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Name of Country:___________________________________________

Name of Coordinating Respondent:______________________________________

Function/Title:________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Phone (Land Line): ______________________________________________ - (Mobile): ______________________________________________________ Fax: _________________________________________________________________ E-mail Addresses: _____________________________________________________

ACRONYMS AIDS ASRH CEDAW GBV HIV ICPD ICPD+10 ICPD+15 ICPD+5 INGOs M&E MDGs NDS ODA OIC PoA PRSP RH RHCS UNFPA Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women Gender Based Violence Human Immunodeficiency Virus International Conference on Population and Development (held in Cairo Egypt in 1994) 10th Anniversary of the ICPD (which was marked in 2004) 15th Anniversary of the ICPD (which was marked in 2009) 5th Anniversary of the ICPD (which was marked in 1999) International Non-Governmental Organisations Monitoring and Evaluation Millennium development Goals National Development Strategy Official Development Assistance Officer-in-Charge Programme of Action Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper Reproductive Health Reproductive Health Commodity Security United Nations Population Fund

SECTION 1: OVERARCHING a) Adoption / revision of a National Population Policy 1.1 Does your country have a national population policy? Yes Year of adoption [_______]


(skip to 1.8)


If yes, when was the last revision carried out? Yes Year of most recent revision [_______] If yes, skip to 1.3



If No, are there plans to review the policies? Yes 1.4 If YES, are there priority areas that your country will review first? No

1.5 If No please briefly explain why?


If yes, please indicate the areas that have been revised / added to the policy. Yes 1. Poverty 2. Environment issues 3. Gender equality, equity and empowerment of women 4. Gender-Based Violence 5. The family, its roles, composition and structure 6. Children 7. Youth 8. Reproductive rights 9. Reproductive health 10. Family Planning 3

11. HIV/AIDS 12. Population spatial distribution 13. Urbanization 14. Internal migration 15. International Migration 16. Other (please specify): __________________________ 1.7 Was ICPD Programme of Action/the ICPD+5 Key Actions taken into account in the revision? Yes If Yes, explain ------------------------------------------------------------No


Is the last population policy document a- A document adopted by the parliament b- A document adopted in the Ministers Council c- A document adopted by the Ministry in charge of population matters

Institutional Arrangements for Population Policy Implementation 1.10 Please indicate the institutional arrangement presently in place to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the national population policy: Institutional Arrangement If yes, is there budgetary provision for the unit --Yes Yes Yes Yes


1 2 3 4 6 7

Population Commission at national level Population Council at national level Population Unit in a Central Ministry Population Unit in Multiple Ministries Population Units decentralised to Sub National Level Others (Specify); ___________________________

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

1.11 If yes, does the National Population Policy include: Objectives Targets or milestones Targets differentiated by population groups Outputs or deliverables Detailed costs for each objectives/output area An indication of funding sources to support programme implementation A monitoring and evaluation framework

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No No 4


If the country does not have a national population policy, are there other policy frameworks, strategies, and/or regulations which address population policy issues?

1.13 If Yes, please specify ------------------------------ No

skip to ---

1.14 Issue

Policy framework issue is included in

Institutional entity that monitor/ coordinate/ implement

1. Poverty 2. Environment issues 3. Gender equality, equity and empowerment of women 4. Gender-Based Violence 5. The family, its roles, composition and structure 6. Children 7. Youth 8. Reproductive rights 9. Reproductive health 10. Family Planning 11. HIV/AIDS 12. Population spatial distribution Urbanization 13. Internal migration 14. International Migration Other (please specify):

1.15 Does the country have a national monitoring and evaluation plan for the ICPD PoA? Yes In progress No

1.16 Since 2004, has your Country formulated A National Development Strategy (NDS) Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP)

Yes Yes

year [_______] Year [_______]

No No


Which of the following MDGs is the most relevant to in present NDS/PRSP? ( please tick the box only if the MDG is given explicit attention in the above strategies or leave box unchecked if answer is No)

No 1 2 3 4 5a 5b 6 7 8

MDGs Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women Goal 4: Reduce child mortality Goal 5a: Improve maternal health Goal 5b: Universal access to RH Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability Goal 8: Develop a global partnership for development

Integration National Development National Health Strategy Strategy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Please indicate which of the following population- related issues are included in the current NDS/PRSP and have approved budget lines ? (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) Articulated in NDS/PRSP YES 1. Reduction of extreme hunger 2. employment and job creation 3. universal primary education 4. Girl child education 5. Reproductive health 6. Reproductive rights 7. Ante-natal, safe delivery and post-partum care 8. Emergency obstetric care 9. Supply and distribution of RH Commodities 10. Child health care 11. Adolescents reproductive health 12. STIs (excluding HIV/AIDS) 13. HIV/AIDS 14. Family Planning 15. Youth capacity building and Empowerment 16. Gender equality, equity and empowerment of women 17. Gender Based Violence 18. Human rights 19. Population distribution urbanisation & internal migration 20. International Migration 21. Statistical Systems and Data Quality 22. Housing/shelter 23. Environmental concerns 24. Preparedness and mitigation of Emergencies and Crises 25. Other (please specify); _______________ 6 Approved budget in NDP/PRSP YES

1.19 Circle yes if the National Population Policy, NDS or PRSP specify any of the following populations groups: Women and girls Adolescents Children People living with HIV Indigenous people Migrants Refugees IDPs Populations living in underserved areas (eg. rural, mountainous, hard to reach) People with disabilities Sex workers People living in poverty Elderly Any others (please specify) If the country does not have a NDS or a PRSP: 1.20 Are there other national policy framework / strategies regarding access to economic resources and/or welfare that contain the following: Income poverty Food security Adequate nutrition Access to drinking water Safe and improved sanitation facilities Access to electricity Decent work Adequate housing Appropriate bio-capacity Any other (please specify) Transportation/mobility Access to communications and information technologies Reduce mortality rates of girls and women Remove gender disadvantage in education Provide more opportunities for women in the economy Reduce earnings and productivity gaps between men and women Limit the reproduction of gender inequality across generations Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Specify if NPP/ NDS/ PRSP

No No No No No

Specify strategy/ policy


Please list the main priorities /objective (s) this strategy / policy framework aims at achieving


Has there been clear progress for any of these priorities / objectives?


If yes, please explain which and factors linked to progress.

1.24 When there was no progress, what were the barriers? Please explain

1.25 Are the following cross-cutting issues explicitly recognized as guiding principles in national planning frameworks: Addressing stigma and discrimination Gender equality/gender mainstreaming Human-rights based approach Environmental sustainability Demographic dynamics Any other (please specify)?

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No

1.26 Has your country ratified, and is it implementing and reporting on, the following international human rights treaties?

Year of ratification

What coordinating agency/body coordinates state reports to the following core treaty bodies

Year of last state report to the correspondin g treaty body?

Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (ICRMW) Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty International

Yes/No ______ Yes/No ______ Yes/No ______

Yes/No ______ Yes/No ______ Yes/No ______ Yes/No ______ Yes/No ______ Yes/No ______ 9

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) Optional Protocol of the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) Optional protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict Optional protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography Convention Against Torture (CAT) Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

Yes/No ______

Yes/No ______ Yes/No ______ Yes/No ______ Yes/No ______ Yes/No ______ Yes/No ______


Does the country have a national law, regulation and/or policy to fight discrimination on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity or other status? Yes No

1.28 Does the country have the following protection mechanisms involved in monitoring and redressing potential negative impacts of ICPD related policies on human rights? Judiciary National human rights institutions Administrative mechanisms Parliamentary commissions/caucuses Any other (please specify)?

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No


1.29 Please cite ground-breaking rulings or resolutions (*) from any of these mechanisms and describe briefly how they have contributed to shape national laws, regulations and/or policies:

(*) ground breaking resolutions are paradigmatic cases that have created legal precedents and/or

1.30 Are the following in place to ensure free, active and meaningful civil society participation in the policy formulation process Access to information law Freedom of association law Inclusive participatory mechanisms for policy formulation Inclusive participatory mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation Participatory budgeting mechanisms Programmes developing the organizational capacity of marginalized populations Any other (please specify)?

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No No


Are the recommendations from the human rights mechanisms used to formulate, review and implement the sexual and reproductive health multi-sectoral strategy? Yes No

1.32 If yes, please explain how




Are there national laws, regulations, and/or policies that address discrimination against women and promote empowerment in realization of their rights? Yes No


If yes, does your country have multi-sectoral strategy targeting women?




If yes, what is the coordinating agency/body for the multi-sectoral strategy? _______________________________

2.6 If yes, which sectors are included in the multi-sectoral strategy?

Included in Strategy

Earmarked Budget (if yes, please provide % of total budget allocated to the sector)

Health Labor Military and police Justice Planning Transportation Women Young people Judiciary Human rights commission Any other (please specify)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No No No No No No

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

% % % % % % % % % % %

No No No No No No No No No No No


2.7 Does the multi-sectoral strategy on education include: Objectives Measurable targets or milestones Targets differentiated by population groups Outputs or deliverables Detailed costs for each objectives/output area An indication of funding sources to support programme implementation A monitoring and evaluation framework

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No No

2.8 If NO to either (a) or (b) or both, please indicate why Lack of resources Lack of political commitment Population issues given low priority Lack of institutional capacity Any other (please specify)? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Have any institutional arrangements been put in place for promoting Gender Equality, Equity and Empowerment of Women in accordance to ICPD PoA/the ICPD+5 Key actions? Yes No

2.11 If Yes, please indicate as appropriate, the various institutional arrangements and mechanisms that have been put in place (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No): No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Institutional Arrangement Ministerial Committees Parliamentary Committee Specific ministry for Gender in place Gender Unit in multiple Ministries Commission, council, or bureau for gender Gender ministry decentralised to sub national level Others (Specify); ___________________________ Action: Year of Establishment Yes : Year [ ] Yes : Year [ ] Yes : Year [ ] Yes : Year [ ] Yes : Year [ ] Yes : Year [ ] Yes : Year [ ]



Among the following measures please indicate which ones has your country taken? (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) If yes, please describe measure No Measures in support of increased Gender Equality and Empowerment

1 Measures aimed at increasing womens participation in the economy 2 Measures aimed at improving the collection, dissemination and use of gender-disaggregated data 3 Measures aimed at supporting research focusing on access and control over resources within the household 4 Measures aimed at increasing womens empowerment 5 Measures aimed at increasing womens participation in in politics 6 Measure aimed at aimed at protecting and upholding womens rights 7 Measures to increase womens control over income and property 8 Measures to address legal reforms to address the right of widows 9 Other (please specify).




Yes Yes Yes





In your countrys efforts in addressing gender equity, equality and empowerment of women please indicate areas of progress, and success factors



Please list the main priorities /objective (s) this strategy / policy framework aims at achieving


Has there been clear progress for any of these priorities / objectives?


If yes, please explain which and factors linked to progress.

2.17 When there was no progress, what were the barriers? Please explain


Does your country have laws / policy frameworks for the protection of the girl child?





Among the following actions which of these has your country adopted? (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) Year [____] 1. Raise the minimum legal age at marriage 2. Campaigns to inform communities about the consequences of early marriage Year [____] 3. Programmes to keep girls in school Year [____] 4. Institutional arrangement to monitor and report on progress of any of the above [Year [ ] 2. Other (please specify); ________________________ [Year [ ]


Has your Country adopted the following strategies/measures/actions for the protection of the girl child? (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Increasing girls access to primary education Increasing girls access to secondary education Increasing girls access to tertiary level of education Increasing girls access to vocational education and technical training Preventing trafficking and smuggling of girl children Preventing the use of girls in prostitution and pornography Protecting the girl child against traditional harmful practices Other (please specify); _______________ Year [____] Year [____] Year [____] Year [____] Year [____] Year [____] Year [____] Year [____]


Has your Country adopted the following measures to promote equal participation of men and women in all areas of family and household responsibilities? (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) If Yes; Brief Description of any Concrete Results Achieved and when (year)




1 Change in employment legislation 2 Change in Family leave for men and women 3 Other (please specify);______________________

Yes Yes Yes


Are there national laws, regulations, and/or policies concerning gender based violence? Yes 2.23 Circle yes if national laws, regulations, and/or policies concerning gender based violence address the following: Intimate Partner Violence Rape Hate crimes in relation to sexuality, sexual orientation and gender identity Sexual harassment Forced sterilization No

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No 16

Incest Dowry-related violence Marital rape Female genital mutilation and other traditional practices harmful to women Sexual abuse Trafficking in women GBV in educational institutions GBV in health care institutions GBV is the workplace Any others (please specify)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No No No No No


Please indicate if your country has adopted any of the following measures in order to prevent gender based violence? (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) If Yes Indicate Specific Actions Undertaken at Country Level Give Brief Description of any Concrete Results Achieved and when (year)


Measures against GBV


1 Provision of services for victims 2 Conduct of IEC/Advocacy on GBV 3 Counselling and other forms of legal assistance for victims of GBV 4 Sensitisation of Law makers/peace keepers and uniform/security forces on GBV prevention 5 Protocols for medical assistance to victims of GBV 6 Training of service providers/government officials to handle cases of gender-based violence 7 Other (please specify); ____________

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes




In your countrys efforts in addressing gender equity, equality and empowerment of women please indicate areas of progress, and success factors


Please list the main priorities /objective (s) this strategy / policy framework aims at achieving


Has there been clear progress for any of these priorities / objectives?


If yes, please explain which and factors linked to progress.


2.29 When there was no progress, what were the barriers? Please explain


Was the AAAQ taken into account in setting up medical and counselling services for GBV victims? Yes No


If yes, please comment on each aspect below:

Availability (Functioning public health and health care facilities, goods and services, as well as programmes in sufficient quantity) Accessibility (Health facilities, goods and services accessible to everyone, within the jurisdiction of the State party. Accessibility has 4 overlapping dimensions: non-discrimination; physical accessibility; economic accessibility (affordability); information accessibility) Acceptability (All health facilities, goods and services must be respectful of medical ethics and culturally appropriate, as well as sensitive to gender and life-cycle requirements) Quality (Health facilities, goods and services must be scientifically and medically appropriate and of good quality)


SECTION 3: CHILDREN AND YOUTH 3.1 Does your country have policy frameworks / strategies to address the needs of children and youth? Yes No


If yes, does your country have a multi-sectoral strategy on the needs of children and youth? Yes No


If yes, what is the coordinating agency/body for the multi-sectoral strategy on the needs of children and youth? ----------------------------------------------------------


If yes, what sectors contribute to the multi-sectoral policy? And with what budget? Included in Strategy Earmarked Budget (if yes, please provide % of total budget allocated to the sector)

Which sectors are included in the multisectoral strategy on the needs of children and youth with a specific budget for their activities Health Labor Military and police Justice Planning Transportation Education Women Judiciary Parliament Human rights commission Any other (please specify)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No No No No No No No

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

% % % % % % % % % % % %

No No No No No No No No No No No No


3.5 Does the multi-sectoral strategy on the needs of children and youth include: Objectives Measurable targets or milestones Targets differentiated by population groups Outputs or deliverables Detailed costs for each objectives/output area An indication of funding sources to support programme implementation A monitoring and evaluation framework

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No No


Has your country taken any measure / action related to the following? (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) If Yes Give Brief No Measures Indicate Description Specific of any Actions Concrete Undertaken Results at Country Achieved and Level when (year) 1 Enforcement of laws against trafficking and Yes economic exploitation of children 2 Provision of equal educational opportunities for Yes boys and girls at every level 3 Protection and care for street children Yes 4 Protection and care for orphans, particularly those victims of HIV/AIDS 5 Provision of assistance for rehabilitation of children who are victims of armed conflicts and other emergencies/disasters 6 Protection of young people against abuse and violence 7 Increasing access of young peoples to education and social services 8 Increasing access of young peoples to health services, including reproductive health 9 Increasing young peoples access to employment opportunities Yes Yes






11 Increasing young peoples access to technical and vocational skills training 12 Increasing young peoples participation of young people in decision making, including the political process 13 Other (please specify); ___________





In your countrys efforts in addressing the needs of children and youth, please indicate areas of progress, and success factors


Please list the main priorities /objective (s) this strategy / policy framework aims at achieving


Has there been clear progress for any of these priorities / objectives?



If yes, please explain which and factors linked to progress.


When there was no progress, what were the barriers? Please explain


Are there national laws, regulations, and/ or policies that regulate the provision of comprehensive sexuality education in primary, secondary and higher education institutions and for adolescents not enrolled in school?






Does your country have policy frameworks / strategies to address reproductive rights and reproductive health? Yes No


If yes, does your country have a multi-sectoral strategy to address reproductive rights and reproductive health? Yes No


If yes, what is the coordinating agency/body for the multi-sectoral strategy to address reproductive rights and reproductive health?


4.4 If yes, what sectors contribute to the multi-sectoral policy? And with what budget? Included in Strategy Earmarked Budget (if yes, please Which sectors are provide % of total budget included in the allocated to the sector) multisectoral strategy on reproductive rights and reproductive health with a specific budget for their activities Health Labor Military and police Youth Justice Planning Transportation Education Women Judiciary Parliament Human rights commission Any other (please specify) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes % % % % % % % % % % % % No No No No No No No No No No No No 24

4.5 Does the multi-sectoral strategy on reproductive rights and reproductive health include: Objectives Measurable targets or milestones Targets differentiated by population groups Outputs or deliverables Detailed costs for each objectives/output area An indication of funding sources to support programme implementation A monitoring and evaluation framework

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No No


Among the following list of objectives, which of those are included in your countrys national reproductive health strategy? (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) National Progress Reproductive Health Strategy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No progress


RH measures

1 Improve access to emergency obstetric care 2 Training of skilled birth attendants, with emphasis in rural areas 3 Access to family planning services 4 Access to family planning services specifically for young people 5 Family life / Sexuality education in school 6 Addressing mens knowledge in support of womens rights 7 Reduction harmful practices 9 Other (please specify); ___________

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


In your countrys efforts in addressing reproductive rights and reproductive health please indicate areas of progress, and success factors



Please list the main priorities /objective (s) this strategy / policy framework aims at achieving


Has there been clear progress for any of these priorities / objectives?


If yes, please explain which and factors linked to progress.


When there was no progress, what were the barriers? Please explain



For every objective in the above list please indicate the factors of progress, or barriers in case of lack of progress:


Do national laws, regulations, and/or policies guarantee universal access to sexual and reproductive health information, goods and services? Yes 4.14 Circle yes if the national law, regulations and/or policies related to universal access to SRH include the following services: No

Family planning: Counseling Information Education Communication and services Access to a range of methods Including emergency contraception Safe motherhood: Prenatal care Delivery (incl. skilled attendance, emergency obstetric services) Post-natal care Infertility treatment Safe abortion services Post abortion care Reproductive tract infections: Prevention Detection/Testing Treatment and care

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No


Sexually Transmitted Infections : Prevention Detection/Testing Treatment and care HIV/AIDS: Prevention Detection/Testing Treatment and care Reproductive cancers: (male and female) Prevention Detection/Testing Treatment and care Referral Services for victims of gender based violence Maternal Morbidities: (e.g. uterine prolapse, obstetric fistula) Prevention Treatment and care Any other (please specify)

Yes Yes

No No

Yes Yes

No No

Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No

Yes Yes Yes

No No No

4.15 Circle yes if the national law, regulations and/or policies related to universal access to SRH specifies any of the following populations groups: Women and girls Adolescents Children (look at age groups) People living with HIV Indigenous people Migrants Refugees IDPs Populations living in underserved areas (eg. rural, mountainous, hard to reach) Men who have sex with men

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No No No No No


Women who have sex with women People with disabilities Transgender people Sex workers People living in poverty Elderly Any others (please specify)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No No

4.16 Circle yes if the national law, regulations and/or policies affecting universal access to SRH include the following? Budgetary allocation for key SRH interventions Equitable distribution of services (e.g. distance to the facility, transportation, infrastructure) Service quality standards (eg. training of providers, drug quality control, gender sensitive, youth friendly Provision and access to SRH information Protection for patient's rights (eg. confidentiality, privacy, informed consent, non-discrimination, translation) Objective and measurable minimum quality standards for service delivery Referral recommendations across programmes to maximize RMNCH coverage Regulation of conduct and performance of public health institutions Regulation of conduct and performance of private health institutions Any other (please specify) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No


Are there any national laws, regulations and/or policies regarding the provision of a minimum SRH service package? Yes No


4.18 If yes, briey describe which services are included in the minimum SRH service package


Are there any national laws, regulations, and/or policies or practices that present obstacles to the ability to deliver universal access to SRH effectively? Yes No

4.20 Circle yes if the national law, regulations and/or policies address the following issues related to universal access to SRH Financial barriers (e.g user fees, transportation costs, unauthorized payment, cost of drugs) Information barriers (e.g. prohibition of SRH information) Stigma Mandated restrictions based on: Age Sex Ethnicity Third party authorization Conscientious objection Any other (please specify) Yes Yes Yes No No No

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No

4.21 Are there national laws, regulations and/or policies criminalizing the following activity: Use and distribution of contraception Provision of sexual and reproductive health information Use and distribution of emergency contraception HIV transmission Mother to child transmission of SRH services Access to safe abortion Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No 30

Consensual sexual activity outside of marriage Conduct during pregnancy e.g alcohol and tobacco use Consensual Same sex sexual activity Sex work Any other (please specify)

Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No


Does the national essential medicine list include a full range of sexual and reproductive health medicines defined by WHO (* Yes No

4.23 If yes, what are the sexual and reproductive health medicines that are not included on the national essential medicine list? Briefly describe why. .


Are there national laws, regulations and/or policies that regulate the provision of sexual and reproductive health information? Yes No


Among the following list of actions, which are those that your country has adopted regarding reproductive rights? (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) Yes 1. 2. Establish mechanisms to increase mens and womens accessibility to comprehensive and factual information on reproductive health Mechanisms to facilitate mens and womens voluntary decisions about child-bearing and use of methods of family planning within the scope of national law Mechanisms to increase mens and womens access to reproductive health goods and services within the scope of national laws




Please indicate the existence/availability of the following; to address Reproductive Health as an integral part of primary health care (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) Yes 1. Guidelines and standards of service delivery 2. Existence of a minimum package integrated into primary health care provision 3. Availability of adequate human resources 4. Existence of mechanisms to monitor service delivery 5. Others (please specify): _________________________________


Do the national systems for planning and distribution of drugs and supplies include commodities for reproductive health? (Tick the box if the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) Yes No


Does a system for forecasting of drugs and supplies for reproductive health exist? (Tick the box if the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) Yes No


Where does the budget for procurement for drugs and supplies come from? (Tick the box if the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) Primarily government Primarily donors Both government and donors


Where does the budget for reproductive health commodities come from? (Tick the box if the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) Primarily government Primarily donors Both government and donors


Is there a system/process for donor coordination in the health sector in place?(Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) Yes No


Has your Country developed approaches to address the specific reproductive health needs of any of the following sub-categories of people? (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) Yes 1. People with disabilities 2. Refugees and IDPs 3. Migrants 4. People living in rural, hard to reach areas 5. People living with HIV 6. The poor 7. Other (please specify); ________________ 32


Among the following list of measures, which of those are included in your countrys national reproductive health strategy? (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) If Yes Indicate Response Specific Actions Undertaken at Country Level Give Brief Description of any Concrete Results Achieved and when (year)


Measures addressing Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH)

1 Access to confidentiality reproductive health counselling and services 2 Incorporation of reproductive health and life planning skills into formal education and training for young people 3 Incorporation of reproductive health and life planning skills into non formal and vocational training for young people 4 Prevention of HIV/AIDS and other sexually-transmitted diseases among adolescent Access to contraception regardless of marital status Prevention of early marriages Prevention of discrimination against young pregnant women 5 Other (please specify)

Yes Yes



Yes Yes Yes Yes


In your countrys efforts in addressing sexual and reproductive health, please indicate areas of progress, and success factors


Please list the main priorities /objective (s) this strategy / policy framework aims at achieving



Has there been clear progress for any of these priorities / objectives?


If yes, please explain which and factors linked to progress.


When there was no progress, what were the barriers? Please explain


Was the AAAQ taken into account in setting up sexual and reproductive health services? Yes No


If yes, please comment on each aspect below:

Availability (Functioning public health and health care facilities, goods and services, as well as programmes in sufficient quantity) 34

Accessibility (Health facilities, goods and services accessible to everyone, within the jurisdiction of the State party. Accessibility has 4 overlapping dimensions: non-discrimination; physical accessibility; economic accessibility (affordability); information accessibility) Acceptability (All health facilities, goods and services must be respectful of medical ethics and culturally appropriate, as well as sensitive to gender and life-cycle requirements) Quality (Health facilities, goods and services must be scientifically and medically appropriate and of good quality)


SECTION 5: HEALTH, MORBIDITY and MORTALITY 5.1 Does your country have a national health policy framework? Yes No


If yes, does your country have a multi-sectoral strategy on health? Yes No


If yes, what is the coordinating agency/body for the multi-sectoral strategy on health?



If yes, what sectors contribute to the multi-sectoral policy? And with what budget? Included in Strategy Earmarked Budget (if yes, please provide % of total budget allocated to the sector)

Which sectors are included in the multisectoral strategy health with a specific budget for their activities Health Labor Military and police Justice Planning Transportation Education Women Judiciary Parliament Human rights commission Any other (please specify)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No No No No No No No

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

% % % % % % % % % % % %

No No No No No No No No No No No No


5.5 Does the multi-sectoral strategy on health include: Objectives Measurable targets or milestones Targets differentiated by population groups Outputs or deliverables Detailed costs for each objectives/output area An indication of funding sources to support programme implementation A monitoring and evaluation framework

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No No

5.6 Are there national laws, regulations, and/or policies that regulate provision of health information, goods and services in relation to Non Communicable Diseases? Yes 5.7 Circle yes if the national law, regulation and/or policy specifies any of the following populations groups: Women and girls Adolescents Children (look at age groups) People living with HIV Indigenous people Migrants Refugees IDPs Populations living in underserved areas (eg. rural, mountainous, hard to reach) Men who have sex with men Women who have sex with women People with disabilities Transgender people Sex workers People living in poverty Elderly Any others (please specify) No

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No



Are there national laws, regulations, and/or policies that regulate provision of health information, goods and services in relation to immunizations? Yes 5.9 Circle yes if the national law, regulation and/or policy specifies any of the following populations groups: Women and girls Adolescents Children (look at age groups) People living with HIV Indigenous people Migrants Refugees IDPs Populations living in underserved areas (eg. rural, mountainous, hard to reach) Men who have sex with men Women who have sex with women People with disabilities Transgender people Sex workers People living in poverty Elderly Any others (please specify) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No


Are there national laws, regulations, and/or policies that regulate provision of health information, goods and services in relation to Neglected Tropical Diseases? Yes No


5.11 Circle yes if the national law, regulation and/or policy specifies any of the following populations groups: Women and girls Adolescents Children (look at age groups) People living with HIV Indigenous people Migrants Refugees IDPs Populations living in underserved areas (eg. rural, mountainous, hard to reach) Men who have sex with men Women who have sex with women People with disabilities Transgender people Sex workers People living in poverty Elderly Any others (please specify)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No


Are there national laws, regulations, and/or policies concerning maternal mortality and morbidity prevention and reduction Yes No

5.13 Circle yes if the national law, regulation and/or policy specifies any of the following populations groups: Adolescents People living with HIV Indigenous people Migrants Refugees IDPs

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No 39

Populations living in underserved areas (eg. rural, mountainous, hard to reach) People with disabilities Sex workers People living in poverty Any others (please specify)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No


Are there national laws, regulations, and/or policies concerning mandatory vital statistics registration? Yes No

5.15 Circle yes if the national law, regulation and/or policy specifies any of the following populations groups: Indigenous people Migrants Refugees IDPs Populations living in underserved areas (eg. rural, mountainous, hard to reach) Any others (please specify) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No




Does your country have a national HIV/AIDS policy framework? Yes No


If yes, does your country have a multi-sectoral strategy on HIV/AIDS? Yes No


If yes, what is the coordinating agency/body for the multi-sectoral strategy on HIV/AIDS?



If yes, what sectors contribute to the multi-sectoral policy? And with what budget? Included in Strategy Earmarked Budget (if yes, please provide % of total budget allocated to the sector)

Which sectors are included in the multisectoral strategy on HIV/AIDS with a specific budget for their activities Health Labor Military and police Justice Planning Transportation Education Women Judiciary Parliament Human rights commission Any other (please specify)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No No No No No No No

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

% % % % % % % % % % % %

No No No No No No No No No No No No


6.5 Does the multi-sectoral strategy on HIV/AIDS include: Objectives Measurable targets or milestones Targets differentiated by population groups Outputs or deliverables Detailed costs for each objectives/output area An indication of funding sources to support programme implementation A monitoring and evaluation framework

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No No


Among the following list of institutional frameworks, which of these are in place in your country to address HIV/AIDS? Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No): No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Institutional Arrangement National AIDS Commission Ministerial Committees on HIV/AIDS Parliamentary Committee on HIV/AIDS Specific Ministry for HIV/AIDS in place HIV/AIDS Unit in Ministries HIV/AIDS Commissions or Units decentralised to sub national level 7 Others (Specify); ___________________________ Year of Establishment Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

if yes, indicate which


Among the following list measures, which of those are in place your country to address prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS? (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) If Yes Indicate Specific Actions Undertaken at Country Level Give Brief Description of any Concrete Results Achieved and when (Year)


HIV Prevention and Treatment Measures

1 Protection of the rights of individuals (PLWAs and non-PLWAs) 3 Counselling & voluntary testing centers 4 Increasing access to condom availability and use 6 Prevention of mothe- to-child transmission

Yes Yes Yes Yes 42

7 Provision of antiretroviral therapy 9 Increasing the capacity of service providers from different sectors 10 Provision of medical, psychological & social care to HIV/AIDS victims 11 Provision of services for the management of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) 15 Other (please specify)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

6.8 To what extent has HIV/AIDS been integrated into the following (please X the appropriate box): Integrated into reproductive health Integrated into primary health care care Fully integrated Somewhat integrated Poorly integrated Not at all integrated


If HIV/AIDS is fully integrated into reproductive health programmes and services please indicate the areas of integration: (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) Yes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Legislation Budgeting Technical guidelines and Protocols Service Delivery mechanisms and at Service Delivery Points Central level Sub-national level Others (specify)


If HIV/AIDS is not fully integrated into reproductive health programmes and services please indicate why?



If HIV/AIDS is fully integrated in primary health care programmes please indicate the areas of integration: (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) Yes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Legislation Budgeting Technical guidelines and Protocols Service Delivery mechanisms and at Service Delivery Points Central level Sub-national level Others (specify)


If HIV/AIDS is not fully integrated into primary health care programmes please indicate why?


In your countrys efforts in addressing HIV/AIDS, please indicate areas of progress, and success factors


Please list the main priorities /objective(s) this strategy / policy framework aims at achieving



Has there been clear progress for any of these priorities / objectives?


If yes, please explain which and factors linked to progress.


When there was no progress, what were the barriers? Please explain


Was the AAAQ taken into account in setting up HIV/AIDS services? Yes No

If yes, please comment on each aspect below:

Availability (Functioning public health and health care facilities, goods and services, as well as programmes in sufficient quantity) 45

Accessibility (Health facilities, goods and services accessible to everyone, within the jurisdiction of the State party. Accessibility has 4 overlapping dimensions: non-discrimination; physical accessibility; economic accessibility (affordability); information accessibility) Acceptability (All health facilities, goods and services must be respectful of medical ethics and culturally appropriate, as well as sensitive to gender and life-cycle requirements) Quality (Health facilities, goods and services must be scientifically and medically appropriate and of good quality)



7.1 Has your country adopted any explicit policies/strategies to address population distribution? Yes No

7.2 If yes, does your country have a multi-sectoral strategy for regional planning? Yes No

7.3 If yes, what is the coordinating agency/body for the multi-sectoral strategy for regional planning? ----------------------------------------------------------

7.4 If yes, what sectors contribute to the multi-sectoral policy? And with what budget? Which sectors are included in the multisectoral strategy for regional planning with a specific budget for their activities Health Labor Military and police Justice Planning Transportation Education Women Judiciary Human rights commission Any other (please specify) Included in Strategy Earmarked Budget (if yes, please provide % of total budget allocated to the sector)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No No No No No No

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

% % % % % % % % % % %

No No No No No No No No No No No


7.5 Does the multi-sectoral strategy for regional planning include: Objectives Measurable targets or milestones Targets differentiated by population groups Outputs or deliverables Detailed costs for each objectives/output area An indication of funding sources to support programme implementation A monitoring and evaluation framework

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No No

7.6 Circle yes if the national law, regulation and/or policy specifies any of the following: Security of tenure Access to safe drinking water Access to adequate sanitation Access to other social services (education and health) Policing and human security Access to economic activity Infrastructural development Slum prevention and upgrading (see World Summit Outcome 2005 for wording) Any other (please specify)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No No No No

7.7 Does your countrys strategy for regional planning policy take into account the following: The size of relevant sub-populations (differentiated by age and gender) The growth rate of relevant sub-populations Changes in population age structure (e.g. changes in relative size of older and younger sub-populations ) Intergenerational wealth transfer Any others (please specify)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No



Among the following issues, which are those that your Country consider to be priorities? (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) Yes 1. 2. 2. 4. 5. 6. Spatial distribution of population Population density Rapid Urbanization Rural exodus Internal migration of skilled professionals Other (specify); _______________________


Among the following measures, which are those that your country has adopted to address rural/regional development? (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) If Yes Indicate Specific Actions No Measures Response Undertaken at Country Level 1 Adopting labour-intensive Yes projects 2 Training in non farming Yes job for youth Yes 3 Improving rural transport and communication systems and social service 4 Decentralizing Yes administrative systems 5 Resource allocation to sub Yes national level institutions 6 Establishing incomeYes generating projects 7 Ensuring access to and Yes ownership of land 8 Ensuring access to Yes agricultural inputs 9 Ensuring access to water Yes resources for family units 10 Ensuring access to credit Yes facilities Yes 11 Establishing production and marketing cooperatives 12 Protecting local producers Yes against unfair competition 13 Ensuring access to farm Yes inputs 14 Other (please specify) Yes



In your countrys efforts in addressing population distribution, migration and urbanisation issues please indicate areas of progress, and success factors


Please list the main priorities /objective (s) this strategy / policy framework aims at achieving


Has there been clear progress for any of these priorities / objectives?


If yes, please explain which and factors linked to progress.



When there was no progress, what were the barriers? Please explain


SECTION 8: INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION 8.1 Does your country have a policy framework on international migration? Yes No


If yes, does your country have a multi-sectoral strategy for addressing international migration? Yes No


If yes, what is the coordinating agency/body for the multi-sectoral strategy for addressing international migration?



If yes, what sectors contribute to the multi-sectoral policy? And with what budget? Included in Strategy Earmarked Budget (if yes, please provide % of total budget allocated to the sector)

Which sectors are included in the multisectoral strategy for addressing international migration with a specific budget for their activities Health Labor Military and police Justice Planning Transportation Education Women Judiciary Parliament Human rights commission Any other (please specify)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No No No No No No No

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

% % % % % % % % % % % %

No No No No No No No No No No No No


8.5 Does the multi-sectoral strategy for addressing international migration include: Objectives Measurable targets or milestones Targets differentiated by population groups Outputs or deliverables Detailed costs for each objectives/output area An indication of funding sources to support programme implementation A monitoring and evaluation framework

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No No

8.6 Does the national law, regulations and/or policies related to international migration address the following issues: Long-term residence Well-being of migrants Regulation of remittances Temporary labor migration Highly skilled migration Non-refoulement Return and reintegration Undocumented migrants Forced displacement leading to migration Exploitation of migrants Prevention of trafficking (Palermo) Family re-unification Access to : Adequate housing Education Primary health care services SRH information and services necessary social services (water, sanitation, etc name the 4 categories of migrants)? Any other (please specify)? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No


8.7 Circle yes if the national law, regulation and/or policy specifies any of the following populations groups: Women and girls Adolescents Children People living with HIV Refugees Populations living in underserved areas (eg. rural, mountainous, hard to reach) People with disabilities People living in poverty Elderly Any others (please specify) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No


Are there any laws, policies or practices that present obstacles to the protection of migrants? Yes No

8.9 If Yes, briey describe the law, policies or practices and how they are implemented:


Among the following list of issues, which are those that are considered priorities for your country? (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) Yes 1. Brain drain 2. Massive influx of migrants 3. Competition in the labor market 4. Massive emigration of nationals 5. Population decline in some regions 6. Other (specify) 54


Among the following measures, which are those that your country has adopted? (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) If Yes, indicate specific measures undertaken at Country Level Progress achieved


International Migration measures


1 Facilitate return of skilled migrants 2 Facilitate voluntary return of migrants 3 Customs and tax exemptions for returning migrants 4 Facilitate investment from Diaspora communities 5 Capacity development of migration management 7 Building partnerships and sharing best practices 8 Other (please specify)

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes


In your countrys efforts in addressing international migration, please indicate areas of progress, and success factors


Please list the main priorities /objective (s) this strategy / policy framework aims at achieving



Has there been clear progress for any of these priorities / objectives?


If yes, please explain which and factors linked to progress.


When there was no progress, what were the barriers? Please explain


Has your Country taken steps to ensure respect and protection of the human rights of all migrants particularly of women and children, refugees and displaced persons?




If Yes, please indicate the measures adopted:




Does your country have national education policy frameworks? Yes No


If yes, does your country have a multi-sectoral strategy on education? Yes No


If yes, what is the coordinating agency/body for the multi-sectoral strategy on education?



If yes, what sectors contribute to the multi-sectoral policy? And with what budget? Included in Strategy Earmarked Budget (if yes, please provide % of total budget allocated to the sector)

Which sectors are included in the multisectoral education strategy with a specific budget for their activities Health Labor Military and police Justice Planning Transportation Women Young people Judiciary Parliament Human rights commission Any other (please specify)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No No No No No No No

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

% % % % % % % % % % % %

No No No No No No No No No No No No


9.5 Does the multi-sectoral strategy on education include: Objectives Measurable targets or milestones Targets differentiated by population groups Outputs or deliverables Detailed costs for each objectives/output area An indication of funding sources to support programme implementation A monitoring and evaluation framework

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No No

9.6 Circle yes if the education policy includes any of the following: Free and compulsory primary education Equal education for girls and boys Secondary and higher education provision Retention Quality and acceptability of curricula Harassment and bullying Equitable distribution of education institution Minimum education standards (article 13.4 of ICESCR) Non-formal education Essential infrastructure for educational settings (e.g. separate toilet facilities, adequate transportation) Life-long education Any others (please specify) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

9.7 Circle yes if the education policy specifies any of the following populations groups: Women and girls Adolescents Children (look at age groups) People living with HIV Indigenous people Migrants Refugees IDPs Populations living in underserved areas (eg. rural, mountainous, hard to reach) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No


People with disabilities People living in poverty Elderly Any others (please specify)

Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No


In implementing the education policies / strategies was the AAAAQ taken into account? Yes No


If yes, please comment on each aspect below:

Availability (Functioning public health and health care facilities, goods and services, as well as programmes in sufficient quantity) Accessibility (Health facilities, goods and services accessible to everyone, within the jurisdiction of the State party. Accessibility has 4 overlapping dimensions: non-discrimination; physical accessibility; economic accessibility (affordability); information accessibility) Acceptability (All health facilities, goods and services must be respectful of medical ethics and culturally appropriate, as well as sensitive to gender and life-cycle requirements) Adaptability (education has to be flexible so it can adapt to the needs of changing societies and communities and respond to the needs of students within their diverse social and cultural settings) Quality (Health facilities, goods and services must be scientifically and medically appropriate and of good quality)




Please indicate the current policy of your Country towards entry of refugees: (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) Yes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. No policy Halt of the flow Reduce flow Maintain flow Increase flow Other (please specify); ____________________


Please indicate the current policy of your Country towards entry of asylum seekers: (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) Yes 7. No policy 8. Halt of the flow 9. Reduce flow 10. Maintain flow 11. Increase flow 12. Other (please specify); ____________________


Has your Country taken the following measures or strategies in favour of internally displaced persons and/or refugees? (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) If Yes Indicate Specific Actions Undertaken at Country Level Give Brief Description of any Concrete Results Achieved and when (year)


Concerns for internally displaced persons/refugees


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Adequate protection and Assistance Basic education Employment opportunities Vocational training Basic health services including reproductive health and family planning Adequate capacity preparedness Programmes of rehabilitation Programmes of resettlement Other (please specify) Other (please specify)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes



Has your Country adopted or facilitated the action of NGOs/INGOs in assisting displaced persons? Yes No


If Yes, please specify: (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) Yes 1. Review of policy 2. Resource allocation 3. Training of staff 4. Granting special concession and privileges 5. Others (specify) Has your Country adopted or facilitated the action of NGOs/INGOs in assisting refugees? Yes No



If Yes, please specify: (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) Yes 1. Review of policy 2. Resource allocation 3. Training of staff 4. Granting special concession and privileges 5. Others (specify)


Has your Country ratified an international Convention on refugees and displaced persons? Yes No


Please indicate if your Country has in place any contingency plan to manage and address disaster or crisis situation Yes No




Has your country adopted any strategies, measures or policies which enable the formation and sustainability of partnerships with non-governmental organisations addressing population and development issues? Yes No 11.2 If yes, please elaborate:


Has your country established any partnerships addressing ICPD PoA Themes at the national level? (Tick the relevant box and specify theme) No Organisation 1 National NGOs 2 Civilsociety organisations 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Donor Agencies International NGOs Private Sector Media Community and Opinion Leaders Young People Womens Groups Others (Please Specify) Others (Please Specify) Specify ICPD PoA Theme


Has your Country established any partnerships addressing ICPD PoA Themes at the subnational level? (Tick the relevant box and specify theme) No Organisation 1 National NGOs 2 Civil society organisations 3 Donor Agencies 4 International NGOs 5 Private Sector 6 Media 7 Community and Opinion Leaders 8 Young People 9 Womens Groups 10 Others (Please Specify) Specify ICPD PoA Theme



Does your country collaborate with Non-governmental Organisations, Civil Society Organisations and other partners in policy formulation and decision making regarding any of the ICPD PoA themes? Yes No 11.6. If yes, please elaborate;


Does your country collaborate with women and youth groups in policy formulation and decision making concerning any of the ICPD PoA themes? Yes 11.8 If yes, please elaborate No


Please indicate any action taken by Government to support the following organisations/categories of persons in the implementation of the ICPD PoA actions. (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No)
No Organisation Logistics Support and supply of commod ities 1 National NGOs 2 Civil society organisations 3 Donor Agencies 4 International NGOs 5 Private Sector 6 Media Practitioners Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Action Taken or support Provided by Government Appointment Acted as Provision Waiver to Serve on Reference of of taxes Coordinating for Donor Funding Mechanism Support

Others (Please Specify) ..

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

7 Community and Opinion Leaders

8 Young People 9 Womens Groups 10 Others (Please Specify)


11.10 Does your country support private sector partnerships between for profit and not for profit organizations, which address ICPD PoA themes?



11.11 If yes, please elaborate;

11.12 Indicate which of the following areas where the government has partnered with organisations/categories of persons? (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No)
Areas of Partner Involvement Research and Policy Advocacy and Data collection Formulation Awareness Raising Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes



1 National NGOs 2 Civil society organisations 3 Donor Agencies 4 International NGOs 5 Private Sector 6 Media Practitioners 7 Local elders and Chiefs/ Tribal Leaders 8 Young People 9 Womens Community Groups 10 Women Ministers and Parliamentarians 11 National Parliamentary Committees 12 People Living with HIV/AIDS 13 Leaders of Faith Based Groups 14 Others (Please Specify)

Service Delivery Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes





Since 2004, has your Country assigned responsibility to any national institution(s) for the coordination, monitoring of, and reporting on ICPD issues including the implementation of population policies and programmes; and, for taking into consideration the linkages between population and environment and their impact on sustainable development?




If so, briefly describe:


If yes, please indicate the various institutional arrangements and their functions (issues specifically monitored by the institution(s): (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) No Institutional Arrangement Functions including issues monitored 1 Centralised M&E Unit i. Policy and Legislative Compliance located outside a ii. Quality of Product/service delivered iii Geographic Coverage/reach government ministry iv. Accountability and resource use v. Results and Impact achieved vi. Other (specify); ________________ 2 Monitoring and Evaluation i. Policy and Legislative Compliance Unit in a Central Ministry ii. Quality of Product/service delivered iii Geographic Coverage/reach iv. Accountability and resource use v. Results and Impact achieved vi. Other (specify); ________________ 3 Monitoring and Evaluation i. Policy and Legislative Compliance Units in various Sectoral ii. Quality of Product/service delivered Ministries iii Geographic Coverage/reach iv. Accountability and resource use v. Results and Impact achieved vi. Other (specify); ________________ 4 Others (specify); ______ i. Policy and Legislative Compliance ii. Quality of Product/service delivered iii Geographic Coverage/reach iv. Accountability and resource use v. Results and Impact achieved vi. Other (specify); ________________ 65


Please indicate whether the following components are part of the mandate of the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) institutional arrangement. (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No)

No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Components Maternal health Reproductive health Family planning Adolescent reproductive health STIs (excepting HIV/AIDS) HIV/AIDS Womens empowerment Girls education Other (please specify); ___________ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Which of the following institutional arrangements have been put in place for the follow up and coordination of the implementation of the various strategies: (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) Type of Strategy No National National National Institutional Arrangement Development Health Reproductive Strategy Strategy Health (PRS/NDS) Strategy 1 Ministerial committee/unit Yes Yes Yes 2 Parliamentary committee/unit Yes Yes Yes 3 National Commission/Council/bureau Yes Yes Yes 4 NGOs/donors Yes Yes Yes 5 Community and religious Yes Yes Yes organization 6 Other (please specify); ___________ Yes Yes Yes


SECTION 13: 13.1


Does your country have a national strategy for the development of statistics? Yes No


If yes, to what extent has the strategy been implemented? Fully implemented Somewhat implemented Poorly implemented Not at all implemented


If no, do you have plans to develop such a strategy? Yes No


If yes, when?

13.5 Does your country have laws and/or regulations on statistics/research with special emphasis on the following: Sexual and reproductive health Social and economic Demographic Neglected tropical diseases Sexuality and gender roles Any other (please specify) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No


Which of the following efforts have been made to strengthen institutional capacity for data collection, analysis and utilization: (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) Yes 1. Strengthening the capacity of institutions for data collection, processing, analysis and utilization 2. Supporting the development of national databases and management information systems 3. Training of staff on database management 4. Creation/strengthening of a national statistical service 5. Training of professionals on the utilization of databases 6. Mobilizing donor support for capacity building in data 7. Other (please specify)



Which of the following efforts have been made to strengthen institutional capacity for research in reproductive health: (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) Yes 1. Supporting surveys and the generation of research papers 2. Supporting research by national population/health commission/council 3. Creation of national centre for studies in population 4. Supporting expansion of research to include "overlooked" groups 5. Supporting qualitative research on reproductive health topics 6. Recruiting and training of human resources 7. Provision of training for civil servants 8. Other (please specify) Since 2004, has an official data and information system for population policies and programmes monitoring and evaluation been established in the country? Yes No



If Yes, please indicate as applicable: (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) Yes 1. Central Statistics Agency 2. University/Research Institution 3. Government ministry 4. Government coordinating agency 5. Others (specify)

13.10 Please indicate the geographic coverage of the data system in terms of: (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) i) content: Nation




accessibility of information to users: International National


13.11 What strategies have been envisaged to mitigate the impact of humanitarian crisis situations in order to better plan interventions: (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) Yes 1. Rapid assessments 2. Registration of internally displaced persons and/or refugees 3. Specific surveys in affected areas 4. Databases on camp sites 5. Routine data collected by various humanitarian agencies 6. Collation of qualitative information from various sources 7. Conducting a post-crisis census 8. Other (specify) 68

13.12 Since 2004, has your Country developed a mechanism for monitoring and measuring the progress in achieving the quantitative goals of ICPD Programme of Action and the MDGs? (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) Yes 1. 2. 3. 4. Setting up a Multisectoral coordinating body to monitor the achievement of the goals Conducting an annual national survey on the status of implementation Appointing focal point/desk officers to oversee the implementation process Other (please specify)

13.14 Is there a functional health information system At national level Sub-national level Community level

Yes Yes Yes

No No No

13.15 If yes, briefly describe if/how non-governmental actors (parliamentary commissions, national institutions, civil society organizations, community-based organizations, etc.) are involved (*Potential role actors could play shadow reporting, independent reporting/analysis):





Are there national laws, regulations and/or policies regarding international cooperation and assistance for the implementation of ICPD PoA? Yes No

14.2 If yes, do they include the following: Commitment to 0.7% of GNP Commitment to SRH Mutual accountability Alignment with national priorities Harmonization National ownership National capacity development Commitment to human rights, gender equality and environmental sustainability (Accra Agenda) Busan Forum Any others (please specify)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No No No


Please indicate if the following socio-cultural constraints have impeded the implementation of the ICPD recommendations and the ICPD+5 Key Actions in your country: (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) Yes 1. Low degree of commitment by; i. Politicians ii. Religious leaders 2. The low literacy rate of people, particularly of women 3. Womens socio-economic status and vulnerability 4. Local customs, beliefs and practices 5. Unfavourable socio-cultural, norms, values and practices 6. Others (please specify): ___________________________________ Please indicate if the following economic and financial constraints have impeded the implementation of the ICPD recommendations and the ICPD+5 Key Actions in your country: (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No) Yes 1. Persistence of socio-economic crisis 2. Debt burden 3. Decrease of Official Development Assistance (ODA) 4. Lack of/Insufficient access to international trade market 5. Inadequate government funding of population activities 6. Difficulty in mobilizing other domestic resources for population programmes 70


7. 8. 9. 10. 14.5

Insufficient external financial resources mobilized for population programmes Competing National Problems Problem of Accountability Others (please specify): ___________________________________

Please indicate if the following institutional and technical capabilities issues have impeded the national implementation of the ICPD recommendations and the ICPD+5 Key Actions in your country. (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No): Yes 1. 2. Political instability and absence of good governance The lack of national technical capabilities to integrate population and sustainable development issues in national development frameworks The lack of clearly defined strategies for the implementation of population policies and programmes The lack of skills for promoting the effective implementation of population policies and programmes The inadequate integration of population variables in development planning High staff turnover that reduce the chances of maintaining one direction in development policy Lack of relevant data for M&E and demonstration of impact Others (please specify): ___________________________________

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 14.6

Please indicate if inadequate coordination of the activities of sectoral ministries, NGOs and external partners has impeded the implementation of the ICPD recommendations and the ICPD+5 Key Actions in your country. (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No): Yes 1. The lack of cooperation between the relevant sectoral ministries with the view to aggregating the various sectoral policies 2. The low degree of involvement of women in programme formulation, implementation and evaluation 3. The low degree of involvement of the NGOs in national policy formulation, implementation and evaluation 4. Inadequate cooperation between governmental and non-governmental organizations in programme formulation, implementation and evaluation 5. Inadequate cooperation and coordination with and among international organizations and donors 6. Others (please specify): ___________________________________


Please indicate if the lack of review of clearly defined laws and policies on the following subjects has impeded the implementation of the ICPD recommendations and the ICPD+5 Key Actions in your country. (Tick the box for which the answer is Yes or leave box unchecked if answer is No): 71

Yes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Integration of reproductive health into the primary health system Marriage and the family Minimum age at marriage Registration of births, deaths and marriages The production, sale and distribution of contraceptives The increase of a variety of contraceptives available to an individual or a couple Abortion Sterilization Reproductive rights HIV/AIDS Adolescent RH Standards of environmental hygiene Pollution and waste disposal Access to housing Others (please specify): ___________________________________


Please specify any other difficulties being experienced by your country in implementing population policies and programmes: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________


Would you request any special assistance from development partners for monitoring, evaluating and reporting of implementation of the ICDP-PoA recommendations in your country?



14.10 If Yes, please specify: ________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________



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