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MGCY Objectives Task Force Health SDG

Major Group for Children and Youth (CDS MGCY - (1st draft)

Sustainable Development Goals Proposals: Health

We need building a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) proposal with 3 potential indicators in health

Primary Health Care and Environmental Health for the promotion Sustainable Human Development.

Target 1. Promoting health care, physical activity and human development to ensure sustainable development. Urging Governments to promote healthy living in both rural and urban areas in all spheres of health, including sexual and reproductive health, in particular the improvement of maternal, child and adolescent health, and efforts to reduce maternal and child mortality, (2008:) in the light of the challenges and opportunities presented by population distribution, urbanization, internal migration and development; (2007:) and to take steps to prepare health-care systems to meet the challenges posed by changing age structures (2008) (Para. 11, CPD 2008). Indicator 1. Improve healthy lifestyles: in 80% of the world by 2030, from early childhood that we may lead a healthier lifestyle in adulthood and in old age, you must pay special attention to programs that are designed and the information for professionals engaged in training and adherence to community strategies for each population. Protection of group vulnerable (children, let's feed, young). Indicator 2. Integrated Risk Management in health: reduce by 40% by the year 2020 the prevalence and incidence of 10 major diseases that cause mortality of the world population and are due to bad eating habits, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, lack of health education and other risk factors. Indicator 3. Providing safe and healthy food: reduce fat intake and increasing consumption of fruits, vegetables, cereals and legumes on global population. By 2015 in 50% of school stores both in basic education schools primary, secondary and colleges is set up healthy eating, balanced diets may include vegetarian food and nutritional counseling. Target 2. Scaling up access to Primary health care and Healthy Environments: Encouraging Member States and International Organizations to scale up actions aimed to accelerate progress on all health-related Millennium Development Goals targets, in particular, universal access to reproductive health, immunization and key child survival interventions, HIV prevention, mitigation and treatment, prevention and treatment of neglected tropical diseases, prevention and treatment services for malaria and tuberculosis, and access to affordable safe water and sanitation whose achievement would have the greatest impact on public health and development (Para. 4, CPD 2010).

Indicator 1: Establish an efficient global system of environmental health for the control and mitigation of sewage contamination, monitoring air quality (management of microparticles), noise, visual pollution and disposal of sewage contamination. Indicator 2. Coverage and quality of drinking water: achieving by 80% coverage and supply of water fit for human consumption in countries with high incidence of tropical diseases. Indicator 3. Reducing poverty and indigence figures 10% and 2% in order to improve the lives of this population and access to a system of health insurance and formal employment. Indicator 4. Promote healthy environments (WHO, 2011): Decreasing rates of hospitalization for respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Indicator 5. Reduce social and economic costs of environmental damage in the GDP, decreased mortality, morbidity, and increased productivity. Indicator 6. In any agreement on Sustainable Development Goals, a commitment to ensure that all governments have, as a minimum a Social protection Floor in place by 2020 Indicator 7. Satisfaction of needs concerning primary health care, in particular in the farming zones

Target 3 Consider the proposal for a participatory approach in environmental health of each country to implement programs of "environmental and collective health " in various community settings to integrate the different knowledge of community workers who can perform comprehensive environmental diagnoses in their immediate environment from the conclusion of environmental concepts and participatory perspectives. Building together a toolkit to identify environmental health problems and alternative solutions in the different communities. Indicator 1: Build capacity in environmental health and collective open to different professions and training programs from leading universities in the world with the goal of training experts in environmental and collective health beyond public health that corresponds only to health professionals and for promote human development. Indicator 2: Primary health care environment in 50% of countries in 2030 to prevent risks and development of epidemiological events, given by the environmental and social determinants such as poverty, pollution of soil and water used for industry, mining and unsustainable agriculture. Indicator 3: Promote as a first step education and training of all individuals to control and prevent the incidence and prevalence of diseases caused by factors contaminants present in the environment and other determinants of health-disease process. To promote the multilevel sanitary education, children, schools. Indicator 4: Strengthen local systems of epidemiological surveillance, environmental health, promoting healthy environments and the prevention of deteriorating environmental

conditions and to strengthen joint management sectors. Indicator 5. To put to the point of sanitary techniques adapted to the local conditions for their uses and their maintenance. To give means to collectivities to provide to their own needs while offering some public sanitary services, and to put the accent on the involvement rather than on the aid.

Contact facilitator: FT Fernando Alarcn ( Facebook Twitter Members (please add your name, profession, e-mail and ubication country or organization) Luis Fernando Alarcn FT (, UIJC Colombia Mimi ( Kehkashan Basu (, TUNZA Yves Kouakou (, University of Unesco, Cote dIvoire Dina Jaffary (, Y-PEER International Laura Fernandez (, Colombia Crispin Swedi Bilombele (, ANFD,non-profit NGO Sarah Kennell, Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights, Ivens Reyner, Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights,

According to the draft agenda for Rio+20, countries will be asked at the conference to sign up for 10 new sustainable development goals (similar to the Millennium Development Goals - http:/ / for the planet. The goals are expected to cover critical issues on which the conference will focus, such as oceans, food, energy, water, disasters, cities, jobs and health. Overview Our team is preparing for Rio+20 as a sub-group of the Objectives Task force of the Major Group for Children and Youth (CDS MGCY - Our objective is to identify (a) sustainable development goal(s) (SDG) related to Health and Environment, along with specific targets to be achieved by 2030. Our work must be completed prior to the first round of 'informal-informal' negotiations on the zero draft of the Rio+20 outcome document, from 19 Mar 2012 - 23 Mar 2012 in New York.

Introduction Health is one of the other critical issues identified to be dealt with during the Rio+20 Conference. Health is cross-cutting and central to sustainable development, just as his relationship with the

environment and formal job .To identify a sustainable development goal on health with which today's youth really identifies, we want to actively involve young people from all over the world in the discussion. The more youngsters take part in the definition of this goal, the better! Welcome to our team about Sustainable Development Goal "health"!! So, what are YOUR ideas on a Sustainable Development Goal on Health? What do YOU think is most important for the world to work on in the near future regarding health?

Brainstorm below: Mimi, Advocates for Source: International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Target 1, Scaling up access to health: Encouraging Member States and International Organizations to scale up actions aimed to accelerate progress on all health-related Millennium Development Goals targets, in particular, universal access to reproductive health, immunization and key child survival interventions, HIV prevention, mitigation and treatment, prevention and treatment of neglected tropical diseases, prevention and treatment services for malaria and tuberculosis, and access to affordable safe water and sanitation whose achievement would have the greatest impact on public health and development (Para. 4, CPD 2010). Target 2, Promoting healthy living: Urging Governments to promote healthy living in both rural and urban areas in all spheres of health, including sexual and reproductive health, in particular the improvement of maternal, child and adolescent health, and efforts to reduce maternal and child mortality, (2008:) in the light of the challenges and opportunities presented by population distribution, urbanization, internal migration and development; (2007:) and to take steps to prepare health-care systems to meet the challenges posed by changing age structures (2008) (Para. 11, CPD 2008).

Target 3, Ensuring sexual and reproductive health and rights, particularly for young people: Recognizing governments and development partners, including through international cooperation, in order to improve maternal health, reduce maternal and child morbidity and mortality and prevent and respond to HIV/AIDS, to strengthen health systems and ensure that they prioritize universal access to sexual and reproductive information and healthcare services, including family planning, prenatal care, safe delivery and post-natal care, especially breastfeeding and infant and womens health care, prevention and appropriate treatment of infertility, quality, services for the management of complications arising from abortion, reducing the recourse to abortion through expanded and improved family planning services and, in circumstances where abortion is not against the law, training and equipping health-service providers and other measures to ensure that such abortion is safe and accessible, recognizing that in no case should abortion be promoted as a method of family planning, treatment of sexually transmitted infections and other reproductive health conditions and information, education and counselling, as appropriate, on human sexuality, reproductive health and responsible parenthood, taking into account the particular needs of those in vulnerable situations, which would contribute to the implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, the Beijing Platform for Action and the Millennium Development Goals (OP 12, CPD

2011, ICPD+15).

Kehkashan Basu, TUNZA Ecogeneration Ambassador - MiddleEast, Regarding the core issue of health ,as I see it in this country - UAE , children today follow very unhealthy lifestyles . There's no exercise or physical activity --- junk food has replaced a normal diet . This has led to a huge increase in child obesity and there has been a massive surge in associated diseases like diabetes . Child diabetes in the urban population is multiplying rapidly every year . We have an annual Diabetes Walk in November every year to coincide with World Diabetes Day . I gather my school mates and urge them to participate --- for two reasons --- 1) to raise awareness 2) to raise funds for treatment of this 'silent killer disease' . From a sustainability point of view , we have to improve our lifestyles , right from childhood so that we can lead a healthier life --- this directly impacts the resources we use , wastage and most importantly a healthier human quotient . Crispin Swedi Bilombele Executive Coordinator /ANFD,non-profit NGO. E-mail: 6. SATISFACTION OF NEEDS IN MATTER OF HEALTH: Children, they represent close to the half of the population in many country in development. They are also, of by their age, very vulnerable to effects of the deterioration of the environment. To act in their favor, it pursue all objectives advanced in the different domains of the lasting development as health, the nutrition, the education, the literacy and the attenuation of poverty. It is besides please to that that their interests are taken below in account. - Satisfaction of needs concerning primary health, in particular in the farming zones - To put to the point of sanitary techniques adapted to the local conditions for their uses and their maintenance, - To give means to collectivities to provide to their own needs while offering some public sanitary services, and to put the accent on the involvement rather than on the aid. - To promote the multilevel sanitary education, children, schools, - Women etc. - Protection of group vulnerable (children, let's feed, young) - To give means to collectivities to provide to their own ,tout needs while offering some public sanitary services, and to put the accent on the involvement rather than on the aid

Tasks: Review health systems and see if they include environmental health strategies Investigate what developed countries have experienced on the topic of health and environment. Make a review of information systems in environmental and public health to determine the epidemiological factors of the different parts of the world. Revise indicators and WHO targets on sustainable development and impact(s) on public health.

Recommendations. Consider the proposal for a participatory approach ODS, and environmental and human rights. It is necessary that it includes environmental health. It is necessary to implement programs of "environmental and collective health " in various community settings to integrate the different knowledge of community workers who can perform comprehensive environmental diagnoses in their immediate environment from the conclusion of environmental concepts and participatory perspectives. Building together a toolkit to identify environmental health problems and alternative solutions in the different communities. Environmental primary care to prevent health risks and development of epidemiological events taken by environmental and social determinants such as poverty, pollution of water and land used for industry, mining and agriculture unsustainable. Likewise, education and training of individuals should be promoted as a first step to control the incidence and prevalence of diseases caused by physical and chemical polluting factors in the environment. Build capacity in environmental health and collective open to different professions and training programs from leading universities in the world with the goal of training experts in environmental and collective health beyond public health that corresponds only to health professionals and promotes human development. international cooperation to be reinforced to facilitate best practices and experience sharing on topics related to health and environment

Background reading: 7 Critical Issues: Zero Draft:(Download here). United Nations. The Millenium Development Goals Report (2011). (Download here). Rio Declaration, 1992 Johannesburg Declaration, 2002 Alma Ata Declaration over , 1978 Primary health care, WHO Preventing disease through healthy environments, WHO (Download here).

Dina Jaffary [Y-PEER Intl], Youth SRHR: I totally agree with what Mimi stated from the ICPD quotes on SRHR, I would also like to advocate more for comprehensive sexuality education [CSE] at schools, and have governments committed to integrate suitable curricula on sexuality at schools that fits the social context of the concerned country. As young people in those countries who already implement such curricula at schools have proved to have a better understanding of their SRHR, and a better base to build on for acquiring better SRHR. In Arab States for example, only few countries have CSE at schools, whereas the rest dont.

On the issue of sexual health would like to make a proposal that goes beyond the concept of disease, as many programs address the health problem from the epidemiological perspective and not from the primary focus or prevention of disease. We would like to note that we do on promotion and prevention is a comprehensive issue and not just in sexuality for young people because young people have a lot of risks with respect to many diseases and are not the only ones exposed to disease transmission sex. This problem has become a clich, but what if we approach it holistically including other issues beyond sexual health? "as young people not only pass the time having sex," as some programs think they see as a problem, and there are many determinants that modify the process of health and disease in various conditions. then, our vision must extend into a new concept of comprehensive health and group including participating as a basis for their development.
DISCUSIN EN ESPAOL En cuanto al tema de salud sexual quisiramos tomar una propuesta que vaya ms all del concepto de enfermedad, ya que muchos programas abordan el problema de salud desde esta perspectiva epidemiolgica y no desde el enfoque primario o de prevencin de la enfermedad. Quisiramos tener en cuenta que lo que hacemos en promocin y prevencin sea un tema integral y no slo en sexualidad para los jvenes, porque los jvenes tienen una gran cantidad de riesgos con respecto a muchas enfermedades y no somos los nicos expuestos a la transmisin de enfermedades sexuales. Este problema se ha convertido en un clich, pero y si nos acercamos a l de manera integral incluyendo otros temas mas all de la salud sexual? "pues los jvenes no solo se la pasan teniendo sexo" como lo piensan algunos programas que lo ven como problema, y existen muchos determinantes que modifican el proceso de salud y la enfermedad en diversas condiciones. Entonces, nuestra visin debe extenderse dentro de un nuevo concepto de salud integral y colectiva incluyendo la participacin como base para su desarrollo.

Ernesto Snchez Toro, Comunicador social y periodista, (Organizacin Internacional la Revolucin de la Cuchara), Colombia

...Instaurar la educacin medio ambiental en el proyecto educativo institucional, como ctedra de ambiente, y materia curricular, evaluada cuantitativa y cualitativamente por ser una asignatura de carcter vital y articular este proceso con los padres de familia. Instaurar en las tiendas escolares tanto en bsica primaria y secundaria alimentacin sana vegetariana con asesoras nutricionales. .Declaramos que sin soberana alimentaria, no hay soberana nacional (DECLARACION ORGANIZACION INTERNACIONAL LA REVOLUCION DE LA CUCHARA. Bogot D.C., Colombia Junio 16 de 2010) Video vegetarianismo:

_______________________________ Other Critical Issues: Food (Contact: Sam - Water (Contact: Oli - ) Cities (Contact: Sameera - Jobs (Contact: Tina -

Oceans (Contact: Mika - Energy (Contact: Sarah - and Kyle Disasters (Contacts: Wen -, Hudson - Additional: Gender (Contacts: Darlene & Lynda- Health (Contact: Luis Fernando -

Recommendations from Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights - Friday, March 16 2012
Goal Health systems and Environmental Health for the promotion Sustainable Human Development, recognizing the particularly challenges facing young and adolescent women and girls in their enjoyment of full and healthy lives as central to sustainable development. Target #1: All governments acknowledging the reality that young and adolescent women and girls health is compromised due to reduced or no access to safe drinking water, health services, free and modern contraception, and unsafe access to reproductive health services, including safe abortion services. Ensure that legislation criminalizing abortion should be amended, in order to withdraw punitive measures imposed on women who undergo abortion and to ensure their right to the highest attainable standard of health. And take all appropriate measures to protect the reproductive rights of young women by ensuring access to safe abortion services where the continued pregnancy endangers the mental and physical health of the mother or the life of the mother or the foetus. Indicator #1: % of young and adolescent women and girls' who have access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services, information and modern contraceptives. Indicator #2: # of young and adolescent women with access to sexual and reproductive health services, including access to safe abortion. Indicator #3: Quality of services and accessibility. Indicator #4: Level of SRH improvement from increased access to services and information Target #2: All governments ensure young people and adolescents right to sexual and reproductive health are central to sustainable development and the development of the SDG; which includes our right to equality, equal protection of the law and freedom of all forms of stigma and discrimination based on sexuality, sex and gender, and age. Ensure that legislation

criminalizing abortion should be amended, in order to withdraw punitive measures imposed on women who undergo abortion and to ensure their right to the highest attainable standard of health. And take all appropriate measures to protect the reproductive rights of young women by ensuring access to safe abortion services where the continued pregnancy endangers the mental and physical health of the mother or the life of the mother or the foetus. Indicator #1: # national-level laws and policies that contribute towards ensuring young peoples and adolescents right to equality, equal protection, elimination of stigma and discrimination based on sex, age and gender, as advanced by the: Convention on the Rights of the Child, International Conference on Population and Development Program of Action, Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination Against Women, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Beijing Platform for Action Indicator #2: # of national-level laws and policies that ensure young people and adolescents have the right to equality, equal protection, and are able to live lives free of stigma and discrimination. Indicator #3: # of national-level mechanisms in place to adequately respond to stigma and discrimination of young people and adolescents based on sex, gender and age, and violations of young peoples equal protection, and equality. Target #3: All governments commit to and guarantee the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people and adolescent, especially young women and girls, including increased access to comprehensive sexuality education, modern contraception and access to comprehensive, integrated and quality sexual and reproductive health information and services, including safe abortion services, ensuring young people are able to freely decide if and when we want to have children, including the spacing and number of children. Ensure that legislation criminalizing abortion should be amended, in order to withdraw punitive measures imposed on women who undergo abortion and to ensure their right to the highest attainable standard of health. And take all appropriate measures to protect the reproductive rights of young women by ensuring access to safe abortion services where the continued pregnancy endangers the mental and physical health of the mother or the life of the mother or the foetus. Indicator #1: Quality of CSE programmes (measured against UNESCO technical guidelines). Indicator #2: % of young and adolescent women and girls receiving comprehensive sexuality education, in and out of school. Indicator #3: % of young people and adolescents with access to comprehensive and integrated sexual and reproductive health information and services. Indicator #4: Level of SRH improvement from increased access to services and information Target #6: Scale up gathering of age and sex-disaggregated data and research on young people and adolescents, particularly as it relates to marginalized youth, particularly young women and girls, in order to develop comprehensive and integrated health systems, that meet the needs of young people, in particular those who are marginalized or most under-served. Indicator #1: # national-level studies and research initiatives that disaggregate data based on sex and age. Indicator #2: # of national-level health programs and policies that have access to relevant, accurate and recent data that is disaggregated by sex and age.

Indicator #3: # of research studies conducted that examine the needs and realities of marginalized youth and adolescents, particularly young women and girls. Indicator #4: Quality of services and accessibility. Target #4: All sustainable development policies and programmes be rights-based, recognise the intersections between sustainable development and sexual and reproductive health and rights, and address the particular challenges and needs facing young and adolescent women and girls, and that youth SRHR as a key priority in the Framework for Action of the official Rio Summit Outcome Document. Target #5: Laws and policies are gender-sensitive and recognize gender-based inequalities, particularly those related to access to resources, land, health services and political processes and ensure gender equality and equity as a cross-cutting theme in the Framework for Action of the official Outcome Document. Indicator #1: # of young people reporting improved equality in education, employment, social and economic areas of their lives. Sources ICPD PoA MDGs Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women World Programme of Action on Youth Convention on the Rights of the Child Interim report of the Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. UN General Assembly. A/66/ 254. 3 August 2011 Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People's Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa, 2nd Ordinary Sess., Assembly of the Union, adopted July 11, 2003, art. 14(2)(c) Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action, Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, China, Sept. 4-15 1995, para. 106(k), U.N. Doc. A/CONF.177.20 (1996)

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