Pandora Mission

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Pandora's Box

Imperial Guardsmen have been entrenched deep in the planets thick vegetation for days. Thick fog has blanketed the land causing low visibility and making it difficult to navigate terrain. Communications and electronics seem to be effected by some sort of interference. Morale is challenging and soldiers borderline mad. The units reach a clearing in the fog and clear chatter starts pouring through on the VOX. A Broadcast of incoming supply drops in the vicinity, but no response to outgoing transmissions. Forward units then spot Supply Crates dropping from the sky near their location. In the distance they hear loud mechanical noises. Upon arrival of the supply drop they found strange new equipment unseen by any one. The ground started to tremble and a the noises started to crescendo. Suddenly everything went silent. Then a large roar, WAAAAAAAAAAAAGGHHH, bellowed the through the landscape. The soldiers grabbed for the unknown objects and as they readied themselves they felt weird energy transfer their bodies. What have we done. DEPLOYMENT Split the table into four quarters and roll-off to choose who goes first. The side that deploys first selects a table quarter and deploys their units. The opposing side then deploys in the opposite table quarter. Both sides must remain 9 away from the center of the board. RESERVES Both sides may place any number of units in reserve SPECIAL GAME RULES Warp Rift : Place a model on the board and roll the scatter dice. If an arrow is rolled, move the objective 2D6 in the direction it scatters. If a hit is rolled scatter the objective using the arrow on the hit and scatter it D6 using the highest of the 2 results. Reduce Scatter if objective lands on impassible terrain or off the board. If the objective lands on models then place objective underneath models. PANDORAS BOX: Mysterious box that appears to be resupply with unknown devices and weapons. All game objectives have the Pandoras Box Special Rule. On the beginning of any player turn, before movement, for every uncontested objective, one unit with in 3 not locked in combat, may choose to roll 2D6 on the *Gift of Pandora table. If doubles are rolled the unit still gains the Gift of Pandora but has to roll a D6 on the *Wrath of Pandora table. Gifts do not assist units for Wrath of Pandora. Each gift will remain active as long as the unit remains with in 6 of the objective (lash, pavine of slaneesh, etc will cause loss of gift if unit is moved out of range). However some gifts are expendable, which means after they are used they are gone and must be used in the current player turn. GIFTS OF PANDORA GIFT OF WRATH: When double ones are rolled the unit must roll 2D6 on the Wrath of Pandora chart and take the highest. Unit receives no gift. GIFT OF SHROUDING: Gifted unit gains +1 Cover Save. GIFT OF HEROISM: Gifted unit gains Stubborn USR. GIFT OF MIGHT: Unit gains +1 to strength. GIFT OF WARRIORS: Gifted unit gains Counter Attack USR. GIFT OF FOCUS: Gifted unit may reroll to hit in shooting and close combat. GIFT OF BRAVERY: Gifted unit gains Fearless USR. GIFT OF PUNISHMENT: Punishment gives the unit the ability to call in a one of the following ordinance strikes. Expendable.
Punishment Retribution Range S LoS 1 LoS 5 AP Type - Ordinance Barrage, *Poison (4), Rending D3 Blast, No Cover, Rending

OBJECTIVES After deployment, but before scout move or infiltrators place a objective marker in the center of both unoccupied table 2 quarters, as shown in deployment map on page 2, and use the Warp Rift Game Rule. On turn 2 a 3rd objective will enter play. Place the objective on the center of the board, then use the Warp Rift Game Rule. GAME TURNS The side going second can roll to steal Initiative before the game starts. The end of turn 5 one player rolls a D6. On a 1-2 the game ends immediately, and on a 3 or more the game continues to round 6. If the game continues into 6 then at the end of game turn 6, one player rolls a D6. On a 1-3 the game ends immediately , on a 4-6 the game goes into game turn 7. The game ends at the end of game turn 7. VICTORY CONDITIONS When the game ends the player controlling the most objectives wins. A player controls an objective when they have a troop unit with in 3 of an objective marker and no enemy models are contesting the objective. Any model with in 3 of an objective may contest.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9


11 12

GIFT OF HARDINESS: Unit gains +1 to toughness stat until the start of your next player turn, but does not affect model for purposes of Instant Death. GIFT OF LIFE: Unit gains Feel No Pain USR. GIFT OF CHANCE: Unit gets to roll twice on Gifts of Pandora, but must reroll any results for Gift of Chance.

WRATH OF PANDORA 1 CONFUSION: Unit must pass a leadership test. If failed unit is disoriented and must recover. Unit can not shoot, or assault that turn. 4 DISORIENTED: The unit is shell-shocked and trying to recover. This round the unit must reroll all successful hits for range and close combat.

Malfunction : Weapons and equipment start to radiate

electricity. Opposing player gets to nominate D6 models in unit to receive Gets Hot rule. This rule is effective for shooting or close combat. Model must only pass one test for either range or close combat attack, after test Wrath is expended for that model.

Tremor : The ground starts to shift and sink holes open up

underneath. The unit must take a dangerous terrain check immediately. Also all movements made by the unit this turn count as difficult terrain.

Implosion : A large implosion pulls everything nearby into

the warp. When a implosion is caused roll a D6 for the objective and unit that activated Pandoras Box. Use the chart below to determine where everything exits the warp back on to the table. (Clarify to the other player where each location is before rolling). Once location is determined for the Objective then use Warp Rift game rule to Redeploy objective. Once Units location is determined use normal deep strike rules.

EXPLOSION: A tear in the warp appears and then closes abruptly. Then a huge charge of electricity arcs through the perimeter. The supply crate vanishes. Any model within 3+D6 is hit with warp energy. The blast wounds on 4+ and is rending. Cover saves worked out from center of the blast. All units wounded must take a pinning check.

Implosion Redployment Table

1 2
Player 1 Deployment Zone

3 4

5 6

Pandora's Box Deployment Map

Set-Up Summary

Roll off for deployment and choose table quarters. Both sides must remain 9 from center. Place 2 objectives in the center of the unoccupied table quarters and use Warp Rift special game rule. Third Objective enters play on beginning of turn 2 on center of table using Warp Rift special game rule. Both sides may place any number of units in reserve

Player 2 Deployment Zone

Aquila Imperial Eagle image, Games Workshop owned copyright.

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