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Kriegermeister Region Agreement

Written and Constructed by the Constitutional Monarchy of Nandezia

This document outlines all the rules, regulations, and legislations that must be followed by all nations within the Kriegermeister region. All the nations within the nation can be found at the bottom, indicated by their signature of this document. Contents 1. Requirements For Entry To Region 2. Individual National Rights 3. Obligations To Region 4. Regional Chairman Positions 5. Process For Adding Agreement Components 6. Signatures Requirements For Entry To Region To be admitted to the Kriegermeister Region you must accomplish and/or agree to the following: 1. Maintain a healthy population of over one million citizens. 2. Abide by all rules, regulations, obligations, and legislations of the Kriegermeister Region Agreement. 3. Do nothing to damage or alter the integrity of the region or its national inhabitants negatively. 4. Accept and control a Regional Chairman Position. Individual National Rights All nations within the region are permitted to do anything within their own borders. However, if an action done in their borders violates a regulation outlined as a regulation for the region, then disciplinary action may be taken against them. Obligations To Region All nations have obligations to the region, and are outlined below: If a nation(s) in the region is engaged in hostile actions, all other nations of the region must assist the beleaguered nation. Nations may house forces on other nations soil with the consent of the housing nation. No nation of the region may attack another nation of Kriegermeister.

All nations must adopt The Krieger as their national unit of monetary value. Also, nations must accept trade routes between the other nations of the region, and attempt to advance the overall economy of the nation with priority over foreign nations. If a criminal flees from one nation to another, the latter nation must attempt the former with the capture of the criminal. Even if the act wasnt illegal in the second nation, they must assist with the capture. Regional Chairman Positions All nations must accept and control a Regional Chairman Positions. If there are no positions available when a new nation joins, one will be established for them. Nations may switch positions with another nation, as long as it is approved by a two thirds majority of the other nations. The current positions are as follows: Chairman of Legislation: To address new and existing rules and regulations laid out for the entire region. Chairman of Innovation: To advance the fields of science, exploration, and invention throughout the region. Chairman of Commerce: To regulate trade throughout the region, and grow export size to foreign countries. Chairman of Defence: To lead the defense of the region as a whole, and to maintain the armies of the region. Chairman of Foreign Affairs: To control relations between nations and regions outside of Kriegermeister. Chairman of Justice: To arbitrate court cases consisting of two or more nations within the region, and/or one or both of the parties of a case being an entity larger than a single nation. Process For Adding Agreement Components All new components of the Kriegermeister Region Agreement must be constructed by the current Chairman of Legislation. After the chairman creates a new resolution, it is voted on. A two thirds majority or greater will add the resolution to the Agreement.

The Constitutional Monarchy of Nandezia The Holy Empire of Grendalia The Commonwealth of Jeazikstan The Free Land of Mikhaeliana The Federal Republic of Zulan The Borderlands of Arxenon

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