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Beyond CSR-30th March 2011

Creating Real Social Value

What is UnConvention ? UnConvention is a micro-conference hosted by Social adVentures in Salford. Its aim is to explore social innovation and social enterprise in a fun and interactive way. Housed at their Creative Media Centre a stunning grade II listed bank building the events are quick fire with lots of debate and plenty for time for networking! Beyond CSR creating real social value is a micro-conference to explore how companies can go beyond corporate social r Beyond CSR Doing Business for good is a microconference to explore how companies can go beyond corporate social responsibility and looks at how businesses can engage with social and community enterprise post financial crisis. The conference will bring together businesses and social enterprise to look at challenges and opportunities of working more closely together. esponsibility and looks at how businesses can engage with social and community enterprise post financial crisis. The conference will bring together businesses and social enterprise to look at challenges and opportunities of working more closely together. The event will also mark the launch 50in250 campaign The overarching idea is to get 50 large companies to sign up to buy from at least 5 Social Enterprise Mark holders within 250 days. This ambitious challenge will attract the medias attention and will gather pace once a number of organisations have signed up to the resolution. This campaign has been designed to provide large corporate organisations with a meaningful and easy way to develop an ethical supply chain. For minimal input, you could reap huge benefits in terms of leading the movement of using social enterprises in your

supply chain to demonstrate really meaningful corporate social responsibility and enhance your corporate ethical credentials. The Audience: The aim would be to have a mix of social businesses and corporates at the event to maximise the interaction between this delegates. Social Businesses, Community Enterprises, Social Enterprises Invited North Social Enterprise Mark Holders in the Northern Locality Members Social Enterprise North West Members Social Enterprise UK Members Local CVS & Third Sector NHS Social Enterprise Spin Outs

Corporates Invited BBC In the North Sage O2 Health English Cities Fund Contour Housing Peel Holdings MediaCityUK ProStrakan / AboutHealth TalkTalk

The Zones
Zone One Stage and Question Bank
This area is the zone for presentations and question time debates held in the main bank space

Zone Two- MarketPlace

This is a marketplace / networking zone bring people together to do business

Zone Three- Ideas Vault

This is in the vault is is a zone for action learning around challenges and opportunities

Zone Four- Bank Managers Office

This is the zone for expert one to one support on how to implement ideas

Time 10am10.30am 10.3011.30am 11.3012.00pm Zone One One One Activity Registration / Refreshments Welcome / Launch of 50in250 in the North Impact of the Social Value Bill Scott Darraugh Lucy Finlay MP Chris White TBC MP Hazel Blears TBC Joanne Lyons Speaker / Facilitator

12-12.30pm All 12.30One 1.00pm 12.30Three 1.00pm 1.302.00pm 1.302.00pm 2.00-2.10

Lunch and MarketPlace Question Bank Panel Debate on CSR and Social Enterprise No More Fence Painting! Action Learning Workshop on Sleeping with the enemy? joint ventures with the private sector One Question Bank Panel Debate Small Fish and Blue Chips Three Action Learning Workshop on buying the triple bottom line (Ethical Procurement) One Closing Remarks

Nathan Millam / Samantha McHale Scott Darraugh

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