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Fr. Peter Proulx, Pastor Fr. Ryan Holly, Associate Pastor Deacon Don Smith 331 Plaunt Street, South; P.O. Box 396 Renfrew, Ontario K7V 4A6 Tel: (613) 432-5825 Fax: (613) 432-6663
Web Site: E mail:

St. Francis Xavier, a welcoming faith community lovingly sharing the gifts of God.





M A R C H 2 5 TH, 2 0 1 2
PRAYERS FOR THE DECEASED: We pray for our loved ones who have died recently, especially Bill Spilchen and Anne-Marie Smith, mother of Archbishop Richard Smith.
PRAYERS FOR THE SICK AND SHUT-IN: Let us raise up in prayer those who seek Gods healing love, those at the hospital, hospice and at home especially Garry Latendresse, Ed Boose and Joan Prince.

CATHOLICISM - 2012 Lenten Series

This week's Lenten series will feature the topic "A Body Both Suffering and Glorious": The Mystical Union of Christ and the Church . The session runs on Monday evening from 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. in the large hall. All are welcome to join!
MASS WITH BISHOP MULHALL - FEAST OF THE ANNUNCIATION Bishop Mulhall will celebrate Mass on Monday, March 26 at 9:30 a.m. at St Francis Xavier Church with the students of St. Joseph High School to celebrate the feast of the Annunciation of the Lord. All members of the parish are invited to this Mass with our Bishop.


How can I live the GOOD FRIDAY-EASTER MYSTERIES more meaningfully in my day-to-day life? Come for an inspiring Day of Retreat on the PASCHAL MYSTERY, presented by Sister Rosemary OToole from the Upper Room Home of Prayer in Ottawa. There will be several pauses for silent reflection throughout the day. Spiritual direction will be available for those who wish. Lunch will be served. All are welcome. Free will offering. SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 9:30am-3:30p.m., at St. Francis Xavier Parish Hall. Please register with the parish office: 613-432-5825 by March 27.

Sunday, March 25 - Fifth Sunday in Lent

Emergency Support for Needy Iraqi Families

According to recent statistics, there are less than 300,000 Chrsitians left in Iraq out of one million just seven years ago. This massive migration of Iraqi Christians has meant little support is left for the church, which can barely operate necessary catechetical programs and parishes. Through the coordination of the Franciscan Sisters, families most in need receive help to cover the cost of housing, medical treatments, schooling for the children, and access to food, pastoral and psychological care. Our donation would provide temporary help to 200 families.


The Sacrament of Penance is available at 4:30 p.m. on Saturdays and 10:00 a.m. on Sundays. Additional opportunities will be provided in the Renfrew Pastoral Zone with visiting priests at the following times: Sunday, March 25 at 7:00 p.m. Mount St. Patrick Monday, March 26 at 7:00 p.m. Calabogie Tuesday, March 27 at 7:00 p.m.. Arnprior Tuesday, March 27 at 7:00 p.m. Eganville Wednesday, March 28 at 1:30 p.m. St. Francis Xavier, Renfrew Wednesday, March 28 at 7:30 p.m. Douglas Thursday, March 29 at 7:00 p.m. Our Lady of Fatima, Renfrew

S T. F R A N C I S X AV I E R PA R I S H L O T T E RY 2 0 1 2
Tickets are available today at the entrances to the church. If you can help the parish again this year by taking tickets for yourself, or to sell to family and friends, it will go a long way toward reaching our goal of a sellout of all 2500 books. This major fundraiser contributes to the ongoing maintenance and upgrading of our parish. Thank you for your support in previous years! ~ Ken Harris 432-3961 Diane Dillon 432-3443 ~

RENFREW FOOD BANK: The Food Bank suggests a food item of the month request for donations (all food obviously welcome). They suggest: CANNED MEAT FOR MARCH.

MON 9:30 a.m. 12:10 p.m. 6:30 p.m. TUE Mar. 27 9:30 a.m. WED Mar. 28 4:15 p.m. THUR Mar. 29 10:30 a.m. 12:10 p.m. FRI Mar. 30 8:00 a.m. SAT Mar. 31 5:00 p.m. SUN Apr. 1 10:30 a.m. Mar. 26 Gary Cybulski Allan & Lorraine Cybulski SUNDAY STATIONS OF THE CROSS OFFERING: Bill Keon Muriel Deslaurier & Son, Ben March 18th: Ambrose & Emma Belanger Bonnie Belanger $3,902.00 Chris Cunningham Mom & Jim BONNECHERE MANOR: Larry Ritz Ron & Carol Price Arden Hay Bea & Family Maria Becker Lore & Don Coyne Thomas Mulvihill Lola & Family Deceased Parents, Brothers & Sisters Parnell & Stella Shalla Intentions of the Parishioners Father Holly

SATURDAY EVENING MASS - 5:00 p.m. MINISTERS OF THE WORD S. McCanna; M. Mahusky MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY L. & G. Curry; D. McDonald; A. Hoare MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST K. Harris; D. Dillon; L. Kingsbury; L. Gallagher; T. Lemenchick SERVERS K. & C. & K. Dowdall; L. Zohr CANTOR C. Slight

SUNDAY, ARPIL 1st, 2012

SUNDAY MORNING MASS 10:30 a.m. MINISTERS OF THE WORD S.T.A. Student; M. Richards MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY S.T.A. Students EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS D. Yantha; D. Yemen; M. Charbonneau; M. Campbell; D. Letts SERVERS S. Perry; S. McNulty; J. McNulty; N. Lesk CANTOR J. Slight

THIS WEEK AT S.F.X.: *Mon. Lenten Series Fr. Holly (Lg. Hall) 7:00 p.m. *Mon. P.P.C. (Mtg. Rm. #2) 7:00 p.m. *Wed. Cemetery Board (Mtg. Rm. #2) 7:00 p.m.


THE WAY OF THE CROSS: the C.W.L. members facilitate this prayer time each Monday of Lent at 12:10 p.m. Please join us. We welcome all and will provide the booklets for your reflection on each of the fourteen stations.
O.L.F. HOLY NAME CARD PARTY: Sunday, th March 25 at 7 p.m. in O.L.F. Parish Hall. BONNECHERE MANOR FOUNDATION: Presents an Afternoon of Dancing! Put Some Spring in Your Step & Celebrate with Us! At the Renfrew Armouries, Sunday, April 1st from 1 6 p.m. Tickets are $15 each and available at the Bonnechere Manor, Valley Heritage Radio and at Aikenheads Drug Store in Renfrew. Light refreshments will be provided with a Live & Silent Auction, 50/50, Door Prizes & more! All proceeds from this event go to the Auditorium Campaign! Details, call Robyn at 432-4873.

Thursday, March 29 , 2012


3:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

The St. Francis Xavier CWL News:
2012 CWL MEMBERS ENVELOPES: may be picked up in the main church foyer. CWL BRUNCH: All women of the parish are invited to join the CWL for Brunch on Sunday, April 22nd at 11:45 a.m. Cost: $10. Tickets on sale before and after Mass March 31, April 1 and April 8 or call Joan: 432-9161. See posters on bulletin boards.
CHORAL CONCERT AT OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL CHURCH, BRAESIDE: featuring the Anrprior Community the Choir performing Sacred Music for the Season on st at 7:00 p.m. Admission: $15 Palm Sunday, April 1 Proceeds to the Memorial Fund. Refreshments.

The Scott Woods Show FIDDLE LEGENDS: Sunday, April 22 at 2 p.m. at the Horton Community Centre. A fun-filled two-hour variety show featuring old time fiddling, traditional country, step dancing & gospel music. Please see posters for more info.


Tuesday March 27 St. Francis Xavier Parish Hall, Renfrew (Small Hall)

VALID CATHOLIC MARRIAGES AND ANNULMENTS: QUESTIONS AND MYTHS The Pembroke Diocesan Marriage Tribunal invites you to St. Francis Xavier Parish Hall on Tuesday, March 27 at 7:00 p.m. for a session with Father Ryan Holly that addresses what makes a valid Marriage in the Catholic Church as well as what the Annulment process is all about. Since this affects many Catholics, we ask you to please spread the word about this opportunity to having your questions answered. For more information please contact Father Holly at 613-432-5835 extension 1 or by email at
will be broadcast on VISIONTV on Monday, April 2nd (Pt. 1) and Tuesday, April 3rd at 6:00 p.m. and repeated at 10:00 p.m. It will feature Father John Heagle, Sister Barbara Leonhard O.F.S., James McGill and Father Pat Fitzpatrick all of whom will deal with questions that trouble us all.

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