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Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students

N.Sudheer kumar


N.Sudheer kumar, Lecturer in English, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad

Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students

I dedicate this work to Dr.P.Rajeswara Reddy, Secretary/Correspondent of Anurag Engineering College. He has given me an opportunity to work in this esteemed institute, when I was down and out and needed this job desperately. To be frank, I was not even in the competition, when many senior faculty members have attended the interview along with me on 13th May 2007. He has spotted some potentiality with in me and created a post to take me in. That had given me a lot of confidence and went on to receive my M.Phil degree, became the youngest Anuragian to assume an administration office by becoming the Training and Placement Officer. This particular work is dedicated to him to convey him that I have fully utilized the opportunity he had given me and I have made my own contribution in making this institute an incubation centre for research and development.

N.Sudheer kumar, Lecturer in English, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad

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Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students

I express my deep gratitude to Dr.Akash N.Patwari, Principal, Anurag Engineering College, who had written the Preface to this book. My deep sense of gratitude is extended to Mr.D.Pandu Ranga Rao, HOD, H&S, for his support and encouragement. I thank Mr.YVR Naga Pavan for advising me to write this book. I thank Mr. H.Venkateswara Rao, faculty of Environmental Science for his guidance in writing the second chapter of this book. I thank Mr.Bhupathy Rao, In charge of the Exam Branch for giving me the list of the letters that students need to write on various occasions. I thank my wife and my daughter without whose cooperation; I could not have compiled this book.

N.Sudheer kumar, Lecturer in English, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad

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Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students

Speech is Silver and Silence is gold, which is an obsolete idea today, because these are the days where one has to express ones ideas, thoughts,abilties very clearly . When it comes to the professional students, No one needs to tell about the importance of the communication skills for them. Engineering students from the rural backgrounds are not inferior to the students from metro cities in any area except in the Communication Skills. I strongly believe that they can pick up these essential skills with some effort. I call this book as a kick-starter for the students, who want to be good speakers or a writers. If a student uses a prewritten speech in this book and speks on the dais, it will help in a great deal to his/her confidence. With that confidence he/she can prepare a script on his/her own and can make wonderful speech. So is the case with the pre-written letters given in this book In order to create an English speaking Environment, we have made a rule that all the students and faculty should communicate exclusively in English in the college Premises. I am glad that Sudheer has given the most frequenty used expressions in the classes/labs in the second chapter of the book. The students and faculty , can reproduce those expressions accordingly. We know how important is the Compering/anchorings role in making an event successful. This is the first time I have come across a book that tells you how to do the anchoring in the events. I congratulate Mr.Sudheer Kumar.N, for his efforts. I have spotted the talent within him, I have made him the Training and Placement Officer. I wish him all the success in his career as an author, placement officer and as well as a lecturer.

(Dr.Akash N.Patwari)

N.Sudheer kumar, Lecturer in English, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad

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Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students

Dear Students,

Authors Message

Being a lecturer in English Department is a challenging job because it is the only department that is expected to show the results of its work immediately. For instance, if a student joins in the I B.Tech in the month of September and commits a grammatical error in the same month, everyone points their finger at the English Department. All the subjects in the professional courses have practical applications. Students learn computer languages like C, C++ etc and No one bothers how many of you are able to do the live projects on your own even in the IV B.Tech using these languages. It is not to find fault with anybody but at the level of Engineering, Students are expected to put that extra effort to apply whatever they learn in the theory classes into practice otherwise all the effort that is put in by your parents, college management, faculty, government and by yourself by coming to college every day just goes in vain. If you can apply whatever we teach in the English classes, you can write or speak any kind of an expression in English. But some of you are failing to use the right expressions at the right time and you are being mocked at I know you feel ashamed of this weakness. Let us not expose our weakness to the society. Let us not give a chance to others to mock at us. Hence this book is an effort to uphold your pride. You need some time to improve your English but at the same time we can not avoid using English in our day to day life or at least in the college, where all the communication is supposed to happen in English. That is why I have written this book to help you out in writing letters for various needs to various people of various ranks Being an EMCEE/ compre (anchor) for the college day celebrations or any other function or seminars. preparing invitations for Freshers Day or Farewell parties making a presentations making a speech proposing vote of thanks and many more This book will help them in finding out the expressions that you need in different situation as mentioned above. In this book, I have tried my best to cover all the situations that a student/faculty of comes across every day. The other work I have done previously was text-analysis as a language learning strategy submitted as the dissertation for the fulfillment of my M.Phil Degree. I have worked so hard to write the dissertation and proposed many new ideas in Teaching English in that work. Unfortunately, it could not be useful for anybody except for fetching me an M.Phil degree. Hence, I have decided to do some work that will be useful for the students. If any one of you derives benefit out of this book, it gives me an immense pleasure and satisfaction for me. Yours,

(N.Sudheer Kumar) Lecturer in English.

N.Sudheer kumar, Lecturer in English, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad

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Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students

Contents...........................................................................................................................................6 Tips for the Anchors:........................................................................................................................8 Welcoming the guests on to the dais................................................................................................8 Expressions to invite the Guests on to the dais: ...............................................................................9 Expressions to Honour the guests: ...................................................................................................9 Welcome speech..............................................................................................................................9 Sample welcome speech:.............................................................................................................10 Expressions to request the guest to address the gathering: ...........................................................10 After the Speech.............................................................................................................................10 During the prize distribution:.........................................................................................................11 Cultural Activities:..........................................................................................................................11 Dealing with the problematic crowd:..............................................................................................12 Vote of Thanks: ..............................................................................................................................12 Class Room Expressions for the Teachers and the Students............................................................14 Greetings and small expressions:....................................................................................................14 Teacher to student classroom English.............................................................................................14 Student to teacher classroom English.............................................................................................15 In the examination hall...................................................................................................................16 In the laboratory.............................................................................................................................16 Readymade Expressions for Group Discussion...............................................................................16 Making suggestions.........................................................................................................................17 Agreeing...........................................................................................................................................17 Reaction to suggestions...................................................................................................................17 Disagreeing......................................................................................................................................17 Checking you have understood........................................................................................................17 Asking for opinions..........................................................................................................................17 Correcting misunderstandings.........................................................................................................17 Giving opinions................................................................................................................................17 Interrupting.....................................................................................................................................18 Dealing with interruptions...............................................................................................................18 Useful expressions for Making Presentations.................................................................................18 Readymade Speeches for different Occasion..................................................................................19 Some tips to make a wonderful speech..........................................................................................19 N.Sudheer kumar, Lecturer in English, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad Page 4

Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students

Sample speeches:...........................................................................................................................20 Welcome speech on the inauguration of the technical paper presentation:...................................20 Vote of thanks for the Valedictory ceremony of the Technical paper Presentation........................20 Seniors speech on the occasion of the freshers Party:..................................................................21 Farewell Speech:.............................................................................................................................21 Speech about the departmental Association..................................................................................22 Inauguration of a guest lecture: (by a student)...............................................................................22 Speech on improving English..........................................................................................................23 Independence Day celebrations......................................................................................................23 Senior students suggestion for the I B.Tech students during the orientation programme.............24 Ethics in Professional Education.....................................................................................................24 Readymade letters for different occasions.....................................................................................25 Guidelines for writing good Professional letters:............................................................................27 Leave Letter....................................................................................................................................27 Requesting for the issuing of original Certificates:..........................................................................28 Requesting for the Bonafide certificate..........................................................................................28 Permission letter............................................................................................................................29 Apology Letter for resorting to malpractice during External Examination (undertaking Letter by JNTU)..............................................................................................................................................30 Apology Letter for coming to the college without proper dress code.............................................31 Complaint Letter.............................................................................................................................31 Complaint letter about the poor quality food served in the Canteen..............................................32 Change of Address:.........................................................................................................................32 Letter to the Bank manager about the loss of ATM cum Debit Card: .............................................33 Useful Expressions in English..........................................................................................................35 Four Hundred words You Must have for TOEFL..............................................................................46 My English Learning Contract.........................................................................................................48

N.Sudheer kumar, Lecturer in English, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad

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Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students

Compre (anchoring) ___________________________________________________________________

Compre (anchor) plays a vital role in making an event successful. An anchor of the event can radiate energy by being lively, by using the right tone and modulation, by using impressive expressions, by using the right body language, by dressing sensibly etc. Here are some tips given for the anchors:

Tips for the Anchors:

1. Some Anchors tend to give importance to accent and fluency rather than clarity. An anchor should try to speak loudly and clearly rather than striving to use American accent. Many people think that fluency is speaking more number of words per minute, which is completely wrong. Fluency means speaking without having breaks. Speak at a reasonable pace quite clearly. Your tongue should touch the hard palate of your mouth strong enough for your voice to sound clearly to the audience. Brit or American, flaunt that accent only if you know how to do it correctly, else you could just end up making a fool of yourself -an excerpt from an article on fake accent in Deccan chronicle on 1 September 2010 2. An anchor of the event must consider himself as the representative of the college /organization that is organizing that particular event. You need not hesitate to use the word I to start the proceedings. 3. Minimizing the use of paper to do the anchoring helps you in maintaining eye contact with the audience. 4. Remember that the lectern on the dais is not to hide yourself behind it. 5. Wear a smile on your face, which acts as an antidote to your nervousness and makes your tone impressive.

Welcoming the guests on to the dais

Before inviting the guests on to the dais, it is essential to brief the gathering about the essence of the event and about your institute. I have here given a sample introduction: Good Afternoon! I am Srinivas.N of IV B.Tech EEE welcome you all to the STANZA-2k11. Anurag Engineering College became a renowned place of learning over the last ten years, as it has the pride of producing several luminaries in different disciplines. If you take a quick look around you, I am sure you will agree that our institute has come a long way in the last few years. Dr P.Rajeswara Reddy had envisaged the bright future of this college ten years back and all his dreams have come true today. It was not a cakewalk. The diligent efforts of the management, various principals, and all the employees have seen a remarkable spurt in making the college as the most preferred one in this region. We feel proud to be the students of Anurag Engineering College because we are provided with the state-of-the-art Infrastructure, well qualified faculty, a perfect atmosphere for academic pursuit. The pristine surroundings of our college stage the most conducive atmosphere reminding us the ancient gurkulas which were located in this kind of an atmosphere. The annual day of our college is really a moment that we should enjoy and savor. N.Sudheer kumar, Lecturer in English, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad

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Although we have miles to go, we need to celebrate each and every mile stone in order to go ahead with added enthusiasm. After the brief introduction, the anchors should invite guests on to the dais. While inviting the guests on to the dais, The Anchors should avoid using the same expression to invite all the guests on to the dais. He/she has to use different expressions to invite different guests otherwise the language of the anchor appears monotonous thus He/she fails to be impressive. Here are different phrases to invite the guests on to the dais: Remember: 1. Before you invite the guests on to the dais, ensure that you have got the list of all the guests to welcome. 2. Before starting the proceedings, check with the chief Coordinator or organizers, whether there are any additions or deletions in the list of the guests given to you. 3. Double check that the remarks you are going to make about your guests are factually correct. 4. Make sure that you pronounce their names correctly.

Expressions to invite the Guests on to the dais:

I consider it a great honour to welcome Mr./Ms/Sri/Smt/Dr./Prof _______________ on to the dais may I Invite the chief guest Mr./Ms/Sri/Smt/Dr./Prof __________________ on to the dais The next dignitary to honour us with his/her presence is. Mr./Ms/Sri/Smt/Dr./Prof __________ I am glad to invite Mr./Ms/Sri/Smt/Dr./Prof_______________________ On to the dais It will now be the turn of _____________________ to come on to the dais I request Mr./Ms/Sri/Smt/Dr./Prof_________________________ to grace the dais Next, we look forward for the presence of ___________________ on the dais. It is my privilege to invite Mr./Ms/Sri/Smt/Dr./Prof ____________________ on to the dais. With equal pleasure invite______________ on to the dais. In some of the events, the role of the anchor is confined only to invite the guests on to the dais and the later proceedings are looked after by the president of the meeting. In that case after inviting the guests, use the following phrases and leave the stage: Now, I request _______________________ (president) to preside over the meeting. Now over to Mr./Ms____________________

Expressions to Honour the guests:

Now the dignitaries on the dais will be garlanded and offered bouquets. I request Ms. Veena of I B.Tech to honour the chief guest with a bouquet.

Welcome speech
After inviting the guests on to the dais and honoring them with bouquets, it is our tradition to have a welcome address. Anchor may invite someone representing the institute to welcome the guests and all the invitees one by one. A sample welcome address is given below. The essential elements to cover in your welcome speech are: to specifically acknowledge any important guests N.Sudheer kumar, Lecturer in English, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad Page 4

Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students

to generally welcome all the guests, stating the name of the event and host and thank them for coming to give a brief introduction of the host to give a brief introduction of the occasion to give any especial welcomes ie.,to the important guests to introduce the next speaker if appropriate

Sample welcome speech:

I am really privileged to have the pleasant task of welcoming the distinguished gathering for the college annual day celebrations STANZA-2k11. On behalf of the Anurag Engineering College and on my own behalf, I warmly and respectfully welcome the Chief Guest, Honble Vice chancellor of JNTUH Prof D.N.Reddy. We are highly honoured that our Honble Vice chancellor is amongst us today. We are indeed grateful to the VC for graciously and readily accepting our invitation. We are eagerly looking forward to his address. Let me extend my thanks to Mr. Venepally chander Rao, MLA, Kodad, who has always been with us. His presence is always a moral boost for us. I thank him for making his presence despite his busy schedule. A warm word of welcome to Dr.P Rajeswara Reddy, secretary/correspondent of our college, we are waiting with full of ebullience to listen to your motivational words. A hearty welcome to our Principal, Dr Akash N Patwari. He has an indomitable spirit to maintain the discipline. His personal academic achievements are a source of motivation for us. Now, I am pleased to invite all the committed teaching and non teaching staff of Anurag Engineering College. My word of welcome goes next to all the invitees, the parents and the vibrant students of Anurag Engineering College.I thank you all for attending .i look forward to wonderful events to follow. Thank you

Expressions to request the guest to address the gathering:

Ladies and Gentlemen, we rarely get this kind of an opportunity to listen to the words of great personality Mr./Ms/Sri/Smt/Dr./Prof______________________, So let us have the privilege of listening to the message of Mr./Ms/Sri/Smt/Dr./Prof____________________ I Invite Mr./Ms/Sri/Smt/Dr./Prof____________ to address the gathering Now, let us have the pleasure of listening to the opening remarks of the Honourable principal.

After the Speech

That was really an inspiring speech. Sir, On behalf of all the students of our college ,I promise to put your words into practice . Thank h e e r for u m acogente c t u r e wei are E n g l i s by ,your sharp eloquence N S u d you sir k your r , L message, r n charmed h Anurag Engineering College, Kodad Page 4

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Sir/madam, I thank you for making such a thought provoking speech. Thank you sir/madam, we have now come to know your secret of success, you have just now preached what you have practiced. I assure you that we would follow in your foot steps to reach the stars. That was really an amazing speech, wasnt it (to the audience...). Sir/madam, I must tell you that you have got the gift of the gab (ability to speak easily and confidently in a way that makes people want to listen to you and believe you). Thank you sir Thank you for your words of wisdom.

During the prize distribution:

I request the chief guest _______________ to give away the prizes to the winners of literary events/sports. Thank you sir/madam for taking the trouble of giving away so many prizes. I am sure all the winners felt proud of receiving the prizes from your hands. While announcing the names of the prize winners, the compre has to maintain the same kind of energy to invite all the winners in different categories. There is nothing like prestigious events and non prestigious events. The person winning the Essay writing competition should equally be treated as the one who wins the 100meters sprint as both of them have put in a lot of effort, one physically and the other mentally. Some useful phrases during prize distribution The winner/runner of 400meters running is.. The best student award for the academic year 2010-11 goes to________________ Ladies and gentlemen put your hands together to invite winner of Jam competition Mr./Ms--------------- I request the prize winners to come closer to the dais to so that we dont squander the valuable time.

Cultural Activities:
Everyone may not agree with me but the home truth is that people wish that the cultural activities start as early as possible. The person who does the anchoring for the cultural activities can afford to a bit informal than the previous events. At this juncture, completely do away with the prewritten scripts. All you need to remember is the name of the performer and what he/she going to perform. Some phrases: Now we are going to have a very flamboyant and raucous event Now, we are going to have a rocking performance by Mr. Syam of III B.Tech Lets give a big round of applause to Ms Vandana of IV B.Tech, who is going to sing a melodious song for us. That was a splendid performance... Mr. Syam It was an incredible dancing performance by Ms Meena Wow... what an amazing performance It was a class act. As we normally do not use any negative description in the college function as does by in the reality shows on Telugu TV channels, any of the following phrases could be used based on the suitability
N Gorgeous Alluring Attractive Appealing e r k u m a r , L e c t u r e r i n E n l .Sudhe g Sweet Good-looking Charming iGlamorous sh,

Anurag Engineering College, Kodad

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Beautiful Eye-catching Smart Striking Fascinating Beautiful Bubbly Sparkling Full of life Shining Vivacious Energetic Head turner Humorous Smart Witty Funny Stunning Lovely Superb Exquisite Fabulous

Excellent Fantastic Outstanding Exceptional Terrific Wonderful Glittering Likeable Attention-grabbing Impressive Sparkling Remarkable Marvelous Prominent Pleasing Extraordinary Great Amazing Elegant Fashionable Stylish

Dealing with the problematic crowd:

Many people in spite of having desire to do the anchoring, hesitate to do the anchoring keeping the problematic crowd in mind. I have got the opportunity to do the anchoring in the final year (in 2005) of my post graduation for the College Annual day celebrations of Nagarjuna University College. Dr P.Raja Sekhar, the then HOD of English Department kept the responsibility of doing the anchoring and choosing the other two anchors to accompany me. It was not that there werent any one who could do better but everyone was afraid of the crowd in the university. At the university level, we can not expect the students to be disciplined as the students of corporate colleges. So, I have shouldered the responsibility of doing the anchoring because I was at the verge of finishing my education and I thought I would not be getting the opportunity as such any more. On that day, the atmosphere was electrifying with Vice chancellor, chief guests, Executive members of the university and students over two thousand .From the dais, the crowd was appearing as if it was a huge ocean to me. My junior was first to start the proceedings, as expected a part of the crowd started giving slogans anchor maralianchor marali . Situation was not dissimilar when the turn of my other classmate did the anchoring. Then I have decided not to allow the problematic crowd to dictate terms to me. First thing I did was to keep my voice as loud as possible and I stopped reading from the prewritten script. I tried to make spontaneous remarks. Soon I could gain control over the audience and to my surprise , Prof.Hara Gopal Reddy, Principal of University College and the Present vice chancellor of Nagarjuna University stood right behind me and said Those two were faltering , you alone continue till the end , which gave me a lot of confidence and I continued till the end.

Vote of Thanks:
N.Sudheer kumar, Lecturer in English, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad

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Ladies and gentlemen It is a great honor and privilege to be called upon to propose a Vote of Thanks. I thank Prof D.N.Reddy, whose presence today is a great source of motivation to us. We are extremely grateful to Mr. Venepally Chander Rao to have acceded to our request to join with us for our college annual day celebrations. I thank all the guests for being patient and giving away so many prizes. I would like to thank all our honored guests for their presence and participation today. For this overwhelming success, I should thank Dr.P Rajeswara Reddy garu for leading us from front in making arrangements for this auspicious occasion. I thank our principal for enunciating the college report and promising more achievements for the next academic year. I thank the officers trio, Mr. Jai Pal Reddy, Mr. Pandu Ranga Prasad and Mr. Bhupathi Rao, who have given yeomens service and setting a right example of administrating and monitoring the work. I thank all the members of different committees for their unstinted support for this function by working with great alacrity. I express my deep sense of gratitude to all the vivacious volunteers, who have done a commendable job in making the arrangements. I would like to congratulate all the prize winners for leading the way in attaining many great accomplishments. I thank from the bottom of the heart, the conveners of various events for the successful conduction of various events. I thank all the energetic performers in the cultural activities for enthralling performances. I would like to thank again all the guests, staff, parents and all our students fro sharing the responsibilities and joy with us today. I hope the memories of this day will be alive forever.

While proposing Vote of thanks, you should look at the person to whom you are thanking. As you can see in the above picture, I am looking straight at the Chief Guest Prof. Sai Baba Reddy, former Registrar of JNTUH, while thanking him for his valuable message. He has even acknowledged my remarks.

N.Sudheer kumar, Lecturer in English, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad

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Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students

Class Room Expressions for the Teachers and the Students

Teachers have to be good communicators in English. Every teacher should always bear in their mind that the students observe and catch the language of the teachers hence the teachers must use right expressions In English. Students irrespective of their back grounds, use the expression may I come in sir/madam so easily for the obvious reason is that the expression has been used for a long time by them. All the expressions given in this chapter are also as easy as the expression May I come in sir? But this small talk has to be internalized by the teachers and students and should be able to speak these expressions as effortlessly as May I come in sir/madam. This small talk helps a lot in boosting the confidence of the students, which would pave the way for them to speak some longer sentences. There are two types of English: Conversational English Subjective English

Some students are proficient in conversational English and some in subjective English. Conversational English is to speak some small expressions in English fluently like requesting, taking permissions, seeking information and so on. A person is considered to have subjective English if he/she can speak or write on intellectual topics. Some students are good at both; some students are good at conversational English and some are good at subjective English. Obviously, speaking subjective English is much more difficult than conversational English; however, people who speak conversational English make a very good first impression. These people use very small expressions like Hi, How is the day so far..., has a nice day... with a good accent thereby making the other people feel that he/she is very good at English but if you want them speak on any of the intellectual topic, their true colors would be reveled. However one has to take a leaf out of their book. They are creating very good first impression, which is the best impression. If you go to an interview and make this good first impression to get the job, what else you need? So, use every opportunity to use the conversational English and it has to be started in the class room. So let us see different expressions to be used in the classroom

Greetings and small expressions:

Good morning everybody Good afternoon everyone See you tomorrow/next week How are you today? Fine Have a nice day

Teacher to student classroom English

What we are going to cover today is... Today, I am going to talk about... The important point I want to make today is... Last time, we talked about...; today we will go on and... First of all, I would like to talk about... Today's topic is... N.Sudheer kumar, Lecturer in English, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad

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What I want to do today is... Before starting the lesson, let me briefly recap yesterdays lesson Now, lets start todays lesson Have you done the homework? Today we will be discussing. The importance of this topic is If that's clear, we will go on to the next point. Now, let's approach the problem in a different way. The second point I want to make is... Let's get back to the idea of... I'd like to finish talking about... before we move on. Are you following? Or day dreaming? Will you please keep quiet? Are you ready? Let me give you an example. For instance Let us take_______ for example. Whats the problem Excellent! You have the work very well; however, there is some room for improvement. If anybody requires some additional information, you can meet me in staffroom. Could you speak louder please? I cant hear you Now, lets move on to Thats correct Listen carefully Thats right Perfect What is another meaning of ____________? The study material is with the CR (class representative), you can get it Xeroxed, if you want. Let me take the attendance Why were you absent yesterday? It is easy to fall behind with your studies if you miss even just a few classes I am sorry to say that if you keep on skipping the classes like this, you will be in the danger of detention. Yesterday, I have observed that some students have given proxy attendance. I hope they would rectify their before I resort to severe actions. You can dress down on Saturdays (dress code relaxation). But on the remaining days, you should be in the formal outfits You should know the subject Inside out rote-learning (mugging up) is not at all useful Your performance in the I Mid term examination is quite satisfactory. Have a look at the past papers, it will help you in getting an idea about the exam pattern You do not need to be in panic about the exams

Student to teacher classroom English

Can I come to your office Would you give us an example N.Sudheer kumar, Lecturer in English, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad

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Sir, would you mind repeating that Could you say that again please? Sir/madam, your voice is not audible to the last benches; could you speak a little louder? How do you say_________ in English What page? I dont understand I am sorry sir I am not able to recall the answer Sir/madam Please do not erase the board..I am yet to copy the information on it What is the difference between a and b? Could you explain a little bit more about it I didnt understand todays lesson When is the homework due? When shall we submit the assignment? Excuse me sir/madam, can I talk to you for a minute Can I change seats? Im sorry I am late I am not feeling well can I go to the rest room? Sir/madam, I hope you take this in the right spirit, I am not able to make out the concept you are teaching. I am terrible sorry if I had done any thing wrong. I assure you that I wont repeat it again I have nauseous feeling, shall I go to the wash room. I was absent yesterday because I was feeling a bit feverish yesterday. My head is throbbing shall I leave the class. When I sat down and looked at the exam paper my mind just went blank

In the examination hall

Please be seated according to the given seating arrangement Verify your details on the OMR sheet. Do not write anything on the question paper except your hall ticket number Deposit your mobile phones and wallets with me Do not forget to fill in your set number and question paper code. Only half an hour left. Strike off the blank pages Make it fast, we are running out of time

In the laboratory
Wearing apron is obligatory in the chemistry laboratory. Please handle the equipment carefully You will not be allowed into the lab without record/observation/drafter. Sign in the log in register before turning on the system. After the successful execution of the experiment, handover the equipment to the lab assistant. Please arrange the chairs before leaving the lab

Readymade Expressions for Group Discussion

N.Sudheer kumar, Lecturer in English, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad Page 4

Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students

Making suggestions
How / what about? Why don't you /we? You should / ought to If I were you, Id I suggest / propose (+gerund)

Absolutely. / Precisely / Exactly. I totally agree. So do I / Nor do I. I can go along with that. I think youre right up to a point

Reaction to suggestions
Thats a good idea! Yes, lets do that. Yes, why not? That isnt possible / practicable / feasible.

Youre quite wrong there. Im sorry, but I dont agree at all. Thats an exaggeration. Do you really think so? It isnt as simple as that.

Checking you have understood

Do you really mean to say? So, if I understand you correctly, What exactly do you mean by that? I didnt follow what you said about.

Asking for opinions

So what do you think, (name)? How do you feel about this/ that? What is your view / position on? Do you agree with that, (name)? Would you like to add anything, (name)?

Correcting misunderstandings
Thats not quite what I meant by Dont get me wrong. What I meant was You have got the wrong end of the stick. Look, to put it another way,

Giving opinions
N . u In h e opinion /m a r , L e c t u r e r i n E n g l i s h , S d my e r k u view Anurag Engineering College, Kodad Page 4

Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students

As far as Im concerned I think / feel As I see it To my mind.

Sorry to interrupt, but May I interrupt you for a moment? Can I just make a point? Mind if I just say something?

Dealing with interruptions

I havent finished, if you dont mind. If I might just finish I havent got to my point yet. Let me just make my point.

Useful expressions for Making Presentations

Preparation is essential for an effective presentation. When giving a presentation, certain keywords are used to signpost the different stages. It's a good idea to memorize them and practice using them, so that they come to mind easily during a presentation.

Starting the presentation

Good morning/good afternoon ladies and gentlemen The topic of my presentation today is ... What I'm going to talk about today is ... The purpose of this presentation is ... This is important because ... My objective is to ... The main points I will be talking about are firstly ... secondly... next, finally... we're going to look at ... Let's start/begin with ... I'd like to illustrate this by showing you... Now let's move on to ... I'd like to expand on this aspect/problem/point Let me elaborate on that Would you like me to expand on/elaborate on that? I'd like to turn to something completely different

Why you are giving this presentation

Stating the main points Introducing the first point Showing graphics, transparencies, slides etc. Moving on to the next point Giving more details Changing to a different topic

Referring to something which is off I'd like to digress here for a moment and just mention the topic that ... N.Sudheer kumar, Lecturer in English, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad Page 4

Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students

Referring back to an earlier point Summarizing or repeating the main points

Let me go back to what I said earlier about ... I'd like to recap the main points of my presentation - first I covered - then we talked about - finally we looked at I'd now like to sum up the main points which were: I'm going to conclude by... saying that/inviting you to In conclusion, let me... leave you with this thought/invite you to Finally, I'll be happy to answer your questions. Now I'd like to invite any questions you may have. Do you have any questions?



Further reading:
1. Wonderful expressions for presentation have been given in the book Enjoying Everyday English by Dr. Rama Krishna Rao, published by Sangam Books, Hyderabad. The book is also prescribed as the detailed text book for the I B.Tech students of JNTUH and JNTU Ananthapur. In the same book, after every lesson, expressions for various situations like inviting, requesting, complaining are also given. Hence it is strongly recommended to read the expressions several times and to internalize the expressions so that you can use the expressions effortlessly. 2. Fluentzy material by Kev Nair. It is a set of twenty books .it is not available in the market. It has to be ordered. It is worth around 2000/- . It covers all the expressions on the earth that any speaker of English could use. The set of books are useful for the students, who are good at English but unable to speak English fluently. This book is not at all recommended for the beginners of English language learning and the people who have the habit of buying the books and shelving them. 3. English Vocabulary in Use by Micheal MC Carthy et al. This book contains all the vocabulary and expressions that are used by the native English speakers. The chapters in the book are classified by the various areas of language or topics. The book has so many levels ranging from beginner to the advanced levels.

Readymade Speeches for different Occasion

Some tips to make a wonderful speech
When developing your speech, research it, get your facts right and make sure you know what message you want to get across. N . Speak h e e r kheart, believe in t u r eyou iare sayingl andhtake control of your audience. S u d from the u m a r , L e c what r n E n g i s , Anurag Engineering College, Kodad Page 4

Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students

Rehearse your speech in front of a mirror or in front of a friend or family member (ask them for helpful suggestions). When you practice your speech, time yourself. If it is too long or too short you will need to make changes. If you are well prepared you do not need to use your notes too much. End your speech with your prepared ending and wait for applause OR stand back from the lectern / table. Enjoy your speech, have fun and use the opportunity to deliver a speech that enhances your image!

Sample speeches:
Welcome speech on the inauguration of the technical paper presentation:
Good morning one and all, it gives me an immense pleasure to inaugurate the Anurag Vista-2k10, a national level technical paper presentation and technical Quiz. I am happy to welcome Patron of Anurag Vista, Dr.P.Rajeswara Reddy garu, Principal, Dr Akash N Patwari, Honourable members of the Advisory committee and organizing committee, faculty and participants. Today, Anurag Engineering College is proud to host the minds and the master minds from all over the country. Events like national level paper presentations are part and parcel of healthy academic environment. So, first of all, give a big round of applause to the college management. We live in an age of progress. Those days of mugging up the subject and reproducing in the exams have gone and if any one of the students still does the same, will stay behind and will recede. Those students who want to make their future journey smooth and impressive must develop the ability to do research to propose new ideas and theories. Students should participate in these kinds of events and they should send some of their papers to the national and the international journals. It would definitely help you to enhance the creativity. Ladies and gentlemen, you all know the importance of presentation .the world is their oyster for the students, who have good presentation skills. Here we should not forget that the people with good presentation skills are not born but they are made. One can master the presentation skills only by making presentations repeatedly. Even if a student makes presentations at the college level, it would definitely help him/her in developing presentation skills. If a student can present at the national level events like Anurag vista, it would do a world of good to his/her self confidence. Therefore, each and every participant is winner of priceless self confidence. Sharing our ideas with others is the best way of creating more ideas. So let us share and discuss our ideas. An idea can change our life but the ideas of the technocrats can change the course of the world. So, get ready to quench your thirst for technical knowledge.

Vote of thanks for the Valedictory ceremony of the Technical paper Presentation
Dignitaries on the dais, Organizing committee, participants, faculty and volunteers, It is a great honor and privilege to be called upon to propose a Vote of Thanks for the valedictory session of Anurag Vista-2k10. I have to say that Anurag Vista-2k10 has been a great success, the participation levels of the students and the quality of the papers presented are the indicators of the success. For this overwhelming success, I should first thank Dr.P.Rajeswara Reddy garu, whose indomitable spiritN . uphold the higher academic standards hasiled ton g l i s h this highly purposeful event. I to S u d h e e r k u m a r , L e c t u r e r n E organize , Anurag Engineering College, Kodad Page 4

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thank Dr.Vinay babu garu, whose presence today is a great source of motivation to us. Our grateful thanks are directed to all the guest of honours and the members of the Advisory committee, belong to eminent walks of life and they managed to stay their preoccupations to attend this event and give the event the benefit of their erudition and experience. I am grateful to our principal Dr.Akash N Patwari, whose guidance, support and the constant monitoring has been one of the prime reasons for the success of the event. Ladies and Gentlemen, Today, We have discovered a great event manger in our college in the form of Dr.N. Ravi kumar, the convener of the Event. Well done sir! The members of various committees and the student volunteers connected with the holding of this event are to have our gratitude and thanks. At the end of the day, participation matters and the participants from various colleges are to whom we are indebted for making the event a great success. I would like to congratulate all the participants for presenting papers of high quality Before I conclude, I therefore thank you all once again for your excellent cooperation and we remember everybodys share in the success of Anurag Vista-2k10.

Seniors speech on the occasion of the freshers Party:

Honourable principal, Head of the departments, esteemed faculty, and all my friends, At the very outset, I would like to express my best compliments to you all on the occasion of the 'Freshers day' today. I am privileged to stand before you to welcome all the junior friends. I must congratulate them all on their selecting the best college in the district. It is known fact that we have a dynamic management, motivated lecturers and devoted professors. We are taught in a beautiful environment .Owing to all these things, our college secure has become a pioneer in this region. You have stepped into this college with fresh thoughts, noble aims, high hopes and aspirations. I assure you that your ambitions will be accomplished by the successful guidance of our beloved lecturers. The flag of Anurag group of Institution is hosting in every nook and corner of our state due to brilliant performance shown by some of our senior friends. It is the first and foremost duty of yours to follow the footsteps to achieve laurels to our college. We, the seniors, are always ready to extend our helping hand to the juniors regarding studies. The functions like this will create kind of friendly atmosphere among us. We are ready to offer any kind of assistance you need. It's time I took leave of you wishing you bright career. Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity.

Farewell Speech:
Respected dignitaries on the dais, seniors and my dear classmates, I rise to speak to you today with a heavy heart because today we would be bidding farewell to the college. Four years of engineering, seems to have passed very quickly. Now we are on the verge of completion of our course. For many of us, it is like a dream come true to have done our graduation in a very prestigious college like this. We have been taught the most advanced technology along with traditional values. We have been imparted scientific temper along with ethics. The college has engineered us into very good Engineers along with compassionate human beings. Saying adieu to such a fantastic college is a very painful thing. I will miss this college, the faculty, and my beloved friends. I extend my heart full wishes to the college management for rendering their continuous support to the students. And I hope it will continue the same, with the coming batches also. Now friends the time has come, to part. All the best to you all and warm wishes to the college management for their successful administration. N.Sudheer kumar, Lecturer in English, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad Page 4

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Speech about the departmental Association

Dignitaries on the dais, Heads of the departments, faculty and my dear friends, I am Ramya sree of III B.Tech ECE. Today I would like to tell a few words about the departmental Association of ECE department ECE on the occasion of its first anniversary. The departmental association of ECE has been established in the year 2009. The association plays a significant role as an important adjunct to course work since it sponsors lectures by eminent engineers, debates, competitions, general knowledge quiz, essay competitions and various programmes and, in general, stimulate interest in the diverse spheres of a students life. The association strives for synchronization between academic learning and recent development in Industry and thereby to provide opportunity for all round development of students. This association is run by the students and for the students to achieve the above objectives. The faculty advisors are appointed by the department to advice students regarding the various activities conducted by E-Spice. This helps students to learn the managerial skills also. The association has been well established and has been working very actively since the inception and I wish the association continues to flourish and to achieve its objectives. Thank you very much.

Inauguration of a guest lecture: (by a student)

Honourable Guest, faculty and my dear friends, I would like to welcome you all for the second guest lecture in this semester. My dear friends, as you all know, our Secretary/ correspondent and our Principal, wants to have a vibrant academic atmosphere in the college by conducting various seminars, paper presentations, group discussions and guest lectures. Guest lectures are part and parcel of having such vibrant academic atmosphere. It is indeed a remarkable day in the history of our department as we have Mr. Ravi Kumar, who is going to give his guest lecture on Robotics. We have heard a lot about him. Mr. Ravi Kumar, besides his long list of qualifications of expertise, has vast academic experience. He has authored many books and many of his articles have been published in national and international journals. Many of his students are very well placed in many government and non government organizations. I must thank our head of the department for arranging this guest lecture by such a renowned academician. In today's environment, hoarding knowledge ultimately erodes your power. If you know something very important, the way to get power is by actually sharing it. At Anurag, emphasis is given on not only making you academically brilliant, but to make true leaders and team players, thus preparing you for the real life corporate world. This is done by inviting people from industries and top institutions to provide valuable information to our students. We Invite Eminent personalities form various Industries and Institutions to lend valuable Information from their Experiences to our students. Guest Lecture is a way of enriching our students with the latest updates of the Industries and Technicalities. The Students are bestowed with knowledge about Industry needs, latest technical updates, Avenues for Higher studies etc. These kinds of guest lectures would certainly help us to dwell deep into the subject rather than having a superficial understanding of the subject. I suggest you all to be interactive through out the N.Sudheer kumar, Lecturer in English, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad Page 4

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seminar rather than being passive listeners. The more interest you show the more benefit you gain from this lecture .I dont want to take much time as I know that you are eagerly waiting to listen to his lecture. Before I conclude, I once again thank the management, the principal and the Head of the department for setting up a right platform for us to brain storm on this topic Thank you.

Speech on improving English

Good afternoon everybody, I am Aathira Vijayan of II B.Tech IT (A) section, I am glad to say today a few words on the subject which is of vital importance to us, English is now the international language .So it is very important to learn English well. We should study English in the correct way, so that we can make the most of the time we spend learning English. Discovering ways to improve their English is a problem which baffles many students. There are three ways to improve English First of all, we have to learn many English words and study English grammar in great detail. Reading is the best way to increase vocabularies and learn how to avoid making grammar errors. If we read magazines written in English, regular reading will make it easier for us to remember the many new words we come across. Having a dictionary is just like having a teacher close at hand. We need to use a dictionary to look up those words that we don't know. It makes reading a very enjoyable pastime. Secondly, besides learning to read English, we must learn to understand spoken English, and practice speaking. Try listen to radio stations, if at first you don't understand, keep listening and maintain a regular habit of listening to radio stations. Repeat after the broadcast and learn how to pronounce correctly and frequently. Thirdly, we should try to talk with people who will give you conversation practice. Don't be afraid to speak, afraid to be laughed at. If we never learn to take risks to open mouths, it will be impossible to improve speaking skills. There is no reason to be ashamed of speaking poor English. If we can learn from our mistakes, failure can become part of our success. In fact, the secret of success may come from failure. In conclusion, there is no short cut to learning English. Persistence is the major secrets of success. If you want use English as your native language, don't ever give up trying to achieve your goal. If we are prepared to work hard at it, we will be successful in the end

Independence Day celebrations

Good Morning Everybody, At this congregation to celebrate the 64th Independence Day, I should only say that on this day it is incumbent on us to remember our national leaders who have made sacrifices for getting independence for the country. We all should be proud to be born in this country. Our country is a perfect example of unity in diversity. India is the largest democracy in the world. Our economy is developing in leaps and bounds. There are so many things we should feel proud of however; there are some problems posing a serious threat to the nations development. The gap between the rich and poor has always been formidable and has only made the poor people more frustrated. Terrorists want to create unrest in the country. Corruption is obstructing the fruits of development reaching the poor people. My dear friends! Now is the time to show our courage, now is the time to display our unity, and now is the time to fight against the poverty. We, the youngsters should shoulder the responsibility of transforming India from developed country from being developed country. N.Sudheer kumar, Lecturer in English, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad

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If you can not fight against corruption, try to stay away from it. If you cant eradicate poverty in the country, at least eradicate poverty at your home. If you cant imbibe values in the society, at least inculcate them within you. It is also time for us to do away from the blaming the society and the government. John F Kennedy said. Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can for the country. We can contribute to the development of our country by doing our work sincerely. On this auspicious day I declare that I practice what I have preached and I hope you all do the same. Thank you very much.

Senior students suggestion for the I B.Tech students during the orientation programme.
Good Afternoon Everybody. Today, I would like to extend a warm welcome to the I B.Tech students. Let me first congratulate you all for choosing the best college in the region. To achieve your goals or expectations, you need to do some small things right, they are small things but big things happen when you do the small things right. The first thing that I want you to do is to be regular to the college. You should not miss any classes or labs. Students tend to think that they need only 75% of attendance to attend the examinations yes, it is enough to attend the exams but not enough to become merit student. You should not miss any classes or labs The next thing I suggest you is to do away with the procrastination or postponing. So many surveys have proved that it is the biggest enemy to many students. Especially you the I B.Tech students have to fight against this enemy. You can be a bit lethargic as you have been idle for almost for 6 months. You have to finish studying the topics that have been taught in the classes on the same day itself as soon as you go home. For that you need to bury yourself in books for at least four hours a day. Learning the core subject inside out is so important but there is one more important thing that every student should learn almost parallel with your core subject is English language you should spend at least one hour a day to learn English. Of course, you have to communicate only in English in the college campus. You should not feel shy to speak English. Do not think that if I make mistakes while speaking in English, people would make fun out of me. That wont happen in Anurag. Everybody will appreciate you speaking in English. No body minds if it is a broken English or Spoken English I asked you to spend four hours for studying core subjects and one hour for learning English language, which means that you need to spend at five hours with your studies. You may think that it is not possible. I can confidently say that it is possible provided that you should avoid the timewasters. The time waster number one is your mobile phone. We do not allow the students to carry their mobile phones into college campus rather than we forcing you, you should have a self control over using phone. For all the parents who are here, I would like to stress that if you want your son or daughter to prosper in their career, you should not give him a mobile phone. The time waster number two is the television. You should stop gluing to the television in order work on some productive work Anurag Engineering College has been the most preferred college in the region. You might not have seen the advertisement of Anurag in the local cable TV or you might not have found big hoardings of Anurag. But we are the most preferred college just because of the standards we maintain in providing the quality education to the budding professionals. I hope you all work hard to keep the flag of Anurag to fly high. Thank you

Ethics in Professional Education

N.Sudheer kumar, Lecturer in English, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad

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Good morning on and all, I am Syam of III B.Tech Mechanical, would like to speak on the topic Ethic s in Professional Education, "A professional - engineer, doctor, lawyer, or teacher - should have a well-rounded education, which teaches the technical expertise of the field, but also instructs the whole human being about the pleasures and responsibilities of being a contributing member of society." The most important part of any career is training. If you want to become anything from a cook to an astronaut, it is important that you know how to do your job. Education is a key to be able to do a job. But, for certain professionals, such as engineers, doctors, doing the job right may include a lot more than what they were taught, or could be taught, in any college. These professions must also learn how to be responsible to the public. People in such jobs must be instructed on the responsibilities of being a contributing member of society. Most professionals feel their duty is to serve their client, or to do their job to the best of their ability. Unfortunately, this is not good enough. When a person's profession or the product of their work will involve the public, that person should also be responsible to the public. The only concern of an Engineer cannot be to make a bridge as sound as possible in a certain budget. If the people are to be crossing over this bridge, an engineer must also consider if it is possible to truly make this bridge safe within the allotted budget. He must not think purely of the technical aspects of the bridge making, but of the human side. Statements like "Is it safe?" should be replaced by "Is the bridge safe enough?" Whenever one's work involves the public, one must be concerned for the public's health and safety. Professionals today must make judgment calls that were never required of them before. They must decide whether what is good for science and technology is good for humanity. There must be a certain responsibility to an expert for what they have created. Should a Software Engineer use his talent to hack the websites of banks? Should a lawyer defend a guilty man for ten times the normal fee? Or should a chartered accountant alter some numbers to make it more favorable for the company as in the satyam scam? These are difficult questions for some people to answer. The professionals should say NO to the above questions. Knowledge and responsibility are two things that should go hand and hand in professional's decisions. Public health and safety concerns, moral decisions, and the ability to communicate are all required of a contributing member of society. Better training is required to prepare future professionals for these situations.

Readymade letters for different occasions

Communication in the professional organizations happens mostly in written. Students, the moment they enter into a professional institute, they are asked to put their pen on paper for each and every request, complaint or any for any other reason. They are perplexed by this and mistook it as the Red Tapism. Something given in writing has some advantages: N . S u d h e e r k u m a r forLthecmessage to n E n g l i s h , There is a lesser chance , e t u r e r i be misunderstood. Anurag Engineering College, Kodad Page 4

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It can be used for the purpose of maintaining a record. Authorities take complaint in written more seriously than the oral one. No one can evade this as long as he/she is in the professional organization as a student o r an employee. The audience for these letters is the higher officials. It is not a good practice to write letters to the higher officials with so many spelling and grammatical errors. Although making mistakes is part and parcel of learning, making some blunders and taking them to the higher officials will not help you in fulfilling the purpose of your work. In this chapter, I have given ready-to-use letters for needs that a student comes across everyday. The format and the expressions used in the letter may look new to you but still use them without any hesitation because they are written in the format that is used internationally. Avoid using the Indian English as much as possible because you are going to work in multinational companies. When I attended the interview of BPO of GE (General Electronics) the HR, Mr. Sandeep commented remarked that I had Mother Tongue Influence. I was clue less at that time what was mother tongue influence was. Mother tongue influence is not just about pronunciation but also about using the Standard English expressions. We should not translate the expressions in Indian Languages into English Just like Chiranjeevi does in the movie Shankar Dada MBBS. The classic example of the mother tongue influence is What is your good name? which is a word to word translation of the Hindi expression aap ka shubh naam kya hai?. The native Englishmen would be confused and he might say, I dont have good name and bad name, I have only one name. I had a similar experience when an international seminar was held at Nagarjuna University in the year 2004. I was serving food to Prof. Gordon Tucker, renowned linguist; He asked me what was that curry. I said it was ladies finger, He said I am not a cannibal to eat ladies fingers. He was just kidding after all he was a linguist. He knew it was an Indian expression to okra but he just wanted me to realize that it was not Standard English expression. The both expressions that I have shared above had a lot of influence over me and I want my students to be aware of the mother tongue influence. Let us see what are the Indian expressions we use and why they have to be avoided. Indian Usage Standard English Usage Respected sir in letters Dear sir Yours obediently or Your respectfully Yours sincerely/truly/respectfully Ladys finger okra Brinjal aubergine Hotel restaurant Pay attention on, angry on , discuss about Pay attention to, angry with/at (behaviour), discuss Cover Envelope Today morning This morning Yesterday night Last night Marriage Wedding Full shirt, half shirt Full sleeves, half sleeves Also too I also need pen I too need pen Sugar Diabetic Lifting the phone Picking up the phone Doubt Follow up question Shift to new house Moving to new house I did my graduation at presidency college I earned my bachelors degree at presidency college Cousin brother, cousin sister etc Cousin In tension Nervous Hardworking Diligent Would be u d h e e r k u m a r , L e c t u r e rFianc/fiance s h , N.S in Engli Anurag Engineering College, Kodad Page 4

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Ragging Discuss about Angry on

Fagging Discuss Angry with

Guidelines for writing good Professional letters:

1. Before you begin writing a business letter, define clearly your purpose in writing. Make sure that you have a clear idea of: The events that have led to your writing the letter Your maximum aims (the most you can hope to achieve) Your realistic aims (what you expect to achieve) The information you need to explain in the letter The argument you need to deploy

2. If you are writing to someone whose name and title you do not know, use the greeting Dear Sir or madam, and the ending yours faithfully, signing yourself with your initials and surname. 3. If you are writing to a named person, address them as Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms____, and end Yours Sincerely, followed by your first name and surname. 4. Your letter should sound natural. Your personality should never be sacrificed for the sake of pedantic style or flowery language. Write your letters as if you are talking to the persons concerned face to face. Imagine for a moment that you are in the same room with them. What would you tell them? Write your letters in the same pattern of language.

Leave Letter
Kodad 05th October 2010 To Dr. Akash N. Patwari Principal, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad Dear Sir, I hereby wish to apply for leave on Monday, 6th October, 10 as I have an appointment with the Dentist. S u d h e e r k u m a r , L e c t u r e r i n E n g l i s h , N. Anurag Engineering College, Kodad Page 4

Sub: - Leave Letter

Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students

I request you to kindly grant me one day leave for the same. Thanking You, Yours Sincerely, (Subba Rao.P) H.T.No: 09C11A0129 II B.Tech Civil

Requesting for the issuing of original Certificates:

Kodad 05th October 2010 To Dr. Akash N. Patwari Principal, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad Sub: - Issue of my original certificates Sir, My name is A.V.Rao. I have studied in this esteemed institute from 2006 to 2010. I have successfully completed my graduation recently and I have been placed in Infosys. I do not have any dues to be paid to the college and I have also returned all the borrowed books to the library. I have enclosed the no dues certificates from the office as well as the Library along with this letter. So, I would like to request to issue my original certificates which have been with the institute for the course of study. Thanking you, Yours sincerely, A.V.Rao, ECE Branch, H.T No: 06C11A0420. Enclosures: No Dues Certificates from the Accounts Officer and Library.

Requesting for the Bonafide certificate

Kodad 05th October 2010 To N.Sudheer kumar, Lecturer in English, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad

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Dr. Akash N. Patwari Principal, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad Sub: - Issue of Bonafide Certificate Sir, I am S.Sunil of I B.Tech, CSE bearing the hall Ticket Number 10C11A0550. I am writing this letter to request you to issue a Bonafide certificate for the Purpose of applying for EBC scholarship. As the last date for applying for the scholarship is fast approaching, I request you to oblige and the same be made available to me at the earliest. Thanking you, Yours sincerely, S.Sunil

This is to certify that Sri/Kum/Ms._________________ _______________________S/o/D/o _____________________________________________________________R/o belonging to Village, located at______________________________________________a distance of________KM from the college________________Mandal_______________________District. He/She was admitted in this college of__________________________course on________________date with admission number_________________during the academic year_________________and the course will be completed by_______________. He/She belongs to_____________Caste___________Sub Caste. His/ her Parental Income per year is Rs._________________as per the college admission register. The student is eligible for college attached hostel/student managed hostel/day scholar scholarships. The student is admitted into college attached hostel on_____________(date). Place: Date: Signature & Name of the Principal (Name of the Educational Institution With seal) (Please observe that Bonafide can also be written as Bona fide. Both the spellings are correct. But many students write it as Bonafied, which is to be avoided)

Permission letter
Kodad 13th September 2010 To Dr. Akash N. Patwari N.Sudheer kumar, Lecturer in English, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad

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Principal, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad Dear Sir,

Sub: - Permission letter

I need to go to bank to draw a Demand Draft in favour of Institute for electronic governance for registering in JKC. Therefore I request you to grant permission for one hour i.e., from 13:00 hrs to 14:00 hrs. I have approached you through proper channel by giving prior intimation to Academic counselor of our section and Head of the department, Mr.YVR Naga Pavan. Hence I request you to permit me to go to bank. Thanking You, Yours Sincerely, (Sindhuja V) H.T.No: 07C11A1236 IV B.Tech IT

Apology Letter for resorting to malpractice during External Examination (undertaking Letter by JNTU)
Kodad 12.06.2010 From V.Ravan kumar Hall Ticket Number: 04PR1A0420 B.Tech (CSE), Sri Lanka Engineering College Bobbarlanka To The Controller of Exams JNTUH Kukatpally, Hyderabad Sub: Apology for resorting to malpractice Dear Sir/madam, I, Ravan Kumar.V, would like to sincerely apologize for resorting to malpractice during my MI exam held on 11.06.2010. I confess that I have brought cheating slips containing the formulas related to the subject and I was caught red handed by the observer deputed by JNTUH. I have been appearing for MI exam for the last six years but I have been able to clear the paper. Out of the desperation, I have done this shameful act. I know that these reasons are not justified but I beg your pardon for this act as it is my first and last mischievous act. I hereby assure that I will not commit such mistakes in the future. I hope you would consider my case on human grounds and reprieve me off the punishment. Thank You N.Sudheer kumar, Lecturer in English, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad

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Sincerely Yours, Ravan Kumar

Apology Letter for coming to the college without proper dress code
Kodad 26th September 2010 To Dr. Akash N. Patwari Principal, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad Sub: - Apology letter for neglecting dress code Dear Sir, This is to make an apology for failing to meet the prescribed dress code of the college. I have been to my native village for the three day vacation. I have dressed in casual outfit i.e., T-shirt and Jeans to feel comfortable during the long journey from my home town. Unfortunately, the bus that I was travelling had been struck in the traffic last night and as result I was late in reaching Kodad. I have come to college straight from the bus stand fearing of being late to the college. Hence I request you to accept my apology and allow me sit in the classes for today. I assure that It will not happen again. Thanking You, Yours Sincerely, Vikram .R H.T.No: 10C11A1236 I B.Tech IT

Complaint Letter
G.Swetha Door Number: 110/3 Bhargavpeta Mangalagiri-522503, Guntur (DT), A.P. 07.09.2010 To The Sub inspector of Police, Town Police Station Mangalagiri Circle, Guntur (DT). Sub: Complaint-eve teasing- auto driver-reg. Dear Sir, N.Sudheer kumar, Lecturer in English, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad

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I am writing this letter to inform you about the harassment I am being subjected to by an auto driver. I am doing my B.Tech in KL University .I travel by the college bus and I alight from the bus at the Hanuman temple everyday. An auto driver named Dussaasan Rao has been following me and making some obscene remarks for last two weeks. I have just ignored his remarks as if I have not listened to them. But the thug has taken my silence for granted and he has increased the intensity of his harassment. He has obstructed on my way to home and threatened to kill me unless I go out with him everyday. The shop vendors of the area have witnessed all this and unable to open their mouth because they were afraid of that man but all they could do was to give me the details of the person. Hence, I request you to kindly look into the matter at the earliest and take suitable action. Thanking You, Yours sincerely, (G.Swetha)

Complaint letter about the poor quality food served in the Canteen.
Vizianagaram 21.09.2010 To Mr. Nala Bheema Rao Contractor, Canteen, Arogya Sri College of Engineering, Garividi. Ref: Sub-standard Food Dear Mr. Rao, I, along with my classmates have visited our college canteen run by you. I wanted to throw a party to my friends for winning a prize in the quiz competition. Unfortunately, the sub-standard food served in your restaurant really dampened our spirits. We have ordered Egg puffs first. The puffs are tasteless and moreover the eggs had a rotten smell. The server had told us that it happened for the first time. Unwilling to disappoint my friends, I have ordered some chips. Even they had not been any better. They are stiff and dripping with poor quality oil. I hope in future the quality of your food is able to match up to the quality of your service. Yours Sincerely (Kuranakar Rao.D) III Mechanical.

Change of Address:
Kodad N.Sudheer kumar, Lecturer in English, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad

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Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students

05th October 2010 To The Academic Counselor. I B.Tech, IT-A section Anurag Engineering College, Kodad Sub: - Change of Address regarding Dear Sir: This letter is to inform you that I have a new mailing address. Please update your records to replace my previous address: Sk.Nazeer Baba 145-129, Rotary Nagar, Khammam With the following new address: Sk. Nazeer Baba 1-110/3, Bhavani Nagar, Kodad, Nalgonda (DT) Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, Sk. Nazeer baba H.T.No: 10C11A1240 I B.Tech IT

Letter to the Bank manager about the loss of ATM cum Debit Card:
S. Suresh Reddy, I MBA Anurag Engineering College Ananthagiri Kodad (M) 21.10.2010 To The Bank Manager State Bank of Hyderabad Ananthagiri (V) Kodad (M), Nalgonda (DT). Sub: loss of debit card regarding. Dear Sir/Madam, This is to bring to your notice that I had lost my ATM cum debit card today on my way to college. My account number is 62111723455. Please bar all the transactions linked to my debit card and forward N.Sudheer kumar, Lecturer in English, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad Page 4

Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students

me a current statement so that I can verify that no unauthorized withdrawals have been made to the card since I lost it. I also request you to issue a new debit card for me as early as possible. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Yours Sincerely, (S.Suresh Reddy)

N.Sudheer kumar, Lecturer in English, Anurag Engineering College, Kodad

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Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students

Useful Expressions in English

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Above par: this phrase is used to describe something that is of good quality. above their weight: this phrase is used to describe someone performing above their standards absence of mind: failure to remember or pay attention Achilles heel: A weakness in an otherwise strong system. acid test: The definitive method of assessment. actions speak louder than words: It is more effective to do something than just talk about it add insult to injury make a bad situation worse. after their own heart: Something that pleases a person and a good representation of their own wishes or ideas. all ears: Very attentive. all Greek to me: Incomprehensible all over the place: Scattered around in a disorganized manner all the geese are swans: people who have unrealistically good opinion about the people or things. any port in the storm: The belief that in crisis any source of relief and /or assistance is to be welcomed. appeal to Ceaser: Make an appeal to the most important person or highest available authority. apple of their eye: Ones favourite person asking for trouble: behaving in a manner that greatly increases the probability of a problem. at a rate of knots: moving rapidly at sixes and sevens: To be in a state of confusion. at the cross roads: At a point of deciding between several options at the end of the day: What needs to be done after all the things have been considered back of the mind: if something is at the back of the mind, you intend to do it but you are not thinking actively about it. back to basics: To reject complicated methods or details and return to simpler method back to square one: to go right back to the start bad apple: an immoral person in group of good people bad blood: describes the hostility between two people or groups bag and baggage: everything balanced personality: Describes a person with no unusual behaviours ball of fire: A lively person. bark at the moon: waste time on a protest that has no effect. barrel of laughs: Something very amusing be there for them: offer support and assistance for someone beat the brunt: endure the majority of something unpleasant bed of nails: A disagreeable situation bed of roses: An agreeable situation with no problems bee in their bonnet: Having a preoccupation about something been around: if a person is been around then they are experienced. beginning of the end: the start of a process that leads to the end of something behind the closed doors: in secret behind their back: back stabbing believe it or not: The phrase indicates that what follows although sounding incredible is in fact true. bell the cat: Undertake a dangerous job on behalf of the group. below par: to describe someone who is not performing up to the expected standard. below the belt: Describes behaviour that is unfair, often with sadistic intention. N .. S u d h e e rr k u m a rr ,, L e c tt u rr e r ii n E n g ll ii s h ,, N Sudhee kuma Lec u er n Eng sh A n u r a g E n g ii n e e rr ii n g C o ll ll e g e ,, K o d a d Anurag Eng nee ng Co ege Kodad s u d h e e r e n g ll ii s h @ g m a ii ll .. c o m Page 46 sudheereng sh@gma com

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44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. bend with the wind: Alter according to the situations or conditions benefit of the doubt: make conclusion that favours someone when the evidence is ambiguous better half: joking term for life partner better late than never: it is better that something is done than it is not done at all. better safe than sorry: It is better to be cautious and avoid injury than to be hasty and get hurt between the lines: True meaning of something said in a roundabout manner. beyond their wildest dreams: Something that exceeds all expectations big ask: Something that is difficult to achieve. birds eye view: overview or summary birds of a feather flock together: People of similar interests tend to be friendly with each other. bite the dust: To be defeated. bite their tongue: suppress the urge to say something bits and pieces: A collection of unimportant things bitter end: it implies that he/she has done something difficult to do bitter pill: something that is accepted with difficulty. black and blue: severely bruised. Beat someone black and blue means hit someone hard and repeatedly black spot: An area with a reputation for something unpleasant. blank look: A facial expression indicating no recognition. blessing in disguise : something which at first appears bad but which may in fact be good blind leading the blind: poor leadership with underlings obediently following bad commands. blink of an eye: something happens very quickly blood is thicker than water: A saying that claims that loyalty to family members is greater than loyalty to anything else. blood money: money gained from a death of a person. blood sweat and tears: when it requires a lot of effort to do some work, we use this phrase. blow hot and cold: To alternate between enthusiasm and apathy blow their own trumpet: be boastful blowing the money: Spending large amounts of money bone of contention: The cause of an argument or disagreement boot is on the other foot: The situation is reversed bottom line: the most important facts in a situation. brain storming session: A group meeting where ideas on how to solve a problem or attain a particular target. bread and butter: The main or sole source of income. bridge the gap: Create a connection between two things or people bring down to earth: forcibly remind somebody with an unrealistic interpretation of a situation of the true state of affairs. bring home: make the importance of something apparent. bring the house down: be a great success with an audience. bring to book: punish in a court of law. burn the candle at the both ends: engage in an activity with too much energy, there by tiring oneself out. burn the midnight oil: work long hours during night. burn their fingers: Fail badly in an attempt to do something. burning desire: Strong desire. business is business: A justification to for doing unpleasant things to people as there is no room for emotions at work busy bee: A person who always likes to be busy with work butter would not melt in their mouth: Meaning that they appear innocent which deceptive butter fingered: Prone to drop the things N .. S u d h e e rr k u m a rr ,, L e c tt u rr e r ii n E n g ll ii s h ,, N Sudhee kuma Lec u er n Eng sh A n u r a g E n g ii n e e rr ii n g C o ll ll e g e ,, K o d a d Anurag Eng nee ng Co ege Kodad s u d h e e r e n g ll ii s h @ g m a ii ll .. c o m Page 46 sudheereng sh@gma com

Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students

89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. butterflies their stomach: feeling nervous. by a whisker: by a very small margin. by and large: Generally by hook or crook: by any means. by no stretch of imagination: an emphatic denial. by the book: perform a procedure exactly as described in official guidelines call a spade a spade: speak in a direct manner call it a day: stop doing something for that day calm before the storm: A period of unnatural calm before the onset of something unpleasant can a duck swim?: A sarcastic reply to a question to which the answer is obvious cant judge a book by its cover: the true nature of something cannot be judged by its appearance carbon copy: An exact duplicate chalk and cheese: Describing two totally dissimilar things or people charity begins at home: A saying that advises that a person should attend to the needs of their own family before considering being good to others chip off the old block: A child who is just like their parent in looks and/or behaviour class act: term of approval for somebody who is skilled at their job. clear as crystal: obvious clock is ticking: A warning that there is limited amount of time left. close call: An event that was nearly a serious accident but in fact passed successfully. cloud nine: A state of extreme happiness. come hell or high waters: come what may come of age: something reached its full successful development conspiracy of silence: refers to a group deliberately keeping secret or refusing to comment on a particular matter. cool as a cucumber: calm and without signs of panicking couch potato: A person who leads a lazy life and whose leisure hours are spent watching television. could eat a horse: if someone uses this phrase then he/she is considered to be extremely lazy. could hear a pin drop: It was very quiet. credit where credit is due: Praise should be given where it is merited. crocodile tears: An insincere display of sorrow or regret. crying over the spilt milk: cry over something that has happened and cannot be repaired. culture shock: Feeling of stress due to the radical change of the environment cut from the same cloth: Very similar in personality. cut the Gordian knot: solve a problem in a direct manner without getting sidetracked by niceties. cut your coat according to your cloth: Make the best use of what has been given to you. damage control: activity designed to minimize the adverse reaction to a piece of scandal or news. dance on their grave: show disrespect for the memory of a dead person day in and day out: Describes a regularly occurring event, often with the implication that a monotonous activity is being described. deep pockets: A wealthy person deliver the goods: do what is hoped for die hard: be difficult to get rid of dig their own grave: this phrase is used to describe someone damages themselves divide and rule: maintaining supremacy over opponents by encouraging them to fight against themselves. do the honours: Do a task for on behalf of a group. do justice to: Do something that is of suitable quality do them proud: Do something that would make others proud of you doctor ordered: something that gives optimal benefit dog tired: exhausted N .. S u d h e e rr k u m a rr ,, L e c tt u rr e r ii n E n g ll ii s h ,, N Sudhee kuma Lec u er n Eng sh A n u r a g E n g ii n e e rr ii n g C o ll ll e g e ,, K o d a d Anurag Eng nee ng Co ege Kodad s u d h e e r e n g ll ii s h @ g m a ii ll .. c o m Page 46 sudheereng sh@gma com

Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students

136. dont call us, well call you: A response by the theatre mangers after dismissing poor quality performers 137. dont mince words: A demand that something is said clearly and directly 138. dont pay the ferry man: dont pay someone until they have completed the task 139. dose of their own medicine: A person receiving a taste of their own medicine experiences the same harm or discomfort he or she had inflicted on others 140. down and out: having no luck no money, no opportunity. 141. down to earth: realistic and unpretentious 142. dress rehearsal: A practice of an event replicating as far as possible the condition of the event itself 143. Dutch courage: gaining courage by drinking alcohol 144. easy money: money that is earned easily. 145. easy come easy go: The belief that something easily gained can be easily lost. 146. eat like a pig: eat large amounts with bad table numbers 147. eleventh hour: The last possible minute that something could be done 148. empty nest syndrome: feeling of loneliness in the middle aged parents created by their children having reached adulthood. 149. enough is enough: A statement of warning to cease an activity. 150. eye-catching: visually appealing 151. face the music: Accept punishment for a misdeed 152. feast or famine: A situation in which there is either too much or too little 153. feather in their cap: A praiseworthy achievement 154. feel free: An expression of permission to do something 155. feel the pinch: experience financial problems 156. fiddling while Rome burns: To do something trivial while more important things need to be done. 157. fight fire with fire: defend or counterattack using the same methods as he original attack. 158. final say: The ultimate decision 159. firing on all cylinders: working efficiently 160. fit as a fiddle: very healthy 161. flog a dead horse: waste time and energy. 162. fly in the ointment: something that mars an otherwise an acceptable or pleasant situation 163. forbidden fruit: Something enjoyable that is illegal or immoral is forbidden fruit 164. foul play: If the police suspect foul play, they think a crime was committed. 165. freeze the blood 166. French leaves: To take French leave is to leave a gathering without saying goodbye or without permission 167. From the bottom of their heart: If someone does something from the bottom of their heart, then they do it with genuine emotion and feeling. 168. from the word go: From the word go means from the very beginning of something. 169. fruits of the labor: the rewarding aspects of work 170. Garbage in garbage out: If a computer system or database is built badly, then the results will be bad 171. gather the dust: stay unused 172. get a move on: hurry up 173. get away with: to avoid punishment 174. get it off their chest: If someone gets something off their chest, then they talk about something that has been worrying or angering them for sometime 175. get the nod: be approved 176. ghost at the feast: a person who spoils the enjoyment of what should be happy occasion by being depressing 177. gift of the gab: the skill of being persuasive speaker 178. girl next door: A women of average attractiveness, seen as a realistic prospect as a partner; the male version is boy next door N .. S u d h e e rr k u m a rr ,, L e c tt u rr e r ii n E n g ll ii s h ,, N Sudhee kuma Lec u er n Eng sh A n u r a g E n g ii n e e rr ii n g C o ll ll e g e ,, K o d a d Anurag Eng nee ng Co ege Kodad s u d h e e r e n g ll ii s h @ g m a ii ll .. c o m Page 46 sudheereng sh@gma com

Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students

179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. give and take: accepting each others needs and wishes give up: to quit go nuts: go nuts go on: continue golden handcuff: A substantial payment given on starting a new job with the proviso that the new employee agrees to stay with the new employers for at least a fixed period of time. grass roots: the ordinary member of the public or group grease the palm: Bribe green-eyed monster: Jealousy half measures: little enthusiasm or commitment hand to mouth: only the basic necessities. hang around: wait unnecessarily hang in there: show determination have a nice day: do well in whatever you are about to do have the guts: possess the courage have the last laugh: be proven correct after opposing arguments initially seemed more implausible head in the clouds: Absent-minded heart and soul: if a person putting his heart and soul into something they have worked very hard helping hand: assistance here today, gone tomorrow: transitory hero to zero: A person whose status declines to appoint of being disliked and/or being considered as of insignificant status hidden agenda: The secretly intended outcome of an activity that is not the same as the aim that is publicly claimed. hit the nail on the head: give an answer or judgment that is exactly right hold the stage: be the most prominent person in a situation Hobsons choice: No option hold their breath: wait anxiously for something to happen hows the enemy: Another way of asking what is the time ice breaker: something done deliberately to initiate the conversation between two people who do not know each other or something that attempts to reconcile people who are not communicating following a disagreement if the cap fits, wear it: an implication that one should welcome positive criticism if you cant beat them join them: an advice that argues that if an enemy cannot be defeated, then pragmatically sensible to join with the enemy in good nick: to be in good condition or form in one ear and out the other: when the person is not paying heed to the suggestions of the others in the same boat: have the same problems and advantages as the other person in their good books: in favour in two minds : undecided itching to: have a strong urge to jack of all trades and master of none: indicating that a person is adept at many things but he or she is ultimately not an expert in anything joker in the pack: A term of mild disapproval for the member of a group most likely to do or say something foolish jump on the band wagon: The phrase usually implies that someone joins In an activity because it is popular and the other people are doing it rather than because they have genuine interest. jump out of their skin: be very frightened jump to conclusions: make a decision before all the evidence has been heard, usually based on emotions and prejudice rather than logical reasoning just about: approximately N .. S u d h e e rr k u m a rr ,, L e c tt u rr e r ii n E n g ll ii s h ,, N Sudhee kuma Lec u er n Eng sh A n u r a g E n g ii n e e rr ii n g C o ll ll e g e ,, K o d a d Anurag Eng nee ng Co ege Kodad s u d h e e r e n g ll ii s h @ g m a ii ll .. c o m Page 46 sudheereng sh@gma com

Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students

220. just what the doctor ordered: something that gives the optimal benefit. the phrase is usually used jokingly to describe something the speaker finds pleasurable such as an alcoholic drink 221. Kangaroo court: self appointed group of people who decide if a person is guilty of something. The phrase is usually used as a condemnatory phrase of a group of workers who decide they are the fit judges of other workers and an appropriate reward or punishment for other peoples actions 222. keep an eye on: watch and/or attend to 223. keep in shape: maintain physical fitness 224. keep in touch: maintain regular communication 225. keep mum: To remain silent 226. keep options open: not committed to particular course of action that would exclude the other options being taken. 227. keep the ball rolling: keep an activity going 228. keep the flag flying: maintain support for or representation of something or someone in spite of difficulties 229. keep the Woolf from the door: have enough money and possession to avoid being homeless, suffer effects of poverty hunger etc. 230. keep themselves to themselves: be secretive or avoid providing much personal information. 231. keep your chin up: advice to maintain a cheerful, positive attitude, even though the situation may be difficult to deal with. 232. key moment: a turning point 233. kick the bucket: to die 234. kill the golden goose: destroy a successful scheme 235. laugh up their sleeves: Hide their amusement 236. lend an ear: listen 237. let bygones be bygones: forget the past 238. let down: disappointment. 239. let the sleeping dogs lie: Leave something alone , because 240. level best: The highest standard that can be attained when making a genuine effort 241. lick their boots: being far too polite 242. like a dream: worked successfully or as expected 243. like a headless chicken: A person who behave illogically 244. like getting blood out of stone: which is very difficult or impossible 245. lions share: the largest proportion 246. lips are sealed: A promise to keep a secret 247. live and breathe: followed by the name of an activity 248. look down on: be snobbish and/or regard as inferior 249. lost for words: Utterly amazed to the point of being incapable of producing a coherent statement 250. lull before the storm: A period of unnatural calm before the onset of something unpleasant, such as an argument. 251. mad about something: very keen or interested about something 252. make a heavy weather of it: behave as if something is far more difficult and /or laborious than it actually is 253. make a mint: Earn a large amount of money. 254. make a mountain out of a molehill: Exaggerate. 255. make a move: begin to do something 256. make both ends meet: earn enough money to provide the basic necessities of life. 257. make it big: be successful 258. make the best of: make optimal use of what is provided 259. make their blood boil: make very angry 260. make their mark: Have a long lasting effect 261. make their mind up: To make a decision. N .. S u d h e e rr k u m a rr ,, L e c tt u rr e r ii n E n g ll ii s h ,, N Sudhee kuma Lec u er n Eng sh A n u r a g E n g ii n e e rr ii n g C o ll ll e g e ,, K o d a d Anurag Eng nee ng Co ege Kodad s u d h e e r e n g ll ii s h @ g m a ii ll .. c o m Page 46 sudheereng sh@gma com

Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students

262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. make up for the lost time: Over-indulge in an activity because of not having the opportunity earlier man for all seasons: A person who can adapt to any situation man of leisure: A man of leisure man of letters: An educated man many months ago: A long time ago mark my words: Attend carefully to what I say matter of time: it is believed that it will certainly happen at some point of time. money doesnt grow on trees: A rebuke if someone is asking for something too expensive. more the merrier: the opinion that the more people are, the better it is music to their ears: received with pleasure. nail biting: describes something that creates a feeling of nervousness or apprehension naked truth: the truth neck and neck: in a competition a situation in which competitors are very similar in performance nerves of steel: impervious to shock or anxiety new ball game: something completely different nip in the bud: stop something before it can develop nit picking: find fault by finding trivial errors in details that have no real importance no more Mr. nice guy: An indication that the speaker has had enough of trying to be pleasant and reasonable and will now have to be more unpleasant with people in order to get the results he/she needs No smoke without fire: The belief that ambiguous evidence or rumors amount to tangible proof of something no stone unturned: nothing has been ignored, everything has been explored not their cup of tea: not something they find appealing not their day: A day which seems to bring nothing but misfortune nuts and bolts: the basic and most important details off color: To feel unwell or to perform below the expected standard. off the record: A person saying off the record means that they cannot be formally attributed as having said it. on a roll: Enjoying a period of especially good luck or good performance. on the cards: Very likely to happen on the receiving end: being the recipient of something unpleasant once in a blue moon: Indicating very rare event one step forward and two steps back: a description of an activity that in which nothing seems to be accomplished in spite of doing a lot of activity open book: someone about whom everything is known, with no attempt to hide secrets. order is order: If an order has been given, it must be obeyed. other side of the coin: An argument presenting an opposite point of view out of sight is out of mind: A proverb expressing the opinion that someone or something not encountered regularly is likely to be forgotten pack their bags: Prepare to leave pain in the neck: An annoyance Pandoras box: something is harmless if left alone but once distributed creates havoc or problems paper tiger: An apparently threatening person or thing who in fact is harmless part and parcel: An integral component. pat on the back: expression of approval pave the way: make something possible by doing the initial work necessary pay lip service: do something without any sincerity or particular effort. pearls before swine: something of high quality presented to people incapable of appreciating it penny wise, pound foolish: being obsessive about minor savings of money thereby incurring bigger expenses as a result. N .. S u d h e e rr k u m a rr ,, L e c tt u rr e r ii n E n g ll ii s h ,, N Sudhee kuma Lec u er n Eng sh A n u r a g E n g ii n e e rr ii n g C o ll ll e g e ,, K o d a d Anurag Eng nee ng Co ege Kodad s u d h e e r e n g ll ii s h @ g m a ii ll .. c o m Page 46 sudheereng sh@gma com

Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students

306. people in the glass houses should not throw stones: people who themselves can be criticized should not criticize others 307. pierce their heart: cause a feeling of strong emotion 308. pigs might fly: An expression of disbelief used in reply to improbable statement 309. pillar of strength: A person who can be relied upon to offer assistance and support 310. play a blinder: do something extremely well 311. playing in to their hands: Unwittingly doing something that is advantageous to the opponent 312. poke their nose in: interfere or be over inquisitive 313. polished performance: A skilful performance with no evidence of awkwardness. 314. pot calling the kettle black: someone who makes a criticism that just as much applies to themselves 315. practice what they preach: behave in their own lives as they exhort others to do in theirs 316. presence of mind: The ability to behave rationally. 317. prick the bubble: destroy an illusion 318. prodigal son: A person who squanders money left or given to them by parents on a dissolute lifestyle. 319. Put heads together: work on a problem together 320. put their heart into it: worked with great enthusiasm or determination 321. Quality time: A period of time during which can be undertaken without interruptions or distractions 322. rags to riches: move from poverty to wealth 323. rain cats and dogs: rain heavily 324. reach for the stars: be ambitious 325. reality bites: The truth can sometimes be unpleasant 326. reap what you sow: Be affected by the results of their own action 327. red carpet: special treatment reserved for a very important guest. 328. revolve around: be wholly principally dependent upon 329. rewrite history: attempt to alter the interpretations of the events that have already happened 330. rise through the ranks: Attain promotion to a high level of status, having started at a low position 331. root cause: the most important and original cause of something 332. rough and ready: Very elegant or pleasing but enough to serve the purpose 333. rough diamonds: A pleasant person though lacking in refined manner 334. round the corner: likely to happen soon 335. rub shoulders: be in a regular close proximity 336. rub the salt in the wound: make things even more worse 337. run with the hare and hunt with the hound: to maintain cordial links with both sides in a dispute 338. running battle: A conflict that goes on for a long time with neither side willing to concede 339. rush of blood: A sudden, irrational change in mood or thought 340. safe bet: A wise choice 341. safe pair of hands: A person who can be trusted to do something efficiently 342. sail close to wind: Take risks in the hope that this will bring more favorable outcome than a cautious approach 343. save the day: successfully resolve a problem 344. saving for a rainy day: saving money for the problematic time 345. school of thought: A method of thinking about something 346. see eye to eye: agree 347. see the funny side: recognize a humorous aspect to an otherwise a serious situation 348. seize the day: use whatever opportunities arise 349. sell like a hot cake: if something sells like a hot cake then it is in great demand 350. sell their soul to the devil: Have no moral scruples 351. send the right message: present an argument or statement that is well received 352. send the wrong message: an argument or statement that is badly received 353. set alarm bells ringing: begin to feel apprehensive about something N .. S u d h e e rr k u m a rr ,, L e c tt u rr e r ii n E n g ll ii s h ,, N Sudhee kuma Lec u er n Eng sh A n u r a g E n g ii n e e rr ii n g C o ll ll e g e ,, K o d a d Anurag Eng nee ng Co ege Kodad s u d h e e r e n g ll ii s h @ g m a ii ll .. c o m Page 46 sudheereng sh@gma com

Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students

354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. set the town on fire: To do something that is talked about settle the score: Have revenge sharpen up: disturbed or frightened shift gears: Change the level of activity shot in the dark: A wild guess show their true colors: to show true nature of someone show them the door: To eject from the house or office silver tongue: eloquence six feet under: dead slip of the tongue: An error in speaking slow on the uptake: slow to learn smell a rat: detect or suspect deception snake in the grass: An unanticipated problem or danger or a disloyal associate so far so good: everything as anticipated sort out the men from the boys: Discover who are really capable and/or skilled speak from the heart: express sincere opinions speak the same language: have similar opinions speak volumes: If something speaks volumes, then it is particularly descriptive split the bill/ go Dutch: share the cost of something equally spur of the moment: something done on spur of the moment is done spontaneously square eyes: A person who watches television a lot stab in the back: betray stand on dignity: insist upon being treated with a marked degree of respect state of the art: The most advanced version and thus the most technologically advanced stay focused: maintain concentration stay the distance: preserve till the end in spite of difficulties steal a persons clothes: use another persons ideas or arguments and pretend that they are your own step down: resign step into their shoes: take over from someone else and succeeding in this attempt stick to their guns: maintain belief and support for an argument in spite of considerable opposition still water runs deep: something that appears harmless or placid may in fact be dangerous stop gap measure: A temporary solution to a problem storm in a tea cup: An excessive amount of fuss over a minor incident straight from the heart: sincere stumbling block: A problem that produces errors and either stops or slows up the running of a plan sugar the pill: make something easier to accept swallow their pride: something swallowing their pride is accepting that they are wrong about something or that they lack the ability to do something even though this admission is damaging to their prestige sweep under the carpet: Ignore or try to forget something because it is embarrassing swim against the tide: Against normal desired practice or inclination take home message: The summary of the information contained in something take it or leave it: An expression of disinterest with the implication that the speaker is not in whether someone accepts or rejects it Take the breath away: Say or do something that amazes. take the bull by the horns: deal with the problem directly and decisively take the easy way out: Choose to end something by the method requiring the least effort take their point: accept the validity of an argument take to heart: believe N .. S u d h e e rr k u m a rr ,, L e c tt u rr e r ii n E n g ll ii s h ,, N Sudhee kuma Lec u er n Eng sh A n u r a g E n g ii n e e rr ii n g C o ll ll e g e ,, K o d a d Anurag Eng nee ng Co ege Kodad s u d h e e r e n g ll ii s h @ g m a ii ll .. c o m sudheereng sh@gma com

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Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students

400. take words out of their mouth: say the exact words or a paraphrase of something that someone else was contemplating saying 401. teach them a lesson: punish 402. tear limb from limb: destroy violently 403. thanks for nothing: An expression of annoyance that someone has failed to do something that they were meant to do 404. thats life: An expression of acceptance that unexpected events can happen 405. thats the spirit: That is the correct emotional response and/or level of commitment 406. thin on the top: bald head 407. thrills and spills: Excitement 408. throw money at: attempt to solve a problem by spending money on it. 409. throw mud: make accusations and/or spread rumors which have the effect of discrediting someone 410. tit for tat: counter attack 411. too close to call: if nearing the end of the competition, it is difficult to predict who will win 412. too many chiefs and not enough Indians: Too many managers and administrators and not enough Indians 413. touch and go: If something is touch and go then its outcome is uncertain 414. tough act to follow: someone or something who has been very good and whom it will be difficult to match in ability Administration of Mr. Pathan F Khan is a tough act to follow 415. tough cookie: A resilient person 416. trial and error: Something is calculated by trial and error is done by trying out various methods until the correct one is found 417. trip down memory lane: Reminiscence 418. Trojan horse: An attractive gift that is destructive 419. try to see it my way: the speaker wants someone to see from his point of view 420. turn a deaf ear to: ignore 421. turn down: reject 422. turn of the tide: A change of fortunes such that the side that was winning now begins to move towards defeat 423. two heads are better than one: the opinion that two people working at the same problem can be more effective than one person. 424. unbalanced personality: A person who behaves in an unusual way 425. under pressure: being compelled or coerced into doing something difficult. 426. up to the mark: of the required standards 427. vicious circle: A problem that appears to get worse by trying to solve it 428. wash dirty linen in public: divulge secrets that should have been prudently hidden 429. waste their breath: argue something with no effect 430. what s up: whats happening 431. wheel has come full circle: the phrase generally means that a situation has returned to how it was at the start after a rise and fall of fortunes. 432. white elephant: A useless item 433. wild goose chase: A task that cannot possibly succeed and is time consuming and frustrating 434. window of opportunity: An opportunity that will only be available for a short period of time 435. with flying colours: something done with flying colours is done very successfully. 436. wolf in sheeps clothing: someone who is dangerous but appears harmless 437. word of mouth: Information spread through informal discussion rather than by print or electronic media 438. world is their oyster: there are lots of opportunities 439. world of difference: A very large difference 440. worth their salt: useful and competent person. N .. S u d h e e rr k u m a rr ,, L e c tt u rr e r ii n E n g ll ii s h ,, N Sudhee kuma Lec u er n Eng sh A n u r a g E n g ii n e e rr ii n g C o ll ll e g e ,, K o d a d Anurag Eng nee ng Co ege Kodad s u d h e e r e n g ll ii s h @ g m a ii ll .. c o m Page 46 sudheereng sh@gma com

Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students

441. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. would you believe it? : a rhetorical question asked in surprise wouldnt hurt a fly: is incapable of doing harm wrong end of a stick: An incorrect interpretation of something. yes and no: it is partly correct and partly incorrect Yesterdays man: A person who is no longer as influential or as important as they were once. you and yours: closest members of your family and yours you dont keep a dog and bark yourself: there is no point employing someone and to bark yourself You scratch my back and I scratch yours: I help you and you help me young blood: young members of a team or organization your mileage may vary: Your opinions may differ from the one expressed

N .. S u d h e e rr k u m a rr ,, L e c tt u rr e r ii n E n g ll ii s h ,, N Sudhee kuma Lec u er n Eng sh A n u r a g E n g ii n e e rr ii n g C o ll ll e g e ,, K o d a d Anurag Eng nee ng Co ege Kodad s u d h e e r e n g ll ii s h @ g m a ii ll .. c o m sudheereng sh@gma com

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Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students

Four Hundred words You Must have for TOEFL abandon atheist constraint abduction augment contamination abstract authority contemplate accumulate battle contemptuous accuracy be inclined to contest accuse berate context acquire biased contrary acquisition bitterly convey adapt bond convict addictive bribery core adjacent bulk corrode adjust burden counter adolescent bureaucratic cremation advent candidate cultivation adversely capricious cumbersome advocate cartel cure affection cast curriculum affluence catastrophic cynically aggravate cause de facto aggregate cease decipher agnostic certifiably decline allegedly charismatic decrepit allegiance chronologically degrade allocate circulate deify amateurish civil delinquency ambiguous clique denominator amend coalition denote analyze coerce deny ancestral cohesion depict anesthesia coincide deplete animism collapse derive annex collide descendant anomaly combustion despise anticipate commodity despondent antipathy compensate detain apex complex detection apprehend complication deviant arbitrary component devise arrogantly compress devotion artillery concentrated dilemma ascertain condemn dimension assail confide diminish assess conflict discretely asset connotation discriminate assimilate conquest disease associate consciously dispose of astrological .. S u d h e e rr kconsequence e c tt u rr e rr ii ndistillg ll ii s h ,, N S u d h e e k u m a rr ,, L e c u e N uma L n En g sh En
A n u r a g E n g ii n e e rr ii n g C o ll ll e g e ,, K o d a d Anurag Eng nee ng Co ege Kodad s u d h e e r e n g ll ii s h @ g m a ii ll .. c o m sudheereng sh@gma com

distinctly distort diverse divination domesticate dynamic ecclesiastical election elementally elite emission engender enterprising entrepreneurial equity erode erudite eruption esthetically evade evidence evolve exalt exclusive exotic expeditiously exploit exponentially extinction extract famine fatally feasibly feature fertilize flood fluctuate folklore forensics fortify fossilize fringe gala gap generation grotesque guilty
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Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students gut haggle haunt hazardous hedonistic hierarchy hilarious horror humiliation hypocritically hypothesize illiterate impact impair implant implement implicate implicitly impoverish improvisation in common in the trenches inaugurate incentive incompetent indisputable industrious inference infinitesimal inflation ingenious inherent inheritance inhibit inject innovative inquiry inscription installation integrally integrity intensify intentionally interdict intermediary intervene intrepid intrinsic intrusively intuitively invasive invoke irrigation jointly juxtapose kin lease legitimate liability longitude loyal luxury maintenance manipulation marginal maximize meditate medium merchant merit migration milieu minimum misconception mobilize modify net nobility notion nucleus obese objectively obnoxious obtain offense oppress orwellian overlap paradigm parallel parochial passion paternal peer per capita permeate persevere persist perspective phantom phonetic photosynthesis physical pious piracy plunge policy poll portrayal potent precipitation predicament prejudiced prestige prevailing prevalent privileged procedure process prognosis proliferation promote proportion proportionately proprietor prosper prototype proximity psychic rank rate ratio realism rebel recede reciprocity reconciliation reform regulate relic reservoir residual resign resist retain retrieve reward rigor rite ritually roster rotate sacrifice safeguard saga scandal scar secular seep seize self-perpetuating sentiment sequence severely shame shrink shuttle sibling simulation skit smuggle solar sole solidarity source spectrum stable status quo stigmatize strategic striking structure subsidy subtly surveillance survive suspect suspend suspicious symbolic tangible terminal tolerate trend trigger unleash unmask vanish vanity vein
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N .. S u d h e e rr k u m a rr ,, L e c tt u rr e r ii n E n g ll ii s h ,, N Sudhee kuma Lec u er n Eng sh A n u r a g E n g ii n e e rr ii n g C o ll ll e g e ,, K o d a d Anurag Eng nee ng Co ege Kodad s u d h e e r e n g ll ii s h @ g m a ii ll .. c o m sudheereng sh@gma com

Readymade Speeches, Expressions and Letters for the Students verdict versus vestige villainy violation vitriolic vulnerable willing witness working class wound zeal

My English Learning Contract

I, ______________________________ (your name), promise to study English for a minimum of __________ (your realistic number) hours per week, from ________/________/20______ to ________/________/20______. (no more than three months) My #1 goal is to: ___________________________________________ (Example: improve my listening and speaking skills) Other specific goals include: ________________________________________ (Example: learning 100 new words) ________________________________________ (Example: writing an email in English every day) ________________________________________ (Example: improving my pronunciation) I will re-evaluate my study sessions and goals and sign a new contract at the end of this study period. If I keep to the above program and achieve the above goals I will REWARD myself with: ___________________________________________ (Example: new shoes/mini vacation/new dictionary) Signed: Witness: Dated: ________________ (your signature) ________________ (signature of friend, teacher etc) ______/______/20_ PLEASE POST ME SOMEWHERE VISIBLE!


N .. S u d h e e rr k u m a rr ,, L e c tt u rr e r ii n E n g ll ii s h ,, N Sudhee kuma Lec u er n Eng sh A n u r a g E n g ii n e e rr ii n g C o ll ll e g e ,, K o d a d Anurag Eng nee ng Co ege Kodad s u d h e e r e n g ll ii s h @ g m a ii ll .. c o m sudheereng sh@gma com

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