SWIFS Code of Ethics and Conduct v1.0 (04.23.2007) 5 Pages

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Southwestern Institute of Forensic Sciences

Code of Ethics & Conduct Version 1.0

Effective Date: 04.23.07


The purpose of this program is to promote the highest standard of medical, laboratory and business practice by establishing a framework of expectations for professional behavior for all staff members working at the Dallas County Southwestern Institute of Forensic Sciences. 2 Ethics Statement

The Dallas County Southwestern Institute of Forensic Sciences fulfills its mission by operating in compliance with the highest ethical standards. Integrity is the cornerstone of all aspects of department operations. All staff members are required to adhere to this guiding philosophy and act in a manner that displays compliance with ethical principles in their personal and professional conduct. 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Standards of Business Conduct. Comply with all applicable laws, regulations and policies; Be honest in all professional dealings; Provide full and accurate information in all internal and external business activities; Protect and preserve the confidentiality of business information and ensure that all communications comply with department information release policies and practices; Conduct casework in full compliance with current practice standards and maintain medical and scientific objectivity; Maintain verifiably accurate records; Be good stewards of taxpayer resources, including use of time, materials and equipment; Treat others with respect, without regard to their position or level within the department or outside the department; Exercise good judgment in performance of professional duties.

It is the responsibility of each staff member to:

3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9

3.10 Exercise good judgment regarding personal time and activities that would potentially have a negative impact on their ability to perform their jobs; 3.11 Avoid conflicts of interest, and notify a supervisor or management member when situations arise that might be viewed as conflicts of interest; 3.12 Promptly notify a supervisor or management member of any situation that has the potential of raising an ethical concern;

4 4.1

Implementation and Compliance Procedures All employees share responsibility for ensuring institutional integrity and maintaining an ethical work environment. 4.1.1 It is the responsibility of each employee to immediately advise a supervisor or management member of suspected unethical activities or situations. The act of advising a supervisor of a suspected situation does not imply that the situation is unethical only that the situation may have the appearance of being unethical and requires supervisory investigation. It is not the responsibility of non-supervisory staff to investigate suspected instances of unethical behavior. Employees acting in good-faith compliance with the Ethics Program are expressly protected from retaliation or retribution, and all such reports will be acted upon responsibly by supervisors and management.


4.1.3 4.1.4


Accordingly, any employee who knows of a situation or a proposed action that raises an ethical concern is strongly encouraged to communicate that concern immediately. This before a problem occurs approach often is the best way to address the issue and maintains compliance with the Ethics Program. Additionally, if an employee becomes aware of an action that is a violation of the Institutes Code of Ethics and Conduct then it is their duty to contact promptly their supervisor, or another member of the management, or the Dallas County Human Resources Department. 4.3.1 Failure to notify management in a timely manner of suspected unethical behavior is grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination.



Employees are reminded that only designated management members are authorized to maintain personnel records or records regarding employee performance. 4.4.1 All other employees are required to follow the implementation and compliance procedures described above. 4.4.2 Attempts to misuse the Ethics Program to harm another employee through false accusations, malicious rumors or other irresponsible actions will subject the informant to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.


All employees are encouraged to seek advice about any issues raised by this program or encountered in their work. 4.5.1 Advice may be obtained from your supervisor or any other member of management or from the Dallas County Human Resources Department.

5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4

Management Responsibilities Ensure that department policies and practices are aligned with ethical principles; Clearly communicate ethical expectations; Create a workplace where employees feel free to communicate concerns without fear of retaliation; Provide appropriate avenues for employees to obtain answers to ethical questions, voice ethical concerns and provide resolution to ethical issues within the framework of Dallas County Policy and Procedures and other applicable laws and regulations. Supervisor Responsibilities Set a good example; Keep promises and commitments; Support others in adhering to ethical standards; Respond promptly and appropriately to ethical questions and issues by receiving and evaluating information and formulating a response for management review. Employee Responsibilities Set a good example and support coworkers following ethical standards; As appropriate, attempt to resolve issues which appear to be inconsistent with departmental policy by communicating with the staff member(s) involved. 7.2.1 If direct communication does not resolve the situation or the employee is not comfortable communicating directly, then they should notify their supervisor or any member of management if they become aware of any conduct inconsistent with department policies or otherwise raises an ethical concern.

It is the responsibility of Management to:

6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4

It is the responsibility of Supervisors to:

7 7.1 7.2

It is the responsibility of Employees to:

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