manage library transformation, the most important challenge in
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contemporary librarianship’ (ISTL, 2004).

Examining listserves and blogs shows a certain amount of inquietude about some of the

very practical subjects involved in science library management like fundraising,

collection development, managing budgets, communicating with the greater academic

community and evaluating and affording electronic sources.

Population and Setting

Three universities have been chosen as representative of different fields and levels of science

education in the hopes of being able to assemble a useful expert panel to provide the input

needed for the document analysis that will follow. The first libraries are at a large state university

(39,524 students) in an urban setting with medical and dental schools, aeronautical and

engineering programs and traditional hard sciences at both graduate and undergraduate levels. In

2004 it was awarded the Academic Libraries Award, which recognizes the top university research

library in the country. There are 47 science librarians employed at the university.

The second library is also a large state university (23,655 students) with important science

programs in agriculture and veterinary medicine. It has specialized libraries for both of these

programs. It is located in a rather isolated rural community and has 23 science librarians.

The third is a private liberal arts undergraduate college with one of the highest acceptance rates

in the nation for their students in graduate programs in science, including medical and

engineering schools. It is a small college (1,500 students) with a large library that employs 19

librarians, all officially classified as generalists, but three specifically serve the science

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From the universities described above a representative selection of librarians will be chosen to

form the expert panel. Every effort will be made to select librarians who come from distinct

fields within the sciences and different levels within the libraries’ organizations. After pre-

selecting these subjects, they will each be sent an email outlining the study’s objectives and

structure and inviting their participation. This method of approach is an attempt to make the

librarians feel more comfortable with the interview, give them time to consider the topic without

exertion and assure them that their responses will have great significance.

After obtaining consent from them, a short structured interview of 5 -10 minutes will be

conducted by telephone. This information will be directly entered into an Excel program set up

to be able to capture that data and with spaces for impromptu comments. Using a headset will

make it easy to enter the data while conducting the interview.

The publications sited by the librarians will become the basis of the literature review, although it

is also important not to limit it to those publications. Using the key words and phrases from the

specialty publications cited by the librarians it will then be fairly simple to cross check and see if

other academic publications in business or library science may also contain useful information

about management.

Hopefully the results, which will be both quantitative and qualitative, will indicate what further

research may be most useful to these librarians as well as giving a good picture of the

information currently available to them. Some of the key publications that may be useful to this

study are listed in Appendix B.

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Research Schedule and budget

Timeline Augus Septe

2008 May June July t mber

Write research
Contact target
Compile results
Analyze findings
Write first draft
Submit for

Since I anticipate doing all the work myself, I have not budgeted any costs. I hope to submit

the results to Cindy Stewart Kaag, head of Science Libraries at Washington State University,

to see if she considers it would be useful to publish or as the basis for another investigation.
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ACRL, (2007, May 15). Science and technology section. Retrieved April 1, 2008, from Publications:

STS Signal Web site:

ALA, (2008, January 31). ALA Mailing List Service. Retrieved April 1, 2008, from ACRL Science &

Technology Section Discussion List Web site:


Anonymous, (2008, March 31 ). Your Science Librarians' Blog. Retrieved April 1, 2008, from Web site:

Bellinger, G (2004). Leadership & management: A structural perspective. Retrieved April 1, 2008, from

Mental Model Musings Web site:

Blaxter, L., Hughes, C., & Tight, M. (2006). How to research. Maidenhead, Berkshire, UK: Open

University Press.

Brown,.A., & Blake, B.A. (2007). Academic libraries: Should strategic planning be renewed?. Technical

Services Quarterly. v. 24 no. 3, 1-14.

Dupuis , J (2008, March 31 ). Confessions of a science librarian . Retrieved April 1, 2008, from Web


Hatch, M. J. (2006). Organization theory: Modern, symbolic and postmodern perspectives. Oxford, UK:

Oxford University Press.

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ISTL, (2004). Library management in a changing environment: 25th IATUL Conference. Retrieved

April 1, 2008, from Conference reports Web site:

ISTL, (2006, July 5). Issues in Science & Technology Librarianship. Retrieved April 1, 2008, from

Archives Web site:

Partington, D. (2002). Essential skills for management research. London, UK: Sage Publications.

Weiner, S (2003).Leadership of academic libraries: A literature review. Education Libraries. v. 26 no. 2,

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Appendix A

Structured interview protocol:

What management issues concern you?

What professional publications do you read?

Which publications have you found to be most helpful?

Are there any noticeable gaps in available management information?

Are there any authors in the field that you would particularly recommend?
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Appendix B

• Professional JournalsUrban • College & Research Libraries News

Academic Librarian • Evidence Based Library and

• Training and Education Information Practice

• Teacher Librarian • British Journal of Academic

• Library Trends Librarianship

• College & Research Libraries • Science & Technology Libraries

• Library Management • Resource Sharing and Information

• Library Administration &
• Quarterly Bulletin of the
International Association of
• Library & Information Science
Agricultural Information Specialists
• Medical Reference Services
• Journal of Library Administration
• College & Undergraduate Libraries
• New Review of Academic
• The Journal of Academic
• Advanced Technology Libraries
• International Library Review
• American Libraries

These titles or similar would be the kind of books included in the literature review:
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• Perspectives, Insights, & Priorities: 17 Leaders Speak Freely of Librarianship, Norman

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• Beyond the Basics: A Management Guide for Library and Information Professionals, G.

Edward Evans

• Learn Library Management A Practical Study Guide for New or Busy Managers in

Libraries and Other Information Agencies, Bob Pymm and Damon D. Hickey

• Strategic Planning and Management for Library Managers, Joseph Matthews

• Managing in the Information Age, Ann E. Prentice

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