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Characteristics of a TRF

(1) Layered structure (5 LAYERS)

(1) EMERGENT LAYER (Giant trees called emergent) How does climate affect TRF to - may grow up to 5o metres form 5 layers? (how the climate - widely-spaced umbrella-shaped crowns (absorb most of the results to different layers) sunlight) - hot and wet help trees to - tall, straight, smooth trunks (space is limited, to survive in the grow to a great height (form high density) dense canopy) - High branches (complete for sunlight) - thick canopy blocks sunlight; - Buttress root limits the no. of plants in lower layer - some tress may grow above (2) CANOPY LAYER (dense, tall trees) canopy layer as they compete for sunlight - 20-35 metres - medium-spaced oval-shaped crowns - more closely packed than emergent layer - straight trunks - high branches - close and continuous layer (little light can penetrate down to the forest floor) - buttress roots (3) YOUNG TREE LAYER (young trees that will someday become emergent) - low in height (wont exceed 15 metres) - densely-packed conical-shaped crowns - narrow (absorb sunlight between gap of 2 trees) - biggest size of leaves (compete sunlight for photosynthesis grows to canopy layer then to emergent layer..size of leaves reduced by then) - little sunlight can penetrate through the dense canopy young tree layer easily dies (4) SHURB LAYER - less than 5 metres high - most of them are woody shrubs - sparse vegetation of shrubs (5) Undergrowth and ground layer - mostly mosses and fungi (dont need much sunlight) - little vegetation cover/ undergrowth ; few plants can survive on forest floor (canopy blocks most of the sunlight) - undergrowth usually found in open gaps produced by fallen trees & along river banks(more sunlight can reach the lower layers)

(2) Wide range of animals species

(some active in day some active at night) - canopy layer: birds, monkeys young tree layer: butterflies, frogs and snakes undergrowth layer: larger animals like tiger, gorillas, jaguars

The rich and dense vegetation provides a large variety of habitats for animals.

e.g. mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, colourful insects

Plants grow luxuriantly under high temperatures and = TRF grow continuously abundant rainfall, (hot and wet all year)provide a throughout the year. Reason: there is enough energy for favourable environment for plants to grow well all year. photosynthesis to occurevergreen no seasonal pattern in flowering, fruiting, and leaf fall new leaves quickly replace shed leaves forest looks evergreen

(4) High density of trees

High temperature and abundant rainfall provide a luxuriant growth for the plants.

(4) Special Characteristics of roots and leaves of trees SHALLOW ROOTS BUTTRESS ROOTS Take up the nutrients in the topsoil Provide strong mechanical support for tall trees


Compete for sunlight (receive larger amount of sunlight for growth

THICK WAXY SURFACE prevent loss of water from plants shed away rainwater (to receive more sunlight & infection of leaves) cool down leaves when reflecting sunlight (reduce transpiration)

DRIP-TIPS drain away excess amount of rainwater (to receive more sunlight & infection of leaves)

(5) Rich diversity of plant species

mixed stands of trees 40-100 different tree species per hectare of land most trees are hardwoods other plants in the TRF:



mainly small shrubs or herbs (attach themselves to trunks or branches; X roots into soil) grow up high in the canopy layer and capture sunlight for photosynthesis aerial roots to capture moisture from the air harmless to the host woody plants that start from the ground layer climb along trees to reach to canopy layer

*aerial roots

e.g. Lianas

(capture sunlight for growth) when reach canopy layer, they will spread out from tree to tree to get as much sunlight



grown in places where sunlight cannot penetrate do not produce own food feed on dead or decaying organic matter (e.g. dead leaves and old wood) grow on other host plants dont produce own food live by taking up nutrients from host plants

e.g. fungus

e.g. smelly Corpse flower (largest flora species in the world), reach 1m in diameter

Stranglers (strangler fig)

- killer trees - start their life as a epiphyte as they grow send roots down to ground level to surround host treegrow quickly and block sunlight kill host tree (inherit host trees place in canopy)

How does the climate affect the characteristics of the TRF? The hot and wet climate support a large variety(rich and luxuriant) of plant species. (produces the complicated structure of the TRF) creates a large variety of habitats e.g. TRF in west Africa: 100,000 plant species
TRF in south-east Asian: 250,000 plant species TRF in French Guiana: 6,000 flora species

The rich diversity of plants and animals & the natural environment of a tropical rainforest make up a closely inter-related community. [Ecosystem]

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