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Vol. XXXVIII • No.

5 • March 14, 2008

“Among Friends” Decatur Community Holy Week Activities
It is impossible in this small space to fully convey all Decatur Cooperative Ministries Celebrates Palm Sunday on the
that we saw and experienced while on mission in Decatur Square; March 16th, 8:45 – 9:30 a.m.
Thailand. But in case you ever consider making this A procession will leave from the parking lot of Decatur Cooperative
journey yourself (and I hope you do!), here are some Ministries (115 Church Street) at 8:45 a.m. and the worship service at
things I learned during my 11 days in Thailand: the gazebo will begin at 9:00 a.m. This ecumenical service is an
opportunity for a public expression of faith, hope and unity as we
1. On a 14-hour flight across the ocean, support stockings help to begin our journeys through Holy Week. Contact Beth Vann at
prevent the dreaded “Fred Flintstone feet”. Decatur Cooperative Ministries at 404.371.9334, ext. 5, or for more info.
2. You will never miss a flight if you travel with Mike Norman.
(Plus, those extra 3 hours at the airport may be spent in Noon Holy Week Services at Decatur First Methodist
prayer, meditation or shopping for support stockings.) Noon Holy Week Services will be held at Decatur First United
Methodist March 17-22 in their Sanctuary. Their address is 300 East
3. Roosters in Thailand crow at 5:00 a.m., too. It’s a rooster thing. Ponce de Leon Avenue. Each service will include a hymn, some
special music, and a brief meditation. Each service is thirty minutes
4. If you are aiming for a serious moment, Kate Perry and Phil Holt or less in length. The services are open to the public and everyone is
may not sit next to each other. invited to join us for a Sandwich Luncheon each day following the
service. The luncheon is free of charge and is catered by our United
5. If your Thai waitress tells you, “This dish…little bit spicy,” Methodist Women.
listen to her.
The following is the speaker schedule for each day:
6. I have more in common with a Palaung
woman in a rural mountain village Mon., March 17th - Rev. William Deneke, Holy Trinity
than I previously had thought. Episcopal
Tue., March 18th - Rev. Todd Speed – Decatur Presbyterian
7. The love in a father’s eyes for his sick Wed., March 19th - Rev. Julie Pennington-Russell – First
child looks the same whether in a Lahu village or in Lilburn. Baptist Decatur
Thur., March 20th - Rev. Lee Fullerton – North Decatur United
8. One of our translators, Chutikar (nickname Methodist
“Pooh”), became a Christian (from Buddhism) Fri., March 21st - Bishop Bevel Jones – Retired United
when Bill Madden shared his faith with her 20 Methodist Bishop
years ago.

9. Rick Burnette, the Cooperative Baptist

WorshipING Together on Sun., March 30th
Fellowship missionary who hosted us at the
Be a part of FBC’s “ING Thing 08”! Join us on the
Upland Holistic Development Project site in
lawn Sunday, March 30 to cheer on the runners of
northern Thailand, is dearly loved among
the ING marathon. Cheering starts at 8:30am and
the hill tribe peoples, and is as
continues until the 11am service, so come on over
hilarious in Thai as he is in English.
at any time. We’ll have free donuts in the morning,
plus a post-service potluck and BBQ for sale. So bring some friends
10. Letting yourself get plucked out of
(and a side dish!) along to share in the FBC welcomING spirit!
your own culture and comfort for a week or two may be the
best gift you ever give to yourself.
Mission’s Corner
March is DEAM Collection Month
Please bring your donation of canned goods and non-perishable food
items for the Decatur Emergency Assistance Ministry (DEAM)
during the month of March. Boxes will be placed through-out the
church to collect your donations.

Decatur Cooperative Ministies is looking for summer camp for the

children of Hagar’sHouse!
When school is out and the DCM volunteer pool decreases, day
programs for children become an urgent need. We are currently
Sawatdee-Kaa! seeking both free and paid slots. If you can help, please contact Beth
Vann at 404.371.9334, ext. 5, or

Missions Ministry Team Meeting, March 26, 7:30pm, Parlor

Congregational Life Prayer Concerns as of
March 11, 2008
Current Wednesday Night Series—
“The Six Hottest Moral Issues of Our Time” Thanks be to God!
Dr. David Gushee, the Distinguished University Professor of Christian Ethics at ▪ June Zwald’s recent PET scan
McAfee School of Theology, will be leading our Wednesday Night discussions through showed no sign of cancer
April 9. The schedule of issues to be discussed: anywhere in her body!
Mar. 26 – euthanasia Apr. 2 – reproductive technology Apr. 9 – terrorism & torture ▪ Baron Blakey-Scott cancerous
tumor was removed and the
Atlanta Community Symphony Orchestra in Concert at FBC Decatur preliminary follow up test are
The Atlanta Community Symphony Orchestra will present “Living Composers” on March 16th at showing that all the cancerous tissue
3:00pm in the sanctuary here at FBC Decatur. They are celebrating their 50th anniversary season! has been removed.
The concert is free and open to the public. ▪ Our Mission Team to Thailand
returned home safely!
“Town Hall Meeting” Wednesday Night, March 19, 6:30—Fellowship Hall Sympathy To:
We are taking a one-week break on March 19 from our current Wednesday Night series on “Hottest ▪ The family of Marie Rutland
Moral Issues” and will be having in its place a “Town Hall Meeting.” All are invited to this Topple
congregational gathering in which Pastor Julie will talk a little more about the proposal to add a ▪ The family of Burl Brown.
Minister of Adult Discipleship and Mission Engagement to our pastoral staff team. She and In the Hospital:
members of the Personnel Committee and Deacons will field questions and cast some vision for the ▪ Louise Blackledge, DeKalb
future. Please note that this evening is also the date of our Quarterly Congregational Business Medical, Room 4761
Meeting. Join us! Thank You Notes Received from:
▪ The Peeler Family
Easter Lilies Available for Easter
Easter Lilies can be ordered in memory of or honor of someone for Easter Sunday. The price will Tithes & Offerings
be $10.00. If you have any questions or would like to order an Easter Lily please call Holly in the
church office, 404-373-1653. Order sheets will also be available in your upcoming worship
folders. Orders must be received in the church office by Sunday, March 16.
A Generous People

Flowering the Cross 2008 Ministry Action Plan

Every year it is our tradition to flower the cross on the front lawn on Easter Sunday morning. Weekly Need: .....................$ 27,361
Please plan to bring your fresh cut flowers to celebrate the resurrection! There will be baskets Received on Feb. 24: ..........$ 24,246
available at the entrances of the Sanctuary building before the Sunday School hour. Received on Mar. 2:............$ 20,848
Received on Mar. 9.............$ 24,967
“BUGZ” The Musical Coming to Young at Heart Y-T-D Need:.....................$ 273,613
Young at Heart is one of the longest-standing ministries of our church. Its mission is to provide Y-T-D Received: ..............$ 247,863
multiple opportunities throughout the year for senior adults to experience Surplus/(shortfall):.............. (25,749)
friendship, adventure, and the love of Christ. Young at Heart will meet
Thursday, March 27, 12 Noon for our Spring Luncheon. The program will “Years of Opportunity 2007-09”
feature children from a local elementary school sharing their musical, “BUGZ.” Campaign
The group is directed by our own Maris Mann and it will be a Given to Date:...................$ 272,362
delightful program you don’t want to miss! Cost of the luncheon is Bank Loan Balance:..........$ 271,229
$10/person. Please make your reservations through the church office (404) Owed to FBC Fdn.:...........$ 180,000
373-1653 by Monday noon, March 24.
Wednesday Dinner Menus
New Ministry To Be Explored
If you ever thought you might be interested in helping with a ministry to those with disabilities, you March 19
are invited to attend an exploratory meeting on Sunday afternoon, April 13, immediately Roast Beef w/ Potatoes and
following the morning worship service. We will meet in Carreker Hall and a light lunch will be Carrots, Steamed Broccoli, Salad
served. We will discuss how to survey the needs of our church and community and the options that Bar, Yeast Rolls, Coca-Cola Cake
may be open to us for various types of ministry. This meeting is open to anyone that is interested in Kid’s Menu
finding out more. If you plan to attend or need further information, please contact Bill Neal at 404- Pigs in a Blanket, Steamed Carrots,
213-5445 or Lanny Lautenschlager at 770 880-5492. We need a head count of who is coming in Salad w/ Ranch Dressing, Cookies
order to know how much food to order for lunch.
March 26
Creative & Connected Grilled Chicken w/ Stir Fry
Are you a writer, designer, photographer, web junkie, PR master or someone well-connected with Vegetables, White Rice, Salad Bar,
the Decatur community? Then the FBC Marketing & PR committee needs you! Help us create new Yeast Rolls, Peach Cobbler
marketing materials, promote FBC activities and develop partnerships with Decatur events. Any Kid’s Menu
level of time commitment is welcome! If you’d like to be a part of our “Creative & PB & J’s, Tater Tots, Corn, Fruit
Connected” resource list, please send a note to Joel Gilmore at Cocktail
Youth Sp•t
Kid’s Zone
Youth Spring Break Retreat—April 6th through April 12th
Our youth in grades 8th through 12th will be heading to St. George Island for a week in Start making your plans to participate in 2008
the sun! There will be plenty of down time for the beach and pool and other activities VBS July 21-25. Through Power Lab we will
like biking, basketball, and board games. There will also be times of silence and engage community children to discover Jesus’
reflection on the Christian Life. This is always a great week to bring along a friend! If Miraculous Power. There are many
you have any questions please feel free to email Kurt Varney opportunities for you to serve.
All children completing 2nd grade-5th grade are
Big Summer Youth Dates invited to a fun filled week June 1-7 on Jekyll
Yard Sale (May 29-May 31) Beach Retreat (August 3-August 8) Island where we will have fun in the sun while
Junior/Senior Retreat (June 6-June 14) surfing through the scriptures. The cost for this
Intown Mission Week (June 22-June 28) week is $265.00 Hold your spot with a 75.00
Out of Town Mission Week (July 12-July 19) deposit due April 1.
Youth Yard Sale Upcoming Extended Session Volunteers:
The youth rely heavily on our annual yard sale to help make all of our mission March 16 March 23 March 30
assignments and retreats possible and we are thankful for all of your support! We are Turk Anand Verdery
available to make pickups most afternoon and are happy to come to your house to Smith Fisher Class
pickup any of your donations. To schedule a pickup please email Mwangura Parker
( or call Kurt in the church office. Edmonds Madden

A More Generous Way: “Achieving Our Dreams” by Beth Neal Smith

Over the past few weeks in worship, in meetings, through the Outlook and Pastor Julie’s letter, and on Wednesday nights, we
have dared to dream some big dreams. These “God-sized” dreams, as Pastor Julie calls them are exciting. They’re
challenging. They’re only possible if we allow God to stir our spirits. I feel God stirring us. Do you?

Even though we may not see how right now, I think our dreams are coming to fruition even as we pray for them and dare to plan for them.
An integral element to achieving our dreams is our regular giving and tithing. If, together, we meet our church-wide financial obligations
“and then some,” as Leonard Gay who was a long time FBC leader of several years ago would say, we can free ourselves and our church to
extend past the obligatory toward our “God-sized” dreams.

While planning your personal 2008 budget, ensure that Spirit-led giving is included. As we feel the momentum of God’s Spirit moving
within our church body, let us anticipate a gentle nudge encouraging us to consider the part for which we will take responsibility. What
part of the FBCD dream is yours?

The Outlook, a publication of the First Baptist Church of Decatur,

Georgia, is mailed to members and friends of the First Baptist family.

Main Office......................................404-373-1653
First School ......................................404-370-7688
Activities ..........................................404-373-2442
FAX ..................................................404-370-7692
Debbie Britt .....................................404-373-1653
Ryan Forbes.....................................404-370-7690
Julie Pennington-Russell.................404-370-7684
Kurt Varney......................................404-373-1653
Bob Williamson ...............................404-370-7687

Computer Connections:

The Outlook, USPS 600-320, is published bi-weekly, except

Christmas week, by First Baptist Church Decatur, GA

Postmaster: Please send address changes to First Baptist Church,

308 Clairemont Avenue, Decatur, GA 30030

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