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Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering Technical Report Writing

Dr. NDL Burger

Context Of Technical Report

Abstract Table of Contents List of tables Roman page List of figures numbers List of symbols Glossary of terminologies Introduction User requirements Literature study Functional analysis and simulation Design requirements/technical specification/assumptions Concepts Concept evaluation Detail design The detail depends on the type of Test and evaluation report i.e. design, investigation or Interpretation of results project Conclusion References Annexure
Appendix A .. A1, A2, . Appendix B ...B1, B2, .

Table of Contents
All pages must be numbered All chapters must be numbered 1.. All sub-paragraphs must be numbered 1.1 , 1.1.1 etc. Index must guide the reader to each paragraph at a specific page Must list all annexures

List of Tables/Figures/Symbols
List all the tables in numerical order All tables must be numbered with a relevant caption of the table Example: Table 3.1: Forces measured in cross beams Can be automatically generated by word List all figures in numerical order All figures must be numbered with a relevant caption for the figure Example: Figure 3.1: Bending moment diagram of cross beam Can be automatically generated by word List of symbols List of all symbols used must be compiled to explain them to the reader Example: Sy: Yield point of material

Introduction and Background

Introduce your reader to the problem at hand as described in the report Start general and end with purpose of the study Be concise without being blunt Sketch the background clearly and precise The most important thing of a report is the fact that YOU must guide your reader through the report in a precise and organized manner A disorganized report is a nightmare to read and to evaluate Make use of the document .. On MOW212 website regarding: Construction of sentences Choice of words etc.

User Requirements
Explain the problem as received from the user either in
Words Specification

Make use of sketches to explain the text

Literature Survey
Explain the relevant literature applicable to the problem at hand Survey the literature available (ALL) to get better understanding of the problem Do not pad your report but include what is necessary to help the reader understand the problem Reference all the literature used
Used acceptable method for referencing i.e. Harvard

Tables etc. from catalogues can be included in the annexure (with references)

Functional Analysis and simulation

Compile a functional analysis of the problem at hand to gain a better understanding of the design needs to achieve the goals Make sure that all the functions of various systems and subsystems are defined Make use of the information obtained from the functional analysis and the user requirements to compile a set of design parameters

Design Requirements
Design requirements - preferably in table format Technical specification - preferably in table format List all assumptions
This is necessary for the reader of the report to follow all the arguments in the report and the calculations.

Give a summary of all the concepts for the various systems and/or subsystems

If the number of concepts is to much it can be included in the annexure

This help to keep the report short, organized and precise Prevent the reader form paging to various pages to read the report

Concept evaluation
Explain the parameters for the evaluation of the concepts
Parameters must conform to the design requirements and/or system specification

Compile the weighing factors

Explain the weighing factors chose to prevent any misunderstanding

Do the final choice by making use of the appropriate technique

Detail Design
Do ALL the relevant calculations Explain all the calculations with SKETCHES Show the reader the following
Where you are busy within the design Details of the component with which you are busy The origin of ALL the force (action and reaction)

List the materials used in the design before specifying a material make sure about cost and availability

All equations must be numbered for further reference (Harvard) Where equations etc. are used reference the source according to accepted method Harvard Do not only type equations and then answer this is wrong. The values used must be shown

Detail Design
The detail design must include the following
Manufacturing analysis Maintenance analysis Any special tooling for manufacturing and maintenance Cost analysis

Make sure that your design conforms to all the relevant aspects as taught in the various design courses If there is a large number of repetitive calculations or computer printouts it can be included as annexure DO NOT HESITATE TO MAKE USE OF SKETCHES OR PRINTS FROM THE SOLID MODELS TO EXPLAIN YOUR WORK

Test and Evaluation

Explain all the relevant testing techniques used and/or available Explain all the test equipment
Make use of sketches

Explain design of experimental setup Provide complete test protocol and how it was implemented and monitored

Interpretation of Results
Gather all data Be precise in recording your data Never adjust data to suit your calculations Present the data in a clear and understandable manner Big sets of data can be include in an annexure

Write a final conclusion for your report summarizing the following
Purpose of the work Final design Results

Make use of the Harvard method for referencing throughout your report .pdf

Make sure that all the documents used are referenced even catalogues and web pages
Remember when referencing a web page that the last date accessed must be shown

Include all the excess information not included in report in annexure Typical information to be included in annexure
Concepts Detail calculations Material data sheets Catalogues Test reports Test data

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