Special Wednesday Night Session With Eddie Hammett

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Vol. XXXVIII • No.

15 • August 1, 2008
“Among Friends”
Note to self: Next year during VBS week,
take extra vitamins! This year’s Power Lab was an
enormous success by any standards.
Approximately 300 children attended, including a
great number of kids from the Decatur community.
More than 140 youth and adults were on hand each day to love them
and lead them in every conceivable kind of fun activity—singing,
crafts, drama, creative snack-eating and of course, hearing stories
from Scripture about Jesus’ miraculous power. Over the five-day
period children discovered that:

• Jesus gives us the power to be thankful.

• Jesus gives us the power to be brave.
• Jesus gives us the power to help others.
• Jesus gives us the power to live forever!
• Jesus gives us the power to tell others about God.

There are entirely too many people to thank

adequately in this column. Our church is blessed beyond measure
with gifted, sacrificial people, and many of them were on-site this
week. I do, however, want to mention three particular saints—Paige
Stanfield, Debbie Britt and Ric Rodriguez. I have fond images of
“General Paige” moving purposefully from place to place each
morning, clipboard in hand, like George Patton in capri pants. Paige
is a wonder and deserves mountains of kudos.
Debbie Britt gave her typically fine pastoral leadership, putting
out a few fires and helping everyone to remember why we do VBS in
the first place. And FBC new member Ric Rodriguez created from
scratch the amazing set in the sanctuary that set the tone for the
whole week!

Walter Brueggemann has said that in the process Deacons Hosting “Tap Potential” Meeting
of claiming faith for themselves, “young people
need adults who are quite literally ‘crazy’ for On August 19, during our monthly meeting, the FBC Deacons will
them.” This week scores of youth and adults let host a “Tap Potential” gathering. This is new for us and here’s how
themselves get a little crazy with children and it works: Every deacon is responsible for inviting one guest who’s
demonstrated unmistakably that we are crazy about been at First Baptist Decatur one year or less. During the gathering
children at First Baptist Decatur. What a gift! And each deacon will introduce his or her guest and the newcomers will
what a week. Can’t wait till next year… have the chance to share how they first came to FBC, as well as
something they think we’re doing really well and something they
But I’m serious about the vitamins. think we might want to work on. Each guest also will have a chance
to say what kind of ministry makes his or her heart “sing.” This is a
Blessings, great way for us to let newcomers know they matter. Best of all, it’s
a way of calling out people’s gifts for ministry and helping FBC to
be a church in which every individual is “out of the stands and in
the game.” Pray for this gathering!
Eddie Hammett @ FBC Decatur Wed., Sept. 10
Walter Brueggemann, Biblical Perspectives on Evangelism. Abingdon Press, 1993.
Many church leaders are asking how to keep people over 60 years
of age while at the same time reach people under 40. Does meeting
the spiritual needs of one group necessarily create a barrier to
working with the other? Join us in Carreker Hall for a special
Wednesday night session with Eddie Hammett and Randy Pierce as
they share insights from their book, Reaching People Under 40
while Keeping People over 60. Lay leaders from around Atlanta
have been invited to join us for our Wednesday night meal followed
by the session with Eddie & Randy. Please note—on this night
only, the Bible study hour will run from 6:30-8:00 pm.
Congregational Life Prayer Concerns as of
Welcome, Sharyn! July 30, 2008
Sharyn Dowd officially begins her ministry at FBC this Sunday, though there
already have been “Sharyn sightings” in the office and around the church for In The Hospital:
several weeks now. Her office is set up and she is raring to go. Please take a ▪ Mary Lee Wilson, Emory, E-919.
moment to express your welcome to Sharyn and to help her get to know you as she ▪ Tyler Cagle, Acute Neuro Rehab,
comes alongside our congregation as pastor for spiritual formation and mission Phoenix, AZ. Condition improving.
engagement. ▪ Sandy Sears, sister-in-law of Susan
Sears, St. Joseph’s.
Young At Heart Off to Alaska! ▪ Peggy Gladding-Smith, Emory.
Young at Heart’s mission is to provide multiple opportunities ▪ Dorothy Tribble, sister of George
throughout the year for senior adults to experience Hooten, DeKalb Medical, #3248.
friendship, adventure and the love of Christ. Their next adventure is Congratulations To:
a cruise to Alaska. There will be 39 people leaving at 5:30 am on ▪ Courtney and Meshack Mwangura
Sunday, August 10 and they will return at approximately 10 pm on Sunday, August 17. Please on the birth of their second child,
pray for the safety of this group while they travel and that they would have a great time while they Zion.
are away. Bon Voyage! Sympathy To:
▪ Louise Jones on the death of her
Clairmont Oaks Offers Seminar on Centering Prayer brother-in-law, Lawrence Nichols.
“Caught Up In The Spirit,” a seminar on centering prayer and meditation will be held at Clairmont ▪ The family of Maxine Manus.
Oaks on Tuesday, August 12 at 3:30 pm. Joe LaGuardia, Clairmont Oaks Chaplain, will facilitate ▪ The family of Winston McArthur.
the seminar. Everyone is invited to attend and light refreshments will be provided. Please RSVP ▪ Diane Headen on the death of her
by calling 404-378-8887. There is no cost for the seminar. mother, Gwendolyn Hardy.

Pilgrims Sunday School Class Begins New Study on Science and Religion Tithes & Offerings
Interested in a Science and Religion Study? The Pilgrims class begins a peer-led ten week study of
The Language of God by Francis Collins on Sunday, August 31. If you, or someone you know, A Generous People
would like to participate, please contact Jackie Durham (678-714-2158) or Don Hammonds (404- 2008 Ministry Action Plan
284-3398). Pilgrims meet in E-206.
Weekly Need: .....................$ 27,361
You May Have a Library Reading Prize Waiting! Received on July 20............$ 14,813
Summer Reading Program kids (and parents)—if you haven’t gotten your reading logs back in to Received on July 27............$ 20,929
the Library, you haven’t gotten your stickers and small prizes yet. The annual reading program Y-T-D Need:.....................$ 820,839
ended on July 20 but we still have some names not checked off. This year 70 (yes, seventy!) Y-T-D Received: ..............$ 682,960
children participated from Church and Children’s Development Center families, and read a Surplus/(shortfall):............ (137,879)
whopping number of books. The top readers will be announced soon, but we need all of your
reading logs back in. Questions? Call us at 404.373.1653, extension 2229. “Years of Opportunity 2007-09”
Wednesday Nights This Summer
5-6 Supper (fellowship hall) Given to Date:...................$ 314,957
6-6:15 Prayer Time (Chapel) Bank Loan Balance:..........$ 260,278
6:15-6:45 Our Baptist Heritage Series (Chapel) - July 30, Aug. 6 & 13 Owed to FBC Fdn.:...........$ 180,000
Freedom: The Key to the Baptist Genius; Led by Bill Neal
Thank you to the Young At Heart Committee for their help in planning our Summer Wednesday Missions Offering YTD ....$ 12,390
Night Series. They contributed their ideas for time, speakers, topics etc. Also a big thank you to
Peter Rhea Jones, Charles Whaley and Bill Neal for leading our Baptist Heritage series.
Wednesday Dinner Menus
Thanks to Clairmont Oaks Luncheon Volunteers
Thank you to all who helped make the annual Clairmont Oaks luncheon on Thursday, July 17 a August 6
success. We couldn’t have done it without you! Vegetable Lasagna, Salad Bar,
Garlic French Toast, Ice Cream and
Van Reservations Cookies
Our church maintains four vans and one mini bus. We keep these vehicles pretty busy but they are
available for church groups to use for church sponsored outings. If you would like to schedule the August 13
use of one of these vehicles please call Amy Russell in the church office, 404-373-1653. Fried Chicken Tenders w/ Honey
Mustard, Potato Salad, Italian Cut
Safety and Security Information Green Beans, Salad Bar, Yeast
During the week many of the exterior doors to the church are locked for safety and security. The Rolls, Coconut Cake
main office is unlocked from 9-5, Monday through Friday. The double doors by the church office
are also open when there are meetings/events being held in the church building. All entrances will
be open on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings.
Youth Sp•t
Kid’s Zone
The youth ministry will be capping off another great summer with
our annual beach retreat. This year’s retreat theme will be taken from We would like to continue to thank all of our Extended Session
the 116th Psalm. A multitude of youth and adults will head down to Volunteers!
Florida for a week in the sun and sand. We will play and laugh and
take a look at the scriptures as strive to become more intentional Upcoming Extended Session Volunteers:
followers of Christ. This week is open to all youth in grades sixth
through twelve and there are still a few spots available. If you are Aug. 3 Aug. 10 Aug. 17 Aug. 24
interested in going or would like more information please contact the Hinkle Castleberry Stanford Eargle
youth ministry. youthminister@fbcdecatur.com Carter Clay Hayes Perry
Salcedo Warshauer Fewell R. Leeth
Here are a few pictures from a recent rafting trip… Hamrick Jones Duke Henderson

The Outlook, a publication of the First Baptist Church of Decatur,

Georgia, is mailed to members and friends of the First Baptist family.

Main Office......................................404-373-1653
First School ......................................404-370-7688
Activities ..........................................404-373-2442
FAX ..................................................404-370-7692
Debbie Britt .....................................404-373-1653
Sharyn Dowd....................................404-373-1653
Ryan Forbes.....................................404-370-7690
Julie Pennington-Russell.................404-370-7684
Kurt Varney......................................404-373-1653
Bob Williamson ...............................404-370-7687
Computer Connections:

The Outlook, USPS 600-320, is published bi-weekly, except

Christmas week, by First Baptist Church Decatur, GA

Postmaster: Please send address changes to First Baptist Church,

308 Clairemont Avenue, Decatur, GA 30030

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