Erlich Home Office

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Arie Erlich


have you found yourself doing home tasks such as grocery shopping, cleaning and taking care of the kids o just resting while you work at home? Working at home has to have clear discipline. From proper setting of you home office through time management and target setting. This session will provide you with basic tools to improve your performance while working from home and not having a boss or time frame to follow

Manage Yourself. Time Will Become OK

That Lecture Conference Conference Conference Conference

60 Minutes Per 420 Sleeping Minutes Per Day Hour 50 Lunch Break Minutes Per Day 1,440 Minutes 75 Coffee Breaks Minutes Per Day 60 Disorganization Lost Minutes Per Day [Statistics] Per Day Al Others... 525,600 Minutes Per Year Net Working Time Left A Day

accessible infrastructure

Good News Easy To Become Entrepreneurs, Self Employee And Boss Bad News Being Smart Is Not Enough Being Diligent Is Not Enough Being Professional Is Not Enough Solution Create Manage Do Evaluate

Cutting logistics & costs

moving to the virtual

Traditional Plus Work Frame & Work Team Organ Pyramid - Shared Responsibility Go In To The Office Socially Involved Traditional Minus External Noise Traffic, Sirens Etc. Other Peoples Conversations Physical [Traffic Jam; Heat Levels Etc.] Office Politics

Home Plus You Control It All More Efficient Ease Of Managing & Decision Making Freedom: Manage Yourself; Hear Music Home Minus Reduced Social Contacts Time Stealers Frequent Interruptions Mixed Personal & Work Day 2 Day Life

What Are You: Waiting For Things To Happen And React GOOD Or Make Them Happen

Procedures. Meetings Unscheduled Actions Visitors [Pop In] Phone Calls The Boss Inability To Say NO

Mail Family Online Communication Poor Delegation Skills Day Dreaming Worry Lack Of Discipline & Disorganization Inability To [Politely] Say NO

Background TV Internet [!!!...] New software Grocery shop list

Coffee break Newspaper Arrangements Hobbies

Email Personal calls Family. More & more.

Filing System Time Management And Follow Up Desk Cluttered With Papers Lack Of Human Touch Trace. Monitor. Report What REALY do you Do? Customers Pay For Production, For Quality Can You Stand For That?

Egg Timer/ Sand Watch- Use It! Master List Calendar Important & Urgent > Do Today Prioritized Task List Write Everything You Do Important > Check Your Priorities Do [Its Tomorrows Urgent] Analyze Your Time Leaks
Anything Else > Delete Or Delegate


1. Define your work hours 2. Define your type 3. Define your border line


Single Vertex[brown Line] One Group Of 'Good Hours' Per Day. Dual Vertex -Camel Curve [Blue Line]. Two Groups Of 'Good Hours' Per Day.

What to do when?


High Energy Projects Important Meetings Writing . Learning. Developing

Low Energy Staff Meetings Opening/Sorting Mail Responding To Correspondence Collecting Data


Single Vertex[brown Line] One Group Of 'Good Hours' Per Day. Dual Vertex -Camel Curve [Blue Line]. Two Groups Of 'Good Hours' Per Day.

Method: Think. Create. Plan.Do | Schedule All | Modern Habits | Do & Dont Do | Family | Make Buy Decision | Focus Focus Focus

Long Term Plan

Clear Articulate

Short Term Plan Daily Work Plan Do

Quality Of Working Hours For Important Issues

Evaluate Performance

Write Measure Invest Time To Your Plans

Method: Think. Create. Plan.Do | Schedule All | Modern Habits | Do & Dont Do | Family | Make Buy Decision | Focus Focus Focus

Prioritize Your List Every Day Use A Marker To Define 3 Daily Critical Missions To Accomplish Make It Realistic Logistics Takes Time If Its GOOD- Its Done [Stop] Say No Politely Rapidly Switch Between Various Contexts

** Most Common Optional Tool- Outlook or Google Time-Table**

Method: Think. Create. Plan.Do | Schedule All | Modern Habits | Do & Dont Do | Family | Make Buy Decision | Focus Focus Focus

Locate Office In Private Place Your Office have a Door? Mail

Its An Open/ Unsecured Media Dont Read Every 3 Minutes Read & React Once Fold And Categorize It

Internet. Always On TV Set in Backgound

Method: Think. Create. Plan.Do | Schedule All | Modern Habits | Do & Dont Do | Family | Make Buy Decision | Focus Focus Focus


Dont Do

Manage Your Calendar Put EVERTHING Into Calendar

Dont Invent. Use

Buy Mention/ Give Credit

Call Father Backup Hard Disk Take Kids To School Write Web Page For

Dont Mix Pleasure With Work Hours Avoid Disorganization

Use Your Personal Efficiency Graph [Model]

Method: Think. Create. Plan.Do | Schedule All | Modern Habits | Do & Dont Do | Family | Make Buy Decision | Focus Focus Focus

Home Office Beneficial For Children School Run Home Arrangements Close Assistance Grocery Shop List Fix Something Here And There..

How To Do That? Do! Control It

Dont Use Your Good Hours Schedule It All [Written!]

You Are To Work Now! Let Them See That.

Method: Think. Create. Plan.Do | Schedule All | Modern Habits | Do & Dont Do | Family | Make Buy Decision | Focus Focus Focus

If It Is Smarter For You To Buy- Do That If It Is Cheaper For You To Buy- Do That Trade Your Time For Money Outsource [Cheap] To Gain Valuable Work Time Make Significant To Learn And Earn Professional Abilities
If It Can Be Core Competence Keep It If It Can Not Buy

Buy When It Gives You Time To Make Money

Method: Think. Create. Plan.Do | Schedule All | Modern Habits | Do & Dont Do | Family | Make Buy Decision | Focus Focus Focus

Be selective! Evaluate each request in terms of your goals and your schedule What you decide to do, do really well Schedule demanding missions to good hours Dont mix work with habits

Arie Erlich

Time management


Practical tools & methods

Knowledge Management

For Tips use:

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