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Bharath Mallappa orals 17th jan - trasi type of ships done container , bulk , car type of eng : MAN

BnW mcc, 12rta , 8 uec fn 3 : 1 ) reactivity sub hazard:(chem tker) told him reactivity with itself (i.e polymerisation),reactivity with other chems reactivity with tank coatings...x ques started cudnt ans much as knew very litt le 2)water padding ??for what chems?? 3) dicharging procedure as per ibc code ?? donno 4)mepc 62nd ? i started tat it took place b/w 2011 july 11th to 15th ..he stopped me here shoo k his fucking topi n told ---"DURBAN" dec ...i fought back tat u asked 62 nd ses sion n tat took place in july only ... also told him tat i visited the official site ... somehow cudnt satisfy d old hag ... i tried to convince him a lot but i n vain because few days back old mother fucker used to ask mepc 63rd session whi ch is yet to take place n which accordinmg to him was the durban dec climate con ference....also asked me abt the climate conference i told him only seemp , ghg , eedi new chapter in annex 6 n all aksed me more i told i donno ,he asked it wa s in front page of TOI - i said i subscribe "asian age "!!!! :) 5)emergency steering n auxiliary steering regulations ?then asked did i hav aux steering in my ship ? i said "no" asked me why not ? i said reg says if two identical power units provided not nec essary. Q - so what arrangment is there if not required? a: i said 100% redundancy is there , duplication of system right frm telemotor t o steering motors so auto change over n all still he kept pesterin i got pissed donno wat he wanted Q) follow up n non follow up - i gave wrong ans

Dhawal Tandon Orals-2nd attempt- 16/01/2012 DG shippin- taken by mr. Badwal and mr. mukherjee 1st attempt washoutFunc 3Draw keyless n keyed propeller- explain how propeller is removed and fitted bak? Xplain n draw hw stern tube is sealed n lubricated ? Co2 bottle amendments and hw master valve is activted..?( asked me to draw d mas ter v/v ) Lifeboats capacity- any change?? Yes-- 4m 75 to 82.5 kgs weight had been increased..nxt- so how many person shld a capacity of 30 pple lifeboat wil now carry..ans is leas thn 30 i.e. 25-26 pple n not 30 !!! Kevin Da Gama DG SHIPPING function 3 1.Venting system on product tankers? 2.water padding?and cargoes ?and what gases used for inerting? 3.Maintainance on deep well pumps? 4.Trips on IGG 5. Difference betwen IG and IGG 6.air lock in gas carries? 7.What is listed in IBC code? 8.Types of cargoes carried on board in type 1 ,type 2 and 3 chemical tankers?

9.static electricity..(told him all three stages)and electic diapole etc then cr ossquestioning ..finally didnt agree..

Damian Sequeira ?10/01/2012 Mr.Trassi Fn3 1.)Types of Gas carriers?told him A,B,C he accepted. 2.)Difference between IBC and BCH?I did not answer this well. 3.)What is water pad? 3.)Types of floors? 4.)Boiler Survey interval?He asked me if first done in 18months then when next,t old him within next 36months,he agreed.

function 3 1. asked me nox and sox emission limits told him 2. types of is longitudinal framing it same for all a long the lenght of ship if not then what distance etc. my ans was not pretty con vincing but he accepted 3. then he asked me tht u are doing a comprehensive survey of a 20 yr bulk carri er designed to carry high density cargo...wht checks will u do on cargo hold tan k tops... i said dont know sir 4. then he asked me you have 20 water type...20 foam type, 20 dry powder and 5 c o2 extinguishers how many spare you should have......i told him that for co2 100 % and for onboard rechargable extinguishers 5 % then he said im bullshitting whi ch i think i was....then said its very imp to know this as second u can't say i read it but cant recollect now.... 5 then he asked me bout PMS on wht basis maintenance done....checks on fixed CO2 sys and thats it told me wait out side call me back told me got function 4b and 6 i dont how and why my performance was not upto mark and question were like could have taken all four but wht can say i was not prepared this postponding and stuff new ays got two and satisfied with it.... i hope all us should get such externals....

Fn.3 1.Solas chapter 12 2.What is sub-hazard of reactivity in chemical tanker 3.MEPC(62). 4.EEDI formula. 5.Types of floors.Diagram of bracket floor. function 3 1. ism 2. isps 3. ballast water management... 4. bulkhead stool.. wants d diagram of stiffner in lower stool. 5. supplement of iopp certificate.

Yogesh Timble ?11/01/2012 Jahaj Bhavan Pakhrashi Fn 3. 1. ISM and its latest amendments and when these came in to force? 2. What is document of compliance? 3. CSR 4. ISPS in detail. 5. Draw longitudinal and transverse framing.

Rajesh Agashe ?13/01/12 internal : mehrotra n external: aneja at dg, mr. aneja asked all questions. fn3. 1. load line convention. 2. draw load line diagram and exlain, he asked abt all distances. 3. ballast water conventin, when it came into force. 4. ballast water exchange methods. 5. angle of lol 6. ask abt solas all chapters. 7. abt isps whitch chapter, certificate under isps.

Ravindra Yadav orals @ DGS in mr banerjee room only extrnal taking orals 1st attempt 10/01/12 guys very sory for posting late......was very sick for 102 fever...didnt even re member when i got home from mumbai function 3 1. draw a tail end shaft....write all the dimensions as per ur ship...angel of t propelle is fitted...wat type of thread.....finally coudn'd satisfy him with the answer 2. as per new rule wat all ships to b fitted with ETA.....draw diagram of an ETA .....didn't excepted the diagram of eta 3. wat avoid the other s/g p/p to rotate in reverse direction when one p/p is ru nning...draw a dig of such arrangment-got it right 4. wat is max lowering speed of life boat.....draw rachet and break of life boat -correct 5. earlier a boat can carry 30 ppl how many it will carry now- correct

Function 3 1) ISM ammendements....started well.... in between he went deeper what and why....was very paticular about dates. 2) Why PSC inspection is required? how what and why?? 3) Hatch cover details...its weight of hatches and uniform pr. applied by cleats to give a water tight seal was looking for this. then asked can i sail with no hatch covers at all. i said cargo will get damage...he said i will have the dewa tering arrangement....he said to take eg. of container vessel ......i said the c ontainer will get flooded with rain water and cargo get damage. he said will mak e it water tight ...i said u better make cargo hatches water tight will save mon ey....he said i m ready to spend money .....i gave up.....didnt know where was h

e dragging me for this.....any ways didnt meet his expectations for this functio n.

?12/01/12 Internal: Mehrotra, External : Bakral Fn 3: 1) PSC Regime. 2) Paris MOU. 3) Sopep wt all documents present in it. Ans: Shell expansion plan, tank capacity, particulars,etc. 4) Hatch cover water tight arrangement with diagram. 5) Panting and thr stiffening members with diagram.

Karthik Reddiar ?10/01/2012, Trassi and Datta... fun 3 1)IBC AND BCH difference.. ans: the dates as 1st july 1986 thing. and IBC mandatory under solas chapter sev en whereas BCH only voluntary. also post 1993 edition of BCH are shortened as it asks the user to refer chapter 17 and 18 of IBC... he asked the difference in coloumns in new IBC and old one in chapter 17...i don t know.. 2)air lock in lpg carrier.. ans: only motor room presurized NOT the air lock space..compressor room under ne gative pressure and regulations as per IGC code. 3)vegetable oil -pollution category ans: Y category and type 2 chemical tanker.

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