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Updated 18.03.


Peter's Pill Grimace

version 9.0.4

See Through St. Peter's Basilica Cult

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Mother Church - Occult Fertility Fiestas
Basilica: Front square colonnade roof is fenced with myriad mass-acre saint statues.

Osiris court, phallus-obelisk in the midst of woman's sexual organs... erected to shout
obscenities to the sky. Osiris wheel, occult Egyptology and sun clock. etc etc. Court filled with
pine-cone etc. fertility cult objects.

Ugly colossus inside: plastered with 2000 years worth of its embezzlements, gold/art, occult G =
masonry sexual geometry, small boys, warped angelic figures - without clothing.

Down below, myriad grottos filled with its prey: gold teeth, skeletons, stuffed 'Christ's'... embalmed
corpses to be kissed. Secret inquisition chambers, death rite rooms? You bet.


Wanna have a Luxury relaxed holyday? Five Day Tour in Rome? "Meet our all inclusive Saints
with Mary" - on the trip sold by your local church (whatever denomination).

"Come with us to the real pilgrimage into ancient Rome, be a part of this satanic occult worship,
have a real Mass" ... 'audience with' the incest dagon-pope priest of osiris whoredom... receive all
the demons sent.

If not, take this free tour - so that you can shout the Truth from the roofs.
Papal gold-grotto love by night.

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The Heart of Vatican - 'Peter Bacilli'.
Two Latin words Vatis: prophetic/divine, Can: serpent/snake. Combined: 'prophetic/divine serpent'
As the Vatican is a place, so you may say that 'Vatican' means 'the place worshipped serpent'. In NT
you can meet her also as the snake, devil, dragon...

This colossus, resembling a cross was built 324A.D. on top of a hill (small part first). Here
Romans kept their sadistic orgies of killing thousands of Bible believers in a spectacle. Roman
crooks, then like today, have to keep the show on, otherwise the folks will start to think and their
deeds will become too visible.

Its front court, huge osiris cult symbol, is reeking of myriad cult ceremonies. The first illustration
depicts 'whole basilica', the main building on top, below is this court.

Check out the rich linky! saintpetersbasilica org ...Here it depicts the osiris court with all its 140
saint statues. Each statue & saint is explained up to a point. Their Saintly bloodthirsty history gold
plated: like the founder of this vaticanus cult, Constantine excelled in mass killings ... welcome to
the papal mass. Constantine was the first to claim to be world's first Caesar and Pope ... and the

Whata sunkin feelin...

Dagon Fish Priest's 'audience'... Here the Pill Grimaced tens of thousands unawares, flown
around the globe "via papal airways" to participate into ancient occult, worship with him. Each
receiving their poison pill to align with beast thinking. After their osiris portion: "These have one
mind, and they give their power and authority unto the beast. Rev.17:13.
All witches feel already relaxed with his occult cross, fish-dagon-mitre and IHS emblems.
Unawares will receive a new fresh devil into his/her life... I would not be surprised if simultaneous
human sacrifices were going on in the grottos.

Nothing has changed during the last two thousand years.

This hill was the fighting arena for Galicula, Nero etc. This was bible believers mass-acre-age.
They were maimed and bled to death in front of the true Constantinus Christians. They were drunk
of the blood - after circus did not fulfill their lusts anymore.

The Mother church has burned all bible translators in bonfires on marketplaces as heretics,
during jesuital time from 1500 to 1800. Inquisition is well alive today: it is said that millions have
perished in the mother church cellars between 1000-2000AD. This phenomena which mixes the
term Christianity with occult, is used via many knightly clans: Breivik the Norwegian mass
murderer was a mason and Templar Knight - directly under jesuital control. That operation falls in
the category of public disarmament, disabling the slaves. One of the main "Saints in this papal
business" was Thomas Moore. He is honored every year by US aristocracy in a special mass...

An able slave, able to defend his family, eg. gun owner is, a threat for extralegal Knightly terror.
Which in Breivik's case was done as usual - behind blue lodge sea - papal police force. This
Bluelodge history must have roots also in Vatican: globally controlled Knighthood brethren, came
to be in 1800's. Before that, there was only army power - which tends to include patriotic folks who
wont follow papal global orders - against countrymen. On the contrary, these blue brethren are
disciplined via blood oaths, the true global force obeying any order from mystery - above.

Augustinus monasteries main mission, was to form a base. From there surrounding population
was being raided to collect all original bible texts. The missing texts enabled Vatican to push its
own writings as true scripture, operate its directive-machinery to rob nations continuously. All
scriptures today have gone through such papal nihil obstat -sieve. This project will be on as long as
humankind is on the planet: latest operation was 26-Jan-2013 in Timbuktu, Mali, where papal
jihadists burned over 60.000 ancient scriptures to prohibit newlyfound(?) leaks. As usual, the
doubleheaded eagle had its forces controlling the operation: French knights surrounded the city...
(Actually I have no proof of details, but this is the way all operations are machined, behind papal
controlled fascia, via foreign forces, always armed, in 'news' but still out of public sight.)

The Grimacing fairytale of Christians: The folks escaping into Rome's catacombs, called
Christians may actually have been roman mass murderers escaping their justice.
Some of their cult drawings have leaked, mainly the pisces , is known from Greek sexual occult

To keep their occult hidden, the jesuit programmers are working 24/7 with Hollywood
machinery. The main goal is to hide Adolph, Stalin, Mao, Roosevelt, Churchill, Reagan etc
Roman Catholy jesuital mass murder roots. See more at Table of Contents at


In the Center of the cult square is the enormous phallus symbol, stolen from Egypt. It sits inside
the woman genitals - preaching incestevangelium?(...this interpretation is NOT my invention).
Around the square on top of the surrounding buildings, the 'saint' statues peer like dead vultures.
Reminds of the sins of Jerobeam, Son of Nebat.

The sin itself was hidden from public eye, 'you just dont know'...: The papal edu-program says to
everyone that it is not possible to find out these ancient facts... The more 'researchers' claim this
attitude, the deeper the claimer trots in this Caesarean motherly dirt.

The common nominator for all kingdoms sits here: The emblem of power for all kings on earth,
the Vatican osiris cult phallus-fag obelisk, the totem of all sex-cults - sits in this garden of love-god.
Ashera. Every kingdom, falsely called democratic, has its miniature copy to display obedience.

Today the Papal worship directives commands all mushrooms to obey its fag cult liturgy - or face
jail time for blasphemy ...of this bloody incest &blasphemy. It is an offence to utter a word against
this Vatican incest from pulpit or street.

King Jerobeam - AND - whole nation: "And he did that which was evil in the sight
of the LORD, and followed the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, which made Israel
to sin; he departed not therefrom. 2King13

The holy decree of inquisition used to 'build comradeship' in brethren: if some individuals fell
out of line and didnt obey, the last rite for him/her was the Sunday sermon. This poor fella was
taken into the cellar, attached into wall irons. The whole congregation came one by one, each
adding some mortar and a new tile until the cursed was masoned in behind a funny curving brick
wall. Wall of plenty... This truly knits the society together - keep smiling and having next mass
thinking of... what? This phenomena is today well and alive.
Seek out the obelisk from your city and be surprised: a miniobelisk can be found in every city
and around the globe: 'From Pyonyang N.Korea to Jerusalem'. "These have one mind, and shall
give their power and strength unto the beast." Rev.17. (J'lem High Court, built by satanic Rothchild
to fulfill every Tammus-dream of the satan cult worshipper - from judge to a visitor.)

Brilliant Mass murder cult as entertainment for the enlightened. The Roman osiris cult is the
bloodiest in human history: they call emselves now Christians, Knights of Hospitallier and
whatever: the cross-killing process was their meanest invention. Papal love of art: 'at best' their
master torturers could keep their 'customers alive up to two weeks...
This is how the site looked some 2000 yrs ago they say.

Past the Obelisk, into the beast heart.

Note: For Finland obelisks, see The Finnish SA-army photos (finn text)

Slideshare has deleted most, goto (english)
From pinecone fertility theater to the Dome: all is filled with pagan idolatry and symbols of
orgies. Dome is topped with a immense cross, embedded with bones of the so called saints. Check
out the history (NOT r0man version) and see how many thousand Bible believers they mass-acred...

Here I must remind you that this occult machinery deceptively uses the word "Christian" of
every imaginable mass orgy operation. In Britain, Jesuits were defeated of their papal ordered 16o5
gunpowder pl0t. At that time, having a mass meant abhorring sin, All MASS -practitioners were
jailed... Thus Mr. Breivik, a roman Rosicrucian jesuit operative is hideously called a "Christian" in
the papal mass ... media. However, Bible following Believer read and practice his/her Bible: Thou
Shalt Not Kill, Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery ... etcetc
The Dome
The cross stands on top of a huge 12 feet diameter ball, on top of the Dome: symbol of Roman
empire. Copies of smaller balls you may find on any "Christian", islamic etc buildings. It means
that such a building is directly controlled by the Maximus - Roman power-center ball. They say the
ball is full of the saints bones - meaning murdered or mass murderers...

Before we step into the massive orgy of skulls, skeletons, embalmed popes and repulsive statues &
occult relics of the Bacilli-ca, we take a quick peek into related issues.
I guess the first time this ball&cross was depicted in Ramses II grave illustrations. Like the Obelisk,
all these symbols are stolen by Rome... They are now called 'Catholicism'...

Vulture, the emissary of death - guards the cross.

All these occult signs you may see in a Vatican controlled Lutheran Church - or masonic temple:
Horus eye, Pyramids, Thomas cross, Tammus, Osiris...
110 yrs ago - Italian L'Asino mag. lllustrated...

EU tender love (for gold) was pulsing already 1903...

"It seizes, munches, swallows...

and after the meal is
hungrier than ever before..."
110 years ago
Italian L'asino-illustrated the local issues like that, 1903...

Note that:
- The illustrator is himself a Knight: He can't say a thing against Pope. However, you got to give
something for the programmed: mass-aged facts already earlier leaked...
- From holymass to superholy massmurders: a minor past sin is ok - never speak of inquisition
which is well alive today. The institution nowadays having a new lovely name.
- The Mickey Mouse 666-eyes were already used (alas, these satanic eyes are not Disney's eg.
DeMolay-mason's own invention)
- Karl Marx was a founding member of the Papal Illuminati -lodge ... its communist principal:
Family as institution has to be crushed!
- Instead of the Dagon-mitre, the headgear used was round bucket with Constantine crosses
- The Holocaust of Perugia: I bet the mandatory schooling by papal history classes had nothing to
offer in this 'nuance' - for yall ppl? Over 150 yrs ago there was this Mother Italy town rebelling
against the bloody Vatican dictatorship. The threat it posed was mercilessly crushed by Vatican
amassed military. Nowadays all dissent has been deleted - Mafia, the grand papal tool has no
directives to limit its methods, no evidence needed to kill any suspicious person. No 'miranda rights'
to free from papal grottoes grilling-missions.
- Perugian one generation old history could be attached on Pope Pius. Alas, well leaked fact...
Armenian holocaust was just in planning phase, the gold grotto enlargement projects barely starting
for Adolph, Mao-Tse-Tung

Papal Baal global reach

Following story concentrates on the heart of Vatican. As we will learn, it boasts fully openly of
its control of every nation via various means. In this context it is the 'Fourth Empire' in Daniel's
vision. Like revelation 17 depicting Vatican, saying all its programmed 'have one mind', Daniel
Says: "The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all
kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces."

We All the People under its rule have been programmed NOT to notice it. It has been coded
into slavery, called "education". Without its approval, one is not allowed to swipe the floor of the
enlightened. This jesuit conceived programming is an absolute 99% success...

Seeing the following illustrations combining the facts with some text, has the potential to free
We the People - you - from this medieval MSM-sorcery we definitely are under. Because its not
only medieval, it actually contains the whole human history of holocausts, treachery, programmed
wars, embezzlement's by evil design. Vatican inherited all the Sumerian, Hittite, Egyptian sorcery
and evil and just processed these to form streamlined free flowing continuous repetitive processes.
It even produced a mandatory mantra for We the educated People: "History repeats itself".

After seeing this, its your duty to verify and then shout from the roofs.

The three L'Asino magazines pics are from Alexander Robertsons book, a Knight. Poor loser
lodge (Illuminati won) Cavalier of the Order of St Mauritz and St. Lazarus.
See ...

Alas, those original illustrations are only B&W, internet used to be colorless 100 yrs ago.
Here we see 110 yr old agenda for vaccination: secret depopulation agenda violently pushed
through by the Knights of Hospitallier! L'Asino 8Nov1903.
My Latin expertise isnt too good: LITA can be translated as 'sacrifice'. What hideous meaning sits
inside that bottle label...
The city of Mother Italy, Perugia, was burned down, massacred by Papal troops in 1859:
"Vatican denials are useless, it wants more than that to wash away the stains of blood with which
the whole papacy is imbrued!"
"They want liberty, but that of being able to burn people alive, as in the days of Giordino Bruno!"
L' Asino 1903

Did your history Education mention Giordino!? Well, neither did mine... The main focus of this
old 'comics' however, is to memorize We the preprogrammed People, that inquisition is long past
history - while its going on today...
This is so comical that it wont open without history books. I bet your current politically
corrected books wont help either...

"Come on! Come on! my sons! For thirty nine years we have waited for you in Rome!"
Balls of Totalitarianism

You'll learn below how this cult ties it into fags called saints & priests and incest. Just take a
peek at its Lutheran church roof in Helsinki. The church built by German born jesuits - ground plan
forming the Maltese cross & other vomiting Vatinical nuances. Fully controlled through the mass-
ages by Vat - i - can ...

"The chain of papal incest - from Rome to Helsinki"

This baal ball is common to all pagan cults, from islam to any Bacchus bacchanal...
Finland and the 100% Roman Masonic Mediacontrol.
Finnish masonic lodges are being programmed via Sweden. This route 'happened' about 1000
yrs ago when the high culture Finland was burned down by Swedes emissaries of papal Ecumenia,
evangelism by the sword. Finnish freedom was taken away with its history: Finland didnt even exist
before this Swedish glory enslaved Finland. Before that, here existed just a big mudhole. As it
happens, however, some cursed heretics do dig here and there: this always causes panic in the
masonic cavalry. It rides immediately in the name of the law and Papal Police: stop digging!

Helsinki Kauppatori (marketplace) in front of swedish consulate. Papal doulbleheaded

shcitsofrenic eagle, golden ball, obelisk... Memo of smtg sinister that happened by 1833
Alexander visitation. What was it? The great (?) swedupelle Donner is afraid, burning his letters -
"the Truth is now in ashes" he says IS 26.1.2013 10:5. Is this totalitarian Stalinism unravelin at last?
Kauppatori's poor resigned Finn-eagle: If you educate yourself of this genetical sicko animal
symbol, you'll find out it is global. Wherever one can fly, it is there. However, depending on the
status, it carries Maltese crosses, specters, sword etc. This one is non-armed. Meaning Finn masons
are made absolutely powerless by the EUPope...

As you stand here and turn 90 degrees (go ooglemaps eagerly shows these masonics) toward the
Eastern Star, you'll find a sea of balls, Nikean-islamic moons, Tammus, all of the dirt.

At right u can see the Eastern Star lodge

dummies worshipping G-devils. Eastern
Star = baphomet...

A crucial view through this occult maze is seen from the entrance (at right). View through papal
throne (1-2) opens into the very end of this cross shaped monument. There one can see a tiny
glimpse of the beautiful light, (?) osiris glass painting...

Below the floor hide all the crucial skeletons grottos, incest chambers (!?). At far right is
depicted the phallus erected to the sky, this one 'taken' from Washington DC.

Yellow statues:

At right of the throne is the statue of great hero (2) Saint Longinus. He always reminds
the sitting Caesarpope how Romans were the ones who killed Jesus. This soldier
valiantly (?) pierced his body with the (now holy) spear.

At left is the statue of the Holy Helen, mother of the high saint, first Caesar AND pope, the
Constantine. He was a real mass murdering hero of Bible believers, fella who built this roman
occult monument at 324AD, while preparing for the Nikea hoax.
Lets walk in through the main door...

Here the angelic ass ... I mean pleasant boy angels have already taken their clothes off...
Get in!
Oh boy whata crowd. We are being corralled into the middle, unholy folks could otherwise touch...

View from Entrance...

The throne, Baldacchino, is located in the middle of this cross-shaped structure, having a maltese
cross -roof. Your god's seat is standing there. On top is four golden, ivory embedded pillars
propping the small inner roof.

The Baldacchino sits on top of the first, old Peters Basilica and various rooms from old times.
Refer to previous pic, 1-3. They claim that Peter's bones are down there. Thus the throne has to
stand guard so Peter can't escape like Jesus did? ... the biggest blunder of roman occult.
The poor 'side streets':
If only they would let us free, we would find these holy holes after holes, filled with art and looted
gold. Everyone is dedicated to certain saint, the ones which will cause statues to cry blood - but cant
help anyone in any issue. Here is one example. See the previous linky for more...

Symbols wont fail you here: all occultist emblems floors, walls, roofs full. Full of naked fallen
angels ready to entertain you..
A must see is the mother of god, especially the love-cult. You can meet her here, displaying his
only son without clothes. Boy, this is funny. Do all Roman mothers show off their naked sons,
expose for the public?

"Lovely", whispers our sister Rebekkah ! "The homely checkered floor from our beloved lodge!"

Then we hop a few masonic Taize-dance steps forward.

Baldacchino, four huge pillars. Osiris shining naked 'truth' for the illuminated.
Here, all the highest Knights have come to worship their god and source of wealth. The wealth
that has been accumulating ceaselessly, collected here via Roman instigated wars, during last 2000
years. .... 24/7/365/2000 = 122 . 640 . 000 hours of global gold collection.
'I Won't Greet The Pope Till He Returns Jewish Treasure' Councilman King announces he will
not join Jerusalem officials welcoming Pope, unless 'he returns Jewish treasures from Vatican

...Several treasures from the destroyed Holy Temple in Jerusalem are believed to have been brought
to Rome; indeed the Arch of Titus in Rome, erected shortly after the death of Emperor Titus in 81
CE, clearly depicts Roman soldiers bringing to Rome the golden candelabrum and other Temple
artifacts. The treasures reportedly remained on public display between 75 CE and the early 5th
century in the Temple of Peace in Rome's Forum. Jews have requested access to the Vatican's
storehouses to ascertain whether the treasures are still there. The councilman added "without the
return of our people's possessions, I see in (the Pope's) visit an unprecedented insolence."...

...and that is just the tip of the harlot's loot.

From where all this GOLD condenses here?
- just by accident or few (all) wars and all acciednts?

Lets see its roots - Catholy Cato The Telegraph, CATO 29.04.2014:

Cato Institute - Catholy united States USA Washington D.C.:ss,has defined 90 papal regions
(called countries) with its invented "misery index".

CATO Motto: Individual Liberty, Free Markets and Peace

Greek - papal site that all EU 'countries' - all nations forced to this nazi-state - were forced to
donate - helping it from abyss as the jesuits said.

Lets see the misery that demanded this nations Ecumenical tax-fraud:

Oh. The holy fraud of Constantinus Cross. In needs of repair? And Baldacchino copy four
pillars, y, golden rings needs polishing?

Oh lala: this is the real Ecumenia = Roman Control (in latin)

Not to forget that cat holy EU constitution was signed in Nazi Germany, 1940 Berlin.

This is why all its high officials are observing catholics, openly
The seventh misery was Spain. Real pain, as u can see ... the holyrotten maltese crosses are almost
dropping like a dropping.

See the promised jesuit paradise of inquisitions - still going strong::

And the papal best loot = misery is Venezuela. Poor Owner of 20% world oil reserves, surpassing
Saudis. Kept in misery with these papal missionaries, rosary carrying jesuit wannabe servants,
called as 'students'.
Seek out yourself. "Founded according the Jacobin-lodge principals aka the snake loving Founding
Fathers. Libertarian (mormon) principals for witches, fags and lesbians ..." the catholy doctrine of
incest seems to be missing (why is that).

"And this I swear by the sword, noose and flame" ... the oath by all papal freemasonry, jesuits.

Above the newest stamp of the papal main office (for all coverup missions) ... filled with all
catholy emblems from eight cornered pond to gods pillars.

The worst 500years of misery, where is it? Of course, the jesuit-masonic satanist Columbus mass
acre lands, South America. Still being persecuted by Rome.
See more at hyvn-ja-pahan-evankeliumi

Get an idea what these cat holy Santa's did 500 yrs ago to their 'targets', check out the last pages:
see 'kempilinen'
The Columbus Satanic beast, doubleheaded eagle is known already amongst Sumerian cult, like in
the Roman Caesars built Jerusalem Temple - whose false-jew fariseans murdered the jew, Jeshua
Maschia. nicknamed him as Jesus - jesuit name = above jesus. Today it is carried Balkan papal
massacre SS-hanzar islamists - like jesuit putin - not to speak the fmr Tsars

These Kabbala fariseans worshipped not God but tha masonist satan -GAD. This is why they
cant print his name, but hide it under G_D.

This is why Jeshua Maschia said that the temple will be destroyed fully - it was a Roman pagan
full of insults and horedom against GOD of this Universum, The Almighty YHWH.

This word about Him, Jeshua the Son of YHWH, was so dangerous that all written texts had to
be destroyed - as they depicted the Great Harlot = Rome as the 666 -beast. This is the reason Rome
built all those monasteries - to seek out the writings and burn, crucify their owners.

This is why the Roman Caesar Constantinus, self proclaimed Sun-God of osiris, mass murderer,
was forged to be our Bible author and Saint. The Saint all masons, jesuits = every gvmt official
worships this Constantinian constitution above all constitutions. When they dont, they go the way
of Kaddafi - massacred by the roman orchestrated mob. Arab spring they say...

Constantinus 'Christian' Fraud - see story further below.

Four Pillars -
- Symbol of all masonic temples
This symbolism is repeated globally in all the millions of meeting rooms, G -lodges, rite
symbols, clothes, insignia. Below a top part of one of the golden & ivory pillars.

Cult. It's core focused on naked boys.

What are all the features depicted by these pillars? Symbols hidden inside each and every
hundred million copies of this cult insignia? Symbols worshipped by 50 million (?) masons,
Knights, unawares of the meanings of this 'holiness'. This sleaze that has been hideously marketed
to the nations via the pen of the scribes - that is a lie (Jer.8:8). This is the papal 'truth' of
christianism. The bloodiest cult that has ever existed! It continues to worship its most excellent
invention, the cruelest death machine, CROSS. While incest is secretly their main trait.

Christianism that was created by this lying pen of the scribes: it is based on the GAD-fertility
rites. You may check out one of its holy products - for Christians - from 1400-century monastery,
Netherlands. Made by the Roman Catholic priest, 'Tuomas Kempilinen' -book pages and compare
this 'holiness'... This is a book that even today is promoted as guidance to Christians. You may
wonder about the guidance. Maybe its the incest trips Hollandese monasteries have been notorious?
Check out -Table of Contents.
Mother Church reigns the World -
- via Knight Clans, Freemasonry
An interesting sidestory is - President George Washington's Apron.
The centuries old apron depicts this Vatican Throne in remarkably fine
details, even with the grave/coffin... (Apron = Mas0nist Chaperone.)

One has to belong into S k u ll&B0nes l0dge - before the Ceasar-pope

accepts one to be a presidential US candidate. That includes rites, where
one has to go into a coffin and do whatever from masturbation to -
dunno... Anyways, this truly fits into everything this cult has to offer...
This rite is satanic, thus you may see GWB showing its hand signs. In
the end of the initiation, the candidate is risen from dead, they say this
rite makes one born again. Thus George claims with shining eyes that
he is a born again Christian...

George Washington knew what he served, the satan-osiris. Most Freemasons dont know what
they serve, revelation comes only at the 33th degree...

His apron contains all masonist, satanist cult signs including the osiris - of course the step-guiding
checkers for rite 'dancing'..
George Washington. Lying the cornerstone by following all masonic rites, 1795. All geometry,
names form Vatican Capitolino fit into the rites - with obelisk. The masonist symbol stone, sits in
every village of the million meeting rooms, lodges. How many villages there are? There's your
correct count for the cult meeting rooms...

Papal controlled via Swedes, these Finn masons kneel and kiss this stone -and the everpresent
Higher Knights meet in this prog-rammer lodge:

The chessboard floor is in 45 degree angle. These fools have a variant choreography from the low
level masons... All tools are essential: the Bible - UNDER - subordinate to the masonic occult
paraphernalia, Pyramids, Pillars, and
the G.
The main Finnmason aka president. Happy knights; had to swear in via a three day rite into
Constantinus Knights -club to be acceptable. That happened 7.7.2011 in the ancient church in
Porvoo - below all papal signs, from osiris to whatever devils.

All Finnish -or- whatever country - first leaders have to belong. No, theyre not masons declare
all tabloids (shh. ...papal knights)
The Scandinavian Knighted Imperium Servants

King of Sweden, Prez of Finland - loaded with papal masonic tinkrets; Constantinian
Cross, various Maltese Crosses, apron for masons...
In USA the papal masons advertise freely on the streets. Jesuits - the papal top cream - have
openly dedicated universities under their unholy name, claiming 220.000 students. All big shots
must go thorough these brainwashers, Harvard to whattever...

WACO - the repulsively holy mass acre site

You can find thousands lodge websites, Loyola

universities and their hideous copies - right now
by simple seek. Streets 'are full' of GAD neon
light advertising their cult rooms. This G is truly
the holy sign for all theses embezzling brother...

Rainbow-fags sit well inside the father incest cult alike papal WACO mass
murders -93. This theatre was produced by Catholy Billy Clintonese, AG
Janet Reno and FBI's G-lodge Knights...

How all things turn to GOLD?

Its the globally brainwashed 'fact' about our roots in the Roman LAW. Meaning masons get all
in all...

Constantinian Smile:
How Vatican developed
islam & masonry
The cult of islam was developed to control arabs. It was fabricated inside the Portuguese
Roman Catholic Fatima Monastery, 600-century. Funny how Fate-Fatima points to Old
testament gad-pagan cult, also to the NT Gadaranites. Depending on the translation version, words
Chance, Fortune, Troop and Mason are used in place of the original Hebrew word of Gad. The last
part of the verse is using pagan god of MEN, always translated "Destiny, That Number." This
points to gambling and lottery...

An interesting point is that 'all' Bible translations hide this pagan god named Gad. The only
exception I know is the Finnish KR-38 translation. 'Every' other translation has hidden this basic
idolatry, G. Here we can again see the lying pen of the scribes... see Jer.8:8.
Isaiah 65 speaks to all GAD-worshippers - all Roman EUCatholics, its masons, jesuits, and
myriad species of Knights hidden inside every (shh. papal) 'charities'. Pls do verify your local
charity for these sings. Sometimes they're veiled, but they are there...

"But ye are they that forsake the LORD, that forget my holy mountain, that prepare a
table for Gad, and that furnish the drink offering unto Men. " - Isaiah 65 by KR-38

The Gadaranite Baal infiltration is ripe in Solomons kingdom. Solomon's builder was the first
mason Hiiram. They can be seen already in David's government: ... "over the olive trees in the low
plains was Baalhanan the Gederite..." 1Chr27.

No wonder why kabbala jews cannot write their gods name but mark it G-d. Their gad is the
true gad of Baal - but for some g-reason they're ashamed... The Templar Knights and all other
order's center is this devilish and mystical secret G. The Roman monks also concocted their
godmother-Mary-cult into their masonic G knighthoods, revealed to muslims only through a veil,
until the timing is right. This global system later was captured and cultured by the jesuits.

The Vatican-islam connection is well documented while hidden in the papal media:
Seek out yourself why the High masons have the mosque of Hagia
Sofia as their pilgrimage site.
Baldacchino surrounded by Horoscope ring
These symbols seem to be inherited in the inbreeding pagan lineage. This occult sign can be
found in Israel, Beit Alpha satanic synagogue. I really do not know, but my bet is that this
depopulation sign of the times, would be found there in the Basilica - if smbdy would seek for it.

Why? Because this is the G point for the current roman depopulation program.
Check out what I mean from the article of 'Man-Made Nuclear Holocaust'. See Table
of Contents.

Israeli G-d worshippers synagogue mosaics... containing the devils mark of your irradiation.

This contains em' all... Seek large photo from Wikipedia

Is it a surprise that the biggest shareholder on earth controls via its hedra-faces all Uranium
mines of the globe. Canadian mines are in totalitarian ultra legal control by the Queen of Malta
(british monarch hoax). They control the hideous work to pollute all ground water aquifers globally.
This has been done intentionally via these 'mines' all over the world: at the moment Finland and all
of its clean water sources (via useless Talvivaara) are under this satanic depop polluting operation.

Of course here is the environment ministry - but alas, full of terror-paralyzed Knights of
Constantine. If you don't know about this ruthless maniac machinery, take a peek at the "Man-
Made-Nuclear-Holocaust" ... see Table of Contents. It is hiding behind papal terror mechanisms, the
global blue lodge, glopapal media, etc.

Walls are covered with "saintly" statues.

These saints love the skulls and their victims blood: they were ready to lay their lives - to kill all
heretics - like Bible readers. They are all Roman heroes. They did all in their might to fill the god-
pope wishes, fought to fight any threat against the global roman empire. (Main threat: The Bible)

Ignatius Loyola was one of the most famous: he founded the mass-a-murdering jesuit order and
honed its skills - in Bible followers torture. This Illuminati-order is alive and now very active in
their papal one world gvmt.

Roman Catholic Adolph said of his beloved mass murderer Himmler: "I can see Loyola in
him"... Why not; Himmler says that his SS was built according Ignazius Loyola's teachings.

After the massive mass of papal murderous war, aka WW-II, there was one holy Roman Cat
holy monk who founded a safe haven for orphaned kids. Imagination fails what kind of safety this
means. With papal blessing, he developed a Ignazius cult. It is now known as the Taize village in
France. Hundreds of thousands 'pill-grims' are hoaxed there yearly to partake in its satanic masses,
to learn its hymns, to meditate through Ig-Nazi-Us Loyola and his skull collections...

To add Taize some more mystique, eg. get more revenue=pilgrims, the founder, lodge order
writer brother Roger was sacrified on the altar by a 'derailed' woman 2005 who slit his throat
open in front of kids. Kids, of course... During this theatre, his follower Brother Alois happened to
be in Germany.
Ignatius Loyola - IHS and Tau. Zealous Roman Catholic, Heinrich Himmler, Popes great
butcher of nations, is quoted saying: "I built the SS-organization strictly according Ignazius Loyola
teachings". The Roman Nazi Army and its Holy Tau, Karelian Robbery repeat 1942:
See: helsinki-viipuri-moskova

Of course this Roman Catholic mass murderer = saint statue contains the controllers symbols,
Maltese Crosses, Osiris, Pisces.

Pisces here reveal again the cat holy hoax of 'Breivik masonic Christianity': it is a symbol used
ppl escaping into the catacombs, dungeons under Rome. They were the lawless mass murderers of
their time, escaping justice.

Revelation: "And there went out another horse that was red: and power was
given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should
kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword":
The target of Taize-meditation, Cat holy superhero Ig-nazi-us Loyola got his refreshed fresco
recently pulled up... (note, this not in the basilica).

Pill Grims wont be disappointed: The heavenly receive of red flag (should raise your red flag) is
depicted here. No wonder that Karl Marx, 'father for jesuit Stalin', was a founder member in the
papal illuminati lodge. Oh brothers T-his holymess...

Ancient Roman palace floor from Spain tells without words who controlled the Iberian peninsula,
Inspired papal elect, Ignazius Loyola in Fatima...
The Finnish Lutheran State church guides unawares into these roman occult programming
trips, arranges meditation weeks, education etc etc. The once forbidden masses have returned and
are everyday practice - of course containing Loyola as a saint. Blood drinking from skulls is not far
Lutherus Loyola Programs: "select your own meditation"
Ignatian -retrieve means eight day meditative stay with personal trainer in a
meditation center. Day program consist of four private prayer-meditations with bible,
common mass and food. Personal training means that the pilgrim meets daily with
his/her trainer eg. fellow... (eh. odd fellow?)
22.09.2009 Finland had 44 ig-nazi-trainers : "Hiljaisuuden ystvt -yhdistys" has
trained 600 fellows. - picked from Finnish Lutheran church website.

Full Skull Phoenix cat holy cat hedra.

Three Fates? Lucky Fatima and G-cult worshipping mass-murdered (?) skulls.
A mini copy of the Basilica

The Telegraph write asks.

"is this spiritual or sexual?"

My answer: std papal spiritist orgy...
A stop-n-go grill in a Cathedral cellar -I guess similar grill produces fruit under Baldacchino also:

Check out the signs. Helps to know - if rolled...

I guess this poor fella was overtaken by papal jesuits while reading forbidden books.

Every book you read today, must have



The Telegraph Spain, 5-Apr-2012: Jubilee on floor goes on while the cellar is made ready...

Lagrimas and Favores Brotherhood... . "Are u ready downstairs?", ask ceremony master jesuit
Ignatius Innocent. from his subordinates
Baldacchino cross section.

bermenschen bersicht mit hollerith lochkarten:

D E H O M A G Grill-Maestro used also a hood? Holy Hollerith at 1940: Horus eye and
pyramid clearly in place. USA and I B M -jesuits helped holy comrade Roman Cat holy Adolph in
his quest to annihilate jews.

Hollerith Punch card - first global mass ...memory allowed first time in human history to
record all nations. After achieving this in the 1930's in the name of new age, it was used in 1940
pogroms to kill 6-16mil jews and ... bible preachers. well, any category or class could be sieved for
papal mass ...murder in the Roman Catholic camps built by Roman Catholy Himmler.

Pope Pius was happy with Honda ... eg. with all his jesuits Roosevelt, Churchill, Hirohito, and of
course Stalin, Mao & the sunday chorusboy fondling Adolph.
"Race-Office - SS" - Punchcard had limited memory capacity, "unlike today" - says papal go
ogle ... The biggest threat to Rome cult is always The truth, Thus bible preachers had their own
mass murder code - 0102.

First par of this was, 01 = Gestapo, the papal force did the footwork

The Hollerith started already in 1880, and nations had been catalogued well before Adolphs gold
teeth collection triumphs into Vatican vaults - seek how, his emissary Ante Pavelic. My guess is
that the system had first test runs in the Armenian mass murder 1915, oh how the Clintonese Cat
holies love the story... see

H0llerith was bough by the papal front I B M. whata coincidence: it is now producing the 666-
chip. V e r i c h i p, A p p l i e d Signals, Digital Angel (also naked?).

The system was 100% controlled by USA, every high up officer were into this knowledge, mass
murder jesuits. This is why Allied never bombed any of the papal mass murder camps...

Below original Arrest warrant to be supplied into the Hollerith system Hftlings-Personal-
Karte ... (DEH0MAG was I B M Deutchland AG cover). Stamp h0llerith erfasst = fed into the
German National Socialists, jesuit followers of Ig-nazi-us Loyola, had all folks catalogued by
their Aryan secretaries in 1930's. The system was tailored to this mass murder by I B M , papal
Knight, U.S. CEO Watson. Total blank page how this very same US-system was used by jesuit
Stalin to kill his over 147million gulags.
Operation worked with all blessings via Motherchurch symbols. The jesuit Edwin Black, tells
us all of the system - except about his boss.

Zentral Institut lady punch-killers. Hollerith main office, Central Institute Friedrichstrasse 129
- like papal gown. Heart warming ecumenia?

Zentral Institut, Block F 129 Frierdichstrasse: 1944 camp/ IBM punch card
D E H 0 M A G = Deutsche H0llerith Maschinen Gesellsghaft m.b.H, Berlin. Adjustable
manual puncher used by the secretaries.

The first massive mass memory, to be fed into these sorting automatons: 64.000 persons per hour
could be selected from any town to be picked at night - for the papal night mass - just with one
machine. 20 trains full of the to be papal mass slaughtered. I B M got rich by selling the hundreds of
millions cards sold globally to Adolph, Mao - unameit!
The Bible, biggest threat to Motherchurh osiris-cult!
"Rassenanteile" race-positions 50-62:
50Political - 51Bible-preacher - 52Fag - 53Army - 54Priest - 55Spanish commie - 56Foreign -
57Jew - 58Unsocial - 59BV - 60SV - 6Gypsy - 62Warprisoner. The destination of the death camp,
personal body description, arrest details, death reason (06 gas chamber, 07 escapee) etctec

In he middle, Inquisition office founder, love filled Ignazius.

Pope: "Oh boy, whata gold vault!"

"I see our beloved saint Ignazius Loyola in my Himmler!" says Adolph

R A S S E N A M T - S S = SS raceoffice
Vatican Civilta Cattolica wrote v. 1890 [jesuit publication]: "Jewry is the abhorring race, it has to
be incarcerated" ... See 'Hitler's Pope' by John Cornwell, 2000

Giovanni Botero invented the overpopulation saga in Rome 1500th century.

- Jesuit Edwin B l a c k , video: One Mainframe To Rule Them All (1of5)
- r a s s e n a m t - office for race

Today, papal blessings to his holy gold teeth collecting company: This machine hides behind
global banking, all government control machinery = papal embezzlement business...

The soon mandatory chip implant, already carried by millions slaves.

"And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor
night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name".
You are being monitored: one of the 7billion targets of the unholy data collection. Storage
problems? Not anymore.

Papal BBC and jesuit Attenborough

...says that "the human race is a plague and has to be culled." Daily Telegraph 1/2013. Oh well
lest see, he is Knighted 5x. Hmm.

David Attenborough: more knightly medals than Francis Sacheverel Darwin!

- Order of Britannica -1974
- Order of Knight Bachelor -1985
- Order of Victoria Commander - 1991
- Order of Honor - 1996
- Ordine al Merito del Regno Unito 2005
Oh lalalaaaaa, the feminists in service of satan:

Pope the Innocent VIII statue's finger points at this osiris guarded grotto: here is the holy
spear already mentioned. Roma has an insatiable satanic greed to express its might with all its relics,

See www saintpetersbasilica org

The throne of your god
Now we enter the sickening 'throne', look up: osiris, double maltese cr0sses etcetc - All relics with
bloody mass murder torture past...

Here, below its power signs, sits the worlds richest and biggest shareholder, your emperor.

Here, around him may sit 20.000 osiris worshippers.

The dove of piece - made of molten gold teeth pieces?
Baldacchino, top view
Longorius, the satanic saint would pierce the Jesus heart again. If only he could.
All kings of the earth come here to bow; now its Jeb Bush's turn....

Top view: red skirt cardinals swear obedience to the Mother Church.

At right you can see again the Roman Soldier, Hero Saint...

Why theses mass murderer jesuits hate the Bible?

Because the hate is mutual; Read rev.2.: Jesu itaine = Above Jesus
Coronation of Her god.

Three Pillars in the view ... The 20.000 guests are overwhelmed of this glorioso sight: However,
this viewpoint if forbidden - but from the elect. Why?

(Check the pillars, the overflowing "filthiness of Her fornications")

Choreography was stolen from his grave?

Coronation of Her Servants

New Cardinals throw emselves on the floor, in front of the almighty. Then they receive their
'magical' rings... the whole jesuit realm shall now fear them.
EU pope irked: euro-bean Independency
Independency - obstacle of inquisition - has to be banished !

Here all European leaders - Maltese slaves - signed the EU treason-treaty. Under this Innocent
X papal statue blessing, all Constitutions of all EU-countries were betrayed. Most of the population
doesn't yet know it happened here 2008, all 27 nations were betrayed via treason, unauthorized,
without credentials.

Finnish Interior Minister, Pope's own masonist

Bildeberger, said about the Finnish Constitution:

"This Irksome Custom had to be abolished"

Finnish Minister Jyrki Katainen by IS 13.02.2010 14:00

Not even Stalin, the high jesuit, using his pal Roosevelt's US guns, could not achieve this !

Innocent X, Expelled Traitor: This statue is not inside the Basilica... And why not? Possibly
because papa Innocent innocently embezzled all Vatican . It is located 1 miles away, in Rome
Campidoglio, Palazzo dei Conservatori / Hall of the Horatii and Curiatii, other side of the
Tiber river. Go there for a virtual trip, copypaste: www tourvirtuale

Specific Hall to undersign the EU-sized-treason:

Roman Remulus stands as a guide in the same hall
Relief above is full of roman-osiris orgy-occult
On top, this traitor blesses his own traitors - the prime minister waiting for guillotine
The signing traitors face Urbanus VIII EU-vision: Sebina women being raped by the bloody
mass acre army of Rome. Traitors did this without consent, guillotine-day is nearing...
Here under this Pope Innocent X - statue, all Knightly Masonic
Prime Ministers betrayed their homeland Constitutions.

This betrayal last signature step was supersecret papal EUoperation. The Finn nation has not
been yet been (2031) officially informed who where and how - or even if at all - this took place.
Actually the traitor was Tarja Halonen, lesbian, DDR -educated knightess ... positioned as prez by
so called papal theatre aka "voting" behind the fully censored papal media.

Nihil Obstat: No objections, eg. pre-checked by main censorship office.

Imprimatur: Mature for Print, approved -stamp by highest Cardinal. In US this is

NY Cardinal.

Every news source, every article & video goes through this holy stamp -procedure before it is
allowed to be published. Globally. Below u can see the map how well it works. In that map, white is
the most pure of the papal colors...
'Freedom' = Papal Nihil Obstat Imprimatur

Bible!? Nihil Obstat Imprimatur

Isn't it funny that even American Standard Version bible has this approval stamp of Maximus
Pontifex ... fulfilling every Constantinus Nikea Sainthood Requirement from Vatican.
Steps down to the Grotto start conveniently in front of the papal Throne:

Here below u can see the god 'praying' in front of all the occult signs and icons.
How many osiris signs, witch inverted crosses etc are there?

Time to time the pope goes on his scientific walks to pray, kiss all the millions bones, bodies and
embalmed lips. What exactly he is prayin here?
Stop. Uncorrupt (?) one quick prayer here is a must.

CHRISTI IN REGNO CHRISTI - so here it is! The stinkin corpse reigning Rome...
Mao Tse Tung - jesuit mass murderer - Vatican observant ... Embalmed like in its roots, Osiris

The Honored jesuit - high satanic priest of depopulation: go and see his embalmed body in the
jesuit kingdom of CCCP altar - today. Killer of at least 147.000.000 russians ... 'Lenin'.
The blood sacrifice: all popes blood is cat-holy, popes are bled dry, blood is delivered to
be used in the satanic services

Only pope can suck his beloved popes blood, cardinals 'cannot enter, just sprinkle the dirty water
on the blood vats.
Prayers as satanic tools:

Malta cross Cardinal with his blood sucker Father: "kids should be taught the
prayer of "Our Father, Blessed is... be used like the catholy satanic Taize hymns.

All churches in papal EU are ecumenical = under control of pope.

The "Co-Opting of Christianity by Rome:"
"The reason Pagan Rome 'Christianized' itself, was because there was one foe which
they simply could never conquer. And this was the masses of people in its own
Empire who were hearing about Christ and believing THAT story, rather than the
false resurrection which Rome held to. And not consequently, the Roman Empire
derived its very power from this false mystery religion and false resurrection of
Nimrod or Osiris. As the Roman Caesar was the 'head' of these mystery religions, and
as such could and did dictate the doctrine and dogma of its believers. e.g. Control of
their lives in every way, shape or form. And because the Roman Caesar was 'lord' of
this religion, he held the title of Pontifex Maximus, which means 'chief bridge-builder
to the netherworld.' And as such demanded he be worshipped as god! Any who would
not bow before Caesar and call him 'lord', would be imprisoned, tortured or put to
death. They would be known as 'heretics' and as enemies of the Empire, and called
subversive elements.

But they could not stop the spreading of this 'other resurrection' which was spreading
like wild fire throughout the Empire, called 'Christianity' or 'the Way.' And for about
360 years tried to stomp it out by persecuting the Christians and putting them to death
en mass by way of inquisition. Yet with each and every new wave of inquisitions,
Christianity would then double, triple and quadruple. They would kill 300,000
Christians in a single swoop, and not just Christians, but any who dared not follow the
false gods. And when they killed 300,000 people, 600,000 or 900,000 would then pop
up in their place. They found themselves in a no win situation. As a matter of fact they
found themselves in a losing battle where one day they would lose their Empire, and
that the Christians would one day win, and rule this empire if for nothing else than
their sheer numbers. The Roman Inquisitions all through the Empire was akin to
throwing gas on an already hot and burning fire.
... Rome at the Center of America's Demise:

Thus to say these things cannot be or should not be talked about in "911" is ridiculous.
Because America has been subverted by Rome's Empire. Now called the Roman
Catholic Church, the Vatican or the Holy Roman See! They are extremely relevant.
But Zeitgeist muddied the waters. And personally think it was done so intentionally,
because the one thing Rome fears the most is the truth, as well as the truth that the
masses will become aware of all this information which I now share with you. Rome
will once again persecute Christians and Jews openly, as well as anyone else who will
not bow before 'The Pope' and call him lord! And they will do this to anyone who will
not bow before Caesar, (the Pope) not just Christians and Jews! I have taught these
things with all diligence and humility & patience since seeing it myself. I knew when I
discovered the truth of this, that many would simply reject it as out of hand, even
though it IS THE TRUTH! Which is why I have gone over and over and over this
material again, and yet, to the best of my ability, done in such a way as to not turn
people off, inasmuch as possible. I do not preach. I exhort. I do not bible bash. I try to
persuade people through sharing of knowledge. I have done everything within my
powers to not stain this message by my own shortcomings, failures, or Christian world
view. Because it doesn't matter what we believe. What matters is what they believe!
And this is what they believe.

Because I know it takes time for people to see these things, as did I. Because it does
sound ridiculous at first glance and second glance. And I know this. Even as a
Christian myself, with a substantial knowledge of the bible and the scriptures, I
laughed in the face of the person who first opened my eyes to these truths. But I
looked into them myself to see if these things be so. And guess what? I did indeed find
these things to be so, and with every step of research now confirm all of these things
with astounding clarity! Make no mistake about it, Rome is the mortal enemy of
America. And the sooner people realize this in growing numbers, the better the chance
we have of defeating them. To ignore this information, and to rely "only on the
message of 911" will leave us impotent and only hasten our destruction and demise.
Of this you can be certain."

excerpts from
letsrollforums com/hierarchy-roman-empire-catholic-t10439.html

Mother Church - Scandinavian Abominations through the Ages

Local News, Finland, IS 15.03.2012 15:49:

"Part of the skeletons preserved in the Main Cathedral in Turku, are about 2000 years
old. Mainly they are (100pcs) from 1400-1500 centuries. "We have been timing the
ages of these bones, their origins will be scientifically dated via carbon isotopes" tells
Archeology professor JussiPekka Taavitsainen from University of Turku."

This means that the Reformation never actually arrived into Finland, the so
called Lutheran church has always been living with the Catholic Egyptian occultism.
The leaders have always been papal masonists, praying the bones, drinking wine from
the skulls (at the 33th rite).

The insignia from Turku is saying Today: "We are all loyal servants of the Pope, obedient to Rome
as always"
The Papal Servant, Knght of M a l t a errr... 1719-1802 Bishop of
Turku, the ancient capital of Finland.

Go visit the original site, see all its papal occult paraphernalia Today
www turunseurakunnat fi/portal/en (add dots)
Current status of the Finn Lutheran church - has been the same last 1000 yrs: Roman vassal
filled by occult practicing Dagon-Constantine worshippers.
Reformation that never was
The god-Pope of the Occupier Rome, Constantine visioned a sleazy stratagem. It had
specialized centuries in blood-masses, slaughters of Bible believers (NOT 'Roman Christians). But
that only multiplied the forces against the Roman Occult. So he devised a trick so big that it was
invisible. And almost invincible. The best ever. At 325A.D. he called in a huge congregation of all
scribes in his empire. He flattered the scribes to come to Turk, Nikea occupied by his troops. Most
unawares (318?) came with their servants, possibly 2000 persons...

He pampered the aristocratic elite of the scribes for months. They had free lodging in a brilliant
setting in Nikea, (psst. a military fortress guarded by his bloodthirsty regime.) They did never even
knew that they were actually taken prisoners ... So well he took care of his 'guests'. He wanted a
'free debate' like satan always wants. He wanted that everyone would bring their libraries with then,
to boost the high status of this first ecumenical meeting.

After months of fun, the humble (self declared sun-god) suddenly appeared in Caesarian pomp,
and dictated all to have vote on the agenda they all had been forming. Psst. Constantinus own
agenda, common 'democratic' hoax. Every scribe was free to attend, had all freedom to vote. One
minor limit: those who did not vote, or didn't vote for the Agenda, would be exiled to Illyrikon, an
solitary island reserved for criminals. Those voting 'yes', would receive gold, honor and status plus
hefty pension. What do you think they chose?

The story goes that only three (heretics) were against. The historical document says otherwise:
Constantinus, a pea-sized brain, loser in this congregation. Only one third were with him - military
not counted. Well, of course Roman love = violence von.

His Agenda was the Roman pyrmid trinity dogma, papal baptism etc, the one that later
became part of the jesuital oath. This was the dogma nowadays contained in Constatinian New
Testament. Via this dogma Pope-the-god realm started a real renaissance, carrying the treason
almost 2000 years, thriving still today. Those against the dogma, those who said according their
scriptures that all has to happen in Jesus name, were exiled as heretics, their scriptures collected
on the market square. They were forced to burn out their own books, next military ship into
Illyrikon. The real example of the Roman Justice system in action, something quite different we are
being brainwashed in... The 'winners' won their loot, status & roman pensions. Sadly used by now.

Any ancient scripture is still a threat to this treason. Even Arabic scriptures can possibly reveal
it, thus are under constant hunt for scriptures. Getting em buried works fine ... See the papal
magazine, www thestar com/news/world/2013/02/04/meet_the_unlikely_group_that

Arianus was one of the 'heretics', he did not accept Constantinian trinity, the horrible
pyrmid-hoax, neither his invention of baptism in the name of father and 'pyrmid.' He claimed
baptism has to be only in the name of Jesus, the only son of God. (Anybody can see that Son is
always subordinate. Jesus, being above the Holy spirit, sent him when he ascended to heaven.)

Athanasius tells how 336A.D. Arianus was called into rehabilitative ecumenical meeting with
the saint Constantinus His satanic lure: "We want to be friends, don't we? Why you hate? We can
have mass together and become friends.. Just forgive..." Arianus wanted to be friendly, who would
not? Next morning they would both go and have common mass together. Except Arianus was found
dead, all his innards busted... Here is a true Cup of Constantinian Ecumenia, you are also asked
to drink....
318 Patriarchs - 'guests' of the holy Saint Constantinus

Note: Colors added by me.

The Vatican approved image [ imp ] insists that there were 318 scribes = CCCXVIII.
Constantinus and his pyramid agenda possesses the congregation - not the writings that the scribes
want to point out. This time he has not the Dagon mitre on his head, but emperors crown with the
witch Tammus cross. He is the only one shown to be illuminated, osiris-king. The crown contains
tri-dots, two crescents in the shine. The ever-present pyramid symbolism is hidden into his
murderous army sea and Dagon-priests. The tri-pyramid dogma is repeated - dogma not found in
scriptures. This fact is shown by Arianus at right who points to his ancient scriptures.

On both sides of the Caesar, armored soldiers carry shields (colored for better id) and spears.
This is the Constantinian powerbase used to dictate the new Roman empire ecumenia: violence,
mass murder, pogrom, burning of facts. Caesars hand is seen to reject all facts from scripture to get
his own worship-cult the empire new religion. He is a marketing genius getting satanic advice from
his beloved Anthony monk - he gives his religion a hideous name: Christianity. Here we get a real
view what the Roman justice is at best: violence from the powerful. Just the opposite what we were
taught into our Constantinian prog ramming sessions at school called His-Story -lessons...

The Dagon priests are happy to reap all fruits left on the Constantinian Theatre playing field,
high positions, congregations, taxes, honor ... and of course, all the gold. The walking dead are
given the last humiliation: burn yourself all your scriptures! Next these state no.1. enemies, shamed
scripture believing heretics, are shipped to Illyrikon (or just dropped dead).

Most of the scribes clearly opposing the Agenda, are seen at right and bottom, possibly 2/3 of all
folks. The mutiny has really been shaking Constantinus base. Alas, the typically naive scribes were
lost when they accepted the Constantinian invitation for 'talks': we may learn smtg here - never
negotiate with the devil. Do not partake in ecumenical arguments on any issue: it is the Roman Trap!
The scribes were prisoners on the Roman luxury ship that they were carried on, into the Nikean
fortress. Then Constantinus will slaughter the heretic prisoner-scribes, in his own timetable after
ensuring no risk of mutiny. And who would risk his own status in the empire by raising a voice for
heretics? The holyhappy 'menmenmen' -liturgy can still be heard echoing in the ancient
monasteries occupied 325A.D. by this Dagon-deception.

Why was this hoax permitted to happen?

First - the Word - it is still the highest Authority over all:

Our Lord allowed this to happen... just to test you and me -

- do you have the Love towards the Truth - or EUpension?

The Nikean meeting was typical Vatican process 'of Democracy': a tool sweetened by its
illuminati lodge over 100 yrs ago. Plan: When you have the Agenda ready, call all necessary
powerbrokers into a 'consensus peace meeting'. Let them discuss in pre-divided groups, each having
your handpicked, educated speaker-controller. In the end, call the group and publish the CO2-
consensus manifesto ... which is the Agenda. This is how 1% can control the 99% programmed
unawares. These RAND-rolled scribes just keep wondering how on earth this happened ... today
like 325A.D!

The group of Arianus-led scribes was clearly denounced as heresy: HERETICI ARRIANI
DANIHAN. Any study from non validated Vatican source is a clear Threat for this cult. This is
why Roman Catholy Adolph & ilk mass - murdered these folks first...
Nobody should be surprised why the Roman empire loved the Swastika: here you can see one
Palace-floor that our osirisgod Constantine walked on.

Baptism - in the name of who?

The forgery by Vatican, Constantinus Matthew version says: "Go ye therefore, and teach all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost"... Matt.28

This invention is the only lifeline of this snake: Pope's existence depends on it! The Pyramid is
built on this foundation. This is why it is also included in the satanist oath of the jesuits. Britannica
Encyclopedia mentions how these words were modified by the Catholic Church. Even Catholic
Encyclopedia admits that the change was made before Nikea.
Oath: See 62nd Congress, 3rd Session, of the United States Congressional Record; House
Calendar No. 397, Report No. 1523, 15 February, 1913, pp. 3215-3216.

The Jesuit Oath ends like this: "Go ye therefore, and take all lands in the name of the Pope. Thos
who will not accept Pope and his empire as substitute of Jesus, have to be cursed and destroyed"
(translation is not exact). Here the name of Jesuits is revealed: itane=above, Jesu=Jesus.

See also interview of one 'Arianus brother', a true believer Carey Clark. Alas, also discern the
hand-signs of the 'Christian' jesuits when they interview, find all Constantinus emblems on the
walls: youtube com/watch?v=oBkSkIBgAsc

'Esekias' wrote that 1500th century Catholics changed Matt: 28:19, 1Joh5:7, 1Tim3:16 etc
- "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost ...
Original: Spirit Water and Blood. Well, here sits the pope and his Halloween Ghosts!
- cont... "and these three are one." Original: three agree in one.
"And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God [HE=Christ, not pope] was
manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, ..."
Constantinus - the dagon priest murderer of his wife & relatives, loved daily mass.
Anybody caught having old state secrets = scriptures, would become involuntary partakers...
Nikean Sequel, the Danger of using the name of Jesus Christ:
This papal program includes 'Official Walkie-talkies' repeating the danger of using name of
Jesus Christ: "Arianus followers can be seen lurking in every corner still today. This arianism
springs up wherever a Christian bumps in this question of relations between Father and Son. What
follows, is a natural man logical thinking - heresy. This always spreads like a wildfire..." This is
why the Bible, reading and thinking is so dangerous for the Vatican: it may wipe years of cult-i-
vati-on in one night!

LOL. Here Christians bumped again, and the wildfire starts spreading! Even Finn Christians
stop following the Rome's beloved Christian Mason-Knight Breivik, turns his/her back to the osiris
cults and pyramids from Rome. Instead, freed from the satans grip, he can follow like Paul The
Tarsite, the non-Christian: "But this I confess unto thee, that after the way which they call heresy, so
worship I the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and in the
prophets..." Acts 24

Sectarian dissent or Holy Original Constantine Christianism? Peace, Unity, Oikomenia, Taize-
hyms and Ig-nazi-us hideaways according pyramid directives? Or heretic belief - only in Jeshua
Maschia? Oikomenia = Ecumenia original meaning was the 'reach of Roman empire'. It is now your
turn to select, check out the facts and make up your mind. You will accept one - denial drops you
into pyramids troops.

Constantine calls his opposer's heretics. Today's papal mass media: "Hate-speech criminals
opposing The Official Truth". Fringe phenomena while itself being the loser 1/3 vs. 2/3.

Nikea was military fortress, huge jailhouse. (aka Nikaia, , lat. Nicoea), today znik.
Located Turkish Bitynia, East side of sea of Marmara. World occupier Rome has had two
ecclesiastic ecumenical meetings there 325A.D and 787A.D. It is positioned in a lakebed valley,
lakeside walled with high cliffs, others with hills and 3mile 10m high fortifications. Access is
through three gates on each side.

Roman Soldier, 400A.D.

Nikean Agenda:
- How many scriptures were there in the scribes wannabe validating process? Some sources say
270, another estimate is 4000pcs.
- Nikean meeting manifesto declares the Sun-day would be the sabbath of the empire. All
government functions would be closed.
- The Osiris illuminated cross was taken as Christian emblem. Catholics raised the carcass on it.
The term Christian means obedience to Rome, thus Breivik, the Norwegian mass murderer and
servant Knight of the Mother-Church mason really can be a true Christian - as he claims in his
- Eastern Star, baphomet worship - Vatican masonry, the great pagan G = gad-god
- Pyramid/Triangle management: centrally controlled pope-cardinal-bishop-priest church doctrine.

PopeCeasar Constantine
- Sun worship became official state religion
- Sol Invictus, osiris-sun implementation in every Ecumenical state flags, symbols, coins...
- Constantinus was titled the sun-god caesar.
- Constantinian EU directive no 321 stated that Jesus birthday, Christ-Mass, would be December
25th, Natalis Invictus, sun rebirth day - instead of January 6th.

The first directive was year zero - the evil evangelium: All Roman bloody army occupied realms
would be paying taxes perpetually - for ever - into Vatican gold teeth coffers. This first EU directive
was given by the bloody mass murderer Augustinus: this has been true last 2000years, now there
are 120.000 EUdirectives the papal EUslaves must obey...
For 2000 years all gold has been incessantly carried into Roman vaults. Without ceasing...

See Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, Holy Blood, Holy Grail, pp. 360-369.

Constantinian Cross

312 - extreme venous number for the Vaticans led masonic satanists
The satans saints in 325AD selfie:
NIKEAN TRINITY - Egyptian Invention

Nikean 'trinity': Papal Piece Pigeon attack Trio combines with Tammus, Islamic moon crest
worship... compare this to the Uspenski Cathedral photo in the beginning. Here its highest symbol-
soup and implications are opened a little bit.

islam was invented three hundred years after this Nikean hoax - and is based on its structural
hoaxes. The incest brotherhood have a desperate need to hideously boast of their conquest to their
slaves - doomed by their satanic depop program. (Uspenski Cathedral, Helsinki, Finland)
200 miles east from Uspenski Cat-hedral
Stand at Helsinki market square, under His Holiness bloody mass-murder sign, the double
headed eagle, then turn directly to east. Eastern star you know - all in jesuit builr Helsinki is reeking
of masonic symbols. Travel about 200miles and you'll arrinve into something Saintly: St. Peters
burg: The main game arena on papal mass-acres in the east, last 100 years jesuit mass murder arena
of at least 147.000.000 non conforming russians. Even the Tsar Nikolai visiting his conquered
subjects in Porvoo osiris-Lutheran occult CHRISTIAN chucrh - brough his papal obedience signs,
double headed eagles with him. Surprise: there is also a Cat-hedral reeking with Roman occult
empire emblems. Then there are some secrets even osiris GOOGle is ashamed to show us.

Gulf of Finland; Helsinki - St. Petersburg

Pietari - St Peters-burg.
The Finnish semi-god, jesuit Mannerheim. Field Marshal and Savior ... or masonic traitor. You
decide... Carrier of various swastikas, member of masonic lodges etcetc. Is here seen in this Finn
army photo delivering, signing the all powerful Constantinus lodge members some cross medals.

This rite is essential for papal global hegemony: there is not one nation which head doesn't
belong to one of Fathers lodges. These folks get their status not by reason seen by commoners, but
the Constantinian Order. Thus a 'truck driver can be the boss' of a business: secret night sessions.

C.G.Mannerheim in the 40's.

Isn't it funny. Our jesuit Carl Gustav was former Russian general, hero from the Vatican double-
head ctrl lands. Likewise 'his mate', Kim Il Jong, fmr Russian general, jesuit who couped North
Korea and formed the current mass murder slavery papal realm.

Read Astonishing N.Korea illuminati facts: pyramid-plague

The piecefull happy-looking Constantinus, the CHRISTIAN semigod, Constantinus "peace
will come - after all infidels are wahcked into pieces!"

Osiris-god, his holy Family massacer, Father of the current New Testament version:
Constantinus with the Double-Headed malformed schistso -beast.
At 312AD, in the midst of massacring infidels = non obedient
to papal taxes, Constntinus sees a vision. This was the start of
Christian success ... and this papal sign.

Today, SUN-day, this bloody massmurder crucifixion ball is

calling all his obedient to worship him, the Caesar-Pope. Do
become into his service to be brainwashed, take a nirvana under
his Taize occult hyms, start meditating with his jesuit the ig-nazi-
us Loyola skulls ... a refreshing place after the long week in the
loyola University (like 225.000 US students today).

Hear the Malta-cross Bishop caallin, light the candle, become


The Trinity of Roman gods - slyly embedded

into New testament: Jupiter, Mars, Quirinus

Jupiter: The early Roman mythology contained

the trinity. All the Roman pagans worshipped
Jupiter as the god of heaven. His name was also
Pater: Constanitnus the Pope was happy to add
"Our Father" -prayer into his Nikean concocted

Mars the god of war = robbery = gold...

His double was Quirinius (Sabine -tribe used
this). Mars, bloody mass shines on atrocities.
The main issue is mass-acre, who wins, he doesn
care: ordo-ab-chaos, Vatican motto.

Capitoline Triad and Vestan temple were

Capitolino temple - an offering to the trinity:
Jupiter, Juno and Minerva - was an important
phase in the constantly developing Roman cults

Diana, moon god.

etc etc
In the center of CCCP Saint Peter's Burg (castle),
there sits a temple to Mars-god...
A huge park sanctified to Mars. As a must, the exact center must contain the papal Malta
Cross. Massive Malta -formed colossus. And no masonic sanctuary would be nothing without the
flame: an eternal jesuital flame is kept burning, waiting for the next papal world war-robbery

Across this altar, facing this eternal flame, there is a small chapel for Mars. If you go there,
you must cross the TRINITY-bridge. ... Check out if goog lemaps lets you do it. You will also find
the peculiar feature; just when your are about to see the flame and jesuital papal altar, boing -
cursor jumps kilometers off from target. Jesuit Windows with osiris google - that does it.

What is this CCCP jesuital Trinity bridge. Lets see...

At backround the moon and onion shaped Phyrgian cat hedrals. Both ends of the trinity bridge
sit warriors: Double headed eagles on constntinian balls, fasces, osiris, swords ... ALL papal
tinketry, not one missing.

Phyrgia? Youll be surprised! see hyvn-ja-pahan-evankeliumi

Osiris, fasces, papal balls ... all of it.
The bloody Rome - and its mass acre god of Mars ... the trinity bridge. Spears ready waiting for
next 'mass'...
'Vatican park', in the center is the Fathers Templar Knights colossus with the eternal flame of
hate crying for more mass murder. The Mars chapel is seen center, rear.

Vatican Mars-god and its evil pjotr - crying for more CCC P-sacrifice.

Trinity Temple.
Faranciscus1 was one with South american cat holy order - and murderer, torturer Videla. He was
one of the torturers...

Hells Angels, Mafia, whatever- under the Order...

"Hahaahaa, pope has fun remembering his youth..

Ukreine: Same gang - jesuit Yanukovich, 10mrd/yr embezzler - built his castles as an offring to
the Fatehr... Seek out Ukraine Holodomor - papal jesuital offering.

Tatjana didnt like this embezzlement - started to dig, take pictures. She was the reason why the
jesuit game collapsed: here, beaten to almosta death...
The Finnish Bishops - Maltese knights of pope - LIKE ALL BISHOPS EVERYWHERE.

Henrik the Bi-shop - the local papal folklore hero. Actually a fag raping kids - like all in the roman
"And he said, show me the EURO Ecumenical bill. And they brought
unto him 20 bill. And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and
superscription? They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them,
Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto
God the things that are God's."

Ecumenia = Roman Control.

EU treason was forced on all European nations, papal Dagon hat

was to be used as a sign of this embezzlement. Each national
Constitution was washed down the Vati Can Toilet.

Popes hat = cutoff from 20 bill.

All these Egyptian paganism = crosses with Tammus, are all over the Vatican occult.

Notre Dame - Roman Catholy Cathedral

and Tau-Tammus worshippers.
Masonic lodges, Knights by the millions. All serving the islamic=papal crescent. Waiting for
the Eastern Star to be turned upside down = baphomet. Hidden islamic (blue) sword waiting to be
activated ... and in the end, all these cults come at Mary's love-god feet.

Saint Antonius, father of all monks : Is the holy one helping Constantinus to destroy Arianus
heretics = bible believers...
The Word of God ?
When I started to research this issue, I had no idea where it would end. I have survived decades
solely putting my trust into the Word of God and found that it will never fail. The message from
God can be trusted - and there is no salvation, baptism, deed - nothing but ONLY through Jesus
Christ, Our Lord. He is the Way - there is no other. No system of doctrines - simply Jesus.

A church liturgy is a program. Surely program doesn't know it is a program, neither programmed
will ever agree being programmed. I have been programmed from birth - like everyone. Going back
and unlearning a program is truly painful: Truth Hurts! You got to let off lovely things, habits,
liturgies, songs you have been taught. Then friends, relatives, loved ones.

These issues reveal satan - busy deceiving nations. I can't see one priest who is not programmed
by the pyramid. Not single one - at 100km radius - taking advice from Rome, directly or indirectly.
The issues revealed run seamlessly parallel with the Bible, and especially Rev.17 of the beast. And
the Matt24: "For there shall arise false Christ's, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and
wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." We have seen dead
corpses as Christ as Vatican doctrine. Blood crying statues. Is more proof necessary?

"And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was
called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes
were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name
written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped
in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. Rev.19

Current Matthews version

was co-written by the
Constantine is here displayed as the
holy true messenger. It cries: "Read
Matthews that is the 'only' truth".
Meaning: Matthews has the sole (added)
tale of Vatican trinity, don't ask

The papal holiness of Matthews comes

visible in the end of next Evangelium,
Markus. It has no reference to the
Constantinian trinity -invention :
"And he said unto them, Go ye into all
the world, and preach the gospel to
every creature. He that believeth and is
baptized shall be saved; but he that
believeth not shall be damned." Mark.16

The most important issue was to make

Constantinus the highest Saint for the
whole Vatican-taxed slave population.
- This treason is still daily been fulfilled.

Constantine writing: "HOC OA THEUS

Her Skull Grotto 'Science' in Germany
See "Human Skull Is Highly Integrated: Study Sheds New Light On Evolutionary Changes"

Note the lovely maltese crosses etched on theses beloved wine cups, Rosicrucian emblems heartily
drawn to make em cozier... Millions and millions kept in the cathedral Grottos.

Here in nice Motherly Church setting on red velvet: All papal masons have to go and see what
happened to those who didn't co-operate... the real Ecumenia? Ecumenia = Roman Empire Ctrl

Well, lets now return to our main Bacillic - a...

Now we have to get up from her stinky Grotto!
Next we shall take a walk behind the throne, go at the golden sewer cover. If we are lucky enough
($$$$) the cover will be raised and we may lower a rag down there. It will become heavy (as hell?)
they say. Whatever, now you have a priceless relic to boast on all masons around...

See more at

I guess here is a fresh reminder what happens if you read by yourself this dangerous opus: only
pope has the 'right' to read the Bible. All heretics will get chained, and will be ripped into bits in
holy (?) osiris ceremonies, at night, down down, below...

The Bible Reveals this Motherly Love hoax, thus Revelations 17 is a strict nono to Catholy folks.

Want to know how heretics are ripped? Come and feel, osiris high priest edu is always available.
Here seen the previous heretic's smile.
Mother Church Service: Red-skirt Mary worshipper osiris cardinal's gathering. Remember Mary?
The cat holy cult's center figure, loaned from Egypt occult. Goddess of the world. Her Icon was
used in the flag of this cat holy EU. Why not, all high officials are ONLY catholic.
MOTHER CHURCH revealed in the Bible:
"And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto
me, Come hither; I will show unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many
waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication (actual & spiritual), and the
inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. So he carried me
away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of
names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and
scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her
hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name

And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of
Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. And the angel said unto me,
Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that
carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns. The beast that thou sawest was, and is not;
and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth
shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world,
when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. And here is the mind which hath wisdom.
The seven heads are seven mountains [like Vati Can], on which the woman sitteth."

Under this cover lies the peters grotto, holy bones of - whom? He cant jump up, escape, can he?.

Let's peek at Her most high abomination...

Oh, osiris is here seen temptin' his fellow occultists behind the pillars...
The dark chair in the middle: Peters throne full with occult emblems, they say... Whatever it is, it is
NOT our Peter from the Bible.

Is it here that all the cardinals are taught the secrets of occult incest ?
Cathedra Petri Altar of the Chair of St. Peter by Bernini, 1666.
Occult year, one 6 6 6 was this osiris altar erected they say. Does it matter?

Here those stumped wingy fatty kids are having an orgy. Are they angels? If they are, I bet this is
the first time u see bare angelic ass... My guess is that they depict true angels from hell.

Naked Angelic Orgies, destiny for the all aboard peters Pill Grimace?
What is the Her Real Agenda?
USA: Another Roman Catholic Priest flaunts the Law, Molests dozens of Children
and walks without any prison time whatsoever!: "I am so sick and tired of hearing
about how Roman Catholic priests molest children at will, and ruin so many lives and
never have to pay for this. This is but another example. Sure there is an 18 million
dollar settlement. But there is no reform nor justice in the Roman Catholic Church.
They are still collectively molesting, what is probably millions of children worldwide.
The Roman Catholic church could actually be shut down using the RICO laws in
America. But this wont ever happen because the U.S. government is owned and
operated by Rome's legions. Notice how this pervert isnt going to jail to spend the
rest of his life rotting in jail, where he belongs. He is here grinning and smirking into
the lone camera that was able to capture this criminal perverts image; Someday, God
is going to wipe that stupid what are you looking at smirk right off his face. Until
then one can only hope that someone else will step up and intervene and give him part
of his reward before he dies." May 16, 2010

Holland: Dutch Roman Catholic Church 'castrated at least 10 boys'. At least 10

teenage boys or young men under the age of 21 were surgically castrated "to get rid
of homosexuality" while in the care of the Dutch Roman Catholic Church in the 1950s.
By Bruno Waterfield 5:31PM GMT 19 Mar 2012

Belgium: Earlier 2011, news from the fervent catholic EU prez Belgium: thousands of
Catholic incest victims in the churches. Could it be because of these kinds of 'prayers'
that the prez Rumpuy says he loves to go once a month for a day into a Belgian

Spain 01/2012 "Relatives demonstrate to get the right to know where their (tens of
thousand) babies were taken mid 1900's. Gvmt officials, Health care officials,
Catholic ... u name it.

"Hi, my dear, come to popapa, take sm' sweets..."
This night time Skull Jubilee seems to be off campus... ?
After the "kick-off meeting", god receives the golden vial from his sorcerer.

"...having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication."

Main papal business adverts fill the Basilica ceilings - angelic orgies (orgasm).
Hear Mother Church Calling Yall Heretics:

"Return oh yall poor protestants into our all inclusive Love and Good Works Program at Mary's
bosom. Home to yall heavy laden is here with me in Rome; all your fmr rights, your fathers riches
already lie in my vaults. Do come and sit under my directives and become dirt poor and over-

Ask your (my) dear pastor, he will kindly guide you on this holy pilgrimage. Lets meet and pray
together at my embalmed coffin. Bye bye.

My humble opinion is that 90% of all congregations are hideously lead from Rome. Is it 95% or
99%, dont really know...

See these Linkys:

Who created Islam www youtube com/watch?v=dZYnwKP6LsQ

Vatican creating Islam, Eric Phelps
letsrollforums com/movers-and-shakers-sovereign-t16438.html
Islam - Catholic Ties, Illuminati Symbols: www youtube com/watch?v=rK-i81uacqU
IHS - isis, horus, seth - Egyptian occult god-set.

Pope wants yall to know how organized his globe already is. This is the Holy See Pyramid, below u
can see all the world's stupid masonic ants below this control...
Note that both illustrations depict the parts of papal Egyptian slave pyramids, what you are not
shown, are the other hidden sides of either pyramid pics...

When Jeshua Maschia is depicted as Jesus Knight of Malta, why wouldn't his ma-sons? This is
the top organism overseeing the global masonic realm with 50 million+ slaves. Ref. 'Nikolaitane'

One important 'test' -issue: jesuits hate the Lordship of Jesus - they will never admit that...
The flow of nations onto the beast trails is guided from the Wheelhouse via
incessant education. With its directives, every individual was made an outcast, foreigner in his
native land - without its licensing. You even can't keep your 30yr. job (truck driver) without taking
part on the jesuitane Vietnamese re-education camps. No, not even if you could teach your teachers.
Obedience is more important that skills mastered. Sitting is then 'rewarded' with a 'license' to do
what you have always done... Governments sponsor education where a kid may sit 25years and then
find out he is good for nothing. Also myriad 'charitable institutions' take there share - each and
every one mysteriously hanging holy masonic emblems shown ... From undocumented trafficking
'Lions' to unameit.

After you have been recommended in to this shining path of inner sanctuary and its prosperity,
you start the climb. Each step you learn more 'secrets' of the true prosperity... You learn to obey
orders from above, never questioning what, where is the Wheelhouse. You become one desecrated
ant for your terror filled masters. Rome's existence is denied vehemently, whole prog ramming
industries, Hollywood, Pallywood etc mediaworship cloaks it invisible. Every programmed answers
obediently if u happen to ask: "Are you serious" and hurries off from your dangerous quest for
Truth. See and

In the 32nd step the illuminated is told that actually masonism is satan worship. Known
Finnish scientist disengaged himself at his stage - his death suspiciously was delayed 8 years.
Typically a renegade has 33 days before becoming 'Kennedy' - as stated in his/her oath.

Some of the low level rite steps look like this:

Oath swearing with loose noose around neck:
RH, LFoot and chest bare for better
remembering the dagger touch. One designer
behind this and the Mohammed sword
command: RH, LFoot of any infidel has to be
cut first, then the neck...
All these steps, graduating oaths underline
learning of obedience. Loyalty is not optional.
The [non]informative Finnmedia teaches also its
illuminated: "this man drowned while on a
fishing trip..."

Getting into the mason-controlling jesuit

organizations or any other higher Order
requires Royal family ancestry line, minimum 4
generations. The whole system of system is
hierarchical multifaceted multilayered Pyramid.
(Hedra means multifaceted - Catholic Hedra,
=Cathedral.). Only the top illuminated know its
structures and 100% global control of Knights,
Mafia, bike gangs, KKK or kingdoms like
Pyongyang. This is possible via the
unquestioned totalitarianism of mentioned
organizations. One Question means death.
Britain, just Masonic lodges, over 10.000.

Lodge: Pillars, Pagan Star - The satanist cult

sign 'Star of David' is a must for this bible
trampling cult.
The Masonic Oath: The poor mason, afraid
24/7 of the door knock: theyre coming to tighten
my handle?
..."A special meeting of cabinet officers and members of the committee of the Sovereign Order
of St John of Jerusalem"... = Order of Malta = VaticanSMOM

Intel Inside: Vatican snakes inside Congress.

Apostolic Blessing
This recent 'Apostolic Blessing' is a nice summary of all the mentioned issues. It has to be
authentic as its found on a Order of Constantine web page...

On top you have the Archbishops insignia with all necessary signs incl. Then it repeats in whose
name they are operating - of course in the name of Constantine Father! And new invention: Allholy

Then there is the curious grotto rotten pope-carcass -statement:

"Let it be known that our son in Christ ... Imperial & Charitable Order of Constantine the Great
and (his mother) Saint Helen is hereby recognized and given our Apostolic Blessing."

Two Doctors give this blessing. Thus they're above of the son in Christ. Remember, itaine=above ,
Rev.2. These folks hereby state that they are J e s u i t a n e. Both are OSJ Malta OCMA -Cross-
carrying jesuits like all Archbishops. Like British Archbishop of Canterbury etcetc.

Every bishop sits in the Pyrmid basket!

Ecumenia at its double best: Papal Masonic Grail to Global Hegemony. Convert - or - you'll be
beheaded. After conversion - you'll be hea dead.
CCCP 'voting': Of course you can vote - one of the masons, jesuits with papal signs...

The Jesuit Global G -Grip via SMOM.

Mason Education; locals have to learn to be obedient for their SMOM Father.

Gimme the two fingers oath.

Catholy Fatima monastery invention 600AD: Balkan muslim Handzar SS-division commander
Huseini oversaw 800.000 execution with papal emissaries Ante Pavelic et al. Fmr J'lem mufti,
Saddam's uncle used to be 'EU religions minister' for a while.

No borders on the papal globe.

Boehner, Congress speaker ad. See linky,

The Russian 'Independency' talons - used to crush the papal globe

Famous Hat-help From Jonkping Lodge, Sweden: Doric Lodge No.92,

All seeing pyramid eye watchin Lenin, Fatherly Osiris and G etc
check: www doric92 org
But of course the head jesuit uses his Fathers signs: memorial to the papal mass murder aka
WW-II murde-red in stalins grad.

Read more at Beria's Gardens: Berijan-tarhat

" no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the
sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive..."

This guy got a lot wind in the papal MSM. How come..
High EU-Treason by Her Papal Operators

Father's Church (psst. unbiblical system)

High treason concerning whole EUrope, "Porvoo Agreement" ... the main whoring church
leader bishops have sold their sheep to none other than Vat i can ! This fornication was done
secretly - them devils are always afraid - already 1995. Like the treason of deletion of all EU
countries constitutions in 2008, at vati canus.

"The Agreement":

32.g. We believe that through baptism with water in the name of the Trinity God
unites the one baptized with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, initiates into
the One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, and confers the gracious gift of new
life in the Spirit.

58.a.i. We acknowledge one another's churches as churches belonging to the One,

Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ and truly participating in the
apostolic mission of the whole people of God;

Which Churches She Recently Betrayed?

"We, the Church of Denmark, the Church of England, the Estonian Evangelical-Lutheran Church,
the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Finland, the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Iceland, the
Church of Ireland, the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Latvia, the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of
Lithuania, the Church of Norway, the Scottish Episcopal Church, the Church of Sweden and the
Church in Wales, on the basis of our common understanding of the nature and purpose of the
Church, fundamental agreement in faith and our agreement on episcopacy in the service of the
apostolicity of the Church, contained in Chapters II-IV of The Porvoo Common Statement, make
the following acknowledgements and commitments:....

see: porvoochurches org/whatis/resources-0201-english.php

No wonder why these occultists scheme to get all tax money to Mother Church coffers, just one
quick look at the Finn Dagon EUbi-shop and his osiris stick:

The Finnish "Lutheran" bishop in his devilish I H S -setting with Maltese insignia.
Take Care what u worship!

'Join in for Sunday=Saturnus Worship' ... Malibu programmers reap what they sow:

Worship The Father, Caesar, self proclaimed Sun-god Osiris, aka Pope

Catholis -ism is saturnus worship?


Official SUN Day Sun god: Don't you worship me? You heretic!

Convert! Through sword, flame, noose! Swear my oath or die:

Holy Fathers Agenda:

1. Jesuitjesus - NOT JESHUA MASCHIA.
2. Papal Pyramid in Control
3. Two finger satanic oath from baphomet. Used in jews forced
conversion to catholy -ism in papal nazi Germany.
Jews! Be 'saved' ...from papal nazi death camps; needs the satanic two finger oath to 'Our

Conversion oath cards from Catholy Ig-nazi-us Germany jesuit archives.

The Finn Army - ctrolled by papal masons like all Fatherlands armies - officers and privates - are
united with the same Constantinian oath, then 40's, as today:
Papal masonic orchestra seems to be obsessed with creating gold teeth droppin chaos and the two
finger oath ? Double headed eagle and hebrew...

See more from 'vapaaksi-muurarien-kahleista'

(note. You have to copy the address into your browser. )

Papal Newsletter: "Latest news from my Egyptian Spring. I just swapped the local master."
Truly Yours, Popeye 'n Caesar of the Globe

19.03.2012 Count all the maltese crosses - THE papal sign that reigns.

But wait! Here's the very last a pic from our most holy st Peters Cathedral, authentic painting how
this swap is actually rolled: Take a wooden pope-plank, tie in the pope in, and start to roll....

Psst. Count em papal Maltese Crosses

The prince of this world has armies of servants. However, instead of concentrating in them and their
deeds, Bible Believing Christian has to seek His Master and Seek His Kingdom while walking on
this planet. And never to be afraid.

Those depicted devil worshippers are always afraid that their deeds will be revealed, they're
cowards. And they will flee - if we obey. James says thus " Submit yourselves therefore to God.
Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."

The occult fiestas we have been educated in 24/7 - GLOBAALL!
The Vaticanus Snake - defended, honored by Armed Forces of US !

The Snake, Vatican occult Phyrgian god:



US Independency = Fraud - Revealed via

The Papal Phyrgian Hat
Katolinen joulujumala kanssamme ? The cat holy god with his osiris Temple.
Ignazius Loyola SS Santa Claus.

Himmler states that his papal depopulation camps were built according jesuit Ignazius Loyola's
principals. Under the very same name of Loyola, today 225,000 studenst are studying in US Loyola
Universities - his teachings. Kongress speaker advertizes (belongs to) the jesuit schools.

Northern EU, like Finnish Lutheran church has always been deep into Loyola skull, Taize etc
retreats, today as deep as ever. Luther would be a jesuit - if he had lived long enough...

Saturnalia - the Roman Baccanal, was swapped into Christ Mass.

The once a year jubilee. Is it a day of freedom, day of honoring your Lord Jesus Christ, The
Messiah, Our Savior ? ... or is it just Saturnus Baccanal, no repentance - thus daily paying his wages
into eternity? Freedom is yours to choose, it is done now.
HM Revenue & Customs ... Rome comes and swipes your bank account. Because, after all, all
belongs to Fatherland's Maltese Father osiris.

Telegraph: Taxman has power to raid your bank accounts. Commons Treasury committee raises
concerns about powers of HMRC to remove cash from bank accounts without a court order ...
Commons Treasury committee says that taxpayers could suffer serious detriment if officials are
able, either by mistake or through an abuse of power. ... Taxman =Malta-Knights, order of papal
accounts.html By James Kirkup, Political Editor, 12:01AM BST 09 May 2014

*1 Museoviraston julkaisu: Tuukka Talvio, Thdistt ja Ritarikunnat, ISBN 951-616-066-2

Merry satanic Christ mass - Roman Saturnalia jubileum.

US Congress ...
400luvun Phyrgia Magi mosaiikkia - eli Katoliskultin kolme viisasta tietj tynn 666-tietoa
viemss sarvi astiaa (keskimm.) ruhtinaalleen.
"THIS WE'LL DEFEND": Tt (kyykrmett) me puolustamme. Sikiist kasvoivat krmeet:

"But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said
unto them, O you [offspring] of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to
come?" Matt.3

Coat of Arms, Cuba (Wikipedia)

Happy Osiris! ... wishes
the papal order of po-lice
to all downtrodden gulags.
Kyivpost 5/2014,
SA-kuva-1941. The Roman (robbed) god of Mithras keeps his slaves down with the systems
mass produced garments.

"A young boy wearing a dunce cap in class, from a staged photo c.1906.
In popular culture, the dunce cap is typically made of paper and often
marked with a D or the word "dunce", and given to schoolchildren to wear
as punishment by public humiliation for misbehaviour and, as the name
implies, stupidity. ... both excessively harsh and potentially psychologically
traumatizing ..." Wikipedia. ... like the fools in US Senate.
Sunny Pyramid with THE roman catholy masonic slavery cap; Nicaragua...
Pyramidikultti hallitsi Israelia silloin, hallitsee tnn. Tss Rooman Israel Looshien /Eilat
numero 59 on pystyttnyt isn maallensa kulttipaikan.

"Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is
under their lips: Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness: Their feet are swift to shed blood:
Destruction and misery are in their ways: And the way of peace have they not known: There is no
fear of God before their eyes."
Why South America stays poor? Yes, the jesuit handshake...

The Telegraph; By Philip Sherwell, Caracas 6:50PM BST 05 Apr 2014

Caracas [ORDO AB ] chaos: Venezuelan general on the run. Death in the streets,
rationing by fingerprints and a general on the run: how oil-rich Venezuela has
descended into chaos. Demonstrators clash with members of the PNB during a protest
in Caracas... (descended?? I'd call it Fansicus1. LibyaUkraine-Spring)

Osiris shine, Phyrgian snake goldmine...

Coat_of_arms_of_Venezuela_(1812) wikimedia
Venezuelan students wearing [rosary] gas masks throw tear gas canisters back at police during
confrontation at the Venezuelan Central University campus in Caracas during protest against the
government of President Nicolas Maduro. (oh holy see: remember the 'arabic spring'?)

The Catholic Church in Venezuela accused Maduro on Wednesday of seeking to impose a

totalitarian government and blaming it for protests shaking the country. Protest led by jesuit priests
playing students - alike Lenin: the game never changes, the poorer folks get, the bigger the Vatican
gold teeth cellars grow. This also benefits the oil price tax bubbling the issue the Holy Tax-See sees
as a high revenue priority...
"WARNING for travellers: As of 7 March 2014, the political situation in Venezuela
remains critically unstable with violent public protests under way in many cities and
towns. Many countries have issued warnings to their citizens against all non-essential
travel into Venezuela.
According to the Travel Advisory page, [1] Venezuela has suspended most flights due
to the ongoing protests against government officials. it has issued "Regional"
advisories against all travel across the country, including major cities such as San
Cristbal, Valencia, Maracaibo and capital city Caracas due to ongoing violent acts
and tenuous security situation."
Coat of arms, Argentina. IHS-osiris, ordo abd chaos.
Ukrainan osiris. Malta Cross. Templars ...
X -mass greetings from the Roman osiris Slaves.
Coloradon osavaltiossa The Gazette julakisussa juhlitaan paavin armeijan viikkoa.
Amerikkalaiset tymurkut on valjastettu rehkimn Vatikaanin kultavarantojen eteen, 'isnmaan
...not easter!

Not for witches - but to honor our Creator the Almighty.

Passover? Pass over? Overpass? ...

"And in the fourteenth day of the first month is the passover of the LORD." Num.28:16
Satanist S-Market Phyrgia-mass acre figurines for the bloothirsty god of mars...
Telegraph 15.04.2014.


Telegraph 15.04.2014.
Katoliskirkon orjuuttama
El Salvador,
Psiisnoidan viittako? (Lynkkauksistaan tunnetun Ku-Klux-Klaanin Kodissa - Pkallo-Phyrgia)

Easter = It, idn pakanakultit.

"Therefore thou hast forsaken thy people

the house of Jacob, because they be
replenished from the east, and are
soothsayers like the Philistines, and they
please themselves in the children of
strangers. ...Their land also is full of
idols; they worship the work of their
own hands, that which their own fingers
have made: " Jes.2

The tradition of egg decoration in

Slavic cultures originated in pagan
times, and was transformed by the
process of religious syncretism into the
[Catholic Breiviik] 'Christian' Easter-
worship egg... thus we see here the
masonic Templar & Ku-Klux-Klan -Cross.

Easter: ..."Since there is no instruction to observe Lent (Latin: Quadragesima) in the Bible,
where did it come from? A forty-day abstinence period was anciently observed in honor of the
pagan gods Osiris, Adonis and Tammuz (John Landseer, Sabaean Researches, pp. 111, 112).
Alexander Hislops, The Two Babylons, pp. 104-105, says this of the origin of Lent: The forty days
abstinence of Lent was directly borrowed from the worshippers of the Babylonian goddess. Such a
Lent of forty days, in the spring of the year, is still observed by the Yezidis or Pagan Devil-
worshippers of Koordistan, who have inherited it from their early masters, the Babylonians. Such a
Lent of forty days was held in spring by the Pagan MexicansSuch a Lent of forty days was
observed in Egypt

Egyptian Belief and Modern Thought, James Bonwick, pp. 211-212: Eggs were hung up in the
Egyptian temples. Bunsen calls attention to the mundane egg, the emblem of generative life,
proceeding from the mouth of the great god of Egypt. The mystic egg of Babylon, hatching the
Venus Ishtar, fell from heaven to the Euphrates. Dyed eggs were sacred Easter offerings in Egypt,
as they are still in China and Europe. Easter, or spring, was the season of birth, terrestrial and

The Nativity of Christ himself was assigned to the winter solstice in December because that day
was deemed the Nativity of the Sun; we can hardly be thought to be rash or unreasonable in
conjecturing that the other cardinal festival of the Christian churchthe solemnization of Easter
may have been in like manner, and from like motives of edification, adapted to a similar
celebration of the Phyrigian god Attis at the vernal equinoxIt is a remarkable
coincidencethat the Christian and the heathen festivals of the divine death and resurrection should
have been solemnized at the same seasonIt is difficult to regard the coincidence as purely
accidental (The Golden Bough, Vol. I, pp. 306-309).

Origins of the name "Easter":

The name "Easter" originated with the names of an ancient Goddess and God. The Venerable Bede,
(672-735 CE), a Christian scholar, first asserted in his book De Ratione Temporum that Easter was
named after Eostre (a.k.a. Eastre). She was the Great Mother Goddess of the Saxon people in
Northern Europe. Similarly, the "Teutonic dawn goddess of fertility [was] known variously as
Ostare, Ostara, Ostern, Eostra, Eostre, Eostur, Eastra, Eastur, Austron and Ausos." 1 Her name was
derived from the ancient word for spring: "eastre." Similar Goddesses were known by other names
in ancient cultures around the Mediterranean, and were celebrated in the springtime. Some were:
- Aphrodite, named Cytherea (Lady of Cythera) and Cypris (Lady of Cyprus) after the
two places which claimed her birth;
- Ashtoreth from ancient Israel;
- Astarte from ancient Greece;
- Demeter from Mycenae;
- Hathor from ancient Egypt;
- Ishtar from Assyria;
- Kali, from India; and
- Ostara a Norse Goddess of fertility.
Maria cult, queen of heaven, - Easter. Guerber, H. A. (1909) Myths of the Norsemen
George G. Harrap and Co. Ltd
Easter - not passover - requires these papal masonic emblems to be worshipped as 'christian'.

Witches, mice and all Egyptian osiris emblems: DIY pagan rite Easter.
American open osiris worshippers - dirty mass murder cult cracked open.

Roosevelt Dorian masonic backyard: hi jesuit Lenin Statue. Papal mass murderer... Glimpse
of the secret Blue brother in Seattle 2014. It is useless to try with the papal spy tool, G-oogle, to
view this most holi sight. Censored. This censorship is an standing example of masonic 'openness' ...
with its Roosevelt links to Ignazius germany and CCCP mass murders of hundreds of millions.

The unlucky Washingtonin state Doric-lodge webmaster forgot the revealing photo name... alas,
poor open masons opened. This snake sect claims they emselves to be 180lodges in just WA-state;
total just one precent of papal masons, knights of 100million.
Christ Mass. Papal Saturnalia mass.

Papal Saturnalia Bakkanal: hyvn-ja-pahan-evankeliumi

Merry Christ mass-murder...

The Statue of Lenin in Seattle is a 16 foot (5 m) bronze sculpture of Bolshevik Russian Communist
revolutionary Vladimir Lenin located in the Fremont neighborhood.
G baphomet slaves - smile or die.
Finnish officers bunker -43. Full of learned baphomet -worshippers, interested only in the papal
robbery - deceptiously called 'war'...
Spes Mea in Deo Est: first time the US national schitso beast revealed in the baccanal 32 baphomet

SPES : hope; Spes, goddess of hope

MEA : travel
DEO : deordinatio, deordinationis: disorder
EST : estoverium, estoverii ; estovers, necessities allowed (to tenant) by law (espec. of wood)

Hope in travelling to disorder ?

And of course, ships with occult wor-ships
Cut pyramid - we own the dollar bill etc. jnejne.

Pyramids: see
Pyrmid Plgue
Master Mason USA - papalColumbus mass murder messengers.
All have made an oath bypassing the laws of the land.
'We control via chaos': Ordo ab Chao. (The more wars = robberies, death and destruction, chaos
and orphans, the bigger is our loot of golden teeth...)

We have all wisdom, we own the godly Roman (hoax) justice and its smashed pieces via Papal
terror -ism = Pax Romana. This emblem is used by the holy concilium, Kadosh, in the mandatory
brotherly Jerusalem templaric Hebrew. Our justice is kept on crushing slaves by ripping anyone into
pieces - in the cellars of our beloved inquisitor commanders ... practice still alive today. This
ensures our holy brotherly global hegemony.

All slaves make an oath showing two fingers.

Holy skulls, papal balls and his masonic G tinkerels...

Six pyramids inside the pyramids: 6 6 6.

Just dont forget the cyclop eveil eye - holy they say.

The zion flag - forgery unto Kabbala GAD...

USMarine (?) Masons
Stargasers mention
... CENSUS = tool for papal proclaimed depopulation.

Check out, compare dorians love emblems to Baldacchino pillars.

"How lovely" - would say all illuminated.
Freemason - President George Washington - Commander of the
United States

The fraud of US. 'independency'.

Below: The Constantinian schitso 32-degree fraudster:

Trademark: Indication of Colors claimed Color is not claimed as a feature of the mark.
Description of Mark. The mark consists of a double headed eagle perched on a sword with its wings
outspread. A triangle is placed on the chest of the eagle and displays the number "32". A belt is
draped on the sword and carries the Latin phrase "Spes Mea In Deo Est", with a star appearing
before the word "Spes" and after the word "Est". Goods and ServicesIndicating membership in a
fraternal organization Translation of Words in MarkThe English translation of the wording "SPES
MEA IN DEO EST" in the mark is "MY HOPE IS IN GOD". [note: DEO = also de-order, eg.
chaos... meaning our hope is in chaos - Vaticanus motto: ORDO ab CHAO]

International Class200 - Collective Membership Mark. - Collective Membership Mark.

US Class Codes200 Class Status Code6 - Active Class Status Date2010-01-15
Primary Code200 First Use Anywhere Date1801-01-01; First Use In Commerce Date 1801-01-01
Current Trademark Owners; Party Name:THE SUPREME COUNCIL (MOTHER COUNCIL OF
Who is who - US Freemasons.

Eastern star u see: baphomet worshippers carry these signs:

Eastern Star - baphomet

The open and kind free masons keep these lovely sharp throat cutters in the cellar, not to
disturb any ladies...
Ultimate Vaticanus - is doing what?
Small refresh calc for yall ppl:

a. Washinton state; 180 lodges ... if each has 300 members, then WA = 54.000 Doric

b. NoteG: This is just only Doric Masons. When all masonic snake varieties are
counted, add some zeros in the end.
Educate uself, seek for 'doric lodge' ... heres one well done site

c. Compare the result to WA population; this number should (?) be less ... if not,
take one zero out. Repeat until true.

d. Repeat a-b-c- ... on all US states

e. Repeat a-b-c-d ...on all papal States 190 (?) on the globe

f. Summa Summarum.

G. This G-number should be less than the Papal Compedium demand to be culled...
if not, take one zero out. Repeat until
true. Here is the masonic G-number; my guess is about 100million observing brother
slaves. Globally ready, made oath to fulfill any
command on any issue that descends on them down from their papal G-heaven ...

To find a Lodge by Lodge number: enter the number in the Search box at the top right corner
of this page.
Showing 1 to 180 of 180 entries
Last Updated: 04/4/14

Acacia No. 58
Alba No. 315
Alki No. 152
Almira No. 127
Alpha No. 212
Ark No. 126
Arlington No. 129
Ashler No. 121
Audubon Park No. 272
Aurora No. 201
Badger Mountain No. 57
Bellingham Bay No. 44
Benton No. 277
Blue Mountain No. 13
Boyer Mountain No. 134
Bremerton No. 117
Burlington-United No. 93
Camanio No. 19
Castle Rock No. 62
Centennial No. 25
Centralia No. 63
Chehalis No. 28
Cle Elum-St. Thomas No. 139
Colville No. 50
Concordia No. 249
Corinthian No. 38
Crescent No. 109
Crystal No. 122
Damascus No. 199
Daylight No. 232
Dayton No. 26
Delta-White Center No. 172
Des Moines No. 245
Diamond No. 83
Doric No. 92
Eastern Washington Lodge of Research No. 310
Edmonds No. 165
Ellensburg No. 39
Ephrata No. 167
Esoterika No. 316
Euclid No. 125
Eureka No. 20
Evening Star No. 30
Everett No. 137
Evergreen State No. 68
Fairweather No. 82
Falls City No. 66
Fern Hill No. 80
Ferndale No. 264
Fidalgo No. 77
Frank S. Land No. 313
Franklin No. 5
Garfield No. 41
Gavel No. 48
Genesis No. 305
Goldendale No. 31
Grand Coulee Dam No. 120
Grand Mound Historic Lodge
Grandview No. 191
Grays Harbor No. 52
Green Lake No. 149
Greenwood No. 253
Harmony No. 18
Henry A. Greene No. 250
Hermanos del Arte No. 314
Hiram No. 21
Hood Canal No. 288
Horace W. Tyler No. 290
Hunters No. 236
John Paul Jones No. 271
Kelso No. 94
Kennewick No. 153
Kettle Falls No. 130
King Solomon No. 60
Kirkland No. 150
Krucible No. 318
Lafayette No. 241
Lakeside No. 258
Langley No. 218
Little Falls No. 176
Longview No. 263
LuzViMinda No. 317
Lynden No. 56
Malden No.188
Manito No. 246
Maritime No. 239
Mark P. Waterman No. 177
Medical Lake No. 102
Mercer Island No. 297
Methow Valley No. 240
Moses Lake No. 174
Mount Adams No. 227
Mount Baker No. 36
Mount Moriah No. 11
Mt. Hood No. 32
Mt. Olympus No. 298
Mt. Tahoma No. 190
Myrtle No. 108
Naches No. 211
Newport No. 144
Nitosa No. 204
Nooksack Valley No. 105
North Bank No. 182
North Hill No. 210
Oakesdale No. 55
Occident No. 99
Occidental No. 72
Odessa No. 156
Okanogan, No., 169
Olympia No. 1
Orchard No. 200
Oriental No. 74
Palestine No. 214
Parkland-Lakewood No. 299
Pasco No. 173
Paul Revere No. 205
Peninsular No. 95
Phoenix No. 154
Port Angeles No. 69
Port Orchard No. 98
Port Townsend No. 6
Queen Anne No. 242
Quilcene-Jefferson No. 107
Quincy No. 161
Rainier No. 189
Renaissance No. 312
Richland No. 283
Ridgefield-Daylight No. 237
Riverside No. 112
Robert Burns No. 243
Robert Morris No. 97
Rockford No. 45
Rosalia No. 84
San Juan No. 175
Sequim No. 213
Shoreline No. 248
Silver Star No. 286
Silverdale No. 311
Skykomish No. 259
South Gate No. 100
Spangle No. 131
Spokane No. 34
St. Andrew's No. 35
St. John's No. 9
Steadfast No. 216
Steilacoom No. 2
Sultan-Monroe No. 160
Sunnyside No. 138
Temple No. 42
Tenino No. 86
Terrestrial-Mt.View No. 228
Thornton F. McElroy No. 302
Toppenish-Meridian No. 178
Trivium No. 22
Union City No. 27
Unity No. 198
University No. 141
Verity No. 59
Waitsburg No. 16
Walla Walla No. 7
Walter F. Meier Lodge of Research No. 281
Warren G. Harding No. 260
Washington No. 4
Waverly No. 231
West Gate No. 128
Western Cascade No. 61
Whatcom No. 151
Whidby Island No. 15
White Salmon No. 163
Whitman No. 49
William H. Jett No. 285
William Renton No. 29
Winlock No. 47
Wm. H. Upton Naval No. 206
Woodland- Kalama No.17
Wynooche No. 43
Yakima-Compass No. 24
Yancey C. Blalock No. 265
Yelm No. 244
Zarthan No. 148

The very Happy End for Kenyan Muslim masonry ?

Intel inside (Kenya) ... but that papal robbed land is another story.

Check out the Table of Contents for more: (To gain free scribd access, you have first to create an free account
at , download this there...)

- The fmr jesuit, Albert0 Rivera left you a Testament - Vatican revealed
- Vatican 'depop product': Man-Made Nuclear Holocaust
Vatican ad Reveals the Intel Inside:
Pivitetty 18.03.2017

Table of Contents


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Vaikenemalla alistut pimeyden ruhtinaan avustajaksi,

osallistut salaliittoon kansalaisiasi vastaan...
Ismiens luoja, Is Terrori, jalostaa ismejns
jatkuvasti vangitakseen sinut PELKOonsa. Terror -
ismi. Tuhoisin keinonsa.

Staying silent you allow rule of darkness, you

become one with the Conspiracy of Silence.
Convenient way to lie to yourself 'this way you can
escape terror'. FEAR = Father Terrors best -ism,
best hoax to enslave everyone ...


- (free download)
- jumpshare com
Neljs Peto
Elmme pedon vankileireiss odottaen ennustettua ja
pakollista 666-tunnistussirua.

Hollerith reikkorttijrjestelm oli avain kansakuntain

seulomiseen ja rystmiseen halki koko 1900-luvun. Nyt tm
paisunut pahvihampainen peto on verkkonsa kutonut kaikkialle,
seuloo kansakuntia yh kiihtyvmmll vauhdilla. Lue ja
tunnista se, lyd sielullesi pelastus!

"seseon sensuroitava!" huudahti paljastunut Kill Bates...


tai tai tai

History revealed via Finnish
Army Photos.
Tt et olekaan ennen nhnyt.
Sivuosassa Mannerheimin SS-Mercedes!

Finnish Evacuee-escape from bloody
CCCP talons.
suomen sorretuista
joiden kotikontuja
CCCP yhti miehitt.

Pyrmid Plgue
Pyongjang, Pohjois-Korea. Ennen nkemttmi
kuvia jesuiittain orjalasta. Vasemmalla maailman
suurin ja pisimpn rakenteilla oleva keskenerinen
hotelli - Ryonguong.
Sellaista oli elm Jeesuksen aikaan
Rooman juonet ovat aina pyrittneet laumojaan maapallon
ympri: miten kirjoitukset vrennettiin ohjaamaan jopa
suomilaisten kultahampaat Paavikeisarin laariin - vuosisadasta
TAAS ...Sensuroitu Fibromyalgia

Pharmakeia <kreik> = Noituus: Tt ei kansanmurhaaja lketiede halua sinun tietvn, olethan

kidutettuna sille rahasampo. Tuhat artikkelileikett lhdetioitoineen lketehtaiden alati paisuvista
huijauksista: KAVAHDA NOITIEN myrkkyj ja OPI PYSYMN HENGISS.



Thtitarhain Tuolla Puolla
Kuinka Hn kaikkeuden loi, pelastuksen ihmisille soi:
Pedon pelon ja terrorin vastakohta on Toivo. ...ketn Hn
pakota ei, pelastuskin lahjoitetaan vain vain jos tahtoo
vastaanottaa rakkauden Totuuteen.

Surmattuna Summa Mutikassa

Mink pyhiinvaelluskultin patsas lytyy keskelt
Karjalaa? Miksi siniverinen Siemens - ja prinssi
kustaa ja muut EU pikkurapparit kvivt Summan
soilla pyhiinvaelluksella alkaen 1941?

Joulun Evankeliumi:
- pahan sanoma
- Pelastuksen viesti

Kuinka maailma joutui alati kasvavan

ahneuden verottamaksi - - Pelastustamme
vied se ei voi

Phyrgia - miten sen heraldiikka paljastaa

eukkuRooman juonet kaikkialla maailmassa
alkaen jesuiitta Leninist Moskovan torilla?
Berijan Tarhat
Unto Parvilahti : ... niin harvinainen kirja ettei ols ISBN numeroa!
However, English translation did exist in 1980's ... see more

Poliisi potkaisi oven sisn ja niin Unto Parvilahti kaapattiin

yll CCCP vankiloihin. Karjala.
Listtyn ennennkemttmin SA-kuvin. Kuvien laatu

Haagin Kenguruoikeus - Milosevic

Kaikki petoksessa mukana kaksin ksin: tss parhaimmalta
nyttv Time-lehden huijaus nlkiintyneist 'vangeista'.

Kun joka ikinen ritarien huijauskulissi romahtaa naurunremakkaan

kenguruoikeuden pelleilyss, Milosevic piti myrkytt... kyk
Aarniometsiss samalla tavoin?
Nuclear 'uprating'
NRC meeting 512 excerpts reveal how
clueless NPP management is. Loose
parts floating in the reactor, who cares?
How ol shaky, long past last date reactors
are being trimmed to double power with
excess volatile plutonium.
NRC 512th Meeting Public discussion
archive revealed with illustrations. -
taustat Fukushimalle - suomennettuna.
Text from: NRC Nuclear Regulatory

NRC Kokouspytkirja 512

Plutoniumtehtaiden viritellyt reaktorit

Uutisia terror -ismin peilisaleista 9/11

Kuinka jesuiittain julistama sota ismi vastaan kuristi kansat
kavallusotteeseensa, murskasi orjainsa vhisimmtkin oikeudet:
YLEN aivopiestyille ei mahdollisuutta anneta vielkn...

K.Fajans 1927
Kadonneen kirjan uudistettu painos.
Tyypilliseen tapaan kirjastoista
salatuhotun opuksen alkuperinen
uudistettu painos; ydintekniikan
perustiedot on haluttu tllkin tavoin
salata.Tm kirja on rimmisen
harvinainen eik sit ole mistn
saatavissa. Mahdollisesti vain kaksi
suomenkielist kappaletta on silynyt
ydinrovioista... Nyt edesssi on uunituore
historian romukopasta nostettu ja
kiillotettu kopio. (Engl kielinen versio
lytynee jostain kirjastosta jopa on-line)

Fysiikan ohjelmoidut bessewerwisserit hymhtvt ydinfyysikko Tri K Fajansin wanhalle kirjalle -

elleivt halua nhd kuinka alkuainetaulukko vrennettiin Plutonium keittoloiden alttareille
(Kanavasteily - sithn ei ole ... varsinainen ydinmafian pilkkakuoro!).
Uuteen kuosiin tmn yh ajankohtaisemman Arton kirjan kokosi ja toimitti sinullekin Ydintieto-
Yhdistys 12/2011. Sislt ja formaatti pyrkii seuraamaan alkuperist. YY:n tarkoitus on list
nykyisen hyrykauden ydintekniikan tietoutta kaikille ydinmaailman nenst vedetyille, erityisesti
Suomen Miehille ja kaikille kansoille - jotka ydinpimin tahalliset ja mielettmt steilyaltistukset

Tutustu 'Fukushiman Taustat' ja 'Chernobyl Raporttivuoto' -dokumenttiin.

Kirpputorien ja kirjastojen kirjastot ovat aktiivisen tuho-operaation kynsiss: alkuperinen

tieto hvitetn keisarimme ohjaamien vh lyjen toimesta - maapallo kuumenee satujensa tielt.
Codex alimentarius saa salaisesti edist vestnvhennyst koska kaikki uskovat Keisarin
vaatteisiin - oikeata tieto ei en saa mistn. CO2 verotusvlineen tuntuu niin jesuiittain
sosiaalisen oikeuden ihanuudelta: Lapsemme eivt en tied ett hiilidioksidi on elinehto - koska
et lyd en perustietoja mistn!
Ydinvoima - steilyttjsi
Vasemmalla kuvassa ers vuoden 1955 ydinrjytyksist, tll kertaa
Kiina: Nk. 'kokeiden' eli steilytysrjytyksien yhteismr on jo 12.000
ja jatkuu. (2700 atmospheric nuclear blasts)

Suomi - Orwellin Valtakunta

Suomi - ritarisyplisten maa, vrt kuva. Rooman insestiklaanin sisltpin kavaltamana...

...paavin poliisiborreolooshin anarkian alle alistettuna. tai tai
Sky Sky Sky Cry Cry Cry

Tuulipussitieteen petokset avattuna:

maapallo kuumenee -kavallusten sarja
nkyviss. Chemtrail ilmastomyrkytys -
arkipivisen salaista.

Mit nm ovat? ...vasemmalla kuvia

Helsingin yll 2014. ... chemtrail tankkerin
suuttimet jumittavat. Hengit syvn...

Jotkut lhteet sanovat ett 90% stilasta,

sst ja myrskyist on tehtailtu.


- ERROR 404= deleted by


---> see

-or goto-

DOWNLOAD - Lataa kaikki dokumentit

Rakettisateiden Maat
Paavimedian peiton alta paljastuva nkym polttaa hesarin
valheet, kaataa YLEn oksennukset ministeriitten
akkunoista sisn: rahvas laulaa vaan ei tied kenelle...

Israelin rahvas, kymmenien tuhansien EUn maksamain rakettien

savuava kohde. Kaikki rooman pappisritaritkin rikastuvat kun
rahvas krsii jesuiitta molotovin rauhankoktaileja siemaillen.

Jesuiitta Albert0 R i v e r a n
Lue kuinka Lutterkirkko kumartaa Rooman Osirista, on
salaa myynyt sielusi Vatikaaniin: juridisesti sin olet nyt
Rooman omistuksessa!
(Kuvassa Soininkin Roomalaiskatolisten noitakoe: Myllynkivi
pikkupojan kaulaan ja jokeen: jos kelluu, on noita, jos hukkuu, ei
ollut noita...)

Obama, kuka olet?

Ensimminen 'mies' joka ansaitsi Nobel-
palkinnon ikenilln.
Mit kaikkea tmn mustan Kenialaimuslimi
narkkarin taustalta lytyykn...

NOBEL: sahtivaari ym mustat huumeritarit

Ne Tulivat Yll
...kuin pimeyden ruhtinaat.

ISRAEL: Mikn ei ole muuttunut. Rooma ryst

ja tuhoaa rahvasta jatkuvasti perpohjolaa myden
hesarien valheilla, kansa ei tajua. Lue Israelin
nykypivst ...

Katolisen Jesuiitta Tuomas Hamerkenin
salakavala oppikirja 1400-luvulta jolla
pohjolan pedofiilitkin kasvatetaan; katsaus
kaameaan antiin.
Tt antia ammentaa mys vastakeksitty
'parempi' kirkkokunta Daagonin
kalanphattupiispoineen. VARO!

Tmk Oli Elmsi

Kullekin ihmiselle on rajallinen aikansa. Kuinka sen kytt,

mit odotat ett ern pivn tapahtuu kun sielusi vaaditaan
sinulta pois?

Sateenkaarihuijarit paljastuvat! sarjakuvasuomennos.
Vatikaanin salat julki: Pietarin 'kirkko'

Kultahammaslastissa oleva oksettava porttokirkko. IHS =

Isis Horus Seth paljastus. ISIs ?! Sanoinko ISIS...

L' Asino kirjoitti v.1903: "EURooman keisaripaavi

takavarikoi, mrehtii, nielee ... sitten se on nlkisempi kuin
koskaan aiemmin..."

itikirkko ja punainen hamevki: "...nin vaimon istuvan

verenkarvaisen pedon pll, tynnns pilkkanimi, jolla
oli seitsemn pt ja kymmenen sarvea. ... tynn
kauhistuksia ja hnen huoruutensa riettautta: Babylon,
huoruuden ja maan kauhistuksen iti. ...Sill hnen
haureutensa vihan viini ovat kaikki kansat juoneet, ja maan
kuninkaat ovat haureutta harjoittaneet hnen kanssansa, ja
maan kauppiaat ovat rikastuneet hnen hekumansa
runsaudesta." Ilm.17.

Paavin Salaseurat, Ritarit ja

GADinpalvojain G-kirous:

"Jos net kyh sorrettavan sek oikeutta ja

vanhurskautta poljettavan maakunnassa, niin
l sit asiaa ihmettele; sill ylhist
vartioitsee viel ylhisempi, ja sitkin
ylhisemmt heit molempia."

..."te, jotka hylktte Herran ja unhotatte

minun pyhn vuoreni, jotka valmistatte
Gadille pydn..." Jes.65
Vapaamuurari, Ei-toivottu Vieras
Vapaamuurarit vrvvt erityisesti seurakuntien
keskelt. Liek suomess yhtn yhteis joka heit hyljeksisi?
Tuskin. Sensijaan veljeys, ykseyskoulutus ja rooman ylistys lienee
tll edellytys puhujanpnttn pstksesi.
Lue miten Larry kutsuttiin kerhoon.

Kansa joka ei ole kansa

Palestina -sadun kehitti Rooman keisaripaavi
ennen ajanlaskumme alkua alistaakseen

"Jos olet varma Palestiinan valtiosta, kansasta, sen

historiasta, kulttuurista, kielest yms., kykenet
varmaan vastaamaan muutamaan kysymykseen: 1.
Kuka sen perusti, milloin? 2. Mitk olivat sen rajat?
3. mik oli sen..."

Jenin Jenin: Globaali aivopesukone

hvisi mediasodan
Paljastaa itikirkon vasemmisto-oikeistosatu koneiston,
sille alistettuna olevan Ev Lut Kirkon osallisuuden mediansa
propagandaan ja messamurha lavastuksiin. ... Miinoitettu
Jenin 2002: Noobelsankari terroristiritari Arafatin rystm
leiri: kadut langoitettu pommeilla, tynn ihmisi, miinoja,
neen, lapsia
kunniamurhaajajoukko valitsi sen

Lue kaikki
Israel Uutiset
2011 / 1-2012 / 2-2012 / 2013 (yht 4kpl)

KIELLETYT UUTISET: YLEn aivopesun kntvt mullistavat uutisklipsit avaavat tysin uudet
nkymt Israeliin

Israel uutiset:

1. israel-uutiset-2011
2. israel-uutiset-1/2012
3. israel-uutiset-2/2012
4. israel-uutiset-2013

Israelin Arkeologia
Katsaus Paavin huijaushuvipuistoista todellisiin
Arkeologian helmiin.

islamin moskeijan minareetti muuttuu tarvittaessa

Daavidin torniksi, linnat junarata action parkiksi...
Elikks Sana "l usko tt katolista tehtailua,
koettele kaikki, pid vain se mik on hyv ja karta
pahaa" on tsskin paikallaan...
ljy, Luonnontuote
Elmn Edellytys, LJY. Tiesitk ett Maan
ljyvarannot riittvt tuhansiksi vuosiksi eteenpin?Maapallo ei
lmpenekn, meret eivt peit palloamme ...
Pelastaudu hesarin hyryist ja tutustu faktoihin.............

Chernobyl Raporttivuoto
Kuinka mahdoton tapahtui ja suomi
salasteilytettiin 100.000 vuodeksi ... kuinka SIN
olet palapelin palanen jttimisess ihmiskunnan
rttakokeessa. Tietojasi varastoidaan, seulotaan,
kyttn - kuinka sypsi tulee, kehittyy - mutta
sinulle ei kerrota.

Fukushiman Taustat.

Miten Olkiluodon
Plutoniumtehtaasta vuotaa seinien
lpi suorana steilyn 3x
'Chernobyli' vuodessa...

Miksi NILU, Norjan super simulointikeskus suljettiin kun se alkoi

nytt rahvaalle kokomaapallosen saastumisen? Vasemmalla
NILUn tuottama rahvaan kaunis versio - oikealla todellinen
ilmakehn 100% cesium saastutus 2011
Alla ylloleva litania knnettyn Englanniksi.

titles IN ENGLISH:
IN ENGLISH: most documents partly contain English translations; see the doc list repeated
in English below ...

Most over 40 documents contain English excerpts, some wholly translated.

Slideshare started to censor; however all are available at:

- (; free download, no login)

Below short peek into contents; most documents have English translations inside.

No linkys; you have to type all linkys into your browser... or goto get em at
Peter's Pill Grimace
Vatican dirty secrets revealed. IHS = Isis Horus Seth ... Roots of
ISIS and Catholic terror ism.

"For by the wine of the wrath of her fornication all the nations are
fallen; and the kings of the earth committed fornication with her, and
the merchants of the earth waxed rich by the power of her

Jesuit Alberto R i v e r a's

How Lutheran Church bows under Roman
Osiris, has secretly sold its slaves under Vatican
Jesuit terror -ism.

Catholic witch hunt test seen at left: Ten

million ppl were tortured under its (still continuing)
inquisitions each century... Catholic incest ministry:
Boy with attached millstone, thrown into water. If he
float, he is a witch. If he drowns, he was not a witch
(or maybe just ? witness)

Manmade Nuclear Holocaust

Plutonium Factories a.k.a. Nuclear Powerplants are
irradiating every living creature on earth.

Based on AlgoRealism of melting ice & rising seas:

Coastline of west Finland has risen 100km during last
500 years, people are being taxed from as they gain
more land on the coast... plus other astonishing
treasonous MSM hoaxes
Nuclear 'uprating'
NRC meeting 512 excerpts reveal how
clueless NPP management is. Loose
parts floating in the reactor, who cares?
How ol shaky, long past last date reactors
are being trimmed to double power with
excess volatile plutonium.
NRC 512th Meeting Public discussion
archive revealed with illustrations. Text
from: NRC Nuclear Regulatory

News of the papal terror -ism 9/11

How the jesuital WAR AGAINST ISM took nations on a holy
ride; robberies to be continued beyond tomorrow.

(in Finnish; english resource linkys)

Fourth Beast
Neljs Peto: we live the promised time of being
microchipped with beastly 666. Nobody will be able to buy
or sell without this cursed number: those who take it,
scriptures promise hell...

Hollerith Punch Card system has been around 150 years, the
Beast heart key to global robbery, mass murders...

(Mostly in Finnish, hello there, this extraodinary document

waits resources to translation)

History revealed via Finnish
Army Photos.

Never before seen Cars, and then some... Finnish field marshal jesuit
Mannerheim's SS-mercedes etc.
Evakkotie (=Evacuee route 1939/1944)

Finnish Evacuee-escape from bloody

CCCP talons.
Karelia - part of Finland - still occupied today by CCCP.
Two times the size of Israel...

A photo documentary of the oppressed. See SA-army

edited photos, finn txt.

Pyrmid Plgue
Unbelievable never before seen revelations from Pyongjang,
North Korea. At left, world's largest hotel, Ryonguong. Has
been built 25 years and never finished... N.Korea founder was
fmr CCCP-general, jesuit like Mannerheim. Must Read!
Life in time of Jeshua HaMaschia
How osiris has played his tricks throughout centuries:
Scriptures will reveal the Roman Beast, thus it has to keep on
fighting as promised.

"The dragon waxed wroth and went to make war with the seed
that keep the commandments of God, and hold the testimony of
Jesus" Rev.12

Censored Fibromyalgy

Pharmakeia = Witchcraft in Greek: The papal

pharma industry is geared for the beastly depulation

Big Pharma massmurders -Documentary through

ages - 15 years with source linkys.

CENSORED Again , now by



Beyond Time
How we came to be here....

(in Finnish ---> hello there, waiting for resources)

Summary Killing Fields; still

CCCP occupied Karelia

Pyramid pilgrimage - aka finnish Winter &

Continuation war 1939-1944 in never before seen army
documentary photos of this papal robbery continuation.

Gospel of x-Mass:
- Murder, robbery through ages
- Miracle being saved

Phyrgia - how IHS-phyrgian heraldic

will reveal EU Rome Beast from its jesuit
Lenins Mosscow Red square to noBama...
Beria's Gardens
Berian Tarhat; Unto Parvilahti : ... so rare book that no ISBN number!
However, English translation did exist in 1980's ... see more

Red glopapal po-lice lodge kicked his door in - it was 1946 in

Finland. How Unto Parvilahti was hijacked into CCCP gulag.
Never before seen Finn army SA-photos.

Hague Kangaroo Court - Milosevic

Time-magazine, one of the papal beastly MSM machines here caught in
its typical, continuing std forgeries.

Nuclear - rest assured, youre irradieted

Finnish version of the 'Manmade Nuclear Holocaust'

Suomi Finland - Orwellian Nation

Finland - like any country in papal realm, is thoroughly eaten by the papal worm masonry
knightly clans.


The secrets of finn

masonry (see fig.)
knights must be
kept off from the
finn-slaves... so the
papal masons
asked 'help' from
slide. owner,
brother Kill Bates.

As honored knight,
Bill was ready to
smash these facts...

MS-CENSORED: You dont know what you dont know.


Sky Sky Sky Cry Cry Cry

Weather Satellite pics; collection of anomalies over
Scandinavia. Satellite Weather Radar Anomalies over Scandinavia;
collection of clips. Chemtrails etc

Fig.: Chemtrail tanker nozzles malfuntion on routine flight, Helsinki.

- ERROR 404= deleted by MSoft/

---> see -or goto-

30.000 EU rockets to
israel (before 2010)
Facts Hidden uder MSM
Jesuit Alberto R i v e r a 's life
Finnish Version

Obummer, Who are u?

First 'man' to earn nobel prize for oversize

gums. See through the papal pallywood
theatrics behind this hoax.
They Came Through the Night black knights.

ISRAEL: How Rome machinations continue behind

the old fairy tale of 'palestine' ...

Catholy jesuit monk Tuomas Hamerken books is
used by the Lutheran incest crowd.

This Was u Life?

Rainbow Crowd expose' ! cartoons
Peters Pill Grimace In Finnish. CHECK OUT!

IHS = Isis Horus Seth revelation. ISIs ?! did I say ISIS...

"...with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication,

and they that dwell in the earth were made drunken with the
wine of her fornication. And he carried me away in the Spirit
into a [satanic spiritual]wilderness: and I saw a woman
sitting upon a scarlet-colored beast, full of names of
blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the
woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and decked with
gold and precious stone and pearls, having in her hand a
golden cup full of abominations, even the unclean things of
her fornication,
and upon her forehead a name written, MYSTERY,

Papal Knights, Masonry

Kabbala G-worshippers Curse:

..."But ye are they that forsake the LORD, that

forget my holy mountain, that prepare a table
for GAD, and that furnish the drink offering
unto that FATIMA. " Isa.65

Fatima: Catholy Monastery in Portugal, place

where islam was inveted by Rome...
Mason, Unwanted Guest cartoons.

Nation that isnt. Never Was.

Will NOT become...
Palestina -saga, the name invented by Roman
Osiris Ceasar-Pope.

Jenin Jenin News 2002:

How GlobalMSM lost its propaganda war
Israel News [shh]

Forbidden News which MSM keeps hiding.

(Finnish; english with resource linkys)

Israel uutiset:

1. israel-news-2011
2. israel-news-1/2012
3. israel-news-2/2012
4. israel-news-2013


Israel Archeology
Check what kind minarets this machinery sells as
Davisds citadel...

New Archeological gems.

OIL. Natural resource from Nature
All life would vanish without oil. Reserves last
thousands of years...

Chernobyl Report Leak

What happened - how youre irradiated today.
How an individual is tracked and compiled into
'interesting scientific database' - never told how big a
dosage you were deliberately delivered...

Fukushima Facts.

Collection of original news

immediately after it happened.
Following documents fully translated:

- Vatican-pill-grimace-of-petros
- ex. Jesuit Alberto Rivera's Life
- US Nuclear regulator - NRC-meeting-512
- Manmade Nuclear Holocaust

(Psst: Resources needed in translation)

Easy Fast download from

When necessary, Download all newest copies from :

Free access - after you create a free account :
(hae "Virallisen Totuuden Kaato Paikka") direct doc addresses in alphabetic order ... pitk dokumenttiluettelo/suoraosoite
aakkosjrjestyksess kaikkiin em. dokumentteihin:

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