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MONDAY March 26 7:00 pm Mens Open Gym (AU) 7:00 pm Elders Meeting (CR) TUESDAY March 27 7:00 am Intercessory Prayer (Trinity UMC Prayer Room)

HAVE YOU MOVED? CHANGED EMAILS OR CELL PHONE NUMBERS? Please take a moment and stop by the church website and update your information. FRUIT OF THE VINE for April, May and June are available at the Welcome Center. DID YOU KNOW THAT THE CHURCH USES MULTIPLE WAYS TO COMMUNICATE with our people? We have an email distribution list that you can sign up for. We are also on Facebook and Twitter. You can follow us or sign up for any of these by visiting the church website at and visiting the Social Media link.

Welcome to Worship
Gilead Friends Church
3613 Twp. Rd. 115 Mount Gilead, Ohio 43338 419-946-1100 Senior Pastor Brian Mosher

WEDNESDAY March 28 7:00pm Paper Princesses (Lobby) AU:Auditorium CA:Caf CH:Chapel CR:ConferenceRoom FH:FellowshipHall

Invite your friends and family to join us at Gilead this Eas ter Maundy Thursday Communion Service April 5th @ 7:00 pm Easter Worship Services April 8th @ 8:20 am & 10:30 am
THANK YOU SO MUCH TO THE CURTS HOME GROUP FOR ALL THEIR HARD WORK GETTING LAST WEEKS POTLU CK READY! This is such an easy and wonderful way to get involved! We are looking for ministries, home groups, etc who are willing to give of their time {1} Sunday this year to be in charge of the setting up/ cleaning up of the all church potluck. If your group is interested in helping, please contact the church office at 419-946-1100.

Sunday March 25, 2012

9:30 am SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES - Class list and Map are available at the Welcome Center. - Nursery provided for Newborns -Age 2 in Room 101 10:30 am WORSHIP - Nursery provided for newborns to age 2 in Rm. 101 - Stars (ages 3-5) meet in Room 102 - Kids in grades K-5 will be dismissed from main service to go to the Chapel following greeting time 2:30 pm GCS PRODUCTION OF THROUGH FEAR AND TREMBLING

Womens Mini Retreat Saturday April 28 th

If you are interested in signing up for the retreat the ladies will be in the lobby after church to assist you. The cost is $10.00. It is an all day retreat with welcome at 9 am ending at 4 pm in the Fellowship Hall.

No Youth Group Tonight

PLANET Suspendisse ZERO! potenti. Planet Zero Helpers: Shawn Shipman, Robb &
Michelle Webb Lesson: Jesus Notices a Widow's Offering Stars Helpers: Kelly, Lexie and Bob Hinkle Lesson: Jesus is the Good Shepherd


April 24th WMF Baby Shower for Heartbeat April 28th Ladies Mini Retreat: More Details Coming!

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