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4 theSun | THURSDAY DECEMBER 4 2008

news without borders

Good move but

some concerns, too
by Maria J. Dass
and Faith Labunda


welcomed the proposed
establishment of the Malaysian
Anti-Corruption Commission
(MACC) as a step towards an
Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA)
that is more independent and
armed with more prosecution
powers. However, they said
there are some areas that could
be improved.
They were commenting on
the report in theSun yesterday
that said “a truly independent”
ACA that will report to Parliament the proposed changes are a “cosmetic exer-
is close to reality. cise” as the agency will still be linked to the
Liew Chin Tong (DAP-Bukit Bendera) said executive.
the proposed setting up of a special committee “The head, especially, should be appointed
on the MACC made up of seven MPs appointed and wholly accountable to Parliament, other-
by the King is not consistent with parliamentary wise he may have the powers to prosecute
tradition. but can still be compromised,” he said.
“A select committee to oversee the entire P. Ramasamy (DAP-Batu Kawan) said
frame-work of the MACC should be set up instead “it sounds right and good but the agency still
of a seven-MP committee,” he said. seems to be beholden to the executive”.
“This does not make the agency entirely re- “We welcome the improvements being
sponsible to Parliament.” made to the tracking and prosecution of cases,
Liew said that to ensure the ACA is entirely which have been few and far between in the
independent it needs to be detached from the ex- past, but like the Human Rights Commission,
ecutive branch of the government. Similarly, funds it will still be an ineffective agency of the BN
for the MACC should come from consolidated and a toothless tiger,” he said.
funds and not the executive. However, at the end of the day, something
Dr Hatta Ramli (PAS-Kuala Krai) was happy was still better than nothing, Ramasamy
to note that the MACC would be able to decide on said.
prosecution in most cases without having to refer Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M)
to the attorney-general’s office. welcomed the proposed establishment of the
“It is a good move to have a commissioner who MACC, saying it is greatly encouraged by the
can prosecute via a DPP seconded to the ACA,” report that there will be an “independent ACA
he said. at last”.
Sources said the powers of the A-G will not Its president, Tan Sri Ramon Navarat-
be usurped but with senior DPPs from the A-G’s nam, noted that TI-M, together with a wide
chambers seconded to the MACC, and with the cross-section of the Malaysian public, has
commissioner having the powers of a DPP, it can been clamouring for new legislation for the
decide on prosecutions. establishment of a “genuinely independent
However, Hatta expressed concern over the ACA for a long time”.
independence of the commission as there were He said the proposed special advisory
hopes that the commission would be solely an- committee of seven MPs appointed by the
swerable to Parliament and that the appointment King, as well as the four other ancillary
of its head would be by the house. committees and panels, will help to ensure
Barisan Nasional Backbenchers Club (BNBBC) that the commission remains free of outside
chairman Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing said he influences.
has not seen the draft of the bill or know of its “Thus, the MACC annual report can and will
contents. now be questioned in Parliament, instead of
He said the proposed amendments should take being merely tabled and not even discussed,”
into account the prosecution of those who lodge he said.
false reports and abuse the system. In a statement, Navaratnam also listed
Wee Choo Keong (PKR-Wangsa Maju) said some concerns which TI-M hopes could be ad-
dressed at the committee stage in the debate
in Parliament on the MACC bill:
» The chairman of the special parliamentary
committee should be a member from the
“loyal Opposition” because a weak chairman
can negate effectiveness and undermine the
public perception, credibility and confidence
in the new MACC;
» ACA should have complete freedom to
prosecute all cases to justify and portray its
independent status, quickly phasing out its
deputy public prosecutors and replacing them
with legal officers on a permanent or even
contract basis;
» The government should show the strongest
political will to make the MACC work expedi-
tiously and efficaciously to win public confi-
dence and support, especially from potential
» All well-meaning MPs should wholeheart-
edly support the bill, making progressive
amendments to ensure it is passed as law
on Jan 1; and
» The judicial and police legislative reforms
should also be tabled and passed together
with the MAC, considering that they are inter-
related and should be regarded as a reinforc-
ing package of healthy reforms.
Navaratnam also extended his congratula-
tions to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah
Ahmad Badawi for having fought the resist-
ance to deliver on his election pledge to
establish an independent MACC.

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