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BY GEORGIOS KARAMPATEAS SON OF SOCRATES former Professor in the 1st High School of Sparta Graduate of Theology, Philosophy of Athens



Research in the sport of running in a slow rhythm (Patent Diploma No. 871934)


Sparta 2004

Every genuine copy bears the writers signature (Signature) Georgios Karampateas son of Socrates former Professor in the 1st High School of Sparta Tel. 210 7783437, 27310 36218, 27210 98429 53 Biskini St., Zografou, Attica 157 71




1) Prologue 2) Introduction 3) Patent Diploma Research Description 4) Epilogue a) Two words about the dangers of smoking b) Medical health advices

The book that you are reading was written by a simple teacher of theology, who loves people and wishes to be useful to them in every way. Im not an expert in issues of sports, thats why I apologize that my words lack any special vocabulary. I shall try to describe an event that I have lived and Im still living, while practicing running in a slow rhythm, not for becoming a champion of course, but for my health. Im not a words specialist, but I shall try, as much as possible, to keep my description simple and restful.

I thank you for the time that you will spend in order to read this brief brochure of mine.

In the thought and the hope that it will help you in your spiritual and body health, allow me to deliver it in your lenient judgment.


As a student in high school I had noticed with great interest the sport of running. I particularly admired the athletes who could run for many hours many kilometers with ease. They gave me the impression that they were running without getting tired. I admired them, but I made the decision to imitate them after many years, at the age of 52 years old. Of course I didnt literally imitate them, since my exercise aims only at the preservation and the improvement of my physical and body health and not at becoming a champion. Thus, at this age of 52 years old, I began running with a slow movement, but without any thought and technique in my exercise. The tiredness and the came fast. I should stop and start again. I thought that there should be in this sport as well a certain rhythm, like in any other thing, a pulse in other words. I have asked my colleagues of body exercise as well as the well-known runner, Mr. Ioannis Kouros, about this. They have all answered that every athlete in this sport invents his own personal way. They have particularly pointed out to me that in this kind of sport, the help of the psychological factor plays an important role. Therefore I have decided to discover my personal way in my exercise. A way that would prevent tiredness.

I have begun to watch, with scholastic diligence, and to check my movements (in my hands and legs) my expirations, inhalations, to count my pulses. Finally I ended up in a rhythm, which, at my great surprise, satisfaction and joy, served me greatly in the prevention of the tiredness of my entire organization, and (the most important thing for me) I saw that it helps to prevent the as it is usually called. In this rhythm I have experimented for two years practicing on my self with pulses up to 130 per 1. I was running in even and uneven roads all the time and gradually without stopping and steadily 2, 4, 6, 10, 14, 16 kilometers in times from 30 up to 2.30 hours. At the end of every exercise I was feeling so rest that if I could try a little I could run quickly or even sing. I have tried this sometimes just to be sure. However I dont recommend it because, as my specialists friends have told me, it can be dangerous for the heart operation. Since I do not want to tire you with a big introduction, I have submitted this research that I have carried out on my self in the ministry of Industry, which gave me the Patent Diploma by number 871934 (see the copy). Further down you will read the contents of the research, exactly as it exists in the original that I have submitted and which lies in the respective file of the Organization of Industrial Property.


Having taken into consideration: a) the stipulations of law 2527/1920 about patent diplomas, b) the stipulations of law 1733/1987 Article 1, 1 and article 25 1 about the transfer of technology, inventions, technologic innovation and establishment of an atomic energy committee, c) the declaration that the interested party submitted on 17-12-1987 and at 12.20 oclock d) the submission report that has been drawn up according to the aforementioned declaration that has taken the number 871934. We award A Patent Diploma with all written data that belong to it, ratified, to KARAMPATEAS GEORGIOS son of Socrates, resident of 6 Menelaou St., Sparta, for the invention titled Research in the sport of running in a slow rhythm. This diploma, which is valid up to 18-12-2002, is awarded without a previous control of the contents, on the responsibility of the depositor and without the guarantee of the State for the reality, the novelty, the value or the nature of the invention and the exactness or faithfulness of the description. Athens, January 7 1988 The deputy General Manager B. TRIANTAFILLIS (Seal Signature)

GEORGIOS KARAMPATEAS son of Socrates PROFESSOR 6 MENELAOU ST., SPARTA 231 00 TEL.: 0731 21033 ORGANIZATION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY (O.I.P.) 871934 Legal Entity of Private Law 80 MICHALAKOPOYLOU ST. 115 28 ATHENS TEL.: 7709702 Running in a slow rhythm. It is very simple and easy. With coolness, will for exercise, with a technique of personal invention and a healthy diet, anybody can become fan of a sport, along with millions of others in our country and all over the world, people of every age, who of course do not have the ambitions of being a champion, but it fills the athlete with the natural feeling of life enjoyment, makes him feel self-confident about his health and gives him power for creation. As aforementioned, I believe that the technique in this sport is personal. However, since I believe that these personal ways must become public, I have taken the liberty to ask for your attention in the report of my technique. It is based in the principle, that advises the worker or the athlete to prevent tiredness during his work or exercise with well-adjusted regular breaks, respective to the heart breaks (pauses) that allow it to prevent the tiredness in its operation. The loaders in the out with the sadness of Dale Carnegie, with the twelve-minutes per hour pauses from work have worked much more than their colleagues who worked for eight hours without break and they felt more at rest. Therefore, according to this natural principle, Im running at ease, with a stable speed of 7,5 kilometers per hour and with strictly regular moves, well-adjusted, at the legs, the hands, the expirations, which, as I presume, correspond to respective moves of the lungs and the heart. I believe that the athlete runner must follow in his move the operation rhythm of a normal heart. systole diastole pause. In our case I think that the athlete achieves this (at least this is how I do it) by starting with two strong, dynamic moves, of the left and right leg, vice-versa, which correspond to the heart systole (its energetic action), with simultaneous equal in time expirations, strong ones from the depth of the lungs, respective to the moves of the left-right leg, so that the lungs would empty, while the intermediary inhalation to the two strong expirations will be fast and latent. There follow two moves again, vice-versa, of the left-right leg, with the observation that in this second couple the time that is required for their

execution will be longer than the execution time of the previous couple, as aforementioned, for the coverage of the same distance, with simultaneous, slow, deep inhalations, equal in time to the two moves, while the intermediary expiration between them will be fast and latent. The moves of the second couple (long-term and weak) are carried out while the entire organization is relaxed, which for fractions of a second is immobilized unobserved after the end of the second dual move and before the beginning of the next cycle of the four moves. As aforementioned the moves of the second couple correspond to the diastole, the passive operation of the heart, while the immobilization (short duration) of the body with regard to the area where it moves, corresponds to the heart pause, which is more brief than the systole and the diastole. It may be characterized as latent, unobserved. The hands, closed in the elbows in a stable angle, right, for the left, changing for the right, move, during the movement, in harmony to the inhalations and expirations and to the legs moves. The right hand as well is synchronized in its move to the left let that is moving forward and its elliptic course is in a relation two to one 2)1 to the course of the left hands move, which, upon its move, is equal in time to the movement of the left leg forward. The moves of the hands play the part of a conductor in the entire operation. They realize the rhythm in the moves, which, just like with the rhythmical moving operation of the heart, prevents the tiredness of the entire organization. In this way I can run an average of four times a week for more than a year up to now. In the first month I was feeling after every exercise pains at the waist, the back, the chest. Gradually these symptoms have totally vanished. I run without interruption. I stop, not suddenly of course, when I want to, up to five kilometers. After five kilometers (I have even run sixteen kilometers without interruption), my organization warns me when I have to stop. The more enjoyable runs are in country roads through forests and bushes. After every exercise, a hot water bath seems to be a necessary action. I do not intend to teach anybody with this note of mine. However I shall be very pleased if these few lines bear any use. PLAN Of the cycle of the four moves that are repeated in this order in the entire run. MOVES: 1st left leg dynamic expiration (latent inhalation) 2nd right leg - dynamic expiration

3rd left leg resting inhalation (latent expiration) 4th right leg resting inhalation GEORGIOS KARAMPATEAS SON OF SOCRATES PROFESSOR IN THE 1ST HIGH SCHOOL OF SPARTA 6 MENELAOU ST. SPARTA belongs to the 871934 Patent Diploma Athens 7-1-1988 The Deputy General Director B. TRIANTAFILLIS (Initials) (Signature)

I believe that my research may help the athlete (of course with the approval of his doctor and the assistance, upon its teaching, of his coach) in inventing his personal method in preventing, or at least slowing down and minimizing the tiredness, when of course he runs just for his health and not for becoming a champion. I have been applying for about two years the aforementioned method of prevention of tiredness that I describe in my invention by number 871934 with satisfactory results. However I do not assume the responsibility to teach it in its application to other persons (except for, gratis, to those who wish to be informed, among the colleagues of physical education) for two important reasons: 1. Because, due to the law of my conscience and the law of the state I do not have the right, since I lack the knowledge and the degree of physical education, and 2. Because, as it is well-known, all people do not have the same organization and health condition to mine, on which I have experimented. That is why those who may decide to follow my aforementioned method must necessarily consult beforehand their doctor about their health condition in general and in particular regarding its relation to the said sport and address, for the teaching of its practical application, to a specialist experienced coach, graduate of the Physical education school and, if possible, to someone that they have known for a long time. I also believe that my method, of course with the aforementioned conditions with regard to its practical application, can help those who practice sports for their health and who are middle-aged. However, especially in this age, their gymnastic in general and in particular their sports must take place under the control and the monitoring of the specialists (a doctor and a professor of physical education). I have personally described this research method that I have observed and applied on my self having the good intention of offering for study and use, by those who wish so. However, since Im not an expert, allow me to declare, with regard to its application by those who are interested on themselves, that Im not entitled to assume any responsibility because of the two important reasons that I have mentioned above. Thank you for reading this brief brochure of mine and I wish that this wonderful sport of running in a slow rhythm will help you and keep you healthy.

I think that it is very useful to always remember this beautiful phrase: Im running for my health. Do not forget at the beginning and the end of every run to make the sign of the cross with faith and love to God. I never forget it. The praying in our life is our correct existence. It will make it a lot easier if you stop smoking. I thank you again very much. Honestly and with the love of Christ GEORGIOS KARAMPATEAS son of Socrates House tel. 2107783437, 2731036218, 2721089429 Note: After the publication of the present brochure 1st edition I have run in the Sparta-Gythio road in this pace thirty seven kilometers without interruption. In particular I have run the following course (Anogia Paleopanagia Xirokampi Dafni Potamia Tarapsa Koutoumou Gythio).


BEFORE you put the cigarette in your mouth think what you are doing: You are depriving yourself and the others who are near you and love you and you love them from the joy of life and health.

Hundreds of your fellow people are sacrificed every day all over the world for freedom and you sacrifice your own freedom in the altar of nicotine?

LOOK at your face in the mirror, as you are smoking. Would you ever like a person dear to you to poison and burn his power and beauty like that inside the nicotine smokes? Of course not. However you allow it to yourself. Why is that? SMOKING binds you to the feeling of wear. However you know it well you love the eternity of life and the life productive action.


WHEN you poison your life with the smoking nicotine, think whether you express wrongly your love for it? IM sure that you love life. That is why you should let it express freely to you and in all its pure greatness. The flower of your youthful force is fading away, when it passes through the poisonous smokes of nicotine.

CAN YOU SEE these beautiful mountains of your country? With your lungs clean you can easily climb their tops, you are so nostalgic of. And you are made for the tops!!!

THE EXERCISES in the area of correct sports will help you win in your trying to quit smoking.

SMOKING binds you to feelings of destruction and pessimism; however your true self cries out persistently and steadily: YO U ARE MADE FO R T H E CRE AT IO N AND JO Y

GEORGIOS KARAMPATEAS SON OF SOCRATES former Professor of the 1st High School in Sparta

Medical health advices

Here this brief study of mine ends with health advices given to me in a manuscript of his by the unforgotten famous doctor Vassilios Linardakis, from Sparta, a well-known man and scientist.

In order to be healthy, hard-working and happy

In order to be healthy, hard-working and happy we must: 1st. Eat every day as much as we have to, whatever we have to, when and how we have to (see nutrition instructions at page 3) Book note in page 26. 2nd. Drink every day as many fluids as we have to. 3rd. Breath normally, always with our lips closed for the entire day. At night we must sleep again with our lips closed. 4th. Exercise every morning in bed, in the morning and in the afternoon, between 15 to 20 minutes. 5th. Walk every morning and afternoon, so much as not to get tired. Do not forget to have your lips closed even when you are walking and breath calmly. 6th. Always be calm, hard-working, happy and optimist.

In order to achieve these: a) We must know and make up our mind about it, that life does not come to any person as he wants it to or as it was supposed to happen. Life involves works (jobs), troubles, obstacles, problems, sickness (ours, our familys and friends), deaths, scamps, or silly people. Even our own people and the people who love us, will say or do at many occasions things that we do not like. We must face all these, even the poisoned smog of Athens, with calmness and optimism. For thats the only way we wont get sick and have a successful life. b) We must learn that: Fear, anger, sadness or rush and jealousy are the biggest poisons for man. Just one of them is more than enough to make sick and slower or later kill a perfectly healthy man. However if we want to and know,

we can avoid all these. For most of the times they are unjustifiable and they come from the bad thought that comes to our mind Is it likely that this or that evil happens to (me or a person dear to me)? Is it likely that this or that evil happens? If we get used to put in our mind, instead of bad thoughts, good, happy, optimistic thoughts, e.g. Im fine or when we are sick Ill get fine, then very rarely well ever be scared or sad etc. c) We must learn to be happy for what we have and what we have managed to accomplish. And not to get sad for what we do not have and what we havent managed to accomplish. However we must never cross our hands, but always try in our whole life (when we are not sick or tired) to do whats best for our health, our job and our fellow people. d) We must learn that the calmness, the joy and optimism are the vitamins of the soul. e) We must forgive those who have made us sad or who have wronged us. And to be able not to make anyone sad. And if we have made someone sad, to be able to ask him to forgive us. For only then well have calmness and corporal and mind health. 7th. Avoid cigarettes, alcohol drinks and coffees. 8th. Not to go to bed late at night. We should not forget the proverb: Go to bed early at night, get out of bed early in the morning, if you want to be healthy, wise and rich. When we are in bed, we should not think of anything, whether it is pleasant or unpleasant. We should just say: Now its time to get a rest, it is time to sleep. These few words can perform miracles for a calm and restful sleep.

Nutrition instructions
I. We must not eat when we are not hungry. And when we eat, we must eat as much as we have to. That is, when we are full, we should not eat more food, just because its on our plate or in our table. We should not eat in a hurry, because thats when we eat more food than what we are supposed to eat and our stomach and intestine cannot digest the extra food. We should always eat our food with small bites and chew it well. II. We should avoid fried food, salty food, the salt-provisions, the cans (the can milk and the cheese is also a can, thats why we must avoid them. As dairy we must consider fresh milk and yogurt). Also we must avoid white sugar and the sweets and the stewed fruits with white sugar. We should make our sweets and stewed fruits with brown sugar or pure honey. III. We must not eat often and at big quantities pasta (spaghetti, noodles, angel hair). They are also preserved food. We must not prefer white bread and toasts. We must prefer black bread and black biscuits. IV. We must not eat animal food (meat, fish, chicken) and animal products (fresh milk, yogurt, eggs) every day and at big quantities. Just two or three times at week. And they must not be accompanied by pasta, but by fresh, green salads. V. Useful food is: the roar salads (lettuce, cabbage etc.), fruits, fruit juices, potatoes, rice, beans and nuts (almonds, walnuts etc.) VI. We should (usually) eat three times at day. Morning noon and evening (not late). Only if our job is a tiring one we must eat something (fruits or nuts) in the mean time. 1. As breakfast we must usually eat fruits and nuts. 2. As lunch and dinner: a) Thursday and Tuesday and Sunday: Animal food (meat or fish or chicken or fresh milk or yogurt or egg). It should usually be accompanied with fresh green salad (cabbage, lettuce etc.). b) Monday Wednesday Friday and Saturday: Food mentioned in paragraph V or pasta. When we eat salads or

potatoes or rice or pasta, we should also eat some nuts. When we eat beans we dont have to eat nuts as well. VII. If sometimes we want to or we have to eat a food mentioned in paragraph

II, we should eat it. But this should not happen often. We must not eat a lot. And we should eat it without fear or sadness, because fear and sadness hinder the digestion of even the most easily to digest food. VIII. We should drink the necessary fluids in the morning hours (about two

glasses up to noon) and in the evening hours (other two glasses up to the evening). However if we are thirsty we should drink more water.

Curriculum vitae
Georgios Karampateas son of Socrates, the first out of five (3 boys and 2 girls) children of Socrates Karampateas son of Panagiotis and Potitsa (Panagiota) Karampatea (daughter of Georgios Karamaneas) was born in 1934 (February 16th) in the village Chora of Kentro (Gaitses), of the municipality of Avia, in Western Mani, in the Prefecture of Messinia. He has studied in the primary school of his village and in the 2nd primary school of Kalamata. He has graduated from the eight-grade high school of Kalamata and he has studied theology in Athens with a scholarship from the Gythio Metropolis, for the 1st year, the Churches Council, for the 2nd year and from the Public Scholarships Institution (PSI) for the rest three years, since he has excelled in the exams of the 1st year of studies. He has served regularly his military service (with excellent conduct) in Nafplio (Mechanic corps) for one year as the protector of his family. He has worked in the Secondary Education as teacher of theology and history lessons, as consultant of scholar professional orientation (with a special training in a six-months seminar) and as mathematician in the High school classes (because of the lack of a Mathematics graduate). He has served in the schools: High School of Sidirocastro in Messinia, High School of Geraki in Lakonia, High school of Xirokampio in Lakonia, High school of Gargaliani in Messinia, 1st, 2nd, 3rd High schools of Sparta and 1st, 2nd Lyceum schools of Sparta. With interruptions (due to service needs) from the year 1968 up to the year 1997, when he retired, he has served in the 1st High School of Sparta. During his service (1981) he has got the Philosophy degree (Department of Philosophy) from the Athens University. In the years 1963-64 he worked as laic preacher of the Apostolic Ministration in the Metropolis of Sparta and Monemvassia on a definite-time labor agreement. With his wife Potoula (daughter of Petros Pikakis) school teacher, he became the father of two children: Socrates and Filanthi . He has published: five poem collections (a total of 778 poems), a study in sports ( patent diploma no. 871934 ) , three children books , a book traveling diary in Taigetos and Parnonas and a theater play (all of them have been submitted and kept in the notary office of Haris Kalogerea 1 Piraeus St., Athens). He has published articles of spiritual culture, moral-religious ones, traveling diaries, philosophic, financial, educational etc. in newspapers of Nafplio, Sparta and Kalamata. He has submitted for keeping his handwritten diary, handwritten papers, for elaboration for publication (Thoughts Teachings Education plans etc.) in ten many-pages volumes and a large part of his personal files in the General Files of the State in Sparta and a volume (photocopy of a manuscript) in the National Library (Athens) (all of them are at the disposal of any interested researcher). His published books (11) have been submitted in the General State Files of Sparta. He is a member of the Spiritual House of Sparta, the outdoors life of Sparta, the Panhellenic Union of Theologists, the Panhellenic Association of Friends of the frontier residents, the Association of the Lacons Lycourgos, the Circle of the Greek Children Book, the association Center (Gaitses) of Avia in Mani, of Messinia and the Panhellenic Union of Writers (PUW). He has been awarded by the Athens Academy with a praise for the delivery of ancient items in the Sparta Museum and by the 1st High school of Sparta with a honorary plate and other memorabilia for his offer as a teacher. The aforementioned issued works of his have been published with the following titles: 1. The man and the nature (poems ) 2nd edition Sparta 1990. 2. Im running for my health (not for becoming a champion) a research in the sport of running in a slow

rhythm (Patent diploma no. 871934). 2nd edition Sparta 2004, 3. A walk in the worlds of existence and meditation (poems), Sparta 1989, 4. With the language of love (poems-verses). Sparta 1990, 5. Child talks A. 2nd edition Sparta. 2004, 6. Child talks B. 2nd edition Sparta 2004. 7. Beginning from the silence depths (poems) Sparta 2001. 8. When people love (and other novels). Sparta 2005. 9. At the feet of Taygetos and Parnonas. Sparta 2005, 10. Christ is coming back to Earth (an imaginary tale. Theater play). Sparta 2005. 11. Thoughts hearings (poems). Sparta 2006.


His works:
1. The man and the nature (poems ) 2nd edition Sparta 1990, p. 32. 2. Im running for my health (not for becoming a champion) a research in the sport of running in a slow rhythm (Patent diploma no. 871934). 2nd edition Sparta 2004, p. 32. 3. A walk in the worlds of existence and meditation (poems), Sparta 1989, p. 120. 4. With the language of love (poems-verses). Sparta 1990, p. 32. 5. Child talks A, B, C. 2nd edition Sparta. 2006, p. 40. 6. Child talks B, B, C. 2nd edition Sparta. 2006, p. 48. 7. Beginning from the silence depths (poems) Sparta 2001, p. 64 8. When people love (and other novels). Sparta 2005, p. 32 9. At the feet of Taygetos and Parnonas. Sparta 2005, p. 32. 10. Christ is coming back to Earth (an imaginary tale. Theater play). Sparta 2005, p. 48 11. Thoughts hearings (poems). Sparta 2006, p. 192

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