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MCE 564: Advanced VibrationsBackground Equations

Newtons Second Law

F = maC , MO = HO where C is the mass center of the body. We can also write: HO = rO/C m aC + IC + IC , where = d |inertialf rame , IC is the moment of inertia with respect to the mass center C, and rO/C is the dt vector from the mass center C to the point O.

Moments of Inertia
1 (IC )disk = 2 mr2

(IC )rod =

1 2 12 ml

(IC )plate =

1 2 12 m(a

+ b2 )

2 (IC )sphere = 5 mr2

Parallel Axis Theorem: IA = IC + md2 .

Small Oscillations and Linearization

Nonlinear equation of motion: m = f (y, y). Equilibrium equation: f (ye , 0) = 0. y Linearization: Assume y(t) = ye + x(t), then f (y, y) = f (ye , 0) + Now if we dene b= then x + ax + b = 0 f (y, y) y x+
ye ,0

f (y, y) y

x + O(x2 )
ye ,0

1 f (y, y) m y

ye ,0

1 f (y, y) m y

ye ,0

Stability: System is stable if b > 0, a 0. In addition, for oscillations we need a2 < 4b.

Undamped Free Vibration

Equation of motion: x + n x = 0, where n = x(t) = x0 cos n t + v0 sin n t, n k/m. x2 + 0 v0 n

or x(t) =

sin n t + tan1

x 0 n v0

Damped Free Vibration

2 Equation of motion: m + cx + kx = 0, or x + 2n x + n x = 0. x + 2 1 n t 2 1 x(t) = A1 e + A2 e

n t

where = c/ccr = c/(2mn ), and n = Underdamped Free Vibration ( < 1)


x(t) = Aen t sin(d t + ),

where d = n 1 2, A= (v0 + n x0 )2 + (x0 d )2 , 2 d and = tan1 x0 d . v0 + n x0

Settling Time: ts is the time required for the response to reach and stay within a range about the nal 4 value of size specied by absolute percentage of the nal value (usually 2% or 5%): ts = n (2% criterion), 3 and ts = n (5% criterion). Logarithmic Decrement: if xi represents the i-th maxima occurring at time ti for an underdamped response, then: xi n ln = n(n T ), xi+n where T is the period of motion. Thus = n (2n)2 +
2 n

n =

2 (2n)2 + n . nT

Harmonic Excitation
2 2 Equation: x + 2n x + n x = n A sin(t). Solution:

x(t) = X sin(t ),



2 (n

2 )2

+ (2n



tan =

2n . 2 n 2

f Frequency Response Function. Dening the frequency ratio as r = /n , we nd X = G(r, ) 2 , where


G(r, ) =

1 (1 r2 )2 + (2r)2


2r tan = . 1 r2

General Forcing
We can determine the response to nonharmonic or nonperiodic excitation using the response of the system to harmonic or impulse excitations. Periodic Forcing Fourier Decomposition. T = 2/, the f (t) can be represented as:

If f (t) is a piecewise continuous function of period

a0 A0 f (t) = + (ap cos pt + bp sin pt) = + Re Ap eipt , 2 2 p=1 p=1 where ap = 2 T

0 T

f (t) cos ptdt,

bp =

2 T

f (t) sin ptdt,


Ap =

2 T

f (t)eipt dt

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