Record Book: Solar Decathlon Term Project Name

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ENGR 101 Introduction to Engineering

Record Book

Solar Decathlon Term Project Name: _____________________

Prepared by L. El-Gabry for ENGR 101 Spring 2011

Table of Contents
Item Calendar Team members Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Page 3 4 5 12 20

March 7: Part 1 due at start of class March 28: Part 2 due (proposal) at start of class April 13 or 14: working model due (schedule 10 min team review) May 16 from 1:00 to 2:00 : Solar Expo Bartlett Plaza May 19 11:59 pm: Reports due May 23 (in-class): Presentations

List below the members of your project team and their contact informa@on
Name ID Phone Number Email

What is a Record Book? A Record Book is a place where you write notes, brainstorm ideas, make to-do-lists, perform calcula@ons, sketch concepts, etc. It will serve as a record of what you do on a daily basis on your project. Project Part I Due Monday March 7, 2011 at start of class ObjecGve: Design and build an energy saving passive hea@ng/cooling device that the AUC team can use in the Solar Decathlon and demonstrate it at the Solar Expo (Monday May 16 from 1:00 to 2:00 pm). Learning Outcomes: This project relates to the following course outcomes: 1. The engineering approach to problem solving. You will apply the engineering approach to dening the problem, gathering needed informa@on, searching for crea@ve solu@ons, designing and implemen@ng the design, evalua@ng the design, etc. 2. Engineering communicaGon and presentaGon. You will maintain a Record Book individually to capture your ideas, draw engineering sketches, and prepare a presenta@on including a demo for your product as well as an engineering specica@on for your product. 3. Team work. The project will be in teams of 5 and you will learn to work together so that all of you contribute to the success of your project. OrganizaGon: The project will be divided into several parts to ensure an early start and good progress towards the end goal. The nal outcome is to deliver a product that provides passive hea@ng/cooling. Some aspects of the project will be graded individually while others will be graded for the team as a whole. 5

Your rst assignment: The rst task is to gather background informa@on in a Record Book that will serve as a repository for you throughout this project. Your rst assignment is to 1. Print o a copy of Record Book for your project. 2. Background research: Find informa@on on Solar Decathlon, passive hea@ng/cooling, concepts from past houses, etc sketch them in your Record Book. Also do some background research on desert climate in Egypt and Oriental/Arabesque tradi@onal solu@ons for passive hea@ng/cooling. Due date: The nal product will be due May 16; however, there will be parts due sooner. Part I which is to get a Record Book and start the background research is due Monday March 7, 2011. Teams: You are to work in groups of 5 people. Part of the project grade will be on your ability to func@on successfully as a team. Please note that Record books are to be kept and maintained individually. Grading Checklist: 2 pts Record Book is printed in a proper page format. It includes your name and the names of your team members individual grade 4 pts Record Book contains three sketches of passive hea@ng/ cooling design concepts individual grade 4 pts Record Book contains research on solar decathlon, past student projects, and other informa@on you found in your research individual grade Relevant secGons of your textbook: Sec@on 6.4 Types of Engineering Wri@ng Logs and Notebooks (page 149) for a descrip@on of what a Record Book contains. 6 Sec@on 6.7 Sketching (page 158)







NOTES PAGES Background Research (include references)

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NOTES PAGES Background Research (include references)

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Project Part II Brainstorming ideas & preparing proposal Due Monday March 28, 2011 Whats Next: 1. Meet as a team and brainstorm ideas for your passive hea@ng/ cooling device. Record all ideas in your Record Book. 2. Select a set of criteria that you will use to evaluate the ideas. 3. Rate the ideas and priori@ze them in order of preference. 4. Choose as a team one idea to develop as your groups term project and write a proposal for that idea. Your team will submit a single proposal as a group and you will submit your individual Record Books on the due date. Elements of a proposal: Your proposal should include: 1. Title of your project 2. Name(s) of your team 3. A one-page descrip@on of what you intend to do, how youre going to do what youre proposing. 4. A sketch showing your proposed design, include dimensions and labels as feasible Grading Checklist: 5 pts Brainstorming ideas and selec@on criteria 5 pts Sketch of your teams proposed concept team grade 5 ptsDescrip@on of concept team grade Relevant secGons of your textbook: Chapter 5 the Engineering Approach to Problem Solving, in par@cular the sec@ons on Engineering Teams, Iden@ca@on of the Problem, Gathering Needed Informa@on, Searching for Crea@ve 12 Solu@ons, and Brainstorming



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List / sketch as many ideas with your team on these pages

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List / sketch as many ideas with your team on these pages

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List the criteria that you will use to evaluate the ideas that youve come up with.

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Sketch below the concept that you will be developing into a final product



Write a brief description of the concept that you will be developing into a final product

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Project Part III Build it, Test it, Show it, and Report on it! Due dates: April 13 or 14: Working model (with minor touch-ups remaining) May 16 from 1:00 to 2:00 pm: Solar Expo! May 19 11:59 pm: Reports due ( May 23 in class: Presenta@ons What now? Once your concept has been accepted, you may begin building: 1. Design, draw and build the model youve proposed 2. Test the model to make sure it works. 3. Bring the working model for a review on April 13 or 14. Your team will meet with me for 5 to 10-minutes to show me your product. By April 14/15, you should have something working. 4. You will receive feedback on your product during the demonstra@on and will have un@l the Solar Expo on May 16 to make modica@ons. 5. You will also prepare a technical report that is due May 16 and prepare a 10-minute presenta@on for May 23. Presenta@ons start at promptly at the start of class. 6. Reect on any ethical mamers that you have encountered during the project and complete the team evalua@ons and submit the record book on May 23rd at start of class.


Grading Checklist: 5 pts A working model of your design team grade 10 pts 10-minute presenta@on team grade 10 pts A Record Book lled with notes, calcula@ons, drawings, challenges and solu@ons, to-do-lists, division of labor/tasks, etc. The Record Books are also to be submimed with the project individual grade 10 pts A technical report and nal design incorpora@ng any feedback you receive during the presenta@on team grade 5 pts Evalua@on of your team work & contribu@on individual grade 5 pts Ethical reec@ons individual grade Relevant secGons of your textbook: Chapter 5 the Engineering Approach to Problem Solving, in par@cular sec@on 5.4 Stepping from Idea@on to Preliminary Designs, 5.6 Prepara@on of Reports, Plans, and Specica@ons Chapter 6 Engineering Communica@ons, par@cularly sec@on 6.4 Specica@ons and the Engineer as a Speaker (6.14 Guidelines for Eec@ve Speaking, 6.15 Visual Aids) Chapter 3 the Engineer as a Professional, specically 3.6 Engineering Ethics, 3.7 Moral Founda@ons of Engineering Ethics, 3.9 Code of Engineering Ethics, and 3.10 Case Studies in Engineering Ethics.




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Prepare a power point presenta@on on your design following the guidelines found in your textbook and what weve discussed in the lecture. Your presenta@on should include at a minimum: Cover page Objec@ves Methodology and Procedure Results Discussion Conclusions and Recommenda@ons Demonstra@on of your toy Please limit your presenta@on to no more than 10 minutes (including 2 minutes for ques@ons). The presenta@on grade will be a group grade. You dont all need to speak; you can have one person present or divide the presenta@on among you. Its up to you as a group to decide. You all need to par@cipate equally in the prepara@on of the presenta@on and be prepared to answer ques@ons even if youre not the presenter.


Prepare a technical report on your design following the guidelines found in your textbook and what weve discussed in the lecture. Your presenta@on should include at a minimum: Cover page Abstract Table of Contents Introduc@on Objec@ves Methodology and Procedure Results Discussion Conclusions and Recommenda@ons References Appendices Please limit your presenta@on to no more than 10 pages. The report grade will be a group grade. You should all contribute equally to the prepara@on of the report.


Evaluation of _________________________________ (name of partner #1)

Strongly Agree Did his/her fair share of the work on the project Took pride in his/ her work Listened to other teammates Learned from mistakes and improved


Disagree Strongly Disagree

Check one: ____ without this partner, my project grade would have been bemer ____ without this partner, my project grade would have been worse Comments:


Evaluation of _________________________________ (name of partner #2)

Strongly Agree Did his/her fair share of the work on the project Took pride in his/ her work Listened to other teammates Learned from mistakes and improved


Disagree Strongly Disagree

Check one: ____ without this partner, my project grade would have been bemer ____ without this partner, my project grade would have been worse Comments:


Evaluation of _________________________________ (name of partner #3)

Strongly Agree Did his/her fair share of the work on the project Took pride in his/ her work Listened to other teammates Learned from mistakes and improved


Disagree Strongly Disagree

Check one: ____ without this partner, my project grade would have been bemer ____ without this partner, my project grade would have been worse Comments:


Evaluation of _________________________________ (name of partner #4)

Strongly Agree Did his/her fair share of the work on the project Took pride in his/ her work Listened to other teammates Learned from mistakes and improved


Disagree Strongly Disagree

Check one: ____ without this partner, my project grade would have been bemer ____ without this partner, my project grade would have been worse Comments:




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