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LA RESTAURANT A dialogue between someone that wants to reserve a table and the employee from the restaurant; and

then a dialogue between two persons that eat in the restaurant. Un dialog intre cineva care vrea sa rezerve o masa si un angajat al restaurantului; si apoi un dialog intre doua persoane care mananca in restaurant.

Mr. Olsen: Good afternoon! Buna ziua! Waiter: Good afternoon, Sir! Buna ziua, domnule! Mr. Olsen: I would like to reserve a table for tonight. As dori sa rezerv o masa pentru diseara. Waiter: Of course, Sir. For how many persons? Desigur, domnule. Pentru cate persoane? Mr. Olsen: Could we have a table for two? Putem sta la o masa de doua locuri? Waiter: I'm sorry, sir, but the tables for two are fully booked until 8 p.m. Imi pare rau, domnule, dar mesele de doua persoane sunt toate rezervate pana la 8 p.m. Mr. Olsen: No problem, for I would like a table for 9 p.m., in fact, I would like our usual table. Nicio problema, eu as dori o masa pentru ora 9 p.m., de fapt, as dori masa noastra obisnuita. Waiter: Of course, sir. Desigur, domnule. Mr. Olsen: Thank you.


After several hours. Dupa cateva ore.

Waiter: Good evening! Buna seara! Mr. Olsen: Good evening! Buna seara! Waiter: Have you made a reservation, sir? Ati facut o rezervare, domnule? Mr. Olsen: Yes I had, several hours ago; don't you remember? Da, am facut; nu va amintiti? Waiter: Oh, i'm sorry, sir, I do remember; please follow me. Oh, imi pare rau, domnule, imi amintesc; urmati-ma, va rog. Mr. Olsen: Thank you. Multumesc. Waiter: Would you like a drink before your meal? Doriti sa beti ceva inainte de masa? Mr. Olsen: No, we'll order the meal. Nu, vom comanda direct.

Waiter: Yes, please Da, va rog Mr. Olsen: I would like roast lamb with mint sauce and for my partner, pork chop with mustard sauce and two glasses of white wine. As dori o friptura de miel cu sos de menta, iar pentru partenerul meu cotlet de porc cu sos de mustar si doua pahare de vin alb. Waiter: That would be all, sir? Asta e tot, domnule? Mr. Olsen: Yes. Da. Waiter: Very good, sir. Bine, domnule.

With several minutes before leaving the restaurant. Cu cateva minute inainte de a parasi restaurantul.

Mr. Olsen: Waiter, can you bring us the bill, please? Chelner, nota de plata, va rog. Waiter: Yes, sir, One moment, please. Da, domnule. Un moment, va rog.

Waiter: Do you want to pay separately or do you want it all on the same bill? Doriti sa platiti separate sau sa fie trecut totul pe o singura nota de plata? Mr. Olsen: This gentleman is my guest. Domnul este invitatul meu. Waiter: That will be 300 lei altogether. Asta inseamna in total 300 lei. Mr. Olsen: We enjoyed our dinner very much. Ne-a facut placere sa cinam aici. Waiter: Thank you, sir. I hope you`ll come again. Multumim, domnule. Sper sa mai veniti. La restaurant

Can you recommend a restaurant close to my hotel? Puteti sa-mi indicati un restaurant apropiat de hotelul meu? Id like a table for three, please. va rog. Id like a table by the window, please. rog. This table is free/taken. Id like to book a table please. Ive booked a table under the name of John. Heres the menu. Poftiti meniul. As dori o masa pentru trei persoane, As dori o masa langa feresatra, va Aceasta masa e libera/ocupata. As dori sa rezerv o masa, va rog Am rezervat o masa pe numele John.

I would recommend Are you ready to order? We havent decided yet.

As recomanda... Doriti sa comandati? Nu ne-am hotarat inca.

May I take your order now? As putea sa va iau comanda acum? What would you like to start with? Cu ce ati dori sa incepeti? Lets have some starters first. Ill have the, please. And for my wife/husband, the Im a vegetarian. Im on a diet. Pentru inceput as lua niste aperitive. Am sa iau, va rog. Si pentru sotia/sotul meu

Sunt vegetarian. Tin regim.

And for main course? Si pentru felul principal? And as a side-dish? And for dessert? Si pentru garnitura? Si pentru desert?

What would you like to drink? Could you bring us a bottle of? Cheers! Anything else, Sir/Madam? That would be all, thank you. Could we pay, please?

Ce ati dori sa beti? Ne puteti aduce o sticla de..? Noroc! Mai dorit ceva d-le/doamna? Nu, asta e tot, multumim. Am putea plati, va rog?

Could we have the bill, please? Did you enjoy your meal? Please keep the change. Have you been here before?

Ne puteti aduce nota de palta, va rog? V-a placut mancarea? Pastrati restul, va rog. Ati mai fost aici?

Its one of my favourite restaurants. Este unul dintre restaurantele mele preferate. Let me order for you. Lasa-ma sa comand pentru tine.

What would you recommend? Ce mi-ati recomanda? Allow me to pay. Da-mi voie sa paltesc. Multumesc foarte mult ca m-ai invitat. Ni s-a adus comanda gresita.

Thanks very much for inviting me. This is not what we ordered.

Waiter, we have been waiting for a long time. Chelner, asteptam de mult timp.

Home Ghid de conversatie roman englez Lectia: "La hotel si la restaurant" "Hotel and restaurant" Conversatie, exemple Exercitii, traduceri sedere, sejur = stay; fara locuri libere/plin= no vacancy/ full; receptie= reception; cazare= accomodation; camera pentru o persoana= single room; camera pentru doua persoane= double room; camera pentru o noapte= room for the night; camera disponibila= room available; paturi identice (alaturate)= twin beds; robinet= tap (GB), faucet (US); a rezerva/a face o rezervare= to reserve/ to book, to make a reservation; a cara bagajele= to carry the luggage; a comanda= to order; a plati in avans= to pay in advance; a da un acont= to pay a deposit; a pleca (a parasi hotelul)= to check out; meniu= menu ['menju]; aperitive= hors d'oeuvre;

desert= dessert/ sweet; nota de plata= bill; servetel= napkin; ospatar, chelner/ ospatarita= waiter/ waitress; serviciu inclus= service included; bacsis= tip; (friptura) in sange= rare; (friptura) potrivita= medium; (friptura) bine facuta= well done; Top Exercitii, completati frazele, traduceti in engleza, ghid roman-englez Completati frazele urmatoare cu unul dintre raspunsurile (a), (b), (c) sau (d), apoi traduceti in romana: I'd like to have my steak... (a) tap (b) rare (c) check (d) tip We usually give a 10%... (a) tip (b) curtain (c) bill (d) stay We only have .... beds. (a) room (b) luggage (c) twin (d) deposit Are you ready to....sir? (a) carry b) well done (c) order (d) bed May i have the...., please? (a) hot (b) bill (c) cold (d) rare Raspunsuri: (b) rare As dori friptura in sange. (a) tip De obicei noi dam 10% bacsis. (c) twin Noi nu avem decat paturi alaturate. (c) order Vreti sa comandati acum, domnule? (b) bill Imi puteti aduce nota de plata, va rog? Traduceti in engleza: Imi puteti da meniul, va rog? May i have the menu, please? Televizorul nu functioneaza. The television set does not work. Imi puteti aduce nota de plata, va rog? May i have the bill/ (US) the check. please? Vom sosi luni noapte si vom sta doua zile. We'll arrive (on) Monday night and we'll stay two days. Vom pleca/ parasi hotelul maine. We'll check out tomorrow. As dori sa rezerv o camera pentru doua persoane. I'd like to book a double room. Ma puteti trezi la ora sapte?

Can you wake me up at seven? As dori sa telefonez in Franta. I would like to phone to France. BREAKFAST Ce ai vrea sa mananci in dimineata asta? What do you feel like eating this morning? B: De obicei, mananc doar un bol cu cereale. I usually just have a bowl of cereal. A: Cea mai importanta masa a zilei este mic dejunul. The most important meal of the day is breakfast. B: Da, dar de obicei nu am timp sa mananc un dejun consistent. Yeah, but I don`t usually have time to eat a big breakfast. A: Intotdeauna iti poti face un mic dejun lejer. You can always make an easy breakfast. B: Tu ce iti prepari? What do you make? A: Tot ce servesc este format din fulgi de ovaz, paine prajita si suc de portocale. All I make is oatmeal, toast, and some orange juice. B: Suna foarte bine. That sounds pretty good. A: Imi place si este o mancare usoara. I like it, and it`s a fast meal. B: Asta este o mancare usor de facut. That is a very quick meal to make. A: O pot face pentru tine daca vrei. I can make it for you if you like. B: Fulgii de ovaz si painea prajita imi suna foarte bine. Oatmeal and toast sounds good to me.

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