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March 23, 2012

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The ValuEngine Weekly is an Investor Education newsletter focused on the quantitative approach to investing and the tools available from In today's fast-moving and globalized financial markets, it is easy to get overloaded with information. The winners will adopt an objective, scientific, independent and unemotional approach to investing. If you are not yet a member of ValuEngine's stock analysis service, sign up now for a two-week free trial at!



started week
13232.02 3057.24 829.45 1404.17

Thursday Close
13046.14 3063.32 821.44 1392.78

4 day change
-185.88 6.08 -8.01 -11.39

4 day change %
-1.40% 0.20% -0.97% -0.81%

6.01% 16.91% 10.76% 10.32%

Summary of VE Stock Universe

Stocks Undervalued Stocks Overvalued Stocks Undervalued by 20% Stocks Overvalued by 20% 51.89% 48.11% 21.84% 17.62%

Aerospace Auto-Tires-Trucks Basic Materials Business Services Computer and Technology Construction Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Finance Industrial Products Medical Multi-Sector Conglomerates Oils-Energy Retail-Wholesale Transportation Utilities

-0.31% -1.37% -2.22% -0.32% -0.42% -1.04% -0.11% -0.43% -0.91% -1.43% -0.75% -1.30% -1.85% -0.31% -1.40% -0.48%

-1.78% -0.42% -5.58% 0.63% 1.01% 3.04% 4.40% 0.63% 2.27% -0.96% 0.90% -1.20% -4.62% 2.46% -0.26% -0.45%

5.21% 18.51% 6.22% 9.97% 14.86% 19.39% 17.11% 8.66% 13.44% 11.12% 11.81% 12.03% 4.69% 14.41% 12.68% 3.05%

3.14% overvalued 5.58% overvalued 0.18% overvalued 3.05% undervalued 18.78% overvalued 2.92% overvalued 4.44% overvalued 8.19% overvalued 15.43% overvalued 7.27% overvalued 11.41% overvalued 7.59% overvalued 1.55% overvalued 16.75% overvalued 7.83% overvalued 7.39% overvalued

Last 12MReturn
-8.21% -4.67% -26.36% 4.62% -8.15% -9.81% 1.62% -3.61% -1.17% -9.61% -6.20% -1.95% -22.27% 11.92% -15.10% -0.21%

P/E Ratio
15.88 30.02 26.03 32.59 45.97 37.25 30.35 28.24 23.12 25.33 36.37 19.18 38.16 22.01 25.31 30.83

Sector TalkOil and Energy

Below, we present the latest data on leading Oil and Energy Sector Stocks from our Institutional software package (VEI). These results were filtered by market price and volume--no results below 3$/share or less than 100k shares/day volume.

Top-Five Oils and Energy Sector Stocks--Short-Term Forecast Returns



Mkt Price
34.48 35.05 12.07 61.87 19.12

24.79 -14.58 -13.44 -6.77 -23.09

Last 12-M Retn(%)

74.67 9.63 49.75 -8.64 20.1

Top-Five Oils and Energy Stocks--Long-Term Forecast Returns



Mkt Price
61.87 26.93 45.3 19.12 54.05

-6.77 -6.16 -15.08 -23.09 -14.01

Last 12-M Retn(%)

-8.64 2.47 3 20.1 -2.79

Top-Five Oils and Energy Stocks--Composite Score



Mkt Price
19.12 45.3 27.96 26.93 110.41

-23.09 -15.08 -13.92 -6.16 0.54

Last 12-M Retn(%)

20.1 3 9.69 2.47 16.29

Top-Five Oils and Energy Stocks--Most Overvalued



Mkt Price
8.8 30.66 7.13 55.2 10.57

300 114.4 107.17 97.46 85.3

Last 12-M Retn(%)

23.6 97.93 -5.56 -26.95 87.41

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Free Report Download for Subscribers

As a bonus to our Free Weekly Newsletter subscribers, we are now offering a FREE DOWNLOAD of one of our $ 25.00 Detailed Valuation Reports.
This week's free download is our report on Google (GOOG,$GOOG) Google is a global technology company focused on improving the ways people connect with information. The Company generates revenue primarily by delivering online advertising. As of December 31, 2011, the Companys business was focused on areas, such as search, advertising, operating systems and platforms, and enterprise. Businesses use its AdWords program to promote their products and services with targeted advertising. In addition, the third parties that comprise the Google Network use its AdSense program to deliver relevant advertisements that generate revenue. In June 2011, the Company launched Google+, a way to share online. As of January 2012, over 90 million people had joined Google+. In April 2011, the Company acquired PushLife. In September 2011, the Company acquired Zagat.

Weekly Subscribers can download a FREE Detailed Valuation Report on GOOG HERE If you have not subscribed and want to be able to receive a FREE $ 25.00 Detailed Valuation Report, you can subscribe to our Free Weekly Newsletter HERE.

What's Hot-Suttmeier on a Roll with ValuTrader Chief Market Strategist Richard Suttmeier has started the year off right for subscribers to his ValuTrader Model Portfolio Newsletter. Year-to- Date 2012 Suttmeier has closed out 42 trades. His hit percentage so far this year is 94% ! On a trade-by-trade basis he is beating the S&P 500 and the model portfolio is up 15.27% (on a $75,000 investment) versus 9.00% for the S&P 500. How did he do it? Suttmeier has developed a strategy called Buy and Trade that is tailor-made for volatile markets and allows investors to move with markets rather than lose their capital when bubbles blow up and internet, housing, commodity, or financial stocks fall out of favor. With Suttmeier's Buy and Trade strategy, investors are no longer at the mercy of the market because they are no longer a passive investor sitting on the sidelines watching as a position declines, hoping that over the long term they will end up with a gain. With Buy and Trade, investors make gains by capturing market volatility with a set of pre-determined price targets based on Suttmeier's proprietary market analytics. It works like this: Suttmeier assumes that a stocks price is the most important element in stock selection and in stock trading. By analyzing the past nine weekly, monthly, quarterly, semiannual and annual closes--under the assumption that nine years of data is enough to assume all possible bullish or bearish eventshe calculates the most important action prices for any stock. With the ValuTrader Model Portfolio Suttmeier combines the action prices of his Buy and Trade system with ValuEngine's valuation, forecast, and ratings data on more than 8000 US equities, ADRs, and foreign stocks that trade on US exchanges. Subscribers get email alerts whenever there is a trade, and they also receive cash allocation levels that reflect his latest thinking on the state of the market.

Now YOU can take Advantage of Suttmeier's "Buy and Trade" Strategy Click HERE to Sign Up for Chief Market Strategist Richard Suttmeier's ValuTrader Model Portfolio Newsletter!

Suttmeier Says
--Commentary and Analysis from Chief Market Strategist Richard Suttmeier
If you have any comments or questions, send them to Treasury Yields 10-Year--(2.280) Daily and annual value levels are 2.535 and 2.502 with weekly, semiannual and quarterly risky levels at 2.056, 1.903 and 1.687. Commodities and Forex Comex Gold--(($1642.5) Daily and annual value levels are $1605.9 and $1575.8 with semiannual pivots at $1659.5 and $1635.8, and quarterly, weekly and monthly risky levels at $1740.9, $1762.4 and $1888.4. Nymex Crude--(($105.42) Annual, quarterly, monthly and semiannual value levels are $103.58, $99.87, $97.96 and $79.83 with semiannual and daily pivots at $104.84 and $106.12, and weekly and annual risky levels at $110.31 and $117.00. The Euro--(1.3186) Semiannual, monthly, and quarterly value levels are 1.2980, 1.2622, and 1.2499 with a daily pivot at 1.3153, and weekly, annual and semiannual risky levels at 1.3461, 1.4239 and 1.4405. Major Indices Equity Technicals We have declining technical momentum on the daily charts for the Dow Industrials, Dow Transports and Russell 2000, while the S&P 500 and NASDAQ remain overbought. Dow Transports closed Thursday below its weekly pivot at 5246. The weekly chart for Dow Transports shifts to negative on a weekly close below its five-week modified moving average at 5211. The weekly charts for the remaining major averages will remain overbought going into the end of the first quarter. The key annual levels that remain in play for the second quarter are my annual pivots at 1363.2 on the S&P 500 and 836.15 Russell 2000, which is the overall neutral zone.

Equity Fundamentals: 51.9% of all stocks are undervalued / 48.1% of all stocks are overvalued. Back on October 4th 93.5% of all stocks were undervalued. Fifteen of sixteen sectors are overvalued; four by double-digit percentages. Finance is 15.4% OV. Computers & Technology is 18.9% OV. Retail-Wholesale is 16.8% OV. Back in March 2009 all sectors were undervalued by 33% to 45%. Key Levels for the Major Equity Averages Dow --13,046) Quarterly, annual, monthly and semiannual value levels are 12,478, 12,312, 11,903, 8,425 and 8,336 with a weekly pivot at 13,195, and daily and annual risky levels at 13,370 and 14,032. A close below the 21-day at 13,031 indicates risk to the 50-day at 12,862. S&P 500--(1392.8) Annual, quarterly, monthly and semiannual value levels are 1363.2, 1305.4, 1222.5, 841.7 and 829.9, and a weekly pivot at 1413.4, and daily and annual risky levels at 1429.1 and 1562.9. NASDAQ (3063) Quarterly, annual, monthly and semiannual value levels are 2777, 2698, 2651, 2012 and 1952 with daily, weekly and annual risky levels at 3138, 3128 and 3232. NASDAQ 100 (NDX) (2732) Annual, monthly, quarterly, annual and semiannual value levels are 2603, 2428, 2422, 2300, 1851 and 1743 with daily and weekly risky levels at 2799 and 2772. Dow Transports (5221) Monthly and semiannual value levels are 4470, 4407 and 3778 with a weekly pivot at 5246, and daily, quarterly, and annual risky levels at 5424, 5448, 5861 and 6111. The all time high was set at 5627.85 on July 11, 2011. Transports are on the cusp of its 50-day at 5237. Russell 2000 (821.43) Monthly and semiannual value levels are 684.13, 572.90 and 510.81 with quarterly pivots at 824.46 and 829.03, my annual pivot at 836.15, and daily and weekly risky levels at 842.59 and 855.08. The all time high was set at 868.57 on May 2, 2011. A close below its 21-day at 818.63 indicates risk to the 50-day at 809.66. The SOX (434.53) Quarterly, monthly, annual and semiannual value levels are 390.17, 323.52, 269.80, 277.90 and 194.47 with a weekly pivot at 437.07, and daily and annual risky levels at 449.38 and 520.61. The 2011 high is 474.33 set on February 18, 2011. Tools and Services

Click HERE to With Richard Suttmeier's ValuTrader Sign Up for Newsletter Portfolio, Richard you get timely stock Suttmeier's picks and a strategy ValuTrader designed to profit from Newsletter today's volatile market environment. Portfolio

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