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Business Plan Workshop Thames College: March 25 28, 2012

Biruwa Ventures

Is there a feasible business opportunity in this problem? How would you create a business to solve the identified challenge?

Printed Perfect - Business printing and office services Vidhan and Abhinab went around Bag Bazar to print their business cards and a sign-board. After a week they finally got their new cards, but had wasted multiple days running around. They noticed the design and formatting had changed from what they had requested. They wondered why there wasnt n website they could upload their designs, made request for other office stationary, and they would all be printed and delivered. Didnt other businesses face a similar problem and prefer a streamlined solution? Sajilo Marmat ra Safie - Household Services Arjun just graduated with his MBA and a got job at a reputed bank. He has been working non-stop for the past few weeks to finish a lucrative deal. He hasnt had time to clean and repair his apartment. He noticed the plumbing was leaking, the electrical wires needed to be changed, and the apartment needed to be cleaned. He lamented there wasnt a service he could hire to meet household cleaning and maintenance needs. Then Arjun thought bigger, didnt all these new malls and apartment buildings also need maintenance service? Ghar ko khana lunch delivery service Ishan was trying to decide where to go for lunch. Suddenly, it hit them he should open an office kitchen. Maybe even deliver to neighboring offices. It will be cheaper and healthier like afnai ghar ko khana. People will love it! But, would a lunch delivery service work? Ishan, needed a business plan. eTarkari- Connecting farmers in rural areas to the urban market Prakash owns an Apple Orchard in Upper Mustang. He can produce up to 3 tonnes in each harvesting season only sells around 100 kgs worth of Apple by sending it to Pokhara. Om, on the other hand, is an affluent businessman living in Kathmandu. He would like to buy apples from Mustang even if it costs 10 times the price of regular apples in the market. But, currently there is no place in Kathmandu where he can find the apples. Just retired adventures! Tourism for 45-55 year old retiring tourists that want adventure. Hans from Germany is going to retire from his company in one year. He wants to start off retirement with a trip to Nepal. He wants an adventure experience with his friends. Are there adventures experiences that can help just retired foreigners likes Hans get a taste of his youth but in a way his body can handle it?

Business Plan Workshop Thames College: March 25 28, 2012

Biruwa Ventures

Hamro Clinic - A neighborhood drop in clinic Ram was falling sick with a cold and cough. He went to the neighborhood pharmacy to buy some medicine. He did not feel ill enough to go to a hospital, and did not have the time. The storekeeper diagnosed that Ram had a cold and prescribed medicine. Ram would of preferred to have a gotten a quick doctors opinion, rather than the storekeepers. Ram thought, would a neighborhood drop in clinic have met his needs? Surya Power Systems Power back-up for load shedding hours Load shedding is expected to continue in Nepal for the next 10 years. Small businesses and NGOs, which cannot afford to buy expensive diesel generators or install inverters or hybrid-solar systems, are facing a serious risk. Surya Power creates solar systems which they install in offices at their own cost and instead charge the customer based on how much energy they consume. Memorable Wedding Services - Wedding management services Its wedding season again. Behind the music and laughter, Sita, the bride was working hard to make sure everything went smooth. She was just in town for her wedding for just three weeks, and she did not have an extended family to help her arrange everything. She was frustrated, there was so much to co-ordinate: the priest, the ingredients, the booking, the food, and the costs kept on increasing. But she wanted to enjoy her wedding. She would of liked to have hired someone to manage the logistics, and even picked the rituals and ceremonies for the priest to conduct, and managed the costs.

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