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Initial Order of Magnitude Calculation 2.3.1 Total Tractive Force a.

Rolling Resistance Force: The force required to overcome the friction of the tires on the drive track is called rolling resistance force. If the car is driven on a hard surface, the rolling resistance arises due to the deflection of tire materials, If the track surface is soft compared to the tire material, the deformation of the track surface cause the rolling resistance. Normally rolling resistance is independent of the vehicle speed and is proportional to the vehicle weight. Equation 2.6 gives the rolling resistance force. Frr = rrmg (2.6)

Here rr is the coefficient of rolling resistance and m is the mass of the vehicle. b. Aero-Dynamic Drag Force: This force helps the vehicle to counteract the friction that works against it due to cruising through the air. The formula of aero dynamic drag force is given in Equation 2.7. Fad = *ACd2 (1+Cw ) (2.7)

Here is density of the air, v is the velocity of the car relative to the air, A is the vehicle frontal area, Cd is the drag coefficient, and CW is the wind speed coefficient. c. Uphill Grading Force: When moving through a slope, a component of the vehicle weight produces a force that opposes the forward motion while ascending. In vehicle acceleration simulation, only the uphill grading force is taken into

consideration. The uphill grading force acting on a car going up on a ramp is given in Equation 2.8. Fhc = mg sin( ) (2.8)

d. Linear Acceleration Force: Linear acceleration can be found straightforward from Newtons second law of motion: Fla = ma (2.9)

Here a is the linear acceleration of the car. e. Angular Acceleration Force: The force that supplies the angular acceleration can be formulated as follows: Fwa = I (G2 a) / g r2 Here G is the gear box ratio, g is the gear box efficiency, I is the moment of inertia of the electric motor, and r is the radius of tire. However, there are no easy ways to calculate the moment of inertia of an electric motor and the quantity is not specified in most motor datasheets either. Thus as an expedient measure, the angular acceleration force is excluded from total tractive force and to compensate this exclusion, the mass in the linear acceleration force is multiplied by a mass factor called , which increases the mass by 5%. The sum of all the forces given in Equation 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9 gives the total tractive force. Ftractive = Frr + Fad + Fhc +Fla Ftractive= rrmg + ACd2(1+Cw)+mgsin()+ma

2.3.2 Determination of Minimum Tractive Power Requirement The power required by the car when it is accelerating can be found by dividing its final kinetic energy by acceleration time span. Mathematically it is expressed as follows: Pa = 1/2ta * m (f)2 A different amount of energy will be required when the car stops accelerating and starts cursing at a constant speed. Power required for cursing at a constant speed is the product of total tractive force defined in equation 2.11 and speed. Pc= Ftractive Table presents a reasonable estimation of the parameters that are needed to calculate the total tractive force. Quantity and Unit Rolling Resistance Coefficient Vehicle Weight (kg) Gravitational Constant (m/s2) Density of Air (kg/m3) Aero-dynamic Drag Coefficient Frontal Area (m2) Wind speed Coefficient Road Angle (rad) Mass Factor Symbol rr M g Cd A Cw Estimated Value 0.075 170 9.8 1.25 0.4 1 0.1 0 1.05

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