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L.O: Mrs.

Stent : Case Study:

1: Sowa moved form Somalia to South Africa because she was told to choose between her job or her life in her own country, as they do not believe that women should be journalists. 2: A refugee is someone who lives away from their country of orign because they have suffered persecution of race, gender or nationality. 3.1: Sowda's career is journalisnm. 3.2: She would have taken English, Geography and History. 3.4: Yes, i think she is commited to her career because she chose it over her life and moved to a different country just to carry on doing her job. 4.1: An example of gender discrimination would be if men think that a women's place is in the kitchen and that she is not able to do any skilled work or education. 4.2: I think she felt inferrior because she felt she is worth alot more. 4.3: "Steriotypical views about gender roles and esponsibilities" is when one geder believes the other is inferrior and does not treat them fairly or when people believe behaving in a certain way is only ment to be for one gender. 5: Sowda was urprised when she got to South Africa because she discovered that there was also inequality there when she thought that it was a safe country. 6.1: 'Xenophobia' is the fear of foreigners. 6.2: An example from the case study of Xenophobia : When foreigners got told by their landlords to move elsewhere. 6.3: they are jealouse because they take their jobs [because maybe the forgeiners have a better education]. They could be scared that the foreigners will tae their belongings away from them. 7: Khatelitsha set the good example of standing up for the foreigners when they were being attacked. 8: Our constitution protects us from Xenophobia by declaring that all people should be treated equally under the law and that nobody has the right to be

subject to violence. 9.1: Diversity is having a range of different things. 9.2: [a] Equality: you can never be discrininated against unfairly. [b] Fredom of Belief, Religion and Oppinion: You cannot be forced to change any of the latter. [c] Life: nobody may kill you. [d] Citizenship: You cannot tell somebody they do not belong there, unless they decide to move. 9.3: It is important to have friends from other religions/ cultures because it helps you to understand the religion better [you won't judge others from that religion] .It lets you think that all religions can be freinds and lets you understand why certain religions behave in certain ways. It will open your mind to accept other religions. 10.1: No, her religion doesn't stop her from having friends because they have a mutual agreement that they do not judge one another based on relion or culture. 10.2: [a] Tolerating people of other religion by not judging them [b] Having respect for other people in other religions by accepting them for who they are and not just their reliion alone. 10.3: [a] Freedom of Religion and Belief: You cannot be forced to elieve in something and follow the religion of your choice. [b] Freedom of Association: You can asociate with whomever you choose to. 11: It is not tolerable because we are all humans shaing the same Earth, it doesnt matter if our skins are different olours or if we speak differently. We are the nly species that deliberaty mass-kill our own kind. We should not judge peope based on where they come from, but just see them as a human being because even if wee come fro different places, we are all vey different. 12: [a] Compliment them [b] get to know them better [c] prove to them why they should change their veiw on things [d]

[e] 13: [a] [b] [c] 14: i would like to be treated equaly and in the same manner as everyone else 15: [a] [b] [c]

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