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Jelic Dejan, Master, Belgrade, Serbia Abstract Petition for We the People Reinvestigate work of American inventor Royal Raymond Rife (1888 1971.) on cancer. His research on cancer has been misunderstood and ultimately discredited by medical profession in 1950s. Statement that cause of cancer is pleomorphic nanobacteria, called Bacillus X (BX) and treatment based on use of mortal oscillatory rate (M.O.R.) for pathogen makes him a man before his time. Even today, his work is not fully understood. Essential feature of this technology is electron spin in phanotron tube, caused by cathode arranged by 45 degree, making spin field. Interaction with bioplasmons in treated area of patient body creates bioplasmic window.

Unique feature of bioplasmic window with help of neutrino oscillations makes possible energy transduction by frequency (M.O.R.). Obviously, government assistance is needed for overcome science disciplinary boundaries.

Basics of Rife Technology



Technology consists of beam ray machine (1) and powerful microscope (2). In beam ray machine Rife used over-modulated HV AM sig. (about 2 KV), irradiated through phanotron tube.

Phanotron tube had been filled with inert gas at low pressure. By cathode arranged with 45 degree, Rife had been able to create ultra-weak spin field.

Formation of bioplasmic window Bioplasmic window is elliptic like area on patient body created by phanotron tube spin field interaction with bioplasmons in patient body. Formed first on body surface, than, due to iterative beam scattering, obtain 3D oval form in targeting area of patient body. Beam ray from tube is not X-ray, thus can`t penetrate deep into the body. That is why bioplasmic window is a necessity. That is possible thanks to spin field from the tube. Bioplasmons in bioplasma are much easier for manipulation. Effect on water in bioplasmic window is also beneficial. Electrons in this water are like

bioplasmons at much higher state of excitation than electrons in surrounded tissue, and lower energy of excitation is needed to make them free. As soon as radiation increases the thickness of layer increases, increases electron-donating capacity, bioplasmic window practically becomes inexhaustible source of electrons. To convert potential energy of these quasi-free electrons in bioplasmic window into free energy capable to perform work acceptor is needed. In human body this acceptor is always available it is oxygen. That is why Rife therapy is effective on cancer neoplastic tissue. Bioplasmic window acts as another lens for scalar wave from a tube, similar to coil in electronic microscopy. Rife said that this microscope works in same manner like tube. Finally, what destroys BX ? Rife said that spikes kill the germs. He meant spikes in burst signal. In tube, gas moves back and forth producing scalar (Tesla) wave.

Both spin field and bioplasmic window enable propagation of that scalar wave trough targeting area of patient body. By its unique feature, with help of neutrino precession even amplify scalar signal, obtain maximum maximorum effect the resonance. For splitting nano-bacteria with cellular wall deficit we need one another thing. Let us remind that 2 of 34 patients in La Jolla trials in 1934. showed no effect of treatment. Rife had to readjust the machine. He didn`t change the frequency (1604MHz). He could only change over-modulation, thus signal shape. He readjusted ratio between main and other spikes in burst. It seems that main spikes destroy, but other acts as stretcher or fixer for BX. Also, that means that around 6% patients in that clinical trial had slightly different bioplasma. Above all, ratio between main and other spikes in Rife burst may reveal BX structure. Rife reported that BX is 1/15 um in length and 1/20 um in width. Let us analyze diameter ratio in BX .

AB : CD = 1.33~1.37 (AB+CD) : AB=1.75~1.73 Similar to universal biologic ratio. Should Rife burst ratio between main and other spikes follow that? Experiments can only provide adequate answer. Belgrade, March 2012.

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