Vocabulary House and Furniture 0312

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HOUSE AND FURNITURE bedroom: alcoba / dormitorio living-room: saln kitchen: cocina bathroom: cuarto de bao toilet: servicio corridor: pasillo flat: apartamento / piso building: edificio house: casa home: hogar attic: desvn / tico dining room: comedor hall: vestbulo balcony: balcn door: puerta window: ventana floor: suelo wall: pared roof: tejado / techo

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Original PDF Document with pictures (English only): House & Furniture.pdf

Types of houses Tipos de viviendas bungalow (house with only one storey) - casa de un solo piso caravan (a wheeled vehicle for living or travelling in) - caravana cottage (small house in the country or village) - casita detached house (not joined to other houses) casa unifamiliar (con terreno alrededor) flat / apartment (a set of rooms for living in, especially on one floor of a building) - piso semi-detached house (joined to one house) casa adosada terraced house (joined to several houses to form a row ) - casa en fila con otras

Rooms / parts in a house Habitaciones / partes de una casa Attic buardilla / cmara balcony - balcn basement / cellar (room below ground level, for living or working) - stano bathroom - cuarto de bao toilet servicio (sin baera) bedroom - dormitorio dining room - comedor garage - cochera garden -jardn hall - recibidor / entrada kitchen - cocina landing (flat area at the top of a staircase) - descansillo porch - porche shed (a small building separated from the house usually for storing garden tools )

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living room / sitting room - saln stairs - escaleras study - estudio / despacho yard - patio ceiling - techo floor suelo wall - pared ground floor planta baja first / second floor primer / segundo piso upstaris piso de arriba dowatairs piso de abajo front door puerta principal door puerta blind persiana to raise or lower the blind subir o bajar la persiana to pull up or pull down the blind subir o bajar la persiana

In the garden En el jardn bench banco fence - valla tree - arbol flower bed - grupo de flores flower - flor shed - cobertizo plant - maceta leaves - hojas garden path - camino lawn - zona con csped

In the kitchen and dining room En la cocina y el comedor spoon - cuchara knife - cuchillo plate - plato saucepan - cazo / cacerola / olla cup and saucer - taza y plato

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frying pan - sartn fork - tenedor coffee maker - cafetera teaspoon / dessertspoon cucharilla de caf o postre mug taza de desayunar bottle - botella bowl - tazn sin asa funnel - embudo tupperware - taper glass - vaso scales - bscula tea pot tetera cork screw sacacorchos ladle - cucharn de servir la sopa spatula - paleta pizza cutter cortador de pizza cutting board c tabla de cortar grater rallador bottle opener - abridor can opener - abrelatas clothes peg pinza de la ropa laundry basket cesto de la ropa sucia dustpan and broom recogedor y escoba dustbin bag / garbage bag - bolsa de la basura oven glove guante de cocina table cloth ropa de mesa / mantelera /mantel y servilletas table mats matelitos individuales rubber gloves - guantes de fregar kitchen paper / kitchen roll rollo (papel) de cocina sieve - tamizador whisk - espumadera para batir colander - escurridor (pasta) wooden spoon - cuchara de madera tap - grifo stool - banqueta tray - bandeja sponge estropajo washing-up liquid lavavajillas washing powder - detergente

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mop and bucket fregana y cubo tea towel / dishtowel - trapo de cocina sink - fregadero chair - silla jug - jarra wine glass - copa de vino worktop - encimera napkin - servilleta dustbin / garbage can - cubo de la basura cupboard - armario salt cellar / salt shaker salero

Kitchen appliances - Aparatos de cocina dishwasher - lavavajillas blender - licuadora freezer - congelador mixer - batidora fridge / refrigerator - frigo cooker cocina stove and oven cocina y horno washing machine lavadora vacuum clearner / hoover - aspiradora microwave - microondas toaster - tostadora fryer / deep frier freidora iron and ironing board plancha y tabla de planchar

In the bathroom En el cuarto de bao shower - ducha bath / bathtub - baera bubble bath / shower gel gel de bao soap - jabn brush - cepillo para el pelo shampoo - champ comb - peine

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bath mat alfombra de bao washbasin lavabo tap - grifo bathrobe - albornoz towel - toalla toilet paper - papel higinico toothbrush - cepillo de dientes sponge - esponja toothpaste - pasta dentfrica scales - bscua razor - maquinilla de afeitar plug - tapn del lavabo o la baera mirror espejo bathroom cabinet - aramario de bao electric razor - afeitadora elctrica hairdryer - secador de pelo

In the bedroom En el dormitorio bed - cama duvet - edredn bunk - litera duvet cover - cubre-edredn bedside table / night table mesita de noche cot / crib - cuna mirror - espejo pillow - almohada blanket - manta dressing table / vanity - tocador alarm clock - despertador sheets sbanas bedspread - colcha / cubrecama wardrobe armario chest of drawers - cajonera carpet - alfombra shelf - estantera

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In the sitting room / living room En el saln sofa / couch - sof armchair - silln clock - reloj de pared lamp - lmpara coffee table - mesa baja de saln footstool - taburete curtains - cortinas vase - florero / jarrn blind - persiana fireplace - chimenea bookcase - librera rug / carpet alfombrilla / alfombra cupboard - armario picture - cuadro cushion - cojn radiator - radiador Other - Otros heating system - calefaccion. cooling system / air conditioning / A C - aire acondicionado window - ventana correction fluid - tipex television / TV - televisin computer / PC ordenador de sobremesa laptop ordenador porttil door - puerta desk - escritorio envelope - sobre remote control - mando a distancia CD player - reproductor de CDs stapler - grapadora scissors - tijeras Sellotape / Scotch tape celo / cinta adhesiva glue - pegamento VCR - Video DVD player - reproductor de DVD

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MP3 player reproductor de MP3 mouse - ratn radio - radio printer - impresora Post-It notes - posit (digital) camera - cmara tape recorder - radiocassette paper clip - clip rubber band - goma stereo / hi-fi equipo de msica telephone - telfono mobile (phone) - mvil

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