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Essay on Animal Farm

Date : 2012 MAR 19

Subject : Business Name : Danny Lee ( Student No. : 003-276-888 )

1. Introduction : How does this movie relate to a controlled economy and free enterprise ? I think when the Jones ran his farm it was free enterprise and animals especially pigs ruled the farm it was controlled economy. Joness farm was trade with others and there were two groups that are owner and workers. Animals as being treated the slave not the partner, so animals rioted against Jones as the owner and manager. Animals wished to realized the motto Animals are all equal.. But they discovered the gap between the fact and the ideal.

2. Who was in control of the farm at the beginning of the movie ? - Ownership of property farm - Organized work ( how workers were treated ) - Profits belong to At the beginning of the story Jones had the ownership of property. He made animals work all day and night but the animals were being treated slave. As the ownership farms all corps and harvests belonged to Jones.

3. Who was in control of the farm once the farmer was kicked out ? - Ownership of property farm - Organized work ( how workers were treated ) - Profits belong to

After the animals kicked out the farmer to get free life the pigs (snowball & napoleon) became an animal which has the power. Therefore the pigs obtained the ownership of property. They organized the work with fairness. They are same animals that they were treated with good treatment. Same as first part the profits were belonged to pigs because, they are really smart.

4. Who was in control of the farm at the end of the movie ? - Ownership of property farm - Organized work ( how workers were treated ) - Profits belong to

At the end of the story napoleon started to impose his-man rule that he got the ownership of property. The situation of workers which is other animals became worse than before. Also they couldnt obtain any pays for work. However the pigs began to change everything to make beneficial to them. As the napoleon became dictator the profits belonged to him.

5. Conclusion : What is the movie saying about the abuses of both a command economy and free enterprise ? Each system has a major weak point ; one is an evil of capital and the other is dictatorship not by entire worker class but by one person or minor group.

In my opinion this movie tells us that in command economy we should think of all that just for personal profits. Also be careful about the dictator that ignores others for only hiss private gain. About the free enterprise we should respect others. Even if he has no power or money we should not disregard. In conclusion we should not get out of the essence of both command economy & free enterprise.

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