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Diploma in Hospitality & Tourism Management HDHT 102 Foundation of Tourism Travel Agency: GSI Travel Sdn Bhd


Ms. Noradizah

Wong Jun Xian (A1621) Navin Amy (A1769) (9846) Teoh Ewe Hong (A1689) Liao Shin Wen (A0230)

Table of contents (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) GSI Travel Sdn Bhd Company Backgrounds Their Market : (i)Offered packages Their Market : (ii) Marketing (iii) Type of business (v) (vi) (vii) Appendix (1) Appendix (2) References

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This is GSI Travel Agency located at 2nd floor of Centrepoint, Petaling Jaya. The staff who provided the information to us is Ms. Sam, an experienced travel agency in GSI , she is kind and friendly and willing to answer every question we ask.

Company Backgrounds GSI Travel Sdn Bhd is around for twenty years. The founder of this travel agency is Mr.Charles Ng. This agency is a property ownership and GSI Travel used to have so many branches espeacially around Subang and Sunway but in past five years, they combined and move to Petaling Jaya which is now operating as single branch in Centre Point. Their current organization position is from highest (Director), second would be Manager, follow by Assistant Manager and fellow staffs.


GSI Travel provides two type of tour for their customers which is the group tour and ground tour. The group tour is where the agency provide a tour guide for their customers during their visit to foreign countries. They work together with Reliance travel agency by where Reliance agency provide the group tour guide. The group tour package is depending the volume rate of the customers which are going for holiday.This partnership between this two agency proving to be an effective way to gain their clients loyalty. The second offered package is the ground tour. The ground tour is where the GSI Travel provide a representitive on their behalf to meet the customers on their arrival to the destination. The reason for this package is that the customers would not run into any problem during their holiday which is a good deal to win the trust of their clients. GSI Travel agency are partner with the Marriott chain hotel where they will send most of their clients to the Marriott hotel as their choice hotel to stay.GSI travel provide travelling experience for various customers. Many customers wants different ways of travelling which is an easy job for GSI Travel since they are partner with Malaysian airline, star and royal caribbean cruise ship, and also rail travel. This is because they want their customers have different travel experience.



GSI Travel agency market their agency mainly by advertising. Three types of advertisment they use is by newspaper where they leave the agency contact number so that the clients will call them which convenient rather than walking in. the clients can just call and find out about the agency and the packages they provide. Their second way of advertising is by handing out broches. The third is through the internet. GSI Travel have their own facebook which they share their agency to everyone. Moreover, they also update any latest promotion to their clients by sending them email. GSI Travel main target corparate clients. This is because they can gain loyalty for the business clients travel all the time in and out of the country. GSI also provided insurans for every clients such as AXA and Chartis insurans which is included natural disaster insurans.


Type of business

GSI Travel Agency is considered Full service agency, it is because they have the responsibility to provide and arrange services to all client included tour plan, supply and demand, route, insurans,accommodation, attraction, F&B. According to their opinion, they did arranged a tour guide during the whole trips for the clients to request client needs in order to prevent problem occurred. (NORMA,1996)

Appendix (i)

This is the insurans that GSI provided included in tour for clients.

Appendix (ii)

Beside giving brochrus, GSI Travel also paste travel poster around the Travel agencies to advertise their Tour package.

References : Type of Business : Book by NORMA POLOVITZ NICKERSON,Foundation of Tourism,1996, page 220(Full Travel agency)

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