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Assignment 1 One-Room Mansion Due in on 6th April 2012, or before. Submit your completed assignment at the Civil Engineering Office.
Examiner: Dr Abrahams Mwasha 26th January 2012

Learning Outcomes On completion of this assignment the student should be able to demonstrate: Knowledge and understanding: Specialist Knowledge of human comfort and energy conservation in residential houses Subject specific Skills: Sustainable Design of residential houses and their environmental considerations Aim of this Assignment: The aim of this assignment is based on the point that living in a single room or a one room apartment or a small studio apartment is quite challenging to make a small space feel more spacious and airy and combine efficiency, comfort, function and beauty. In this assignment the students should use the knowledge obtained to make (design) one roomed house a place for all activities including sleeping, dining, working, studying and entertaining friends while maintaining optimum comfort. This assignment has four (5) major parts. All parts are to be completed for assessment. Read carefully the instructions given. The maximum amount of pages should not exceed 50. Part A: Climate and Built Environment Sketch a one roomed house. Explain with the aid of sketches how the microclimate factors affect the internal thermal environment of a building. Comment on the effects of sun on internal thermal environment in the room morning and evening time. Clearly point out measures you have taken to create optimum comfort. Explain measures to control external and internal environmental factors Comment on the materials used and how they could affect energy consumption, depletion of natural resources and Sick Building Syndrome

Part B: Using the same house as in part A Determine acceptable comfort parameters for the house

Discuss the wall/floor/ceiling materials. Include: o Heat transfer & thermal bridging o Insulating materials o Heat gains o Heat balance Discuss and design the cooling load for your house Identify any measuring devices that would have aided you in your design. Quote any relevant legislation throughout

Part C: Lighting Define visual comfort parameters relevant to the rooms/house. Define available options to minimize sun radiation Determine the Daylight Factor for the room. Design and Calculate the layout of artificial lights required depending on the floor, walls and ceiling colour. Design and select required external light Design and select the emergency light

Part D: Acoustics Again, using the same house from part A Discuss Noise transfer, Sound insulation, Reverberation and Absorption effects and in relation to the materials used in the house. Party walls, ceiling and floors to reduce noise impact. With Illustrations show the options on attaining insulation for both airborne and impact sound Sound insulation standards with respect to legislation and hearing damage. Identify any measuring devices that would have aided you in your design. Quote any relevant legislation throughout

Part E Electricity Supply

Explain with the aid of sketches, the connection of a single phase electricity supply to the electrical components and features in your house see part A. Clearly state the purpose and power usage of each feature. Discuss the system of electricity distribution via three phase supply system as applicable to the house Base on your houses supply design; calculate the total power expected to be supplied to your room in KW Identify measures to conserve power consumption and achieve energy efficiency in your room.

Conduct and comment on a preliminary Energy Audit for the whole house investigated

Marking Criteria: Assessment Criteria for each section Mark Range and quality of literature and legislations used --------5 Evaluation of each technique --------5 Recommendations and Example of application --------5 Illustrations and relevant tables --------5 Conclusion and further study Total --------5 20

In order to achieve A+ (highest pass grade) students must produce a report showing an extensive well-researched knowledge of the chosen subject area, fully meeting the requirements of the assignment and publishable. The report must be well-structured, written in an appropriate technical/scientific style, well-illustrated and adequately referenced to the Chicago/Harvard standard. In order to achieve a D (minimum pass grade) students are expected to produce a report showing a basic understanding of the aims and objectives of the assignment and using relevant illustrations drawings and tables, where applicable.

Assignments submitted after the deadline and without an authorised extension of time will not be marked. Please mark your assignment for the attention of: Dr Mwasha Abrahams You should make it very clear what sources of information have been used; where material/information from these sources is quoted it must be clearly referenced using the Harvard/Chicago Referencing System. (Details can be obtained from Library engineering section).

References: McMULLAN R (2002) Environmental Science in Building (5th edition), Basingstoke, McMillan Press Ltd (Recommended key text)

B. J. Smith R.J Peters and S. Owen (1982) Acoustics and noise control. Longman, London E. O. Cofaigh, John, A. Olley and J. Owen, Lewis (1998) The Climatic Dwelling, An introduction to climate residential archtectureJames and James Publisher Limited ROBER BROWN BUTLER (2002) Architectural Engineering Design. McGraw Hill MATHER A.S. and CHAPMAN, K (1995) Environmental Resources, Harlow: Longman Scientific and Technical. CIRIA special publication 93, London PICKERING, K.T and OWEN, L.A. (1994) An introduction to global environmental issues, London: Routledge PARK, C. (1997) The Environment principles and application. London: Routledge BASSET C. R. AND PRITCHARD D. W (1977) Environmental Physics, Heating longman

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