TQM Assignments 03 Ex2 3 4 5

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Total Quality Manageme nt

Assignment No.03
Submitted to: Mr.Ali Zulqarnain

DATED: March 11, 2012

Exercise No. 05: Motorolas Secret to Total Quality Control (Case Study)
Question No.01: What major effects led to Motorola being awarded the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award? Answer No.01: when Motorola was awarded the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in 1988, a summary of its quality achievements was distributed as part of an informational packet. That summary contained the following description of six sigma quality. To accomplish its quality and total customer satisfaction goals, Motorola concentrates on several key operational initiatives. At the top of the list are six sigma qualities, a statistical measure of variation from a desired result. Motorola employees record the defects found in every function of the business and statistical technologies are increasingly made part of each and every employees job. Due to this practice Motorola was able to achieve the award.

Question No.02: Prepare a form to rate vendors based on characteristics that you consider to be important. Suggest a scheme to select vendors? Answer No.02:

Question No.03: Describe the role of auditing in maintaining an SPC system? Answer No.03: Motorola uses two types of audits for process control: engineering and monitoring. The former is conducted by a QA engineer and entails an intense review of all process steps including equipment parameters, handling techniques and SPC. The monitor audit is conducted by a certified auditor it reviews a broad range of issues such as whether specifications and revisions are correct whether logs are filled and maintained properly etc .the system is set up so that any

discrepancy critical major or minor is documented and corrective action is required in writing .

Question No.04: Discuss specific auditing tasks in operator and process control that could be beneficial to companies? Answer No.04: Critical defects must be corrected immediately Major and minor problems must be remedied within five working days. The proof of success is that results from customer audits for the past two years have been excellent. Inspecting out defects until permanent corrective actions can be implemented. Statistical sampling plans are used to inspect each lot as it finishes each operation.

Question No.05: Describe how the philosophy of never-ending improvement is incorporated in the company? Answer No.05

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