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The Keene Koinoia

Keene Evangelical Free Church Newsletter April 2012

Pastors Corner
For whatever reason, perhaps the spring air and thoughts of green pastures returning, I have been spending time in the psalms of David. Not so much the ones when he was a shepherd, but rather when he was a king. I am approaching them with the question in my mind: How did David meditate on the word of the Lord while running a growing kingdom? How did he find time to go before the Lord when he had battles to fight? When was he to fit all this in to his busy political schedule? Right now I am at Psalm 144what great thoughts! The praising of the Lord for preparing him for battle with the knowledge that it is the Lord that is his refuge and strength, not his big guns! The questioning of the worth of man before an Almighty God. The acts of a benevolent and watchful God. The new songs that arise within. Etc. & Etc. I love the honesty and simplistic form of Davids psalms; and yet, they are packed with deep wisdom and truth. Dont take my word for itsit outside some beautiful spring day and take some time and read from Davids psalmsallow the Lord to speak to you. Do you need comfort, its there. Do you need encouragement, its there. Do you need a swift kick in the dairy-air, it will do that to! As Davids life became overwhelming, he turned to the Lord. David stole quite moments out of his hectic life and found solace there and more, he found relationship with the Living God. Return to the green pastures of Gods Word this spring and let the Lord start a good work within you. Be encouraged! Pastor Matt

Inside this Issue

Page 1 Pastors Corner -Womens Circle - Missions - Mattresses for Camp Joy Page 2 -Messiah Information -Good Friday and Easter Services -Church Work Day -Mother-Daughter Brunch Information -AWANA Ministries Page 3 -S.W.A.T. Ministry -Summer Camp Promotion -Sunday School Fellowship Time -VBS Daniel in Babylon -Contact Information

Womens Circle for April

Circle #3 headed up by Stephanie and Mary is responsible for serving at events taking place at church in April Thank you ladies!

The Mission for April is for Jim and Terri Wilson with the Press on Youth Ministry in Kearney

New Mattresses for Camp Joy

If you recall at Christmas this year instead of remembering or honoring loved one with a poinsettia plant, you were able to honor them by putting the money toward paddy threshing machines for farmers in South Asia. We want to continue this idea of making a lasting difference in peoples lives for the Gospel of Jesus Christ this Easter Season, but bring it closer to home. Instead of using Easter Lilies to commemorate loved ones, we are going to purchase mattresses for the new dorms at Camp Joy. See your insert for further details.

Church Newsletter 1

Axtell Area Oratorio Society

with support of the

Good Friday Service

The Community Good Friday Service will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church on Friday, April 6th at 7:00 p.m.

Nebraska Arts Council


George Frideric Handels

April 1, 2012 Palm Sunday, 6:00 p.m.
with reception to follow

Easter Morning Services

8:30 a.m. Sunrise Service with a Celebration Breakfast Potluck to follow Please bring a breakfast item to share. 9:30 a.m. Sunday School (pending) 10:30 a.m. Worship

Kearney Evangelical Free Church 4010 7th Avenue Kearney, Nebraska J. Rodney Wendell Conductor Marvelous Soloists, Chamber Orchestra, 70 Member Chorus
Tickets Available at: Kearney Solid Rock, Shopping Tripps, Ruters Hallmark Holdrege My Fair Ladys Minden Joys Floral
Advance Tickets $8 At the Door $10 th K-12 Grade $4

Spring Church Work Day

Saturday, April 21st 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Please mark your calendars and plan to work at the Church. We will be working on inside and outside projects around the Church. A list of jobs will be posted in the Fellowship Hall at the work day. Pick a job and cross it off when its done! Many hands make light work.

For more information:

(308)470-1209 or (308)743-2292

Mother-Daughter Brunch
Saturday, April 28th 10:00 a.m.

AWANA Ministry
Awana will soon be wrapping up for the year. We have three regular Awana sessions in April. April 4th, 11th & 18th (3:30-5:00 p.m.) h April 25 will be the Awana Awards and Parents Night with store beginning at 7:00 p.m. Ladies of all ages are welcome! Invite your neighbors, co-workers, friends, mothers, daughters, grandmothers, granddaughters, aunts, sisters and cousins! Bring a breakfast item of any kind to share! Needs: th -Store Donations for our April 25 Awards and Parents Night. We gratefully accept any donations for nd th 2 -6 grade boys and girls. Students use earned shares (Awana money) from passing sections in their handbooks to purchase store items as a reward! Ideas include sports balls, outdoor spring and summer activities like Frisbees, books, CDs, lip gloss, fun notepads, games, jewelry, sunglasses, stuffed animals, novelty items, etc., etc. Please place donations in the Church Office Thank you, thank you! Brownies, Ice Cream, and Toppings will be served at the Award/Parents night. Please sign up on bulletin board.

Church Newsletter 2

Sunday School Fellowship Time

There is a sign-up sheet on the serving counter for doughnuts and juice for Fellowship Time before Sunday School. Fellowship time begins at 9:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings. Thank you!

Spiritually Willing Active Teens

April Theme: Standing for Jesus Come to our meetings to hear more and bring a friend! SWAT Meetings in April Wednesday, April 4th Wednesday, April 18th

VBS Summer 2012 Daniel in Babylon June 18-22, 2012 Program June 24th

S.W.A.T. Senior Honor Banquet Sunday, April 22nd S.W.A.T. Youth Group members and their parents will be having a banquet following Morning Worship to honor our graduating Seniors! Please look for an invite with specifics in the mail! National EFCA Youth Conference Everything is New July 1-6, 2012 New Orleans, LA Check it out at

Go to the blogspot at and click on VBS tab. Clink on link to learn more about this summers VBS theme Daniel in Babylon!

Summer Camp Opportunities

Summer Bible Camp is fast approaching! Start registering for camp now. Check out the Timberlake Ranch Camp and Camp Joy information on the table in the Fellowship Hall. Funds have been set aside to give out to all those attending Bible Camp this Summer. (Exact amount TBA as we gather final camp numbers.)

Keene Evangelical Free Church 662 F Road Axtell, NE 68924 (308)743-2611 (Church and Parsonage) Church Email: Pastor Matthew J. Snell Pastors Cell (308)830-2603 Stay up to date on blogspot For general communication items for bulletin, announcements, newsletter, etc. email to:

Church Newsletter 3

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